further information - tormead school...mrs e. guy saxophone, director of tormead jazz miss k....

Further Information 2018/2019 Independent Day School for Girls aged 4-18

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Page 1: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

FurtherInformation2018/2019Independent Day School for Girls aged 4-18

Page 2: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M



Values ....................................................................................................... 1

Board of Governors .................................................................................. 1

Senior Management Team ........................................................................ 1

Staff ........................................................................................................ 1-3

Structure of the School ............................................................................. 3

Absence .................................................................................................... 4

Uniform ..................................................................................................... 4

Getting to the School ................................................................................ 4

Arrival & Departure ................................................................................... 4

Breakfast Club ........................................................................................... 4

Homework Club ......................................................................................... 4

Fees .......................................................................................................... 5

Coach Services ........................................................................................ 5

Curriculum ................................................................................................. 6

Careers & Professional Development ...................................................... 7

Sports Programme ................................................................................... 7

PSHE ......................................................................................................... 7

Entrance Procedures ................................................................................. 8

Scholarships ............................................................................................. 8

Entrance Bursaries ................................................................................... 8

Residential Visits ...................................................................................... 8

Examination Results ................................................................................. 9

Page 3: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Senior School StaffMr S. BAiRD Head of GeographyMrs A. BARkER MathematicsMrs E. BEASTAll Food & Nutrition Technician Mr E. BRAUn Head of Design and TechnologyMr T. BRESlin Head of HistoryMr M. BRookE Chemistry Technician Miss S. BUCHAn Physics | Silver D of E CoordinatorMiss G. BURGESS BiologyMr n. BURkE HistoryMrs l. BURTon MathematicsMr A. CAMPBEll Head of DramaDr H. CARREl History | Oxbridge Co-ordinator (Arts)Mrs C. CARTER Examinations OfficerMrs S. ClARkE Senior School LibrarianMr S. ConnElly ClassicsMiss M. Cowx Physical EducationDr S. CRiCk Physics | AstronomyMrs S. CUlHAnE Head of Digital Enrichment | Head of IT Curriculum | School Magazine Editor

Mrs k. DABill Head of MathematicsMrs k. DiCkinSon Learning Support AssistantMrs C. Don MathematicsMrs J. DRURy Head of GymnasticsMrs V. DVAli EnglishMrs l. EAGERS Assistant Head of Sixth Form | ChemistryMr J. EARl Head of HockeyMrs S. ElMES Religious Studies | Head of PSHEMrs D. FEllowES-FREEMAn Head of Curriculum Physical EducationMs C. FEnTEM Learning SupportMrs A. FERnS Assistant LibrarianMs A. FRAnCHoT French Assistant | Junior School French Yr3 - Yr6Mrs J. GlAziER Second in Charge of MathematicsMrs l. HARVEy Food & NutritionMs T. HETHERinGTon Head of Art | Head of Year 8



Board of Governors (School Council)

Executive Group

• We treat everyone with respect and dignity• We deliver academic excellence• We enrich through a broad and varied curriculum• We celebrate effort and achievement• We bring out the best in our girls• We prepare our girls for life beyond school

ChairMrs R. HARRiS

Please send any communications for the Chair of the Governors via the Bursar.

HeadmistressMrs C. FooRD [email protected]

Mrs A. CUllUMMr M. DixonMrs A GEARy eSafetyMrs R. HARRiS Mr M. HowSEMr R. JEwkES Chair of Finance CommitteeDr C. kiSSin Safeguarding GovernorMrs S nEwnES-SMiTHM P. o’kEEFE Miss A. SPEnDER Chair of Academic CommitteeMr J. wATkinSCllr J. wiCkS

Bursar and Clerk to the GovernorsMiss H. DAViES [email protected]

Deputy Headmistress Miss T. kinG

Senior Leadership GroupMrs T. DyER Senior Teacher/Head of MFLMrs z. JARViS Assistant Head - Curriculum/Head of ChemistryMrs S. JonES Assistant Head - Adventure & ServiceMiss M. lAnGlET Assistant Head - WellbeingMrs M. o’BRiEn Assistant Head - External Relations

Miss i. PAinTER Assistant Head - Academic Performance/Head of ClassicsMr G. PRESS Senior Teacher/Head of Computer ScienceMrs C. williAMS Head of Economics/Head of Careers/Senior Teacher

Page 4: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Miss S. HoDDinoTT D of E Coordinator (Gold)Mr M. HolFoRD Assistant Director of Music | PhysicsMrs y. HUGHES Head of Learning SupportMr R. iSAACS Assistant Head of Sixth Form | Head of BiologyMr C. iVES Head of German | Head of Teaching and LearningMrs T. kAMinSkA-MoUlT German AssistantMr J. kEEy Head of Religious StudiesMrs A. kinCHin Science TechnicianMiss l. kinnES Learning SupportMrs R. lAnDon BiologyMrs E. lAnGE German | FrenchMs l. lEE Modern Foreign LanguagesMrs n. lUDlow Learning Support AssistantMrs G. MACkAy EnglishMrs S. MARiASH ArtMrs F. MARRioTT Learning SupportMr A. MERRywEATHER Director of MusicMiss S. MiCHAloPoUloU Classics | Head of Year 10Mrs P. MooDiE Head of Spanish | Senior Head of HouseMiss M. MoRlAnG Chemistry | Head of NelsonMr J. PARSonS English | Head of LivingstoneMs C. PASCUAl Spanish Assistant

Miss k. PRiCE Art Technician | Marketing Assistant Mrs H. PRoCTER Head of Year 11 | Head of Academic Physical EducationMrs k. REiD French | GermanMrs G. RoDGERS Director of SportMrs E. RoBinSon SpanishMrs S. SAHU Biology TechnicianMiss S. SHERiDAn EnglishMiss M. SMiTH Second in Charge of EnglishMr J. SykES Head of Sixth Form | Head of Government and Politics | DebatingMrs C. TEE Head of Food and NutritionMrs V. THoMAS Physical EducationMrs l. TiDy Physical EducationMs S. TRAViS Chemistry | Bronze D of E CoordinatorMr P. URqUHART D&T TechnicianMiss E. wAlSHE Head of Year 9 | BiologyMrs l. wHiTAkER Head of Year 7 | GeographyMiss A. wilkinSon PEMr C. wilkinSon Physics TechnicianMr D. wilkinSon Head of PsychologyMr P. wilkinSon Head of Physics | OxbridgeCo-ordinatorMrs A. wooDFinE MathematicsMrs C. wyATT Mathematics

Junior School Staff

Visiting Staff

Visiting Sports Coaches

Ms E. BillinGTon-PHilliPS Chess Mrs E. BAll Speech & DramaMrs E. HAwkEn Speech & Drama

Mr l. AnDERSon Tennis CoachMrs J. BooTH Junior School Netball Coach Miss F. BUCklEy Gymnastics Coach/Cheerleading/DanceMs F. CRoUCH Netball UmpireMrs J. CUllEy Netball CoachMr T. DoGRA Hockey CoachMr l. DUnFoRD Head of SwimmingMr D. GREAToREx BadmintonMr R. HEnDERSon ArcheryMs C. HUnT ArcheryMiss D. lAnnoy Dance

Miss S. HoDDinoTT Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Gold Expedition) Mr A. MARTin ChessMrs w. PHilliPS Speech & Drama

Miss k. MoDERn Gymnastics CoachMr S. PATTERSon Gymnastics Coach Mrs C. RUnCiAnU Gymnastics CoachMr M. RUnCiAnU Gymnastics CoachMrs A. SEARS DanceMiss A. SinClAiR Gymnastics CoachMiss H. SPRAkE Hockey CoachMr J. THoMSon Tennis Performance CoachMr M. TURnER Martial ArtsMiss k. VowlES Dance


Senior TeamMrs E. AlDERMAn Head of KS1Mrs n. FRy Deputy Head (Pastoral)Mrs k. MoUlDER Deputy Head (Logistics)Miss S. inSCH Year 6 Class Teacher | Director of Studies (Humanties)Mrs J. JoHnSon Year 5 Class Teacher | Director ofStudies (Science, Maths and IT)

Mrs G. BlACkBURn Learning SupportMrs C. BRoADwAy Year 4 Class TeacherMr D. CAREy Late Stay Supervisor | Teaching Assistant | Breakfast Club AssistantMiss M. ColyER Year 4 Class TeacherMrs l. CRABTREE Year 3 Class Teacher

Miss M. DAViES Reception TeacherMrs H. ElliS Teaching AssistantMiss k. FinCH Head of Junior School Physical EducationMrs k. FUllER Teaching Assistant | Breakfast Club SupervisorMs B. HoGAn Year 5 Class TeacherMiss J. HowARD Year 6 Class TeacherMrs J. noRMAn Teaching AssistantMrs n. oVERGAARD Junior School SecretaryMiss l. PAynE Year 3 Class TeacherMrs G. SEABoRnE Junior School SecretaryMrs H. VAn DER Byl-knoEFEl Year 2 Class TeacherMrs S. VEGA Head of Junior School MusicMrs E. VEGH Administration Assistant

Page 5: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Visiting Music Staff

Welfare Staff

Admissions and Marketing Staff

Bursary and Administrative Staff

Miss M. BETTS Singing Mrs l. CoRDEll Harp Mr S. DiGGEnS FluteMs l. DUBERy Bassoon Miss S. EVAnS Violin/Viola Mrs n. FoURnEl Piano Mrs n. GAlE PianoMrs H. GREVillE-CollinS SingingMrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead JazzMiss k. HAwTHoRn Singing

Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care LeadMiss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support

Mrs M. HoBDEy RegistrarMrs J. RAzEy Assistant RegistrarMrs H. ATARA Administrative Assistant

Mrs R. BRADlEy Administrative Support (Academic)Mrs J. BiRCHAll Accounts AssistantMiss A. DRUDGE Coach Co-ordinator & School SecretaryMs l. FAlVEy School SecretaryMrs C. FRAnCiS PA to the Headmistress and BursarMrs M. FRAnCiS Senior Accounts Assistant

Mr n. HiCklinG ClarinetMr G. JonES DrumsMiss A. nEwBERRy SingingMs l. RiDGwAy French HornMrs D. RoGERS Double BassMr M. RoSEn Guitar, Mandolin & Flute Miss J. SPEnCER CelloMrs P. SyMinGTon ViolinMr C. THoMAS Brass

Ms V. VinEn School Counsellor


Mrs M. o’BRiEn Assistant Head - External RelationsMiss k. PRiCE Marketing Assistant

Mrs C. HUTSon Acounts ClerkMiss A. SHUTTlE School SecretaryMr C. STAFFoRD Estates & Facilities Manager Mrs E. VinAll HR & Payroll OfficerMrs G. wEBSTER Adminstrative Support (Pastoral & Extracurricular)

ICT Technical Staff

Structure of the School

Mr M. ARnolD Head of IT ServicesMr T. lUPTon ICT Technician

Junior School* Reception 4-5 year olds* Year 1 5-6 year olds* Year 2 6-7 year olds* Year 3 7-8 year olds* Year 4 8-9 year olds* Year 5 9-10 year olds* Year 6 10-11 year olds

Lower School* Year 7 11-12 year olds* Year 8 12-13 year olds* Year 9 13-14 year olds

Mr C. MEllinG ICT Technician

Upper School* Year 10 14-15 year olds* Year 11 15-16 year olds

Sixth Form* Lower Sixth 16-17 year olds* Upper Sixth 17-18 year olds

* Denotes Standard Entry Points

Page 6: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M



Getting to the School

Arrival at School

Except on account of illness or medical/dental appointments/ music examinations etc, no girl may be absent from school without the permission of the Headmistress.

Uniform is worn by all girls from Reception until the end of year 11. The uniform is available for purchase from the School Shop which is situated on the school site.

Tormead is conveniently located on the outskirts of Guildford, within five minutes walk of London Road Railway Station and the town centre. There are currently eight coach services covering many local

Junior School

Reception (4+):Supervision is available from 8.00am.Girls should arrive by 8.40am.Registration is at 8.50am.Girls are dismissed from the playground at 3.00pm.

Year 1 (5+):Supervision is available from 8.00am.Girls should arrive by 8.20am.Registration is at 8.25am.Dismissal is at 3.10pm from the playground.

Leave of absence is granted only in exceptional circumstances.

The telephone number is 01483 511038.online: www.reddirectclothing.co.uk.Secondhand uniform sales are organised regularly by the Tormead Parents’ Association.

areas, including; Camberley, Cobham, Esher, Ewhurst, Farnham, Godalming, Haslemere, Horsley, Milford, Oxshott, Peaslake, Weybridge and Woking.

Year 2 (6+) through Year 6 (10+):Supervision is available from 8.00am.Girls should arrive by 8.20am.Registration is at 8.25am.Girls are dismissed from the playground at 3.40pm.Junior girls who travel on school coaches are dismissed from the playground as normal and escorted to the coach stops by staff.

Senior SchoolBreakfast Club is available from 7.45am Girls should arrive by 8.20am.The school day starts at 8.25am.Girls are dismissed at 4.00pm.

Breakfast Club

Homework Club

JS Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am - 8.00am in the Junior School Hall.SS Breakfast Club is open from 7.45 - 8.20am in the Atrium. A selection of breakfast items is available to buy.

There are after-school facilities in both the Junior School and the Senior School. in the Junior School, late Room is supervised every day until 6.00pm. There is a good supply of quiet activities and games for girls who have completed their homework. The Senior School Homework Club is open every day from 4.10pm until 6.00pm.There is a charge for use of Junior School late Room, which is added to the account each term. The facility operates on a drop-in basis, with some girls attending daily and others only occasionally. Girls in Years 7 - 11 must either be in Homework Club or a supervised activity from 4.10pm onwards if they remain in school.

Junior School• End of the school day to 5pm: £3.• End of the school day to 6pm: £6.• Girls who are waiting for extracurricular activities or

waiting for siblings incur no charge.

• if late to collect there is an additional charge: £10 per 15 minutes.

Senior SchoolThere is no charge for Senior School Homework Club.


Page 7: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Fees – effective from Autumn Term 2017

Coach Services

These are payable in advance by the first day of term. The Governing Body reserves the right to adjust the charges as circumstances require. Any sums, left in credit, when all accounts have been fully settled after a girl has left, will be returned to parents. no reduction is made for absence whether for illness or any other cause.

Tuition Fees Receptions (age 4+) £2,700.00 per term Years 1 - 2 (age 5+ and 6+) £2,980.00 per termYears 3 - 4 (age 7+ and 8+) £4,350.00 per termYears 5 - 6 (age 9+ and 10+) £4,500.00 per termYear 7 - 13 (age 11+) £5150.00 per termSenior School Lunches £280.00 per termJunior School Lunches £205.00 per term

Two thirds of the term’s fees will be charged for the third and subsequent members of a family, all of whom are in attendance at the same time.

There is an administration charge for each letter sent notifying parents of late payment. Should fees remain outstanding after 4 weeks then the Governing Body reserves the right to add a surcharge to the account.

The coach service visits many areas - as listed in the ‘Getting to the School’ section of this booklet.

Optional Lessons(10 lessons of 30 minutes unless otherwise stated)

Individual Music lessons (all instruments)£215.00 per term

Group Speech and Drama lessons (Year 3 upwards)£105.00 per term

Individual Speech and Drama lessons£170.00 per term

Ballet lessons(40 minute lessons each week throughout the term)Reception and Year 1 £45.00 per termYear 2 and above £51.00 per term

Learning Support£21.00 / 1/2 hour lesson

NotesThe tuition fee includes text books, stationery and equipment. It does not include certain books and items that become the girls’ property, examination fees, optional lessons (listed above), special coaching or educational visits.

A term’s notice in writing (or a term’s fees in lieu of notice) is required before the removal of a pupil, the cessation of an optional subject, a change in lunch requirements or the cancellation of any insurance cover arranged through School; if adequate notice is not provided, a term’s fee in lieu will be charged. notice to leave at the end of year 11 is longer, and must be provided by the end of the first half of the spring term.

For further details please contact the Coach Coordinator on 01483 510997.


Pass type

Full Time Pass

Part Time Pass Options:# of journeys per week






Pass information

Return journeys, fives days a week

A combination of mornings andafternoons, not exceeding the # of

journeys per week selected

Fees 2018/2019

£390 per term






Ad-hoc Single Ticket ‘On the day’ journeys, bought from the school office


Page 8: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

The Academic CurriculumThe Junior School(years 0 - 6)

The aim of the Junior School is to provide a broad education in a stimulating and caring environment, allowing each child to realise her full potential and to be aware of the needs of others.

At 4+ the curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and includes the prime areas of communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development supported by working literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.

In Y1 the girls enjoy a full range of subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, Design Technology, Religious Education, Drama, Physical Education (Games and Gym).

In Y2 girls learn to play the violin and attend swimming lessons. in y3 girls begin a course in French. At 9+ the girls also begin Spanish classes.

We have introduced a weekly Thinking and Learning lesson for all year groups, focusing on helping the girls

to become independent learners by means of critical

and lateral thinking, deeper questioning techniques, understanding the value of making a mistake, discovering their own personal learning styles and being able to apply their own unique skills to work effectively in a team.

The Lower School(national Curriculum years 7 - 9)

Almost all girls from the Junior School move into the Lower School at 11+ and are joined by a substantial number of new entrants. They are placed in five tutor groups and four teaching groups with setting for Mathematics. The curriculum is broad and whilst following Key Stage 3 syllabus in the core subjects (English, Mathematics) we also aim to offer a more challenging curriculum which includes:

Art & Design, Design Technology, Drama, Food Technology, French,Geography, German and Spanish,History,Independent Learning, Information and communications Techology, Latin,Music, Physical Education, Physics,ReligiousStudies, Spanish,Textiles Technology.

Information Technology is a particular strength and during these years all girls are taught the skills necessary to enable them to make best use of their iPads.

The Upper School(national Curriculum years 10 & 11)

Girls move into the Upper School at the start of their two year iGCSE/GCSE courses. They are expected to start taking greater responsibility for the organisation of their work, part of which takes the form of projects or

fieldwork, or ongoing assessments of the application of knowledge and practical skills as in Science subjects.

Girls at Tormead take nine or ten subjects to study a combination of GCSE and iGCSE qualifications.

This will include a compulsory core which corresponds to the National Curriculum core subjects and also covers the essential subjects for most career areas:

English, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Double Award Science and a Modern Foreign language.

Girls then choose three or four further optional subjects. where possible, girls are encouraged to choose their optional subjects from different areas of knowledge in order to maintain variety, breadth and balance in

their education until the age of 16. The availability of individual subject choices depends on the level of pupil demand and on timetabling considerations. Possible options include:

Art and Design, Computer Science, Classical Civilisation, Classical Greek, Design and Technology, Drama, Textiles, French, Spanish, German, Geography, History, Food and Nutrition, Latin, Music, Physical Education, and Religious Studies.

Sixth Form(national Curriculum years 12 & 13)

ormead’s Sixth Form area provides members of the Sixth Form with teaching rooms and a common room. The curriculum offers a wide range of A level courses, which (subject to demand) can be combined to suit the individual student.

Subjects offered currently include Art & Design, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Greek, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Drama

and Theatre Studies, Economics, English literature, Geography, Government and Politics, History, Latin, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, French, German, Spanish, Music, Physics, Psychology and Religious Studies.

Girls have the opportunity to undertake the Extended Project Qualification.

Fieldwork courses are important features of the course for students of Biology and Geography and offer immediacy and relevance to the study of these disciplines in the School.

Beyond the formal A Level programme we encourage girls to develop a wide range of interests. A co-curricular programme, Sixth Sense, is offered to enrich the girls’ experience throughout the two years in the Sixth Form and to prepare them specifically for life after school.

in addition, there is a lecture series, Horizons. Visiting speakers open up a wide variety of subjects to challenge and comment. it also prepares students for the more independent learning environment of University..


Page 9: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Careers and Professional Development

Sports Programme


in this competitive world, preparing the girls for life beyond Tormead is taken very seriously and is the focus of the Careers and Professional Development Programme. Throughout the senior school girls are given the knowledge, skills and encouragement to make informed, appropriate and flexible decisions about their future and to enable them to flourish and

All Tormead girls follow a wide ranging Sports and Physical Education programme. Our aim is to support all girls to achieve their full potential within these areas and other curriculum sports.

In Years 7 and 8, girls receive netball and hockey training during their Games lessons in the Autumn and Spring terms, followed by athletics, cricket and tennis in the Summer term.

In year 7 and 8 the girls rotate through different Physical Education activities in half term blocks throughout the year. Their lessons cover gymnastics, dance, basketball, volleyball, trampoline, cheerleading, football, cricket, rounders, softball and stoolball. Regular use is made of the facilities at Surrey Sports Park.

in year 9 the girls spend half of their active time receiving netball and hockey training in the Autumn and Spring term, followed by athletics and tennis in the Summer term. The other half covers cheerleading, dance, gym fusion, trampolining, fitness suite, cricket, rounders, softball and stool ball.

Junior SchoolThe PSHE curriculum includes a range of discussions on a variety of issues that emerge from the curriculum. Moral and social ideas are regularly the subject of form assemblies. In their final years in the Junior School, prior to their transfer to Senior School, the girls also have lessons on growth and development.

Senior SchoolTormead’s PSHE programme is designed to encourage girls in their personal awareness, social development, health care and economic understanding. in the lower School, girls are helped to develop study skills and learn to start taking responsibility for the organisation of their work and other activities. we look at health-related issues such as substance abuse and matters relating to friendships, bullying and relationships. Above all,

succeed in their further education and the world of work. Fully integrated with all aspects of school life, this programme is delivered through formal lessons, one to one sessions, speakers and seminars and a variety of high quality and inspiring resources. We also make use of Inspiring Futures and Morrisby to support our own careers work.

In Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form, the hockey and netball team players benefit from an extra training session during the week. All other girls are encouraged to broaden their experience in a variety of sports offered on-site and off- site at Surrey Sports Park such as body combat, spinning, martial arts, zumba, climbing and pilates.

Year 7 and 8 County hockey squads have a mini hockey tour in the Autumn term. There is bi-annual tennis tour to Barcelona in the Easter holidays and a senior hockey and netball tour in Autumn. An overseas gymnastics tour will also take place in 2019. National Squads travel depending on British Qualifying success.

Year 7 and 8 annual Hockey/Netball Tours.

Year 9 and 10 bi-annual Hockey/Netball Tours Hockey (August) netball (october)

years 11 -13 bi-annual (october half term) world wide Tour.

Tennis Tour bi-annual all years (Easter). Gym Tour all years (Easter).

we try to help girls to develop a sense of responsibility and some measure of independence. in the Upper School and Sixth Form, greater emphasis is laid on group discussions, which cover a variety of issues including personal safety, study skills, drugs education, health promotion, consumer rights, relationships and citizenship. A number of these topics will have been visited in previous years; our spiral programme allows us to tailor the material according to the needs of each age group. Furthermore, the fact that our programme is delivered by Form Tutors in Years 7-11 means that girls have the opportunity to follow up on any issues immediately in a safe, secure setting, whilst also providing the opportunity for tutors to strengthen their relationships with the girls in their care.


Page 10: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Admissions Policy


Entrance Bursaries

Residential Visits

The main points of entry are 4+, 7+, 11+, and 16+. Occasional vacancies may occur at other ages.Open Mornings are held throughout the year in both the Junior and Senior School. Visits at other times can be arranged with the Registrar. For entrance at 4+, informal assessments are conducted in november for entrance the following September. For entrance at 5+ to 11+, the annual entrance examination is held in January for entry in the following September. From 7+ upwards candidates are assessed in English, Maths and Reasoning. References and/or reports are obtained from all entrants’ current school.The closing date for registration is 31st october. once registered, prospective pupils, excluding Sixth Form, are invited to Activity Days at the school.

At year 6 there are internal scholarships. Academic on the basis of year 5 examination results. Sport by invitation. Music and All Rounder by application.At 11+ there are Academic, Music, Art and Sport Scholarships available each year, worth up to 10% of the current tuition fees. Additionally, Music Scholarships cover the cost of tuition for one instrument provided that tuition is taken at Tormead. we also cover the cost of a second instrument within our “Endangered instruments Scheme”. Music scholars who are currently learning, or who wish to choose to start lessons on oboe, Bassoon, French Horn, Double Bass or Trombone will have the cost of these lessons covered by the school, wherethe lessons are taken in school. All Scholarships are reviewed annually and are tenable for the whole of a girl’s time at Tormead, subject to our satisfaction with her overall effort and attitude towards her studies. Award holders are expected to remain at Tormead until they have completed their A level examinations.

Sixth Form ScholarshipsAt 16+, for entry into the Sixth Form, there are Academic, Music and Art Scholarships available each year, worth up to 10% of the current tuition fees. All scholarships may be supplemented by means-tested bursariesworth up to 100% fee remission. Additionally, Music

Means-tested bursaries are available for entry at 11+ and 16+ and are dependent on the level of parental income.

From year 3 onwards, the varied residential visits are a challenging and very popular part of the school year. Specialist residential centres in France, wiltshire and Devon are used for the trips, which cover a range of activities including abseiling, rock-climbing, local history

Places are offered on the basis of performance in the examination and a report from the current school.Places in the Sixth Form are offered conditionally on the basis of predicted GCSE Grades and an interview, conducted in November/December for entry the following September. Sixth Form applicants are normally required to have a minimum of 8 GCSEs with 5 at grade 7-9, with a 7/8 grade recommended for those subjects to be studied in Sixth Form, although cases will be assessed on an individual basis and certain departments require an 8/9. Please see our Sixth Form Prospectus for details.Parents are asked, on acceptance of a place, to sign that they agree to conform to the Terms and Conditions. A copy of the Terms and Conditions is sent when a place is offered.

Scholarships cover the cost of tuition for one instrument provided that tuition is taken at Tormead. we also cover the cost of a second instrument within our Endangered Instruments Scheme. Scholars who are currently learning, or who wish to start lessons in oboe, Bassoon, Trumpet, French Horn, Double Bass or Trombone will have the cost of these lessons covered by the school, where they are taken in school.

Sixth Form Academic Scholarship are awarded on the basis of examinations and an interview.

Candidates applying for Music Scholarships are required to attend an audition held by the Director of Music and an external adjudicator and are expected to be at Grade 6 standard or equivalent.

Candidates offering Art are required to present a folio of one year’s work and meet with the Head of Art for an interview. Tormead welcomes girls with disabilities. Applicants with a disability will be assessed on their performance in the usual entrance examinations, but parents should make clear on the application form the disability, so that the school can ensure that it makes every reasonable effort to accommodate her at all times before the entrance examination, and during her time at the school, should a place be offered.

The School’s Entrance Bursary policy can be found on the School website.

studies, fieldwork, personal defence, caving, canoeing, mountain-biking, sailing and water skiing. There is an annual Sixth Form expedition and other opportunities are available.


Page 11: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

Examination ResultsGirls sit GCSE examinations in 10 subjects.

In the Sixth Form most girls choose 4 subjects in the lower Sixth and 3 A levels in the Upper Sixth. Some girls continue with 4 A levels.

Tormead girls consistently achieve excellent results in both GCSE and A level examinations. Their results reflect considerable value added, compared to results achieved nationally, by students of equivalent ability.

Almost all girls leave Tormead to attend university to read a wide range of subjects as medicine, veterinary, law, architecture, linguistics and philosophy, at competitive establishments including oxford, imperial, UCl, St Andrews, warwick, Durham, Cambridge, Bath and Exeter.

A number of girls each year win a place at art or drama colleges, whilst others take a gap year.


Please refer to our website


for more information on

l 2018 Results

l our Policies

l Destinations of leavers

l Recent iSi inspection Report

Page 12: Further Information - Tormead School...Mrs E. GUy Saxophone, Director of Tormead Jazz Miss k. HAwTHoRn Singing Mrs P. FARRAR Health Care Lead Miss P. BoRGonon Pupil Support Mrs M

our prospectus and School website describe the broad principles on which the School is presently run, and give an indication of our history and ethos. The Headmistress reserves the right to withdraw curriculum subjects at her discretion. Although believed to be correct at the time of printing, this prospectus is not part of any agreement between parents and the School.

Tormead SchoolCranley RoadGuildford Surrey GU1 2JD

Telephone:Registrar (01483) 796040School Office (01483) 575101

Facsimile: (01483) 450592

Email: [email protected]

website: www.tormeadschool.org.uk

Twitter: @TormeadSchool



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