future past, present and future yesterday tomorrow? today

Past, Present and Future Future Yesterday Tomorrow? Today

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Past, Present and FutureFuture



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1970 Fire Season1970 Fire Season

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16 lives lost

772 structures lost

500,000+ acres

The 13 Day SiegeThe 13 Day Siege

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Governor’s Taskforce on the Governor’s Taskforce on the California Wildland Fire ProblemCalifornia Wildland Fire Problem

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Original FIRESCOPE Partner AgenciesOriginal FIRESCOPE Partner Agencies

U.S. Forest Service

California Division of Forestry

California Office of Emergency Services

Los Angeles Fire Department

Los Angeles County Fire Department

Santa Barbara County Fire Department

Ventura County Fire Department

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““FIRESCOPE”FIRESCOPE” is Created is Created



refighting sources outhern


otential mergencies



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92nd Congress appropriates $675,000 to the Forest Service Research Station in Riverside


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A period of intensive research and development

1972 - 19791972 - 1979

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Development of the First FIRESCOPE DocumentsDevelopment of the First FIRESCOPE Documents

Concept Papers Concept to Reality

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Technical Advisory Team Changed to the “FIRESCOPE Board of Directors”


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Unified Command Mapping Tools

Integrated Planning Resource Tracking

Further FIRESCOPE Developments and ProductsFurther FIRESCOPE Developments and Products

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19751975At the inception of the FIRESCOPE program the original partner agencies developed 5 initial statements.

- Coordinate Multi-Agency Resources during major incidents

- Develop improved methods for forecasting fire behavior

- Develop standard terminology

- Provide multi-agency communications

- Provide multi-agency training

These 5 items were later into consolidated into two major components:


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Pacoima Fire – First Incident Managed Using the Principles of ICS

The Riverside OCC was identified as the Multi-Agency Coordination center for the Southern California FIRESCOPE Region

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Early 1980’sEarly 1980’s

This period saw the adoption of ICS and other FIRESCOPE products by national organizations such as FEMA, NFA and NWCG - NIIMS

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““All Risk – All Hazard”All Risk – All Hazard”

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1982-19841982-1984- ICS is fully implemented among the partner agencies

- System-wide test is conducted at the Riverside OCC entitled “Top Hat”

- CALFIRMS is established consisting of representatives from the forest agencies, Northern CA Chiefs and OES as a working team to help spread FIRESCOPE products across the State. Two strategic goals were accomplished by this group:

- Evaluate and recommend technology transfer to Northern California

- Educate all agencies and areas on available FIRESCOPE products

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Orange County Fire Department is added to the FIRESCOPE list of “Partner Agencies” after several years of active participation on the Task Force and several Specialist Groups

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The FIRESCOPE BOD and the OES Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee are combined


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The FIRESCOPE Program received FEMA’s “Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management”



Board of Directors merges with CALFIRMS

Nationwide Adoption of ICS

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The FIRESCOPE Board of Directors Recognizing that the Fire Problem is Not Limited to Southern California, Strike the Word “Southern” from the Acronym FIRESCOPE and a New Name is Established Representative of All California

“FIrefighting RESources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies”


Oakland Hills

Laguna Hills

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In 1988 California State Senator Bill Campbell authored SB 27

FIRESCOPE Act of 1989FIRESCOPE Act of 1989

– SB-27 Became the FIRESCOPE Act of 1989

– The Bill directed state agencies (CDF, OES, and SFM) to administer the FIRESCOPE Program and seek funding to support it.

– This ensured FIRESCOPE’s future

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During this period, FIRESCOPE began to address all-hazard applications


– Haz Mat Responses

– Mass Casualty Incidents

– Urban Search and Rescue

– High-rise Fires

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1992 – Oakland Hills1992 – Oakland Hills

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- Recognized ICS as basis for responses and the model for EOC operations.

Statewide Adoption of FIRESCOPE ProductsStatewide Adoption of FIRESCOPE Products

- 1992 Tunnel Fire in the Oakland Hills initiated further expansion of FIRESCOPE products

- Senate Bill 184 (Petris) established the “Standardized Emergency Management System” or SEMS.

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The FIRESCOPE program remains active and as strong as ever.

The Dynamic PresentThe Dynamic Present

Old Fire, San Bernardino County - 2003

MACS Process, Riverside OCC - 2008

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Mission StatementMission StatementThe mission of the FIRESCOPE Board of Directors is to provide recommendations and technical assistance to the Office of Emergency Services (OES); to maintain the FIRESCOPE Decision Process and continue the operation, development, and maintenance of the FIRESCOPE Incident Command System (ICS) and the Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS); and maintain a system known as the FIRESCOPE Decision Process to continue statewide operation, development, and maintenance of the following FIRESCOPE developed Incident Command System (ICS) and Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS) components.

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Vision StatementVision Statement

The FIRESCOPE Board of Directors/OES Fire and Rescue Services Advisory vision is to continue national leadership in the development of all-risk incident and multi-agency coordination systems, to enhance and encourage full California fire service in the statewide Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid System, common voice for the California fire service relating to these issues.

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Board Of Directors Strategic InitiativesBoard Of Directors Strategic Initiatives

- Create a common voice within the California Fire Service

- Market FIRESCOPE and its products

- Maintain and improve the All-Hazard management system

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- Working Groups (Ad-Hoc Specialist Workgroups)

The Decision ProcessThe Decision Process

- Board of Directors (Chief Executive Level)

FIRESCOPE “Decision Process”

- Operations Team (Deputy/Assistant Chief Level)

- Taskforce (Battalion Chief/Manager Level)

- Specialist Groups (Standing Specialist Workgroups)

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Membership of FIRESCOPE BOD, Ops Team and Taskforce includes Representatives From:

– FIRESCOPE Partner Agencies

– Federal Agencies with Land Management Responsibilities

– County Fire Agencies

– City Fire Agencies

– Volunteer Fire Departments

– Fire Districts

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FIRESCOPE FIRESCOPE Organizational Organizational


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Current Specialist Groups (Standing)

Specialist GroupsSpecialist Groups

– Predictive Services

– Hazardous Materials

– Safety

– Aviation

– Communications

– EMS (Includes MCI)


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Ad-HocWorking GroupsWorking Groups

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Web SiteWeb Sitehttp://www.firescope.org

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- Order, Download or View the 2007 FOG and latest ICS and MACS Forms

- Links to Fire Intel Nationwide

- Predictive Services

- FIRESCOPE Program Updates


- California Fire Resource Inventory System (CFRIS)

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The future of FIRESCOPE is dependant on the strong The future of FIRESCOPE is dependant on the strong principles that guided it in the pastprinciples that guided it in the past

- A defined decision making process

- Non-agency specific organizational directives and tools

- All-Hazards perspective

- Continued Leadership in national ICS application and revisions

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Remaining FIRESCOPE TasksRemaining FIRESCOPE Tasks

- National Incident Management System Integration

- National Mutual Aid System

- Continue the MACS Process (All Hazards)

- National Resource Typing

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FIRESCOPE’S proud past, dynamic present and exciting future create a model for cooperation regardless of level, response discipline, or geographic area.


Tomorrow’s caretakers of the program must use the past and the present as springboards to the future.

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The Challenge Continues