foundations of individual behavior final

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  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final




    Understanding Self

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final



    Impact on:


    Turnover Absenteeism



  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Sex/ Gender

    Problem-solving ability

    Analytical skill

    Competitive drive



    Sociability & Learning ability not gender

    dependant; turnover& absenteeism due to familyresponsibilities e.g. Shahnaz Hussain

    Lady takes time off to attend to domestic needs

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final



    Level & type of education affects individual

    behavior with increased expectations about

    positive outcomes/satisfying job,higher income

    level & different outcomes/disillusionment .Type

    of education general(arts,humanities,social

    sciences) & specialised-narrow &focussed(engineering,medicine,computer


  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final



    Refers to an individuals capacity to performvarious tasks in a job.

    Made up of 2 sets of skills:

    1]Intellectual abilities-needed to perform mentalactivities. IQ tests as in admission tests,numberaptitude, verbal comprehension,perceptualspeed

    2]Physical abilities-in ones stamina,manualdexterity..Management to identify theabilities(out of 9 basic abilities)(High score onone?) if these are major inputs needed for a task.

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    Ability-Job Fit

    Hiring procedures-focus on general

    abilities/abilities for job requirement, ignoring

    fit between the two.Technology

    changes,measurement of skills, assessing

    attitudes & personality is difficult. Employees

    abilities should neither exceed nor fall short.

    Job satisfaction to be considered.

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Marital status & no of dependants

    Marital status:Influence on absenteeism,

    turnover & satisfaction.Imposes

    responsibility,need for a steady job,steady


    No of dependants: Related to absence, esp.


  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final



    Background experience: esp for creative

    individuals.e.g. Thomas Edison influenced by

    mother;Pierre & Marie Curie, great scientists,

    raised a daughter, Irene,who won a nobel

    prize in Chemistry.

    Personal Traits: linked to creativity in

    individuals such as openness,high level of

    energy,self confidence,etc.

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    Cognitive Abilities

    An individuals power to think intelligently,&

    to analyse situations& data effectively.

    Intelligence a precondition for creativity; Ability to think both convergently(perceiving

    similarities between situations & events) and

    divergently.Firms look out for this trait for

    creativity & innovation.

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Environmental Factors

    Include such variables as economic, social,political.

    ECONOMIC factors:

    Employment level-job opportunities/job security/behof Prof & Exec,worker & cartpuller

    Wage rates-satisfy basic needs, measure ofachievement,status symbol, level of job satisfaction

    Economic outlook-industry employment affected byeconomic cycles,public sector employees insulated

    from economy; motivation changes with job security Technological change-changes job opportunities,esp

    lower leveljobs through automation, computerisation,robotics, maybe reduced skills required, job satisfactn?

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    Environmental Factors

    Cultural environment

    Forces affecting societys basic values ,perceptions, work ethics, preferences,behaviors. This shapes their basic beliefs,values & behavior.Culture varies from countryto country, within a country. Workethics,achievement needs,effort-rewardexpectations & values are cultural factors,affecting behavior.

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    Environmental Factors

    Work Ethics tinged with morals,implying hard

    work & commitment.Strong work ethics

    ensures motivated employees.

    Achievement one with high need to achieve

    tends to have a high degree of responsibility,

    uses personal performance feedback

    Political Factors- stability of government,

    political ideology of the government

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    Organisational Systems & Resources

    OB is also influenced by

    physical facilities- ventilation, lighting, secretarialsupport, dcor

    organisation structure & design-different departmentsreporting relationships,lines of communication

    leadership- & supervision to provide advice tocoaching to ind members

    & reward systems.

    Organisations establish reward systems to compensate.

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    Types of Work related Behavior-

    Behavior in organisations

    Joining the organisation-Excitement

    &anxiety-new assignment & expectations to


    Remaining with the organisation- Attract

    talent & retain competent employees

    Dissatisfied employee tends to withdraw &

    shows less productivity; satisfied employeeshows better productivity

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Types of Work related Behavior-

    Behavior in organisations..contd Maintaining work attendance-Expected to

    report for work, absenteeism is caused due to

    various reasons health, family

    responsibilities,job dissatisfaction, lack of


    Performing required tasks- Hired to perform

    tasks(goal directed activities under theindividuals control)above min standards.Need

    to harness their abilities & put to

    organisational effectiveness

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Types of Work related Behavior-

    Behavior in organisations..contd Exhibiting organisational citizenship-

    organisational effectiveness depends onmore

    than just satisfactory performanceRelies also

    on organisational citizenshipbehaviors which

    extend beyond job related tasks.Include

    tleratingambiguities,accepting occasional

    impositions,sharing resources,co-operatingwith fellow employees.

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    How do employees becopme good

    organisation citizens Firms can develop citizen trust by ensuring

    fairness of the companys treatment of

    employees; by correcting the equity felt by an


    The other is the degree to which employees

    hold strong ethical values,& a sense of social

    responsibility An employee with socialconsciousness will reach out to others to help

    out; does well for the firm to hire someone

    with this value.

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Types of Work related Behavior-

    Behavior in organisations..contd Psychological factors

    Are the individuals mental characteristics&

    attributes that affect behaviorThough notobservable, have a considerable role in

    affecting behaviorProminentpsychological

    factors are personality,perception, attitudes,

    values & learning.

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    Models of individual behavior

    Theory X and Theory Y Model

    Economic & self actualizing Model

    Behavioristic & Humanistic model

    Rational & emotional Model

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    Theory X and Theory Y Model

    Assumption- theory X

    Individual is lazy, non-creative,in need of

    constant prodding Assumption- theory Y

    Individual has tremendous potential, which

    effective management may channelisetowards organisational goals

  • 8/8/2019 Foundations of Individual Behavior Final


    Economic & self actualizing Model

    Economic modelof the human being

    conceptualises the individual as totally

    economic in orientation

    Concept derived from scientific management

    philosophy of late 1880s

    Scientific management concerned for

    standardising jobs,specialising work

    functions,providing economic incentives for

    standard/better performance.

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    Economic & self actualizing Model

    Self actualizing Model- Individual is motivated

    to grow, mature & achieve/become all he is

    capable of. Model underlines that individual

    cannot be adequately described by

    physiological & economic considerations

    alone.People strive for goals like self

    fulfillment & self actualisation.Adherentscrave for personal growth,job competence

    &self-actualisation. Firm should provide

    proper conditions.

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    Behavioristic & Humanistic model

    Scholars believe that individuals can be

    described only in terms of behavior.these

    theorists interested only inobservable

    behavioras contrasted with thoughts or

    feelings.Beh model scholars believe that beh is

    environmentally determined. In the

    humanistic model,ind is more philosophicalthan scientific.Humanists believe the ind is

    capable of conscious reasoning & contol of

    their destiny

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    Rational & emotional Model

    Rational model- individual is highly rational

    like a computer..collect all relavant

    information,analyse the data & then arrive at

    a solution. They are deliberate, serious &

    computational.Emotional model-human

    beings guided by emotions.Freudians perceive

    human beings as irrational, because ofconstant conflicts among Id/birth,Ego/reality

    and super-ego/values of society- levels of


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