former crawford’s autoland 89 crawford autoland lane south ...€¦ · rcra 8 metals. the results...

Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South Royalton, Vermont BROWNFIELDS CLEANUP REPORT January 22, 2014 KAS Project #510130318 SMS Site #2011-4190 Prepared for: Town of Royalton PO Box 680 South Royalton, Vermont 05068

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Page 1: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South Royalton, Vermont BROWNFIELDS CLEANUP REPORT

January 22, 2014 KAS Project #510130318 SMS Site #2011-4190

Prepared for: Town of Royalton PO Box 680 South Royalton, Vermont 05068

Page 2: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page i



1.0  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY _______________________________________________2 

2.0  INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________________3 

3.0  QAPP ADDENDUM PREPARATION ____________________________________4 


5.0  EXCAVATION AND OFF SITE DISPOSAL _______________________________5 

6.0  CAPPING OF SHALLOW CONTAMINATED SOILS _______________________8 

7.0  MONITORING WELL REPLACEMENT ___________________________________9 


9.0  DATA VALIDATION __________________________________________________10 

10.0    NOTICE TO LAND RECORDS _________________________________________10 

11.0    CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ___________________________11  APPENDICES Appendix A - Maps

1) Site Location Map 2) Site Plan 3) AOC#1 and Soil Excavation Plan 4) AOC#2,3,4 Plan 5) Groundwater Contour Map

Appendix B – Approvals and Notifications Appendix C – Soil, Groundwater and Drinking Water Sampling Data Summary and

Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix D – Photographs Appendix E – Geotextile Specification, Waste Manifest and Tonnage Summary Appendix F – Monitoring Well Completion Report Appendix G -Data Validation Report Appendix H- Draft Notice to Land Records

Page 3: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 2

1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY KAS and Daly Environmental Contracting (Daly) completed the approved Brownfields remediation work at the former Crawford’s Autoland, located at 89 Crawford Autoland Lane in South Royalton, Vermont from October 18 - December 16, 2013. A total of 344 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil were removed from the property. Five areas of shallow soil contamination were capped with a geosynthetic fabric, clean sand, topsoil, seed and mulch. The floor drain drywell system was properly decommissioned and the wastes from this system were drummed and disposed of. A replacement groundwater monitoring well was installed to replace two monitoring wells which were destroyed during soil excavation. One round of groundwater and drinking water well monitoring was conducted and the results were satisfactory. It is believed that this work has achieved the desired outcome of preparing the property for redevelopment. KAS recommends that the property be given a Brownfields certificate of completion. The on-site groundwater monitoring wells will need to be properly abandoned to comply with state requirements.

Page 4: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 3

2.0 INTRODUCTION KAS, Inc. (KAS) and Daly Environmental Contracting (Daly) completed the approved Brownfields remediation work at the former Crawford’s Autoland, located at 89 Crawford Autoland Lane in South Royalton, Vermont from October 18 - December 16, 2013 (“property”; see Site Location Map in Appendix A). This work was conducted by KAS and Daly for the Town of Royalton, Vermont (Town) property owners at the time of the remedial work, in accordance with the following documents:

Professional services agreements between a) KAS and the Town and b) Daly and the Town including Amendment #1 to each dated October 14, 2013;

A corrective action plan (CAP) prepared by ECS dated April 4, 2013, approved by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on September 9, 2013; and,

A Site Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Addendum (RFA#12098) prepared by KAS dated October 23, 2013, revised November 7, 2013, approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 1 on November 7, 2013 and by DEC on November 8, 2013.

The CAP specified the following approved work scope tasks which were included in the Professional Services Agreements referenced above:

Preparation of a Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum (CAP Task 5.0); Closure of Drywell and Associated Components (AOC#1) (CAP Task 3.2); Excavation and Off-Site Disposal (AOC#1) (CAP Task 3.3); Capping of Shallow Contaminated Soils (CAP Task 3.4); Replacement groundwater monitoring well installation and sampling and testing

of the existing groundwater monitoring well network and the on-site drinking water supply well (CAP Task 4.0);

Preparation of a remediation completion report (CAP Task 7.0); and, Development of a Notice to Land Records regarding residual on-site

contamination (CAP Task 3.5).

Page 5: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 4

3.0 QAPP ADDENDUM PREPARATION KAS prepared a site specific QAPP Addendum for the sample collection and laboratory analysis needed for soil disposal characterization, soil excavation confirmation sampling and groundwater and drinking water supply well testing (Appendix B). The QAPP Addendum and KAS’ approved Generic QAPP (RFA12098) for Brownfields work in the State of Vermont were used for the required sampling.

4.0 CLOSURE OF DRYWELL AND ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS On October 22, 2013, Daly cleaned and closed the internal building floor drain system including the trench drain and the sludge pit. The drain system was closed by manually scraping the solid residuals from the trough drains and drumming them for disposal. The cleaned trough drains were power washed and the wash water was collected and drummed for disposal. Following cleaning, the trough drain and sludge pit were filled with cement level to the surrounding concrete floor. One 55-gallon drum of residuals and cleaning waste was generated for disposal as hazardous waste. On October 30, 2013, Dig-safe ticket #2013-4401289 became effective on the property and for the duration of sub-surface work. On November 11, 2013, Daly and KAS excavated, removed and documented the buried concrete drywell formerly located off the building’s northwest corner. The top of the concrete drywell was encountered at 5’ below ground surface (bgs). Upon cleaning off the top it was determined the drywell had outside dimensions of 4.5’ wide x 8’ long concrete box with 6” thick walls and an 1.5’ round access hole in the top. The top was removed and the drywell was determined to be approximately 75% full of dark grey to black sandy sludge with a strong weathered petroleum odor. No liquids were encountered. The contents were contained in seven, 55-gallon steel drums. Once the contents were removed it was determined that the drywell was a 3’ deep structure with numerous 3” square holes in the sides and no bottom containment. The bottom of the drywell discharged contaminants at approximately 7’ bgs. During excavation, contaminated soils were encountered at 6’ bgs in the immediate vicinity of the concrete drywell. Away from the concrete drywell, contaminated soils were encountered at 9’ bgs. It is surmised that contamination emanating from the drywell either surcharged or diffused from the bottom at 7’ bgs upward to the depth that contamination was first encountered at 6’ bgs.

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           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 5

Once the drywell was emptied and documented it was removed from the ground, pressure washed and broken up for disposal. The drywell concrete was delivered to the Pike Industries Inc. Reclamation Facility located on Depot Road in Hartland, Vermont. Grossly-contaminated soils were encountered immediately beneath the drywell. These were excavated and placed in 5, 55-gallon steel drums. It is believed that the grossly contaminated soils were removed in their entirety for disposal as hazardous waste. These soils are not included in the tonnage of soils removed presented in Section 5.0. A total of 13, 55-gallon drums of hazardous waste were generated during the closure of the drywell and its associated components. The majority of this waste was floor drain and drywell solids and soil. The liquids were generated during cleaning operations. Waste characterization sampling performed by ECS and described in ECS’ Phase II ESA report dated April 2012 were provided to Environmental Products and Services of Vermont, Inc. and were deemed to be acceptable. Therefore, no additional characterization testing was necessary for closure of the drywell and related components. The drummed waste was picked up by Environmental Products and Services of Vermont, Inc. on December 16, 2013. Delivery to the designated disposal facility took place on December 20, 2013. The AOC #1 and Soil Excavation Plan showing the measured location of the buried drywell is included in Appendix A. Photos of the floor drain and drywell closure are included in Appendix D. A copy of the waste manifest is included in Appendix E.


From November 11 to 13, Daly excavated 344.17 tons of contaminated soils from the ground in AOC 1 for temporary stockpiling on-site pending approval for disposal. The soil stockpile was constructed on the southwestern part of the paved parking lot where contaminated soils were temporarily piled on and beneath polyethylene plastic sheeting. Silt fencing was installed along the downhill side of the temporary soil pile. The plastic was secured with tires.

Page 7: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 6

In accordance with CAP Section 3.3, soil exhibiting visual evidence of staining, petroleum or other odors, and/or field screening readings of 10 parts per million or more (as measured with a properly calibrated photoionization detector (PID) were removed. The clean overburden soils (see Section 4.0) were set aside for re-use in backfilling the excavation. The contaminated soils generally exhibited a distinct olive grey color and a pungent oily odor and PID readings up to 287 ppm. The worst contamination was encountered in the immediate vicinity of and below the drywell from a depth of 6’ bgs downward to the final limits of excavation at 15’ bgs. It is believed that the excavation successfully removed all of the contaminated soils above the target thresholds in the CAP, and in most cases, contamination was removed to well below 10 ppm. The limits of soil excavation were measured and they can be found on the AOC #1 and Soil Excavation Plan in Appendix A. Once the limits of excavation were reached, KAS collected six post-excavation soil samples from the excavation bottom and side walls. The confirmation soil sampling was performed on November 14, 2013. The conformation samples included four sidewall samples one bottom sample, and one duplicate sample. The soil samples were collected from the 13’-15’ depth interval for field screening, containerization and documentation. The PID readings for these soils ranged from 0.2-1.5 ppm. The samples were picked up by courier immediately following their collection and containerization and were transported to Eastern Analytical Inc. in Concord, New Hampshire (EAI) for analyses of the following analytes:

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260; Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by EPA Method 8100; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) by EPA Method 8270; and, RCRA 8 Metals.

The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that:

No VOCs or TPH were reported in the confirmation samples. No PAH were reported except for a trace of naphthalene in the east wall

sample at a concentration 3 orders of magnitude below the DEC’s industrial soil screening value (SSV).

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           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 7

Concentrations of four of the eight RCRA metals (As, Ba, Cr, Pb) were reported above detection limits. The reported metals concentrations appear to be within normal ranges for Vermont soils and are not believed to be indicative of anthropogenic contamination. The reported arsenic concentration exceeded the industrial SSV in all five confirmation samples.

The remaining four RCRA metals (Cd, Hg, Se, Si) were not reported above detection limits in any of the confirmation soil samples.

Following collection of the post-excavation confirmation soil samples the excavation was backfilled with clean overburden and clean fill obtained from the on-site borrow pit. Backfill was compacted in two-foot intervals. The area was seeded and mulched to replace the surface in kind. Photographs of the excavation during and after the work was completed are in Appendix D. Following completion of the excavation, KAS collected four soil samples for disposal characterization from the soil stockpile. The samples were collected using a hand auger from the completed soil stockpile. Each sample was field screened, documented and containerized and submitted to EAI for the following analyses:

VOCs by EPA Method 8260; TPH by EPA Method 8100; Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082 w/Soxhlet extraction; RCRA 8 Metals; Ignitibility, pH, and sulfide/cyanide reactivity.

The results of the characterization soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated:

Petroleum VOCs were reported in three of the four characterization samples at levels above detection limits. The reported concentrations were below the DEC Industrial SSVs.

No non-petroleum VOCs were reported. PAH were reported in three of the four characterization samples at levels above

detection limits. The reported concentrations were below the DEC Industrial SSVs except for benzo(a)pyrene in one sample which equaled the SSV.

Three SVOCs (bis(2- Ethylhexyl)phthalate, Di-n-octylphthalate and dibenzofuran) were reported in one or more characterization soil samples at concentrations

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           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 8

above detection limits. The reported concentrations were below the DEC Industrial SSVs.

Concentrations of four of the eight RCRA metals were reported above detection limits (As, Ba, Cr, Pb). The reported arsenic concentration exceeded the industrial SSV in two of four characterization samples.

The remaining four RCRA metals (Cd, Hg, Se, Si) were not reported above detection limits in any of the characterization soil samples.

TPH was reported in all four characterization samples. The reported TPH concentration exceeded the DEC Industrial SSV in two of four samples.

No PCBs were reported at concentrations above detection limits. The characterization data were submitted to Environmental Soil Management Inc. of Louden, New Hampshire (ESMI) and the soils were found to be acceptable for disposal there. The soils were loaded by Daly into trucks supplied by ESMI on December 5, 2013. Copies of the bills of lading for contaminated soil are in Appendix E. A total of 344.17 tons of contaminated soil were transported and disposed of at ESMI.

6.0 CAPPING OF SHALLOW CONTAMINATED SOILS From October 23-30, 2013, Daly installed five protective soil layers as specified in section 3.4 of the CAP. Prior to installation, each of the five AOCs were staked out in the field utilizing dimensional data derived from the CAP as they related to fixed positions including proximal building corners and groundwater monitoring wells. Prior to installing the fill soils, a layer of Propex Geotex 200ST Woven Geotextile Fabric was spread over the ground surface to the limits of AOCs as defined above. A product summary sheet is included in Appendix E. Daly used on-site sandy soil fill excavated from the on-site borrow pit to construct the five soil caps one in each of AOC 2, 3a, 3b, 3c and 4. Each soil cap is minimum 12” thickness plus topsoil. Each CAP was seeded with Vermont Conservation Mix and hay mulched in preparation for winter and commencement of vegetative growth in 2014. The locations and limits of the soil caps were measured and they can be found on the AOC #2,3,4 Plan in Appendix A. Photographs of the soil caps are in Appendix D.

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           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 9

7.0 MONITORING WELL REPLACEMENT On November 19, 2013, T&K Drilling working for and under the oversight of KAS installed a new, 2” groundwater monitoring well within the limits of the excavated soils in AOC #1. The new well, designated MW-1617R, was located such that it is in a position to detect residual groundwater contamination beneath the removed drywell if such contamination existed. The well was installed through approximately 15’ of sandy backfilled soils to a final depth of 33’ bgs. Soils from the limits of backfill at 15’ bgs to 33’ bgs were a fining-downward sequence of silty fine sand and sandy silt. Groundwater was encountered at an approximate depth of 25’ bgs. Evidence of contamination in the soils beneath the former drywell was not encountered except for one PID reading in the soils from 15-17’ bg where a PID reading of 7.6 ppm was encountered, below the specified threshold of 10 ppm for soil removal. The new monitoring well is finished with a steel locking standpipe. A well completion report is included in Appendix F.

8.0 DRINKING WATER AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING On November 14, 2013, KAS performed drinking water monitoring at the site in accordance with the approved QAPP addendum. The monitoring consisted of collection of a drinking water supply well sample for VOCs via EPA Method 524.2 and sample submittal to EAI, following purging of the system. On December 5, 2013, KAS performed groundwater monitoring at the site in accordance with the approved QAPP addendum. The monitoring consisted of locating, gauging and sampling existing monitoring wells and submittal of the groundwater samples for laboratory testing at EAI. The groundwater monitoring indicated that of the 19 groundwater monitoring wells intended to be sampled, six were dry, one had insufficient water to sample after purging, and one was not located and is presumed to have been destroyed. Consequently, eleven groundwater monitoring wells were sampled and tested for contaminants of concern as spelled out in the CAP.

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           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 10

The results of the monitoring well gauging indicated that depth to groundwater ranged from 12.95’ below top of casing (btoc) at MW-13 (parking lot area), to 45.70’ btoc at MW-19 (gravel pit area). The estimated direction of groundwater flow is toward the east. The hydraulic gradient ranged from 5% to 10 % near the dealership building. No light aqueous phase liquids were measured or observed during monitoring well gauging and sampling. Eleven groundwater samples were submitted under chain of custody procedures to EAI for analysis of VOCs via EPA Method 8260b and for RCRA 8 Metals via EPA Method 6020. No VOCs were reported in either the drinking water sample or in the eleven groundwater samples, and none of the reported metals concentration exceeded VGES in any of the groundwater samples.

9.0 DATA VALIDATION Upon receipt of all laboratory analytical data collected during the remediation work, KAS’ quality assurance officer (QAO) performed data validation as described in the approved QAPP addendum. The validation evaluated the usability of the data generated throughout the investigation. The Data Validation Report is included in Appendix G. QAPP Modifications Representative samples were collected in an appropriate manner. The scope of work and sampling procedures detailed in the QAPP were not modified based upon field conditions encountered. Verification of Sampling Procedures & Chain of Custody As indicated in the data validation report, KAS’ QAO determined that sampling appears to have been performed appropriately and is representative of the field conditions encountered. Data should be accepted based on field sampling procedures documented.

10.0 NOTICE TO LAND RECORDS A draft notice to land records communicating the presence of residual on-site contamination in the AOCs #2, 3a, 3b, 3c and 4 has been prepared and is included in Appendix H.

Page 12: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont


January 22, 2014 Page 11

11.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS KAS and Daly completed the approved work scope contained in the April 2013 CAP document. Four of the six AOCs addressed in the CAP were remediated. The other two AOCs did not require remediation per the CAP. A total of 344 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil were removed from AOC#1. Five areas of shallow soil contamination (AOC #2, #3a, #3b, #3c, and #4) were capped including geosynthetic membrane, clean sand cap, topsoil, seed and mulch. The floor drain drywell system was properly decommissioned and the wastes from this system were drummed and properly disposed of. A replacement groundwater monitoring well was installed to replace two monitoring wells which were destroyed during soil excavation. One round of groundwater and drinking water well monitoring was conducted and the results were satisfactory. It is believed that this work has achieved the desired outcome of preparing the property for redevelopment. KAS recommends that the property be given a Brownfields certificate of completion. The on-site groundwater monitoring wells will need to be properly abandoned to comply with state requirements.

Page 13: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont



MAPS Site Location Map

Site Plan AOC#1 and Soil Excavation Plan

AOC#2,3,4 Plan Groundwater Contour Map

Page 14: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

KAS Job Number 510130318Source:

Date: 10/23/2013 Scale: NTS By: AL

Site Location Map USGS Mapping

Former Crawford's AutolandSouth Royalton, Vermont



Page 15: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 16: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 17: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 18: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 19: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont



Approvals and Notifications

Page 20: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Former Crawford’s Autoland South Royalton, Vermont BROWNFIELDS SITE SPECIFIC QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN ADDENDUM EPA RFA 12098 DEC SMS Site # 2011-4190 October 23, 2013 Amended on November 7, 2013

Prepared for: Town of Royalton PO Box 680 South Royalton, Vermont 05068

PO Box 787 368 Avenue D, Suite 15

Williston, Vermont 05495

(802) 383-0486p (802) 383-0490f

KAS # 510130318

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Brownfields Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

October 23, 2013 Amended November 7, 2013 Page ii



Form A: TITLE AND APPROVAL PAGE _______________________________________ iii


1.0 INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________5

2.0 SCOPE OF WORK _______________________________________________________7

3.0 SCHEDULE ____________________________________________________________12

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Brownfields Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

October 23, 2013 Amended November 7, 2013 Page iv


Page 24: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Brownfields Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

October 23, 2013 Amended November 7, 2013 Page 5

1.0 INTRODUCTION This site specific Quality Assurance Project Plan addendum (QAPP addendum) was prepared by KAS, Inc. (KAS) for performance of environmental sampling during cleanup at the Former Crawford’s Autoland Inc. property in South Royalton, Vermont (the “property”, see Site Location Map). This site specific QAPP addendum is to be used in conjunction with KAS’ approved generic QAPP #RFA 12098 for Brownfields environmental work in Vermont. Former Crawford’s Autoland has been the subject of several previous environmental assessments, including a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), a Brownfields Phase II ESA, and an underground storage tank (UST) removal assessment and investigation. The necessary cleanup work has been laid out in a Corrective Action Plan1

Daly Environmental Contracting of South Royalton, Vermont (Daly) and

(CAP) approved by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). 1.1. Project Organization

1 Crawford’s Autoland Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives and Corrective Action Plan Final, April 4, 2013, ECS.

KAS have prepared this QAPP summary to provide Brownfields cleanup consulting services at the former Crawford Autoland. Daly and KAS will function as an integrated team, providing all necessary cleanup and consulting services outlined in the approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP) dated April 4, 2013. Daly will be the team leader and will provide all excavation, transportation and disposal, and related services. KAS will provide environmental consulting services and field support including monitor well replacement and laboratory work. 1.2. Goals and Objectives The work scope is based on the requirements of the approved CAP. It is designed to provide environmental data concerning the sampled media to assist in the property redevelopment.. 1.3. Work Scope Summary Environmental sampling and laboratory analysis are specified in three discrete aspects of the work:

• Soil waste characterization sampling prior to off-site disposal of excavated soils in the vicinity of a floor drain drywell system;

• Soil confirmation sampling around the excavated drywell

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Brownfields Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

October 23, 2013 Amended November 7, 2013 Page 6

area to gauge the effectiveness of the soil removal;

• Groundwater and drinking water sampling.

This sampling is being performed to determine the overall efficacy of the cleanup as prescribed in the CAP. The specific tasks to be performed are presented in Section 1.3. Previously generated characterization data are being used to characterize the hazardous drywell sludges. The laboratory report levels and regulatory guidance levels for the suspect contaminants of concern are listed in updated Form K which is included as Appendix A. As of the date of this site-specific QAPP Addendum, the current state and/or federal standards have been incorporated into this table and the reporting limits and standards have been reviewed for accuracy. 1.4. QAPP Discussion KAS’ generic QAPP (RFA12098) for Brownfields work in Vermont contains a summary of the KAS standard protocols, laboratory standard operating procedures, and data evaluation requirements common to most brownfields projects. This site specific QAPP addendum includes a description of the unique cleanup sampling requirements for this property. The two documents are

designed to be used together to provide an overall evaluation framework for assessment and verification of data quality. Relevant standards to be utilized in this cleanup include:

• Commercial/industrial soil screening values (SSV) contained in the April 2012 State of Vermont Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties document;

• Groundwater Enforcement Standards (VGES) contained in the 2005 Vermont Groundwater Protection Rule and Strategy with 2007 updates;

• Drinking Water Rules contained in the State of Vermont’s Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 21, Water Supply Rule, December 1, 2010;

• TSCA Standards for management of PCB contaminated wastes, 40 CFR Part 761; and,

• State of Vermont Hazardous Materials Management Regulations, October 2006.

Specific protocols to be employed during execution of the work described herein are included in table F-1. A compilation of the site specific sampling requirements for the property are as documented in table F-2. A

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Brownfields Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

October 23, 2013 Amended November 7, 2013 Page 7

compilation of the laboratory standard operating procedures (SOPs) to be employed during this work is included in Table F-3.

2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The work scope is based on current ASTM, EPA and DEC requirements and also discussions with project stakeholders. The following specific tasks will be carried out during the Phase II ESA. 2.1. Site Specific QAPP Addendum, HASP and Approvals Site Specific QAPP Addendum KAS will prepare a site specific QAPP addendum (this document) for review and approval by the Town of Royalton, EPA Region 1 and the Vermont DEC. This document is necessary to set forth the conditions associated with collection and testing of environmental samples. The site-specific QAPP addendum will compliment KAS’ approved Generic QAPP (RFA12098) for Brownfields work in the State of Vermont. KAS will respond to comments and will obtain site-specific QAPP addendum approval prior to on-site work involving sample collection and analysis.

Permits/ Notifications/Approvals KAS will research permitting requirements to allow the work elements to take place and will acquire necessary permits. At the present time the following permits, notifications and approvals are known:

• QAPP approval from the DEC and the EPA.

Project Coordination Daly and KAS have contracted with Town of Royalton and will conduct necessary project coordination activities to allow the project to proceed as planned. Daly and KAS will maintain active communications with the involved parties including Town of Royalton, property owner, EPA and DEC. Notice of on-site activities will be given ahead of time to allow for attendance by the involved parties if desired. KAS will conduct necessary coordination/ management activities to initiate and maintain contractual agreements required to allow the work to continue. All project documents including the QAPP and the Brownfields report will be submitted to the Town of Royalton for review before distribution. Health and Safety Plan (HASP) A site-specific HASP will be prepared and implemented to govern the safety aspects of the job in accordance with the Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSHA)

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requirements. KAS will appoint one of its 40 hour OSHA 1910.120 trained persons as the Site Safety Officer with a backup also designated. No activities will take place on the site without a Site Safety Officer present. A copy of the HASP will be kept on site and will be available to other parties at any time requested. All HASP requirements will be passed onto subcontractors. 2.2 Designated Field Work Tasks Following is a synopsis of the work that Daly and KAS have contracted with the town to do. This work scope is directly drawn from the approved CAP document and contains additional detail and sequencing information. It is noted that the project has six areas of concern (AOCs) and that four of the six AOCs are being addressed in this document. Two of the AOCs (AOC 5 and 6) are not addressed herein. Overall Synopsis and Delegation Daly Environmental Contracting Tasks

• Overall project management, sequencing and scheduling.

• Clearing and grubbing. • Removal of electric and water

lines to the mobile homes. • Removal, transport and disposal

of residual drywell liquids. • Drywell Removal.

• Excavation of contaminated soils and stockpiling (AOC #1).

• Floor drain cleaning and closure. • Transport and disposal of

contaminated soils (AOC #1). • Capping of contaminated soils in

AOC #2, 3 and 4). KAS Tasks

• Project management, coordination and scheduling of environmental tasks.

• Stake out excavation/cap areas. • Soil screening during excavation

(AOC #1). • Collection of soil characterization

and confirmation samples for lab work (AOC #1).

• Documentation of capping contaminated soil areas (AOC #2, 3 and 4).

• Monitoring well replacement and sampling of monitoring wells and the on-site drinking water supply well.

• Development of a notice to land records for approval by the Town and the DEC.

• Report preparation and coordination regarding Certificate of Completion.

Following is a summary of the tasks that this team will fulfill during the work.

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SITE PREPARATION Daly will prepare the site for the remediation work. This will include mowing and brush removal, removal of various small structures (an oil tank and a shed), construction of a temporary work road to AOC #1 and staking out the AOCs in preparation for excavation and capping. Removal of the drywell and associated excavations outlined below will require removal of the two underground electric and water lines that serve the two mobile homes. It is understood that these lines do not need to be replaced. Removal of the electric lines will be performed by a licensed electrician. There is an active telephone line overhead of the drywell location which needs to be temporarily decommissioned and then re-installed following completion of the work. CLOSURE OF DRYWELL & ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (AOC #1) The floor drain system consists of a floor trough across the garage leading to a buried concrete drywell. Once the garage is emptied of its current contents the floor drain system will be cleaned and power washed then capped with concrete. Floor drain sediments/sludge will be drummed for

transport and disposal as hazardous waste. The drywell will be decommissioned by first uncovering it then removing the top. The sediments/sludge within the drywell will be removed with a vacuum truck for off-site disposal. It is assumed this material is hazardous waste. Once the drywell is emptied it will be removed and broken up on-site for off-site disposal as construction & debris (C&D) waste. Grossly contaminated soils around and beneath the drywell, if they exist, will also be containerized either in the vacuum truck or in drums for off-site disposal as hazardous waste. If needed due to discovery of additional grossly contaminated soil beneath and around the drywell, additional characterization samples may be collected as described in this QAPP addendum Table F-2. The quantities of additional samples cannot be predicted at this time but the analytical suite would be the same as for the soil characterization samples. This work will be performed by Daly and documented by KAS. EXCAVATION & OFF-SITE DISPOSAL (AOC #1) Following removal of the drywell, 670 cubic yards (estimated 1,000 tons) of petroleum contaminated soils within the 5-15 foot depth interval will be excavated for off-site disposal. The

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contaminated soils will be temporarily stored at an on-site staging area and will be placed on and covered with polyethylene sheeting. A soil berm will be built to control runoff during stockpiling. KAS will field-screen soils during the excavations for visual and olfactory indications of contamination (staining, odors, etc.) and a portable photoionization detector (PID) will be utilized to screen soils. All soils exhibiting obvious presence of contamination and/or PID readings >10 ppm will be removed. Safe set back distances will be maintained from the building and will maintain sloping at a ratio of 1.5 to 1.0. Dewatering is not anticipated as the water table is encountered below 25 feet in this area. During the excavation, KAS will collect five composite soil samples for disposal characterization. The samples will be stored on ice and transported to Eastern Analytical Inc. (EAI) for the following analyses:

• Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260;

• Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by EPA Method 8100;

• Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270;

• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082 w/Soxhlet extraction;

• RCRA 8 Metals; • Ignitibility, pH, and

sulfide/cyanide reactivity. Following receipt of the waste characterization data by KAS and approval by the disposal facility, the soils will be loaded into dump trailers and transported to an approved disposal facility under appropriate bill of lading procedures. This work plan assumes the soils will be disposed at either Environmental Soil Management, Inc. (ESMI) of Loudon, NH via thermal desorption, or at Casella Waste Systems, Coventry, Vermont. Should the amount of soil exhibiting obvious presence of contamination and/or PID readings >10 ppm differ from the current estimate of 670 cubic yards/1,000 tons, Daly and KAS will confer with the Town, disposal facility and the DEC. Additional tonnage will require additional characterization sampling while lesser tonnage may allow for fewer characterization samples. When the excavation is complete as determined by lack of soils exhibiting obvious presence of contamination and/or PID readings >10 ppm, KAS will collect post-excavation confirmation soil samples. This will include four sidewall samples and one bottom

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sample for a total of five samples. The samples will be stored on ice and transported to EAI for analyses of the following analytes:

• VOCs by EPA Method 8260; • TPH by EPA Method 8100; • PAH by EPA Method 8270; and, • RCRA 8 Metals.

The excavations will be backfilled with a combination of clean overburden (no visual/no olfactory/PID <10 ppm) and delivered clean fill. Backfill will be compacted with a plate compactor or similar equipment via two-foot intervals. The area will be seeded and mulched to replace the surface in kind. CAPPING OF SHALLOW CONTAMINATED SOILS (AOCS #2, 3 AND 4) AOC 2, 3 and 4 will be covered with filter fabric and 12 inches of clean fill. The fill will be material derived from the on-site sand pit and will be suitable for its intended purpose. The fill will be compacted with a plate compactor or similar equipment. A layer of topsoil will be placed and the surfaces will be seeded and mulched to replace in kind. NOTICE TO LAND RECORDS KAS will prepare a draft Notice to the Land Record for approval by the Town and the DEC for areas where

contamination will remain, including AOCs #2 through 6. The notice will include a site map depicting the areas where the soil caps were installed and the UST area where petroleum contamination remains in the ground. MONITORING WELL REPLACEMENT AND TESTING It is anticipated that monitoring wells MW-16 and MW-17 will be destroyed during soil removal in AOC #1. KAS will oversee the installation of one replacement well MW-16R. The well will be installed utilizing a hollow stem auger and will consist of 2-inch PVC well material with a 10 foot screen section set to span the water table. The well will be 30’ deep. The screen section will be surrounded by sand pack and a bentonite seal will be placed above the screen, followed by native backfill. The well will be completed with either a flush mounted road box or a locking standpipe, developed and surveyed relative to the established site reference. Approximately one week following installation, all existing monitoring wells and the replacement monitoring well (21 wells) will be sampled for VOCs by US EPA Method 8260 and total 8 RCRA Metals as above. The monitoring wells will be sampled with bailers. The on-site supply well will also be tested for VOCs by US EPA Method 524.2.

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COMPLETION REPORT Following completion of the work Daly and KAS will prepare a completion report documenting the work performed. Specifically the report will include:

• Quantities of waste removed. • Surveyed locations of excavation

(AOC 1) and cap edges (AOC 2, 3 and 4).

• Laboratory testing results. • Bills of lading for off-site soil

disposal. • Hazardous waste manifests

(drummed waste including floor drain and drywell sludge).

• Groundwater maps. The report will be certified by the appropriate environmental professionals and will be submitted to the Town for review before being sent to the DEC for review. 2.3 Laboratory Data Validation/Verification Following receipt of laboratory analytical data and laboratory quality assurance information, KAS’ quality assurance officer (QAO) will perform data verification /validation as described in the QAPP. The verification will evaluate the usability of the data generated during the investigation including soil laboratory

analytical data, and will determine whether data quality objectives (DQO) are met. Parameters to be evaluated will be described in the QAPP. The QAO will prepare a data verification report that notes whether DQOs are met, and will opine as to whether the data generated during the investigation are usable for the intended purposes. 2.4 Report Preparation and Submission A Brownfields Cleanup Completion report will be prepared for review and approval. The report will be approved and signed by an environmental professional. A description of the methodologies and results will be included as will a list of deviations from the approved QAPP document, if any occur. Comparison with appropriate environmental and materials quality standards will be made, as indicated in Section 1.4. Also, the Brownfields report will contain: a site map, sampling locations; laboratory analytical data and data validation report; conclusions; and other recommendations, as applicable.

3.0 SCHEDULE The attached schedule provides a current estimate of KAS’ implementation time requirements.

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Table F-1 Project Sampling SOPs

1c. KAS Protocol #001 Soil Screening Headspace Measurement, Version 2, December 2010 Contained in KAS’ approved Generic QAPP #12098 2c. KAS Protocol #002 Monitoring Well Installation, Development and Maintenance, Version 3, December 2010

3c. KAS Protocol #003 Use and Maintenance of Electronic Interface Probes and Water Level Indicators, Version 2, December 2010.

4c. KAS Protocol #004 Soil Borings, Version 2, December 2010, KAS

5c. KAS Protocol #005 Shallow Soil Sampling, Version 2, December 2010, KAS

6c. KAS Protocol #006 Sample Containerization, Preservation, Handling and Packaging, Version 2, December 2010, KAS

7c. KAS Protocol #007 Surveying for Environmental Projects, Version 2, January 2011.

12c. KAS Protocol #012 Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling, Version 2, January 2011.

19c. KAS Protocol #019 Drinking Water Sample Collection (VOCs), Version 2, January 2011.

21c. KAS Protocol #021 Drinking Water Sample Collection (inorganic parameters), Version 2, January 2011.

34c. KAS Protocol #034 Use and Maintenance of MiniRAE Lite Photoionization Detector, Version 1, December 2010

39c. KAS Protocol #039 YSI Model 63 Handheld pH, Conductivity, Salinity and Temperature Meter, Version 1, February 2012

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Table F-2 Sampling and Analytical Methods Requirements

Parameter Matrix Quantity Analytical Method

Sampling SOP (Table F-1)

Containers per Sample (number, size and type)

Preservation Requirements

(temperature, light, chemical)

Maximum Holding Time (to extraction)

Lab Holding Time (after extraction)


Soils – Waste

Soils - Confirmatory


5 + 1 QAQC

8260b / 5035



1- 40 ml glass; Teflon cap

Cool 4° C methanol

14 days 40 days

SVOC Soils – Waste



5 + 1 QAQC (PAH Fraction


8270d 5c 1-4 oz. glass Cool 4° C 14 days 40 days


Soils – Waste



5 + 1 QAQC

8100 5c

1-4 oz. glass

Cool 4° C 14 days 40 days

RCRA 8 Metals

Soils – Waste



5 + 1 QAQC

3051/ 6020A

5c 1-4 oz. glass Cool 4° C 28 days (mercury); 6 months (other metals)


Soils-Waste 5 8082 5c

1-4 oz. amber glass

Cool 4° C 14 days 40 days

Ignitibility Soils-Waste 5 1010/ 7.1.2

5c 1-4 oz. amber glass

Cool 4° C 14 days 14 days

pH Soils-Waste 5 9045 5c 1-4 oz. amber glass

Cool 4° C 14 days 14 days

Reactivity (sulfide/ cyanide)

Soils-Waste 5 and

5c 1-4 oz. amber glass

Cool 4° C 14 days 14 days

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Table F-3 Project Laboratory SOPs Project Analytical SOPs: Location 1b(i). Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry 8260B Standard Operating Procedure; February 28, 2013, Revision #12, Eastern Analytical, Inc.

Generic QAPP RFA12098 Exhibit 2

2b(i). Semi-Volatile Organic Analytes by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry Method EPA 8270D Standard Operating Procedure, March 5, 2012, Revision #14, Eastern Analytical. 3b(i). PCB Analysis, Method 608 and 8082 Standard Operating Procedure; March 5, 2012, Version 10, Eastern Analytical, Inc. 8b. Soxhlet Extraction Standard Operating Procedure, March 2, 2012, revision #5, Eastern Analytical, Inc. 8b. Diesel Range Organics (DRO) Gas Chromatography/Flame Ionization Detector (GC/FID) Analysis by EPA SW846 Method 8015B, Standard Operating Procedure, March 2, 2012, revision #7, Eastern Analytical, Inc. 13b. Standard Operating Procedure Flashpoint and Ignitibility, January 29, 2003, Revision #1, Eastern Analytical, Inc.

Site Specific QAPP Addendum Appendix E

14b. Reactivity: Reactive Cyanide and Sulfide, SW846 and, Standard Operating Procedure, February 22, 2011, revised October 26, 2011, Eastern Analytical Inc.

15b. pH by Probe (Solids), Standard Operating Procedure, March 22, 2011, revised April 22, 2013, Eastern Analytical Inc.

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Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria (Form K) Tables Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria Method / Media Reference: VOCs via EPA Method 8260 Solids

Compound Reporting Limit


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Criteria Reference2

Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.1 94 400 IROCP Chloromethane 0.1 120 500 IROCP Vinyl chloride 0.10 0.06 1.7 IROCP

Bromomethane 0.1 7.3 32 IROCP chloroethane (ethyl chloride) 0.1 15,000 61,000 IROCP

Trichlorofluoromethane 0.1 790 3,400 IROCP Diethyl Ether (ethyl ether) 0.05 16,000 200,000 IROCP

Acetone 2.0 61,000 630,000 IROCP 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.05 240 1,100 IROCP Methylene chloride 0.10 11 53 IROCP

Carbon disulfide 0.10 820 3,700 IROCP Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.10 43 220 IROCP

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.05 135/150 690 VDH; IROCP 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.05 3.3 17 IROCP

2,2-Dichloropropane 0.05 NS NS NS cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.05 673/160 2,000 VDH; IROCP

2-Butanone(MEK) 0.5 40,400/28,000 200,000 VDH; IROCP Bromochloromethane 0.05 160 680 IROCP Tetrahydrofuran(THF) 0.5 NS NS NS

Chloroform 0.05 0.29 1.5 IROCP 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.05 8,700 38,000 IROCP Carbon tetrachloride 0.05 0.61 3.0 IROCP 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.05 NS NS NS 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.05 0.43 2.2 IROCP

Trichloroethene 0.05 0.86/ 2.8 14 IROCP 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.05 0.94 4.7 IROCP

Dibromomethane 0.05 25 110 IROCP Bromodichloromethane 0.05 0.27 1.4 IROCP

4-Methyl-2-pentanone(MIBK) 0.5 5,300 53,000 IROCP cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.05 1.7 8.3 IROCP

2 IROCP = State of Vermont Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Procedure, April 2012.

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Toluene 0.05 5,000 45,000 IROCP trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.05 1.7 8.3 IROCP

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.05 1.1 5.3 IROCP 2-Hexanone 0.1 210 1,400 IROCP

Tetrachloroethene 0.05 0.80/0.55 2.6 VDH; IROCP 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.05 1,600 20,000 IROCP

Dibromochloromethane 0.05 0.68 3.3 IROCP 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05 0.034 0.17 IROCP

Chlorobenzene 0.05 290 1,400 IROCP 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.05 1.9 9.3 IROCP

Ethylbenzene 0.05 5.4 27 IROCP mp-Xylene 0.05 590 2,500 IROCP o-Xylene 0.05 690 3,000 IROCP

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Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria Method / Media Reference: VOCs via EPA Method 8260 Solids

(Continued….) Compound Reporting

Limit (mg/kg)

Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Criteria Reference3

Styrene 0.05 6,300 36,000 IROCP Bromoform 0.05 62 220 IROCP

IsoPropylbenzene (cumene) 0.05 2,100 11,000 IROCP Bromobenzene 0.05 300 1,800 IROCP

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.05 0.56 2.8 IROCP 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.05 0.005 0.095 IROCP

n-Propylbenzene 0.05 3,400 21,000 IROCP o-Chlorotoluene 0.05 1,600 20,000 IROCP p-Chlorotoluene 0.05 1,600 20,000 IROCP

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.05 780 1,000 IROCP tert-Butylbenzene 0.05 NS NS IROCP

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.05 62 260 IROCP sec-Butylbenzene 0.05 NS NS NS

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.05 NS NS NS p-Isopropyltoluene 0.05 NS NS NS

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.05 2.4 12 IROCP 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.05 1,900 9,800 IROCP

n-Butylbenzene 0.05 3,900 51,000 IROCP 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.05 0.0054 0.069 IROCP

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.05 22 99 IROCP Hexachlorobutadiene 0.05 6.2 22 IROCP

Naphthalene 0.1 1,070/3.6 18 VDH; IROCP 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.05 49 490 IROCP

Benzene 0.05 6.24/1.1 5.4 VDH; IROCP

3 IROCP = State of Vermont Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Procedure, April 2012.

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Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria

Method / Media Reference: Metals via EPA Method / Media Reference: EPA Method 3051A/6020A

Compound Reporting Limit


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Criteria Reference4

Antimony-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 31 410 IROCP Arsenic-Soil (mg/kg) 0.2 0.39 1.6 IROCP Beryllium-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 160 2,000 IROCP Cadmium-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 34.5/70 800 VDH/IROCP Chromium-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 103/0.29 5.6 VDH/IROCP Copper-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 3,100 41,000 IROCP Lead-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 400 800 IROCP Mercury-Soil (mg/kg) 0.1 10 43 IROCP Nickel-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 1,500 20,000 IROCP Selenium-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 390 5,100 IROCP Silver-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 390 5,100 IROCP Thallium-Soil (mg/kg) 0.5 0.78 10 IROCP Zinc-Soil (mg/kg) 5.0 23,000 310,000 IROCP

4 IROCP = State of Vermont Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Procedure, April 2012.

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Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria Method / Media Reference: SVOCs via EPA Method / Soil

Reference: EPA Method 8270D Compound Reporting

Limit (SIM) mg/kg

Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Criteria Reference

2-Methylnaphthalene 0.007 310 4,100 IROCP Acenaphthene 0.007 3,400 33,000 IROCP Acenaphthylene 0.007 NS NS IROCP Anthracene 0.007 17,000 170,000 IROCP Benzo[a]anthracene 0.007 0.15 2.1 IROCP Benzo[a]pyrene 0.007 0.01/0.015 0.21 IROCP Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.007 0.15 2.1 IROCP Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 0.007 NS NS NS Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.007 1.5 21 IROCP Chrysene 0.007 15 210 IROCP Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.007 0.015 0.21 IROCP Fluoranthene 0.007 2,300 22,000 IROCP Fluorene 0.007 2,300 22,000 IROCP Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.007 0.15 2.1 IROCP Naphthalene 0.007 1,070/3.6 18 VDH/IROCP Phenanthrene 0.007 NS NS NS Pyrene 0.007 1,700 17,000 IROCP

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Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria

Method / Media Reference: EPA M8082 PCB in Soil

Compound Reporting Limit


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Relevant Criteria mg/kg


Criteria Reference5,6

PCB-1016 0.02 0.127 21 / 3.9 VDH/IROCP PCB-1221 0.02 0.12/ 0.14 0.54 VDH/IROCP PCB-1232 0.02 0.12/ 0.14 0.54 VDH/IROCP PCB-1242 0.02 0.12/ 0.22 0.74 VDH/IROCP PCB-1248 0.02 0.12/ 0.22 0.74 VDH/IROCP PCB-1254 0.02 0.12/ 0.22 0.74 VDH/IROCP PCB-1260 0.02 0.12/ 0.22 0.74 VDH/IROCP

Note: TSCA Thresholds for PCBs in waste materials are 1.0 mg/kg (threshold for jurisdiction), 50 mg/kg (PCB-containing) and 500 mg/kg (PCB contaminated).

Vermont Hazardous waste regulations define any waste with PCB at or above 50 mg/kg as hazardous.

5 IROCP = State of Vermont Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Procedure, April 2012. 6 Vermont Department of Health guidance for total PCBs. 7 Vermont Department of Health guidance for total PCBs.

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Form K Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria Method / Media Reference: EPA Method 8260 Aqueous Compound Reporting Limit (ug/l) Relevant Criteria

(ug/l) Criteria Reference8

Endyne EA Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 5 1,000 VGES

Chloromethane 3 2 30 VGES Vinyl chloride 2 2 2 VGES

Bromomethane 5 2 10 VGES Chloroethane 5 5 21,000 RSL

Trichlorofluoromethane 2 5 1,100 VGES Diethyl Ether 5 5 3,100 RSL

Acetone 10 10 700 VGES 1,1-Dichloroethene 1 1 70 VGES Methylene chloride 5 5 5 VGES

Carbon disulfide 5 5 720 RSL Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) 2 5 40 VGES

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 2 100 VGES 1,1-Dichloroethane 1 2 70 VGES

2,2-Dichloropropane 1 2 NS NS cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 2 70 VGES

2-Butanone (MEK) 10 10 4,200 VGES Bromochloromethane 2 2 83 VGES Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 10 NS NS

Chloroform 1 2 80 VGES 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 2 200 VGES Carbon tetrachloride 1 2 5 VGES 1,1-Dichloropropene 1 2 NS NS 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 2 5 VGES

8 VGES=Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standard, 1/27/05, amended 2/26/07; RSL = EPA Regional Screening Level for Tap Water; NS means no relevant standard is available.

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Form K Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria Method / Media Reference: EPA Method 8260 Aqueous

Compound Reporting Limit (ug/l) Relevant Criteria ug/l

Criteria Reference9 Endyne EA

Trichloroethene 1 2 5 VGES 1,2-Dichloropropane 2 2 5 VGES

Dibromomethane 2 2 7.9 RSL Bromodichloromethane 0.5 0.5 0.12 RSL

4-Methyl-2-pentanone(MIBK) 10 10 560 VGES cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 2 0.5 VGES

Toluene 1 1 1,000 VGES trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2 2 0.5 VGES

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 2 5 VGES 2-Hexanone 10 10 34 RSL

Tetrachloroethene 1 2 5 VGES 1,3-Dichloropropane 1 2 290 RSL

Dibromochloromethane 2 2 0.15 RSL 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 2 0.0065 RSL

Chlorobenzene 1 2 100 VGES 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 2 2 70 VGES

Ethylbenzene 1 1 700 VGES mp-Xylene 2 1 10,000 VGES o-Xylene 2 1 10,000 VGES Styrene 1 1 100 VGES

Bromoform 1 2 7.9 RSL IsoPropylbenzene 1 1 390 RSL

Bromobenzene 1 2 54 RSL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2 2 0.066 RSL

9 VGES=Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standard, 1/27/05, amended 2/26/07; RSL = EPA Regional Screening Level for Tap Water; NS means no relevant standard is available.

Page 44: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Brownfields Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

Form K Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria Method / Media Reference: EPA Method 8260 Aqueous

Compound Reporting Limit (ug/l) Relevant Criteria ug/l

Criteria Reference10 Endyne EA

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 2 2 5 VGES n-Propylbenzene 1 1 530 RSL 2-Chlorotoluene 1 2 100 VGES 4-Chlorotoluene 1 2 100 VGES

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 1 350 VGES tert-Butylbenzene 1 1 NS NS

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 1 350 VGES sec-Butylbenzene 1 1 NS NS

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 1 600 VGES p-Isopropyltoluene 1 1 NS NS

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 1 75 VGES 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 1 600 VGES

n-Butylbenzene 1 1 780 RSL 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 2 2 0.00032 RSL

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2 1 70 VGES Hexachlorobutadiene 0.5 1 1 VGES

Naphthalene 2 5 20 VGES 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 2 1 5.2 RSL

Benzene 1 1 5 VGES

10 VGES=Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standard, 1/27/05, amended 2/26/07; RSL = Regional Screening Level for Tap Water; NS means no relevant standard is available.

Page 45: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont



Soil, Groundwater and Drinking Water Sampling Data Summary and Laboratory Analytical Reports

Page 46: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Soil Sample Bottom East South North West Duplicate WS-13-1 WS-13-2 WS-13-3 WS-13-4 IROCP IROCP VDHSample Depth (ft.) 15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 SSV SSV ValuesPID reading (ppm) 1.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 8.2 287 80.9 213 Residential IndustrialSample Date 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13

VOCs, EPA Method 8260b (mg/kg)Benzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 1.1 5.4 6.24Toluene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 5000 45000 NAEthylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.11 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 5.4 27 NAmp-Xylene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.72 ND<0.05 0.6 3400 17000 NAo-Xylene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.73 ND<0.05 0.8 3800 19000 NAMTBE ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 43 220 NA1,3,5-trimethylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 3.6 0.35 5.1 780 10000 NA1,2,4-trimethylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 7.6 0.82 11 62 260 NANaphthalene ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 1.8 0.2 2.3 3.6 18 1070IsoPropylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.27 ND<0.05 0.3 NA NA NAn-Propylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.65 ND<0.05 0.5 NA NA NAtert-Butylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.07 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 NA NA NAsec-Butylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.65 0.05 0.5 NA NA NAp-Isopropyltoluene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 1.1 0.10 1.1 NA NA NA1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 2.4 12 NA1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 1900 9800 NAn-Butylbenzene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 2.3 0.21 1.9 NA NA NATetrachloroethene (PCE) ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.55 2.6 0.800Trichloroethene (TCE) ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 2.8 14 0.8601,1-Dichloroethane ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 3.3 17 NAcis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 780 10000 673trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 150 690 1351,2,3-Trichloropropane ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.005 0.095 NAChloroform ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 0.29 1.5 NAStyrene ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 ND<0.05 6300 36000 NAVinyl Chloride ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 0.06 1.7 NATotal Reported VOCs ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 19.6 1.7 24.1 - - -NOTES: All values reported in mg/kg, dry, unless otherwise indicated.IROCP = April 2012 Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties document.SSV= Soil Screening Values from Appendix A of the IROCPND<xx = Not Detected< Detection LimitResults reported above detection limits are indicated in boldDetection limits and reported concentrations above the commercial/industrial SSV are shaded.NA = No IRCOCP SSV available VDH = Vermont Department of Health Risk Based Residential Soil Concentrations (screening values)

Collected from Stockpiled Soils

Soil Sampling Data Summary

Page 1 of 3South Royalton, Vermont

Former Crawford's Autoland

Page 47: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Soil Sample Bottom East South North West Duplicate WS-13-1 WS-13-2 WS-13-3 WS-13-4 IROCP IROCP VDHSample Depth (ft.) 15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 SSV SSV ValuesPID reading (ppm) 1.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 8.2 287 80.9 213 Residential IndustrialSample Date 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13

SVOC EPA Method 8270 (mg/kg)Acenaphthene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.042 ND<0.008 0.15 3400 33000 NAAcenaphthylene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.041 0.010 0.19 NA NA NAAnthracene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.017 ND<0.008 0.034 17000 170000 NABenzo(a)anthracene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.020 0.018 0.052 0.15 2.1 NABenzo(b)fluoranthene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.021 0.021 0.071 0.15 2.1 NABenzo(k)fluoranthene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 ND<0.007 0.0081 0.023 1.5 21 NABenzo(a)pyrene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.013 0.015 0.046 0.015 0.21 0.01Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.037 0.032 0.1 NA NA NAChrysene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.024 0.017 0.079 15 210 NADibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 ND<0.007 ND<0.008 0.010 0.015 0.21 NAFluoranthene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.042 0.035 0.14 2300 22000 NAFluorene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.095 0.020 0.38 2300 22000 NAIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.018 0.018 0.045 0.15 2.1 NA2-Methylnaphthalene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 1.5 0.16 5.9 310 4100 NANaphthalene ND<0.008 0.012 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.51 0.034 2.4 3.6 18 1070Phenanthrene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.15 0.042 0.31 NA NA NAPyrene ND<0.008 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.009 ND<0.008 0.049 0.032 0.15 1700 17000 NAbis(2- Ethylhexyl)phthalate NT NT NT NT NT NT ND<0.4 1.6 0.44 4.9 35 120 19Di-n-octylphthalate NT NT NT NT NT NT ND<0.4 ND<0.4 ND<0.4 0.41 NA NA NAdibenzofuran NT NT NT NT NT NT ND<0.08 0.079 ND<0.08 0.33 78 100 NATotal Reported SVOCs ND 0.012 ND ND ND ND ND 4.26 0.90 15.7 - - -NOTES: All values reported in mg/kg, dry, unless otherwise indicated.IROCP = April 2012 Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties document.SSV= Soil Screening Values from Appendix A of the IROCPND<xx = Not Detected< Detection LimitResults reported above detection limits are indicated in boldDetection limits and reported concentrations above the commercial/industrial SSV are shaded.NA = No IRCOCP SSV or VDH availableVDH = Vermont Department of Health Risk Based Residential Soil Concentrations (screening values)

Collected from Stockpiled Soils

Former Crawford's AutolandSoil Sampling Data Summary

Page 2 of 3South Royalton, Vermont

Page 48: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Soil Sample Bottom East South North West Duplicate WS-13-1 WS-13-2 WS-13-3 WS-13-4 IROCP IROCP VDHSample Depth (ft.) 15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 SSV SSV ValuesPID reading (ppm) 1.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 8.2 287 80.9 213 Residential IndustrialSample Date 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13

TOTAL METALS (mg/kg, dry)Total Arsenic 2.6 3.5 3.1 6.0 7.8 5.4 3.6 1.6 1.5 1.9 0.39 1.6 NATotal Barium 32 65 83 56 330 140 53 31 47 35 15,000 190,000 NATotal Cadmium ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 70 800 34.5Total Chromium 25 37 37 36 60 50 24 19 24 23 NA NA NATotal Lead 6.1 12 7.7 6.9 17 13 7.5 20 16 33 400 800 NATotal Mercury ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 ND<0.1 10 43 NATotal Selenium ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 390 5,100 NATotal Silver ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 ND<0.5 390 5,100 NA

Soil Sample Bottom East South North West Duplicate WS-13-1 WS-13-2 WS-13-3 WS-13-4 IROCP IROCP VDHSample Depth (ft.) 15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 SSV SSV ValuesPID reading (ppm) 1.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 8.2 287 80.9 213 Residential IndustrialSample Date 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13

TPH, EPA Method 8100TPH (mg/kg, dry) ND<20 ND<20 ND<20 ND<20 ND<20 ND<20 21 1400 240 3000 200. 1000 NA

Soil Sample WS-13-1 WS-13-2 WS-13-3 WS-13-4 IROCP IROCP VDHSample Depth (ft.) SSV SSV ValuesPID reading (ppm) 8.2 287 80.9 213 Residential IndustrialSample Date 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/14/13

PCBs, EPA Method 8082Aroclor 1016 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 3.9 21Aroclor 1221 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 0.14 0.54Aroclor 1232 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 0.14 0.54Aroclor 1242 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 0.22 0.74Aroclor 1248 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 0.22 0.74Aroclor 1254 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 0.22 0.74Aroclor 1260 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 0.22 0.74Aroclor 1262 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 NA NAAroclor 1268 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 ND<0.02 NA NATotal PCBs ND ND ND ND - 0.12

NOTES: All values reported in mg/kg, dry, unless otherwise indicated.IROCP = April 2012 Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties document.SSV= Soil Screening Values from Appendix A of the IROCPND<xx = Not Detected< Detection LimitResults reported above detection limits are indicated in boldDetection limits and reported concentrations above the commercial/industrial SSV are shaded.NA = No IRCOCP SSV or VDH availableVDH = Vermont Department of Health Risk Based Residential Soil Concentrations (screening values)

Soil Sampling Data SummaryFormer Crawford's Autoland

South Royalton, VermontPage 3 of 3

Collected from Stockpiled Soils

Collected from Stockpiled Soils

Collected from Stockpiled Soils

Page 49: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

MW-2 MW-4 MW-5 MW-9 MW-13 MW-14 MW-1617R MW-18 MW-19 UST-1 UST-2 DWS

Sample Date December 5, 2013Volatile Organic Compounds, EPA Method 8260b (µg/kg) VOCs M524.2 VGES (ug/L)Benzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 5Toluene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 1000Ethylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 700o-Xylene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5mp-Xylene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 10000Total BTEX ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.51,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5Naphthalene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<0.5 20MTBE ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<0.5 40Acetone ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 7002-Butanone ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<5 4200Chloromethane ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<0.5 30Dibromomethane ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<0.5 -Diethyl Ether ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 -Styrene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 100IsoPropylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 -n-Propylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 -Tetrachloroethene ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<0.5 5Trichloroethene ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<0.5 5Vinyl Chloride ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<0.5 21,2 Dichloroethane ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<0.5 5sec-Butylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 -p-Isopropyltoluene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 -tert-butylbenzene ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<1 ND<0.5 -Total VOCs ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND - Groundwater Elevation (ft) 77.79 74.47 74.19 72.70 119.35 130.96 78.09 76.40 74.84 79.20 74.32 - - NOTES: All values reported in ug/L, unless otherwise indicatedND<X - Not Detected (Detection Limit)Values above VGES (Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards) are shadedValues above the laboratory detection limit are in bold - means no VGES for this compoundOnly detected compounds, major petroleum and chlorinated solvents included in table

Groundwater & Drinking Water Quality SummaryFormer Crawford's Autoland

South Royalton, VermontPage 1 of 2


Page 50: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

MW-2 MW-4 MW-5 MW-9 MW-13 MW-14 MW-1617R MW-18 MW-19 UST-1 UST-2 DWS

Sample Date December 5, 2013Total RCRA Metals (mg/l) VOCs M524.2 VGES (mg/L)Total Arsenic 0.002 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 0.004 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 0.010Total Barium 0.38 0.50 0.16 0.044 0.043 0.046 1.3 0.092 0.19 0.082 0.17 2Total Cadmium ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 0.005Total Chromium 0.012 0.002 0.006 0.003 0.004 0.009 0.003 0.008 0.004 0.007 0.009 0.100Total Lead 0.011 0.003 0.008 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.008 0.014 0.015Total Mercury ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 ND<0.0001 0.002Total Selenium 0.002 0.001 0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 0.004 ND<0.001 0.001 ND<0.001 0.001 0.050Total Silver ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 ND<0.001 0.100Groundwater Elevation (ft) 77.79 74.47 74.19 72.70 119.35 130.96 81.50 76.40 74.84 79.20 74.32 NM - NOTES: All values reported in mg/L, unless otherwise indicatedND<X - Not Detected (Detection Limit)Values above VGES (Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards) are shadedValues above the laboratory detection limit are in bold - means no VGES for this compound*Silver does not have a VGES so the VTDEC secondary groundwater quality standard is presentedNM Means Not MeasuredNT Means Not Tested

Former Crawford's AutolandSouth Royalton, Vermont

Groundwater Quality Summary

Page 2 of 2


Page 51: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Liquid Level Measurement SummaryFormer Crawford's Autoland

South Royalton, Vermont5-Dec-13

Top Specific Corrected CorrectedWell I.D. Well Depth of Casing Depth to Depth to Product Gravity Hydro Depth Water Table

Elevation Product Water Thickness of Product Equivalent to Water ElevationMW-1 25.0 102.16 - Dry - - - - DryMW-2 30.00 105.10 - 27.31 - - - - 77.79MW-3 25.0 105.02 - Dry - - - - DryMW-4 30.0 104.82 - 30.35 - - - - 74.47MW-5 30.0 104.64 - 30.45 - - - - 74.19MW-6 25.0 100.34 - Dry - - - - DryMW-7 14.0 99.70 - Dry - - - - DryMW-8MW-9 25.0 93.92 - 21.22 - - - - 72.70MW-10MW-11 23.5 104.74 - Dry - - - - DryMW-12 13.0 126.30 - Dry - - - - DryMW-13 13.0 132.30 - 12.95 - - - - 119.35MW-14 13.0 144.00 - 13.04 - - - - 130.96MW-15 45.0 114.16 - Destroyed - - - - Destroyed

MW-1617R 33.0 106.40 - 28.31 - - - - 78.09MW-18 45.0 121.70 - 45.30 - - - - 76.40MW-19 40.00 120.54 - 45.70 - - - - 74.84MW-20 40.0 116.80 - 42.50 - - - - 74.30UST-1 29.0 105.20 - 26.00 - - - - 79.20UST-2 30.0 102.00 - 27.68 - - - - 74.32

NOTE: All values reported in feet.Monitoring well elevations for MW-1 through MW-15 and MW-18 through MW-20 from Table 5 of ECS' CAP report, April 2013.Monitoring well elevation for MW-1617R surveyed by KAS on December 5, 2013.Monitoring well elevations for UST-1 and UST-2 from Table 1 of ECS' Initial Site Investigation report, October 2012.NM = Not MeasuredThere was insufficient water in monitoring well MW-20 to allow for sample collection after well purging.

No MW 8 Installed

No MW 10 Installed

Page 52: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 53: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 56: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 57: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 58: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 59: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 60: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 61: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 64: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 67: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 68: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 70: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 71: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 77: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 78: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 79: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 80: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 81: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 82: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 92: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 96: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 98: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 103: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 106: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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Page 110: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 111: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
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           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont




Page 116: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 001Date: October 22, 2013Location:Floor trough drain cleaned out

Direction:from the north

Photograph ID: 002Date: October 22, 2013Location: Sludge Pit cleaned out

Direction: from the topComments:

KAS #510130318

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

Page 117: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 003Date: October 22, 2013Location:Floor trough drain being filledwith concreteDirection:from the southComments:

Photograph ID: 004Date: October 26, 2013Location:AOC #1 staked out

Direction: from the southComments:

showing AOC #1 (drywell and soil excavation area) in preparation for excavations.

Monitoring wells MW-16 and MW-17 are visible. These weredestroyed during the excavationand replaced with MW1617R.

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Page 118: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 005Date: November 11, 2013Location:Exposed drywell at AOC #1

Direction:from the westComments:

showing the pipe and drywellexcavation preparing to remove the drywell.

Photograph ID: 006Date: November 11, 2013Location:Exposed drywell at AOC #1

Direction:from the westComments:

showing drywell contents afterthe cover was lifted.

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Page 119: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 007Date: November 11, 2013Location:Exposed drywell at AOC #1

Direction:From the westComments:

showing emptied out drywellwith bottom lip exposed

Some grossly contaminated soils are visible at the bottom of the drywell and these were removed and drummed for disposal

Photograph ID: 008Date: November 11, 2013Location:AOC #1 excavation

Direction:from the southComments:

showing AOC #1 excavationpost-drywell removal.

KAS #510130318

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

Page 120: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 009Date: November 11, 2013Location:AOC #1

Direction:from the eastComments:

showing AOC #1 duringexcavation with contaminated soils in the process of removal.

Photograph ID: 010Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #1 final exavation

Direction:from the northComments:

showing AOC #1 excavationlimits at the time of the confirmatory sampling.

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Page 121: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 011Date: November 14, 2013Location:Temporary Contaminated SoilStockpile from AOC #1Direction:From the southComments:

showing temporary stockpileduring characterization samplecollection

Photograph ID: 012Date: October 26, 2013Location:AOC #2 (former car crusing area)Direction:from the southComments:

showing capping of AOC #2 in progress.

Phase I Environmental Site AssessmentFormer Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Photographic Documentation

Page 122: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 013Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #2 (former car crushingarea) completedDirection:from the southComments:

showing AOC #2 afterinstallation of cap soils, topsoil, seed and mulch.

Photograph ID: 014Date: October 26, 2013Location:AOC #3A during soil cap installation

Direction:from the southComments:

showing soil cap installation at AOC #3a.

Propex Geotex ST200 geomembraneis visible below the soil cap.

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Page 123: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 015Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #3a completed

Direction:from the eastComments:

showing AOC #3a after installation of cap soils, topsoil, seed and mulch.

Photograph ID: 016Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #3b completed

Direction:from the northComments:

AOC #3b is in the background

AOC #1 is in the foreground completed

Phase I Environmental Site AssessmentFormer Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Photographic Documentation

Page 124: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 017Date: October 26, 2013Location:AOC #3c in progress

Direction:from the northComments:

Propex Geotex ST200 geomembranevisible below cap soil placement

Photograph ID: 018Date: October 26, 2013Location:AOC #3c

Direction:from the southComments:

Propex Geotex ST200 geomembranevisible below cap soil placement

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Page 125: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 019Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #3c complete

Direction:from the westComments:

Photograph ID: 020Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #4

Direction:from the northComments:

showing jute mat and culvert drainagestructures installed along soil cap

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Page 126: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 021Date: October 28, 2013Location:AOC #4

Direction:from the northComments:

Propex Geotex ST200 geomembranevisible below cap soil placement

Photograph ID: 022Date: November 14, 2013Location:AOC #4 complete

Direction:from the southComments:

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Page 127: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Photograph ID: 023Date: Novembe 19, 2013Location:AOC #1

Direction:from the northComments:

Replacement Monitoring well MW-1617R

89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont

KAS #510130318

Photographic DocumentationPhase I Environmental Site Assessment

Former Crawford's Autoland

Page 128: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont




Page 129: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were



©2009 Propex Operating Company, LLC

P r o p e x O p e r a t i n g C o m p a n y , L L C P H : 4 2 3 8 9 9 0 4 4 4 6 0 2 5 L e e H i gh w a y , S u i t e 42 5 P H : 8 0 0 6 2 1 1 2 7 3 P O B o x 2 2 7 8 8 F A X : 4 2 3 8 9 9 7 6 1 9 C h a t t a n o o g a , T N 3 7 4 2 2 w w w . g e o t e x t i l e . c o m

GEOTEX 200ST is a woven slit film geotextile produced by Propex, and will meet the following Minimum Average Roll Values (MARV) when tested in accordance with the methods listed below. The individual slit films are woven together in such a manner as to provide dimensional stability relative to each other. The construction of the geotextile makes GEOTEX 200ST ideal for soil separation and stabilization and meets AASHTO M288 Class III standards. The geotextile is resistant to ultraviolet degradation and to biological and chemical environments normally found in soils.

GEOTEX 200ST conforms to the property values listed below.1 Propex performs internal Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC) tests that have been accredited by the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute – Laboratory Accreditation Program (GAI-LAP).


PROPERTY TEST METHOD ENGLISH METRIC Mechanical Tensile Strength (Grab) ASTM D-4632 200 lbs 890 N Elongation ASTM D-4632 12 % 12 % Puncture ASTM D-4833 90 lbs 400 N CBR Puncture ASTM D-6241 700 lbs 3110 N Mullen Burst ASTM D-3786 400 psi 2578 kPa Trapezoidal Tear ASTM D-4533 75 lbs 330 N Endurance UV Resistance % Retained at 500 hrs ASTM D-4355 70% 70%

Hydraulic Apparent Opening Size (AOS)3 ASTM D-4751 40 US Std. Sieve 0.425 mm

Permittivity ASTM D-4491 0.05 sec-1 0.05 sec-1

Water Flow Rate ASTM D-4491 4 gpm/ft2 160 l/min/m2

Roll Sizes 12.5 ft x 432 ft 15.0 ft x 360 ft 17.5 ft x 309 ft

3.81 m x 131.7 m 4.57 m x 109.8 m 5.33 m x 94.2 m

NOTES: 1. The property values listed above are effective 06/2009 and are subject to change without notice. 2. Values reported in weaker principal direction. All values listed are Minimum Average Roll Values (MARV) unless otherwise noted, calculated as the

typical minus two standard deviations. Statistically, it yields a 97.7% degree of confidence that any samples taken from quality assurance testing will exceed the value reported.

3. Maximum average roll value. Maximum Average Roll Value (MaxARV) is calculated as typical plus two standard deviations.

Page 130: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 131: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were
Page 132: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont




Page 133: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Well No: MW-1617RFormer Crawford's AutoSouth Royalton, VermontKAS Project #: 510130318 Date Installed: 11/19/13

Drilled by : T & K Drilling Drilling Method: HSADriller: Kevin Singleton Boring Diameter: 8.25"

Supervised by: ARL Development Method: Disposable Bailer Logged by: ARL Screened Length: 10'

Soil Characteristics



1.00 Pen/Rec (') Interval (')

Grade = 0 Blow Count PID (ppm)

1.00 Well installed in approx. 15' sandy back fill, not sampled1.502.00 Ft<Grade


3.00 Sandy backfill from grade to -5'3.50




5.50 Bentonite plug from -5' to -6'6.00












12.00 Sandy backfill from -6' to -22'12.50





15.00 24"/18" 15-17' SILTY SAND (SM) SM15.50 6-6-7-8 7.6 tan, dry16.00



17.50 24"/18" 17-19' SANDY SILT (ML) ML18.00 5-5-5-9 0.1 olive-tan, wet18.50

19.00 24"/16" 19-21' SILTY SAND (SM) SM19.50 4-2-6-5 0.2 tan, moist-dry, laminated20.00


21.00 Bentonite plug from -20' to -22'21.5022.0022.5023.0023.5024.0024.5025.00 24"/18" 25-27' SILTY SAND (SM) SM25.50 1-2-2-2 0.2 brown, wet, laminated26.0026.5027.00 Sand Pack from -22' to -32'27.5028.0028.50 Well screen -23' to -33'29.0029.5030.00 24"/20" 30-32' SANDY SILT (ML) ML30.50 1-2-1-2 NR olive-tan, wet, homogeneous31.0031.5032.0032.5033.00

Steel standpipe w/ lock, Set in Cement.Existing Surface (gravel). 2" ID, Schedule 40 PVC Riser.Bentonite Seal Placed in Annulus. 2" ID, Schedule 40 PVC, 0.010"-Slotted Well Screen

Grade #1 Silica Sand Pack Placed in Annulus. Plug PointDrill Cuttings Placed in Annulus.

BR BedrockNR - Not Recorded Approximate Water Level During DrillingN/A - Not Applicable Static Water Level


Well Construction







r Sym







r Sym


Page 134: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont




Page 135: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Project Description Summary This data validation report applies to subsurface soil vapors at the Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont (DEC SMS#2011-4190; Site). Samples were collected using the scope of work according to the approved Brownfields Site Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Addendum dated October 23, 2013, amended November 7, 2013. Sampling occurred on November 14, 2013 and December 5, 2013. Laboratory analysis of samples was performed by Eastern Analytical, Inc. of Concord, New Hampshire. Please refer to the QAPP addendums for additional details concerning the site background, work scope, and standard operating procedures. The following specific data were validated:

Five soil samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) via EPA method 8260B, semi-VOCs (SVOCs) via EPA method 8270, RCRA metals via EPA method 6020, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) via EPA method 8100mod;

Four stockpiled soil samples were analyzed for VOCs via EPA method 8260B, SVOCs via EPA method 8270, total metals via EPA method 6020, TPH via EPA method 8100 mod, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) via EPA method 8082, ignitability via EPA method 1030, pH via EPA method 9045, reactive cyanide via EPA method, and reactive sulfide via EPA method;

Eleven groundwatersamples were analyzed for VOCs via EPA method 8260B and total RCRA metals via EPA method 6020; and,

One drinking water sample was analyzed for VOCs via EPA method 524.2.

The following is an overview of the various methods by which quality of laboratory data is assessed. These parameters are used to ensure that acceptable criteria of accuracy and precision are met, to ensure that any bias in reporting is below acceptance criteria, and that proper calibration of equipment has been performed.

Sampling Procedures and Protocols Sampling was performed in accordance with the procedures specified in the QAPP. Field data sheets and the field notebooks were

reviewed to ensure proper documentation of the sampling conditions. All entries were made with permanent ink. Entries included the initials of the sampler, sampling location, time, and date. All entries and equipment used were recorded on the daily work report. The chain of custody forms were reviewed to ensure the sample identification, number, type and size of sample containers, preservatives used; and signatures were properly recorded and were in accordance with the requirements of the QAPP. The laboratory was able to analyze these samples in accordance with the standard procedure. All samples arrived at the laboratory and were analyzed within EPA holding times.

Blanks Blanks measure the influence of outside factors on reported results, and field blanks, trip blanks, and method blanks all target specific factors in the sampling process. Field blanks are used to ensure that proper decontamination procedures are followed in the field, and trip blanks are to ensure that no outside contamination resulted during transit to the lab. Method blanks are laboratory prepared blanks of pure water or sand which are analyzed with the batch of samples to ensure that there is no contamination resulting from the laboratory handling of samples or the analysis procedures. All blanks were prepared for all analyses performed and reported no detection of compounds, indicating that there was no contamination of samples.

MS/MSD and LCS/LCSD Matrix spike/ matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) and laboratory control samples/ laboratory control sample duplicate (LCS/LCSD) analysis measure accuracy, which is a way to ensure that reported results are close to the actual concentrations of the tested compounds within the sample. To ensure that the matrix of the sample, i.e. soil, is not interfering with results, a matrix spike analysis is conducted. Laboratory instruments are calibrated using solutions of known chemical makeup and concentration, so to test the effectiveness of the particular analytical method on the parent material, a known concentration of the contaminant of interest (or spike) is added to the matrix and analyzed. The laboratory control sample (LCS) is similar in that a known concentration of a chemical is added to a solution, but in this

Page 136: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

instance it is a sample prepared in the laboratory of pure water. This is to test the effectiveness of the analytical method independent of the matrix. LCS for VOCs aqueous drinking water sample was not within laboratory QA/QC limits of 70% - 130%. However, the laboratory results reported non-detect levels of VOC compounds making the data adequate.

RPD One way in which quality of data is measurable is by calculating the relative percent difference (RPD) between the sample and duplicate. RPD values assess the precision of reported values, which is indicated by a high degree of reproducibility of results. The RPD is defined as 100 times the difference between the sample result and the duplicate result, divided by the mean of the sample and duplicate result. RPD values are also calculated to assess the difference between the matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate as well as the laboratory control sample and the laboratory control sample duplicate. All soil analyses included a duplicate. Barium in soil sample Westhad a reported RPD of 81%, higher than acceptable range; however, the reported values were significantly below the designated IROCP standards. The sample results should be included for compounds have the potential to vary between soil samples. All other RPD values were reported below 50% indicating good precision.

Surrogate Recovery Surrogate recovery is measured when a compound of known quantity and concentration is added to the sample and then analyzed using the same standard method and the percentage of the compound recovered is reported. This is a way to test for bias in the analysis. If there is a low percent recovery concentration it can be deduced that other tested compounds may also be reported low, and conversely the same is true if the percent recovery is high. Surrogate recovery was performed for all analyses, excluding groundwater well samples analyses for metals. For all surrogate recovery analyses performed percentages were within the QAPP specified ranges, indicating accuracy in that the reported results are likely representative of the actual concentrations contained within the samples.

Reporting Limits Laboratory reporting limits were compared with applicable Form K criteria for each tested compound to ensure that laboratory analysis is relevant to the concentrations at which contaminants are of concern. For soil VOC analysis the compounds vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane had detection limits above the IROCP. For aqueous VOC analysis the compounds Bromodichloromethane, cis-1,3-Dichloropropene, trans-1,3-Dichloropropene, Dibromochloromethane, 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane, and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane had detections limits above the VGES.

Completeness/Deviations The data validated in this report pertains to section 2.2 Designated Field Work Tasks of the Brownfields Site Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Addendum dated October 23, 2013, amended November 7, 2013. The soil and aqueous samples were collected following procedures outlined in the QAPP and there were two deviations to note.

Ignitability, pH, reactive cyanide and reactive sulfide analysis were performed on the soil for disposal as required per the disposal facility requirements.

Various groundwater monitoring wells were unable to be sampled due to the wells being dry or insufficient water. It appears that the wells that were sampled provide adequate delineation of compounds in the groundwater at the Site.

Conclusion Based on the findings presented above, all data (soil and aqueous) should be accepted without condition.

Toni Poquette Quality Assurance Officer Attachments:Laboratory Data Validation Check List; RPD Calculator

Page 137: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: VOCs

Page 138: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VT Sample Identification:Bottom

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By:TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/17/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 139: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: East

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/17/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 140: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: South

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 141: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: North

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 142: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: West

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 143: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/17/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 144: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/17/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 145: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 146: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: vinyl chloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

have detection limits above the IROCP residential standards.

Page 147: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: SVOCs

Page 148: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VT Sample Identification:Bottom

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By:TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/15/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 149: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: East

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/15/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 150: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: South

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/15/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 151: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: North

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/15/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 152: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: West

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/15/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 153: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 154: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 155: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 156: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8270D

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 157: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: TPH

Page 158: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VT Sample Identification:Bottom

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By:TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 159: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: East

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 160: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: South

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 161: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: North

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 162: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: West

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/15/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 163: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 164: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 165: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 166: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8100mod

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 167: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: RCRA Metals

Page 168: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VT Sample Identification:Bottom

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By:TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 169: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: East

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 170: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: South

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 171: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: North

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 172: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: West

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 173: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 174: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 175: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 176: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable):

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 177: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: PCB

Page 178: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8082

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 179: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8082

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 180: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8082

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 181: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8082

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): 11/18/2013

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/19/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 182: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: pH

Page 183: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 9045

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 184: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 9045

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 185: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 9045

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 186: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 9045

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 187: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: Ignitability

Page 188: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 1030

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 189: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 1030

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 190: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 1030

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 191: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 1030

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 192: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: Reactive Cyanide

Page 193: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 194: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 195: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 196: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 197: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Soil Checklist: Reactive Sulfide

Page 198: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 199: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 200: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-3

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 201: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification: WS-13-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method:

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: soil Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/20/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 202: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Aqueous Checklist: VOCs

Page 203: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:DWS-13-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: ARL QA / QC Completed By:TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 524.2

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 11/14/2013 Analysis Date: 11/18/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 204: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-14

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropanehave detection limits

above VGES.

Page 205: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 206: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-13

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 207: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 208: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-5

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 209: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-9

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 210: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-18

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 211: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-19

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 212: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-1617R

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 213: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:UST-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 214: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:UST-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 8260B

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/10/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain: Bromodichloromethane; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene;

Dibromochloromethane; 1,1,2,2-Tretrachloroethane; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane have detection limits

above VGES.

Page 215: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

Aqueous Checklist: RCRA Metals

Page 216: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-14

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 217: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 218: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-13

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 219: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-4

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 220: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-5

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 221: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-9

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 222: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-18

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 223: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-19

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 224: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:MW-1617R

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 225: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:UST-1

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 226: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Laboratory Data Validation Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Checklists Site Name: Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, VTSample Identification:UST-2

Job Number: 510130318

Sampler: JD & VS QA / QC Completed By: TP

Analytical Laboratory: Eastern Analytical, Inc. EPA Analytical Method: 6020

Were any abnormalities presented within Lab cover letter? Yes No

If yes, explain:

Sample Matrix: Water Extraction Date (if applicable): N/A

Sample Date: 12/05/2013 Analysis Date: 12/09/2013

Was analysis completed within EPA Method specified holding time?

Yes No N/A

Any compounds detected in field, trip or method blanks?

Yes No N/A

If yes, were these compounds detected in any of the samples analyzed?

Yes No N/A

Was this sample properly labeled?

Yes No N/A

Attach spreadsheet of sample and duplicated Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for applicable samples:

RPD =100% x (sample - duplicate)

(sample + duplicate)/2

Is RPD within QAPP specified limits (≤50% soil, ≤30% GW)?

Yes No N/A (sample not duplicated)

Were laboratory surrogate recovery concentrations acceptable (70% - 130% VOCs; 30%-150% PCBs; 40%

- 130% PAHs)?

Yes No N/A

Were laboratory matrix spike, laboratory control samples, and their respective duplicates acceptable?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Are detection limits at or below the limits specified in Form K of the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

Are laboratory detection limits below the applicable standards referenced in the QAPP?

Yes No N/A

If no, explain:

Page 227: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Data Validation Report Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont

01/16/2014 KAS Project No. 510130318

RPD Calculator

Page 228: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Former Crawford’s AutolandSouth Royalton, Vermont

Sample: West  Duplicate11/19/2013 11/19/2013 RPD

PARAMETER Method 6020 Method 6020

Arsenic 7.8 5.4 36.4Barium 330 140 80.9Cadmium ND(0.5) ND(0.5) n/aChromium 60 50 18.2Lead 17 13 26.7Mercury ND(0.1) ND(0.1) n/aSelenium ND(0.5) ND(0.5) n/aSilver ND(0.5) ND(0.5) n/a

All values reported in mg/kg

RPD Calculator 

DEC SMS #: 2011-4190KAS #: 510130318

Page 229: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were


           Brownfields Cleanup Report

Former Crawford’s Autoland, South Royalton, Vermont




Page 230: Former Crawford’s Autoland 89 Crawford Autoland Lane South ...€¦ · RCRA 8 Metals. The results of the confirmation soil sampling (Appendix C) indicated that: No VOCs or TPH were

Notice to the Town of Royalton Land Records  This is to serve notice to the Town of Royalton, Vermont at the former Crawford Automotive property located at 89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont that soil in the subsurface is impacted by contamination released from various historic activities related to automotive repair, storage and salvage.  This property is further described in town records as lot #........ tax parcel #.........  The property is filed in the Waste Management Division records as the Crawford’s Autoland property, SMS Site #20114190.  On site contamination resulted from various historic activities related to the automotive repair, storage and salvage that took place on this property. The contamination consists of arsenic, petroleum and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in shallow soils at five designated locations.  This contamination is located beneath soil isolation barriers installed at Area of Concern (AOC) #2,#3a,#3b,#3c,and #4 as shown on the attached map entitled “AOC 2, 3, 4 Map”.   Details are outlined in the report titled Brownfields Cleanup Report, Former Crawford’s Autoland, 89 Crawford Autoland Lane, South Royalton, Vermont prepared by KAS, Inc., dated January 2014.This report is in the site file and is available for review at the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) offices in Montpelier, Vermont.  The conditions described in the above report and VTDEC site file do not require further remedial action or VTDEC management.  These conditions do not represent a significant risk to human health or the environment.  Nevertheless residual contamination remains in the subsurface soil.  Contact with these materials may present a low level of risk.  Prior to conducting any subsurface work, excavation, or groundwater extraction in the vicinity of the above described contamination on the property, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Waste Management Division (VTANR/DEC/WMD), should be notified.  The status of this site may only be updated or altered by the Vermont ANR/DEC/WMD.  For further information contact:  Vermont ANR Department of Environmental Conservation Waste Management Division 1 National Life Drive, Main 2 Montpelier, Vermont 05620‐3520 Tel: (802) 828‐1138