future contrast

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Future Contrast


    Future: Contrast

    Russ: lln! It`s ni to see you. Are you presnting a paper this wek?

    Green: Hi, Rik. Yes. In fat, my talk starts at two o`lok.

    Russ: Oh, maybe I'll go. What are you going to talk about? Robots?

    Green: Ys. I` m fousing on prsonal rbots for houshold work.

    Russ: I'd like one of those! Where's your son, by the way? Is he hre with you?

    Green: No. Tony stays in Denver with his gandparnts in th Summr. I'm going to visit him after

    the onferene. S, what are you working on these days?

    Russ: I'm stil with the Mars Assoiation. In fat, we're going to be holding a news

    onfern nxt month about the ars shuttl launh.

    Green: That's eiting. Maybe I'll see you there.

    Russ: Great. The onferene begins at noon on the tenth.


    1.Green: Whih proje t do you work / are you going to work on n xt?

    Russ: I haven't d ided for sure. Pr bably the Spa emobile.

    2. Russ: Look at those dark louds!Green: Yes. It looks lik it's raining / it`s going to rain any minute.

    3. Green: I'd better get ba k to my hotel room before the storm.

    Russ: Ok. I'm seeing / I'll see y u later.

    4. Des : Professor Green, your son just alled.

    Green: oh, good. I`ll all / I'm alling him bak right away.

    5. Green: Hi, honey. How's it going?

    Tony: Grat. I go / I'm going fishing with Grandpa tomorrow.

    6. Green: Hav fun, but don`t forget. You still have to finish that pap r.

    Tony: I know Mom. I mail / I'm mailing it tomorrow. I already have the env lope.

    7, Tony: How's the onfrne?

    Green: Good. I`m giving / I'll giv a talk this aft rnoon.

    8. Tony: Good luk. When ar you / will you be hre?

    Green: Tomorrow. y plan lands / will land at 7:00, so I see / I'll s e you about 8.

  • 7/30/2019 Future Contrast


    1. A : Hurry up! Th shuttle ____ leaves _____________ in just a fw minuts. (leav)

    B: Oh, I'm sure they ________________for us.(wait)

    2 . A: Look at thos storm louds ! Do you think it______________________________?(rain)

    B: I dn't know. I ______________________________ the weathr foreast.

    (hk) 3.A: When _________________w______________________ th shuttle?

    (board)B: W__________________________ first lass, so We should be among the first to board


    4. A: Wow! This suitase is heavy. B: I_________________________ it for you. Give it to me.


    5 . A: What tim w __________________________we __________________________ on Mars ?( land )

    B: Aording to the shedule, at 9:00 A.M., but I think we__________________________ a littl late. ( be )

    6. A: I'm hungr. I hope W __________________________________ some food soon.(gt)

    B: M too. I ______________________ th seafood speial. I ordred it in advane. (hve)

    7. A: Look! The flight attendant is gtting ready to announe somthing. B: Grat. That means we ___________________________ boarding soon.


    Good evening, ladies and gntlemn. This will be your aptain speaking. We b going to leave the

    Earth's gravity field in about fifteen minuts. At that time, you are able to unbukle your sat belts

    and float around the abin. Host robots take ordrs for dinner soon. After thse storm louds, w

    are having a smoth trip. The shuttle arri ves on Mars tomorrow at 9:00. Tonight's tmperature on

    the planet is a mild minus 20 degres Celsius. By tomorrw morning the temperatur is 18 deg rees,

    but it s feeling mor like 28 dgrees. Enjoy your flight.