formative research assignment

 Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association Formative Research Adam Billet, Samantha Clark, Andreas Diogenous, Holl y Featherstone, Brittany Robins, and Alex Rodgers ABSTRACT This research looks at the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association detailing their  background, public relations goals, key audiences, resources and the external environment in which they operate.

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Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association

Formative Research

Adam Billet, Samantha Clark, Andreas Diogenous, Holly Featherstone, Brittany Robins,

and Alex Rodgers


This research looks at the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association detailing their  background, public relations goals, key audiences, resources and the external

environment in which they operate.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 2 

Orientation Information ........................................................................................................ 2 

Who .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 What ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 

Where ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 

When ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 

Why .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 

How .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 

Goals .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Social Networks ................................................................................................................................... 7 

Publics .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Customers .............................................................................................................................................. 8 

Producers .............................................................................................................................................. 9 

Enablers ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Limiters ............................................................................................................................................... 10 

 Analysis of Key Publics ........................................................................................................ 11 Non-public .......................................................................................................................................... 11 

Latent Public ...................................................................................................................................... 11 

 Apathetic Public ............................................................................................................................... 11 

 Aware Public ..................................................................................................................................... 12 

 Active Public ...................................................................................................................................... 12 

Hard Resources ...................................................................................................................... 12 Time ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 

Money ................................................................................................................................................... 13 

People .................................................................................................................................................. 15 

Infrastructure ................................................................................................................................... 15 

Soft Resources ......................................................................................................................... 16 Goodwill .............................................................................................................................................. 16 

Cohesion .............................................................................................................................................. 16 

Strategic Intelligence ...................................................................................................................... 17 

Stories .................................................................................................................................................. 17 

External Environment .......................................................................................................... 18 Political ............................................................................................................................................... 18 

Economy .............................................................................................................................................. 19 

Society and Culture ......................................................................................................................... 20 Technology ......................................................................................................................................... 20 

Demographics ................................................................................................................................... 22 

Competition ....................................................................................................................................... 23 

Media .................................................................................................................................................... 24 

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 25 

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The Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association is an organization solely based on the

work and commitment of volunteers. The organization is based out of Waterloo, Ontario and

provides an enjoyable environment for young girls to learn the skills of softball. The following

report will outline the organization‟s background information, main goals, key publics, resources,

and environment. The stage of formative research allows for the details of the organization to be

understood and what the next steps would entail.

Orientation Information

This section acts as an introduction to the organization to set the stage for digging deeper

into their goals, publics, resources, and external environment.


The following table lists the board of directors by name and title:

Title Name

President Paul Black 

Treasure Tim Sothern

Vice President(Representative Division)

D‟Arcy Terpstra 

Vice President

(House League Division)

Michelle Strassburger

Director, Marketing and

Public Relations

Brian Huber

Director, Coach andPlayer Development

Kevin Panchaud

Director, Equipment Steve Ciupa

Executive Director Cathy Fletcher

Board of Directors list found at: 

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The clients/customers of this organization are the girls that register to play softball with

the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Organization. The beginning stages of this sport starts from

age five to seven; these young girls are at the T-ball level and learn the basic skills and rules of 

the game. After that, from ages eight to eighteen, girls can play at either the House League level

or try out for one of the competitive Rep (representative) teams.

A large part of the organization is sponsorship, which helps fund programs and cover

expenses that are acquired throughout the season. The board of directors is in charge of finding

sponsors for the House League teams for all age groups. However, the Rep level teams are to

secure their own sponsorships in order to help cover tournament and travel costs. The following

table lists the sponsors that supported the 2012 House League teams:

Westvale Optimists Déjà Vu Sportzone Eastbridge DentalCare

McDonalds Toyota Scotia Bank ManwinEnterprises

Waterloo Printing Picture Yourself Eleven Consulting SOS Physiotherapy

Hybrid Hair &Detox Spa

Alliance Roofingand Sheet Metal

Kind of Magic Hearty’s Hooligans

All sponsors found at 


The purpose of this organization is to teach girls the skills and rules of softball. It is

important to start all new players off with the basic knowledge of the game and build on their

skills as the season progresses. The WMGSA is in the business of getting girls interested in the

sport and have them return year after year and grow with the league.


The WMGSA is located in Waterloo, Ontario and has all main offices and board

members situated within the city. The players are typically from within the Waterloo boarders,

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 but girls from other cities are welcome to play for the organization under „import‟ status. This is

mainly seen in the Rep divisions as girls come from other cities to try out for their respective age


The WMGSA‟s home diamond is Hillside Park, which has two city-maintained

diamonds. Several other baseball diamonds are used within the city as to accommodate all the

teams in the league, including schools and parks.


A regular season for the girls playing softball typically runs from May to August.

However, there are off-season training sessions that are available so that girls can work on their

skills and play a little softball year round. The busy times for the board of directors are during

Rep try outs in September, registration in January, in April when they organize the House League

teams, and at the start of the season in May. During the fall and winter months, it is considered

off-season and the board of directors are typically less busy and have sporadic meetings for the

upcoming season.


Vision Statements

The following mission statements, for the House League and Representative Division, are

found on the WMGSA website under their association tab. Each mission statement also outlines

their goals as an organization and what they want to accomplish with each division.

House League Division:

The Waterloo Minor Girls‟ Softball Association has several important objectives for the

operation of its

House League:

  To provide a safe and fun experience for all participants at every age level.

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  To create an environment of friendship, sportsmanship and competition that every player

can enjoy.

 To provide guidance to coaching staff that will assist them in teaching the fundamentals

of softball.

  To make our House League as enjoyable as possible so that every player will return, year

after year.

Representative Division:

To provide a competitive, affordable, enjoyable and safe Rep Fastball Program, for girls

representing the City of Waterloo. We accomplish this mission by providing the following:

  Safe and happy environment in which girls have the opportunity to play softball

  Opportunity for participants to foster increased self-esteem

  Player Development Clinics

  Coaches‟ Clinics 

  Organizational Leadership

  Quality Playing and Practice Facilities

  Quality Equipment

  Fund Raising Opportunities

  Experienced Coaches

  Administrative Support

  Organizational Stability

  Financial Management and Stability

  Positive Supplier Relationships

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The Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association runs entirely on volunteers who offer

their time and effort to organize all components to run a successful season. Programs are

available year-round for girls to practice their skills and improve their game. Programs include

general conditioning workouts, pitching clinics, batting practice, and positioning lessons.

Programs are generally designed and run by the volunteers involved with the organizations,

however, they often bring in professionals to work with the girls and show them different


The WMGSA is organized and governed by a board of directors made up of volunteers

that have a passion for the game and ambition to create a successful organization. The board of 

directors works with the city of Waterloo and competitors to develop a schedule for all teams.

New ideas are brought into board meetings and presented to all board members. Decisions are

made on a voting basis and are discussed thoroughly before being implemented.


The goals of any organization are important to understand as they set the foundation for

all tactics and actions that the board of directors put into place. The goals specifically point out

why the organization does what it does and what they need from the parties involved in their


The Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association uses their cohesive board of directors to

discuss and vote on important topics and issues. This board is made up of all volunteers and it is

their responsibility to create a well-organized program for the girls who register with the

organization. The main goal of WMGSA is to build interest in the girls so that they return for the

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next season. It is vital to the organization to increase the number of girls that register from year to

year, in order to survive in the community.

Aside from building on the amount of interested players, another crucial goal for the

organization is to gain sponsorship. In order for the organization to run smoothly and to provide

the girls with extra clinics and fun activities, the organization must secure community sponsors to

fund the expenses.

Typically sponsors donate a year at a time, and are “previous and prospective sponsors,”

(Huber) sometimes even the parents of players are the team‟s sponsors. Brian Huber, Director of 

Public Relations and Marketing, has estimated that this year the league will require $6000 dollars

in sponsorship money. With the current18 sponsors, the league will require 6 more sponsors to

achieve the estimated goal, with the current minimum of $250 per sponsor.

Social Networks

Social Media for the WMGSA is very limited by only using Facebook. Also, there is no

link from the website to their Facebook page for quick access for potential players, parents, and

other interested parties. This decreases awareness to the public for support and players.

It is important to select the social media outlet that will best suit the organization as a

whole. Below are some different social media networks that could help propel the awareness of 

the league:

Social Network Purpose

Facebook   A way to reach the older girls that play


  Reach parents of players and parents

who are interested in signing up their


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  A way to gather information and

highlight achievements


Today‟s generation often use twitter as

a news source

  Twitter can act as a forum for coaches,

players, and parents to post updates on

team activities

  By sharing updates, it allows people to

feel associated with the event



The primary customers for Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association are girls aged 8-

19. This serves as not only the customers but also as the participants in the league. Another

primary customer of this league are the parents of the girls, since ultimately they are the ones

paying for their child to play, as well as expecting the best experience for their child, given the

money paid.

The secondary customers are the local sports stores and businesses that could provide

sponsorships. Sports stores have the opportunity to sell baseball related equipment and apparel to

the girls playing in the league such as: gloves, helmets, bats, and various other sports products.

Other businesses could also provide money to the league as a form of sponsorship in exchange for

marketing of their companies.

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The producers of the league are primarily the board of directors, as well as coaches and other

staff within the league. The board consists of a president, past president, treasurer, vice president

representative, vice president of house league, a director of marketing and public relations, a

director of fundraising and sponsorship, a director of coaches and player development, a director

of equipment, and an executive director. The individuals that fill these positions are volunteers.

The coaches of the teams, and other positions within the league are volunteered as well.

The volunteers provide a major service to the league because they are not taking a wage for

what they are doing. This not only provides a service as far as coaches, but also cuts down the

overall budget of the league. The local umpires provide their services to the league by umpiring

the games that are being played. Sponsors are also a major way for the league to reduce

registration cost and provide better equipment and services to the girls. Local sports stores are

also a major provider of materials to the league, as they provide the equipment and jerseys.

Money is provided by way of registration and sponsorships. Each player pays a certain

registration fee that is determined by the amount of sponsorship money that can be raised.

Sponsorships are also another good way to gain attention for the league, as it is an optimal way

for local businesses to promote their companies and support the communities.


The opinion leaders among the customers are the customers themselves. If the league is not

up to their standards, they might seek out different programs that are more structured, and word

of mouth can spread throughout the league. This could potentially be a huge downfall for the

league, but it can also serve as a large enabler if the league is good and morale among players is

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high. As well parents of the girls serve as enablers, since they are providing the money in most

cases for their children to play.

Our regulators are the board of directors who create the league and the rules associated with it

as far as sponsorships, registration fees, and create the schedules. As well the association that

certifies the umpires that officiate the game are regulators as the train their officials in all of the



Our competitors are other leagues situated in the Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge

area. As well another competitor that is not directly in the surrounding area is the Guelph Softball


The players have a big part in how the league does, because without them there would be

no teams. The players have the power to stop a league if they do not feel that it meets their

expectations. As well if companies do not provide sponsorships for teams, then the expense

would be put on the players family, therefore slowing down the registration process due to lack of 

players. Sponsors are a big part of making this league work, and without them it would cost too

much for the players, making parents another factor in slowing us down because they might not

want to pay the amount required.12 


2 Smith, D. Ronald. (2005). Strategic Planning for Public Relations (2nd ed.). Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers. 

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Analysis of Key Publics


Members of the non-public concerning the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association are

those who do not share the team‟s issues, and are not influenced or affected by one another. They

do not know about the team or league. The public relations response for this public is to observe

and monitor them in attempt to change them into an aware and active public. Stronger presence

on social media networks, promotional events and community outreach can achieve this.

Latent Public

The WMGSA‟s latent public members are those who do not yet recognize the potential or 

fact that they share an issue with the organization. For example, future sponsors would fall under

the latent public category. The public relations response for this public is to monitor the situation

and anticipate change towards awareness, while planning a communication process to provide

information about the organization and why they would benefit from being involved. This would

be done by the use of social media networks and an appropriate awareness and call-to-action


Apathetic Public

The apathetic public members are those who are well aware of the WMGSA and their

need for volunteers and sponsors and do not care, or have a negative attitude or opinion of the

association. The organization‟s issues are not important to them, and neither a re the consequences

for not paying attention. The public relations response for the apathetic public is to monitor them

and develop plans to communicate with this group to turn their apathy into interest. The

Association should also provide accurate information about their issue (needing volunteers,

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sponsors in order to exist), explain their significance to the public (they provide a safe, fun, and

competitive league for local girls), as well as the association‟s intended action (to gain more

volunteers and sponsors in order to continue to provide the local league).

Aware Public

The aware public members recognize that they share issues with the organization, but do

not act on it. For example, local businesses who have thought of sponsoring a sports team but

have not looked into the Waterloo Ghosts are members of an aware public. Similarly, people

looking to volunteer but have not considered the WMGSA are also members of an aware public.

The public relations response to the aware public would be to initiate proactive communication to

 present the issue and it‟s significance, and to explain the association‟s opinion that they need and

benefit from having volunteers and sponsors.

Active Public

The active public members are those who are already volunteers or sponsors are

discussing and acting on the fact that the WMGSA needs sponsors and volunteers. Competing

leagues, or other organizations requiring sponsors and volunteers and are aware of the association

would also be active public members. The public relations response to members of this public

would be to engage in reactive communication by responding to questions or criticism. By

keeping the active public engaged in communication the WGMSA can continue to keep the active

public members vocal, therefore adapting and changing to their wants, needs, and expectations as


Hard Resources

3 Smith, D. Ronald. (2005). Strategic Planning for Public Relations (2nd ed.). Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers. 

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The Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association operates mainly through its allocation of 

hard resources, including time, money, people and infrastructure. Time and people are the

greatest available resources, while money and infrastructure are more finite.


Time is the most readily available resource WMGSA has at its disposal. Time is an

essential resource used throughout the year to maintain strong teams with skilled players. In

addition, time is also necessary in order to build strong, enduring relationships with volunteers

and sponsors. The association operates on an ongoing, seasonal basis, obtaining registrants for

various divisions throughout the year. The house league divisions allow for girls between the ages

of 8 and 19 to play from May to August. During these months, games are held in outdoor

facilities to minimize costs. Try-outs for the Waterloo Ghosts Rep divisions are held in

September and regular training is performed during the winter months in indoor facilities

including RIM Park, Bechtel Park, as well as regional school gyms and arenas. As such, the

association operates throughout the entire year, with most of its facility expenses taking place

during winter training.

Time is an essential resource for the structure of the organization, since athlete

recruitment and training must be ongoing to ensure maximum capacity. Time is also necessary to

recruit volunteers and to build a strong sponsor profile. Continuous operations also enable the

Board of Directors to plan in annual increments.


The association is currently experiencing a resource deficit in this area. Monetary

resources are used to cover expenses associated with equipment and uniforms, as well as facility

rentals during winter training. Additionally, a portion of the annual budget is allocated toward

coaching and official training. Brian Huber, Director of Marketing & Public Relations, said that

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the training budget is, (2012), “a significant expense on an annual basis.” The association‟s

current budget is forecast at $107,000.

The association secures monetary resources through its registration process. The cost of 

registration includes the division category, plus a fundraising fee. The various registration fees,

for 2012, are illustrated in the following chart.

2012 Registration Fees

House League - T-ball $45 + $40 fundraising fee

House League – Softball $100 + $40 fundraising fee

The third and subsequent child in the same family enjoys a 25 per cent discount from

registration costs. Registration accounts for a large portion of operating expenses. The

association‟s treasurer reported, in the minutes of the association‟s 2011 annual general meeting,

that, (2011), “there was some decrease in registration, but there were increased numbers in t -ball,

which brings in less revenue per child.” The association is experiencing a decrease in revenues

from 2010 as a result of decreased registration fees and fewer registrants in total for the house

league division. Conversely, registrants in the t-ball category have increased in the past year. The

decline, according to President Paul Black, (2011), “is partially due to competition for athletes …

at the current time, soccer is winning.”

The association also gathers financial resources through sponsorship solicitation. The

Waterloo Ghosts are the recipients of sponsorships from a variety of corporate and small-business

organizations, including McDonald‟s, Scotia Bank, Toyota and Waterloo Printing. In total, the

association received sponsorships from 17 different businesses this year, with sponsorship

packages that begin at $250. Registration fees, fundraising fees and sponsorships comprise the

association‟s monetary resources.

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According to the 2011 annual general meeting minutes, (2011), “the association ran a

deficit of about $6,000; [the treasurer] noted that the executive needs to look at ways to break 


The association is considering additional costs for equipment, including the purchase of 

mask/helmet/throat-guard gear, which must be worn by catchers in the house league division,

according to Softball Canada. Affording the equipment was expressed as a concern, and the

executive considered using the equipment for the younger divisions until the budget allows for

new equipment to be purchased. President Paul Black said (2011), “We would still recommend

that the equipment be worn. Further investigation into the cost of the equipment and how we can

 best suit the needs of our membership must be undertaken.” Huber said one mask and throat

guard costs a minimum of $80. While some equipment requires replacing, players provide their

own batting helmets.


People are a valuable resource in the association‟s ongoing operations. Comprised

entirely of volunteers, the association is formed of eight board members, 75 coaches and 100 or

more volunteers who assist with tournaments, clinics and try-outs. The need for more volunteers

and executive positions grows increasingly. As stated on the association‟s web site, (2012), “our 

executive has a couple of critical open spots and our house league division has an urgent need for

convenors.” The association relies heavily, and urgently, upon its network of volunteers. People

of varying skills and experience are recruited and trained. The association‟s volunteer base helps

in the successful execution of the organization‟s goals and tasks each season.


The association is driven entirely by volunteers. The Board of Directors conduct

meetings, establish the annual budget, and build community relations. Board members also

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oversee the volunteer database, which includes executive members, coaches and other volunteers.

The executives, Brian Huber said, (2012), “work on a two-year, rotating term basis to increase

continuity and expertise.”

In addition, the volunteer coaches, across all divisions, maintain a competitive approach

to training. This approach comprises the bulk of the association‟s volunteer expenditures, but

experienced coaches are essential to attracting serious, long-term athletes.

Soft Resources

Soft resources include WMGSA‟s use of goodwill, cohesion, strategic intelligence and

stories. Cohesion is the association‟s strongest soft resource, while goodwill is in need of growth.


The association receives goodwill from their volunteer contributions. People of various

skills and expertise are encouraged to contribute. Training is incorporated into the annual budget

and ensures volunteers provide long-term value and utility toward the association‟s goals.

Volunteer retention is important because coaches provide experience and ongoing volunteers

provide mentorship toward new volunteers, which saves the board members both time and



Cohesion is the strongest, most valuable soft resource held by the association. Members

work in a team-oriented environment driven by volunteers and the goodwill of the people

involved. For example, local-based, experienced volunteer coaches help promote cohesion among

the association by encouraging athletes to stay in Waterloo during training, as opposed to

traveling outside the city to be trained. In addition, cohesion is promoted through volunteer

retention. The experience gained and transmitted by volunteer coaches and upper try-out/clinic

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volunteers is considered an asset toward the long-term function of the association. The

association‟s president, Paul Black, said, (2011), “If the association is to survive, we need more


Strategic Intelligence

The association‟s annual general meeting minutes of 2011 included the possibility of 

merging with the Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association. The executive addressed the notion

of forming amalgamations, in the forthcoming seasons, to offset the reduced registrants in the

 Novice division. Executive member Kelly Hearty said, (2011), “the 2010 season looked like there

would be enough girls to run on our own but a combination of injuries and player movement

changed the picture too late to play with the KWMGSA.”

Merger with the Kitchener association would offset costs incurred as a result of fewer

registrants; however, (2011), “the discussions have been going on for years.”


The association has recently drawn positive media attention, however, a stronger public

profile will assist the association in its efforts to build goodwill and attract sponsors. Recent

stories profiled by the WMGSA include, the Bantam Rep under-16 athletes who won the gold

medal at the Tier 2 Eastern Canadian Championships in Nova Scotia. In addition, two under-18

athletes, Kim Schill and Ashley Black, joined the Stratford Optimist Flames at the Tier 2

Canadian Under-18 Women‟s Fast Pitch Championships in Montreal. The Flames also won the

gold medal. It is important to get these success stories better penetrated into the local media in

order to gain more attention and possibly gain more interested sponsors. 4 

4 Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association. (2011, November). Annual General Meeting

 Minutes. Meeting conducted at the Albert McCormick Arena, Waterloo.

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External Environment

The external environment research consists of political, economical, societal and cultural,

technological, demographical, competitive, and media research based on the Waterloo Minor

Girls Softball Association. Close attention is given to details that will affect the success of the

WMGSA, and current WMGSA involvement in that category.


The Waterloo Girls Minor Softball Association has notable bylaws and operating rules,

which they must follow. These laws outline rules of the game, codes of conduct, and promotion

and development of softball.

According to Brian Huber, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for WMGSA, the

WMGSA is governed by their own Constitution, Association Bylaws, Rep Bylaws, and House

League Bylaws (2012). WMGSA must adhere to the Grand Valley Ladies Softball Association

Rules. The Provincial Women‟s Softball Association Bylaw and Operating Rules and Softball

Ontario also govern WMGSA at a provincial level. At a national level, WMGSA must follow

Softball Canada rules.5678 



5 Brian Huber (2012). Director of Marketing & Public Relations for WMGSA.

6 Statistics Canada (2007). Median total income, by family type, by census metropolitan

area. CANSIM, table 111-0009.


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The economy makes an impact on whether or not families can afford organized sports.

Organized sports for children may be considered a luxury and added expense that not all can

necessarily afford.

In 2006, the median income of all households in the City of Waterloo before taxes was

$72,800 (Statistics Canada). Despite the 2008 recession, statistics Canada goes on to report that in

2010, the median income had bumped to $77,040 in the City of Waterloo. A $5,000 household

income increase is not massive, but shows that residents in the City of Waterloo can still afford

what they could in 2006. Being that the average household income is around $77,000, that means

Accessed September 20, 2012.

7 Statistics Canada. 2007. Waterloo, Ontario (Code3530016) (table). 2006 Community

Profiles. 2006 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-591-XWE. Ottawa.

Released March 13, 2007.


(accessed September 20, 2012).

8 Statistics Canada. 2012. Waterloo, Ontario (Code 3530016) and Waterloo, Ontario

(Code 3530)(table). Census Profile. 2011 Census. Statistics Canada

Catalogue no. 98-316-XWE. Ottawa. Released September 19, 2012.


(accessed September 20, 2012).

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there are plenty of households over that average that may have extra spending money for

activities such as organized sports.

Society and Culture

There are two significant trends in Canadian culture that will affect the Waterloo Minor

Girls Softball Association. Canadians are becoming more concerned about their health, the

quality of life, and their future. However, Canadians also live busy lifestyles.

According to Keith J. Tuckwell, “Canadians… are trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Generally speaking, we are now a society that places greater emphasis on quality of life” (2010).

With a growing concern surrounding healthy lifestyles, more parents are interested in signing

children up for minor sports. This is definitely advantageous to WMGSA and their emphasis on

healthy living for young girls.

Tuckwell (2010) goes on to discuss that Canadians are living incredibly hectic lifestyles

and are pressed for time. Unfortunately, this may work against sports organizations like

WMGSA. With Canadian lifestyles being so busy, parents may not have the time investment

required for their child to be involved in organized sports outside of school. Older teens that are

still part of WMGSA‟s age demographic may consider themselves too busy with school and

homework to participate in organized sports as well. This may hinder WMGSA‟s registration

because of the time commitment required for organized sports.


Increased social media involvement would only help WMGSA spread awareness.

Currently, WMGSA has little social media presence.

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WMGSA has a Facebook page that currently has fifteen likes and very little activity. A

full 6% of the Canadian Facebook population is between the ages of thirteen and seventeen, with

a total Canadian population of 18,029,900 (Social Bakers, 2012). These statistics show the

likelihood of Facebook prominence for over half of WMGSA‟s age demographic.  

In 2009, less than 1% of Canadians were using Twitter. In 2011, that number jumped to

20% (Faber, 2011). With no Twitter profile, WMGSA is missing out on resources and

connections. Twitter is great for businesses for client communication and learning more about

what others are doing in the industry. Although there are no specific statistics on age

demographics in Canada for Twitter, we can assume from the massive jump in Twitter in the past

two years that at least part  of WMGSA‟s age demographic is using this social media site. 

As shown, social media sites are incredibly popular among Canadians. Twitter and

Facebook are free to create and could benefit WMGSA for communication.

With the many smartphones and super phones utilized, building a mobile website for

WMGSA would provide quick access in a hurry. According to Chow (2011), 55% of Canadians

aged 18 to 24 have a smartphone, and 61% of Canadians in that age group have at least a cell

phone. 58% of smartphone users have downloaded apps, with an average of twelve apps per user

(Chow, 2011). If WMGSA were to build an app or at least a mobile website for smartphones, the

older age demographic or parents would have easy access to WMGSA information. This

information could include stats, winnings, cancellations, important dates, etc.91011 

9 Chow, Krystle (2011). Half of cellphone owners have a smartphone: CWTA. Accessed

September 25, 2012.


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The following chart outlines the amount of girls, living the city of Waterloo, that qualify

to register with WMGSA. The chart compares Statistics Canada statistics from 2006 and 2011 for

girls‟ populations. 

WMGSA‟s age bracket for girls is ages 8-19 (WMGSA, 2012). According to the 2006

Statistics Canada Census, there were 7,025 girls aged 10-19 residing in the City of Waterloo, and

9,955 aged 5-19. According to the 2011 Census, there were 10,550 girls aged 10-19 residing in

the City of Waterloo, and 13,470 aged 5-19.

This means that in the five years from 2006 to 2011, the number of girls aged 10-19 has

increased by 3,525, and the number of girls aged 5-19 has increased by 3,515. With a significant

population increase of the targeted age group, there should be ample opportunity for increased

registration with WGMSA. This opportunity should be for at least three years, since the census

has included girls as young as age 5 

10 Faber, Les (2011). Canadian Social Media Statistics 2011. WebFuel. 

11 Social Bakers (2012). Canada Facebook Statistics.

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The Guelph Gators and the Kitchener Klassics are two important competitors to the

WMGSA. Brian Huber, Director of Marketing and Public Relations for WMGSA, says, “Any

other team or organization represents a threat because they could offer Waterloo players a spot on

their rosters. The recruitment of players by other organizations is something that happens even

though the Provincial Women's Softball Association frowns upon it” (2012).  

Guelph Girls Minor Softball Association

Guelph has more registrants, a larger board of directors, more sponsors, and a reputation

as a successful organization. GGMSA has a highly competitive reputation. According to their

website, the GGMSA is “one of the most successful Girls Amateur Softball Organizations in

Canada” (2012). GGMSA goes on to express through their „About Us‟ page that “ today GGMSA

is one of the premier girls‟ softball associations in Ontario and Canada” (2012). 

Their success is clear through their number of sponsors, teams, and board of directors.

WMGSA has nine members on their Board of Directors, while GGMSA has eighteen members










2006 2011

5 to 19

10 to 19

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on their Board. WMGSA has five rep teams total, whereas GGMSA has nearly double that at


Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association

KMGSA is another source of competition for the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball

Association. According to the KMGSA website, they are “the organization in Kitchener that

works to improve girls health while teaching them a great sport and making friendships that will

last a lifetime” (KMGSA Home, 2012). 

KMGSA has fewer members on its Board of Directors than WMGSA at five. According

to their website, KMGSA has twenty one diamonds they rent for their season. In a typical season,

WMGSA will use twelve diamonds.

KMGSA is not as large as the Guelph Girls Minor Softball Association, but they are still

direct competition to WMGSA. With their close proximity and similar service, they pose a threat

for registration numbers and sponsors. 

GGMSA (2012). Website: Homepage. Accessed September 20, 2012. 

KMGSA (2012) Website: Homepage. Accessed September 20, 2012


Media involvement is key for organizations to catch their audience‟s attention and gain

awareness. The Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association has extremely little media presence.

Media presence would benefit the WMGSA.

Upon doing a general “Google News” search, Waterloo Ghosts had 0 results. A search of 

the Waterloo Region Record (2012) also turned up 0 results regarding the Waterloo Ghosts or the

WMGSA. A search of the Waterloo Chronicle (2012) showed 4 results. Three of the stories are

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from 2012, and one is from 2009. Only three of the stories relate directly to the Waterloo Ghosts.

All are positive, covering national success and game wins.

As is clear, WMGSA has gathered little media attention. Through news releases and

gaining media interest, the WMGSA would be able to spread the word about registration and

sponsors. Media attention can be inexpensive to obtain, and put an organization in the spotlight. 

The Record (2012). Search Results: Waterloo Ghosts. Accessed September 21, 2012.




Waterloo Chronicle (2012). Search Results: Waterloo Ghosts. Accessed September 21, 2012.



We have taken a look at the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association, their resources,

external environment, analysis of key publics and goals. Our immediate strategy is to utilize a

strong social media plan to ultimately encourage and impact a much-needed increase in

sponsorship. This way, the WGMSA can continue to help aspiring young girls to fulfil their

sports dreams.

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 We would like to thank the Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association for their

enthusiastic participation, timely responses, and for permitting us to pursue this strategic

campaign plan. A special thank you to our primary contact, Brian Huber. We value and

appreciate your assistance.