gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-18...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 1 1 0 c n T 1 2 III TWICE IN ASYLUM TO BE SENT THERE AGAIN SAO PLIGHT OF ANNIE STOKES DEMENTED NEGO WOMAN Threatened to turn Homes of Neigh- bors All of Whom Were Afraid She Would Do So For tho first time In several days the residents In the vicinity of University street and Pleasant lane are sleeping In peace and content- ment the cause of annoyance having been removed For the past week Annie Stoked a demented negress has kept that community on the verge of fear and the neighbors lived in constant dread that she would either burn them out or do someone bodily harm This condition of affairs rocked along un- til It became unbearable when the woman was reported and on Wed- nesday afternoon just as the sun setting Marshal Owens and Deputy John Dennett went to the womans home when she was taken into Marshal Owens states that the wo man had the door barred was In bed and refused to open up although opened up on them without ceremony and declared she would not accompany them a step The officers secured an entrance through a win dow nnd found the woman clothed only in her night gown She could not be Induced to don her street at tire but the officers were bound to accomplish their purpose and took her dressed In the night robe only Into an automobile and drove her to the city Jail where she was kept In confinement for the night On TburAday morning her clothing was sent to which she donned with out hesitation In a cooler moment af ter which she was given breakfast and was taken to the county jail where she will remain an attend ant can arrive from the State asylum Annie declared to the officers that she was not crazy but drunk as she had been Imbibing freely for the past few days of blind tiger liquor She considerably more res r ed Thursday morning and said 1 am not crazy I have been drunk on mean liquor I am sober now and have come to my senses again Dut Marshal Owens did not feel In clined to take her word and will bold her for the asylum where she was an Inmate twice before It is said that the woman during the past few days had threatened to burn down the houses of certain neighbors in the vicinity of her home PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY Tendered to Mr and Mrs J S Crown at Rocky Point The home of Mr and Mrs J S Crown Sr presented a happy scene Wednesday night when in of the anniversary of the nineteenth year of married life of this estimable couple a large number- of friends of the neighborhood gave them a complete but most agreeable surprise Just after the supper hour the party invaded the home but Mr and Mrs Crown as usual were equal to the occasion and It was not long be- fore a genuine good time was in progress During the evening deli- cious refreshments were served The party was suddenly broken up about 11 oclock by another surprise- of an exciting nature which had not been anticipated on the program A telephone message came that some- one had tried to break Into the store of J H Crown and Mr Crown who happened to be at the store made a third surprise as the parties evi dently believed him to IH at the homo of J S Crown where the party was In prugrtMM Mr Crown gun falling to work ko called over the phone fur aUlu uv and n halt dozen or mar MiMtwurt nttfii nuked to wows only t Maul UM M their arrival ttwit tk wwwWW twrftUr hat Snails kU M raH sight WM dark awl no atUMum Maid to traek Mm altktmftk k rtI- IHHMCOM aruautt 4ucf fraiuI- teftN1 CMnii- CWv quit drvN J iii um r a r ii orth she was the Ira t r f f t was cus- tody x her until r commemo- ration 0 Tier war ibis 119ttt tat hr baby r i A Ih s say Itr1a VIi ipr kla C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > A Ctmbined Varnish and Stain Revives old woodwork furniture and floors by cov- ering the mars anti scratch- es at the same time pro ducing a brilliant anti dura- ble finish What JapaLac Is For Interior woodwork of all kinds Floors Furniture Porch Furniture Iron Work Carriages Wagons Etc Baird Hardware MARRIAGE AT JUDGON Two WellKnown and Popular Young People United in Wedlock JtDSOV Sept 17 This town was the scene of a happy marriage the contracting parties being W II Weeks and Miss Merle of Mr and Mrs C Curry Th was performed at the home the brides parents Notary Public- R S Tucker officiating A large was present and many con- gratulations anti best wishes were to the happy couple The farmers shave about finished gathering their cotton and are now selling It mostly in the seed at an average of per hundred The crop will be at least fifty per cent short Health Means the ability to do a good days work without undue fatigue and to find life worth living You cannot Lave Indigestion or constipation with out Its upsetting the liver and the blood Such a condition may- be best and quickest relieved by Her bins the best liver regulator that the world has ever known Sold by W M Johnson The Wonders of Science- It wax left for the exhibitor of a phonograph In the streets of Utrecht according to an American traveler to put the tlulxhlug touch to the wonder- ful Invention There was the sound of a military bawl In full blast and then suddenly the tune stopped anti Ualt rang hoarsely out upon the air Whos that Interrupting the con- cert tllpiumtly Inquired the Ameri- ca n edging clove to tho operator That said the roan surveying him blandly was the voice of Napoleon Bonaparte giving the order at tho bat- tle of Waterloo That Was the Trouble- A Wichita pan was fussing because- of his aching teeth Why dont you go to a dentistY asked one of his friends Oh I havent got the nerve was the reply Never mind that replied the friend Tbe dentist will find tbe nerve all ricbtKanaas City Journal Literary Analysis Shakespttres works are marvelous revelations or poetry Poetry1 echoed the Baconian scorn- fully They are merely a collection ciphers with sonic figures of speech In to nmko theta harder Star Wise Plan I never have any luck Nollher do I n H dotl the other Tkervfoiv I Uetp i nt of on rtHulrliiK c u if to uMivtm1 ulviU mirier J turn tl Japatac CoT W i pollut- Ing Hit s lk k IW IL H re- cently laugh- ter 5 i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PURVEYORS ROYALTY- Their Signs Constitute One of the Sights LonJon The American In London on his first visit to that marvelous oily Is struck by the number of signs over strops with the royal arms painted thereon and announcing that thp tradesman I a itirrvtiir i HiHr niuji Vet when 11111 UT I slftMl tli iiumlMrI- M tmt MI lanzv Officially iuxortlltitf to the London News ihfn are W tnuh mcn In London who hold in naval warnint nod are entitled lo the mynl anus a a skin with the ncroiiipanylnK Hy myul iipiMilntment The rural warrant to be rmlml signed and xtalrd In due form other- wise It a tntdtttinan styles himself a purveyor to a member of the royal family without till formal permission he Is pullty of an onVnc which I punishable by a flue not exceeding 10 Moreover he IH Noble to a simi- lar If he uses arms so nearly the royal arms as to lead people to believe that he IH carrying on his bu lnev undrr the authority of royalty Several Instances have occur- red of the enforcement of these The warrants are exhibited In the shop windows headed l y the royal arms and tearing the signature or the lord chamberlain the comptroller of the royal household the treasurer the latter or nt the master of the b rse etc according to the circum- stances SMOKING A PIPE- It Is Said to Give the Face a Square Jawed Effect There IH one question I always ask a man wuo wants a Job remarked the business man who has to hire sev- eral hundred men for different posi- tions eacu rear Tlie question I always ask them Is Do you smoke a pipe much Of course the answers are various Some of them smoke a pipe a great deal and J others not Vuy do I ask about the pipe Well not that 1 nave the least Interest lu their habits or tbat I Lave any preju- dice one way or another In the mat- ter The reason Is that 1 want to know whether tbe formation of their lower jaws Is natural or acquired A man with a final lower Jaw Is al- ways a Wilt of Kirts nnd or will I say always anyway moat always It he does not smoke a pln his square Jaw Lark near where It binges on to tbe upper one Is natural It be Is n smoker tbe look are deceiving any I have to Judge bU caliber some other way Pipe smokers always have strong muscles hawk on the face about tbe place a man stops when be makes the first stroke downward In shaving These are the muscles that bold the Jaws together They often give n square jawed effect to a man who basnt any square jaw characteristics My men think 1 ask tummy questions but theres a reasonNew York Times A Narrow Escape Edgar N nayllss a merchant of Robinxonville Del wrote About two years ago I was thin and sick and coughed all the time and If I did not have consumption It was near it I commenced using Foleys Honey and Tar and It stopped my cough and I am now entirely well and have gained twentyeight pounds all due to tho good results from taking Foley Honey and Tar J V MCollum Co A Suspicious Silence Howard was only twenty months older than the baby Fie bad somehow come to realize that Klwood who wi creeping was more likely to be In mis- chief when quiet One day he called to his mother with a great deal of anx- iety In his little voice Mamma I bear Elwood keeping still Delineator No Fault of Why Johnny Your little slater Is belting two quarts of peas to your oneWell I told the durn little chump about It but It dldut do no good Cleveland Lender For HEADACHE Hicks CAPUDINE Whether from colds heat stomach or nervous trouble Capudlne will relive you Its liquid pleatant to take acts Immediately Try It lc2- 5c and at all drug stores Want ailvertuiHB w A force which You cap harness and which you can your plans sad wrH t t to aajr d Mlr d dvitinatU TO o I II hUll I tits If II toll I pipe Hit AGe JUt drive the use word fine re- sembling penal- ties ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Your Hair is Worth It A k If h nJorw Av i hair han Does not Color the Hair to uu hair Jt 4 nt consult A t ur 1 1L Lm II Rl lI I1IL u 111 I Afnkl ion t hmw etalii whal hi Thist why buur dihtut lug kr r II s s tier tahIu g i l h IMl i = = Why Suffer fro one of tHe thousands of women suffer from female ailments If BO dont be go to your druggist and get a bottle of Wine of wrapper are full directions for use During the last century Cardui has been established in thousands of homes as a safe remedy for which only women endure It is contains no harmful ingredients and can be depend- ed on in almost any case I It Will Help You J- Shi Charles Bragg of SweeUer Ini tried BEe writes Tongue cannot tell how much Cardui has done for me Before I Cardui I could not do a days work I would work awhile and lie down I shall alway praise to jour medidEi try CarduL AT ALL DRUG STORES COOK AUTOMOBILE COMPANY- F B MYERS Manager BUICK AGENCY Dont IK nuVkil for none are so good as this Masinic Street BUICK Gainesville Fteritfi GS Merchant Co tctallera and Jabbcra In Staple and Fancy Groceries Grain Carder Seed ar l Fertilizers SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Hlf nest market price paid for Chickens Eggs and oth Produce A Complete stock of Hay Cora Oats Flour Bras rda Cottoa Meal aad Rye We handle only the Very test goods- at Lowest Prices tad guarantee satisfaction alaya ATLANTIC PLUMBING COMPANY Phone 151 We Go Hunting for Work and Get the Game WilY iWauM we IiiunlV nil HandarJ material iicli as P rleg Water lf Ht Coniliinatinnf Hr inilton Gem Xoinhs3 Tank Also Bath Tubs Livntnricd and High tirade Brass Hoods nil tier 213 E Liberty BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA- r a homely expression e stand when you lie down at night in a homo that wit protected hy inur- anee HomcKW i ft- titul wonl for a man who sees nothing ahead to build with JJu tlu ufo Midi told innuri in tin UM comnanii A M CUSHMAN Agent Gainesville I 1 Take Car uL till for year JIIIP 1 lint that about how jj it till T c discour- aged giv deed I Iow Down 4 guaranteed r you- r I s rev off i FIId1 = + °

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-18 · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 1 1 0 c n T 1 III


c n T 12III





Threatened to turn Homes of Neigh-

bors All of Whom Were Afraid

She Would Do So

For tho first time In several daysthe residents In the vicinity ofUniversity street and Pleasant laneare sleeping In peace and content-ment the cause of annoyance havingbeen removed

For the past week Annie Stokeda demented negress has kept thatcommunity on the verge of fear andthe neighbors lived in constant dreadthat she would either burn them outor do someone bodily harm Thiscondition of affairs rocked along un-

til It became unbearable when thewoman was reported and on Wed-nesday afternoon just as the sunsetting Marshal Owens and DeputyJohn Dennett went to the womanshome when she was taken into

Marshal Owens states that the woman had the door barred was In bedand refused to open up although

opened up on them withoutceremony and declared she would notaccompany them a step The officerssecured an entrance through a window nnd found the woman clothedonly in her night gown She couldnot be Induced to don her street attire but the officers were bound toaccomplish their purpose and tookher dressed In the night robe onlyInto an automobile and drove her tothe city Jail where she was keptIn confinement for the night OnTburAday morning her clothing wassent to which she donned without hesitation In a cooler moment after which she was given breakfastand was taken to the county jailwhere she will remain an attendant can arrive from the State asylum

Annie declared to the officers thatshe was not crazy but drunk as shehad been Imbibing freely for the pastfew days of blind tiger liquor She

considerably more res r edThursday morning and said 1 amnot crazy I have been drunk on meanliquor I am sober now and havecome to my senses again

Dut Marshal Owens did not feel Inclined to take her word and willbold her for the asylum where shewas an Inmate twice before

It is said that the woman duringthe past few days had threatened toburn down the houses of certainneighbors in the vicinity of her home


Tendered to Mr and Mrs J S Crownat Rocky Point

The home of Mr and Mrs J SCrown Sr presented a happy sceneWednesday night when in

of the anniversary of thenineteenth year of married life ofthis estimable couple a large number-of friends of the neighborhood gavethem a complete but most agreeablesurprise

Just after the supper hour theparty invaded the home but Mr andMrs Crown as usual were equal tothe occasion and It was not long be-

fore a genuine good time was inprogress During the evening deli-cious refreshments were served

The party was suddenly broken upabout 11 oclock by another surprise-of an exciting nature which had notbeen anticipated on the program Atelephone message came that some-one had tried to break Into the storeof J H Crown and Mr Crown whohappened to be at the store madea third surprise as the parties evidently believed him to IH at thehomo of J S Crown where theparty was In prugrtMM Mr Crowngun falling to work ko called overthe phone fur aUlu uv and n haltdozen or mar MiMtwurt nttfii nukedto wows only t Maul UM M theirarrival ttwit tk wwwWW twrftUrhat Snails kU M raH sight WM

dark awl no atUMum Maid totraek Mm altktmftk k rtI-

IHHMCOM aruautt 4ucf


teftN1 CMnii-

CWv quitdrvN J

iii um r a r








rf f












119ttt tat hr baby ri A Ih s say Itr1a VIi ipr kla














> >




A CtmbinedVarnish and


Revives old woodworkfurniture and floors by cov-

ering the mars anti scratch-es at the same time producing a brilliant anti dura-ble finish

What JapaLac Is For

Interior woodworkof all kinds


Porch FurnitureIron Work

Carriages Wagons Etc

Baird Hardware


Two WellKnown and Popular YoungPeople United in Wedlock

JtDSOV Sept 17 This town wasthe scene of a happy marriage

the contracting parties beingW II Weeks and Miss Merle

of Mr and Mrs C Curry Thwas performed at the home

the brides parents Notary Public-R S Tucker officiating A large

was present and many con-gratulations anti best wishes were

to the happy coupleThe farmers shave about finished

gathering their cotton and are nowselling It mostly in the seed at anaverage of per hundred Thecrop will be at least fifty per centshort

HealthMeans the ability to do a good days

work without undue fatigue and tofind life worth living You cannotLave Indigestion or constipation without Its upsetting the liver and

the blood Such a condition may-

be best and quickest relieved by Herbins the best liver regulator thatthe world has ever known Sold byW M Johnson

The Wonders of Science-It wax left for the exhibitor of a

phonograph In the streets of Utrechtaccording to an American traveler toput the tlulxhlug touch to the wonder-ful Invention There was the sound ofa military bawl In full blast and thensuddenly the tune stopped anti Ualtrang hoarsely out upon the air

Whos that Interrupting the con-

cert tllpiumtly Inquired the Ameri-ca n edging clove to tho operator

That said the roan surveying himblandly was the voice of NapoleonBonaparte giving the order at tho bat-tle of Waterloo

That Was the Trouble-A Wichita pan was fussing because-

of his aching teeth Why dont yougo to a dentistY asked one of hisfriends

Oh I havent got the nerve wasthe reply

Never mind that replied thefriend Tbe dentist will find tbe nerveall ricbtKanaas City Journal

Literary AnalysisShakespttres works are marvelous

revelations or poetryPoetry1 echoed the Baconian scorn-

fully They are merely a collectionciphers with sonic figures of speech

In to nmko theta harderStar

Wise PlanI never have any luckNollher do I n H dotl the other

Tkervfoiv I Uetp i nt of onrtHulrliiK c u if to

uMivtm1 ulviU mirier J turn tl







s lk k IW
















Their Signs Constitute One of theSights LonJon

The American In London on his firstvisit to that marvelous oily Is struckby the number of signs over stropswith the royal arms painted thereonand announcing that thp tradesmanI a itirrvtiir i HiHr niuji Vetwhen 11111 UT I slftMl tli iiumlMrI-

M tmt MI lanzvOfficially iuxortlltitf to the London

News ihfn are W tnuh mcnIn London who hold in naval warnintnod are entitled lo the mynl anusa a skin with the ncroiiipanylnK

Hy myul iipiMilntment Therural warrant to be rmlmlsigned and xtalrd In due form other-wise It a tntdtttinan styles himself apurveyor to a member of the royalfamily without till formal permissionhe Is pullty of an onVnc which I

punishable by a flue not exceeding10 Moreover he IH Noble to a simi-

lar If he uses arms so nearlythe royal arms as to lead

people to believe that he IH carrying onhis bu lnev undrr the authority ofroyalty Several Instances have occur-

red of the enforcement of these

The warrants are exhibited In theshop windows headed l y the royalarms and tearing the signature orthe lord chamberlain the comptrollerof the royal household the treasurer

the latter or nt the master of theb rse etc according to the circum-stances


It Is Said to Give the Face a SquareJawed Effect

There IH one question I always aska man wuo wants a Job remarkedthe business man who has to hire sev-

eral hundred men for different posi-

tions eacu rearTlie question I always ask them Is

Do you smoke a pipe much Ofcourse the answers are various Someof them smoke a pipe a great deal and J

others notVuy do I ask about the pipe Well

not that 1 nave the least Interest lutheir habits or tbat I Lave any preju-dice one way or another In the mat-ter The reason Is that 1 want toknow whether tbe formation of theirlower jaws Is natural or acquired

A man with a final lower Jaw Is al-

ways a Wilt of Kirts nnd or will I

say always anyway moat always Ithe does not smoke a pln his squareJaw Lark near where It binges on totbe upper one Is natural It be Is n

smoker tbe look are deceivingany I have to Judge bU caliber someother way

Pipe smokers always have strongmuscles hawk on the face about tbeplace a man stops when be makes thefirst stroke downward In shavingThese are the muscles that bold theJaws together They often give nsquare jawed effect to a man whobasnt any square jaw characteristicsMy men think 1 ask tummy questionsbut theres a reasonNew YorkTimes

A Narrow EscapeEdgar N nayllss a merchant of

Robinxonville Del wrote Abouttwo years ago I was thin and sickand coughed all the time and If I

did not have consumption It was nearit I commenced using Foleys Honeyand Tar and It stopped my cough andI am now entirely well and havegained twentyeight pounds all dueto tho good results from taking FoleyHoney and Tar J V MCollum


A Suspicious SilenceHoward was only twenty months

older than the baby Fie bad somehowcome to realize that Klwood who wicreeping was more likely to be In mis-chief when quiet One day he called tohis mother with a great deal of anx-iety In his little voice Mamma I bearElwood keeping still Delineator

No Fault ofWhy Johnny Your little slater Is

belting two quarts of peas to your

oneWell I told the durn little chumpabout It but It dldut do no goodCleveland Lender

For HEADACHE Hicks CAPUDINEWhether from colds heat stomach

or nervous trouble Capudlne willrelive you Its liquid pleatant totake acts Immediately Try It lc2-

5c and at all drug stores

Want ailvertuiHB w A force whichYou cap harness and which youcan your plans sad wrH t tto aajr d Mlr d dvitinatU




II hUll I



II toll I









fine re-















Your Hair is Worth ItA k If h nJorw Av i hair hanDoes not Color the Hair

to uu hair Jt 4

nt consult A t ur 1

1L Lm II Rl lI I1IL u 111 I

Afnkl ion t hmw etalii whal hiThist why buur dihtut lug kr r IIs s tier tahIu g

i l h IMl i

= =

Why Sufferfro one of tHe thousands of women

suffer from female ailments If BO dont bego to your druggist and get a bottle of Wine of

wrapper are full directions for useDuring the last century Cardui has been

established in thousands of homes as a safe remedyfor which only women endure It iscontains no harmful ingredients and can be depend-ed on in almost any case


It Will Help YouJ-

Shi Charles Bragg of SweeUer Ini tried BEewrites Tongue cannot tell how much Cardui has done for meBefore I Cardui I could not do a days work Iwould work awhile and lie down I shall alway praise to jourmedidEi try CarduL



F B MYERS Manager


Dont IK nuVkil for none areso good as this

Masinic Street


Gainesville Fteritfi

G S Merchant Cotctallera and Jabbcra In

Staple and Fancy GroceriesGrain Carder Seed ar l Fertilizers


Hlf nest market price paid for Chickens Eggs and oth Produce

A Complete stock of Hay Cora Oats Flour Bras rda CottoaMeal aad Rye We handle only the Very test goods-

at Lowest Prices tad guarantee satisfaction alaya


Phone 151

We Go Hunting for Work

and Get the Game


iWauM we IiiunlV nil HandarJmaterial iicli as P rleg Water

lf Ht Coniliinatinnf Hr inilton GemXoinhs3 Tank AlsoBath Tubs Livntnricd and Hightirade Brass Hoods nil


213 E Liberty



r a homely expressione

stand when you lie downat night in a homo thatwit protected hy inur-anee HomcKW i ft-

titul wonl for a man who

sees nothing ahead tobuild with JJu tluufo Midi told innuri in

tin UM comnanii

A M CUSHMAN Agent Gainesville

I 1


Car uL


for year


1 lint that about how


it till





I Iow Down

4 guaranteed





off i



