fundamental selling skills -...

1/14/2014 1 M O D U L E 2 Part 1 | Prospecting for New Business Fundamental Selling Skills Welcome! | 2 Sysco Fundamental Selling Skills Sysco's Vision: "To be our customers' most valued and trusted business partner.” D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n Review | Communication Did you complete: 1. Analyzing Statements for Style 2. Building Rapport 3. Active Listening | 3

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M O D U L E 2 Part 1 | Prospecting for New Business

Fundamental Selling Skills


| 2

Sysco Fundamental Selling Skills

Sysco's Vision:

"To be our customers' most valued and trusted business partner.”

D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Review | Communication

Did you complete:

1. Analyzing Statements for Style

2. Building Rapport

3. Active Listening

| 3

Page 2: Fundamental Selling Skills - · 1/14/2014 2 Fundamental Selling Skills Program 1. Effective Communication



Fundamental Selling Skills Program

1. Effective Communication Skills

2. Prospecting for New Business Part 1

Prospecting for New Business Part 2

1. Planning the Sales Call

2. Identifying Priorities

3. Relating & Reinforcing Benefits

4. Managing Feedback

5. Gaining Commitment

6. Building Positive and Long-term Customer Relationships

| 4

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class you will be able to:

• Identify three successful behaviors of successful prospecting

• Set personal prospecting activity goals

• Work through Gatekeepers

| 5

When prospecting, you need to:

• Find brand new accounts (a smaller percentage of our business, but still important)

• Get new orders with inactive accounts

• Get more business within existing accounts

Prospecting Is Contacting Leads

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C h a t

Common Challenges with Prospecting

What prevents you from prospecting?

• No time

• Prefer to work on deals that are closing (hate cold calling)

• Hard to reach people

• Procrastination

• Not an instantly rewarding activity

• Endless activity

• Rejection (prefer to work with current customers)

| 7

W h i t e B o a r d

Prospecting Question

Use your arrow to point to the top three reasons you think prospecting is challenging:

• No time

• Prefer to work on deals that are closing (hate cold calling)

• Hard to reach people

• Procrastination

• Not an instantly rewarding activity

• Endless activity

• Rejection (prefer to work with current customers)

D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Why You Need to Prospect Regularly

• Pipeline attrition due to:– Restaurant goes out of business

– Preferred suppliers

– Competition

– Personnel changes

– Dropped SKUs or lines

– New owners

• Essential to maintain and grow sales volume

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#1 Sales Skill

Successful prospecting is the key to successful selling.

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C h a t

Prospecting Goals to Improve

When you think of the various activities associated with prospecting, which do you want to improve the most?

• Allocating enough time for prospecting

• Working through Gatekeepers

• Handling resistance

• Maintaining my motivation

Three Behaviors to Successful Prospecting

| 12


Set ProspectingGoals


Plan ProspectingTime


Track YourResults!

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1. Set Prospecting Goals

Note: Your goals might be different – check with your manager on sales goals and expectations.

Your action is to:

• Turn Prospects or previous customers into Penetration Customers

• Cause Penetration Customers to increase order size

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C h a t

Prospecting Visits By Customer

• How many prospecting visits does a seasoned MA make per week?

• What is the number of sales visits to Prospects needed per week?

• What is the number of sales visits to Penetration Customers needed per week?

• 10 visits to get a Prospect to order• 4 visits to get a Penetration Customer to increase order

Your goal: • Make 6 – 10 Prospect visits per week• Make weekly prospecting visits to Penetration

Customers and sell below the line

Number of Visits to Reach Your Goal

| 15

The number of visits to get an order is:

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W o r k b o o k E x e r c i s e

Set Personal Prospecting Goal

• Open your workbook.

• Use the worksheet to set your personal prospecting goals.

• Be prepared to report back.

| 16| 16

D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

| 17







W o r k b o o k E x e r c i s e

| 18

1. Set SMART Prospecting Goals






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C h a t

Prospecting Time Per Week

How much time per week do you plan to set aside for prospecting?

2. Plan Prospecting Time

• Schedule prospecting time and commit to it.• Do it for at least one month to make it a habit.• Try different times of day.• Be aware of your energy and busy times at customers.

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Use the Telephone to Support Prospecting

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By using the telephone you can:

• Get your message to a prospect

• Leave a “verbal” calling card

• Use your phone to log the call in with Sysco 360 mobile

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3. Track Your Results

| 22

Commit to Track Your Results

| 23

Raise your hand if you commit to track your results.

D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Summary | Three Behaviors to Successful Prospecting

• Now you know:

– Number of prospecting visits to make

– How to create a SMART goal

– The key to ensure you spend time prospecting

– How to track your results

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Prospecting Basics

Active Listening is the key to building rapport.

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C h a t

| 26

Prospecting Sources

What are some sources you can use to find prospects?

C h e c k M a r k

Prospecting Sources | Internet

• Internet searches– License applications– Reviews

– Yelp reviews

– Mobile Location App

Which prospecting resources have you used?

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C h e c k M a r k

Prospecting Sources | Directories

• Internet searches– License applications– Reviews

– Yelp reviews

– Mobile Location App

• Membership directories, such as Chamber of Commerce

Which prospecting resources have you used?

| 28

C h e c k M a r k

Prospecting Sources | Non-Compete

• Internet searches– License applications– Reviews

– Yelp reviews

– Mobile Location App

• Membership directories, such as Chamber of Commerce

• Non-compete suppliers

Which prospecting resources have you used?

| 29

C h e c k M a r k

Prospecting Sources | Trade Associations

• Internet searches– License applications– Reviews

– Yelp reviews

– Mobile Location App

• Membership directories, such as Chamber of Commerce

• Non-compete suppliers

• Trade associations

Which prospecting resources have you used?

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C h e c k M a r k

Prospecting Sources | Driving

• Internet searches– License applications– Reviews

– Yelp reviews

– Mobile Location App

• Membership directories, such as Chamber of Commerce

• Non-compete suppliers

• Trade associations

• Drive your route a different way and look for new restaurants

Which prospecting resources have you used?

| 31

C h e c k M a r k

Prospecting Sources | Customers

• Internet searches– License applications– Reviews

– Yelp reviews

– Mobile Location App

• Membership directories, such as Chamber of Commerce

• Non-compete suppliers

• Trade associations

• Drive your route a different way and look for new restaurants

• Former customers

• Referrals

Which prospecting resources have you used?

| 32

Prospecting Sources | Referrals

When looking for referrals:

• Ask at every opportunity

• Ask permission

• Make it easy for the Decision Maker

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Preparation and Planning

“The more I practice, the luckier I get.” – Arnold Palmer

“The more prepared I am, the more sales I get.” – Sysco MA

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D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Be Prepared with Basic Information

What should you know before you visit a Prospective Customer?

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D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Prospective Customer Basic Information

• Creditworthiness

• Competition: theirs and ours

• How long in business

• Business days/hours, e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner

• Top menu items or type of food served

• Decision Maker names

• Market position/market segment

• Generic questions ready about their challenges

• Some recent press item, if available

Know your Prospective Customer’s:

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D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Preparation and Planning

What objectives do you have for this meeting?

Have a plan before you go!

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Six-Step Prospecting Process

The six steps are:

1. Introduce yourself and your company

2. Work through the Gatekeeper (if applicable)

3. Utilize an Impact-Benefit statement

4. Provide a company capability overview

5. Handle resistance

6. Gain commitment to get an appointment

| 38

Benefits of the Six-Step Prospecting Process

The benefits of a systematic approach for preparing for sales calls are:

• Shortens preparation time because it’s a consistent methodology

• Improves the quality of your call• Anticipates prospect/customer needs• Prepares you for handling resistance• Helps you set specific action-oriented, achievable objectives

for your call

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W o r k b o o k E x e r c i s e

1. Identify Yourself and Your Company

Give your name and company -be upbeat!

Treat person on the other end respectfully.

Write down ways to introduce yourself.

| 40

C h a t

2. Work Through the Gatekeeper | Respect

Tips for Gatekeepers:• Treat them with respect

• Build rapport

| 41Note: Gatekeepers guard the Decision Maker’s time.

2. Work Through the Gatekeeper | Information

Tips for Gatekeepers:• Treat them with respect

• Build rapport

• Obtain information

• Be polite but assertive, avoid being tentative

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2. Work Through the Gatekeeper | Qualifying Questions

Tips for Gatekeepers:• Treat them with respect

• Build rapport

• Obtain information

• Be polite but assertive, avoid being tentative

• Ask qualifying questions

| 43

Gatekeeper | Examples

These are examples of what a Gatekeeper may say:

• “Jeff isn’t interested.” (or is busy)

• “The owner is in a meeting.”

• “We order everything from XYZ Distributors.”

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F i s h b o w l

Responding to the Gatekeeper

• The facilitator will be an MA.

• You will respond as the Gatekeeper.

• You have a homework assignment to practice working through the Gatekeeper.

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W o r k b o o k E x e r c i s e

Working Through the Gatekeeper

• Open your workbook and write a conversation with the Gatekeeper.

• Include statements on how you will:– Identify yourself and the company– Build rapport with the Gatekeeper– Gain access to the Decision Maker

| 46

F i s h b o w l

Demonstrating Working Through the Gatekeeper

• Open your workbook and write a conversation with the Gatekeeper.

• Include statements on how you will:– Identify yourself and the company– Build rapport with the Gatekeeper– Gain access to the Decision Maker

| 47

C h a t

Leaving Voicemail

How many times do you call a customer before you leave a voicemail?

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| 49

When leaving voicemail:

• Keep your voice upbeat

• Give your name, company, phone number

• State the reason for your call

• Eliminate filler words (um, er, ah)

• Slow down your rate of speech

• State your name and phone number again, slowly

Voicemail−The Biggest Gatekeeper of All

D i r e c t e d D i s c u s s i o n

Summary | Prospecting Process Part 1

Now you know how to:

• Use several prospecting sources

• Prepare for a prospect meeting

• Use a six-step prospecting process

• Work through Gatekeepers

| 50

Before Next Time

Before next session do your homework:

1. Discuss your prospecting goals with your manager

2. Set a plan to prospect

3. Find a Prospective Customer and research the business

4. Practice your Gatekeeper conversations

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Fundamental Selling Skills Program

1. Effective Communication Skills

2. Prospecting for New Business Part 1

Prospecting for New Business Part 2

1. Planning the Sales Call

2. Identifying Priorities

3. Relating & Reinforcing Benefits

4. Managing Feedback

5. Gaining Commitment

6. Building Positive and Long-term Customer Relationships

| 52

Thank You