furnas ed louise 1970 indonesia

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  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    dations: Continued)known Edward an d Louise Furnas fo r th etwo and one half years as students at LincolnCollege. Since my own survey ofnesia in the late summer of 1967, the

    have been c ommi tt ed t o becomeof that country.. .a rd F u rn a s is a n o rd a in ed m i ni st er of th etian Church. I whole heartedly commend himhi s good wife Louise to our brethrenwhere as being worthy of their prayers andrial support.

    Max Ward Randall, Prof.Department of MissionsLincoln Christian College

    refore said he unto them. The harvest truly isbut the labourers are few: pray ye thereforeord of the harvest that he would send for th

    i n to h i s ha rvest . Luke 10:2

    For more information concerning:E d a nd LouiseSpeaking engagementsSlides and tapesV.B.S. storiesaith Promi se i n f o rma t i on

    d u rnasBox I78,L.C.C.Lincoln, Illinois 62656

    until Feb. 1 1971After Feb. 1,1971 write:

    Harold EasthamBo x 3Vermilion, Illinois 61955

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    TH P OPLFor the past five ye ars the people ofonesia have been facing extreme political,ocial and cul tura l change. They forciblyast aside a communistic government inan d formed a democratic typeAnd although faced with severe

    they continue to make themselveseard in a wor ld of giant powers. All of thisange has not been without its problemsowever. The people have been made tothat their old ways are inadequate in new world . Especially is this so ination to their religion.Thousands t oday are turning to Christd t ho us an ds more are seeking newThe Ameri can Bible Soci et ysa id : In the cities of Java, mass evangelismcampaigns have seen as many as 4,000

    come to Christ at a time. In Jakarta,the capitol, 50 Bible study groups havecarried th e Gospe l message evenbehind prison walls, making more than200 converts among convicts in thecity's prisons.he United Press International says 2.5

    Indones ian Mus li ms h av e beento Chr is ti ani ty in the last threears Just a few months ago a ten daycrusade wa s held inwhich drew over 65,000

    9,000 of whom made Christianor enrolled in Bible courses.Mass responses such as these demandong Christian leadership and teaching. They for missionaries and teachers has steadily

    and even now t he n ee ds a re far froming met . This p robl em is height ened bye fact that the national population of over14 million persons isdistributed over 3,000lands stretching 3,300 miles across thef rom the Malaysian peninsula toNew Guinea .Max Ward Randall , who has just returneda s econd tour of the South Sea islands,s confirmed the fact that mass responsese still taking place and that countlessllages are still pleading for missionaries andachers to come and proclaim the message

    Christ an d es tabl i sh new churches.

    .THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHAlthough such phenomenal responses to Chr is t arebeing made, it is sad to say that none can be a tt ribu ted

    to t he C hr is ti an C hu rc he s a nd C hu rc he s of Chr is t . Thereason is clear and simple. We have had NOMISSION RI S IN INDONESIA I t w asn 't unti lSeptember 10, 1970 that the Christian Churches had anestabl ished work in I ndone si a . O the r chu r che s ar e thereand are doing phenomenal work, but we have fai led inour responsibilities. Now we must respond to this cry forneeded laborers .Ed and Louise will be joining four families who area lready on the f ie ld . They are the Charles Winegarner,Lew Cass, Carl Fish, and Bob Sigafoose families. Theywill all work together as a t eam, pat te rn ing theiractivities after the work of the Apostle Paul.Communism, a thei sm, I sl am, Hinduism, Buddhismand count less o ther i sms are actively vying for theminds of the people of Indonesia. The vacuum which isbeing created by rap id changes mus t be f il led. If it is notfilled by Christianity, then it will be filled by somethingelse. The choice is very much in the hands of Christiansas to whether or no t Christ shall fill t he v oi d in th eIndonesians' spiritual life.


    Ed, Karen & Louise

    Ed and Louise Furnas have for the pas t two and ahalf years been preparing for the work in Indonesia. Edwas born and raised in Terre Haute, Indiana. Heentered Lincoln Christian College in the fall of 1965,and at the same time held a weekend youth ministry athis home church. His schooling was partial ly paid for

    by a scholarship granted him by the AlexChristian Scholarship Foundation of IndianaIndiana. The other recipient of the scholarshipLouise Bates of Mar ion, Ind. Thr ee years l at ebecame his wife. They have one chi ld, Kar en, wone year old.Both Ed and Louise have graduated from LiChristian College. Ed majored in Ministerial ScLouise in Christian Education. Ed has also compleLinguistics course at the Toronto InstitutLinguistics.The Furnases left a Vh year ministry withSuccess Christian Church, Paris, Illinois, t o e nt enew field of service. They plan to leave for Indoearly in 1971. Their primary task will be vevangelism and the training of indigenous leaderwill also teach field linguistics to the other missioon th e field.

    Harol d and J eani e Eastham of Vermilion, Ilare serving as Forwarding Agents for Ed and LHarold is an E ld er at S ucc es s Christian Church, wboth he and his wife are active as teachers andgr oup sponso rs .

    RECOMMENDATIONS : It isa privilege for me to be able to write this norecommendation for Ed and Louise Furnas, whoto share wi th your congregation the challengIndonesia.I am sure that you will find the Indonchallenge as exc iting as we did, and will be gladwere given the oppor tuni ty to hear about it thrthe presentation of Ed and Louise.

    James H. Avery, MinisterDraper Park Christian ChurchOklahoma City, OklahomaWe the undersigned do heartily recommendChristians everywhere Ed Furnas and his wife LAsEd began his intentions of the work in Indowe were very happy. We are convinced odedication to this cause and are now supporting ha monthly basis and dai ly with prayers . Therreceive Ed and his wife in the spirit of Christ foglory of God.

    Minister an d EldersNor th Terre Haute Chr. Ch.Terre Haute, Indiana

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia



    The Bdward N Furnas fami ly went to Indones iain Februaryt 1971 They s ta r t ed with languages tudy and cu l t t i re ad jus tments o They have a l sosurveyed th e miss ion scene in Indonesia Theya r e t e a ch i ng in a sma l l Pen t e c o s t a l chu r ch wi t htwo goa ls i n Blind. They a re t each ing i n depthx^ha t th e Bib l e has to say abou t th e church andChr i s t i an l i v ing Secondly t hey want t o p repa re a team o f young people to do evange l i s t i cwork in th e v i l l a g e a r e a s su r r ound ing J a k a r t a .They a l s o do pe r sona l work wi th t h e i r ne ighbor sand nea rby v i l l a g e s

    dward Furnas was born Sj^pt 3 19^7in Te r r e Haute Ind He was g radua t ed f rom Gar -field High Schoo l in Te r r e Haute He was t r a i n e dt L inco l n Ch r i s t i a n Col l ege Linco ln 111He served as youth mini s t e r i n 1966 and s t a r t eda s preacher i n 1967

    Mrs Lo u i s e liz beth B a t e s F u r n a s w asMay 2 19^7 i n Bel levuet Pa She to o is a gradua t e o f LCC Linco ln 111 She mar r i ed d onAugust 24 19^8 a t Converse Ind They have 2

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    : 4 :5 t : < >;o; I/1 f m I l

    EDWARD PURHAS INDONESIA page 2T h e i r fo rward ing agen t s a re Haro ld and Mrs.

    Jeanie Sastham Box 3 Vermiliont I l l ino is 61955-,


    /y)i?. ,Name in full ^iuia,vci Ktlan Tor nab Date Oc-f^ 3; U l97^Complete address on field hoT /^T f(?.Si'f\|i TIComplete forwarding address Mrs., Hg^c iai

    iki i r.cto. X{rinc

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    Name and address of hometown npwspapnr nat^ o ^ ^ nC

    r.Uy TPv*^^ Hqu4q State_2jlii2AJ2^On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care tomen t i onMARITAL STATUS:MflrripH \ . ingTp DivorppH Widn-wpHDate of marriagp k Where married? Cfi h fa haWho solemnized your wedding? C-KcXir ife ^0 ^List children by ful l name giving place day month and year of birth:If your children have been adopted please indicate.Name Place of their birth day month and yearkavg.v^ Uooi iig Voy waS- viCoU . ti >Toi .s Gc.'fobe^r^ . t^ ^

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    Please list places of previous Christ ian service and what service you did . Give approximate dates:P l a c e Se r v i c e

    C'/\Uhct] [PartVXfi.)Da t e s

    Tu-kp, L> OQ. Ml- Jati.l9>oi^

    SCHOOLING high schoo l and later):N am e o f s ch oo l Loca t ion

    AQV- fieU Higk ^iiccl . Te^-K Hao'fg .Xtg^jrakOrPi\> t sV(aK r&l

    Number of years Degrees and date grantedHlqtt ^i^CCif Pl^ t>i,na. (^Ut^er A-. b//^fPn sfpt-Igl

    lovcyi-jo 6^ 1pyo^'tcijCQviQrla of 1?7o SuoQ^SstToIof e00 So. ' ^adx) rTv^jTcti-\ />f-P^fe#iGe(/

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    4HPARENTS:Father's name and home addrpas- tr V hg bT Igc^ Living_i^ D e c e a s e d

    Rtrppt. Haul^ r.uy_ r'in^rai gc ^nnS 0 ^ lO^ Ov-eaw,

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia



    Da t e

    Name in full LnuIsO- ( fictles) Fo^hft-SComplete address on field FsoT frT ff\^StHT V//H Complete forwarding address _Mr. hat^Q d Ko- t?f,f= > ^ ^f er^ l i 1ch 21ir.fis< s // i^SSName and address of Livinglink church or churches:.fsf ffv-ik l-lauie Okj-kfjah Oiorcli Cl^risfia^ CkiJt^(l{Rtrftftt. 3\33 Street. ^

    XCity t-lauhe StateJjosIIMo; CityJhI:^lh 00 Zone^^^ames and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:OnwrDo^jl-/ ClViri^Vlaii OLroi^ (^tjoC eSS Ck^fsho.* Ol\t;rC^

    oT RtrPPt f^PV ^ s jc rifytlei^ falesf Hg 7nnp state

    ^L}\L>3Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encouragother churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not a llow avisit ing missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impossible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a responsible New Testament church is a vital help i n persuading others of your worthiness and t he valueof your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers aboutyour church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to th e mission field Acts 13:1-3and will help provide th e necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share th ecredit in your miss ionary minis t ry . One of the ways that th e church can do this is to share theiconviction regarding your missionary minis try with others. Certainly, their words wil l helpconvince o the r s r ega rding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES tospread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide l ibrary by sending your church recommendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and th e others later.Recommendations by Christian Leaders: L ist n am es and addresses here and enclose a copy of^ ^ each letter, thanks.)NAMTi? IV^ rQ^qglf NameStrppt kinCof^iCityJli^ll^I^: Zone. State

    s t r e e tParii.City,

    S t r e e t



    Zone Sta te

    State r?

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    Name and address of hometown newspaper _CkT ipio 1G1S. fioy-

    Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:

    Stree t

    Ci t y_ Zone ,Sta t ePlace of BTRTH tellevu^.

    Stree t

    Ci t y_Pewh Y

    ,Zone Sta t eI ^

    Day of hivfh Mnnt.h_flfty _YpflrWhere haptiRPH? Fosf QoU^y^bu--. Ckuiroho T flr s t Date^kt^JljC^

    Pity Colotfyibo^ stfltA Ihcii XVi V19^

    On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care toment ionMARITAL STATUS:MarrfpH. . Single. Divorced WidowedDate of ynQT T ing f^ Where married? 0 vs g . iO-frvixWho solemnized your wedding? LList children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)Nam e

    kareh lioots ^ov naiP l a c e of t h e i r b i r th

    l l l l i WC /5day, mon th , and year

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:Place Service Dates

    tfls O^erj oW^ ^V-OukA^ oiyuJu UAAie^ . ^Ca/mci^ C'. C. 5 ^^ e.oioo^ j Aid JvrvJUXm 9 kol t (>? |alU^ (^ tLvS \ Ortjii V tlRs ^ ^ tfcuo c^(yaiiAt>ii

    Which of th e following terms most nea rly describes your missionary status?Evange l i s t>___ Bible College Tpaphpr. Public School T e a c h e r ^ _ ^TTnmpmak-pr Dnf^tnr Nurse___ Socia l worker Music teacherRadio ministry, Radio followup. Chris t ian Service Camp. Linguistics,

    ^( U/io^vS.Wrt 1;Ks Si3;disui^ OLjaAjL^ uAaW>

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    P A R E N T S ;Father s name and home aHHrpgg- M jHon fegies T.iinng \/ Deceased,fji - 7^ N, K q Rci Street, AQ ir iovi nity. J-lodiQwcx. State

    P il *1 L ^His Tg he a Christian? yftg. ^ no.What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? aT

    flo(ltlinQ Cciimmi r -Potft j j^ecicii P O 0a . o ^ T'eew CWhat Christian service does he now do? T'go.c. cbss. )\ ^ i 9fe t - M .d-U cek np SffltA .JhfliahtX.tsIs she a C h r i s t i a n ? Yes No H e r occupation if e m pl oy ed o ut si de t he hnmp w q eWhat leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church,? .T ko yr P1

    Oi>et L to^ ^ IvcvTi^h's Vooii Sponsci-^C .Q l|y S.S. dicu^ uIt iw eh.FORWARDING AGENT: ^NflmA^ \-\o frc'

  • 8/13/2019 Furnas Ed Louise 1970 Indonesia


    C Ixikoi' UUvi|3 IviJImSACcIi fc ik ov^ie a ^v^UjOAixs/^okj^^ ^ W\a 'tojo c^Ai)^,ai o.^|^vv(Lsu. ^ .Q^-ttLvdjbtcQ uMi^cs). kjuua,ll>aM4fr o>jj5Ui (X COTTviiaxir JJi^VA^JA^volx.* , OowA pO^ti^J^dto . qIV^^wttAdtievyil) ~t[\Qf'ttjA^ dj^ 0.5*XX.(L^^ l^om JVVIgJ^'^ aC(yv^>'^^u3^^ tlkj ^CrViU^ UCrAiLM c^ UJflU

    ( ^ ; ^ ( / ^ ^ r u v l ^ . e ^ o (S\>uJokcvY) cUcU^clLcv^ (^()-uXkQlKx^U; , fcjjUi^jmcfoyu vSL^SIxva^ tib ^.4;^ LVKrJt, CVvA e^(ii. (^'AA^ejfl ntKoJ- V VU^ /nijtu^OtvA. Uxiio j o^^^A.iAAi ^ u>^ vjnlLoiljo^C. ^c^uyL/i^ Ji-cti^ 0i^ a/,\A '(IUm. |Qulijuj v^^uAf-^'iir^S'.fvxK^Croi)' ifc 1te^ 05^ koayuj ^UanA^ -ostPvoi' jvk^^Ui lo ^ Vv^Hoii ^''^ UcHjJ' evil a. CkyojttxoLw ^Tfew- ^ ^ o-v\i jvn^oHfix ^ ~t%m Q^_fejJ\SLX Cji^CMCwwfi 4^^ ^-AfiMASl c2^~tSva u>mj J JU>^>ju kjoAviCMo ^^^jJ^Q^jLCMjcJaxjoa ^ (: ZJ, ^ do- ^ fnji^^ /Yvo^ kwJb^jjv^ , ^-jmvAxds>j^^'~t=. kx^ .yv\fijL(J^ ouM-ci,