functional molded part

Functional Molded Part Overview Conventions What's New? Getting Started Entering the Functional Molded Part Workbench Defining the Main Shell Editing the Shell Properties Removing Volumes from the Part While Creating Walls Piercing the Main Shape Adding Strength to the Shelled Body Applying a Styling Surface Onto the Shelled Body Finalizing the Part Shape User Tasks Creating the Initial Part Shape Creating a Functional Body Setting Shell Properties Setting Draft Properties Creating Shape Features Shellable Feature Cavity Feature Added Feature Protected Feature Internal Feature Core Feature Creating Functional Features Cutout Pocket Boss Rib Rest Grill Reinforcement Push Pull Fitting Hole Threaded Hole Using Feature Modifiers Cut

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  • Functional Molded Part



    What's New?

    Getting Started

    Entering the Functional Molded Part Workbench Defining the Main Shell Editing the Shell Properties Removing Volumes from the Part While Creating Walls Piercing the Main Shape Adding Strength to the Shelled Body Applying a Styling Surface Onto the Shelled Body Finalizing the Part Shape

    User Tasks

    Creating the Initial Part Shape Creating a Functional Body Setting Shell Properties Setting Draft Properties

    Creating Shape FeaturesShellable Feature Cavity Feature Added Feature Protected Feature Internal Feature Core Feature

    Creating Functional Features Cutout Pocket Boss Rib Rest Grill Reinforcement Push Pull Fitting Hole Threaded Hole

    Using Feature Modifiers Cut

  • Remove Intersect Rectangular Pattern Circular Pattern Edge Fillet (as a Feature Modifier)

    Creating Multi-Body Features Divide Lip

    Changing Functional Behaviors Using PowerCopies

    Creating PowerCopies Instantiating PowerCopies Saving PowerCopies into a Catalog

    Reordering Features Handling Functional Bodies in a Multi-Document Environment

    Copying Bodies including Functional Solids and Detailed Features Copying Functional Bodies

    Recommendations Wireframe Geometry and Functional Features Manual Updates

    Workbench Description

    Functional Molded Part Menu Bar Shape Features Toolbar Functional Features Toolbar Mold Design Properties Toolbar Feature Modifiers Toolbar Multi-Body Features Toolbar

    Reference Information

    Prism Sweep Revolve Thick Surface External Shape



  • Overview

    This book is intended for the user who needs to become quickly familiar withFunctional Molded Part product.

    This overview provides the following information:

    Functional Molded Part in a Nutshell

    Before Reading this Guide

    Getting the Most out of This Guide

    Accessing Sample Documents

    Conventions Used in this Guide

    Functional Molded Part in a Nutshell

    CATIA Functional Molded Part offers a new approach to developing 3D digital models, called "functional modeling." The objective of functional modeling is to enable product designers to focus on the functional goals and design constraints of their product. Capturing this information in the product model provides the information from which geometric form can be derived through the combination of behavioral features and a minimum of geometric construction. The end result is a significant reduction in the effort required to generate the 3D model by allowing more time for designers to focus on engineering issues, exploring alternative design approaches, and optimizing their design.

    CATIA Functional Molded Part provides tools to create volumes and features that contain inherent behaviors and which interact. The behaviors capture different design functions, such as adding material, subtracting material, or protecting space. Because they contain inherent behaviors and they interact, they are called "functional volumes" and "functional features."

    As a scalable product,Functional Molded Part can be used in cooperation with other current or future companion products such as Assembly Design and Generative Drafting.

    Before Reading this Guide

  • Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that describes generic capabilities common to all Version 5 products. It also describes the general layout of V5 and the interoperability between workbenches.

    You may also like to read the following complementary product guides: Part Design User's Guide: explains how to create parts.

    Sketcher User's Guide: explains how to sketch 2D elements.

    Wireframe and Surface User's Guide: explains how to create wireframe geometry and surfaces.

    Getting the Most out of this Guide

    The Functional Molded Part User's Guide has been designed for users new to the application.

    To get the most out of this guide, we suggest you start reading and performing the step-by-step tutorial Getting Started that provides an overview of what can be done with key functions.

    Once you have finished, you should move on to the next sections describing and illustrating each functionarts. You can also take a look at the sections describing the Functional Molded Part Workbench at the end of the guide.

    Accessing Sample Documents

    To perform the scenarios, you will be using sample documents contained in the online/fm1ug/samples folder.

    When samples belong to capabilities common to different products, those samples will be found in the online/cfyug/samples folder.

    For more information on accessing sample documents, refer to Accessing Sample Documents in the Infrastructure User's Guide.

    Conventions Used in this Guide

    To learn more about the conventions used in this guide, refer to the Conventions section.

  • ConventionsCertain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA & DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications.

    Graphic Conventions

    The three categories of graphic conventions used are as follows:

    Graphic conventions structuring the tasks

    Graphic conventions indicating the configuration required

    Graphic conventions used in the table of contents

    Graphic Conventions Structuring the Tasks

    Graphic conventions structuring the tasks are denoted as follows:

    This icon... Identifies...

    estimated time to accomplish a task

    a target of a task

    the prerequisites

    the start of the scenario

    a tip

    a warning


    basic concepts


    reference information

    information regarding settings, customization, etc.

    the end of a task

  • functionalities that are new or enhanced with this release

    allows you to switch back to the full-window viewing mode

    Graphic Conventions Indicating the Configuration Required

    Graphic conventions indicating the configuration required are denoted as follows:

    This icon... Indicates functions that are...

    specific to the P1 configuration

    specific to the P2 configuration

    specific to the P3 configuration

    Graphic Conventions Used in the Table of Contents

    Graphic conventions used in the table of contents are denoted as follows:

    This icon... Gives access to...

    Site Map

    Split View mode

    What's New?


    Getting Started

    Basic Tasks

    User Tasks or the Advanced Tasks

    Workbench Description





  • Index

    Text Conventions

    The following text conventions are used:

    The titles of CATIA, ENOVIA and DELMIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text.

    File -> New identifies the commands to be used.

    Enhancements are identified by a blue-colored background on the text.

    How to Use the Mouse

    The use of the mouse differs according to the type of action you need to perform.

    Use thismouse button... Whenever you read...

    Select (menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, ...)

    Click (icons, dialog box buttons, tabs, selection of a location in the document window, ...)




    Check (check boxes)


    Drag and drop (icons onto objects, objects onto objects)



    Right-click (to select contextual menu)

  • What's New?

    New Functionalities

    Draft PropertiesThe Draft Properties capability lets you assign the draft properties for all the features of a given functional body.

    Edge FilletThe Edge Fillet capability lets you create rounds and fillets.

    HoleThe Hole capability lets you create holes of different shapes.

    DivideThe Divide capability divides separate functional bodies into two halves.

    LipThe Lip capability creates lips on bodies that were divided.

    PatternThe Pattern capability lets you create rectangular or circular patterns.

    Enhanced Functionalities

    Functional Bodies

    Show/No Show can be applied to functional bodies

    It is now possible to set a functional body as current using the Set as current contextual command.

    You can now use the Copy/Paste capability with the As Result With Link option to copy a functional body from one CATPart document to another.

    Functional Features You can now select surfaces and 3D planar curves as input profiles but you can also use four contextual commands to create the profiles you need. These commands are: Go to profile definition, Create Sketch, Create Join and Create Extract.

    DraftTwo new options in Draft tabs help you draft faces:

    Plane/Surface enables you to use the plane or surface of your choice to define neutral elements

    Parting=Neutral enables you to use the plane or surface selected as neutral elements as parting elements too.

    GrillPictures available in each tab of the Grill dialog box now help you define the required parameters.

    RibThe Up To Plane/Surface capability lets you trim ribs by the planes or surfaces you need. The Post capability lets you create conical ribs from non-construction points.

    RestThe With bottom option controls the creation of capping faces at the bottom limit.

    Protected areasAll protected areas (cutout, pocket, protected, rest, push, pull, fitting) are now displayed in red.

    Change Functional Behavior


  • The Change Functional Behavior contextual command changes the functional behavior of a shape feature. The command also applies to body-modifying features.

    Shellable Features You can now define a core body (offset) for any shellable feature.

    Shell PropertiesYou can now ignore faces causing trouble during the shell computation

    Contextual Commands for Defining DirectionsNew contextual commands let you define directions by entering coordinates.

  • Getting Started

    Before getting into the detailed instructions for using Functional Molded Part, the following tutorial aims at giving you a feel as to what you can do with the product. It provides a step-by-step exercise based on a realistic design scenario showing you how to use key functionalities for creating a plastic part.

    The main tasks covered in this section are:

    Entering the Functional Molded Part WorkbenchDefining the Main Shell

    Editing the Shell PropertiesRemoving Volumes from the Part While Creating Walls

    Piercing the Main ShapeAdding Strength to the Shelled Body

    Applying a Styling Surface Onto the Shelled BodyFinalizing the Part Shape

    All together, the tasks should take about ten minutes to complete. The final part will be a phone cap that will look like this:

    Outside Inside

  • Entering the Functional Molded Part Workbench

    This first task shows you how to enter the Functional Molded Part>workbench.

    The only pre-requisite for this task is to have a current CATIA V5 session running.

    1. Select the Start -> Mechanical Design -> Functional Molded Part commands or click the Functional Molded Part icon

    from the Welcome to CATIA V5 dialog box.

    The Functional Molded Part workbench is displayed, ready to use. The commands for creating features are available to the

    right of the window.

  • 2. To perform this tutorial, open the Phone.CATPart document. For information on where sample documents are installed by

    default, see Accessing Documents in the Infrastructure User's Guide.


  • Defining the Main Shell

    In the first task, you will create a shellable prism from a profile sketched in the Sketcher workbench.

    Creating a shellable prism means ensuring that the geometry you are going to create can be shelled after you added material generated by other features.

    1. Click the Shellable Feature icon .

    The Shellable Feature dialog box that appears displays the Prism icon as the default

    shape to be created.

    2. Keep the default option and select Lateral Profile as the profile to be extruded.

    The application previews the prism.

    3. Enter 15mm in the First length field to define the feature length. The preview of the prism

    changes dynamically as you change values.

  • 4. Click the Direction tab to check that the default option fits your needs: as the Normal to

    profile option is checked, the prism will be created normal to the sketch plane. Keep this option.

    5. Click the Draft tab that enables you to optionally draft the prism.

    6. To define the draft angle, set the Draft behavior option to Intrinsic to feature. Options are

    now displayed.

    7. Set the Angle option to 5deg if not already done,

    8. Click OK to confirm. The shellable prism is created and the application displays this feature in the

    specification tree.

    In a NutshellThe Shellable capability creates geometry that will belong to the main shape of the part.

    Shellable features can take on the shape of a prism, sweep, revolve, thick surface or even of an

    external shape.

    To know more about this capability, refer to Cutout.

  • Editing the Shell Properties

    In this task you will edit the thickness of the shellable prism you have just created and you will also remove one of its faces.

    1. In the previous task, while adding the shellable prism in the specification tree, the application also created the Shell Properties.1 entity.

    Double-click Shell Properties.1 and look at what it contains.

    The Shell Properties dialog box displays a thickness value that applies to the prism.

    2. Enter 1.5mm in the Thickness field to edit the default thickness.

    3. Select the bottom face as the opening face.

    Clicking the icon displays the Faces to remove dialog box that allows you to:

    View the list of all of the selected faces

    Remove any face clicking the Remove button 4. Replace any face using the Replace button and selecting a new one in the geometry or the specification tree.

    5. Click OK to confirm. The part now looks like this:

    In a NutshellThe Shell Properties dialog box lets you define the thickness of the part as well as its opening faces. The thickness value you enter will apply

    to all of the functional features in the same body that create walls, as well as to additional shellable volumes.

  • Removing Volumes from the Part While Creating Walls

    The Cutout capability removes volumes from the part while creating walls. The area of the cutout is protected, which means that nothing can penetrate this area that is in the same body. Entities in other bodies can penetrate protected areas.

    In this task, you will create two cutouts.

    1. Click the Cutout icon .

    The Cutout dialog box that appears displays the Prism icon as the default shape to be

    created. Keep this option.

  • First Cutout

    2. In the specification tree, select Cap Cutout as the closed profile to be used. The application

    previews the cutout as well as two textual indicators for both limits:

    3. In the Floor frame, enter 8mm in the Length field to define the location for the floor.

    4. In the Opening frame, Enter -20mm in the Length field to define the location for the opening.

    5. Check the With floor option, if not already done.

    6. Click the Draft tab.

    7. To define the draft angle, set the Draft behavior option to Intrinsic to feature. Options are

    now displayed.

    8. Set the Angle option to -3deg if not already done.

    9. Click the Fillet tab to add a fillet to the cutout edges.

    10. Enter 1mm for the #floor's edge radius value.

    11. Click OK to confirm. The first cutout is created and as a protected area, it is displayed in


  • Second Cutout

    12. In the specification tree, select Screen Cutout as the profile to be used.

    13. Enter 0mm in the Length field to define the floor location.

    14. Enter -20mm in the Length field to define the opening location.

    15. Uncheck the With floor option.

    16. Click the Draft tab and enter -3 in the Angle field to define the draft angle value.

    17. Click the Fillet tab and to define the lateral radius value, enter 5mm in the corresponding field.

    18. Click OK to confirm. The second cutout is created:

    The specification tree indicates these operations under the names of Cutout.1 and Cutout.2.

    In a NutshellThe Cutout capability protects the volume from material volumes in the same body penetrating

    into it and generates walls around this volume.

  • To know more about this capability, refer to Cutout.

  • Piercing the Main Shape

    This task shows you how to create holes in the main shape by using the Protected Feature capability. You will create three protected prisms, that is areas within which no additional material created by other features within the same body can be added.

    1. Click the Protected Feature icon .

    The Protected Feature dialog box that appears displays the Prism icon as the default

    shape to be created. Keep this option.

    First Protected Prism

    2. Select Key holes as the profile to be used.

    3. Enter 20mm in the First length field.

    4. Click the Direction tab to ensure that the direction of the features will be normal to the profile


  • 5. As you do not need to draft the feature nor fillet its edges, simply click OK to create the

    protected prism.

    Second Protected Prism

    6. To create the second protected prism, click the Protected Feature icon again.

    7. Select HP Holes as the profile to be used.

    8. Enter 20mm in the First length field.

    9. Click the Direction tab to ensure that the direction of the features will be normal to the the

    profile plane.

    10. As you do not need to draft the feature nor fillets its edges, simply click OK to create the

    protected prism.

  • Third Protected Prism

    Now you will create a third protected prism that corresponds to the area reserved for the phone electronic mechanism.

    11. Select Reserved Space as the profile to be used.

    12. Enter 4mm in the First length field.

    13. Enter 2mm in the Second length field.

    14. Click the Draft tab.

    15. To define the draft angle, set the Draft behavior option to Intrinsic to feature. Options are

    now displayed.

    16. Set the Angle option to 3deg.

    17. Set the first limit as the neutral element

    18. Click OK to confirm.

    The specification tree indicates these operations under the names of Protected Prism.1,

    Protected Prism.2 and Protected Prism.3.

    In a NutshellCreating a protected volume:

  • generates no walls.

    material created by other features within the same body will not penetrate the protected volume.

    To know more about this capability, refer to Protected Feature

  • Adding Strength to the Shelled Body

    This task shows you how to add strength to the shelled body by using the Rib capability.

    1. Click the Rib icon .

    The Rib dialog box that appears displays the Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

    Keep this option.

    2. Select Internal Ribs as the profile to be used.

    3. Enter 20mm in the Length field to define the first limit.

    4. In the Wall frame, set the Enter thickness option. The Thickness field is now ungreyed. Keep

  • the default value, that is 1mm, to define the wall thickness. Wall thickness values can only by

    positive (nonzero) values.

    5. Click the Direction tab to ensure that the direction of the features will be normal to the profile


    6. Click the Draft tab.

    7. To define the draft angle, set the Draft behavior option to Intrinsic to feature. Options are

    now displayed.

    8. Set the Angle option to -1deg.

    9. Set the Profile plane as the neutral element to be used for drafting the rib feature.

    10. Click OK to create the rib.

    The specification tree indicates this operation under the name of Rib.1.

    In a NutshellRibs are typically applied inside of a shelled body.

    To know more about this capability, refer to Rib.

  • Applying a Styling Surface Onto the Shelled Body

    In this task, you will alter the part shape by cutting material away from it. To do so, you will use the Cut capability with a styling surface.

    1. Click the Cut icon .

    The Cut dialog box displays.

    2. Select Top Surface as the cutting element.

    3. Click any arrow to reverse the direction indicating which portion of material is to be kept. The

    arrows must point toward the phone bottom face as shown here:

  • 4. Click OK to cut the part and hide the cutting surface to enhance the result:

    The specification tree indicates this operation under the name of Cut.1.

    In a NutshellThe Cut capability can be used to modify the shape of a functional feature with a styling surface.

    To know more about this capability, refer to Cut.

  • Finalizing the Part Shape

    To finalize the part shape, you will use one of the different commands available for filleting edges.

    1. Click the Edge Fillet icon .

    The Edge Fillet Definition dialog box appears.

    2. Select the edge to be rounded, that is the top edge.

    3. Enter 3mm in the Radius field to define the fillet radius value. The preview of the radius value

    changes dynamically as you change values.

    4. Click Preview to get an idea of what the fillet will look like.

    5. Click OK to confirm. The final part looks like this:

  • In a NutshellTraditional Part Design dress-up features are available in the Functional Molded Part workbench

    command to let you finalizing the shapes of the parts.

  • User Tasks

    Functional Molded Part is not history-based the way some traditional CAD systems are. Instead, it is behavior-driven, which means that the system is driven by the behavior of a model's parts, not the order of their introduction or regeneration. A behavior-driven modeling system means design elements can be introduced and re-executed freely at different stages in the design process.

    For example, you can introduce a feature in a reserved space in your design even before the body exists to which the feature will eventually be applied. When the body is created, the feature will automatically be generated, and other affected entities will change accordingly. There is no need to backtrack through the design's history to update the rest of the affected entities.

    History independence also reduces and, in most cases, eliminates feature failures and the typical work-arounds needed to reorder or reintroduce features at a specific position in the history tree of the design. Because Functional Molded Part does not impose history-based rules, the system is more flexible, and you can apply modeling operations wherever and whenever they are needed.

    This section will explain and illustrate how to create various kinds of features. The table below lists the information you will find.

    Creating the Initial Part Shape

    Shape Features

    Setting Shell Properties

    Setting Draft Properties

    Functional Features

    Feature Modifiers


    Reordering Features


  • Creating the Initial Part ShapePrior to creating the initial shape of the part, you should be familiar with the following concepts:

    Shape Features and Functional Features

    Functional Bodies

    Functional Solids

    Shell Properties

    Draft Properties

    Shape Features and Functional Features

    To begin creating your part, you begin by adding shape features to the active body to create the initial shape of the part.Shape features represent any type of material as well as empty spaces. The different shape features interact in unique ways with each other and with the functional features. The key to modeling with functional volumes is to understand how the different types interact within a body.

    Functional Bodies

    Functional Bodies group shape features and functional features that combine to graphically represent the part of your document.

    To help you structure your part, the application lets you create as many functional bodies as needed. To know how to do that, refer to Creating a Functional Body.

    The shape of a functional body is copied into a functional solid.

    Functional Solids

    A functional solid contains the geometrical result of a given functional body. Any Part Design command can be applied onto functional solids as shown in Finalizing the Part Shape of the Getting Started scenario where you fillet an edge.

  • Shell Properties

    Each body contains a shell property that specifies the thickness of the walls in any shellable feature (one of the six shape feature types) in that body. The thickness can also be zero, thus the shellable volume would not be shelled. The shell property is easily changed at any time during the design process. For more, refer to Setting Shell Properties.

    Draft Properties

    For more, refer to Setting Draft Properties.

  • Creating a Functional Body

    When your CATPart document contains no functional bodies, the application creates a functional body as soon as you have created your first functional or shape feature. Later on, if you need to add other functional bodies to the specification tree, you need to explicitly specify this. In this task, you will learn how to create a new functional body.

    Open any CATPart document provided in this guide. The following scenario is performed using the Cutout.CATPart document.

    1. Select Insert -> Body.

    A body is created. It is displayed in the specification tree and is set as the current body.

    Functional Body.1 is no longer the current body.

    A current body is a body determining the location of the features you are going to create.

    Note that because Functional Body.1 is no longer the current entity, the associated icon

    which was blue, changes to grey to indicate this.

    2. Create any functional or shape feature. For example, create a cutout feature. The cutout feature

    is displayed in the specification tree in a new functional body, Functional Body.2 and its result

    is placed into the new body.


  • You can create as many functional bodies as required to produce a part.

    Setting a Functional Body as Current

    3. If you wish to set Functional Body.1 as current, select it.

    4. Right-click to use the Functional Body.1 object -> Set as Current contextual command.

    Functional Body.1 is the current functional body again. Its associated icon is blue again whereas

    Functional Body.2 's icon is grey.

    Showing or Hiding Functional Bodies

    To hide or conversely, show the geometry of a functional body, proceed as follows:

  • Right-click Functional Body.1 and run the Hide/show resulting geometry command

    that lets you manage the resulting geometry view.


    Right-click its corresponding functional solid and run the Hide/show command.


    Right-click its corresponding body and run the Hide/show command.

    Note that the Hide/Show command applied to a functional specification hides or shows its protected volumes. Applied to a functional body, the command hides or shows all the protected volumes of the functional body.

  • Setting Shell Properties One of the key shape feature types is the "shellable" feature. This is a material volume that you can apply a wall thickness to, thus defining an internal boundary and creating an internal spatial volume.

    The Shell Properties command assigns a wall thickness to an active body, making it hollow, thus making the Shellable volumes hollow that are in the body. The command not only specifies the wall thickness, but you can also use it to remove one or more faces from the shelled volume, as shown in the following image:

    All removed faces can be restored and the wall thickness can easily be changed at any time by using the Shell

    Properties command . In addition, you can specify different wall thicknesses for each face.

  • If you select several faces, note that clicking the icon displays the Faces to remove dialog box that allows

    you to:

    View the list of all of the selected faces

    Remove any face clicking the Remove button

    Replace any face using the Replace button and selecting a new one in the geometry or the specification tree.

    After a shellable volume is shelled, only features that have behaviors that function within internal volumes, such as ribs, can penetrate the shell (or internal) boundary. Thus, features such as boss and reinforcement cannot penetrate the shell because their behaviors are to add material volume to the outside of another material volume.

    Ignoring Faces

    In some specific cases, the application cannot shell the selected face. An error message then appears informing you that the resulting geometry cannot be assembled. If you click on the Edit button, then a more detailed message displays, indicating that some faces cannot be offset and therefore informs you that you can ignore those faces. If you accept that solution, the shell is performed and the face causing trouble is removed.

    The fillet causes trouble The face is ignored, the shell is performed.

    Later on if you edit the shell properties, the ignored face is previewed and the Reset ignored faces option is then available in the Shell Properties dialog box.

    By checking this option, the ignored face is reinitialized and the indication Ignored face in the geometry is deleted. If the check box is unchecked, the previous ignored face is still taken into account for the next feature definition.

  • Setting Draft Properties

    You can assign draft properties to a feature in two ways: By defining properties specific to the feature you are creating. These properties are available from a

    Draft tab included in the feature definition dialog box and are referred to as properties Intrinsic to feature. To see an example, refer to the task describing how to create a Boss.

    The Draft Properties command assigns draft properties to an active body, that is to a set of functional features. The command specifies the three following parameters:

    Pulling direction: this direction corresponds to the reference from which the draft faces are defined.

    Draft angle: this is the angle that the draft faces make with the pulling direction.

    Parting element: this plane, face or surface cuts the part in two and each portion is drafted according to its previously defined direction.

    Because some sub-elements of the part can be molded in different directions, there is no

    limitation on the number of Draft Properties features you can define in a functional body.

    Open the Cutout.CATPart document.


  • 1. Click the Draft Properties icon .

    Note that it is not possible to set draft properties feature during the definition of a functional


    The Draft Properties dialog box appears.

    2. Select a line or a plane to define the pulling direction.

    To define this type of parameter, we recommend no to use any edge supporting a functional


    A red arrow indicates the pulling direction in the geometry area. By clicking on this arrow, you

    reverse the direction.

    3. Enter 2deg in the Draft angle field to edit the default angle value.

    4. Parting elements are optional. For the purpose of our scenario, select Extrude.1.

  • Contextual commands available from the Parting element field let you create planes. These

    commands are:

    Create Plane: for more information, see Creating Planes.

    XY Plane: the XY plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the parting element.

    YZ Plane: the YZ plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the parting element.

    ZX Plane: the ZX plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the parting element.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extrapol: extrapolates surface boundaries or curves. See Extrapolating Surfaces and Extrapolating Curves.

    5. Click OK to confirm the draft properties you defined.

    Draft Properties.X is added to the specification tree in the FunctionalBody.X node.

    The blue graphics representation is located on the geometrical element used for defining the

    pulling direction, or the parting element or at the part's origin.


  • This representation is associative with the geometry so when the parting element or direction is modified, the representation is updated.

    Draft Properties Versus Intrinsic to FeatureThe draft properties apply to all the features of the shellable body provided that these are not

    assigned the Intrinsic to feature option to define their draft behaviors. If that occurs, what you

    need to do then is just edit the features, more precisely, click the Draft tab and change

    Intrinsic to feature to Draft Properties.x.

    For more information about defining draft properties specific to a feature, refer to the Reference


  • Creating Shape Features

    What is a Shape Feature?

    Shape features are the first entities you add to the active body to create the initial shape of the part. Shape features are made up of six types, which interact in unique ways with each other and with the functional features. Shape features represent any type of material as well as empty spaces.

    When you create shape features with any of the Functional Molded Part capabilities, inherent in the resulting features is the concept of inside and outside. This is the way that most people view objects, which affects how they would use an object. In the same way, design elements need to be either inside or outside of the product model. Thus, Functional Molded Part provides features with an inherent behavior of existing inside or outside of a material feature within the same body. For example, the behavior of a Rib is to exist inside of a shelled material feature, and the behavior of a Reinforcement is to exist outside of a material feature. Because of this inherent behavior, features can be made before or after creating the shape feature to which they will be applied. Thus, there are no history dependencies.

    Shape features are defined by how they are manifested and how they interact with the inside or outside of another shape feature. Depending on the type, a shape feature will do one or more of the following:

    Add material

    Subtract material

    Increase spatial volume

    Decrease spatial volume

    Protect a spatial volume

    Therefore, when creating a shape feature that will intersect with another feature in the same body, you would select the volume type according to the results that you need.

    Shape Feature Types

    The following are the different shape feature types:

    Shellable Feature

    Cavity Feature

    Added Feature

    Protected Feature

    Internal Feature

    Core Feature

  • Shape TypesYou need to define a shape type when creating shape features (or certain functional features). To know how to create the five possible different shapes, refer to the following tasks:




    Thick Surface

    External Shape

  • Shellable Feature

    The Shellable command is very often used to create the main shape of the part. It creates a hollow feature you can open via the Shell Properties command. Shellable features can have different basic shapes: Prism, Sweep, Revolve, Thick Surface or an External Shape.

    The Shellable command also adds material volume to the outside of another material volume that it intersects within the same body, thus extending the boundaries of the volume, as well as increasing the internal spatial volume of a shelled volume. The added volume inherits the shell properties (wall thickness) of the body.

    This task shows you how to create a shellable prism.

    To perform this scenario, sketch a rectangle in the Sketcher workbench then return to the Functional Molded Part workbench.

    1. Click the Shellable Feature icon .

    Shellable features can have different shapes. The Shellable Feature dialog box that appears

    displays the Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

  • 2. If you prefer a different shape, click any of the other four shapes available. To know how to

    create any of them, refer to the Sweep, Revolve or Thick Surface or External Shape tasks. For

    the purposes of our scenario, keep the default option

    3. Select the profile you wish to extrude. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon

    enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    4. Create a basic prism as explained in the Prism task.

    5. Click OK to confirm and create the shellable feature. Shellable Prism.X is added to the

    specification tree in the Functional Body.X node. By customizing the view (use the Hidden

    edges points option), you can notice that the prism is hollow. By default, the shellable feature

    has no opening.

  • 6. To open it, just double-click the Shell Properties node in the Specification tree or click the Shell

    Properties command .

    7. For example, select the top face as the face to be removed and enter the value of your choice to

    define the wall thickness.

    8. Click OK to confirm the operation. One face has been removed.

    9. For more information, refer to Setting Shell Properties.


    10. Click the Core tab.

    The Core capability enables you to define a core body (offset) for a shellable feature.

  • This sometimes becomes necessary if the geometrical complexity of the shellable

    feature is such that standard offsets fail.

    If your part contains two or more shellable features, you need to choose between three


    Isolated core

    Automatically generates the core at feature level through an offset of only this

    shellable features geometry (i.e. the feature is independently shelled). Note that

    faces of features that have an isolated core cannot be later selected in Shell

    Properties command as Face to remove or Face with special thickness.

    Interconnected core

    Automatically generates the core at functional body level through an offset of the

    union of all shellable features contained within the same functional body.

    Select core

    You can select any body to represent the core for the shellable feature.

  • Cavity Feature

    The Cavity command adds material to the outside of another material volume that it intersects with in the same body.

    This task shows you how to create a cavity.

    Open the Cavity_Core.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Cavity icon .

    Cavity features can have different shapes. The Cavity Feature dialog box that appears displays

    the Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

    If you prefer a different shape, click any of the four shapes available. To know how to create any

    of them, refer to the Prism, Sweep, Revolve, Thick Surface or External Shape tasks. For the

    purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    2. Select Sketch.2 as the profile you wish to extrude. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher

    icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.


  • 3. In the Limits tab, enter these values:

    First length=102mm

    Second length=-6mm

    4. Optionally, set the parameters and options you wish to make the shape more complex as

    explained in Prism (or Sweep) page.

    5. Click OK to confirm and create the cavity feature. Cavity Prism.X is added to the specification

    tree in the FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Added Feature

    The Added Feature adds material to both the outside and inside of material volumes it intersects within the same body.

    Open the Feature.CATPart.

    1. Click the Added Feature icon .

    Added features can have different shapes. The Added Feature dialog box that appears displays

    the Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

    2. If you prefer a different shape, click any of the other four shapes available. To know how to

    create any of them, refer to the Prism, Sweep, Revolve, Thick Surface or External Shape tasks.

    For the purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    3. Select Sketch.21 as the profile you wish to extrude. If no profile is defined, clicking the

    Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    4. In the Limits tab, enter these values:


  • First length: 15mm.

    Second length: 30mm.

    5. Optionally, set the parameters and options you wish to make the shape more complex as

    explained in Prism (or Sweep) page.

    6. Click OK to confirm and create the added feature. Added Prism.X is added to the specification

    tree in the FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Protected Feature

    The Protected Feature command creates areas into which no additional material can penetrate that is in the same body.

    Open the Protected.CATPart document.

    1. Note that the functional body contains a cutout. Cutouts are now displayed in red to

    improve the visualization of protected areas.

    Click the Protected Feature icon .

    Protected features can have different shapes. The Protected Feature dialog box that appears

    displays the Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

    If you prefer a different shape, click any of the other four shapes available. To know how to

    create any of them, refer to the Prism, Sweep, Revolve, Thick Surface or External Shape tasks.

    For the purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.


  • 2. Select Holes as the profile you wish to extrude. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher

    icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    3. In the Limits tab, enter 20mm to define First length.

    4. Optionally, set the parameters and options you wish to make the shape more complex as

    explained in Prism (or Sweep) page.

    5. Check the Thick option that is available for the Prism, Sweep and Revolve shapes. This option

    enables you to add material to both sides of the profile.

    6. Enter 5mm in the Thickness1field and click Preview. Thickness is added to the inside of the

    profile. As a protected area, the protected feature is displayed in red.

    7. Enter 2mm in the Thickness2 field and click Preview. Thickness is added to the outside of the


    8. To add material equally to both sides of the profile, check Neutral fiber and click Preview to

    see the result. The thickness you defined for Thickness1 is evenly distributed: a thickness of

    5mm has been added to each side of the profile.

  • 9. Click OK to confirm and create the protected feature. Protected Prism.X is added to the

    specification tree in the FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Internal Feature

    The Internal Feature command adds material only to the inside of another material volume that it intersects within the same body.

    Open the Feature.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Internal icon .

    Internal features can have different shapes. The Internal Feature dialog box that appears

    displays the Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

    2. If you prefer a different shape, click any of the other four shapes available. To know how to

    create any of them, refer to the Prism, Sweep, Revolve, Thick Surface or External Shape tasks.

    For the purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    3. Select Sketch.21 as the profile you wish to extrude. If no profile is defined, clicking the

    Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    4. In the Limits tab, enter 15mm to define First length and 20mm for Second length.


  • 5. Optionally, set the parameters and options you wish to make the shape more complex as

    explained in Prism (or Sweep) page.

    6. Check the Thick option that is available for the Prism, Sweep and Revolve shapes. This option

    enables you to add material to both sides of the profile.

    Three additional options display:

    7. Enter 7mm in the Thickness1 field. Thickness is added to the inside of the profile.

    8. Enter 3mm in the Thickness2 field and click Preview. Thickness is added to the outside of the


  • 9. To add material equally to both sides of the profile, check Neutral fiber and clickPreview to see

    the result.

    10. Click OK to confirm and create the internal feature. Internal Prism.X is added to the

    specification tree in the FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Outside Inside

  • Core Feature

    The Core Feature command extends the internal shape of a cavity.

    Open the Cavity_Core.CATPart document and create a cavity feature as explained in Cavity Feature.

    1. Click the Core Feature icon .

    Core features can have different shapes. The Core Feature dialog box that appears displays the

    Prism icon as the default shape to be created.

    2. If you prefer a different shape, click any of the other four shapes available. To know how to

    create any of them, refer to the Prism, Sweep, Revolve, Thick Surface or External Shape tasks.

    For the purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    3. Select Sketch.3 as the profile you wish to extrude.If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher

    icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    4. In the Limits tab, enter 102mm to define First length and 6mm for Second length.


  • 5. Optionally, set the parameters and options you wish to make the shape more complex as

    explained in Prism (or Sweep) page.

    6. Click OK to confirm and create the core feature. Core Prism.X is added to the specification tree

    in the FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Creating Functional Features

    Functional Features are features with specific design intents that are applied to other features to modify them. Characterized by inherent behaviors, they add design details by modifying shape features. Thus, each functional feature performs a function, such as creating walls, adding material to the inside or outside of a shape feature, or creating and protecting an empty space. After a feature is applied, it retains a behavior according to the feature's function and interacts with other features within the same body.

    Many of the capabilities have been defined based on assembly and manufacturing processes for injection molded parts and mechanical products.

    This section provides information about the following functional features:








    Push (body modifier)

    Pull (body modifier)

    Fitting (body modifier)

    Hole and Threaded Hole

  • Cutout

    The Cutout command removes material from the active body, based on a selected profile. By removing material, you are actually creating a protected volume. The cutout is shelled as you apply it to a shellable feature.

    This type of feature requires a closed profile defining the area that a section will be removed from the active body.

    This task shows you how to create a cutout.

    Open the Cutout.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Cutout icon .

    The Cutout dialog box displays.


  • 2. Select Sketch.1 as the closed profile on which you are going to base the cutout. If no profile is

    defined, clicking the Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

  • click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.

    The prism is the default shape. Just click the sweep icon if you want to change. For the

    purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    3. Set the parameters and options as follows to define the shape as explained in Prism (or Sweep)


    In the Distance tab, enter 17mm to define Floor: Length.

    Instead of using the Length option, you can set the Through All option, which sets the value of

    the cutout length as zero. This extends the cutout infinitely from the profile plane in the specified

    direction(s). Because the cutout is a protected volume, the infinite volume is also protected.

    When this option is checked, the Length value field is not available.

    Preview of the Through All option defined for the Floor


  • Opening: Length=0mm

    Here again, instead of using the Length option, you can set the Through option, which sets the

    value of the cutout depth as zero.

    In the Direction tab

    Normal to profile option checked

    In the Draft tab


    In the Fillet tab

    All fillet options unchecked.

    4. Click Preview to get an idea of what the cutout looks like. As a protected area, it is

    displayed in red:

  • 5. Uncheck the With floor option to see the difference. As indicated by the cursor, the cutout has

    no floor.

    6. Check the With floor option to create a floor.


    Checking the Complement option cuts away what is outside the profile rather than what is inside

    the profile, thus creating a complementary (or inverse) cutout, as shown in the following image:

    Cutout Complement

  • Wall

    To define the wall, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the cutout wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    7. For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 2mm in the

    Thickness value field.

    8. Click OK to confirm and create the cutout. Cutout.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Pocket

    Pockets are based on simple profiles and usually have side walls and a bottom.

    They also have an inner protected volume, which means that no other volumes in the same body can penetrate this area. If you add a pocket to a shelled body, it creates supporting walls, if necessary.

    The direction of a pocket always goes from the inside to the outside of the body.

    This task shows you how to create a pocket.

    Open the Pocket.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Pocket icon .

    The Pocket dialog box displays.


  • 2. A pocket requires a closed planar profile.Select Sketch.1 as the profile defining the shape of the

    pocket. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile

    you need.

    If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

  • click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.

    Shape Definition

    3. The prism is the default shape. Just click the sweep icon if you want to change. For the

    purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    4. Set the parameters and options you want to define the shape as explained in Prism or Sweep


    In the Distance tab

    Floor: Length=0mm

    Opening: Length=50mm

    Checking the Clearance volume option in the Distance tab creates an infinite protected volume

    outside of the pocket and in the opposite direction in which the pocket depth is applied, which


  • prevents any material from the same body from penetrating the area above the pocket. Here is a

    preview of the feature. As a protected area, the clearance volume is displayed in red:

    Checking the Protected volume option reserves space inside of the pocket. A protected volume

    is a space that nothing from the same body can penetrate inside of. As a protected area,

    the protected volume is displayed in red:

  • 5. To define the wall, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the pocket wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 7mm in the

    Thickness value field.

    6. Click OK to confirm and create the pocket. Pocket.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.

    Checking the Only outside option creates the pocket only outside of the shelled body. Thus, the

    profile of the pocket must extend outside of the walls in order for the pocket to be visible. This

    option is not available when Protected Volume is selected.


  • Boss

    A boss adds material only to the outside of a material volume that it intersects with in the same body. To create a boss, there must be a closed profile, consisting of either wireframe or sketching curves, that defines the area to which the boss is applied. A boss can be either solid or shelled.

    This task shows you how to create a boss on the outside face of a shellable feature.

    Open the Feature.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Boss icon .

    The Boss dialog box displays.

    2. Select Sketch.21 as the closed profile. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon

    enables you to sketch the profile you need.


  • If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

    click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.


    3. Ceiling: enter 25mm in the Length field to define the distance from the sketch plane up to the


    4. Opening: enter 0mm in the Length field to define the distance from the sketch plane up to the


    Setting the To shell option extends the boss to a shellable volume in the active body, in the

    opposite direction of the height. The extension of the boss profile must fit inside the boundaries

    of the shellable volume. Otherwise, no extension will occur.

    Checking the Mirrored extent option extrudes the profile in the opposite direction using the

    same length value as the one defined for the first length.


  • Clicking the Reverse Direction button reverses the extrusion direction. Another way of

    reversing the direction is by clicking the arrow in the geometry area.


    By default, the Normal to profile option is checked, meaning that the profile is extruded

    normal to the sketch plane. If you wish to specify another direction, just uncheck the option, and

    then select a geometrical element to be used as the new reference. For the purposes of our

    scenario, keep the default option.

    Clicking the Reverse Direction button reverses the extrusion direction.


    5. If you wish to define a draft angle, click the Draft tab.

    6. Set Intrinsic to feature to define the draft behavior.

    7. Check the Angle field and enter 6deg as the draft angle.

    The default neutral element (defines a neutral curve on which the drafted face will lie) is the

    profile plane. The other possible neutral elements can be:




    For the purposes of our scenario, keep the default neutral element.

  • 8. Click Preview. The feature looks like this:


    Checking the Lateral radius option enables you to fillet lateral edges. Then, you merely need to

    set the radius value of your choice.

    9. Check the Ceiling radius option to fillet the cylinder's top.

    10. Enter 3.5mm to define the ceiling radius value.

    If the boss is to be shelled, you can check the Constant wall thickness option which

    propagates the fillets into the shell, thus maintaining a constant wall thickness.

  • Wall

    To define the wall, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the boss wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    9. For the purpose of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 8mm in the

    Thickness value field.

    10. Click OK to confirm and create the boss. Boss.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.

    Outside Inside

  • Rib

    The Rib capability adds strength to a shelled body and is typically applied inside of a shelled body, although it may extend outside the body as well.

    This task shows you how to create a rib.

    Open the Rib.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Rib icon .

    The Rib dialog box displays.


  • 2. Select Sketch.1 as the closed profile. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon

    enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

    click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.

    Shape Definition

    The prism is the default shape. Just click the Sweep icon if you want to change. For the

    purposes of our scenario, keep the default option.

    3. Set the parameters and options as follows to define the shape as explained in Prism (or Sweep)


    In the Distance tab

    First Limit: Length=0mm

    Second Limit: Length=50mm


  • To define limits, instead of using the Length option, you can set the:

    To shell option. This capability extends the rib to a shellable volume in the active body, in

    the opposite direction of the height. The extension of the rib profile must fit inside the

    boundaries of the shellable volume. Otherwise, no extension will occur.

  • To Plane/Surface option. The plane or surface you then select trims the rib as illustrated in the example below:

    Extension Type

    4. To define the extension type you want, you can set one of the three options available from the

    Extension type drop down list:

    No extension: confines the rib to be created only within the walls of the shelled volume,

    even if the profile is outside of the walls of the volume.

  • Add all: creates the rib based on the specified length and width values, even if the values

    cause the rib to protrude outside of the volume to which it is applied.

    Subtract all: subtracts the volume of the rib from the volume to which it is applied.

    5. For the purpose of our scenario, use the Add all option.


    To define the wall, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

  • Use body thickness: the rib wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    6. For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 7mm in the

    Thickness value field.

    7. Click OK to confirm and create the rib. Rib.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.


    The Posts tab provides options for creating conical ribs from non-construction point entities

    contained in the selected profiles sketch. These types of ribs are called "posts".

    8. For the purpose of our scenario, Click the Rib icon again and select Sketch.22. That sketch

    contains three non-construction points. In the Distance tab, set:

    First Limit: Length=48mm

    Second Limit: Length=0mm

    9. Click the Posts tab.

    10. Check the Create Posts at points option.

  • 11. In the Diameter field, enter a value to define the rib post diameter which must be greater than

    zero. Each non-construction point within the selected profile's sketch is used as the center point

    for the diameter. For example, enter 11mm.

    12. The Taper Angle applies to each rib post. A non-zero angle results in the post taking the

    geometric form of a truncated cone. For example, enter 3deg.

    The Reference field lets you choose between three types of elements used for neutral elements

    for applying the taper angle. The three elements available are:

  • Profile plane

    First limit.If the first limit is a surface, refer to the picture below for details:

    Second limit

    Note that posts are not affected by the data you enter in features draft tabs.

    13. Click OK to confirm and create the three posts.

    More About Posts

    In addition to points, sketches can contain curves, which enables you to obtain results as

    illustrated below:

  • Rest

    The Rest command removes material from the active body to create a platform-like area.

    The area of the rest is an inner protected volume, which means that no other volumes within the same body can penetrate this area. You can add a rest to a shelled or unshelled body. The results will vary, depending on the volume type that you select. If you add a rest to a shelled body, it creates supporting walls, if necessary.

    This task shows you how to create a rest.

    Open the Rest.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Rest icon .

    The Rest dialog box displays.


  • 2. Select Sketch.2 as the closed profile. If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon

    enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    A rest requires a closed profile on the body indicating where the rest is to be created.

    If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

  • click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.


    3. Enter 8mm in the First length field to define the distance from the sketch plane up to the


    4. To define the landing, enter 10mm in the Second length field to define the distance from the

    sketch plane up to the landing. Previewing the feature lets you get an idea of what the rest looks

    like. As a protected area, it is displayed in red:

    Checking the Mirrored extent option extrudes the profile in the opposite direction using the

    same length value as the one defined for the first length.

    Clicking the Reverse Direction button reverses the extrusion direction. Another way of

    reversing the direction is by clicking the arrow in the geometry area.



  • By default, the Normal to profile option is checked, meaning that the profile is extruded

    normal to the sketch plane. If you wish to specify another direction, just uncheck the option, and

    then select a geometrical element to be used as the new reference. For the purposes of our

    scenario, keep the default option. Clicking the Reverse Direction button reverses the extrusion



    If you wish to define a draft angle, just click the Draft tab, then check the Angle field and enter

    the desired value in the Angle field.

    The default neutral element (defines a neutral curve on which the drafted face will lie) is the

    profile plane. The other possible neutral elements can be:




    Checking the Lateral radius option enables you to fillet lateral edges. Then, you merely need to

    set the radius value of your choice.

    Checking the Bottom radius option enables you to fillet bottom edges.

    5. Check the Landing radius option to fillet landing edges and enter 6 as the radius value.

    If the rest is to be shelled, you can check the Constant wall thickness option which propagates

    the fillets into the shell, thus maintaining a constant wall thickness.

  • Wall

    To define the wall, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the rest wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    6. Click OK to confirm and create the rest. Rest.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.

    With bottom

    The With bottom option creates a bottom. By default, the option is on.

    With Bottom Without Bottom

  • Grill

    A grill is used to extract a mesh pattern from a shelled body. To create a grill, you need a profile that defines the external boundary as well as the internal components, such as the internal island, the ribs and the spikes.

    This task shows you how to create a grill.

    Open the Grill.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Grill icon .

    The Grill dialog box displays. Pictures in each tab of the dialog box help you define your parameters.

    2. Keep the default method for creating the grid: the Normal to face option creates the grill based on a

    specific offset value that is applied normal to the face.

    The other method Sweep face creates the grill based on a specific height value that is swept from the face.



  • 3. Select Sketch.4 as the boundary profile.

    If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

    click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.

    4. In the Height field, enter 22mm to define the depth of the grill inside of the shellable feature. The offset is

    applied normal to the face.

    5. In the Width field, enter 10mm to define the width of the boundary.

    6. Click the Reverse Direction button to reverse the arrow. The arrow indicates which direction the grill

    profile will be applied to the shellable feature.

    Another way of reversing the direction is by clicking the arrow.


  • 7. Select Sketch.3 as the ribs profile.

    If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile you need.

    8. In the Height field, enter 22mm

    9. In the Width field, enter 7mm to define the width of boundary and ribs.

    10. In the Offset field, enter 22mm to define the depth of the grill inside of the shellable feature. The offset is

    applied normal to the face.



  • 11. Click the Spike tab.

    12. Select Sketch.5 as the profile defining the spikes.

    13. To define an offset from the top face of the ribs, enter 7 in the Top Offset field. The application dynamically

    previews this offset. You can see that the offset is computed from the sketch plane used for Sketch.5.

    14. To define an offset from the bottom face of the ribs, enter 7 in the Bottom Offset field. The application

    dynamically previews this offset. You can see that the offset is computed from the sketch plane used for


    15. Enter 14 in the Width field to define the width of the spikes.

  • Island

    16. Click the Island tab.

    17. Select Sketch.2 as the island profile.

    18. To define the grill wall thickness, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the grill wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

  • Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value field becomes

    available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    No walls: the grill has no walls.

    19. For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 3mm in the Thickness value



    20. If you wish to define a draft angle, just click the Draft tab, then set the Draft behavior option to Intrinsic

    to feature.

    21. Just enter the desired value in the Angle field now displayed.

    Click OK to confirm and create the grill. Grill.X is added to the specification tree in the FunctionalBody.X


    Outside Inside

  • Reinforcement

    The Reinforcement capability adds external strength by adding material to the outside of material volumes that the reinforcement intersects with in the same body.

    This task shows you how to add reinforcements.

    Open the Reinforcement.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Reinforcement icon .

    The Reinforcement dialog box displays.

    2. SelectSketch.2 as the planar profile to be used.


  • The profile can be open or closed.

    If no profile is defined, clicking the Sketcher icon enables you to sketch the profile you


    If you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:

    click the Profile/Surface field again and select another sketch.

    use any of these creation contextual commands available from the Profile/Surface field:

    Go to profile definition. See Using the Sub-elements of a sketch.

    Create Sketch: launches the Sketcher after selecting any plane, and lets you sketch the profile you need as explained in the Sketcher User's Guide.

    Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.

    Create Extract: generates separate elements from non-connex sub-elements. See Extracting Geometry.


    3. Enter 8mm in the Length field to define the distance from the sketch plane up to the ceiling.

    To define the opening, enter the value of your choice in the Length field to define the distance

    from the sketch plane up to the opening.

    Instead of using the Length option, you can set To shell . This capability extends the

    reinforcement to a shellable volume in the active body, in the opposite direction of the height.


  • The extension of the reinforcement profile must fit inside the boundaries of the shellable volume.

    Otherwise, no extension will occur.

    4. In the Width field, enter 4mm to define the width of the reinforcement. The width is distributed

    equally to both sides of the profile.

    Checking the Mirrored extent option extrudes the profile in the opposite direction using the

    same length value as the one defined for the first length.

    Clicking the Reverse Direction button reverses the extrusion direction. Another way of

    reversing the direction is by clicking the arrow in the geometry area.


    By default, the Normal to profile option is checked, meaning that the profile is extruded

    normal to the sketch plane. If you wish to specify another direction, just uncheck the option, and

    then select a geometrical element to be used as the new reference.

    Clicking the Reverse Direction button reverses the extrusion direction.

    DraftIf you wish to define a draft angle, just click the Draft tab, then check the Angle field and enter

    the desired value in the Angle field.

  • Ceiling



    Checking the Lateral radius option enables you to fillet lateral edges. Then, you merely need to

    set the radius value of your choice.

    5. Check the Ceiling radius option to fillet the cylinder's top and enter 0.8mm to define the ceiling

    radius value.

    If the rest is to be shelled, you can check the Constant wall thickness option which propagates

    the fillets into the shell, thus maintaining a constant wall thickness.


    To define the wall, you can set one of the two options available from the Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the reinforcement wall thickness is that of the active shelled body


    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    6. For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 2mm in the

    Thickness value field.

    7. Click OK to confirm and create the reinforcement. Reinforcement.X is added to the specification

    tree in the FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Push

    The Push capability enables you to use bodies as tools to deform the shell by pushing into it. If needed, the capability also lets you add clearances to some faces. You can use this capability to take into account in the designed part the space that will be occupied by another part in the same mechanism.

    This task shows you how to push a body in form of a star into another body to obtain the shape of the star.

    Open the Functional_Features1.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Push icon .

    The Push dialog box displays.

    2. Select Body.2 as the pushing body.


    3. The clearance is the protected volume around Body.2 that separates it from Functional Body.1.

    To define it, enter a value in the Distance field.

    4. Click Preview to see the result:


  • Advanced

    5. If you wish to define other clearances between specific faces and Functional Body.1 , click the

    Advanced tab.

    6. Select the face of interest, then enter a large distance value.

    7. Click Preview to see the result:

  • 8. If you wish to apply the same clearance to other faces, just select the faces, and check Apply

    distance to all selected faces.

    9. Click Preview to see the result:

    In case you wish to remove:

    a face from the selection, just select the face from the geometry.

    all selected faces, use the Clear Selections contextual command available from the Faces field.


    The walls produced by the Push feature are defined by one of the two options available from the

    Type drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the push wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value

    field becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    10. For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 6mm for instance in

    the Thickness value field.

  • 11. Click OK to confirm and create the push. Push.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.

  • Pull

    The Pull capability enables you to use bodies as tools to deform the shell by pulling into it. If needed, the capability also lets you add clearances to some faces. You can use this capability to take into account in the designed part the space that will be occupied by another part in the same mechanism. The space created by the Pull is a protected volume.

    This task shows you how to use this command.

    Open the Functional_Features1.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Pull icon .

    The Pull dialog box displays.

    2. Select Body.2 as the pulling body.


    3. The clearance is the protected volume around Body.2 that separates it from Functional Body.1. To

    define it, enter a value in the Distance field. For instance, enter 1.

    4. Click Preview to see the result:


  • Advanced

    5. If you wish to define other clearances between specific faces and Functional Body.1, click the

    Advanced tab.

    6. Select the face of interest, then enter, for instance, 6 as the distance value.

    7. Click Preview to see the result:

    8. If you wish to apply the same clearance to other faces, just select the faces, and check Apply distance

    to all selected faces.

    9. Click Preview to see the result:

  • In case you wish to remove:

    a face from the selection, just select the face from the geometry.

    all selected faces, use the Clear Selections contextual command available from the Faces field.


    The walls produced by the Pull feature are defined by one of the two options available from the Type

    drop down list:

    Use body thickness: the pull wall thickness is that of the active shelled body thickness.

    Enter thickness: simply enter the value you want. After this option is selected, the value field

    becomes available. Wall thickness values can only by positive values.

    10. For the purposes of our scenario, set the Enter thickness option and enter 3mm for instance in the

    Thickness value field.

  • 11. Click OK to confirm and create the push. Pull.X is added to the specification tree in the

    FunctionalBody.X node.

    Outside Inside

  • Fitting

    The Fitting capability enables you to use a new or existing part to fit into another part in a different body. It lets you define a protected area by using a body and adds a clearance. You can use this capability to take into account in the designed part the space that will be occupied by another part in the same mechanism.

    This task shows you how to use this capability.

    Open the Functional_Features1.CATPart document.

    1. Click the Fitting icon .

    The Fitting dialog box displays.

    2. Select Body.2 as the body that will perform the operation into Functional Body.1.


    3. The clearance defines a space around the Tool body, based on a specified value, that extends the

    protected volume of the fitting by that value. To define it, enter a value in the Distance field. For

    instance, enter 4.2.

    4. Click Preview to see the result:


  • Advanced

    5. If you wish to define specific clearances between one or more faces and Functional Body.1,

    click the Advanced tab.

    6. Select the face of interest, then, for instance, enter 6 as the distance value.

    7. Click Preview to see the result:

  • If you wish to apply the same clearance to other faces, just select the faces, and check Apply

    distance to all selected faces.

    In case you wish to remove:

    a face from the selection, just select the face from the geometry.

    all selected faces, use the Clear Selections contextual command available from the Faces field.

    8. Click OK to confirm and create the fitting. Fitting.X is added to the specification tree in the


    The volume that is removed during the fitting operation is made a protected volume. No other

    entity in the same body can penetrate into the protected volume. However, entities from other

  • bodies can penetrate it.

    A fitting does not create walls in the shelled volume of the target body. If you want the fitting

    feature to inherit the shell thickness of the target body, thus creating walls of the same

    thickness, use the Push or Pull command.

  • Hole

    The Hole capability enables you to remove material from a body. Various shapes of standard holes can be created. These holes are:

    Simple Tapered Counterbored

    Countersunk Counterdrilled

    This task shows you how to create a counterbored hole and describes the main parameters you need for creating a hole:





    Thread Definition

    To perform this scenario, sketch a rectangle in the Sketcher workbench then return to the Functional Molded Part workbench to create a shellable prism.

  • 1. Click the Hole icon .

    2. Select any prism's face.

    A hole is previewed and a grid is displayed to help you position the hole. If you wish to hide it,

    click the Sketcher icon from the Positioning Sketch frame, then deactivate the Grid

    icon. For more about the grid (spacing and graduations, etc.), refer to Sketcher (Part Design

    User's Guide), which deals with settings.

    The Hole Definition dialog box is displayed too.


    3. By default, the application previews a blind hole whose diameter is 10mm and depth 10mm. Keep

    the Blind option.

    The three possible limit types are:


  • Blind Up to Plane Up to Surface

    Up to Plane: extends the hole to the plane you explicitly select.

    Up to Surface: extends the hole to the surface you explicitly select.

    Note that these options are available as contextual commands on the BOTTOM