gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-03...

V tftVvfc Vik THE GAINESVILLE SUN MABCH I 2 t u v h k = TWO MASTERFUL SERMONS Chtfpmtn and Straus AvwiencM With Kl- wtw dMteff day ef theBibla i Ceafe- ri tvMtifal e wad todl- gataat to HtUn le the ser- f that ewteeat divine r- Jv J limy hM wea the heart tMgatrvicebf the ehoir- ej fcf Biwi th ft tbe Fifth Chapter of- t MMf teUi And tb w Black it- H f the referring timmlf whafttr to the leek of Mriathf tfct tMjr with meek a te 1 Heard the ffccj feftme 1 XB aeat f gospel M dhMMMM with a prayer late Ww d f wfcWl tisriHed kin horera- tW ItiMMy cMtetaMrf 0 God fPt i No twjsjai to Ik emrafa- lM 1ts1w trt ttadf l dM Ward e- fftM4 kto wart delivered MbWMk4 fMl d- IfcM OT taayirad sued bafere- rifeMa M kis worst listfcilMlfagh tad liken to aa fNl V MM to ttnwger than lia AM illMtrat 1 1 Ml IkM Mm MM lived pare life aid e the S24- DU iipiiilto might be de- fl Mtv Mb him from the as week the sermon fcee wi to aeteded ha- ptJtH kitMtM to kit entire dU th VftBjea neiate breaghi- lfct ttU t vat ewe tog to be TIE FUEICE- 1WIWp 1Ieeti Zvasillig Lags 1t la- y a RIO it I i I MIl Jllu 1 h 11 n t w It I I wen that rr d cal It Ie a J t Heel I 1 ire e 11 or E ni- T II- t mmiii I ISLE s i11suaal- raaw furs AI Kira TIRe7 thirst i qusM t d TwekMg WirdsEnsea i- itipIl al S sdPMswsitl t1I1tM M t t flU IIIRlhtes then was stile tiMM last r l wk t eltai lp bN es- t Mtsaal by Nnr verse f 1 fRbt eye staid d iNi ait- 1N tl MMb std 7sdI s the 7 is g i It sass s MM r1ja tdwl npe I his nerk be 1 a M bad r ate pest r t M tit year they 4 IMidpelrt et hke i Ili N et h Ihehegh aaderstaadiig see SI tie aht MiNinj n tI r > > > << > > < + μ < fa tMtlMk Dr the MMB te hie MM f MSfMtiaw- IV rt r mamA pV stated tint af the fact t C ft D D POWELL SGKMACTSte- taw CVAI awlA Ray trtvt end Prt wt ay en A O L Wet Main St 8 near Bwdvare Oei Ware henet OeinetviUe Via Oejfe Prfef Paid ff deBee 8oleltcd Special MtMtiaa iriveB ta P O lies 112 Car lots a Wire er write as for Quotations CM Ceraer ef Ualtmlty- Mi r CalM Btnrfa Save year Iave4 oae ponralu made aeMST by peepto who love ao- re tatt a ta sostate ta your eeaiBua- lif WlMM yea wait a LAHOE TOH TRAIT or that will M artistically Battled perfect la like Gen a pieawir to you give JAMES F SMtTH Maker of FINE I1 TO OKAF3 from rocket to Ute size eteesae The aril moi artbUo- meratt tad foUera fur vow work iKMla Established la 18 7 I tae there ffl1 a tarewl 11 werlE- i T aM- i 1 n I lilt S UIl lie I r iiea QnIa llIfT II fMlitlrl w Ji i DONT j JUe i I to I I MIre PenraI Ia Colors I 9lrbsraaei wo arse larg r MM 1 tdtwiR aesebio Idst Tiilp s pair M OsGmae tom lfli Ifs atNNses bed a teed tlsii tb spesbps aed peep a sIMtd teellg guess a e sag Mtl N j a- UMI lib filiM lfrl ti I1M INS aa IM M s N a t Mr Nn teal Ifd dais 1lrligr IMrsatsq Cbak h 11 lMd s- T Mgr era t1lad f f r Qtr llr n d laud Ill liar awl figI sad fhdttee- i Ileac i i tea i 4 copies Tear eels 4 UT Novo latest V y Y n n k a wt e > > = + + I NOURISH- the body dont dose it with medicine Scotts Emulsion is the best nourishment in existence- It is more than a food you may doubt it but it 1 digests perfectly easy and at the same time gets the digestive functions in a I condition so that ordinary food can be easily di- gested Try it if you are run down and your food doesnt nourish you SCOTT BOWNC Purl Strt t New York j an effort on toot to Rive him a pecuniary remuneration for his serv- ice but he most respectfully declined at all Dr Tigers offered prayer and ihea Dr Strouee stated that the last of the best Conference ever hld wa nee the eloe aad it was the but ever held ia Gainesville and only the third which wa a grand He paid a high tribute to the ip akera who had also to the Rood people from all over the Wile who had tome to attend the meetings After a saared solo by Mr Bagby Dr Chap aa wad the Scripture lesson the 18th chapter of St Luke 37th verse Aid his that Je M of Nstareth passed by Nearer My God to Thee was then by choir when Dr Chaeraaa- eneeded his discourse by a few en eecragiag word for the Conference Ha spoke of the Conference at Winona Lake lad where he has eharge which eluted el vea ago with thing ve people present and tow there are from 2JKO to 3000 minister there every year and expretaed ajratltude toward the people her and hi plea ar at the raeetfaft- DariBf his discourse Dr Chapman kept the elocesrtuteatioQ of lane aadienee aad during a short pause the were so inteatly listening to eateh word that it would have been easy to have heard the proverbial- pin drop IB his closing he said waya had the lot word at own CaferB e at Wlaona and he rhea sailed Dr Stronte to perform a I I i It A nee from to the I grand Ie hi that was aayshi g beta here sung the year his peep every hey I Jake lolls ast < ¬ + I Dr 8treee then offered prayer and T iy toaehiag eulogy of all who had worked fer the good saws He poke feelingly and tenohed the hearts el hto hearers It wu but a few mo suite bet the time was sat interest aid the people seemed with see aeeerd to lad ate by their expos of features God blue Clarence Sleet Be The Tie was sung and the third and best of all tbe Confer ae s at an end kite Clasa The Bible else hid their usual meet iag at 1030 a m MORE RURAL ROUTES Irts ecter aVittaln is Hers for the Pur MM f Establishing New Ones Rural Route Inspector A B Brit lain of Lake City who has charge of the routes IB this district for the Uai ted States government has arrived ia the city for the purpose of establishing Roate 34 and 5 whieh have been bf Postmaster Arnow and re commended by Third Anhtaat General Bristosr Mr Brit ala eipeet to begin work of estab- lishing these routes at once and a oon as his report is received and by the department- the same will be approved and the routes authorized This will afford a big advantage to those residing in the country within a radius of nine miles from Gainesville a it will fiord a daily mail service For Toting a Pistol Deputy Sheriff iranger on Sun- day arrested James English col- ored wanted in Bradford county upon a char of carrying concealed weapons Sheriff Bennett of Starke suited in the city Monday and in the afternoon returned with his prisoner If the Baoy is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy Mr Wins lows Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrboea Twt n ftySre Seat bottle late a lagte all she B Bsreas was Mo day re- quested Post- master ap- proved poetof lee a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > GAINESVILLE HAS NEW ICE FACTORY Gainesville Ice Company Will Be Kin Business This Morning CAPACITY OF THIRTY TONS Factory His Enlarged and and i Now One of the Most Modern and Complete in the State Owned by H F Watts From Tuesdays Daily Sun The Gainesville Ice Company turn the steam onto their elegant new plant today which will add industry to the rapidly increaif K manufacturing of The plant i located at junction of the Atlantic Coast Line and OB the site formerly occupied- by the 8ucee Ice Company Th tory i of thirty tons capacity and I owned by H F Watt who purchased the original plant of the Corn pair several months ago A new Co Iambus machine hat ben added to plant which gives the concern a total of thirty tone per day capacity The increasing demand for lee nt CCMfated by the heavy movement of perishable freight from section will give both ice manufacturing plant in this city a good business a i are iced here for all points j a radius of miles arourd Gainesville SOLD A FINE GROVE- J S Goed Disposed of Fine Property to J R Russian of Tampa- J 9 Goode who ha withiu the put two or three year accumulated cun iderable property in and around Tampa ha recently to J R Kui ian of that city a handsome bearing grove of three acres which it on of the of the kind tak- ing into consideration the acreage in th State The grove U an old on Having bin uninjured liy the great freeze of 6M and ii ji Mint a crop of 900 boxe every 5 nr The fruit i of extra quality handsome and brings good price in the Northern markets Mr Goode in reterve Tirty fin building lot on the outskirts Tempe which will bring a Rood price after awhile WITNESSES TO ATLANTA will IUO hr Gaines ill fae Success old properties I very tI has lit Seen Im- proved enterprises the sea- board the this ears with- in seven finest ¬ > > ¬ + Have Seen Summoned to Appear in Court In Famous Strobhar Case- J A ioodwin ticket agent Harry Tench agent Traveling Auditor Me Quniti and J E Pult a clerk in the freight department of the Atlanta Coast Line Dr Benj P RihanN cashier of the bunk of H F Dutton A Co and H F Jordan insurance agent left Monday tor Atlanta where they have been summoned as witnt th case of the Atlantic Railway Company v James X- Strobhar the alleged defaulting agent of the Coast Line at point They may be absent several Big Cotton Shipment Geo K Robinson of and Har- vey Robinson of this city left Mon- day for Fort White where they will superintend the shipment of a quanti- ty of cotton recently H F Dutton A There are about two hundred bales and the staple will be consigned to Eastern markets THE WOODS full of plain erviifnblt 350 Shot but theyre plain always plain just as though the man who or afford to pay more than 35u didnt care Our new 350 Shot have all the style of a Shoe at talc the box calf enamel and patent leather Come and see our Shoes and try them L C SMITH North Side Square Gainesville FJa this 0 Ocala I I I I I s s- in Coast- Line days Are ¬ ¬ ¬ + Backache Tile Blues Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in WomenThousands of Sufferers Find Relief j I j NkS a How often do we hear women It seems a though my back would break- or Dont speak to me I am all out of aorta Thf remarks prove that the system requires attention Backache sod the blutf are direct symptoms of an inward trouble which will sooner or later declare itself It may be caused diseased kidneys or some derangement of the organs Nature requires assistance anti at once and LydiaE pound instantly asserts its curative powers ailments of women It has been the standby of intelligent American women twenty years and the best judges agree that the most succes- fnl remedy for womans ills knows to Read the convincing testimonials of Mrs and Mrs Cotrely Mrs JC Holmes of Larimore North Dakota writes I have nuftVivl everything with backache Gad female tmulrfe r run MI until ray vUn was In such a condition was unai U to be about anti then it wa I cmaiaeiHtNi to use Finkharas Compound If I had only known Bjacfe I would I tnuul have takes it months nrwncr for a few weeks tttatment made mo well end strong barkacbea and beailarbes an all dto E Mta Emma 100 East 13th Street New York City writes Dear Mrs Pinkham I fel itror weaaea- of hiM 1 have found in Pink I Dear Pinkbam II c that- I a I no at monthly periods J Vegetable CompCtaad I suffered Intense pain tn n aJhutrflla the Lydia 1 hdn L Vege- table 1y gone whereas before I took I > << Efaf Cotrety baa Vegetable C When I ewes Compuunl i suffrrwt with larb and female trouble ninil nd enjoy best of boalth and I owe it all to you When women are troubled with nlar or painful periods weakness displacements or that bearingdown intlirnroa lion of the female organs backache bloating or flatulence general de indigestion and nervous prostra- tion or are beset with auch symptoms as dimness faintness excit- ability nervousness ness melancholy all gone and feelings blues and they should rvmcm- UT there is one tried and true Lydia R Iinkhams Vegetable Oun pound removes auch trouble No other medicine haa such a n nril of cues of female troubles No utlnr medicine in the world has rvcemil lids widespread and unqualified emlor e meet to buy any substitute FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Remember every woman is cordially invited to to Mrs there is thing about her symptoms she does not understand Pink ham is thedaughterinlatvof E her assistant before her de cease and for years since her been fr anti her fully given to every ailing woman who asks for it anti medicine have restored to health innumerable women Address Lyun 1KfId the Jam tile I I l I a has i a waatto be left alone atones r i fl advice lasts ¬ ¬ > MIl WI 1Ia P MvltsA Mar lest thisr a s a Ksws Ih W Now Ready TO flOTE PRICES Ml S KIT SAMPLES OF FALL GOODS For Men Women and Children We carry everything readytowear and all orders will receive prompt and careful attention ALWAYS REMEMBER 1 We send by express C OD subject to examination before accepting We allow 10 percent discount for cash except on contract tooth B H LEVY BRO THE 118 STORES fill 2 send two or three styles of garments for election a CO rf Any r r We SAY > THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc reliable USH 11 Florida county nt The question 11 I sort the line Title the in lb tltehnn first coni SItClITns of Title Tax StlartII n r fur Iaul Onlhr of tollullt the To I j R First nn of nonI11 II F Dutton ro hankers t F Renders erv e tf nlnng of ut Land Ttk uue of particularly tbtruct Sale r era on f lout 1nn Ile idcnf iId investor n te fret s National M I < +

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Post on 13-Jun-2018




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VtftVvfc Vik






Chtfpmtn and StrausAvwiencM With Kl-

wtw dMteff day ef theBiblai

Ceafe-ri tvMtifal e wad

todl-gataat to HtUn le the ser-

f that ewteeat divine r-

Jv J limy hM wea the heart

tMgatrvicebf the ehoir-ej fcf Biwi th

ft tbe Fifth Chapter of-

t MMf teUi Andtb w Black it-

H f the referringtimmlf whafttr to the leek of

Mriathf tfct tMjr with meeka te 1 Heard the

ffccj feftme 1XB aeat f gospelM dhMMMM with a prayer

late Ww d f wfcWl tisriHed kin horera-tW ItiMMy cMtetaMrf 0 God

fPt i No twjsjai to Ik emrafa-lM 1ts1w trt ttadf l dM Ward e-

fftM4 kto wart deliveredMbWMk4 fMl d-

IfcM OT taayirad sued bafere-

rifeMa M kis worstlistfcilMlfagh tad liken to aafNl V MM to ttnwger thanlia AM illMtrat

1 1 Ml IkM Mm MM lived pare lifeaid e the S24-

DU iipiiilto might be de-fl Mtv Mb him from the


the sermon

fcee wi to aeteded ha-

ptJtH kitMtM to kit entire dUth VftBjea neiate breaghi-

lfct ttU t vat ewe tog to be



1WIWp 1IeetiZvasillig




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s i11suaal-raaw fursAI

Kira TIRe7thirst

i qusM t d TwekMg WirdsEnsea i-

itipIl al S sdPMswsitl

t1I1tM M t tflU IIIRlhtes then was stiletiMM last

r lwk

t eltai lp bN es-t Mtsaal


Nnr versef 1 fRbt eye staid

d iNiait-1N tl


std7sdI sthe

7 isg

i It sasss MM

r1ja tdwl npe I his nerk be1 a M bad

r ate

pestrt M tit year


IMidpelrt et hkei Ili N

et hIhehegh aaderstaadiig



tie aht MiNinj






> < < >







tMtlMk Drthe

MMB te hieMM f MSfMtiaw-

IV rt r mamA pV

stated tintaf the fact



taw CVAI awlA

Ray trtvt end Prt wtay en A O L

Wet Main St 8 nearBwdvare Oei Ware

henet OeinetviUe ViaOejfe Prfef Paid

ff deBee 8oleltcd SpecialMtMtiaa iriveB taP O lies 112 Car lots a

Wire er write as for Quotations

CM Ceraer ef Ualtmlty-Mi r CalM Btnrfa

Save year Iave4 oae ponralu madeaeMST by peepto who love ao-

re tatt a ta sostate ta your eeaiBua-lif WlMM yea wait a LAHOE TOHTRAIT or that willM artistically Battled perfect la likeGen a pieawir to you give

JAMES F SMtTHMaker of FINE I1 TOOKAF3 from rocket to Ute sizeeteesae The aril moi artbUo-meratt tad foUera fur vow work

iKMla Established la 18 7



ffl1 a tarewl11 werlE-


T aM-i1 n





r iieaQnIa

llIfT IIfMlitlrl

wJi i


JUe i



IMIre PenraI Ia Colors


9lrbsraaei wo arse largr MM 1 tdtwiR aesebio

Idst Tiilp s pairM OsGmae

tom lfli Ifs atNNses bed a teedtlsii tb spesbps aed peepa sIMtd teellg

guessa e sag

Mtl Nja-UMI lib

filiM lfrl tiI1M INSaa

IM M s N a

t Mr Nn teal Ifd dais1lrligr IMrsatsq Cbak

h11 lMd s-

T Mgr era




Qtr llr n

d laud

Ill liar

awl figI sad fhdttee-





4 copies

Tear eels4

UT Novolatest



n n

k a wt







I NOURISH-the body dont dose itwith medicine ScottsEmulsion is the bestnourishment in existence-It is more than a foodyou may doubt it but it


digests perfectly easy andat the same time gets thedigestive functions in a

I condition so that ordinaryfood can be easily di-

gested Try it if you arerun down and your fooddoesnt nourish youSCOTT BOWNC Purl Strt t New York

j an effort on toot to Rive hima pecuniary remuneration for his serv-ice but he most respectfully declined

at allDr Tigers offered prayer and ihea

Dr Strouee stated that the last of thebest Conference ever hld wa neethe eloe aad it was the but ever heldia Gainesville and only the thirdwhich wa a grand He paid ahigh tribute to the ip akera who had

also to the Rood peoplefrom all over the Wile who had tometo attend the meetings

After a saared solo by Mr Bagby DrChap aa wad the Scripture lesson

the 18th chapter of St Luke37th verse Aid his thatJe M of Nstareth passed by

Nearer My God to Thee was thenby choir when Dr Chaeraaa-

eneeded his discourse by a few eneecragiag word for the ConferenceHa spoke of the Conference at WinonaLake lad where he has eharge whicheluted el vea ago with thing

ve people present and tow there arefrom 2JKO to 3000 minister thereevery year and expretaed ajratltudetoward the people her and hi pleaar at the raeetfaft-

DariBf his discourse Dr Chapmankept the elocesrtuteatioQ of laneaadienee aad during a short pause the

were so inteatly listening toeateh word that it would havebeen easy to have heard the proverbial-pin drop IB his closing he saidwaya had the lot word at ownCaferB e at Wlaona and herhea sailed Dr Stronte to perform a




It A



to the





that was

aayshi g

beta here

sung the




hey I


lolls ast




I Dr 8treee then offered prayer andT iy toaehiag eulogy of all who

had worked fer the good saws Hepoke feelingly and tenohed the hearts

el hto hearers It wu but a few mosuite bet the time was sat interest

aid the people seemed withsee aeeerd to lad ate by their expos

of features God blue Clarence

Sleet Be The Tie was sung andthe third and best of all tbe Confer

ae s at an endkite Clasa

The Bible else hid their usual meetiag at 1030 a m


Irts ecter aVittaln is Hers for the PurMM f Establishing New Ones

Rural Route Inspector A B Britlain of Lake City who has charge ofthe routes IB this district for the Uaited States government has arrived iathe city for the purpose of establishingRoate 34 and 5 whieh have been

bf Postmaster Arnow and recommended by Third Anhtaat

General Bristosr Mr Britala eipeet to begin work of estab-lishing these routes at once and aoon as his report is received and

by the department-the same will be approved and theroutes authorized This will afford abig advantage to those residing in thecountry within a radius of nine milesfrom Gainesville a it will fiord adaily mail service

For Toting a PistolDeputy Sheriff iranger on Sun-

day arrested James English col-

ored wanted in Bradford countyupon a char of carrying concealedweapons Sheriff Bennett of Starkesuited in the city Monday and in theafternoon returned with his prisoner

If the Baoy is Cutting TeethBe sure and use that old and well

tried remedy Mr Wins lows Sooth-ing Syrup for children teething Itsoothes the child softens the gumsallays all pain cures wind colic and isthe best remedy for diarrboea Twt nftySre Seat bottle

late a

lagte all

sheB Bsreas


Mo day




ap-proved poetof lee










Gainesville Ice Company Will Be

Kin Business This Morning


Factory His Enlarged andand i Now One of the Most

Modern and Complete in the StateOwned by H F Watts

From Tuesdays Daily SunThe Gainesville Ice Company

turn the steam onto their elegant newplant today which will addindustry to the rapidly increaif K

manufacturing of

The plant i located at junctionof the Atlantic Coast Line and

OB the site formerly occupied-by the 8ucee Ice Company Thtory i of thirty tons capacity and I

owned by H F Watt who purchasedthe original plant of the Corn

pair several months ago A new CoIambus machine hat ben added toplant which gives the concern a totalof thirty tone per day capacity

The increasing demand for lee ntCCMfated by the heavy movement ofperishable freight from sectionwill give both ice manufacturingplant in this city a good business a i

are iced here for all points j

a radius of miles arourdGainesville


J S Goed Disposed of Fine Propertyto J R Russian of Tampa-

J 9 Goode who ha withiu the puttwo or three year accumulated cuniderable property in and aroundTampa ha recently to J R Kuiian of that city a handsome bearing

grove of three acres which it on ofthe of the kind tak-ing into consideration the acreage inth State The grove U an old onHaving bin uninjured liy the greatfreeze of 6M and ii ji Mint a crop of900 boxe every 5 nr The fruit i ofextra quality handsome andbrings good price in the Northernmarkets

Mr Goode in reterve Tirty finbuilding lot on the outskirtsTempe which will bring a Rood priceafter awhile



IUO hrGaines









Seen Im-







ears with-in seven







Have Seen Summoned to Appear inCourt In Famous Strobhar Case-

J A ioodwin ticket agent HarryTench agent Traveling Auditor MeQuniti and J E Pult a clerk in thefreight department of the AtlantaCoast Line Dr Benj P RihanNcashier of the bunk of H F Dutton ACo and H F Jordan insuranceagent left Monday tor Atlanta wherethey have been summoned as witnt

th case of the AtlanticRailway Company v James X-

Strobhar the alleged defaulting agentof the Coast Line at point Theymay be absent several

Big Cotton ShipmentGeo K Robinson of and Har-

vey Robinson of this city left Mon-

day for Fort White where they willsuperintend the shipment of a quanti-ty of cotton recently HF Dutton A There are about twohundred bales and the staple will beconsigned to Eastern markets

THE WOODSfull of plain erviifnblt 350

Shot but theyre plain always plainjust as though the man who or

afford to pay more than 35udidnt care

Our new 350 Shot have all thestyle of a Shoe at talc the boxcalf enamel and patent leather Comeand see our Shoes and try them

L C SMITHNorth Side Square Gainesville FJa








s s-

in Coast-Line







Backache Tile BluesBoth Symptoms of Organic Derangement in

WomenThousands of Sufferers Find Relief




NkS a

How often do we hear women Itseems a though my back would break-or Dont speak to me I am all out ofaorta Thf remarks provethat the system requires attention

Backache sod the blutf are directsymptoms of an inward trouble whichwill sooner or later declare itself Itmay be caused diseased kidneys orsome derangement of the organsNature requires assistance anti at onceand LydiaEpound instantly asserts its curativepowers ailments ofwomen It has been the standby ofintelligent American women twentyyears and the best judges agree that

the most succes-fnl remedy for womans ills knows to

Read the convincing testimonials ofMrs and Mrs Cotrely

Mrs JC Holmes of Larimore NorthDakota writes

I have nuftVivl everything with backacheGad female tmulrfe r run MI

until ray vUn was In such a conditionwas unai U to be about anti then it wa I

cmaiaeiHtNi to use FinkharasCompound If I had only known

Bjacfe I would I tnuulhave takes it months nrwncr for a fewweeks tttatment made mo well end strong

barkacbea and beailarbes an all

dto E

Mta Emma 100 East 13thStreet New York City writesDear Mrs Pinkham

I fel itror weaaea-of hiM 1 have found in Pink


Dear PinkbamII



I no at monthly periodsJ

Vegetable CompCtaad I suffered Intense pain

tn n aJhutrfllathe Lydia 1


L Vege-table

1y gone

whereas before I took




Efaf Cotrety

baa Vegetable C When I ewesCompuunl i suffrrwt

with larb andfemale trouble ninil ndenjoy best of boalth and I owe it allto you

When women are troubled withnlar or painful periodsweakness displacements orthat bearingdown intlirnroalion of the female organs backachebloating or flatulence general de

indigestion and nervous prostra-tion or are beset with auch symptomsas dimness faintness excit-ability nervousness

ness melancholy all gone andfeelings blues

and they should rvmcm-UT there is one tried and trueLydia R Iinkhams Vegetable Ounpound removes auch trouble

No other medicine haa such a n nrilof cues of female troubles No utlnrmedicine in the world has rvcemil lidswidespread and unqualified emlor emeet to buy any substitute

FREE ADVICE TO WOMENRemember every woman is cordially

invited to to Mrsthere is thing about her symptomsshe does not understand Pinkham is thedaughterinlatvof E

her assistant before her decease and for years sinceher been fr anti herfully given to every ailing woman whoasks for it anti medicinehave restored to health innumerablewomen Address Lyun

1KfId the









a waatto be left alone










MIl WI 1IaP MvltsA Mar lest thisr a s a Ksws Ih

W Now Ready


FALL GOODSFor Men Women and Children

We carry everything readytowear and allorders will receive prompt and careful attention

ALWAYS REMEMBER1 We send by express C O D subjectto examination before accepting

We allow 10 percent discount for cashexcept on contract tooth



2 send two or three styles of garmentsfor electiona











USH 11


ntThe question

11 I sort the lineTitle the in lbtltehnnfirst coni

SItClITns of Title Tax StlartIIn rfur Iaul Onlhr of tollulltthe To I

jR First nn of nonI11 II FDutton ro hankers


Renders erv e tf nlnng ofut Land Ttk uue of particularly

tbtruct Saler

era on flout 1nn Ile idcnf iIdinvestor n te

fret s National


