from the kulin with mrs hayes, mr dehnel and mrs bolton. the students were given...

Dear Parents and Carers, Term Dates Welcome to the end of Term 1. The last day of term is Friday 7 April and children return for Term 2 on Wednesday 29 April. Year 5, Room 9 Assembly On Friday the 31 of March, the Year 5’s entertained everyone with a great song and performance teaching us about place value with decimals and large numbers. Thank you to Mrs Jones for putting together such a great item and congratulations to the children who performed so confidently. It was a joy to watch. Rotary At the assembly it was also nice to meet the President of Narrogin Rotary Club, Mr Alan Hall who received a certificate of thanks for the donation Rotary made to the Year 6 Leadership Day at Camp Kulin on Friday 24 March. He also asked that student representatives of the Leadership Group attend the next Rotary meeting to give the Rotarians an insight as to what the day was about. Aboriginal Survival Technology On Friday 31 March, the children had Philip Green visit the school to share with them a wide range of artefacts and information about traditional technologies used by Indigenous people across Australia. . Incursions are selected to compliment the educational programmes at the school and often incur a cost. Children who do not pay for the incursion are sent with work to another class. BEARS A reminder, that all children, families and friends on Wednesdays before school are invited to come into the library and read together. The students are to sign in as regular attendance results in them receiving a reward. A big thank you, to Mrs O’Dea and Mrs Ford for having the library open at this time. BEARS stands for BE A Reading Superstar. ANZAC Services On Thursday 6 April, I will attend the Narrogin Senior High School service with two representatives from Year 6, Eli Offer and Lee Yusman, who will be laying a wreath. On Friday 7 April, the Narrogin community are invited to attend a Combined ANZAC service at Memorial Park at 11.00am. This service will be led by East Narrogin Primary School and will be attended by the R.S.L. and other schools in the Narrogin area. We are privileged to have former student, Emily Ballantyne play The Last Post. I want to thank Narrogin Primary School for their support in lending equipment and with setting up. ANZACS Work by Year 6 Students With this newsletter you would have received a copy of work by six Year 6 students who have researched in their own time and written about a World War 1 serviceman, who enlisted from the Narrogin area and who died in combat. Mrs Hayes and I read these and thought they were of such a high From the Principal Combined Schools ANZAC Service Friday 7 April LAST Day of Term 1 Friday 7 April Students Return to school Wednesday 26 April Cross Country Training on the School Oval, 8.15am Wednesday 26 April Coming Events Please remember that we have early close at ENPS every Monday. School closes at 2.30pm Kindy closes at 2.30pm ENDEAVOUR ACHIEVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY THOUGHTFULNESS Newsletter No: 05 Date: 04 April 2017 Established 1963 Principal: Mrs Helen Fiebig Email: [email protected] Phone: 9881 1581 Deputy Principal: Mrs Joanna Hayes Fax: 9881 1707 Off-Site Centre: 9881 2015 Our Hot Shots Cap Raffle Winner was Amy Eastwood from Room 10.

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Page 1: From the Principal...Camp Kulin with Mrs Hayes, Mr Dehnel and Mrs Bolton. The students were given the opportunity to explore their ... As a school we are unable to promote that we

Dear Parents and Carers,

Term Dates Welcome to the end of Term 1. The last day of term is Friday 7 April and children return for Term 2 on Wednesday 29 April.

Year 5, Room 9 Assembly On Friday the 31 of March, the Year 5’s entertained everyone with a great song and performance teaching us about place value with decimals and large numbers. Thank you to Mrs Jones for putting together such a great item and congratulations to the children who performed so confidently. It was a joy to watch.

Rotary At the assembly it was also nice to meet the President of Narrogin Rotary Club, Mr Alan Hall who received a certificate of thanks for the donation Rotary made to the Year 6 Leadership Day at Camp Kulin on Friday 24 March. He also asked that student representatives of the Leadership Group attend the next Rotary meeting to give the Rotarians an insight as to what the day was about.

Aboriginal Survival Technology On Friday 31 March, the children had Philip Green visit the school to share with them a wide range of artefacts and information about traditional technologies used by Indigenous people across Australia. .

Incursions are selected to compliment the educational programmes at the school and often incur a cost. Children who do not pay for the incursion are sent with work to another class.

BEARS A reminder, that all children, families and friends on Wednesdays before school are invited to come into the library and read together. The students are to sign in as regular attendance results in them receiving a reward. A big thank you, to Mrs O’Dea and Mrs Ford for having the library open at this time. BEARS stands for BE A Reading Superstar.

ANZAC Services On Thursday 6

April, I will attend the Narrogin Senior High School service

with two representatives from Year 6, Eli Offer and Lee Yusman, who will be laying a wreath.

On Friday 7 April, the Narrogin community are invited to attend a Combined ANZAC service at Memorial Park at 11.00am. This service will be led by East Narrogin Primary School and will be attended by the R.S.L. and other schools in the Narrogin area. We are privileged to have former student, Emily Ballantyne play The Last Post. I want to thank Narrogin Primary School for their support in lending equipment and with setting up.

ANZACS Work by Year 6 Students With this newsletter you would have received a copy of work by six Year 6 students who have researched in their own time and written about a World War 1 serviceman, who enlisted from the Narrogin area and who died in combat. Mrs Hayes and I read these and thought they were of such a high

From the Principal

✩ Combined Schools ANZAC

Service Friday 7 April

✩ LAST Day of Term 1

Friday 7 April

✩ Students Return to school

Wednesday 26 April

✩ Cross Country Training on the

School Oval, 8.15am Wednesday 26 April

Coming Events

Please remember that we have early

close at ENPS every Monday.

School closes at 2.30pm

Kindy closes at 2.30pm


Newsletter No: 05

Date: 04 April 2017

Established 1963

Principal: Mrs Helen Fiebig Email: [email protected] Phone: 9881 1581

Deputy Principal: Mrs Joanna Hayes Fax: 9881 1707 Off-Site Centre: 9881 2015

Our Hot Shots Cap Raffle Winner was Amy Eastwood from Room 10.

Page 2: From the Principal...Camp Kulin with Mrs Hayes, Mr Dehnel and Mrs Bolton. The students were given the opportunity to explore their ... As a school we are unable to promote that we

From the Principal (Cont.)

calibre that we wanted to share these with the community. Rudy Webster was invited to read his at the Combined ANZAC Service on Friday 7 April.

Facebook As a means to further communicate with families in a timely fashion, I have started up a school Facebook page. Please look for it under East Narrogin PS. The staff and I look forward to sharing plenty of the events, good work, reminders and updates on a daily basis. I would love to have you comment on events or items posted, but would like to remind everyone that this is not a platform for complaints. Complaints should always be made either to your child’s teacher or straight to a member of the administration team.

Complaints Management I am encouraging any parent or carer to act on concerns relating to their child’s time at school sooner rather than later. The earlier that teaching staff or admin members are advised of a possible problem the sooner it can be dealt with. If possible, parents or carers should make an appointment with the classroom teacher to speak confidentially. The open classroom before or after school is not appropriate as there is a lack of privacy. If the problem is not dealt with satisfactorily or if it is not a classroom issue the parents or carers are invited to contact me: In person Email: [email protected] Phone (08) 9881 1581.

It is my expectation, at a school level, that any complaint gets addressed as soon as possible and within fourteen school days where practical. If a complaint cannot be resolved immediately, every effort is made to keep the complainant informed of the progress. The school keeps a written record of the nature of the complaint and the resolution.

Thank You Many thanks to Lisa Bradford for her assistance at the Interschool Swimming Carnival with scoring. My apologies for her name being missed from the list in the last newsletter.

Music Lessons The previously mentioned after school music lessons for Term 2 have been cancelled due to insufficient numbers.

Donation A big thank you to Dorcas Clothing, who have second hand clothing shops in Narembeen and Narrogin, for a donation of $1,000.00. In speaking to Rosemary from Dorcas about the donation and how she would like to see it used, she expressed her wish for it to support Aboriginal children to improve attendance. This money is being spent on incentives that will be earned through children maintaining high attendance rates.

I would like to wish all those who celebrate it, a Happy Easter and hope that all the children have a safe and fun holiday. Parents, remember it is alright for your child or children to be bored sometimes as that is when they can be urged to use their imaginations. Some children will need someone to show them how it is done. Then stand back and watch them go.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Fiebig, Principal

From the Deputy

This term has seen many of our students participate enthusiastically in their learning and whole school community events. We have celebrated swimming records, listened to the highlights from the Year 6 leadership day in Kulin, enjoyed the Movie Night and we have participated in Cycle to School Day. It is pleasing to see ENPS students have a go at these special events and being friendly with each other.

Combined Schools ANZAC Day The combined schools ANZAC Service will be held this Friday 7 April at 11.15am in Memorial Park and will be hosted by East Narrogin PS. The Year 5 and Year 6 students from East Narrogin will be attending the Service. Ella Dehnel and Jesse Budovich will be laying a wreath

Congratulations to Rudy Webster for being selected to present his speech on an ex-serviceman from Narrogin.

Camp Kulin Leadership Day Year 6 Recently the Year 6 leaders enjoyed a teambuilding day at Camp Kulin with Mrs Hayes, Mr Dehnel and Mrs Bolton. The students were given the opportunity to explore their perseverance and persistence skills in a variety of team building activities. Camp Manager, Tanya Dupagne and her assistant, Camp Counsellor, Maddy, also provided the leaders with a tour of the Camp Kulin facilities. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Narrogin for their generous donation towards the cost of the bus for this excursion.

“Last Friday on our excursion to Kulin, we did some really cool team building activities. We did follow the leader blind-folded, which helped us with trust, we had to work together to build a cup stack and we had to work together to put a ball on a tube. Tanya also told us how she came to run Camp Kulin. A big thank you to Mrs Hayes for organising it and also a big thank you to Mr D. and Mrs Bolton for supervising. I would also like to thank Mr Hall for donating $250.00 for our bus ride to Kulin (on behalf of Rotary Narrogin).”

- Amira Schmid

Page 3: From the Principal...Camp Kulin with Mrs Hayes, Mr Dehnel and Mrs Bolton. The students were given the opportunity to explore their ... As a school we are unable to promote that we

From Behaviour & Participation

Monday Assembly Draw Congratulations to the following students who had their names drawn out at the Monday assembly. These students each had the chance to spin the ENEE BEE WHEEL for a reward.

Week 9 and 10 Be Respectful: Casey Dicker-Lee

Be Your Best: Kaylab Mayley x 2, Paige Gresham, Angus Russell, Cinnomin Martin-Holmes, Emma Furphy, Emma Warburton, Logan Hayes and Tommy Ramshaw.

Attendance Congratulations to the ECC 3 PP/1 class for winning the Attendance shield for Term 1. They had the highest percentage attendance at 94.36%

All parents and caregivers are reminded that Section 38 (1) of the School Education Act 1999 makes it an offence for a parent of a child of compulsory school age not to ensure that the child complies with the attendance requirements of the Act. All students should be attending at least between 90% - 95%. If your child is absent you will need to notify the school by either a sick note or phone call please.

Behaviour Rewards On Friday 31 March with our formal assembly we had our first Positive Behaviour Raffle Draw for students who ended on Gold for 20 times. Congratulations to our Junior student Laci Turvey and Senior student Yhow Nantasri for winning the raffle. They each received a voucher from Thing-a-Me-Bobs worth $10.00. Keep up the good behaviour to be able to come into the draw for our next assembly everyone!!!!!! Johan van Wyk, Behaviour and Participation Administrator

ANZAC Day 25 April The Anzac service this year falls on a Tuesday and the Narrogin Sub Branch wishes to commemorate the Anzac spirit by inviting students to lay a wreath at the service. The student leaders who have nominated themselves to represent our school on this day with Mrs Feibig are Logan Hayes and Wilson Dowling.

Nut Aware As a school we are unable to promote that we either ‘ban nuts’ or are ‘nut-free’ – being ‘allergy aware’ is a more appropriate term.

Minimising the allergen is one of several strategies that can be implemented to reduce the risk. Promoting a school as ‘nut-free’ is not recommended for the following reasons:

It is impractical to implement and enforce;

There is no evidence of effectiveness;

It does not encourage the development of strategies for avoidance in the wider school community;

It may encourage complacency about risk minimisation strategies (for teachers, students and parents/guardians) if a food is banned.

At East Narrogin we do insist that minimising exposure to particular foods such as peanuts and tree nuts can reduce the level of risk. This can include removing nut spreads and products containing nuts from the school canteen, but does not include removing products that ‘may contain traces’ of peanuts or tree nuts.

We also request that parents/guardians of classmates of a young student (K-6) do not include nut spreads in sandwiches or products containing nuts in the lunchbox.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday and we look forward to a very productive Term 2. Kind regards, Joanna Hayes, Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Cont’d.

Laci Turvey (ECC/1), Christine Drage (ECC/1), Taylor-Jane Bawden (Community Centre), Kira Russell (Community Centre), Lilly-Rose Bawden (Room 1), Logan Dehnel (Room 3), Scarlett Morris (Room 3), Kayteequa Penny (Room 4), Scout Chapman (Room 4), Cassidy Fowler (Room 5), Memphis Bowden (Room 5), Amber Furphy (Room 6), Hannah Furphy (Room 6), Aiden Warren (Room 7), Hollie Grzinic (Room 7), Amelia Corasaniti (Room 9), Llachlan Bilman (Room 9), Ella Hann (Room 10), Georgia Furphy (Room 10), Daisy Morris (Physical Education Award), Jacob Meiners (Physical Education Award), Zander Rybarcyzk (Junior STEM Award), Vienna Perren (Junior STEM Award), Lily C. (Junior STEM Award) and Angus Russell (Junior HEALTH Award).

Honour Certificates