for building parish communities · tools for building parish communities page 2 witnessing the...

Stewardship Commission Catholic Diocese of Youngstown TOOLS For Building Parish Communities

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Page 1: For Building Parish Communities · Tools for Building Parish Communities Page 2 Witnessing the Eucharist The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The other

Stewardship Commission Catholic Diocese of Youngstown


For Building Parish Communities

Page 2: For Building Parish Communities · Tools for Building Parish Communities Page 2 Witnessing the Eucharist The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The other

Tools for Building Parish Communities Page 2

Witnessing the Eucharist

The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The other sacraments, and indeed all

ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostles (emphasis added) are bound up with the Eucharist

and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the

Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch. - Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1327

A strong steward begins with strong faith, and strong faith begins with a strong celebration of the

Eucharist. As many of the stewardship prayers recited in the different parishes in our Diocese declare,

everything we are and everything we have comes from God, our heavenly Creator. We gather weekly

as a faith family to celebrate the fact that, as undeserving as we are, God DOES provide all we need for

our spiritual and physical benefit.

If we witness by giving of our time, talent, and treasure in gratitude for the gifts given us, then one must

not forget to also give gratitude for the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of faith, for it is this gift that

makes all else possible. The Church provides for such an opportunity weekly in our celebration of the


Not only do we gather in the Eucharist to thank our heavenly Provider, we also gather with humble and

contrite hearts to beseech our God with an even stronger faith in order to continue to discern where and

when we are needed to bring about the kingdom, for we are the instruments He uses to accomplish this.

Disciples give thanks to God for gifts received and strive to share them with others. That is why, as

Vatican II says of the Eucharist, “if this celebration is to be sincere and thorough, it must lead to

various works of charity and mutual help, as well as missionary activity and to different forms of

Christian witness.” - The U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

Stewardship: A Disciples Response

While full and active participation in the Eucharistic celebration is essential in strengthening faith, one

must daily ask for guidance and courage to answer the call to stewardship. Daily mass if possible,

prayer, reflection of Sacred Scripture, and time spent in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament should

be part of a good steward’s daily routine. It is when one has a strong faith – nourished by Christ himself

in his Sacred Body and Precious Blood – that strong works become a natural part of the steward’s way

of life.

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To Welcome the Stranger “Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

Romans 15:7

Are we an inviting parish? Do we truly and completely welcome people, not just into the parish but into

the LIFE of the parish? We must develop a process by which we welcome new parishioners not just by

name and envelope number, but as fellow Christians with a contribution to make to the parish, and as

people in need of parish community support.

The following pages include suggestions and resources to help your parish develop what has been

called a ‘welcoming mentality.’ These practices have been found to be successful at many parishes

throughout the nation, and are to be adapted to fit the particular needs of your parish.


1. How do the parish grounds look from the street?

A. Are there weeds in need of pulling? Does the grass need cut?

B. Is the Parish sign easy to read? Does all the outside lighting work? Is it effective?

2. Are the driveway and parking lot in good repair?

A. Are there clear entrance and exit signs?

B. Are there clearly defined parking spaces, especially for the handicapped?

C. Is the surface free of potholes and cracks?

3. Is there a transition area from the parking lot to the doors of the building to help transit from a

worldly mindset to a spiritual one?

A. Is the walkway to the building clearly defined, free of debris, and in safe and sound condition?

B. In the case of an incline or steps, is there a handrail for assistance?

C. Is there a garden area or flower bed, reminding us of God’s simple beauty?

In the case of a garden area, is there a seating area where people can take advantage to

meditate or reflect?

D. Are the entrance doors to the building in working order, attractive and clean?


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1. Is there someone to greet you with a warm welcome, a smile, and a hearty, sincere


2. The Gathering Space, usually adjacent to the worship area, provides a comfortable

atmosphere for parishioners to develop a sense of community. This area is used to welcome

parishioners and visitors, conveying a sense of belonging necessary to build a strong,

Catholic community. This space is also used to highlight activities, especially for the youth

and young adults. Feature those involved in both Catholic and public school sports, plays,

bands, and other activities.

If you have a gathering space…

A. Is it large enough for before/after Mass gatherings?

B. Is it clean and uncluttered?

C. Is it warm and inviting?

D. Are restrooms easily identifiable, clean, and attractive?


1. Is the baptismal font for holy water easily accessible?

2. Is the lighting adequate, without glare or burned out bulbs?

3. Is the environment appropriate for the season and the weekend celebration?

4. Is the building handicap accessible?

5. Is the sound system adequate so that the Word and the music can be heard by all without

being overpowering?

6. Is the liturgy celebrated with the goal of active, full participation of the assembly?

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When someone decides to join a parish, chances are they have already been attending Mass there for

some time and feel comfortable with what happens at weekend liturgy. The formal registration process

is a prime example of welcoming one into the life of the parish. Registration is more than filling out a

form, but rather getting to know them on a personal level and their needs.

Best practices for registration include the following suggestions, adaptable to your parish.

PARISHIONER PROFILE (See Appendix A for examples of Adult and Youth Registration Forms)

Look at your registration form. Does it contain all necessary information, including email

addresses and cell phone numbers?

Is there an area for their interests, skills, talents, and abilities? If not, add one; this is how

you get to know the stranger. Use this information to build a data base or file system of

skills, talents, and gifts. They may not always want to join a particular group or committee,

but they will always respond to a specific request if asked.


Prepare a ‘Welcome Packet” that includes needed parish information, such as staff

members’ names and phone numbers, a listing of ministries currently available, etc. Include

a welcome letter from the pastor/parish administrator, and/or a younger member of the

parish, such as from the school, CCD program, or Youth Teen program (signed with the

student’s first name only).

It should take time, allowing at least 30 minutes to get to know them through conversation.

If registering after Mass, do so in a quiet area to avoid interruptions.

Take them on a tour of the parish facilities, especially the worship building. Even if they

have been attending Mass for some time, this tour (with some history and explanation) will

help them feel at home in the parish.

If possible, introduce the new registered to the parish staff, putting a name to a face or

position in the parish.

If feasible, develop a list of families or individuals who are willing to mentor a new family

or individual. They could be responsible for contacting them, welcoming them personally

and inviting them to be their guest at upcoming parish activities.

Publish names and pictures in the weekly bulletin or on a bulletin board near the structure


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Cultivating Parish Stewards

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

While strong efforts are made to register and become acquainted with new parishioners when

registering, there must also be a method of becoming “re-acquainted” with the experienced families of

the parish. Occupations, family dynamics, skills, talents, and interests may have developed or changed

over the years since first registered. How is a parish to become aware of these, and equally important,

how can these dynamics be integrated into the well-being of the parish? We must hear their story once


Once you hear their story, then what? Studies show when asked why they are not involved in their

parish, many surveyed answered that while willing to assist their parish, they simply were not asked.

While announcements in the bulletin or from the pulpit are the most common ways to ask for

volunteers, studies also show the best way is the personal direct method (Joe, the parish can use your

help with…). But how does one know who to ask?

We are living in a time when vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life are unable to keep up

with the demands of the Church and local parishes. As we read in Sacred Scripture, the various gifts

God has given us are to be used to serve God’s people on an individual, parish, and community wide

level; parishioners, by their baptismal call, must use their diverse talents and gifts to ensure the parish is

alive and fulfilling the mission given us to witness the Good News.

The gathered information from these guidelines presented below can be stored in a parish data-base (if

available) or filing system in the parish office. As specific needs or tasks arise, this information can be

accessed for possible volunteers who have the needed skills/talents.

1. An Annual Stewardship of treasure, time, and talent form can be developed. This can be used

to survey current involvement and/or interests in opportunities for involvement.

2. Current Parishioner Information Forms. A survey can be used either as an insert in the

weekly bulletin or be sent in a general mailing to all registered families. List general areas of

interests, not specific groups, committees, or commissions within the parish. This kind of form

is NOT a recruitment tool but a stewardship of life instrument. (Appendix B & C)

3. One-on-One Interviews. (As adapted from the procedure by ACTION). This method provides

for a more personal, getting-to-know-you procedure, developing a deeper relationship with our

brothers/sisters in faith. This method can be done, for example, during coffee-and-donuts by

members of the parish staff or by scheduling home visits. It is recommended that parish council

members or parish committee/organizations use this during meetings (10-20 minutes needed) in

order to get to know one another on a social, spiritual level as contrasted to a strictly ‘business’

type level. (Appendix D)


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A Spirit of Thankful Giving

“One who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable

manner, shares them in justice and love with all, and returns them with increase to the Lord.”

-The U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

Stewardship: A Disciples Response

According to the Bishops, the Christian Steward acknowledges that all they have and all they are is

“gift” from a loving God and the first response to this reality is gratitude. As Catholics we are

challenged to demonstrate our gratitude for all we have been given by sharing our gifts with others and

in support of Christ’s Mission made possible through our parish community. It could be said that the

“Stewardship Way of Life” is in fact a life of “Thankful Giving.”

A parish community must serve as the model of demonstrated gratitude. This modeling can and should

be done in many ways. Gratitude should pervade the language and attitude of the staff and parishioners.

Pastors should regularly use homilies (when appropriate) to reflect on a true life of gratitude and include

practical ways for parishioners to integrate this attitude into everyday life.

In addition to an attitude of gratitude pervading the lives of staff and parishioners outside of the parish,

we also recognize that serving the Church and other organizations through gifts and talents given to

each individual by God is a tremendous act of gratitude. People enjoy and appreciate being recognized

for what they have shared, given, or accomplished by means of their God-given skills. Saying, “Thank

you!” fosters strong-bonded relations that help build a strong parish community. A parish must take

advantage of every opportunity to demonstrate an attitude of gratitude.


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There are lots of ways to celebrate the gifts of Time & Talent. This list is shared to encourage your

creativity as you find the best ways to celebrate Stewardship in your parish.

1. Send letters or notes

2. Create certificates

3. Invite parishioners to seminars or workshops outside of the parish and pay the registration fee

4. Invite a member to participate with you in a community event

5. Ask a parishioner to serve as a mentor or trainer of others

6. Develop a volunteer of the month program

7. Recognize a different group of volunteers or ministries each month. Even include a prayer at

Mass to pray for these individuals.

8. Nominate for a community recognition program

9. Send a birthday card or other seasonal greeting

10. Publish accomplishments in newsletters or bulletin

11. Create a guardian angel recognition program using angel pins

12. Have children recognize their teachers-involve the recipients of service in service-celebrations

13. Commission people during mass

14. Recognize students as they graduate from high school and support them in their future plans of

college, service, and/or work.

15. Write a letter of welcoming to all students on the occasion of their first day of school

16. Organize periodic talks highlighting the work of volunteers in your parish

17. Pray for particular ministries during the general intercessions

18. Devote an entire weekend of masses to a celebration of service

19. Create a “you are picture perfect” display with pictures of people in service-choir pictures,

kitchen pictures, etc.-let people see themselves in ministry

20. Have the stewardship committee write a letter of thanks to each person currently giving of their

time and talent

21. Create “you made a difference in my life” buttons and have people give their buttons to

someone else who made a difference in their lives within 24 hours of the receipt of the button

22. Have a roast for everyone rotating off a committee

23. Send get well cards

24. Salute an individual each week in the bulletin

25. Give a pack of life savers with a note “you saved my life when...”

26. Send “you made me a shining star” notes to people who worked with you, especially people

who worked in the background on a big project.

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27. Feature parishioners in news articles in the church bulletin or parish magazine as well as in local

and metropolitan papers.

28. Prepare and distribute trinkets, mugs, pens, and key chains, etc

29. Create and provide a parish t-shirt.

30. Pay for a trip to ball game for all the children and youth giving of their time, talent & treasure

have their parents or the young adults in your parish serve as chaperones

31. Have a party or picnic

32. Take a group photo and reproduce for all members of the committee or group

33. Mount a picture of an important symbol in the church and give the picture to parishioners in

recognition of their time & talent

34. Calligraphy a meaningful scripture passage and frame

35. Document a member’s service in a letter of recommendation

36. Send impromptu cards

37. Purchase newspaper space for a recognition ad

38. Create a recognition edition of the parish newsletter or bulletin

39. Attend a sports event, game, movie, or play together

40. Have a “committee chairs day” recognizing the leadership of committees, projects and /or


41. Send a package of tea saying “since you’ve joined our group, things are really brewing”

42. Send a thanksgiving card to the member’s family thanking them for sharing their family


43. Develop an honor roll or alumni association for past leaders

44. Publicize community service recognition received by a parishioner

45. Write to all those receiving their first communion letting them know how important they are to

you as they take this next step to full initiation in the church.

46. Glue a chocolate kiss or hug to a card saying “take a bow; you deserve a kiss/hug!”

***Remember that community life can be strengthened through liturgical and social recognition of particular

events happening in the parish. For example, parish anniversary, a public honor given to a parishioner, a tragic

accident, return of military parishioners, natural disasters and etc.

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Stewardship Prayer

“Tell them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, ready to share, thus accumulating as

treasure a good foundation for the future, so to win the life that is true life.” 1 Timothy 6:18-19

The Stewardship prayer helps the community as a whole focus on a life lived in gratitude for the gifts

received. It helps the parish in its common mission to acknowledge that God is the giver of all gifts.

In order to really help your community breathe life into the words of this prayer, it is recommended that

the prayer be used not only at weekly Masses, but at as many gatherings as possible. Through immense

repetition, the prayer will become a part of the people, a part of your community.

Other ways to help this prayer come alive for your community can include:

Preaching, when appropriate, on the different lines and ideas in the prayer

Offering a study group that walks through the concepts in the prayer

Giving parishioners copies of the Stewardship prayer for their own personal use

When the Stewardship Prayer is recited by the congregation routinely, and with some catechesis, the

prayer announces and reminds the parishioners of their commitment to the concept of stewardship. It

also speaks to our thankfulness for God’s gifts to us and our need to share them with others. It is a call

to service as commanded by Jesus, Himself, and it is a prayer intended to make us aware of our

responsibilities as Catholics to the world community.


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Heavenly Father, Life is Your gift to us,

You call us to share our lives in service to others.

Guide us as we choose each day

to show Your presence to all those we meet.

Give us the courage to do whatever we can

with whatever we have

to bring Your love to our community

and the world.



Loving God, at this time in the life of our parish,

we turn to You with gratitude for our past,

and with great anticipation for what is yet to be.

Bless us with a sense of unity, a spirit of cooperation,

and a generous heart as we face the challenges of this parish.

Bless and guide us as we build on our sacred past,

and work to shape a holy future,

so that You may reign in our lives,

and we may be faithful stewards of our many gifts.

This we ask through Christ our Lord.


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LORD GOD, You alone are the source of every good gift,

of the vast array of our universe, and the mystery of human life.

We praise You and we thank you for Your great power

and your tender, faithful love.

Everything we are and everything we have is your gift,

and after having created us You have given us

into the keeping of Your son, Jesus Christ.

In the Name of the Spirit of Jesus,

we commit ourselves to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us,

to share our time, talent, and material gifts

as an outward sign of the treasure we hold in Jesus.



O God, our loving Creator and Giver of all good gifts, bless our parish.

Strengthen our faith and grant us the spirit of Christian stewardship

so that we may give generously of our time, talent and treasure

to the spreading of Your kingdom

here in our church and throughout the world.

In the Name and Spirit of Jesus,

we commit ourselves to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us,

to share our time, our talent our material gifts

as an outward sign of the treasure we hold in Jesus,

in whose name we pray.


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Community Enrichment How to be the Parish for all Generations

“And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the

church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.” Ephesians 1:22-23

CHALLENGE A parish must promote itself to all generations so everyone feels welcome, and it doesn’t have to cost a

lot of money. Is the message getting out?

OBJECTIVE Publicize the mission and activities of groups and ministries within the parish

to both longstanding and newer parishioners.

TASKS TO COMPLETE Confirm the Mission Statement

Refresh the Message

Consider all Avenues

(See Appendix E for a Parish Assessment Grid)

Not all “baby boomers” are afraid of technology.

And not all “millennials” dislike tradition.

All generations can and will benefit from different aspects of their parish.


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The Bulletin: Highlight a different group or ministry every week or two. Draw attention to

a consistent column or corner to market the ministry of the week.

The Pulpit: Invite committee members to make oral announcements.

The Entrance and Gathering Places: Design creative and neat posters and signs.

The Radio: Local radio stations make public service announcements often without charge.

The Newspapers: Local newspapers run community announcements without charge.

Special ads may be placed at nominal fees for special events.

The Internet: Keep ministry information current on parish websites. Consider mass emails.

Handbills: Representatives at the entrances distributing handbills provides a good chance

that the information will get home.

Artistic Displays: A costumed figure or attractive art display can provide a strong message.

The Property: Never disregard the power of the Burma Shave ads. Create a catchy,

progressive sign display on the lawn of the church.

The Phone: Explore the readily available automated message system for advertising that

enters the home where the family calendar is readily available.

The Marketing Tool: Be creative with varying marketing options.

The Postal Service: A good, old fashioned invitation still works wonders.

Parish Meet & Greet: Have a parish “Meet & Greet” once a month after all Masses that is

sponsored by a parish organization. Setting up tables with display pictures and other

information highlighting different ministries is effective.

Refreshments (coffee and donuts) should be available. It should be announced at the Mass

who is sponsoring the monthly “Meet & Greet.” A schedule should be established annually

designating the organizational sponsor each month. Do not forget to include the Youth

Ministry or Young Adult Club in the schedule.

Witness Talks: Witness Talks should be given periodically throughout the year, perhaps

quarterly, where parishioners share their experience in a parish ministry or activity. The talk

should always conclude with an invitation for others to join in the ministry.

**Remember to include parish youth and young adults in your schedule of witness talks

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Cross-Generational Ministries. Youth and young adult ministries can be enhanced by

building relationships with senior ministries. Connect a young person with an older adult

parishioner, encouraging them to pray for one another outside of Mass. Keeping this person

on their mind helps them to learn about one another and their families, as well as connecting

them on a different level than just seeing each other at church.

“Grand-parenting” Ministries. Minister with the older folks whose children have moved

away, or those who do not have any family nearby. In addition, take a look at the young

families who live some distance from their parents/grandparents. Recognizing that both

groups miss their families, connect with these groups and encourage them to support one

another. In fact, he trained older folks to invest in and pray for young families as soon as they

joined the church.

Servant Evangelization. Younger generations are very much motivated to host service

projects by feeding the hungry, cleaning parks and neighborhoods, fight against human

trafficking and stand up for human rights. Older folks also recognize and relate to such topics,

but they may fight for these things differently than the younger people. Encouraging the

different generations in our parishes to work together and provide these kinds of services will

strengthen the parish community. Even cleaning the parish grounds together can produce a

sense of service and love for each other and their place of worship.

Intentionally have long-term members be involved in the new parishioner interviews.

Introduce new members to those who have been around for years. Invite the long-term

members to assist with the church tours when new members join the parish. Even ask them to

assist in a Bible study or prayer group to pray with one another as a new “family.” The new

members will not only learn from and appreciate the long-term people, but the older members

will also be re-introduced to the church’s mission.

Encourage young leaders to oversee senior ministries. Most often, older parishioners are

asked to lead adult ministries, and even young adult ministries. In order to bring generations

together, encourage young leaders to also participate in overseeing senior groups. Even if it’s

not every meeting, starting with “special guest” leaders here and there can create a trend that

may very well benefit your parish. This kind of attitude will then carry into the parish and

they all can learn from one another.


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Stewarding Material Resources

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small

matters, I will give you greater responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.’” Matthew 25:23

Jesus’ parable, “The Talents,” reminds us that we are expected to “return to the Lord with increase” that

which was entrusted to us by God. In the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship, Stewardship: A

Disciples Response, the Bishops’ offer a direct interpretation of the parable: He (God the Master) will

judge individuals according to what they have done with what they were given.

Just as individuals are challenged to be accountable for the gifts entrusted to them, parish and diocesan

leaders are challenged to be accountable for the temporal gifts entrusted to them by the faithful.

Parishes and the diocese should publish financial reports and be transparent in all financial matters.

Parishes should display a weekly report on the prior week’s collections in the parish bulletin and offer

comparisons with budgeted amounts.

The Diocese of Youngstown Office of Finance offers a “Procedures and Controls” Manual on the

Diocesan website,, under the “Diocesan Offices” tab. In addition, the Diocesan Office of

Development & Stewardship offer programs for revenue enhancement that are highlighted in the



Mr. Pat Palombo, CFRE Miss Landis Erwin

Director of Development & Stewardship Fund Development Specialist

144 W. Wood Street 144 W. Wood Street

Youngstown, OH 44503 Youngstown, OH 44503

330-744-8451 ext. 325 330-744-8451 ext. 274

[email protected] [email protected]

Ms. Peggy McMahon

Program Coordinator

144 W. Wood Street

Youngstown, OH 44503

330-744-8451 ext. 324

[email protected]

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Increased Offertory Programs

The Office of Development and Stewardship will provide the following:

Development of a unique parish brand

Analysis of current giving patterns

Design and printing of parish flyer with giving chart and financials

Training for witness talks

Design and printing of commitment cards and giving guidelines

In-Pew invitation process

Personalized thank you letters to respondents

Follow-up mailing delivered to those not responding

Bulletin flyer insert of program results

Fee is based on the number of parishioners participating in the program.


Capital Campaigns

Onsite assistance with development of campaign case, theme and timetable

Participation in the selection of campaign leadership

Development of a gift solicitation strategy to achieve desired financial goal

Preparation, design and printing of all campaign materials

Assist with, and if requested, participate in major gift solicitations

Plan and participate in gift receptions

Train witness presenters and volunteers

Record gifts and report on campaign results on a regular basis

Develop and manage gift redemption & solicitation mailings

Prepare and print written reports of results for bulletin inserts

Manage and mail pledge redemptions for up to 36 months

Campaign costs are averaging 1.5% to 2% of dollars pledged

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The Christian Steward makes an orderly disposition of his or her worldly possessions at the time

of one’s death. Hence, the good steward has a prudent estate plan in place.

Charitable estate planning offers Catholics an opportunity to return to God and those in need some of

that which God entrusted to us during our lifetime. Catholics can do this by Leaving A Legacy and

remembering their parish, the good works of the Church, and other charitable organizations in their will

or estate plan. In this way, the good stewardship one demonstrated during one’s lifetime can be

extended beyond their lifetime.

It is recommended that parishes invite people to name the parish in one’s will or estate plan using the

weekly parish bulletin. The following is suggested:

Remember us last…

When preparing or changing your will or estate plan, you first consider those closest to you…family

and friends. Lastly, please consider a bequest or gift to St. Joseph Parish so that you can continue

furthering Christ’s Mission as a legacy of your good stewardship.

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Stewardship can be promoted to young people through the use of weekly offertory envelopes.

Examples include:


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HOW DID JESUS DEAL WITH MONEY AND POSSESSIONS? The following parables are useful for emphasizing different Gospels and tools for building parish communities.

The Two Debtors (Lk. 7:41-43) (Not a Sunday Gospel)

(109-A) The Hidden Treasure (Mt. 13:44) 17th

– Ordinary Time

(109-A) The Costly Pearl (Mt. 13:45) 17th

– Ordinary Time

(130-A) The Unmerciful Servant (Mt. 18:23-35) 24th

– Ordinary Time

(105-C) The Good Samaritan (Lk. 10:25-37) 15th

– Ordinary Time

(111-C) The Friend at Midnight (Lk. 11:5-8) 17th

– Ordinary Time

(114-C) The Rich Fool (Lk. 12:16-21) 18th

– Ordinary Time

(30-C) The Barren Fig Tree (Lk. 13:6-9) 3rd

– Lent

(129-C) The Tower Builder (Lk. 14:28-30) 23rd

– Ordinary Time

(129-C) The King Contemplating a Campaign (Lk. 14:31-33) 23rd

– Ordinary Time

(172-C) The Lost Sheep (Lk. 15:3-7) Feast of the Sacred Heart

(132-C) The Lost Coin (Lk. 15:8-10) 24th

– Ordinary Time

(132-C) The Prodigal Son (Lk. 11-32) 24th

– Ordinary Time

(135-C) The Unjust Steward (Lk. 16:1-7) 25th

– Ordinary Time

(138-C) The Rich Man and Lazarus (Lk. 16:19-31) 26th

– Ordinary Time

(147-C) The Unjust Judge (Lk. 18:1-8) 29th

– Ordinary Time

(150-C) The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Lk. 18:9-14) 30th

– Ordinary Time

(133-A) The Generous Employer (Mt. 20:1-16) 25th

– Ordinary Time

(139-A) The Wicked Tenants (Mk. 12:1-12; Mt. 21:33-46, Lk. 20:9-19) 27th

Ordinary Time

The Servant Entrusted with Supervision (Mt.24:45-51; Lk.12:42-46) (Not a Sunday Gospel)

(157-A) The Talents (Mt. 25:14-30; Lk. 19-12:27) 33rd

– Ordinary Time

(160-A) Sheep and Goats (Mt. 25:31-46) 34th

– Ordinary Time

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[Insert Parish Name]

Family Registration Form

[Insert Parish Address and Phone Number]

Last Name: Name Mailing Name:


City: State: Zip:

Telephone: Cell Phone:

Individual Member Information

Role (Husband, Wife, Single, Grandparent, Guardian, Single Parent, etc.:

First Name / Nickname Gender: Male Female

DOB: mm/dd/yyyy Email:

Are you Catholic? ____________ Check Sacraments Received and add date if known:

Baptism Date: _______ Eucharist Date: ______ Confirmation Date: _______

Individual Member Information

Role (Husband, Wife, Single, Grandparent, Guardian, Single Parent, etc.:

First Name / Nickname Gender: Male Female

DOB: mm/dd/yyyy Email:

Are you Catholic? ____________ Check Sacraments Received and add date if known:_______

Baptism Date:_____ Eucharist Date: _____ Confirmation Date:_____

/ /

/ /

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Dependent Children Information

First Name / Last Name Gender M / F

DOB: mm/dd/yyyy School: Grade:

Are you Catholic? ____________ Check Sacraments Received and add date if known:

Baptism Date: _______ Eucharist Date: ______ Confirmation Date: _______

Dependent Children Information

First Name / Last Name Gender M / F

DOB: mm/dd/yyyy School: Grade:

Are you Catholic? ____________ Check Sacraments Received and add date if known:

Baptism Date: _______ Eucharist Date: ______ Confirmation Date: _______

Other Adult Information

Role (Husband, Wife, Single, Grandparent, Guardian, Single Parent, etc.:

First Name / Nickname Gender: M / F

DOB: mm/dd/yyyy Email:

Are you Catholic? ____________ Check Sacraments Received and add date if known:

Baptism Date: _______ Eucharist Date: ______ Confirmation Date: _______


/ /

/ /


/ /

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Please Initial Areas of Interest, Experience, Giftedness

What are your skills and talents?

____ Sewing ____ Gardening ____ Carpentry

____ Computer Skills ____ Flower Arranging ____ Electrical

____ Graphic Design ____ Teaching ____ Plumbing

____ Poster Making / Display ____ Group Facilitation ____ Painting

____ Baking / Cooking ____ Child Care ____ Engineering

____ Phone Calling ____ Hospitality ____ Writing

____ Cleaning ____ Clerical ____ Administration

____ Accounting ____ Legal ____ Banking

Do you have an interest being involved in the following ministries?

All Ages Catholic Teaching Liturgical Music

_____ Core Team _____ Eucharistic Minister _____ Adult Choir

_____ Implementation Team _____ Altar Server _____ Children’s Choir

_____ Table Facilitator _____ Lector _____ Adult Handbells

_____ Children’s Catechist _____ Usher _____ Children’s Bells

_____ Children’s Liturgy _____ Altar Bread Baker _____ Musician

_____ Photography / Video _____ Youth Ministry _____ Specify:_____________





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Are you interested in….

_____ Helping the poor?

______ providing transportation to Mass?

______ comforting the grieving?

______ visiting the homebound?

______ giving support through prayer?

______ making hospital visits?

______ helping maintain the parish property?

______ working the annual festival?

______ working at bingo?

______ how to live the stewardship way of life?

Would you consider….

______ making a renewal weekend?

_______ being a sponsor for RCIA?

______ helping at vacation bible school?

______ being part of a ministry team?

______ hosting a small group at your home?

Are you looking for….

_______ opportunities to grow spiritually?

_______ ways to grow in faith as a family?

_______ fellowship opportunities?

_______ meaningful parish opportunities?

_______ young adult activities?

Do you have experience with….

______ drama and / or dance?

______ audio and / or video equipment?

______ web site development?

______ being a discussion leader?

What brought you to our parish? ________________________________________________________

Do you have a special situation that we should know of? ____________________________________

Are you or is someone in your family interested in becoming a Catholic? _______________________

Are you or someone in your family seeking a sacrament? ___________________________________

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[Insert Parish Name]

Youth Survey

NAME ________________________________ PHONE____________________ Listed below are areas where confirmed youth can participate in the activities of the parish.

Please indicate areas of interest to you. You will be contacted shortly thereafter.


_____ Help with Elementary PSR. - We need teacher’s aides, office help, hall

monitors and etc., during Sunday Morning PSR. We also need help with

teacher appreciation projects. Over the summer we need help with


_____ Vacation Bible School - In late June we need aides, help with crafts,

babysitting, snacks, games, music and etc.

_____ Bible Study – Youth led scripture study with an adult advisor.


_____ Food Drive for the Needy – The elementary students collect food for needy

families. We need youth to help pack these offerings and also to collect

other donations.

_____ Prayer Power Line- We gather to pray for individuals that bring prayer

requests to our group.

_____ Prison Ministry – We need youth to come together as a group and make

rosaries for inmates. We also need youth to collect greeting cards and do

additional outreach a few times a year.

_____ Care Network – We provide babysitting, meals, and transportation for

parish families facing an emergency.


_____ Parish Activities – We need volunteers to serve, set up, and clean up after

our spaghetti dinners. We need help with games and set up at our parish


_____ Respect Life – We gather to play a role in the human life chain, and

securing signatures on petitions.

_____ Coffee and Donuts – Volunteers are needed once an month to set up, help

serve and clean up.

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_____ Office Assistance – Volunteers are occasionally needed between 9 am to 5 pm

doing photocopying, mailings and etc.

_____ Building and Grounds – Help is needed with lawn and garden work and light

maintenance. No particular skill is needed.

_____ Cleaning the Church – You would be part of a team that cleans the church on a

monthly basis.


_____ Proclaimer – Reader at Mass.

_____ Eucharistic Minister – Must be 16 years or older.

_____ Usher / Greeter – Serving at designated Masses.

_____ Liturgy Planning – Join a committee that meets once a month to plan for Mass

_____ Choir – The choir meets on Thursdays to practice.

_____ Canton / Songleader – Provide music leadership at Masses where the choir is not


_____ Children’s Liturgy – We need aides at Masses to assist with the special Liturgy

of the Word gatherings for young elementary students.

_____ Instrumental Ensemble – Join a group to perform at Masses.


_____ Annual Spiritual Retreat – Join our youth team to plan the Retreat.

_____ Fundraisers – Assist with various parish fundraisers throughout the year.

_____ Mission Trip – Sign up to go on one of our parish mission trips.

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SAMPLE SURVEY (Adapt to fit the needs of your parish)


Phone Contact Number________________________________ Best time to contact?_______________


Number/Street City State Zip Code

Email address_________________________________________________________________________________

**Have attended and been approved through the Diocesan Child Protection Program _____


Do you have a desire to:

_____help the poor? _____engage in social justice issues?

_____bring Eucharist t the shut-in? _____help with hospitality and/or welcoming?

_____help prepare meals for community gatherings? _____walk with those who are grieving?

_____participate in periodic bake sales? _____be involved in a wellness ministry?

_____help maintain/improve parish property? _____work with those wanting to become Catholic?

_____host a small group in your home? _____help our children/families grow in faith?

_____work with those seeking employment? _____participate in spiritual growth opportunities?


_____Housekeeping/cleaning _____Gardening _____Carpentry _____Sewing

_____Writing _____Electrical _____Teaching _____Plumbing

_____Technology/Social Media _____Graphic Design _____Group facilitation _____Child care

_____Painting _____Engineering _____Administrative _____Poster-making display

_____Baking and cooking _____Hospitality _____Phone calling

_____Accounting/Banking _____Legal _____Floral arrangements

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ONE-ON ONE INTERVIEW SAMPLE (Adapt to fit the needs of the parish)

Requires courage and curiosity in order to seek information and gain clarity. Listen to what the other

has to say in order to celebrate the diversity needed to build and strengthen the parish community by

building the individual. Each of us has our own story, the events and experiences that have shaped our

lives and made our life story unlike anyone else’s.

Ask questions about…

…an experience that made the person being interviewed feel fulfilled as a person.

…something the person being interviewed believes about themselves or life.

...something he/she has accomplished

…something they have always wanted to do.

…what makes this person feel good about themselves.

…something they have made or done that they are proud of.

Test for understanding…

Make certain that you are clear about what the person has told you. Do not be afraid to ask questions to

gain clarity in your own mind so that no misunderstanding occurs between what was said and what was


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Assessment for Parish Communication Channels

TOOLS How well do we use this resource? What do we need to use this resource better?

Not at All OK Excellent Resources? Training? Other?

(suggestions or comments)

Person to Person:

Verbal Invitation

Phone Conversation


Witness Talks

Parish Meet 'n' Greet

In-Print Media:




Newspaper Ad

Sign Display Ads


Direct Mailing

Non-Print Media



Recorded Homilies


Social Media

Facebook Page



YouTube Channel

Pinterest Page

Parish App

Periscope (Streaming app)