friend enemy j - university of · it is long...

THE BQITJRBON SEWS KY FRIDAY JUNE 27 1902 PARIS I I BACK ON THE FARM WSsen the roar o the city comes up from the street There a vision Ineffably sweet Ot a sctnc away of a dear tranquil My old chlldocod home that shall neer be forgot It Is long log so since I bade It goodby With a quivering lip with a tear In my eye And throughjall the years that have passed comes the charm Of those olden those golden days back on the farm Do the violets there in the meadow still grow Dots the little brook still through Its leafy haunts flow Are the fields just as green is the forest as cool Do the minnows still shimmer and flash in the pool Ah dear scene the fairest I ever looked on I know is unchanged though some loved ones are gone It has still the old grace it has still the old charm With the world at its happiest back on the farm Some day when this struggle this turmoil shall cease And weary Ilong for a haven of peace May fate guide my footsteps again to the place The memry of which time can never efface Let me pass In its calm the last years of my life Far away froth the town with its feverish strife May the old rooftree shelter me safe from all While I rest like a tired child back on the Malcolm Douglas in Orange Judd Farmer His Friend The Enemy By WILLIAM WALLACE COOK Author of Rogers of Butte The Spur of Necessity Mr Fitt Astrologer etc Copyright 100 by the S G McCluro CJAFTER IV CONTINUED Rumors the excitement had spread to the four quarters of the town and citizens came running from every direction adding their numbers and their excitement to the tumult- uous gathering in the hotel Give the man a show cried Chris topher Waffle shrilly springing upon a chair in the office Dont act like- a lot of hyenas Theres law in this lown and Waffle knows how to out Down with old Waffle bellowed the crowd lets ta1c the law into our own The mob warmed about Waffles overturned it and the judge rrnt down ariH was lost in the hu Xtan wave that rolled over him Mtantime Guy and Pedro hadjbee- nrl ip yeoman stervict in behalf of the L adstrong Dingle The little man had been crowded into a fiveby nven linen closet off the upper hall a ml the door locked on him Guy tin key in his hand turned gWay and confronted the clampring multitude that struggled up the stairs You ere men not brutes he touted civilized citizens and not a barbarian horde He had used that speech once in his callow youth for- a school declamation and he poured forth that much of it with all his power It sounded well caught the ers of the unruly townspeople and proved the entering wedge for a lit to reason Look Guy waved the key We have locked Col Dingle in a closet and if you will appoint some- one to guard him some one whom you can all trast we will proceed to this question and decide as dispassionately as we can what shall toe done with our prisoner Dont be like ravening wolves more of the declamation but prove that you are reasonable beings Let us go down to to the office and reason together Herbert has got the right end of the stick seconded Judge Waffle lifting up hte voice from the top of the office counter Do as he says stod lets have a concensus of opin- ion That is my wish shouted Col JVeever from line foot of the stairs Come down iellow citizens come- down and we will talk the matter To have their leader add his request settled the matter and the riotous citizens on the stairs be- gan to descend Who shall guard the prisoner asked Guy Smith No thundered Keever let sampson stand in the hall before the door Sampson pushed up the stairs with alacrity took the key from Guys hand and at once to his post When al the others were on the office floor a debate as to the punishment which should be meted out to Col Dingle was at once be f unA few suggested hanging in no equivocal terms a largfc number were of the opinion that tarring and go while a coscrvatfive Element bl1 lleved that Col Dingle would suffer a ifficient if he were set a pole a id ridden out of town Q here was but one point on which the agreement was anything like be fcig unanimous and that was that Dingle before he was dealt with in any manner whatever should go down on his knees to Col Keever und implore his pardon iuy was against this and so was Waffle and of course Bill Comfort Arguments pro and con came fast aid furious and an hour passed with- out bringing tile dissenting factions closer together than they were At tint Misunderstandings began to out and more than one harsh was bandied back and forth Just when it seemed that the citizens would come to blows a despairing cry for help float- ed down from upstairs It was Samp voice What had happened- J t flash every voice was hushed rItES tar pot that farm of hands caar 5 Over per- t nui r P dro pro eded waS as far as they should 1 oJ lang ing sec harnj C- ot I I deal- t debates 3 1 j i I I I leathering ft stride cop cord J t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > and the crowd caught its breath Then came the slamming of a door followed by a crashing sound and hollow groan Guy led the rush for the second otory and found when he reached the top of the stairs that the closet door was ajar the prisoner gone and Sampson lying in a huddled heap on the floor without sound or move- ment The astounded citizens looked from one to another and as they looked the swift fall of a horses hoofs echoed up from the street by a shrill and triumphant yell With one accord the crowd flocked to the windows and caught a fleeting glimpse of Col Dingle ca- reering madly in the direction of Harmony He was mounted on the horse which Guy had ridden the night before and was waving over the weather vane that had been re cently affixed to the roof of the new courthouse V CHAPTER V The citizens of Concord were stupi fied That weathervane was a symbol- of their defiance of the other town and to have the hated Dingle come bra- zenly among them insult their leader in a peculiarly irritating manner es cape mysteriously while they were wrangling Over the method of pun ishment and flee with the grotesque galvanized figure waying over his head was enough to paralyze the most rabid partizan Christopher Waffle was a Concord man to the marrow of his bones but he had no love for Col bly because the Colonel had once over charged him for a threshing ad Nor had Waffle admired the Colonels handi work as exemplified in the weather- vane The judge had said that he was coarse and brutally insolent and that would happen on account of it for which they would be sorry In the present crisis the judge was first to find his voice and he cried in tones vi brant with a certain kind of triumph- I told you so Thats what Waff said all along supplemented Bill Comfort The swarm turned upon the judge wrathfully and Col Keever shouted And do you sir do you mean to champion the cause of this contempti- ble sneak from the other side of the county No never But Dingle has done this town a service by making off with that monstrosity What gasped the crowd Waffle Bill Comfort planted himself at the judges side and defiantly reiterated the judges statement Col Keever was red and wrathful A clash was impending ajid Guy pushed his way between the impending fac- tions Enough of this saidhe We have- a poWerJul enemy in y contending amoung ourselves suppose- we inquire into the method of Col Dingles escape And forgetting about him He may be severely hurt This was sufficient to turn the atten tion of the crowd into another chan i accom- panied hishead hi Keeverpossi something glaring- at Y ndingh and can t hope to present an undivided front steador Sampsonwe- are se unless ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = GUY CONFRONTED THE CLAMORING and Guy led the backward ment along the hall to where the unfortunate printer was lying Sampson had not moved a hairs breath He was flat on his back his arms and legs sprawled out and his eyes closed There were no visible marks of injury upon his face and Guy dropped down on one knee and lifted his head As he did this Guy saw a section of glittering gold chain on the floor under the printer and he dropped one hand over concealed in his palm else had glimpsed the bit of jewelry and Guys heart was in his throat the instant his eyes fell it At a favor able moment he transferred the chain to his continued exam- ination of Sampson f ff Stand back commanded the Colonel Give him Get some water somebbdy Gentlemen gentle men that boy has been the trial of my life but if he has been sacrificed by the venomous Dingle Ill call the murderer out by gad Ill face him with a six shooter and my word for it hell be carried off the field That awful threat silenced the by- standers and forced them back but Guy saw Waffle hudgeiis engineer and whisper something that made them both grin sarcastically Youll not have to Colonel said Guy ampsbnspulse is normal and his heart strong and I cant find a wound him Pedro arrived just then with a glass of ice water In his excitement he dashed the whole of it in the printers face The effect was instantaneous and Sampson saup rolling his eye and spluttering Who did that 1 were his first words MULTITUDE- nl more the sp t itand pocke arid his J stan Dingle on No- ne oil air out ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Sampson said the Colonel tender ly Do you know me Look boy Course I know you Who hit me with that butket of water thats whit I want to find out Nice way to treat- a man when hes down Sampson got up energetically and looked about him indignant eyes There there Samp said the Colonel soothingly You were mocked flown by that brute of a Dingle Dont you remember Oh yes returned Sampson peer ing at the oRen door of the closet and rubbing his forehead in a bewildered way Did he escape- I should say he did Sampson How did it happen Tell us about it Well replied Sampson I heard him hunting around in that closet and I opened the door to see what he was up to After that theres a blank kind of mixed up with shooting stars com ets and other bright things Where did he hit you inquired GuyGive it up That is exactly what Guy did Either the printer had had a timely attack of heart failure or elsehe was shamming Whats this asked Comfort who had wandered into the closet and was now standing with his eyes fixed on the door The next moment he stepped back into door shut and all could se was a letter fastened to one of ihe panels Mith a pin The crowd surged eagerly For that archconspirator Keev er with the compliments of Col Din- gle read Mr Glimmer as he jerked the note from the door and handed it to the Colonel Read it Colonel chorused the crowd palpitating with curosity The Colonel tore off the end of the envelope and drew out the inclosed sheet His eyes flashed fir e as he swept over the few lines the note con- tained his face became convulsed with passion and his breast shook with his labored breathing Read it read it clamored the by- standers No roared the Colonel This is for me alone for me I have borne with this contemptible cur beyond en durance The villain The rascal Let him look to himself now if he canThe Colonel spun about on his heel and made off ragefully as fast as he was able Sampson shot after him and then the crowd disintegrated by twos and threes and drifted in the di- rection of the post office discussing the exciting events of the morning and asking each other what that note could possibly have contained to set off at such a tangent- A faycrable moment presenting itself Guy drew Pedro into the par the secondfloor Those two Sisters Of Charity are staying in this hotel arent tb ey Mr Smith asked the young man Yes replied Pedro Where did they come from Do you know I dont know a thing bout them They havent spoken half a dozen words to me Have you made any guess as to what they are here for Some charity or other I suppose Please ask them to come to this parlor Tell them that a gentleman who is charitably disposed would like- a short interview with them Pedros eyes opened wide as he went away to carry out Guys request Presently there was a rustle of gar ments alpng the hall and the two la dies still deeply veiled entered the parlor Guy bowed They acknowl edged the greeting with a slight courtesy Pedro was standing in the doorI will join you in the office in a few moments Mj Smith said Guy significantly Pedro went away disappointedly The young man waited until he heara the proprietors footsteps de- scend the length of the stairs and thenadvanced to one of the ladies and handed her the chain which he had found a short time before You must have the clasp repaired Miss Vlaridingham he said in a low tone Both ladies started back instinctive- ly and then a low laugh came from Betty as she her veil aside revealed her smiling face You are very kind Mr Herbert said taking the bracelet She turned to her companion Is the gentleman of whom I was tell ingyou We are discovered you see in I spite of all our precautions and that proves that the best laid plans of nice and maids gang aft agley llrf- lerbert7Miss Pinkney v- MisSPirikney was reassured by her Companions confident manner and likewise dropped her veil She was a darkly beautiful girl and although she seemed a trifle frightened her gaze was steady and her were rigidly firm She bowed formally a very friend of mitfeV and quite as determined to assist in winnipg the county seat as lam both been very reckless said Guy gravely The citizens of Concord are exceedingly wrought up over the events of the morning and I tremble to think of your position if you chanced to be discovered We shall not be discovered an swered Miss Betty pertly That is not unless you see fit to reveal our identity I would not do that retorted Guy indignantly- But we are here hrEhe interests of Harmony you know no doubt of that It would be to interest to have us apprehended and and made pris- oners Miss Lois paled and flashed a glance at her companion- I would rather have Concord lose the county seat said Gwy Miss Betty fixed tier melting blue- I eyes upon him for a spaces U ith tb it j theColonel 1 j t ana swit hed he Loisthis Ups I pss pinkney resumed Miss Bet t have You know Ihave star- tled ball pulled tn brim Mi deu your ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < + Concord will be ruined whfrn lIar mony gets the count seat she went on I suppose however that you art very wealthy and would consider as mere bagatelle the depreciation in value of a thousand or more lots Guy started to tell Her that he had hardly a dollar hc could call his own outside of the town but he bit his lip and kept the words back Miss Vlandingham he said in stead you and Miss Pinkney must return at once to Harmony I will get a conveyance and drive you back Not for worlds would I allow you to do that If the Concord people ever found out what you had done they would turn against you Ill chance it Perhaps you would but we wont Miss Betty tossed her head Guy was desperate Really Miss Vlandingham he said earnestly I must insist that you let me drive you back to Harmony Really exclaimed Miss Betty laughing at him with her eyes Well sir we insist on staying here until we accomplish the work that brought us You will not deport us against our willYou are a pair of madcaps averred Guy helplessly If you came oyejr Jie to assist Col Dingle e come for that she in- terrupted hastily I am sorry you have such a opinion of us as to think we would bear a hand in such a matter Had I been informed of Col Dingles purpose he would never have come Yet I fund your bracelet dcse to the room 5rom which Col Dingle es- caped To Be Continued HIS SYSTEM FAILED Willie Couldnt See the Doctors Because It Not Visible Dr Saxton was a very learned man with thin sldn that reddened on the slightest provocation and very light not to say white ejelashes In the hard days immediately after th civil war in the absence of other charge of the village school and was soon nearly beside himself with what seemed the impossible task of get- ting little Willie Brewer to learn his Finally Dr Saxton resorted to a system of mnemonics original with himself and began with what he thought were the easiest letters re- lates Womans Home Companion Now Willie he said when you come to this long straight letter just think of your eye Remember now that is I But when Willie came bade to the electors knee an hour later he had forgotten What is that my son inquired the doctor do know Oh yes you do What is it QU- couragingly- I do know with mournful con- viction What do you see here asked th doctor pointing his forefinger close to his own eye and involuntarily shutting and squintingup that organ as he did so Willie looked earnestly and much longer than seemed necessary dont see nothln he at last whis pered out but six little hairs- A Theological Horse Reporter Ambrose Bierce while out in San Francisco recently visited the nevi house of an old friend a gentleman of Irish extraction The hostess evi- dently took great pride in the house of which and beautiful and gave every evidence of taste and refinement Mr Bierce whc has an eye for the beautiful gave un stinted praise to everything he saw But he said I am sorry to that your house beautiful as it is lacks one ornament which no Irish house should be without What is that she asked unsTw piciously A pigV Replied Mr Bierce with a satisfied chuckle The hostess eyes sparkled did she said indignantly but you have supplied the want N Y Times Still Held the Ribbon Not so many years ago A veteran teacher in the boys high school who often made his classes wince under the lash o his bitter v and ready wit One day a little halfstarved yellow cur strayed into the school and the boys thought they saw a chance t6 express their feelings towards Fussy who was busy in an other room The frightened mongrel was picked up quickly fitted with a pair of large wire spectacles anil placed on the teachers chair Fussy entered the walked to his desk calmly SUK eyed the work of his pu- pils and then turning to them said In my absence I see you have held a business meeting and elect- ed one of your number chairman Argonaut Force of habit Miss Upperton at the ball Let ua have another round before the musio stops DeRogejr Sure and remember thii round is on me er that your pardon Miss Upperton Another waltz did you say With pleasure Chicago Daily News Roasted Janitor Mrs is that odor of cooking in the hall John dear Mr Newlywed its your mother in the basement my love roasting janitor Judge Willingness to lie Taught Willingness to be taught whaij w do not know is the sure pledge oi growth both in knowings and wia dim Blair r the good doctor tool ab s I white thefurnishings verenew see DIne room isbeg NewlywedWhat th Ii F a poor Eye Was em- ployment 1 1 F ri there was sar- casm pleas- antly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > HHEHOBIE GOLD CURB An Ingenious Treatment which Drunkards are Beiiiir Cured Daily in Spite of Them- selves No Noxiuons Doses No Weak- ening of the Nerves A Pleas ant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit- It is now generally known and under- stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not w jakneaa A body tilled with and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxi- cating liquors requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destroying the craving for intoxicants Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without pub- licity or loss of time from business by this wonderful HOME GOLD CURE which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most case no matter how hard- a drinker Our records show the mar- velous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober industrious end upright men WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS CHILDREN CURE YOUR I This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but a specific for this disease only and is so devised and prepared that EO that it can be given in a of tea or coffee without the knowledge- of the person taking it Thousands of have oared themselves with this priceless remedy and as many more have been cured and made temporate men by having the CURE adminis tered by friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea and today that they discon tinved drinking of their own free will DO NOT WAIT Do not be deludged by apparent and misleading improve ment Drive out the disease at once and for all time The HOIdJ GOLD CURE is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than he others costing 25 to 50 Full directions accompany eacb package Special advice by skilled phy- sicians when requested without extra charge Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar Ad dress Dept H 612 EDWIN B GILEsl CO 2330 and 2332 Market Street Philadelphia correspondence strictly confiden Cheap to California fhe Burlingtons Very Low One Settlers Rates Every day during March and April nly 30 St Louis to California terminals via Bur- lington Route Denver Scenic Colorado md Salt Lake City Special through tourist sleepers- to San and Los Angeles personally conducted over the above route through Colorados wonderful by daylight Wednes- day night from St Louis and Chicago Secure through berths at date rush in these Burlington excursions the of all to Two great Coast trains daily with free Chair carsNorthwest Rates Settlers rates to the far North- west daily during March and April The Pacific Express is the train through equipments from St Louis md Kansas to the upper Northwest region HomeSeekers Excursions These are run the first and third Tues of each month to the entire West md Northwest Ask agent for details Do us the favor to write us of your pro Dosed trip and let us advise the lowest cost the best route and trains j end you printed matter free and assist you DPA 406 Vine st Genl PasAgt Cincinnati Ohio St Mo HOWARD ELLIOTT General Manager St Louis Mo To Cure Cold in One Day rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the if it fails to cure E W Grows signature j on each box 25c j25lyr Travelers to California desire to see the grandest and most impressive en route This you do by selecting the Denver Rio Grande slid Grande Western The Scenic Line of the and The Great Salt Lake Route in one or both directions as this line has two separate routes across the Rocky Moun Tickets reading via this route are available either line the Royal Leadville over Tennessee Pass through the Canon of the Grand River wood Springs or via the line over Marshall Pass the Black Canon of the Gunnison thus enabling the traveler to ase one of the routes and the other returning Three splendidly equip the Coast which standard sleepers between Chicago St Louis Denver and San Dining car service a la carte on all through trains If you contemplate such a let ussend you illus trated pamphlets free S K Hooper G P T A Col ISmartf WHERE TO STOP When in Lexing ton the place to stop is at Hotel It is for Paris and Bombon county people and is undei the management of genial James Con nors of the Fordharn Hotel in this city The house is heated by steam and the table is at all times plied with the best the market affords Make It your home 14jantf FOR 28 cents in you can a free trial of Wilsons Tobacco Cure Has cured CORP WILSON 31 janftf Calvert Texas TALK to T porter Smttfc bout flrt- ararnce I thoroughly soluble to lovtn 1 I al and best ng VlI SIIAW L WAKE Y A an ped are to acific Denver 1 cn1lf rly thou nds fr K J d M if r i poi- son FATHERS Itis W Denv rand via 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = < > > < 31 TO HE BIT AND RETURN ST LOUIS FOR ELKS GRAND LODGE MEETING Tickets on ea A tat 7 to 10 limited Sep tember 30 The trap Lake the Denver aud Rio t i jie and Rio Grande Wectcrn The Scenic Line of the World IB the most beautiful in America No Euro- pean of equal length can compare with grandeur or wealth of novel marlStf 4750 TO OEIFOP ANI RETURN si ST LOUIS Tickets on sale 22 to 27 limited June 25 June 2 to 7 limited 31 August 3 to 8 limited September 30 These rates aonlv and lllo Grande and Rio Grande Western The Scenic Line of the World wblcn passes the most famous points of Interest in Rocky Mountain region and you should see that your ticket via this route In order to make your trip most en joyable marStf 600D AS NEW- We Are prepared to Clean Pies and Repair and make them as good as new Work satisfactory or no charge Work done promised Prices reasonable Give us a call Shop over Thomas Talbotta ivery Stable Main streetTHOMAS BROS THE MIDLAND ROUTE LOCAL TIME CAUD In Effect December 15th 1901 3 40 rso Lr f f 62 7 02 00 7 10 10 7 20 18 7 26 22 7 31 28 7 40 f 88 7 60 48 8 07 15 5 00 8 20 5 10 8 27 I 5 12 8 30 SUNDAY Steadmantown Elkhorn Switzer Stamping Ground Johnson Georgetown Newtown Centervllle Elizabeth Paris UDopotC Ar 11 20 7 18 t f 11 07 7 01 11 00 6 54 10 0 6 44 1 10 43 0 37 1 10 87 0 81 10 33 8 25 10 28 8 23 9 64 8 11 0 40 6 03 I 5 4ft 080 A connects with B connects with Q fc 0 C connects with Kentucky Central 340p 650a IT Frankfort A ISp 7 40a A L 10 8a 6 5 8 SOs A Paris L 9 30a 5 47p 8 lOp 11 42a A Wlnchestter L 5 55a 2 A L Cyuthiana L 254pA Richmond L I Wp GItOB HARPER Jos J NEWTON Pres and Genl Supt G P A THE CALIFORNIA LIMITED Now In Service Daily i Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Sante Fe The Burlingtons New Fast Den- ver Train Its NebraskaColorado Express now leaves St Louis 215 pm arrive at Denver 315 p m next hours Travelers arriving at St Louis in the morning a half day for business or visiting in the Worlds Fair City at 316 pm next day they are in Denver with the afternoon in the city before leaving for the Coast via Scenic No other through train to Den- ver offers such a remarkably convenient schedule The Burlingtons other train loaves St Louis at 9 m Personally conducted California Ex cursions from St Louis every night in tourist sleepers via Scenic Colorado- TO THE NORTHWEST The BurlingfoaNorthern Pacific Express is the great through St Louis and Kansas Montana Washington Tacoma Seattle ortland TO THE WEST The Burlington runs the best equipped trains to St Joseph Omaha St Paul Minneapolis Write us of your proposed trip and let us advise you the cost send yon printed matter free etc W M Shaw D P A 400 Vine street Cincinnati O L W Qeni Passr Agent St Louis Md Howard Elliott General Manager 3t Louis Mo SEND 33 cents and a lull trial of Wilsona Morphine Cure Tested for 14 years success- ful Send to CORP WILSON Calvert Texas 31ja- nHSMOKELESS LAMPWICK Make old burn like new Why o be annoyed with the old kiud g- oS can get a SMOKELESS Wick No O O 53 lamp They save time and money gg Send us a piece of paper tho width o of your and we six flat or two No 2 0 round wicks 5 Solar Light Co Dept A AUGUST osTt MouitonioTrsi FROM gait enery through Colorado and UtahvIa the Denver I Frankfort OInolnnatI 8g px AM AX N03 Nol loi Jl04 FrankfortA u B u u t h I u u u 568 6 9 42 5 u 82 u U IS 47 L N 1120a 7 II 709a liSp A G 20a 7 20p i I daythree Colo- rado DQnver Wednes- day nsas t Wn el i Jj I i H you black chimneys No bad odors Makes a light and a cleaner n Ith 0 postpaid to any sddros with HOv SprIngfield O ellD FARUEltS wante asngents i r 1 0 SiT DAILY EXC1IIT j I I I J I I 69 9 4 I r free 0s s 2 LAMPSFuss T1fl UtlM ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < >

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Page 1: Friend Enemy j - University of · It Is long log so since I bade It goodby ... a school declamation and he poured ... lleved that



WSsen the roar o the city comes up fromthe street

There a vision Ineffably sweetOt a sctnc away of a dear tranquil

My old chlldocod home that shall neer beforgot

It Is long log so since I bade It goodbyWith a quivering lip with a tear In my eyeAnd throughjall the years that have passed

comes the charmOf those olden those golden days back on

the farmDo the violets there in the meadow still

growDots the little brook still through Its leafy

haunts flowAre the fields just as green is the forest

as coolDo the minnows still shimmer and flash

in the poolAh dear scene the fairest I ever

looked onI know is unchanged though some loved

ones are goneIt has still the old grace it has still the

old charmWith the world at its happiest back on

the farmSome day when this struggle this turmoil

shall ceaseAnd weary Ilong for a haven of peaceMay fate guide my footsteps again to the

placeThe memry of which time can never effaceLet me pass In its calm the last years of

my lifeFar away froth the town with its feverish

strifeMay the old rooftree shelter me safe from

allWhile I rest like a tired child back on

theMalcolm Douglas in Orange Judd Farmer

His FriendThe Enemy

By WILLIAM WALLACE COOKAuthor of Rogers of Butte The Spur of

Necessity Mr Fitt Astrologer etc

Copyright 100 by the S G McCluro


Rumors the excitement hadspread to the four quarters of thetown and citizens came running fromevery direction adding their numbersand their excitement to the tumult-uous gathering in the hotel

Give the man a show cried Christopher Waffle shrilly springing upona chair in the office Dont act like-a lot of hyenas Theres law in thislown and Waffle knows how to

outDown with old Waffle bellowed

the crowd lets ta1c the law intoour own

The mob warmed about Wafflesoverturned it and the judge

rrnt down ariH was lost in the huXtan wave that rolled over him

Mtantime Guy and Pedro hadjbee-nrl ip yeoman stervict in behalf of theL adstrong Dingle The little manhad been crowded into a fivebynven linen closet off the upper halla ml the door locked on him Guytin key in his hand turned gWay andconfronted the clampring multitudethat struggled up the stairs

You ere men not brutes hetouted civilized citizens and not abarbarian horde He had used thatspeech once in his callow youth for-a school declamation and he pouredforth that much of it with all hispower It sounded well caught theers of the unruly townspeople andproved the entering wedge for a litto reason Look Guy waved thekey We have locked Col Dingle ina closet and if you will appoint some-one to guard him some one whomyou can all trast we will proceed to

this question and decide asdispassionately as we can what shalltoe done with our prisoner Dont belike ravening wolves more of thedeclamation but prove that you arereasonable beings Let us go downto to the office and reason together

Herbert has got the right end ofthe stick seconded Judge Wafflelifting up hte voice from the top ofthe office counter Do as he saysstod lets have a concensus of opin-ion

That is my wish shouted ColJVeever from line foot of the stairs

Come down iellow citizens come-down and we will talk the matter

To have their leader add hisrequest settled the matter and

the riotous citizens on the stairs be-gan to descend

Who shall guard the prisonerasked Guy Smith

No thundered Keever letsampson stand in the hall before thedoor

Sampson pushed up the stairs withalacrity took the key from Guyshand and at once to hispost When al the others were onthe office floor a debate as to thepunishment which should be metedout to Col Dingle was at once bef

unAfew suggested hanging in no

equivocal terms a largfc numberwere of the opinion that tarring and

go while a coscrvatfive Element bl1lleved that Col Dingle would suffera ifficient if he were set

a pole a id ridden out of townQ here was but one point on whichthe agreement was anything like befcig unanimous and that was thatDingle before he was dealt with inany manner whatever should godown on his knees to Col Keeverund implore his pardon

iuy was against this and so wasWaffle and of course Bill ComfortArguments pro and con came fastaid furious and an hour passed with-out bringing tile dissenting factions

closer together than they wereAt tint Misunderstandings began to

out and more than one harshwas bandied back and forth

Just when it seemed that thecitizens would come to

blows a despairing cry for help float-ed down from upstairs It was Samp

voice What had happened-J t flash every voice was hushed










t nui

r P dro

pro eded

waS as far as they should

1 oJ

lang ing















ft stride











and the crowd caught its breathThen came the slamming of a doorfollowed by a crashing sound andhollow groan

Guy led the rush for the secondotory and found when he reached thetop of the stairs that the closetdoor was ajar the prisoner gone andSampson lying in a huddled heap onthe floor without sound or move-ment

The astounded citizens looked fromone to another and as they lookedthe swift fall of a horses hoofsechoed up from the street

by a shrill and triumphantyell With one accord the crowdflocked to the windows and caught afleeting glimpse of Col Dingle ca-

reering madly in the direction ofHarmony He was mounted on thehorse which Guy had ridden the nightbefore and was waving overthe weather vane that had been recently affixed to the roof of the newcourthouse


CHAPTER VThe citizens of Concord were stupi

fied That weathervane was a symbol-of their defiance of the other townand to have the hated Dingle come bra-zenly among them insult their leaderin a peculiarly irritating manner escape mysteriously while they werewrangling Over the method of punishment and flee with the grotesquegalvanized figure waying over his headwas enough to paralyze the most rabidpartizan

Christopher Waffle was a Concordman to the marrow of his bones buthe had no love for Colbly because the Colonel had once overcharged him for a threshing ad Norhad Waffle admired the Colonels handiwork as exemplified in the weather-vane The judge had said that he wascoarse and brutally insolent and that

would happen on account ofit for which they would be sorry Inthe present crisis the judge was first tofind his voice and he cried in tones vibrant with a certain kind of triumph-

I told you soThats what Waff said all along

supplemented Bill ComfortThe swarm turned upon the judge

wrathfully and Col Keever shoutedAnd do you sir do you mean to

champion the cause of this contempti-ble sneak from the other side of thecounty

No never But Dingle has donethis town a service by making off withthat monstrosity

What gasped the crowdWaffle

Bill Comfort planted himself at thejudges side and defiantly reiteratedthe judges statement

Col Keever was red and wrathful Aclash was impending ajid Guy pushedhis way between the impending fac-tions

Enough of this saidhe We have-a poWerJul enemy in


contending amoung ourselves suppose-we inquire into the method of ColDingles escape And

forgetting about him He may beseverely hurt

This was sufficient to turn the attention of the crowd into another chan








Y ndinghand can t hope topresent an undivided front steador


se unless
















and Guy led the backwardment along the hall to wherethe unfortunate printer was lying

Sampson had not moved a hairsbreath He was flat on his back hisarms and legs sprawled out and hiseyes closed There were no visiblemarks of injury upon his face and Guydropped down on one knee and liftedhis head

As he did this Guy saw a section ofglittering gold chain on the floor underthe printer and he dropped one handover concealed in his palm

else had glimpsed the bit of jewelryand Guys heart was in his throat theinstant his eyes fell it At a favorable moment he transferred the chainto his continued exam-ination of Sampson f ff

Stand back commanded theColonel Give him Get somewater somebbdy Gentlemen gentlemen that boy has been the trial of mylife but if he has been sacrificed by thevenomous Dingle Ill call the murdererout by gad Ill face him with a sixshooter and my word for it hell becarried off the field

That awful threat silenced the by-standers and forced them back butGuy saw Waffle hudgeiis engineer andwhisper something that made themboth grin sarcastically

Youll not have toColonel said Guy ampsbnspulseis normal and his heart strong and Icant find a wound him

Pedro arrived just then with a glassof ice water In his excitement hedashed the whole of it in the printersface The effect was instantaneousand Sampson saup rolling his eyeand spluttering

Who did that 1 were his first words


n l morethe sp t


pocke arid hisJ

stan Dingle












Sampson said the Colonel tenderly Do you know me Look boy

Course I know you Who hit mewith that butket of water thats whitI want to find out Nice way to treat-a man when hes down

Sampson got up energetically andlooked about him indignant eyes

There there Samp said theColonel soothingly You weremocked flown by that brute of a DingleDont you remember

Oh yes returned Sampson peering at the oRen door of the closet andrubbing his forehead in a bewilderedway Did he escape-

I should say he did Sampson Howdid it happen Tell us about it

Well replied Sampson I heardhim hunting around in that closet andI opened the door to see what he wasup to After that theres a blank kindof mixed up with shooting stars comets and other bright things

Where did he hit you inquiredGuyGive

it upThat is exactly what Guy did Either

the printer had had a timely attack ofheart failure or elsehe was shamming

Whats this asked Comfort whohad wandered into the closet and wasnow standing with his eyes fixed on thedoor The next moment he steppedback into door shutand all could se was a letterfastened to one of ihe panels Mith apin The crowd surgedeagerly

For that archconspirator Keever with the compliments of Col Din-gle read Mr Glimmer as he jerkedthe note from the door and handed itto the Colonel

Read it Colonel chorused thecrowd palpitating with curosity

The Colonel tore off the end of theenvelope and drew out the inclosedsheet His eyes flashed fire as heswept over the few lines the note con-tained his face became convulsed withpassion and his breast shook with hislabored breathing

Read it read it clamored the by-

standersNo roared the Colonel This is

for me alone for me I have bornewith this contemptible cur beyond endurance The villain The rascalLet him look to himself now if he

canThe Colonel spun about on his heeland made off ragefully as fast as hewas able Sampson shot after himand then the crowd disintegrated bytwos and threes and drifted in the di-

rection of the post office discussingthe exciting events of the morningand asking each other what that notecould possibly have contained to set

off at such a tangent-A faycrable moment presenting

itself Guy drew Pedro into the parthe secondfloor

Those two Sisters Of Charity arestaying in this hotel arent tbey MrSmith asked the young man

Yes replied PedroWhere did they come from Do

you knowI dont know a thing bout them

They havent spoken half a dozenwords to me

Have you made any guess as towhat they are here for

Some charity or other I supposePlease ask them to come to this

parlor Tell them that a gentlemanwho is charitably disposed would like-a short interview with them

Pedros eyes opened wide as he wentaway to carry out Guys requestPresently there was a rustle of garments alpng the hall and the two ladies still deeply veiled entered theparlor Guy bowed They acknowledged the greeting with a slightcourtesy Pedro was standing in thedoorI

will join you in the office in afew moments Mj Smith said Guysignificantly Pedro went awaydisappointedly

The young man waited until heheara the proprietors footsteps de-scend the length of the stairs andthenadvanced to one of the ladies andhanded her the chain which he hadfound a short time before

You must have the clasp repairedMiss Vlaridingham he said in a lowtone

Both ladies started back instinctive-ly and then a low laugh came from

Betty as she her veilaside revealed her smiling face

You are very kind Mr Herbertsaid taking the bracelet Sheturned to her companionIs the gentleman of whom I was tellingyou We are discovered you seein I spite of all our precautions andthat proves that the best laid plansof nice and maids gang aft agley llrf-lerbert7Miss Pinkney v-

MisSPirikney was reassured by herCompanions confident manner andlikewise dropped her veil She was adarkly beautiful girl and althoughshe seemed a trifle frightened hergaze was steady and her wererigidly firm She bowed formally

a very friend of mitfeVand quite as determined to assist inwinnipg the county seat as lam

both been very recklesssaid Guy gravely The citizens ofConcord are exceedingly wrought upover the events of the morning andI tremble to think of your position ifyou chanced to be discovered

We shall not be discovered answered Miss Betty pertly That isnot unless you see fit to reveal ouridentity

I would not do thatretorted Guy indignantly-

But we are here hrEhe interests ofHarmony you know

no doubt of thatIt would be to interest to have

us apprehended and and made pris-oners

Miss Lois paled and flashed aglance at her companion-

I would rather have Concord losethe county seat said Gwy

Miss Betty fixed tier melting blue-I eyes upon him for a spaces










swit hed



I pss pinkney resumed Miss Bett


You know



ball pulled tn



















< +

Concord will be ruined whfrn lIarmony gets the count seat she wenton I suppose however that you artvery wealthy and would consider asmere bagatelle the depreciation invalue of a thousand or more lots

Guy started to tell Her that he hadhardly a dollar hc could call his ownoutside of the town but he bit hislip and kept the words back

Miss Vlandingham he said instead you and Miss Pinkney mustreturn at once to Harmony I willget a conveyance and drive you back

Not for worlds would I allow youto do that If the Concord people everfound out what you had done theywould turn against you

Ill chance itPerhaps you would but we wont

Miss Betty tossed her headGuy was desperateReally Miss Vlandingham he said

earnestly I must insist that you letme drive you back to Harmony

Really exclaimed Miss Bettylaughing at him with her eyes Wellsir we insist on staying here until weaccomplish the work that brought usYou will not deport us against ourwillYou are a pair of madcapsaverred Guy helplessly If you cameoyejr Jie to assist Col Dingle

e come for that she in-terrupted hastily I am sorry youhave such a opinion of us as tothink we would bear a hand in such amatter Had I been informed of ColDingles purpose he would never havecome

Yet I fund your bracelet dcse tothe room 5rom which Col Dingle es-caped

To Be Continued


Willie Couldnt See the DoctorsBecause It Not


Dr Saxton was a very learned manwith thin sldn that reddened on theslightest provocation and very light

not to say white ejelashes Inthe hard days immediately after thcivil war in the absence of other

charge of the village school and wassoon nearly beside himself with whatseemed the impossible task of get-ting little Willie Brewer to learn his

Finally Dr Saxton resorted toa system of mnemonics originalwith himself and began with what hethought were the easiest letters re-

lates Womans Home CompanionNow Willie he said when you

come to this long straight letterjust think of your eye Remembernow that is I

But when Willie came bade to theelectors knee an hour later he hadforgotten

What is that my son inquiredthe doctor

do knowOh yes you do What is it QU-

couragingly-I do know with mournful con-

victionWhat do you see here asked th

doctor pointing his forefinger closeto his own eye and involuntarilyshutting and squintingup that organas he did so

Willie looked earnestly and muchlonger than seemed necessarydont see nothln he at last whispered out but six littlehairs-

A Theological Horse ReporterAmbrose Bierce while out in San

Francisco recently visited the nevihouse of an old friend a gentlemanof Irish extraction The hostess evi-dently took great pride in the house

of which andbeautiful and gave every evidence oftaste and refinement Mr Bierce whchas an eye for the beautiful gave unstinted praise to everything he saw

But he said I am sorry tothat your house beautiful as it islacks one ornament which no Irishhouse should be without

What is that she asked unsTwpiciously

A pigV Replied Mr Bierce with a

satisfied chuckleThe hostess eyes sparkled

did she said indignantly butyou have supplied the want N YTimes

Still Held the RibbonNot so many years ago A

veteran teacher in the boys highschool who often made his classeswince under the lash o his bitter v

and ready wit One day a littlehalfstarved yellow cur strayed intothe school and the boys thought theysaw a chance t6 express their feelingstowards Fussy who was busy in another room The frightened mongrelwas picked up quickly fitted with apair of large wire spectacles anilplaced on the teachers chair Fussyentered the walked to his deskcalmly SUK eyed the work of his pu-

pils and then turning to themsaid In my absence I see you

have held a business meeting and elect-ed one of your number chairmanArgonaut

Force of habitMiss Upperton at the ball Let ua

have another round before the musiostops

DeRogejr Sure and remember thiiround is on me er that yourpardon Miss Upperton Another waltzdid you say With pleasure ChicagoDaily News

Roasted JanitorMrs is that odor

of cooking in the hall John dearMr Newlywed its your mother in

the basement my love roastingjanitor Judge

Willingness to lie TaughtWillingness to be taught whaij w

do not know is the sure pledge oigrowth both in knowings and wiadim Blair


the good doctor tool

ab s



thefurnishings verenew
















there was













An Ingenious Treatment whichDrunkards are Beiiiir Cured

Daily in Spite of Them-selves

No Noxiuons Doses No Weak-ening of the Nerves A Pleas

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It is now generally known and under-stood that Drunkenness is a disease andnot w jakneaa A body tilled with

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This remedy is in no sense a nostrumbut a specific for this disease only andis so devised and prepared that

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CO 2330 and 2332 Market StreetPhiladelphia

correspondence strictly confiden

Cheap to Californiafhe Burlingtons Very Low One

Settlers RatesEvery day during March and April

nly 30 St Louisto California terminals via Bur-

lington Route Denver Scenic Coloradomd Salt Lake City

Special through tourist sleepers-to San and Los Angelespersonally conducted over the aboveroute through Colorados wonderful

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The PacificExpress is the train

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To Cure Cold in One Dayrake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund the if itfails to cure E W Grows signaturej on each box 25c j25lyr

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Ticketsreading via this route are available either

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the Coast whichstandard sleepers between ChicagoSt Louis Denver and SanDining car service a la carte on allthrough trains If you contemplate sucha let ussend you illustrated pamphlets free S K HooperG P T A Col ISmartf

WHERE TO STOP When in Lexington the place to stop is atHotel It is for Paris andBombon county people and is undeithe management of genial James Connors of the Fordharn Hotelin this city The house is heated bysteam and the table is at all timesplied with the best the market affordsMake It your home 14jantf

FOR 28 cents in you can afree trial of Wilsons Tobacco CureHas cured

CORP WILSON31 janftf Calvert Texas

TALK to T porter Smttfc bout flrt-ararnce


thoroughly soluble to



I al







ped are toacific


1 cn1lf rly

thou nds

fr K J dM

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Denv rand
























>> <





Tickets on ea A tat 7 to 10 limited September 30 The trap Lakethe Denver aud Rio t i jie and Rio GrandeWectcrn

The Scenic Line of the WorldIB the most beautiful in America No Euro-pean of equal length can compare withgrandeur or wealth of novel



si ST LOUISTickets on sale 22 to 27 limited June

25 June 2 to 7 limited 31 August 3 to 8limited September 30 These rates aonlv

and lllo Grande and Rio Grande Western

The Scenic Line of the Worldwblcn passes the most famous points ofInterest in Rocky Mountain region andyou should see that your ticket via thisroute In order to make your trip most enjoyable marStf

600D AS NEW-

We Are prepared to Clean Piesand Repair and make them asgood as new Work satisfactory or nocharge Work done promisedPrices reasonable Give us a callShop over Thomas Talbotta iveryStable Main streetTHOMAS BROS


In Effect December 15th 1901

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Stamping Ground




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11 07 7 0111 00 6 5410 0 6 44

1 10 43 0 371 10 87 0 81

10 33 8 2510 28 8 23

9 64 8 110 40 6 03

I 5 4ft080

A connects withB connects with Q fc 0C connects with Kentucky Central

340p 650a IT Frankfort A ISp7 40a A L 10 8a 6

5 8 SOs A Paris L 9 30a 5 47p8 lOp 11 42a A Wlnchestter L 5 55a 2

A LCyuthiana L

254pA Richmond L I Wp

GItOB HARPER Jos J NEWTONPres and Genl Supt G P A



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The Burlingtons New Fast Den-ver Train

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No other through train to Den-ver offers such a remarkably convenientschedule

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Write us of your proposed trip andlet us advise you the cost send yonprinted matter free etc

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Make old burn like new Whyo be annoyed with the old kiud g-oS can get a SMOKELESS Wick NoO O

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5 Solar Light Co Dept A

AUGUST osTt MouitonioTrsi




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Wn el

i Jj


youblack chimneys No bad odorsMakes a light and a cleaner



postpaid to any sddros with HOv

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