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Report of the Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals Ray Richards, Chair University of Alberta, AT, Canada [U] Rep. Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Mgrnt. Assn. Andrew G. Minister, Secretary Battelle Nor~westLab, WA [U] Richard R. Anderson, Merck & Co., Inc., NJ [U] Raymond E. Arntson, University of Minnesota, MN [U] illiam H. Baden, Airgas, CT [M] Anne C. Belanger, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, IL [E] Brenda L. Bronson, U.S. General Services Admin., CO [U] Murray A. Cappers, Jr., J&H Marsh & McLennan Inc., NJ [I] Hal Cohen, Science Applications IntT Corp., [SE] William A. Cooper, Jr., RolfJensen & Assoc., Inc., GA [SE] Gregory F. DeLuga, Siemens Bldg. Technologies, IL [M] John L. Dembishack, III, Connecticut State Fire Marshal's Office, CT [El Mary Eriksen-Rattan, Eriksen-Rattan Assoc., Inc., CA [SE] Kevin C. Gilkison, Labconco Corp., MO [M] Elliot L. Greenberg, New York University, NY [U] Louis Hartman, Harley EUington Design, MI [SE] Donald J. Kohn, Kohn Engineering, PA[SE] Stephen G. Leeds, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory, CA [RT]" Ulrich M. Lindner, Earl Walls Assoc., CA [SE] John P. McCabe, Nat'l Inst. of Health/Fire Prevention Section, MD [E] Robert Myers, Amoco, GA [U] Rudolph Poblete, Kewaunee Scientific Corp., NC [M] James F. Riley, Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., GA [SE] Michael W. St. Clair, The Ohio State University, OH [U] Rep. NFPA Industrial Fire Protection Section Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc., Inc., MN [SE] Stephen A. Szabo, Safety + Services, Inc., OK [SE] Laslo V~adi, Lucent Technologies, PA [U] Patricia Weggel-Laane, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, DC [E] Pamela Weiss Tatum, U.S. A1my Center for Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine, MD [E] Alternates Darren G. Cooke, Connecticut State Fire Marshal's Office, CT [E] (Alt. to J. L. Dembishack) James F. Fraley, Earl Walls Assoc., CA [SE] (Alt. to U. M. Lindner) Michael Glowatz, Lucent Technologies, NJ [U] (Alt. to L. Varadi) Paul J. Richards, RolfJensen & Assoc., Inc., VA [SE] (Alt. to W. A. Cooper) Howard O. Wilson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, DC [E] (Alt. to P. WeggeI-Laane) Nonvoting John Fresina, Lexington, MA (Member Emeritus) Robert F. Hughes, San Diego, CA (Member Emeritus) Staff Liaison: Amy B. Spencer Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents for the prevention of loss of life and damage to property from fire and exploslon in chemical laboratories not located in health care facilities. This list represents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership may have occurred. A key to classifications is found at the front of this book. The Report of the Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals is presented for adoption. This Report was prepared by the Technlcal Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals and proposes for adoption a complete revision of NFPA 45-1996, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. NFPA 45-1996 is published in Volume 2 of the 1999 National Fire Codes and in separate pamphlet form. This Report has been submitted to letter ballot of the Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals, which consists of 29 voting members. The results of the balloting, after circulation of any negative votes, can be found in the report. 436

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Page 1: gal) - NFPA

Report of the Committee on

Laboratories Using Chemicals

Ray Richards, Chair University of Alberta, AT, Canada [U]

Rep. Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Mgrnt. Assn.

Andrew G. Minister, Secretary Battelle Nor~wes tLab , WA [U]

Richard R. Anderson, Merck & Co., Inc., NJ [U] Raymond E. Arntson, University of Minnesota, MN [U]

illiam H. Baden, Airgas, CT [M] Anne C. Belanger, Joint Commission on Accreditation of

Healthcare Organizations, IL [E] Brenda L. Bronson, U.S. General Services Admin., CO [U] Murray A. Cappers, Jr., J&H Marsh & McLennan Inc., NJ [I] Hal Cohen, Science Applications In tT Corp., [SE] William A. Cooper, Jr., RolfJensen & Assoc., Inc., GA [SE] Gregory F. DeLuga, Siemens Bldg. Technologies, IL [M] John L. Dembishack, III, Connecticut State Fire Marshal's Office,

CT [El Mary Eriksen-Rattan, Eriksen-Rattan Assoc., Inc., CA [SE] Kevin C. Gilkison, Labconco Corp., MO [M] Elliot L. Greenberg, New York University, NY [U] Louis Hartman, Harley EUington Design, MI [SE] Donald J. Kohn, Kohn Engineering, PA[SE] Stephen G. Leeds, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory, CA [RT]" Ulrich M. Lindner, Earl Walls Assoc., CA [SE] John P. McCabe, Nat'l Inst. of Health/Fire Prevention Section,

MD [E] Robert Myers, Amoco, GA [U] Rudolph Poblete, Kewaunee Scientific Corp., NC [M] James F. Riley, Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., GA [SE] Michael W. St. Clair, The Ohio State University, OH [U]

Rep. NFPA Industrial Fire Protection Section Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc., Inc., MN [SE] Stephen A. Szabo, Safety + Services, Inc., OK [SE] Laslo V~adi , Lucent Technologies, PA [U] Patricia Weggel-Laane, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,

DC [E] Pamela Weiss Tatum, U.S. A1my Center for Health Promotion &

Preventive Medicine, MD [E]


Darren G. Cooke, Connecticut State Fire Marshal's Office, CT [E] (Alt. to J. L. Dembishack)

James F. Fraley, Earl Walls Assoc., CA [SE] (Alt. to U. M. Lindner)

Michael Glowatz, Lucent Technologies, NJ [U] (Alt. to L. Varadi)

Paul J. Richards, RolfJensen & Assoc., Inc., VA [SE] (Alt. to W. A. Cooper)

Howard O. Wilson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, DC [E] (Alt. to P. WeggeI-Laane)


John Fresina, Lexington, MA (Member Emeri tus)

Robert F. Hughes, San Diego, CA (Member Emeritus)

Staff Liaison: Amy B. Spencer

Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents for the prevention of loss of life and damage to property from fire and exploslon in chemical laboratories not located in health care facilities.

This list represents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership may have occurred. A key to classifications is found at the front of this book.

The Report of the Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals is presented for adoption.

This Report was prepared by the Technlcal Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals and proposes for adoption a complete revision of NFPA 45-1996, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. NFPA 45-1996 is published in Volume 2 of the 1999 National Fire Codes and in separate pamphlet form.

This Report has been submitted to letter ballot of the Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals, which consists of 29 voting members. The results of the balloting, after circulation of any negative votes, can be found in the report.


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N F P A 45 m MAY 2000 R O P

(Log #CP46) 45- 1 - (Entire Document ) : Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: The Technical Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemicals proposes a comple te revision of NFPA 45-1996, S tandard on Fire Protect ion for Laboratories Using Chemicals, as shown at the end of this report . S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : T h e Commi t t ee dec ided to do a comple te revision of the s tandard in order to open up the entire s tandard for revision du r ing the proposals and commen t s stages. The re were many areas tha t could benefi t f rom modificat ion resul t ing in ease of usability. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTE E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadl

(Log #6) 45- l a - (Entire Documen t ) : Reject SUBMITTER: Jul ius Laurent , Nalco chemical Co. R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : Add guidel ines on NFPA labeling of di lut ions and mixtures of chemicals used in laboratories. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : Our laboratory uses me thano l a n d acetonitr i le in solut ion with water. Concent ra t ions are f rom 15 pe rcen t to 90 pe rcen t organic. We have no way of knowing how to correctly label these solutions. Can guidel ines be pub l i shed for di lut ions? COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Submit ter did not provide a specific r e c o m m e n d a t i o n with this proposal . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON C O M M I T T E E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 ABSTENTION: 1 N O T RETURNED: $ Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: STEERE: This mat te r needs technical analysis no t a commit tee

decision. For example , NFPA 325 for years has listed f l a shpo in t / haza rd data for several c o m m o n di lut ions of ethyl alcohol. NFPA shou ld address the proposal , in NFPA 325.

(Log #CP39) 45- 2 - (Entire Document ) : Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: In the entire d o c u m e n t replace "conf inement" with "conta inment ." S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : This change is editorial since "conta inment" is a more appropr ia te word when used in this s tandard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTE E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadl

(Log #CP41) 45- 3 - (Entire Document ) : Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Within the d o c u m e n t wherever it appears, replace "flow moni tor" with "measur ing device for h o o d airflow." S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : This change is editorial a n d more appropriately reflects the in tent of the s tandard regarding devices tha t measu re airflow. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTE E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP4) 45- 4 - (1-1.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: In existing Section 1-1.1, delete the following text:

" quant i t ies greater than the m i n i m u m s specified in this s tandard" and incorporate the Note into the text of the Exception.

The text will read as follows: "This s tandard shall apply to laboratory buildings, laboratory

units, a n d laboratory work areas whe the r located above or below grade in which chemicals, as def ined, are hand l ed or stored."

Except ion No. 1: This s t andard shall no t apply to laboratory units with less t han or equal to 4 L (1.1 gal) of f lammable or combust ib le liquid, and less than 2.2 s tandard m 3 (75 s tandard ft 3) of f l ammable gas.

Except ion No. 2: It does no t apply to laboratories tha t are pilot plants.

Except ion No. 3: It does no t apply to laboratories that handle only chemicals with a hazard rat ing of zero or one, as def ined in NFPA 704, S tandard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response, for all of the following: health, f lammabil i ty and instability.

Except ion No. 4: It does no t apply to laboratories tha t are primari ly m a n u f a c t u r i n g plants.

Except ion No. 5: It does no t apply to incidental test ing facilities. Except ion No. 6: It does no t apply to physical, electronic,

ins t rument , laser, or similar laboratories that use chemicals only for incidental purposes , such as cleaning.

Except ion No. 7: It does n o t apply to laboratories tha t work only with radioactive materials, as covered by NFPA 801, S tandard for Fire Protec t ion for Facilities Hand l ing Radioactive Materials.

Except ion No. 8: It does n o t apply to laboratories tha t work only with explosive material, covered by NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : There are no m i n i m u m quant i t ies specified in NFPA 45 for chemicals ("chemical" as def ined in I-4) except for f l ammable or combust ib le l iquids a n d f lammable gases. Th e addi t ion of the new Except ion No. 3 clarifies the "implied exception" that was formerly f o u n d in the defini t ion of "chemical" f o u n d in Section 1-4. The Note u n d e r Except ion No. 7 was dele ted per the NFPA Manual of Style, a n d was b rough t into the text of the Exception. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP15) 45- 5 - (1-2.3 and 1-2.4 (new)) : Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Revise the existing Section 1-*).3 and add a new Section 1-2.4 to read as follows:

1-2.3 The objectives of this s t andard are as follows: (1) Limit injury or dea th to the occupants involved in or ext reme

proximity at the poin t of fire origin. (2) No dea th and min imal injury to emergency response

personnel . (3) Limit property loss to a m a x i m u m of a single laboratory unit . 1-2.4 It is no t the objective of this s tandard to address financial

losses such as business in te r rup t ion or proper ty loss when the loss of a laboratory un i t is unacceptable . SUBSTANTIATION: The objectives were enhanced , providing per fo rmance-based measures . The addi t ion of 1-2.4 clarifies the l imitat ions of this m i n i m u m s tandard . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

4 3 7

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N F P A 4 5 - - M A Y 2 0 0 0 R O P

(Log #CP45) 45- 6 - (1-4 Definitions): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Revise the following definitions in accordance with the NFPA Glossary of Terms:

Baffle. An object placed in or near an appliance to change the direction of, or to retard the flow of, the following:

(a) Air (b) Air-gas mixtures (c) Air-fuel mixtures (d) Flue gases. Combustible Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point at

or above 100°F (37.8°C). Explosive Material. Any explosive, blasting agent, emulsion

explosive, water gel, or detonator . Flammable Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point that

is below 100°F (37.8°C) and a maximum vapor pressure of 40 psia (2068 mm Hg) at 100°F (37.8°C).

Flash Point. The min imum tempera ture at which a liquid or a solid emits vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid or the solid.

Liquid. A material that has a fluidity greater than that of 300 penetrat ion asphalt when tested in accordance with ASTM D5, Test for Penetrat ion for Bituminous Materials. Unless otherwise specified, the term liquid includes both flammable and combust ible liquids.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. The maximum gauge pressure permissible at the top of completed equipment , a container, or a vessel in its operat ing position for a design temperature.

Street Floor. Any story or floor level accessible from the street or from outside the building at g round level with floor level at the main entrance not more than three risers above or below ground level at these points, and arranged and utilized to qualify as the main floor. Where, due to differences in street levels, there are two or more stories accessible f rom the street, each is a street floor for the purposes, of the Code. Where there is no floor level within the specified hmits for a street floor above or below ground level, the building shall be considered as having no street floor. SUBSTANTIATION: These definitions have been changed to be consistent with the prefer red definition as specified in the NFPA Glossary of Terms. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFI RMATWE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP22) 45- 7 - (1-4 Lecture Bottle): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add a definition of"Lec ture Bottle" to Section 1-4 to read as follows:

Lecture Bottle. A small compressed gas cylinder up to a size of approximately 5 c m x 33 cm (2 inches x 13 inches). SUBSTANTIATION: The term "lecture bottle" is used in the s tandard and could be ambiguous so a definit ion has been added. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP23) 45- 8 - (1-4 Pyrophoric Gas): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add a definit ion of "Pyropboric Gas" to Section 1-4 to read as follows:

Pyrophoric Gas. A gas that will spontaneously ignite in air at or below a temperature of 130°F (54.4°C). SUBSTANTIATION: The term "pyrophoric gas" is used and not previously defined. This definition is the definition from NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders, in the draft Glossary of Terms. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #36) 45. 9 - (Table 2-2(a) ): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc., Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Revise the main heading of Table 2-2(a) as follows:

Table 2-2(a) Maximum Quantities of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Liquefied Flammable Gases in Sprinklered Laboratory Units Outside of -m.ammab!c Liquid Inside Liquid Storage Areas

and revise the heading of the second column of the table to read as follows:

Flammable ~ a n d Combustible Liquid Class with Class 1 including Liouefied Flammable Gases 5

and add a footnote: 5. See Section 2-2.1.5

SUBSTANTIATION: It is not readily apparent that the 1996 Edition added liquefied f lammable gases to the quantity limits in Table 2-2(a) [and Table 2-2(b)], unless one reads the fine print footnote and then refers to Section 2-2.1.5. This p roposed revision will help clarify the in tent of the Commit tee and the document . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

] Add the following to proposed footnote: See 8-1.6.5. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Commit tee believes it is impor tant that users are also aware of the information specified in Chapter 8. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #38) 45. 10- (Table 2-2(a)): Reject SUBMITTER: Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc., Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Delete all p r e sen t quantifies shown in Table 2-2(a) for Class A, B, and C lab units and revise Table 2-2(a) to reduce quantities by fifty percent, to half of present quantities, for Class A, B, and C laboratory units that are sprinldered.

Lab Liquid Unit Class Class

Excluding Quantities in Cab nr Cans Max/9.3m ° (100 f t 0 Max quan / l ab uni t

A l 20 L (5 gal) I, II & IlIA 39 L (10 gal)

l 10 L (2.5 gut) I, I1 &I I IA 20 L (5 gal)

C I 4 L (1.1 gai) I, IX & I l i a 7.5 L (2 ~al)

Including Q uan in Cab or Cans Max/9.3m" (100 fC) Max q u a n / l a b

unit 1136 L (300 gal) 39 L (10 gai) 2270 L (600 gal) 1515 L (400 gal) 76 L (20 gai) 3028 L (800

570 L (150 gat) 20 L (5 gai) 1136 L (300 gal) 760 L (200 gal) 39 L (10 gal) 1515 L (400 gad)

284 L (75 gal) 7.5 L (2 gad) 570 L (150 gal) 380 L (100 Igal) 15 L (4 l~al) 760 L (200 ~gal)


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N F P A 45 - - M A Y 2 0 0 0 R O P

SUBSTANTIATION: Quantities in 1996 and previous editions exceed quantities nee ded in almost all well-managed laboratories, and were not based on usually-required quantities. Reductions in maximum quantit ies will p rov ide inc reased fireworthiness of laboratory units. Furthermore, when NFPA 45 was first adopted there was no documenta t ion f rom fire tests that sprinkler densities specified in Section 4-2 for the different classes o f laboratory units would control the concent ra ted fire loads permit ted in Table 2-2 (a). COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: There was not sufficient data

~ ruMBOvided in the substantiation to suppor t the proposed change. ER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29


EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: ANDERSON: I agree in principle that the quantity of f lammable

liquid in Table 2-2(a) is in excess of what is needed in almost all well managed laboratories. The quantity of f lammable liquid in a laboratory represents one o f the highest hazards in a laboratory using chemicals. For example the current table would allow up to 600 gallons of heptane in a 6,000 square ft laboratory. Recent f lammable liquid testing has demonst ra ted that an automatic sprinkler system would no t extinguish or without proper drainage control to the room of origin a fire involving 600 gallon heptane. A reduction of f lammable liquid quantities would not only reduce the consequence of a fire b u t would reduce the risk by reducing the quantity of containers available to be involved in an incident. On this basis alone a reduct ion in the quantities of f lammable liquid is indicated.

BRONSON: I previously voted that I "agreed in principle" that the allowable amounts of f lammable liquids in laboratories need to be reduced.

From reading the o ther people 's responses who voted negative, I think lack of testing data that supports smaller allowable amounts is not a good enough reason since the existing s tandard was also not based on test data. I agree that Committee does not have substantiation for suitability of existing s tandard to provide fireworthiness of laboratories (Norman Steere's comment) and that sprinklers and fire-ratings of walls would not control or contain a fire in a laboratory us ing/s tor ing the maximum allowable amounts of f lammable liquids stored in them.

The maximum allowable amounts of f lammable liquids needs to be lower than in the existing standard.

STEERE: Committee does not have substantiation for suitability of existing s tandard to provide fireworthiness of laboratories. COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE:

HARTMAN: All four of these proposals indicated a need to reduce the allowable amounts of f lammable liquids. The committee siting a lack of data to suppor t the proposed change rejected all four of these proposals. As 1 unders tand the amount of materials currently a l l owedand indicated in Table 2-2(a) were genera ted without any support ing testing. It seems inconsistent that we should now accept the existing values and argue in their defense that changes must have support ing data. Where is the support ing data for the values that we currently publish? On what basis do we continue to offer these values as

rOpriate and safe? LANATION OF ABSTENTION:

DEMBISHACK: The commit tee needs to study the maximum quantities of f lammable and combustible liquids permi t ted to be stored openly within a lab unit; the quantities in Tables 2-2(a) and (b) appears to be arbitrary and very large. The quantities of f lammable and combustible liquids have been known to contribute to the fuel load of the fire incidents reported, and in some cases over powered the effects o f sprinkler systems in the area of fire origin, resulting in higher property damage.

WEGGEL-LAANE: Fire loss data submit ted by task group supports that current fuel loading may be too high and that possibly sprinklers would be unable to suppress the fire with the current permissible quantities. Recommendat ion is that the commit tee continue to research a reduced fuel volume and the effectiveness of the current sprinkler density.

(Log #17) 45- 11 - (Tables 2-2(a) and (b)): Reject SUBMITTER: J o h n L. Dembishack llI, Connect icut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise the maximum quantities of f lammable and combustible liquids p e r m i t t e d to be s tored within laboratory units by Tables 2-2(a) a n d (b) to that of seventy-five

g ercent (75%) of the present quantities permitted. UBSTANTIATION: The average number of fires accruing in

laboratories each year is 474, with no deaths repor ted at the time of the fire, with an average of 7.27 million dollars of direct property damage repor ted to U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Incident Report ing System (NFIRS), over the past 15 years.

This is not to say that the fires repor ted were a result of the quantities of f lammable and combustible liquids s tored in the open, but it is to say that it did contribute to fuel load to many of the incidents reported. In some of the incidents reported, the quantit ies of f lammable and combustible liquids s tored in the open added additional fuel and exceeded the design assumptions densities placed on the sprinkler systems resulting in higher property damage.

The reduct ion storage of f lammable and combustible liquids to be stored openly inside of a laboratory unit may not reduce the number of fire incidents repor ted each year, it will reduce the amount of property damage as a result of fires in laboratories and put an added awareness on the need of placing f lammable and combustible liquids inside storage cabinets a n d / o r rooms.

The quantities of f lammable and combustible liquids permit ted to be stored openly within laboratories is long overdue, the quantities in this table have not been reviewed since it was in t roduced into the standard in 1974. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: There was not suf fc ien t data

ruMBovided in the substantiation to suppor t the proposed change. ER OF COMMITrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29


EXPLANATION OF NEIgATIVE: BRONSON: See my Explanation on Negative Vote on Proposal

45-10 (Log #38). STEERE: See my Explanation on Negative Vote on Proposal 45-10


HARTMAN: See my Comment on Affirmative on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38). EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:

DEMBISHACK: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38).

WEGGEL-LAANE: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38).

(Log #40) 45- 12 - (Tables 2-2(a) and (b)): Reject SUBM1TTER: Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc., Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to change all quantities for Class A, B and C lab units.

Delete all present quantit ies shown in Tables 2-2(a) and (b) for Class A, B, and C lab units and revise Table 2-2 to reduce quantities by eighty percent , to one fifth of present quantities for Class A, B, and C laboratory units that are nonsprinklered. SUBSTANTIATION: Quantities in 1991 and previous editions exceed quantities needed in almost all well-managed laboratories, and were not based on usually-required quantities. Reductions in maximum quantit ies will provide increased fire worthiness of laboratory units. Fur thermore, when NFPA 45 was first adopted there was no documenta t ion f rom fire tests that sprinkler densities specified in Section 4-2 for the different classes o f laboratory units would control the concentra ted fire loads permi t ted in Table 2-2. COMMITTEE AC'I'ION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: There was no t sufficient data

ruMBOvided in the substantiation to support the proposed change. ER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29



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N F P A 4 5 m M A Y 2 0 0 0 R O P

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BRONSON: See my Explanation on Negative Vote on Proposal

45-10 (Log #38). STEERE: See my Explanation on Negative Vote on Proposal 45-10


HARTM~N: See my Comment on Affirmative on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38). EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:

DEMBISHACFa See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38).

WEGGEL-LAANE: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38).

(Log #37) 45- 13 - (Table 2-2(b)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc,, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Revise the main heading of Table 2-2(b) as follows:

Table 2-2(b) Maximum Quantities of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Liquefied Flammable Gases in Nonsprinklered Laboratory Units Outside of .m.c.mmab!= L'~qu-;d Inside Liquid Storage Areas

and revise the heading of the second column of the table to read as follows:

Flammable o~and Combustible Liquid Class with Glass I including Liouefied Flammable Gases 5

and add a footnote: 5. See Section 2-2.1.5

SUBSTANTIATION: It is not readily apparent that the 1996 Edition added liquefied flammable gases to the quantity limits in Table 2-2(b) [and Table 2-2(a)], unless one reads the fine print footnote and then refers to Section 2-2.1.5. This proposed revision will help clarify the intent of the Committee and the document. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

] Add the following to the footnote: See 8-1.6.5. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee believes it is important that users are also aware of the information specified in Chapter 8. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #39) 45- 14- (Table 2-2(b)): Reject SUBMITTER: Norman V. Steere, Norman V. Steere & Assoc., Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Revise to change all quantities for Class A, B, and C lab units.

Revise Table 2-2(b) to reduce quantities by fifty percent, to half of present quantifies, for Class A, B, and C laboratory units that are nonsprinklered:

SUBSTANTIATION: Quantities in 1996 and previous editions exceed quantities needed in almost all well managed laboratories, and were not based on usually-required quantities. Reductions in maximum quantities will provideincreased fire worthiness of laboratory units.

The quantities of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied flammable gases allowed in nonsprinklered laboratory units in the "open" - on shelves, benches and in ordinary laboratory furniture seems great for such areas. The allowable doubling of quantities if haft are in'storage cabinets or safety cans does not seerr to recognize the limitations of storage cabinets and safety cans. Storage cabinets are only required to have ten-minutes of resistance to an ordinary slow-burning fire; but fire research published by NFPA in "Operating School Burning 2" demonstrated that a relatively small flammable liquid fire could produce ceiling temperatures of 1300°F to 1600°F in ]¢98 than two minutes, which might cause failure of storage cabinet in less than ten minutes. Safety cans provide break resistance, flashback protection, and a slower rate of combustion than a spill fire. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: There was not sufficient data

ruMBOvided in the substantiation to support the proposed change. ER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29


EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: ANDERSON: I agree in principle, based on the submitter's

substantiation, that there is no sound basis to allow the same

~ uantity (i.e. 20 gals/100 ft 2) of flammable liquids (stored in a ammable liquid cabinet) in an unsprinldered laboratory or a

sprinklered laboratory. BRONSON: See my Explanation on Negative Vote on Proposal

45-10 (Log #38). STEERE: See my Explanation on Negative Vote on Proposal 45-10


HARTMAN: See my Comment on Affirmative on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38). EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:

DEMBISHACK: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 45-10 (Log #38).

(Log #CP9) 45- 15 - (2-2.2, 2-2.3 through 2-2.8): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Revise title of Section 2-2.2 to read as follows:

Additional Requirements for Instructional Laboratory Units. Delete existing Sections 2-2.3 through 2-2.8.

SUBSTANTIATION: The Committee wished to clarify that Section 2-2.2 does not contain the sole requirements for Instructional Laboratory units, simply additional requirements. The deleted text duplicated referenced requirements found elsewhere in the standard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

l a b Liquid Unit Class Class A I 20 L (5 gal)

I, II & I l i a 39 L (1O gal)

B I 10 L (2.5 gal) I, II &IIIA 20 L (5 gal)

C I 4 L (1.1 gal) I, II & IliA 7.5 L (2 ~Tal)

Excluding Quantities in Cab or Cans Max/9.3m" (100 f t ' ) Max quan/ lab unit

Includin~ (~uan in Cab or Cans j Max/9.3m" (100 fC) Max quart / lab

unit 570 L (150 gal) 39 L (lO gal) 1136 L (300 gal) 760 L (200 gal) 76 L (20 gal) 1515 L (400 gal)

284 L (75 gal) 20 L (5 gal) 570 L (150 gal) 380 L (100 gai) 39 L (10 gal) 760 L (200 gal)

140 L (37 g~) 7.5 L (2 g~) 284 L (75 gal) 188 L (50 ~al) 15 L (4 ~ ) 3so L (100 ~ 1


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(Log #CPl l ) 45- 16 - (3-1.1, 3-1.3 through 3-1.5): Accept S U B ~ Technical Committee o n Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: 1. Modify the existing 3-1.l-to read as follows." The required construction of laboratory units shah be in accordance with Tables 3-1 (a) and 3-1 (b).

2. Modify existing Tables 3-1(a) and 3-1(b) to read as follows:

consistent with other non-health care OCCUpancy sites providing health care services. Medical labs were specifically addressed because they are typically found in business occupancies. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMrlWEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

Table 3-1(a) Fire Protection Require~aents for Sprlmdklered Laboratory Unim,

Sprinidered Laborator 7 Units taborator r unit Area Of L~ Yah F'nSeparmion

A ' < 10,000 ft z 2 hours > 10,000 ft 2 not permitted

B < 10,000 ft" 1 hour >,10,000 ft 2 not permitted

C any size not ~equkect D any.size not required '

' Table 3-1(b) Fire Protection Requirements for No= Um i , Nora wlnklered i.mbora~ory Units

Laborator T Unit Area of Lab Unit [• lrere separa t ion A not permitted B no t permitted ,

C < 10,000 fff 1 hour , > lO,O00ft2 not permitted ,

D < I0,000 fP not required > 10,000 ft* I hour

(Log #CPI3) 45- 18- (3-4.4): Accept SUBMITrER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Modify e x i ~ g section 3-4.4*, retaining the existing Appendix item. It wiliSead as follows:

5-4.4* The required exit access doors of all laboratory work areas within Class C or D laboratory units shall be permitted to swing against the direction of exit travel or shall be permitted to be a horizontal sliding door complying with NFpA 101, Life Safety Code@. SUIISTA~NTIATION: .This is an editorial change. COMMITIT~ ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMrrTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: STEERE: This section as written and as revised implies that there

is no hazard in any Clam C or Clam D laboratory unit.

3. Delete existing Sections 3-1.3 through 3-1.5 and renumber accordingly. • SUBSTANTIATION: The Committee's intent is to clarify those areas requiring the use of t~ae rated partitions and those areas that do not require fire rated separations. The term "not required" is more dea r when discussing fire separation than the terms "LC" or "NC" as used previously. The committee modified the required separation between sprinldered Class A laboratories and other areas from 1-hour to 2-hour due to the significant hazards

• associated with the quantity of flammable and combustible liquids in Class A labs. It was concern for the nature of this hazard that moved the committee to no longer permit Class A or B labs in unsprinklered laboratory units regardless of size. COMMITI'EE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadl

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: STEERE: Substantiation seems lacking for new requirements that

double the construction requirements for Class A laboratory units, halve the allowable area of Class B laboratory units, and remove area restrictions for Class C and D laboratory units prohibit any area of unsprinklered Glass A lab unit, and Class B lab units of up to 20,000 square ft. -.

This action seems to be based on realization that thequant i t ies of flammable liquids and gases and combustible liquids allowed in Tables 2-2(a) and 2-2(b) are excessive.

(Log #CP'24) 45- 17- (3-3,3): Accept SUBMrrTER~ Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Modify 3-3.3 to read as follows:

"Life safety requirements for instructional laboratory units for above grade 12, and for Class D medical laboratories located itn facilities classified as business occupancy shall be in accordance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code@, for a business occupancy." SUBSTANTIATION: As is currently written, Class D medical labs would be considered an industrial occupancy. Class D medical labs not falling under NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, should be considered business occupancy to remain

(Log #CP29) 45- 19- (3-5, 6-3.2, 6-4.4, 7-2.2.6, 7-2.3.1): Accept SUBMITI~R: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals

I RECOMMENDATION: In paragraph 3-5 replace the phrase "work areas" with "units" so that 3-5 now reads: "Furniture, casework, and equipment in laboratory units shall be arranged so that means of access to an exit can be reached easily from any point."

In paragraph 6-3.2 delete "and laboratory work areas" so that 6-3.2 now reads: "Laboratory units in which chemicals are present shall be continuously ventilated."

In paragraph.6-4.4 delete "and laboratory workareas" and retain "laboratory woi'k units" so that 6-4.4 now reads: "Air from laboratory units in which Chemicals are present shall be continuously discharged thrbugh duct systems maintained at a negati~ze pressure relative to the pres~ui'e of normally~Occupied areas of the building.','

In paragraph 7-2.2.6 delete "inside a laboratory bui lding or laboratory work area" so that it now read~ "Transfer of Class I liquids,to 'smaller containers from bulk stock containers not exceeding 19 L (.~ gad) in capacity shall be performed:

(a) in a laboratory hood; or (b) in an areaprovided with ventilation adequate to prevent

accumulations of flammable vapor /a i r mixtures from exceeding 25 percent of the lower flammable limit; or

(c) inside liquid storage areas specifically designed and • protected for dispensing Class I flmnmable liqnids meeting the requirements of NFPA SO, Flammable a n d Combustible Liquids Coi~e.". . -

In paragraph 7-2.3.1 delete "in t~e laboratory work area" so that it now reads: 1'Hazardous chemicals stored i n the open shall be kept to the minimum necessary for the work being done." SUBSTANTIATION: The changes made to-these sections of the standard are to clarify the relationship between laboratory work areas and work units based upon the definitions of each, and in

• some cases t~ ensure that requirements are no t limited in their applicability to work areas only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBF.R OF COMMITrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMrlvr I~ ACTION: AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi


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(Log #14) 45. 20 - (4-2.1.2): Accept SUBMITTER: John L. Dembishack III, Connecticut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Automatic sprinkler systems shall be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained JO ~tccordance with NFP.~ 25. Standard for the Iospection. Testing. and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire protection Systems. SUBSTANTIATION: Revising the text by referencing a quantified standard is required for maintaining a level of performance of the required systems which are in place, as to facilitate the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), that the inspections and maintenance of required systems are maintained to a quantitative standard for systems that he / she may be responsible for approving, as compared to referencing a guide through the appendix, which is not enforceable by the AHJ. When or if a party chooses not to meet the requirements of said guide, thus leaving the AHJ with no other recourse for correction, nor can he / she legally enforce such a guide, as compared to when a quantitative standard is mandated by the base body of the standard, which will then become enforceable by the AHJ. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP1) 45- 21 - (4-2.2 (i)): Accept SuBMrlTER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add to 4-2.2 a new Section (i) which will read:

"NFPA 750, Standard for Water Mist Fire Protection Systems." SUBSTANTIATION: Water mist fire protection systems are now recognized as an additional type of fire suppression system. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #13) 45- 2~ - (4-5.1): Reject SUBMITTER: John L. Dembishack III, Connecticut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Fire alarm systems ::a :.r:. rcqu'rc~ ~;." r.F~l'..m.~!c zccu~a=z~' c--~F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . i . . . . . shall ~ prowded m all buildings containing laboratories classified as A. B. C. or D ac¢ordin~ to the limitations established by Chanter 2 of this standard. The reauired fire alarm system shall-be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.

Excention for Class A and B laboratories: If the total souare footame of the building containing laboratories of Class A, and/or B j~ ~IKler 5.000 so ft and less than ].500 sa f t is located above or below the level of exit discharge as defined bv NFPA 101. Life Safety Code@.

Exeention for Class C and D laboratories: If the total sauare footage of the building containin~ laboratories of Class (~ and/or D is under 10.000 so ft 'and less than 5.000 so ft is located above or below the level of exit discharge as defined b'v NFPA 101. Life Safety Code@. SUBSTANTIATION: The revised text provides clear direction to building owners, users, and /o r their design professional for when fire alarm systems are required for laboratory buildings and/or when smaller incidental lab spaces are located within buildings of another occupancy classification. The exceptions provides relief for smaller laboratory buildings, which is also in keeping with the intent of the previously referenced standard, and which did not necessarily cover the issues of the high hazard contents associated with laboratories and to aid the authority having jurisdiction in

~ uantifying the total sizes of the laboratory spaces as compared etermining the occupancy density and capacity of each space as

previously referenced by another standard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee believes that the action on Committee Proposal 45-25 (Log #CP5) and provisions of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code@, adequately address the submitter's recommended change. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #10) 45- 92 - (4-3.2): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: John L. Dembishack III, Connecticut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Standpipes systems where reauired, shall be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Standard for the Insnection. Testing. and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. - SUBSTANTIATION: Revising the text by referencing a quantified standard is required for maintaining a level of performance of the required systems which are in place, as well as to facilitate the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), that the inspections and maintenance of required systems are maintained to a quantitative standard for systems that he /she may be responsible for approving, as compared to referencing a guide through the appendix, whichis not enforceable by the AHJ. When or if a party chooses not to meet the requirements of said guide, thus leaving the AHJ with no other recourse for correction, nor can he / she legally enforce such a guide, as compared to when a quantitative standard is mandated by the base body of this standard, which will then become enforceable by the AHJ. COMMITTEEACTION: Accept in Principle.

I Revise as follows: Standpipe (systems) shall be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained (in accordance with NFPA 25. Standard for the Insoection. Testing. and Maintenance of Water- Based Fire Protection Systems1. v COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Standpipes are not always required, however, if it is installed it needs to be maintained. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFHRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP6) 45. 24- (4-5.1, 4-5.2): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Remove the words, "where required by the applicable occupancy chapter of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code@" and replace with "where provided."

The text will read as follows: "Fire alarm systems, where provided, shall be installed and

regularly inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.

In 4-5.2 remove the words, "where required" and replace with "where provided." The text of 4-5.2 will read as follows:

'q'he fire alarm system, where provided, shall be so designed that all personnel endangered by the fire condition or a contingent condition shall be alerted." SUBSTANTIATION: Committee Proposal 45-25 (Log #CP5) will require fire alarm systems with manualinitiation. Therefore, "where provided" is appropriate because of the exception. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MRMBF.RS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi


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(Log #CP5) 45- 25 - (4-5.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls

I RECOMMENDATION: Add a new 4-5.2 to read as follows and r enumber :

"Class A a n d Class B laboratory uni ts shall have a manua l fire a larm system instal led a n d ma in ta ined in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code." SUBSTANTIATION: The Commi t tee believes tha t manua l notif icat ion is requi red in Class A and Class B labs due to the na ture of the hazards. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP7) 45- 26- (4-5.3): Accept SUBMITTERx Technical Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: In Section 4-5.3 delete "a local fire br igade or public fire depa r tmen t " and add "local emergency responders or public fire depar tment . "

The text wi l lnow read as follows: ' q ' he fire a larm system shall alert local emergency responders or

~ ublic fire depar tment . " UBSTANTIATION: T he re are o ther responders besides fire

bri~vades. The te rm "local emergency responders" is more I n C l u S I V e .


AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: :3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

COMMITTEE ACTION: Rejec t COMMITTEE STATEMENT: T h e Commi t tee believes tha t the act ion on Proposal 45-25 (Log #CPS) a n d provisions of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code®, adequate ly address the submit ter ' s r e c o m m e n d e d change . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: STEERE: Changes accepted in 45-25 for Class A and B lab units

do no t address needs in Class C and Class D laboratory units.

(Log #CP37) 45- 28 - (6-2.1, 6-3.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Revise 6-2.1 to read:

Laboratory venti lat ion systems shall be des igned to ensure that fire hazards and risks are minimized.

Add new Section 6-3.1 as follows and r e n u m b e r accordingly:. 6-3.1 Laboratory venti lat ion systems shall be des igned to ensure

tha t chemicals or iginat ing f rom the laboratory shall no t be recirculated. The release of chemicals into the laboratory shall be . control led by enclosure (s) or cap tured to p reven t any f lammable a n d / o r combust ib le concent ra t ions o f vapors f rom reach ing any source of ignition. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : The p roposed change is m a d e to clarify the basic r equ i r emen t s applicable to supply systems. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #11) 45- 27 - (4-5.4 (New)): Reject SUBMITTER: J o h n L. Dembishack Ill, Connec t icu t Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal 's Office RECOMMENDATION: Add new Section 4-5.4 to read as follows:

4-5.4 Init iat ion of a r eau i r ed fire a la rm system shall occur bv m a n u a l means , in conjunc t ion with an aooroved automat ic fire

v _ _

detect ion system. The manua l fire a larm Dull station shall be visibly dis t r ibuted t h r o u g h o u t the protec ted premises and shall be located in the normal pa th of exi t t ravel , at each exit on each floor and shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72. National Fire Alarm Code. Addit ional manua l fire a larm Dull stations shall be provided so tha t the dis tance of travel to t h e neares t Dull station f rom any Dart of the bui ldin~ will n o t be in excess of 60 m (200 ft~ measured 'hor izon ta l ly on the same floor in accordance with Section 5-6 of NFPA 101. Life Safety Code. SUBSTANTIATION: Presently the re fe renced s tandard permits the initiation of the alarm system by any one of the following means , a) manua l pull stations, b) au tomat ic detect ion or c) operat ion of an ex t inguish ing system. Initiation of the alarm system by manua l means, in conjunc t ion with the requi red au tomat ic fire a larm system, will provide advanced notif ication to the occupants endange red by a inc iden t a n d / o r con t ingen t condi t ion where an au tomat ic fire a larm system may no t be activated by au tomat ic means , (i.e. sprinklers) such incidents may include f l a m m a b l e / c o m b u s t i b l e l iquid spills, toxic subs tance spill, a small flash fire a n d / o r an explosion, which t end n o t to activate au tomat ic a larm systems due to lack of or low hea t release a n d / o r little or no smoke.

Historic da ta has shown that laboratories are more p rone to si tuations tha t t h rea ten both life and proper ty at h igher f requencies than o ther occupancies, due to their contents be ing of a h igher hazard level. In some of the repor ted incidents notif ication to occupants endangered , were alerted by persons seeking help or f rom the noise of a incident . If the activation of a required alarm system is init iated t h r o u g h m a n u a l m e a n s by a person or persons seeking help, this will also notify the r emain ing occupants of i m m i n e n t dangers , which may also warrant the bui ld ing evacuation.

(Log #20) 45- 29 - (6-3.2): Reject SUBMIT'rER: J o h n L. Dembishack III, Connec t i cu t Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal 's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Laboratory units a n d laboratory work in areas in which chemicals are p resen t shall be cont inuously mechanica l ly venti lated by system senarate f rom the envi ronmenta l air system. The venti lat ion system shall be eQuit)Ded with an airflow switch or o ther eouallv reliable m e t h o d that- is in ter locked to s o u n d an audible a larm u p o n failure 9f the venti lat ion svstem. Emergency Dower in accordance with NFt 'A 70, National Electrical (~ode®i and NFPA 110, S tandard for Emergency ~md Standby Power Systems. Tvpe 10 shall be provided a n d be so a r ranged as to provide the m i n i m u m requi red venti lat ion rate automatical ly in the event o f any in ter ruot ion of no rma l Dower such as any failure of nubl ic utility or o ther electrical Dower SUDDIv. the open ing of a circuit breaker or fuse. or anv manua l act(sL " " inc ludin~ accidental ooen in~ of a switch control l in~ normal Dower to facilities. The ooera t imt ti~me shall be sufficient to r e n d e r the area a n d / o r bui ldin~ envi ronmenta l lv safe. Dosin~ no fire.


explosion. Or o ther heal th risk. bu t in no case less than 60 minutes . Exception: Emergency nower shall no t be reau i red when the

chemicg, 1 ggncentra-tions p resen t are nontoxic a n d / o r activitv ¢oildueted will no t Dose a fire, ¢~plosion. or o ther hea l th risk a n d / o r the activity can be shu t down in a fail-safe m o d e in the event o f venti lat ion failure, fire. over- temnerature, etc. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : The p resen t text as written is unclear on if, or when, emergency power is requi red to provide con t inuous ventilation. The append ix provides direct ion on venti lat ion rates for when laboratories are unoccup i ed at n igh t and weekends, compared to h ighe r venti lat ion rates for when laboratories are occupied. T h e p resen t text a n d append ix is clear tha t con t inuous venti lat ion is r equ i red 24 hour s a day, what is unc lear is how one provides con t inuous venti lat ion in the event of no rma l power in ter rupt ion , while the condi t ions p resen t inside the laboratory are u n c h a n g e d . This sect ion has left the bui ld ing owners, users and the design professionals to de t e rmine if some type of emergency


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power is needed, my unders tanding is that the intent is to require emergency power to provide cont inuous ventilation. This revision will provide clearer direction on how and when to provide emergency power. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: It is not the intent of the Committee to require emergency or standby power for laboratory ventilation systems. See action on Commit tee Proposal 45-62 (Log #CP36). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: DEMBISHACFa The present requ i rement mandates that lab units

be continuously venti lated has p romp ted many calls to AHJ's as well as to NFPA on what is the in tent of the s tandard and how should one comply with the requirement . Typically the response by AHJ's has been that emergency power is no t required, then follow up with a quest ion on how does one in tend provide cont inuous ventilation if some type of emergency backup is no t provided. The proposal was in tended to clarify the intent while providing exceptions for when a backup system is not required.

(Log #21) 45- 30 - (6-3.3 Exception No. 2): Accept SUBMITTER: Gregory F. DeLuga, Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Exception No. 2: The desired static pressure level with resoect to corridors and nonlaboratorv areas shall be permi t ted to un~lergo momentary variations as the ventilation system control componen t s r e spond to door openings, changes in laboratory h o o d sash positions, and o ther activities that can for a shor t te rm affect the static pressure level and its negative relationshin. SUBSTANTIATION: T h e p r e s e n t Exception lqo. 2 as presently stated can be mis in te rp re ted to only allow the negative static pressure level to undergo momentary variations but not a chlgage in a lab's negative relationship with resoect to corridors and nonlaboratorv areas. Specifically calling out that a momentary change in the negative relationship is permitted, avoids leaving the reader with the (incorrect) impression that the utilization of even ext reme measures (such as excessively large HVAC componen t s and more control elements) must be incorpora ted if needed to ensure negative pressurization is mainta ined at all times with0Ot excention in order to comply with paragraph 6-3.3. COI~IITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WEGGEL-LAANE: "Momentary" is no t adequately defined. As

written, the "momentary" release of contaminants into laboratory space may be unacceptable depend ing on the toxicity of the material and it's potential to be adequately cleared from the laboratory without residual contaminat ion.

45- 31 - (6.4.1): Reject (Log #22) SUBMITTER: Gregory F. DeLuga, Landis & Gyr Powers, lnc RECOMMENDATION: Revise section 6.4.1, and add an exception to read as follows:

6.4.1" Air exhausted from laboratory hoods and other specialized !cca! ]~boratory exhaust systems shall not be recirculated.

Excention No. 1: Exhaust air f rom laboratory hoods and other soecialized laboratory exhaust svstems shall be permi t ted to be reused if means is incorpora ted to remove contaminatlts tO ~ level acceotable by the authoritv havin~ Jurisdiction. all anolicable governin~ bodies, and the standar~ds and recommen~L~tior~s of the American Industrial Health Association. the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hv~enists. and the American NatjoFml Standards Institute for allowable concentrat ion levels of contaminants in breathin~ air.

SUBSTANTIATION: Exception No. 1 states the conditions required for reuse and or recirculation of laboratory h o o d and other specialized exhaust air systems. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The proposed change has not been adop ted by the American Industrial Hygiene Association, so the Commit tee believes that accepting it at this time would be rtemature


AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #23) 45- 32- (6-4.5): Reject SUBM1TTER: Gregory F. DeLuga, Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Revise 6-4.5 and add an exception to read as follows:

6-4.5* Laboratory hood average face velocity and exhaust ; 'c!umc; shall be sufficient to contain contaminants gcncmtcd within the h o o d and exhaust t hem outside of the laboratory building. The h o o d shall provide conta inment : c : -~ncmcnt of the possible hazards and protect ion for personnel at all times when chemicals are present in the hood.

Exception No. 1: Hood exhaust airflow may be s topped if all 9f the followin~ conditions exist:

All chemicals and associated chemical residue are removed f rom the hood as well as from any storage provision that utilizes the hood exhaust airflow.

The reouired room ventilation rate can be maintained. Room negative pressurization is maintained. Exhaust b-ackfiow into the h o o d is orevented. Si~nage on the h o o d indicates the necessary procedure to utilize

the-hood. SUBSTANTIATION: Inclusion of the term average when referring to face velocity is consistent with the way the te rm is expressed in o ther standards (AIHA Z9.5, OSHA, etc.).

Removing the term "generated" is appropria te since hazardous gasses may be present in the hood without being specifically "generated" within the h o o d as in the utilization of piped in gas.

Using the term conta inment in lieu of the term conf inement is more consistent and appropriate.

Exception No. 1 is consistent with AIHA Z9.5. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The changes reflected in the p roposed except ion are already addressed by requi rements in the existing standard. The exception is also based upon the AIHA Z9.5 revisions that have no t been finalized. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP38) 45- 33 - (6-4.5 (New)): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add a new 6-4.5 to read as follows and r enumber accordingly:

6-4.5 Positive pressure port ions of lab h o o d exhaust systems (fans, coils, flexible connect ions, ductwork) located within the laboratory building shall be sealed airtight or located in a continuously mechanically venti lated room. SUBSTANTIATION: The Commit tee added this requi rement to address the hazards associated with the discharge side of hood exhaust fans when located inside the building envelope. COMMI'I'rEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi


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(Log #24) 45- 34 - (6-4.6 (New)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER= Gregory F. DeLuga, Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Add new text to section 6-4.6 to read as follows:

6-4.6* Laboratory hoods equipped with control systems that vary the hood exhaust airflow as the sash opening varies shall maintain the required minimum average face velocity for all sash positions. The hood exhaust airflow shall not be reduced to less than 1 liter per second per square meter (25 cfm per square foot) of internal hood work surface even when the sash is fully closed. SUBSTANTIATION: Addresses the utilization of VAV laboratory ventilation systems and associated fume hood face velocity controls and is consistent with the changes being made to AIHA Z9.5. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Add the first sentence of the proposal to the end of 6-4.5 so that 6- 4.5 now reads:

6-4.5* Laboratory hood face velocities and exhaust volumes shall be sufficient to contain contaminants generated within the hood and exhaust them outside of the laboratory building. The hood shall provide confinement of the possible hazards and protection for personnel at all times when chemicals are present in the hood. Laboratory hoods equipped with control systems that vary the hood exhaust airflow as the sash opening varies shall maintain the required minimum average face velocity for all sash positions.

Add the second sentence of the proposal to A-6-4.5, second paragraph, to replace the second sentence so that A-ft-4.5 reads as follows:

A-6-4.5 Laboratory fume hood containment can be evaluated using the procedures contained in the &SHRAE 110, Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods. Face velocities of 0.4 m/sec to 0.6 m/sec (80 fpm to 120 fpm) generally provide containment if the hood location requirements and laboratory ventilation criteria of this standard are met.

In addition to maintaining proper fume hood face velocity, fume hoods that reduce the exhaust volume as the sash opening is reduced should maintain a minimum exhaust volume to ensure that contaminants are diluted and exhausted from a hood.

The hood exhaust airflow shall not be reduced to less than 1 liter per second per square meter (25 cfm per square foot) of internal hood work surface even when the sash is fully closed. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: To maintain consistency in the document a means of meeting the requirement has been placed in the Appendix and has not been presented as a mandatory approach since other approaches exist. The requirement to address the problem is added in the mandatory text. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: HARTMAN: I agree in the most part with the proposed additions

however there are two areas that I would like to see minor revisions made.

6-4.5 Laboratory hood face velocities and exhaust volumes shall be sufficient to contain contaminants generated within the hood and exhaust them outside of the laboratory building. The hood shall provide confinement of the possible hazards and protection for personnel at all times when chemicals are present in the hood. Laboratory hoods equipped with control systems that vary the hood exhaust airflow as the sash opening varies shall maintain the required minimum average face velocity for all normal operating sash positions.

Substantiation: It is common practice to size hood exhaust systems based on only a portion of the fume hood face being open during use. Without the additional proposed language it could be inferred to require exhaust systems to be sized for the full hood sash opening.

A-6-4.5 Delete last sentence.

. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . f t ) . . . . . . . . ' E~- 7~.~2/- 7~C~ . :Z? 7..~ . ^ \ . . Z F - ^, T~ ~--;- E Z o-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Substantiation: I am unaware of any basis for the values presented in this statement. There can be a number of situations where airflows less than this value would be safe and appropriate.

(Log #9) 45- 35 - (6-4.10): Reject SUBMITTER: John L. Dembishack III, Connecticut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Air exhausted from laboratory hoods and special exhaust systems shall be discharged above the roof at a location, he:.ght, and velocity sufficient to prevent reentry o f ~ chemicals into the buildinm The discharge stack shall extend a minimum of 3 m (10 ft) abov~ the hi~hest Point of the building. Exhaust stacks II)ay need to be much h~her to dissinate effluenteffectivelv, and studies may be necessary to determine adeouate desi~m.

Appendix Note: A-6-4.10 Exhaust stacks shall extend at least 3 m (10 ft) above the highest point on the roof to protect personnel ~ a t may need to be on the roof, and care must be #yen at the locations of air intakes or anv other woe of buildin~ onenin~ to nrevent effluents of reentrv into the buildinm Exhaust-stacks-might need to be much higher to dissipate effluent effectively, and studies may be necessary to determine adequate design. Related information on stack height can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals Volume, Chapter 14, "Airflow Around Buildings." SUBSTANTIATION: Presently the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) has no minimum height for base approval for the lab hood discharge stack above the roof of a building. This revision will aide the building owners, users, and /or designers on the intent of this section, by making minimum stack height a function of a code and not that of a recommendation, by incorporating the data outlined will facilitate a minimum standard for the enforcement by any AHJ. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMrrTEE STATEMENT: The proposed change is too rumescriptive.


AFFIRMATIVE: 24 NEGATIVE: 2 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: DEMBISHACK: The proposed clarification of Proposal 45-36

(Log #CP40) by the committee to Section 6-4.10 is unenforceable; the appendix of this standard goes into some depth on the intent and recommends that stacks he extended up to 10 ft above the roof, while also recommend designers to see the &SHARE handbook. This proposal adds AHJ's by providing an enforceable section, while providing direction to designers and /or users.

STEERE: Proposed change is and needs to be aprescriptive minimum. Proposed language seems adequately descriptive and necessary.

(Log #CP40) 45. 36 - (84.10): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add the followin~ to 0-4.10:

"...and to prevent exposures to personneL" 8-4.10 now reads: "Air exhausted from laboratory hoods and special exhaust systems

shall be discharged above the roof at a location, height, and velocity suffident to prevent reentry of chemicals and to prevent C~posures to personnel." SUBSTANTIATION: The revised text provides clarification of the intent which is currently stated in the Appendix. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

F.~PLANATION OF NEGATIVE: DEMBISHACK: This proposal is unenforceable; the appendix of

this standard goes into some depth on the intent, while recommending that stacks be extended to 10 ft above the roof as well as recommends that designers see the ASHARE handbook as a guide.


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(Log #29) 45- 37 - (6.5): Reject SUBMITTER: Stephen G. Leeds, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab RECOMMENDATION: Add new paragraph as follows:

Combustible ducts shall no t pass through required fire barriers unless the penet ra t ion is protec ted by an approved, through- penetra t ion system that has been tested in accordance with ASTM E814, Methods for Fire Tests of Through-Penetrat ions. SUBSTANTIATION: Section 6.5.1, Exception No. 3, allows the use of combustible duct in areas with an automatic fire protect ion system. Adequate safeguards for the protect ion of required fire barriers have no t been included in the s tandard to compensate for the use of combustible ducts. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The requi rement p roposed by the submitter is already provided for in paragraph 3-1.8 of NFPA 45. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITFEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #18) 45- 38 - (6-5.1 Exception No. 3): Reject SUBMITTER: J o h n L. Dembishack III, Connect icut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Delete Exception No. 3. SUBSTANTIATION: The use of combustible ducts should no t be

ermit ted to ex tend beyond the confines of a fire resistance rated oratory uni t enclosure a n d / o r shaft regardless of the use of

automatic fire extinguishing systems. Such extinguishing systems may no t contain a fire in area of origin with the use of nonmetall ic ducts such as thermoplastics, which mel t at temperatures as low as 400°F, more so as a result that this s tandard has no requirements for opening protectives such as fire dampers. The use of plastic " ducts or o ther combustible ducts which are permi t ted to pass through fire resistance ra ted barriers without open ing protectives would contr ibute ' to the spread of a fire, let alone that the use of combustible ducts would contr ibute to the fuel load in such fire incidents. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: It has always been the in tent o f the Commit tee to allow combustible ducts in areas protec ted with

Fl~ ed automatic fire extinguishing systems. ER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29


EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: STEERE: Not sure committee in tent is adequately substantiated.

(Log #CP43) 45- 39 - (6-5.3 (New)): Accept SUBMITrER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using ChemicaLs RECOMMENDATION: Add a new 6-5.3 and renumber accordingly:

6-5.3 Linings and coatings containing such fill as fiberglass, mineral wool, foam, or o ther similar material which could accumulate chemical deposits shall no t be permi t ted within laboratory exhaust systems. SUBSTANTIATION: This change is made to prohibi t the use of absorptive linings within laboratory exhaust systems. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #30) 45- 40 - (6-5.9.1): Accept SUBMITTER: J o h n L. Dembishack III, Connect icut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Exhaust ducts from each laboratory unit shall be separately ducted to a point outside the building, to a mechanical ~pacc room. or to a shaft. (See 3-1.6 and 6-10.3.)

SUBSTANTIATION: Clarify the in tent that laboratory exhaust ducts are to be separately ducted to a mechanical room. an area that is to be confmed by walls, the floor below, and the floor or roof above, which shall not include the ceiling cavity p lenum space. Mechanical space implies any area within the room used for mechanical equipment , no t necessarily a space confined by walls or, i.e., a ceiling ~lenum which includes the space between the top of the finish ceding and the underside of the floor or roof above. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #8) 45- 41 - (6-5.9.2): Accept SUBMITTER: J o h n L. Dembishack III, Connect icut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Connect ion to a common laboratory h o o d exhaust duct system shall be permi t ted to occur within a buildinv only in a mechanical room nrotec ted in accordance with Table 3-1. a shaft vrotected in accorg[ance with NFPA 101. Life Safety Code. chanter for nrotect ion of vertical ooenin~s or to a n o i n t outsi~le of the building

~ b ~ i ~ ¥ A i ~ ¥ l O S : The revision provides clearer langu~e on where the connect ion or manifolding of multiple h o o d exhaust ducts may occur within a building. This revision incorporates data f rom sections 6-5.9.1, 3-1.3 of this s tandard and the protect ion requi rements for vertical openings of NFPA 101. COMMITrEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WEGGEL-LAANE: NFPA 45 may f ind the need to tighdy define

"common laboratory h o o d exhaust duct systems" as someone may try to apply the restriction to manifolding in common duct branches .

(Log #CP44) 45- 42- (6-8.2): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals

I RECOMMENDATION: Delete "or the environment" and "normally" from existing 6-8.2.

Revise 6-8.2 to read as follows: 6-8.2* The sash, if provided, shall be glazed with material that

will provide protect ion to the operator against the hazards associated vath the use of the hood. (See also Appendix C.) SUBSTANTIATION: This is an editorial change that is made to clarify the Committee 's intent. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #28) 45- 43 - (6-8.3): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Gregory F. DeLoga, Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Add new text to 6-8.3 to read as follows:

6-8.3 Laboratory hood sashes shall be kept d o s e d whenever possible to provide maximum personnel protect ion. Users shall be instructed and periodically r eminded no t to open sashes rapidly and to allow hood sashes to be open only when needed a n d only as much as necessary. When a fume h o o d is unat tended, its sash shall remain fully closed. SUBSTANTIATION: Desirable to include a s ta tement that addresses opening h o o d sashes and emphasizing the increased safety provided by keeping sashes closed. This position is consisten with AIHA Z9.5.


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COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Add new text to 6-8.3 to read as follows: 6-8.3 Laboratory h o o d sashes shall be kept closed whenever

possible. W h e n a fume h o o d is una t t ended , its sash shall r ema in fully closed.

R e n u m b e r accordingly. Create append ix A-6-8.3: A-6-8.3 Users shou ld be ins t ructed and periodically r e m i n d e d no t

to open sashes rapidly and to allow h o o d sashes to be open only when n e e d e d a n d o n l y as m u c h as necessary. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The second sen tence in the proposal was moved to the append i x since it is m o r e suitable as gu idance and no t a manda to ry requ i rement .

An editorial change was m a d e to the first sentence. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, EriksenoRattan, Varadi

Note: This Except ion wording is similar to what is s tated in NFPA 101, Section 6-5.1.2. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: T h e word ing in NFPA 101, Life Safety Code®, pa rag raph 6-5.1.2, is no t an appropr ia te compar ison. The sect ion quo ted in NFPA 101 applies to walls, ceilings, a n d floors. NFPA 45, pa rag raph 6-8.1.1, effectively requires any coated f u m e h o o d liner to mee t the f lame spread criterion. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: STEERE: Hood surfaces are venti lated differently t han wall

surfaces o f occupied areas, so that f lame spread compar i son seems inappropria te . In addit ion, the fuel loading added by the p roposed allowable coat ing thickness is relatively mino r in a laboratory hood.

(Log #25) 45- 4 4 - (6-8.7): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Gregory F. DeLuga , Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

6-8.7 m~:.: .M~nitc.r Flow Measur ing DCVi~;e 6-8.7.1 A flow m~a'~tc.r measu r ing device shall be providg0,

"nz'~!!c~ on each =e'.': laboratory hood. 6-8.7.2 A fi~w mc.a ' t z r :hal! 5c "=:=~2~cd c a cr:-f i=g !:u~c~tary

. . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b . . . . . . . . .

!aScr=tzr 'cz. The flow mon i to r shall be a pe rmanen t l y installe~l device and provide cons tan t indicat ion to the h o o d user of adequa te or inadequa te h o o d airflow by m e a n s of an analog meter , digital airflow indication, or l ighted indicators. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : 6-8.7.1 Ensures tha t each hood user has a m e a n s to indicate p rope r h o o d exhaus t airflow and is consis tent with the changes be ing made to AIHA Z9.5. Removes the exclusion previously allowed for exis t ing old hoods s ince ensu r ing adequate hood airflow and user safety shou ld not ju s t per ta in to new hoods.

6-8.7.2 In tended to ensure that the flow measu r ing device be more substantial t han j u s t a r ibbon or piece o f tissue temporar i ly a t tached somewhere on the hood. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Revise as follows:

6-8.7 New .~.~cn!tcr Measur ing Device for Hood Airflow 6-8.7.1 A mon l to r m e a s u r i n g device for hood airflow shall be

provided ~.n:m!!eg on each new laboratory hood. 6-8.7.2 A fl.~:': mcz".tor ~ha!! be "=:'~2!c~ on cxiztlng !a~oratory

I I - . .a~crat.~r'cz. T h e measu r i ng device for h o o d airflow shall be a pe rmanen t ly instal led device a n d provide cons tan t indicat ion to the h o o d user of adequate or inadequate h o o d airflow. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: In 6-8.7.2 an editorial change was made that did not alter the submit ter ' s intent . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #1) 45- 45 - (6-9.1.1 Except ion (New)): Reject SUBMITTER: J o h n M. Bastian, Fisher Hami l ton Scientific RECOMMENDATION: Add an Except ion to read as follows:

"Materials less than 1 /28 in. (0.09 cm) in thickness appl ied directly to the surface of f ume h o o d l iner material shall no t be cons idered when calculating the f lame spread index n u m b e r ~f the l iner material ." SUBSTANTIATION: It is a c o m m o n ~ractice at t imes to coat the inter ior of the fume h o o d with a white 'paint" material or equal to improve the i l luminat ion, c leaning ability, esthetics, and chemical resistance. With the cons tan t changes in the OSHA and State D e p a r t m e n t of Natural Resources r equ i r emen t s add ing the above except ion is necessary in order to stay cu r ren t with all regulatory agencies requ i rements .

(Log #15) 45- 46 - (6-10.1): Reject SUBMI'ITER: Western Regional Fire Code Dev. Commi t t ee RECOMMENDATION: Revise 6-10.1 to read:

6-10.1 Automat ic fire protec t ion systems shall n o t be requi red in laboratory hoods or exhaus t systems.

E . . . . . . :^~ ~'~c.. 1: ~ . . . . . . . :^ ~:-c - : ' c tzz~ ̂ - -h~n ~-^ rz-ui:.c-~ ~r^-

Except ion No. 9: If a hazard assessment shows tha t an automat ic ex t inguish ing system is n o t requi red for the laboratory hood, "&c=

Add a new 6-10.1.1 to read: 6-10.1.1 An automat ic fire protect ion system shall be requi red for

existing hoods having interiors with a f lame spread index greater t han 25 in which f l ammable liquids are handled . SUBSTANTIATION: Changes the r e q u i r e m e n t tha t au tomat ic fire protect ion systems shou ld be installed in all laboratory hoods a n d exhaus t systems, unless a hazard assessment has been done showing tha t the system is no t required. The except ion should be a separate r equ i r emen t and no t hid in an exception. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The submi t te r ' s substant ia t ion does no t provide adequate evidence for such a change. Automat ic fire protect ion is no t requi red for all laboratory work areas. See also Commi t tee Action on Proposal 45-47 (Log #CP2). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP2) 45- 47 - (6-10.2): Accept SUBMITTER; Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Add to 6-10.2 a new paragraph (g) to read:

"NFPA 750, S tandard for Water Mist Fire Protection Systems." Add new Append ix A-6-10.2(g): For fu r the r informat ion see the

repor t ent i t led "An Investigation o f Chemical Fume Hood Fire Protect ion Us ingSpr ink l e r and Wate r Mist Nozzles" p r e p a r e d by Factory Mutual Resea rch Corpora t ion for Merck & Co., Inc. SUBSTANTIATION: Water mist fire protec t ion systems are now recognized as an addit ional type of fire suppress ion system. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi


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(Log #12) 45- 48- (6-10.3): Reject SUBMITTER: John L. Dembishack Ill, Connecticut Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Automatic fire dampers shall not be used in laboratory hood exhaust systems. Where a branch duct connects to an enclosed exhaust riser located inside a shaft, which has a reauired fire resistance rating of one (1~ hour or more and in which the airflqw moves upward. Protection of the oDenin~ into the fire resistance rated enclosure shall be made with a ~eel s~bduct up turned unward a minimum of 22 in. in length and of a minimum thicktaess of 22 ~auge (0.030 in3 shall be carried uo inside the riser from


each inlet duct oenetration. This riser shall be appropriately si~ed to accommodate the flow restriction created by the subduct. Fire detection and alarm systems shall not be interiocked to automatically shut down laboratory hood exhaust fans.

Exception:* Where a gaseous fire extinguishing system is used to protect a laboratory hood, the protectedlaboratory hood shall be independent of all other laboratory hoods and its exhaust system shall be permitted to be interlocked to shut down upon actuation of the fire extinguishingsystem. SUBSTANTIATION: The proposed revision will aid in solving the dPrOblem of protecting penetrations without the use of a fire

amper, i.e. ducts through; fire harriers, fire walls, through floors as required by Section 3-1.8 of this standard, as well as foi- openings into and/or out of shafts. The standard method for protecting duct penetrations is a fire damper and is typically required by building and fire codes. However, Section 6-10.3 prohibits the use of a fire damper in hood exhaust systems. The proposed method of penetration, protection, is..accomplished, without the use of fire dampers, whde also mmntmmng continuous exhausting as required by Section 6-4.4 of this standard. This protection method has been in use by NFPA 90A dating back to 1967, (was only researched back to this date) and is still presently permitted for use, by exception in lieu of a fire damper and has been misapplied and /o r understood by many design professionals. Presently both NFPA 45 and 91 states that fire dampers shall not be installed in lab hood exhaust systems, but NFPA 91 then goes on by exception to include where dampers may be permitted, being a) where ducts pass through fire barriers, fire walls or floors, b) where there is a collection system on the end of the system that is protected with an automatic extinguishing system, c) where the duct system is protected with an automatic extinguishing system, or d) where ducts have been listed with interrupters, all of which oresentlv contradicts Section 6-10.3 of this standard which oro(tibits fire damoers in hood exhaust systems, COI~TIMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee believes that the

r l ~ a l was too prescriptive. ER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29


EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BARLEN: 1 thought Mr. Dembishack's substantiation for his

proposal for protecting laboratory hood exhaust penetrations without the use of a fire damper were persuasive and I support his recommendation.

DEMBISHACK: I do not feel that this proposal is too prescriptive, the base of this proposal is extracted from NFPA publications 90A, 91 and 101; as well as from other model building and fire codes. The code must be prescriptive in nature, when minimum performance criteria has not been established.

MCCABE: Upon further review, I feel that use of an up turn steel subduct will provide an effective method of maintaining the required fire resistive integrity of a 1 hour or greater rated shaft enclosure in cases where ducts associated with laboratory hood exhaust systems penetrate the shaft and airflow moves upward.

In fact, this method of protection is already widely accepted in lieu of fire dampers as recognized by the 1996 edition of NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, Section 3-3.4.4, Exception No. 2.

It only makes sense that NFPA 45 be in coordination with other codes and standards that are referenced in order to be user friendly and easily enforceable. In addition, I strongly believe this is a matter that warrants a prescriptive minimum requirement.

STEERE: Agree with proposal and believe this is a matter that requires a prescriptive minimum requirement.

WEGGEL-LAANE: Concurrence with the submitter that fire protection of the shaft is justifiable. The turn in the shaft seems clearly more desirable than installing and maintaining dampers.

(Log #CP28) 45- 49- (6-10.3): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add to the end of existing text:

The design and installation of ducts from laboratory hoods shall be in accordance with NFPA 91, Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases, Mists, and Noncombustible Particulate Solids, except that specific requirements in NFPA 45 shall take precedence. SUBSTANTIATION: Committee is clarifying the intent that the appropriate requirements are found in NFPA 91 and not NFPA 90A. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 24 NEGATIVE: 2 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: DEMBISHACK: The committees modification to this section I

feel does not clarify the intent of protection requirement by direct reference to 6-4.4 of NFPA 101, and specifically Section 6-, referring to NFPA 90A to establish minimum criteria for opening protectives, i.e. an upturned subduct by Exception No. 2 of Section 3-3.4.4, implying equivalent to an installation of a fire damper without restricting air flow.

LINDNER: After further review, please change the vote from Accept to Reject. The reason being the substantiation states that the intent is to clarify that the appropriate requirements are found in NFPA 91 and not NFPA 90A. Both NFPAgl and NFPA 90A describe acceptable construction methods for protecting against the spread of fire in lieu of installing fire dampers in laboratory hoodexhaus t systems. Specially, NFPA 90A, 3-3.4.4 Exception No. 2, allows steel subducts at least 22 in. in length to be carried up inside the duct riser from each inlet, if the duct riser is appropriately sized to accommodate the flow resu-iction created by the subduct. To exempt this as an alternative would limit the viable options designers have in eliminating the fire dampers while still protecting against the spread of fire.

(Log #26) 45- 50 - (6-10.4 (New)): Reject SUBM1TTER: Gregory F. DeLuga, Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Add a new section 6-10.4 to read as follows:

6-10.4 Laboratory hoods equipped with control systems that vary the hood exhaust airflow as the sash opening varies shall be equipped with a user accessible means to attain maximum exhaust hood airflow regardless of sash position when necessary or desirable to ensure containment and removal of a potential hazard within the hood. SUBSTANTIATION: Ensures that under dangerous conditions such as a spill or fire within the hood, the sash can be closed and the exhaust airflow can be maximized to remove flammable vapors, heat or smoke and is consistent with the changes being made to AIHA Z9.5. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITrEE STATEMENT: See Committee Action on Proposal 45-51 (Log #27). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi


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(Log #27) 45- 51 - (6-10.4 (New)): Accept SUBMITTER: Gregory F. DeLuga , Landis & Gyr Powers, Inc RECOMMENDATION: Add new Section 6-10.4 to read as follows:

6-10.4 Laboratory hoods equ ipped with control systems tha t wary the h o o d exhaus t airflow as t he sash open ing varies a n d / o r in conjunct ion with whe the r the laboratory room is in use ( o c c u p i e d / u n o c c u p i e d ) shall be equ ipped with a user accessible m e a n s to at tain m a x i m u m e x h a u s t h o o d airflow regardless of sash posi t ion when necessary or desirable to ensure c o n t a i n m e n t a n d removal of a potential hazard within the hood. SUBSTANTIATION: Ensures tha t u n d e r dange rous condi t ions such as a spill or fire within the hood, the sash can be closed a n d the exhaus t airflow can be maximized to remove f lammable vapors, hea t or smoke. This is consis tent with the changes be ing made to AIHA Z9.5. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WEGGEL-LAANE: Since this r e q u i r e m e n t requires tha t the

means of maximiz ing the exhaus t be user accessible, the same objective may be more safely achieved by manua l ly open ing the hood(s ) . Since excessively h igh airflows cause excessive tu rbu lence within the hood, the submi t te r did no t provide evidence tha t this does not create a more hazardous env i ronmen t in or near the hood.

(Log #2) 45- 52 - (Table 7-2): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: William Barlen, Airgas R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : In Table 7-2, u n d e r metal d r u m (IA), change N / A to 4 L (1.1 gal). S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : The last edit ion added DOT polyethylene containers a n d steel D O T conta iners are safer than polyethylene in fire situations. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

In Table 7-2, change metal d r u m (DOT spec.) to metal conta iner (DOT spec.) . In co lumn IA, change N / A to 4 L (1.1 gal).

Delete N / A f rom footnote 5. Rema inde r of footnote 5 is u n c h a n g e d a n d reads "See 7-2.25.2, Except ion No. 2." COMMITTEE STATEMENT: D r u m was c h a n g e d to conta iner for clarification and to match cu r r en t D O T nomenc la tu re . The quant i ty was changed as p roposed by the submit ter . The footnote was editorially modif ied to be consis tent with the change to the table. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON C O M M I T T E E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 25 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #7) 45- 525 - (7-2.2.5): Accept SUBMITTER: J o h n L. Dembishack III, Connec t icu t Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal 's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

Class I liquids shall no t be s to red or t ransferred f rom one vessel to ano the r in any exit access corridor, open plan buildings, or ancillary st)aces unt ) ro tec ted f rom the exit access corridor.

Add the def ini t ions to Section 1-4 o f the s tandard for "Exit Access Corridor" a n d "Open Plan Building."

"Exit Access Corridor." An exit access corr idor is a corr idor used as exit access tha t leads to an exit which is set)arated f rom other t)arts of the bui ldin~ bv walls. " "Onen Plan Buildi-n~." A bui ldin~ havin~ rooms, snaces and corr idors de l inea ted by tables, chairs, desks, bookcases, counters . low-height t)artitions, floor oat terns, or any similar f inishes or fu rnishin~s~ SUBSTAI~ITIATION: Provides clear in tent on where the transfer a n d / o r s torage o f a Class I l iquid may occur within a building.

Presently as written Exit Acces~ includes the por t ion o f the way of travel within a space to an exit, an exit access door or to a corr idor f rom any poin t in the bui ld ing to an exit. The p resen t r e q u i r e m e n t prohibi ts the t ransfer or s torage o f a Class I l iquid f rom anywhere within the bui ld ing because the exit access is a por t ion of the way of travel to an exit within a space. By modifying the wording to include corridor, would permi t the s torage an d transfer of liquids within the lab space, unit , s torage r o o m or similar space. The egress c o m p o n e n t s as def ined by NFPA 101 are basically as follows; exit access, is the por t ion of a m e a n s of egress tha t leads to an exit, where as ¢~it access corridor, is a corr idor used as exit access which leads to an exit which is separa ted f rom other parts of the bui ld ing by walls. The in tent of this r equ i r emen t is to provide a separa t ion between the exit access a n d o ther spaces of the bui ld ing on the same floor. C O M M I T T E E A C T I O N : Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 25 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP42) 45- 54 - (7-2.3.2 Except ion No. 2): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: In 7-2.3.2, Except ion No. 2, change "Drums" to "Containers." SUBSTANTIATION: This change is necessary to be consis tent with Proposal 45-52 (Log #2). COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 25 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP34) 45- 55 - (7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 1-4 F lammable Solid, Organic Peroxide, Oxidizer (New)): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Add the following new sections:

7-3* Flammable Solids. The quant i ty of f lammable solids allowed shall be l imited to the m i n i m u m quant i ty necessary to pe r fo rm the work being done. Hand l ing of the material shall con fo rm to the manufac tu re r s r ecommenda t ions .

7 4 * Oxidizers. The quant i ty of solid and l iquid oxidizers allowed shall be l imited to the m i n i m u m quant i ty necessary to pe r fo rm the work being done. Hand l ing of the material shall con fo rm to the manufac tu re r s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s .

7-5* Organic Peroxides. The quant i ty o f peroxides allowed shall be l imited to the m i n i m u m quant i ty necessary to pe r fo rm the work be ing done . Hand l ing of the material shall conform to the manu fac tu r e r s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s .

A-7-2.3.3 Inventories of f l ammable solids, oxidizers, peroxides shou ld be ma in t a ined at the lowestposs ib le levels consis tent with the work being done. Rules of the City of New York, Chapter 10 Chemical Laborator ies (1991) specify the following m a x i m u m inventory levels for the laboratory levels shown:

Lab Type Fire Rating FP Solid Ox OP I 2h r S 15# 50# 12# II 1 S 10 40 6 III 2 N 6 30 3 IV 1 N 3 20 2

A-7-3 Fur the r informat ion on safety for hand l ing and storage can be f o u n d in:

CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, A. Keith F u r l CRC Press, NY (1995).

P r u d e n t Practices in the Laboratory (formerly P r u d e n t Practices for the Hand l ing of Chemicals in the Laboratory) National Research Council , National Academy Press, Wash ing ton , DG (1995).

Add the following definit ions:


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1-4 Flammable Solid*. A solid, o ther than a blasting agent or explosive, that is liable to cause fire th rough friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or re ta ined hea t t rom manufac tur ing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and when ignited burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a serious hazard.

Organic Peroxide. Any organic c o m p o u n d having a double oxygen or peroxy (-o-o-) g roup in its chemical structure.

Oxidizer. Any material that readily yields oxygen or o ther oxidizing gas, or that readily reacts to p romote or initiate combustion of combustible materials. Examples of o ther oxidizinggases include bromine, chlorine, or fluorine.

A-1-4 Flammable Solid. A chemical is considered to be a f lammable solid if, when tested by the me thod descr ibed in 16 CFR 1500.44, it ignites and bums with a self-sustained flame at a rate greater than one-tenth of an inch per second along its major axis. SUBSTANTIATION: The Committee wants to introduce limitations for quantit ies o f f lammable solids, oxidizers, and organic peroxides which are no t currently addressed by the s tandard . The definit ions proposed are based upon the NFPA Glossary of s tandard terms. These references provide resources for meet ing the handl ing and storage requirements for f lammable solids and other hazardous chemicals, which are being added to the standard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 24 NEGATIVE: 1 ABSTENTION: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: HARTMAN: I agree in most par t with the p roposed addit ions

except A-7-2.3.3. This tabulation of material is referenced f rom the Rules of New York City. It is of unsubstantiated value or testing to def ine its level of safety or appropriateness. We should no t be including values that are of an unknown or unproven basis. Plus it introduces lab types that are undef ined, render ing it meaningless. EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:

STEERE: Proposal sets requirements that are essentially meaningless, because they cannot be practicably de termined. Substantiation seems weak and inadequate.

Also, the two references cited are not reflective of NFPA fire protect ion codes or up-to-date fire protect ion engineering.

(Log #CP30) 45- 56 - (Chapter 8): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Revise Chapter 8 to read as follows:

Chapter 8 Compressed and Liquefied Gases

8-1 Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Cylinders. 8-1.1 Cylinders shall b e h a n d l e d only by t rained personnel

(qualified person - a d d definit ion based upon NFPA 1500). (See Appendix E and Appendix 17. )

8-1.2" Cylinders that are no t necessary for current laboratory requirements shall be s tored outside the laboratory uni t in accordance with NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders.

Exception: Nominal 0.5-kg (1-1b ) propane cylinders, made for consumer use, shall be exempt from this requirement.

8-1.3" Any compressed gas cylinder or container used at pressures over 103kPa (15 psig) shall be fabricated to the specifications of or authorized for use by the U.S. Depar tment of Transporta t ion (DOT); Traespor t Canada (TC); or Section VIII, ASMEBoi ler and Pressure VesselCode. T he container shall be marked to show the authorizing code and its working pressure at 21°C (70°F).

Excep. tion.. Vessels whose physical size, operating pressure, or.both, are outside the scope o f the referenced code(s), shall be constructed m accordance with the philosophy and guidance of the ASME code, and shall not require marking.

8-1.4 Special Ventilation Requirements for Gas Cylinders. 8-1.4.1 Lecture bottle-sized cylinders of the following gases

located in laboratory units shall be kept in a continuonsl- y

mechanically ventilated hood or o ther continuously mechanically venti lated enclosure if any of the following condit ions apply:

(a) All gases having Health Hazard Ratings of 3 or 4; (b) All gases having Health Hazard Ratings of 2 without

physiological warning propert ies; (c) Pyrophoric gases 8-1.4.2 Cylinders of all gases, greater than lecture bottle-sized,

having Health Hazard Ratings of 3 or 4 and cylinders of gases having Health Hazard Ratings of 2 without physiological wamin~ propert ies located in laboratory units shall mee t both the following conditions:

(a) Be in approved continuously mechanically ventilated gas cabinets

(b) Comply with the requirements of NFPA 55, Standardf.or the Storage, Use, and Handling o f Compressed and Liquefied gases m Portable Cylinders, Chapter 3.

8-1.4.3 Cylinders of pyrophoric gases, greater than lecture bottle- sized, located in laboratory units shall be kept in approved continuously mechanically ventilated, spr inklered gas cabinets.

8-1.5 Cylinder Safety. 8-1.5.1 Cylinders shall be secured from t ipping over by holders

des igned for such service. 8-1.5.2 Cylinders in the laboratory shall be equipped with a

pressure regulator designed for the specific gas a n d m a r k e d for its maximum cylinder pressure.

8- The regulator system shall be equipped with two gauges, ei ther on the regulator or remote to the regulator, so installed to show both the cylinder pressure and the outlet pressure.

8- Where the source cylinder is outside of the laboratory, a station regulator and gauge shall be installed at the point of use to show outlet pressure.

8-1.5.3 Cylinders shall have a manual shutoff valve. A quick connect shall no t be used in place of a shutoff valve.

8-1.6 Cylinders in Use. 8-1.6.1 Cylinders, when in use, shall be connec ted to gas delivery

systems des igned by a qualified person. 8-1.6.2 Cylinders shall be at tached to an ins t rument for use by

means of a regulator. 8-1.6.3 A compressed gas cylinder shall be considered to be "in

use" if it is: (a) Connected through a regulator to deliver gas to a laboratory

operation; or (b) Connected to a manifold being used to deliver gas to a

laboratory operation; or (c) A single cylinder secured alongside the cylinder in (a) above

as the reserve cylinder for (a). 8-1.6.4 Cylinders not "in use" shall no t be s tored in the

laboratory unit. 8-1.6.5" The maximum internal volume (water volume) of all

cylinders in each of the listed classifications, in use in the laboratory work area, shall comply with the following (based on internal cylinder volume @ 70 degrees F., 1 ATM):

Exception: In addition to the above maximum, the number of lecture bottle cylinders [approximately 5 c m x 33 era (2 in. x 13 in.)] shall be limited to 25. In instructional laboratory units (as defined in this standard), the maximum internal cylinder volume in Cubic Ft shall be limited to 6.0 Cubic Ft of flammable gases, 6.0 Cubic Ft of oxidizing gases, 1.2 Cubic Ft of liquefw.d flammable gases, and 0.3 Cubic Ft of gases with health hazard rating of 3 or 4, or I 0 lecture bottle size [approximate 0 5 cm × 33 (2 in. × 13 in.)] ~linders.

(a~ Maximum Ouantitv of Flammable Gases x Laboratory-Work Area 500 Sq Ft or less

Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 6.0 Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 Sq Ft

Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 0.012 (Sq Ft Lab. Work Area)

(b~ Maximum Ouantitv of Oxidizin~ Gases ~ Laboratory-Work Area 500 Sq ~'t or less

Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 6.0 Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 Sq Ft

Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 0.012 (Sq Ft Lab. Work Area)

(c) Maximum Ouantitv of Liouefied Flammable Gases 1 Laboratory-Work Area 500 Sq Ft or less

Internal Cylinder Volume in Gubic Ft = 1.2 Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 Sq Ft

Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 0.0018 (Sq Ft Lab. Work Area)

(d~ Maximum Ouantitv of Health Hazard 3 or 4 Gases v

4 5 0

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Laboratory Work Area 500 Sq Ft or less Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 0.3

Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 Sq Ft Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft = 0.006 (Sq Ft Lab.

Work Area) 1-Maximum quantities are doubled for sprinklered space.

8-2 Storage and Piping Systems. 8-2.1" The m e t h o d o f storage and piping systems for compressed

and liquefied gases shall comply with the applicable requi rements of NFPA standards, including the following:

(a) NFPA 51, Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen- Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes;

(b) NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code; (c) NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of

Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders; and (d) NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied

Petroleum Gases. A-8-2.1 Add to the existing the following informational

references to NFPA documents - - (a) NFPA 50, Standard for Bulk Oxygen Systems at Consumer Sites; (b) NFPA 50A, Standard for Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer

Sites; (c) NFPA 50B, Standard for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at

Consumer Sites; 8-2.2 Systems for o ther compressed gases and for cryogenic

materials shall comply with the manufacturer ' s design and specifications.

8-2.3* Manual shutoffvalves shall be provided near each point of use. The point of use valve shall be located away from the potential hazards and within immediate reach. Where the cylinder valve is located within immediate reach, a separate point of use shutoffvalve shall no t be required.

8-2.3.1 Line regulators that have their source away from the point of use shall have a manual shutoff valve near the point of use.

8-2.4 Each and every port ion of a piping system shall have uninterruptible pressure relief. Any part o f the system that can be isolated from the rest of the system shall have adequate pressure relief.

Exception: Piping designed for a pressure greater than the maximum system pressure that can be developed under abnormal conditions.

8-2.4.1 A pressure relief system shall be designed~to provide a discharge rate sufficient to avoid fur ther pressure increase and shall vent to a safe location. , 8-2.5 Pe rmanen t piping shall be identified at the supply point and at each discharge point with the name of the material being t ransported.

8-2.6 Piping systems, including regulators, shall not be used for gases, o ther than those for which they are designed and identified.

Exception*: A piping system shall be permitted to be converted from one gas service to another after a thorough review of the design specifications, materials of construction, and service compatibility is made and other appropriate modifications have been made.

8-3 Outdoor Installation o f Compressed Gas Cylinders for Servicing Laboratory Work Areas (Located Outside of Laboratory Work Areas).

8-3.1 Toxic or f lammable gas cylinders shall not be installed within 2 m (6 ft) of windows, doors, or o ther openings to bui lding(s) .

8-3.2 Toxic or f lammable ~as cylinders shall not be installed within 9 m (30 ft) o fven t i l auon intakes.

8-3.3 Outdoor storage areas shall have a min imum of 25 percen t of the per imeter open to the atmosphere. This open space shall be permit ted to incorporate chain link fence, lattice construction; open block, or similar materials for the full he ight and width of the opening. The following are requirements for ou tdoor storage:

(a) Storage areas shall be kept clear of dry vegetation and combustible materials for a min imum distance of 15 ft (4.6 m).

(b) Cylinders stored outside shall no t be placed on the ground (earth) or on surfaces where water can accumulate.

(c) Storage areas shall be provided with physical protection from vehicle damage.

(d) Storage areas shall be permit ted to be covered with canopies of noncombust ib le construction.

8-4 Cryogenic Fluids. ~ 8-4.1 All system components used for cryogenic fluids shall be

selected and designed for such service. Design pressure for vessels and piping shall be not less than 150 percent of maximum pressure relief.

8-4.1.1" Systems or apparatus handl ing a cryogenic fluid that can cause freezing or liquefaction of the sur rounding a tmosphere shall be designed to prevent contact of the condensed air with organic

materials. Systems or apparatus handl ing liquid oxygen shall be designed to prevent . . . . contact o f the oxygen with organic materials.

8-4.2 Pressure relief of vessels and piping handl ing cryogemc fluids shall comply with applicable requi rements of Section 8-2.

8-4.$ The space in which cryogenic systems are located shall be ventilated commensura te with the propert ies of the specific cryogenic fluid in use. SUBSTANTIATION: The Committee revised Chapter 8 to clarify existing requirements . This p roposed revision includes changes to the quantit~ limitations of f lammable gases, oxidizing gases, l iquefied f lammable gases, and gases with health hazard rating of 3 or 4. The revision also introduces the "qualified person" using the NFPA standard glossary definition. This is more s~,ecific than the previous requi rement that only "trained pe r sonne l ' handle cylinders. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #3) 45- 57 - (8- (New)): Reject SUBMITTER: William Barlen, Airgas RECOMMENDATION: Add the following text:

8-1,6,3,1 Tubing or hiding used to connect a regulator to an ins t rument shall be metal a~ad shall be at tached by comnression fittintys 9r welded connectors. SUBSTANTIATION: Some facilities have been found to be using plastic, Teflon, or tygon type tubing. This material is easily broken, often is permeable , and quickly fails in fire situations. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. C O M M r F r E E STATEMENT: The Committee believes that it would be too restrictive and appropria te piping methods have already been addressed by modifications to Chapter 8. See action on Proposal 45-56 (Log #GP30). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 24 NEGATIVE: 2 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadl

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BARLEN: I believe that compressed gases in the laboratory

should be connec ted to instruments via metal piping or tubing. This is especially true for flammable, toxic or oxidizer gases. I t seems counterproductive to me that we require a cylinder of toxic or corrosive gas to b e p l a c e d in a mechanically ventilated storage hood and then allow the gas to be p iped via plastic into the laboratory. Knowing that plast ic/Teflon can quickly burst, be permeable or fail with slight mechanical effort or fire situation. I think it is unsafe and I must be on record that I so voted.

DEMBISHACK: The commit tee should be consistent with the types of tubing a n d / o r piping to be used to deliver f lammable a n d / o r combustible gases regardless of its source being cylinders or a public utility when piped within a building, no t just a laboratory. Presently NFPA 54 and 58 require the delivery of LP or Natural gases to be by metallic p ip ing / tub ing within a building, thus p roh ib i t ing the use of any type of plastic, except for use underground. Plastic tubing has very low melt ing points and quickly fails in a fire situation, fur thermore allowing the product connived to be continuously dispense adding fuel to a fire.

(Log #4) 45- 58 - (8-3.1): Reject SUBMITTER: William Barlen, Alrgas RECOMMENDATION: Add the following text:

8-3.1 The nrefer red location for the storaae or o lacement of source manifolds of flammable, toxic, or oxidizin~ ~as cylinders is outdoors in an area nrotected by chain link or o ther adeouate fencing.


Renumber existing8-3.1 and 8-3.2 as 8-3.2 and 8-3.3 respectively. SUBSTANTIATION: Proposal is made to address the safest location for storage of toxic, f lammable, or oxidizer gases. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Outdoors is no t always the preferred location depend ing upon public exposures and environmental condit ions.


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AFFIRMATIVE: 25 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BARLEN: I have investigated many, m a n y fire si tuations where a r ime cause of the extensive damage was the inappropr ia te cation(s) for the storage and p l acemen t of the source manifo lds

of f lammable , toxic or oxidizing gas cylinders. My proposal, i.e. " the p r e f e r r ed location" was to r e m i n d des igners of laboratories of tha t fact. It was no t restrictive a n d did no t say the re could no t be si tuations where safety would be bet ter served by o the r locations. But I s t rongly believe in my proposal a n d I want to be on record that at least I tried to get it into the s tandard.

(Log #CP36) 45- 62 - (A-6-3.2): Accept SUBMITTER= Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls

I RECOMMENDATION: Add the following to the existing a~pend ix i tem A-6-3.2:

'It is no t the in ten t o f the s tandard to require emergency or s tandby power for laboratory venti lat ion systems." S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : This addi t ional sen tence is added to clarify the in tent of the s tandard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON C O M M I T T E E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #16) 45- 59 - (9-1.3(.1)): Reject SUBMITTER: Wes te rn Regional Fire Code Dev. Commi t t ee RECOMMENDATION: Revise 9-1.3.1 to read:

9-1.3.1 Distillations shall be conduc t ed in approved e q u i p m e n t des igned a n d fabricated for this use and shall be properly assembled with considera t ion be ing given to fire hazards f rom ven t gases and possible e q u i p m e n t breakage or failure. Care shall be taken to avoid the p resence of uns table c o m p o n e n t s in the still po t (e.g., peroxides) a nd to avoid overhea t ing still contents . S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : There is now listed distillation e q u i p m e n t This would pe rmi t author i t ies having jur isdic t ion to approve listed equ ipmen t . COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This would be too restrictive on cur ren t practice. There are current ly no dependab le guidel ines available to AHJ's for approv ing distillation e q u i p m e n t in the laboratory building. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO v o T E : 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP3) 45- 60- (11-1.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l C o m m i t t e e on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Add to 11-1.1 a new reference:

"NFPA 750, S tandard for Water Mist Fire Protect ion Systems." S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : Wate r mis t fire protec t ion systems are now recognized as an addi t ional type of fire suppress ion system. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP35) 45- 61 - (Table A-3-6.2): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : Revise Table A-3-6.2 as follows: (Table shown on the following page.) S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : T h e revisions are editorial in nature . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #19) 45- 63 - (A-6-5.1): Accept in Principle in Part SUBMrFI 'ER: J o h n L. D e m b i s h a c k III, Connec t i cu t Dept. Public Safety, Fire Marshal 's Office RECOMMENDATION: Revise as follows:

T h e desimaer of a laboratorv exhaus t system shall consider the Dhvsical a n d chemical Dronerties a n d hazard characteristig~ of the materials being conveved. The except ions cited are tc recognize tha t some laboratory opera t ions genera te corrosive vapors tha t m i g h t attack available noncombus t ib l e Metallic du c t materials. Only when it has been ascer ta ined tha t =e=c~m~==zt'~!c metall ic ducts will n o t wi ths tand such an attack by chemicals to be exhaus ted shou ld z=:=..t'J='-~!c nonmeta l l i c duc ts be used. The desimaer shou ld cons ider tha t the use of chemical-resistant


thermoplas t ic l ined metall ic duc t mater ia ls to 1~¢ ¢~ql, AJ~9 no t i ng tha t thermoDlast ic ducts have hea t l imitat ions a n d would n o t be ue rmi t t ed to nass t h rough any fire barriers. SUBST-ANTIATIOI~: The u s e of combust ib le duc t mater ia ls shou ld no t be p e r m i t t e d to ex tend beyond the confines of a fire resistance r a t ed enclosure a n d / o r shaft regardless of the use of au tomat ic fire ex t inguish ing systems. Such ex t inguish ing systems may n o t conta in a fire in area of origin with the use of nonmeta l l i c ducts such as thermoplast ics , which me l t at t empera tu res as low as 400°F a n d add to the fuel load. This s t andard presently has no r equ i r emen t s for open ing protectlves such as fire dampers , where the use of thermoplas t ic ducts or o ther combust ib le materials would be pe rmi t t ed to pass t h r o u g h a fire resistance ra ted barrier, which would also cont r ibute to the sp read o f a fire let a lone add fuel load in such incidents.

In the event o f a fire inc iden t in a location where thermoplast i¢ ducts have been used. the duc t would me l t at t empera tu res (of a r o u n d 400°F =k~ as comna red to o ther materials, resul t ing in the duc t pene t r a t ion of a fire barr ier unnro tec ted , allowing a f i r e to propagate to o the r areas.~ C O I ~ I I T T E E ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.

Revise as follows: (The des igner o f a laboratory exhaus t system shall consider the

physical a n d chemical orooerf ies and hazard characteristics o f ttl~ mater ia ls be ing conveyed. ) The except ions cited (a=: t~.) recognize tha t some laboratory opera t ions genera te corrosive vapors tha t m igh t attack available noncombus t ib l e (Metallic) duct materials. W h e n it has been ascer ta ined tha t (=c==cm~zz'5~le) (metal l ic) duc ts will no t wi ths tand an attack by chemicals to be exhaus ted or where the u n i q u e na tu re of the work to be done m a n d a t e s the use of nonmeta l l i c ducts, (:e.':'.._'.:=fi_~) (nonmeta l l i c ) ducts may be used. (The des igner shou ld cons ider the use of chemical-resis tant thermoplas t ic l ined metall ic duc t materials . COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Added text because the re are laboratories tha t do research c o m m o n l y requi r ing nonmeta l l ic duc t ing (for example - trace meta ls labs).

Deleted last line due to act ion on Proposal 45-38 (Log #18). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBER~ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

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Table A-g-6.2 Flammable Liquid Loading in Laboratory Hood#

/ B

Lower Flammable Specific Vapor Flash Flare. % Vapor in 1000 f t3/min

Liquid Graviu/ Density Point Limit Vapor Volume Exhaust Water=l.0 Alr=-l.0 °G °F Vol % M' / I ( f t ' /ga l ) .472m'/sec /1000f t ' /min~

7" Quantity of

Liquid Vaporized to Reach Lower Flam. Limit L IGal~

1 Table gives liquid quantity to reach LFL (Lower Flammability Limit). Operating conditions should not exceed 25 percent LEL (See NFPA 69)

2 Percent vapor in 1000 ft / m i n air from 1 gallon of liquid that is assumed to instantaneously vaporize and perfectly mix. 3 Quantity of liquid that is vaporized to reach Lower Flammability Limit(LFL).

COLUMNS 1-4 are constants COLUMN 5 is quantity of vapor generated fxom 1 gallon of liquid COLUMN 6 s is percent vapor in 1000 ft / m i n air from 1 gallon of vaporized liquid COLUMN 7 is quantity of liquid required to reach LFL

GENERAL: Air volume and liquid quantity normalized at 1000 f C / m i n and 1 gallon respectively to enable extrapoaltion to other conditions.

(Log #5) 45- 64 - (A-7-2.2.2): Reject SUBMITTER: Victor R. Schneider, Albert Sterling & Assoc., Inc. RECOMMENDATION: None given. SUBSTANTIATION: In a laboratory there is quite a volume of acid waste piping. The above paragraph (A-7-2.2.2) mentioning thermoplastic pipe used in chemical service gives accurate information concerning the chemical degradation of plastic pipe. However, the fire hazards of thermoplastic pipe for laboratory use have not been enumerated.

A common material for laboratory waste is polyprop~,lene pipe. Fire retardant polypropylene l~ipe does not meet U.L. s flame spread or smoke generation standards and actually burns like a torch and drips burning material when exposed to fire (see videotape submitted with proposal). It must be remembered that drain line is normally empty so you have no fire protection from a contained liquid in the pipe.

Another thermoplastic material being promoted for laboratory use is PVDF. Although it does meet the flame spread and smoke generation criteria, it produces hydrogen fluoride gas when the temperature is elevated above 600 to 700 degrees F (see hazardous material sheets submitted with proposal). The danger is particularly severe when plastic pipe is installed in the return air space.

We have been involved in selling bornsilicate glass pipe for laboratory waste for over 35 years and have personally seen the deleterious results of using plastic waste. Because the chemical degradation is not an immediate happening, the people involved in laboratory design are not properly aware of the hazards involved. We feel that for the safety of all concerned this situation should be investigated and addressed.

The plumbing code does not mention plastic pipe for this me, as per submitted 1997 UPC code, but it leaves the big opening under the heading of, "other approved corrosion resistant materials."


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Laboratory waste and vent systems have very special design requirements. For safety and practical reasons, leak prevention is paramount. Products that do not meet the criteria should not enter the equation when designing a piping system to contain the corrosive and toxic effluents generated in laboratories and research buildings.

Plastic is a cheaper product, and many code authorities approve its use due to economic pressures. We feel most of these people do not have proper unbiased information about the hazard of plastic pipe and that the NFPA might address these dangers.

Note: Supporting material available for review at NFPA Headquaters. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The submitter did not provide an adequate recommendation. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadl

(Log #CP31) 45- 65 - (A-8-1.6.5): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Laboratories Using Chemicals RECOMMENDATION: Add the following:

Appendix A Explanatory Material. A-8-1.6.5 Gas cylinders are considered in four hazard groups and

are regulated in this standard on the basis of cylinder volume. Factors of sprinkler protection adjust these allowed gas volumes for flammable, oxidizing, and liquefied flammable gases by doubling that allowed for nonsprinklered laboratory work areas.

Below are graphical depictions of the quantity limitations of compressed or liquefied gases in laboratory work areas. They are displayed on thebasis of internal cylinder volume (water volume). This may be equated to the physical size and number of cylinders and is not dependent on the properties of the gas contained within the cylinder other than the four major hazard groups.

Maxhnmn Quantity or Flamnmble Gases

u ~ - ; is-

.~ 10-

O. 500 I000 I~00 2000

Square Ft. Lab. Work Area

Laboratory Work Area 600 Sq. Ft. or Less Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft. = ft.0

Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 8% Ft. Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft. = 0.0t2(Sq. Ft. Lab, Work Area)

Maximum Quantity of Oxidizing Cases


~ J



0 ~ 1000 1500

Slur,~ ~,s'm

Laboratory Work Area 500 Sq, Ft. or Less Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft. = 6,0

Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 ~1. Ft. Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft. = 0,012(Sq. Ft, Lab. Work Area)

Maximum Quantity of IAquefied Flammable Gases

4 .


~ - .~ 2.

1.5. | ~"

¢? 0.5. O .

0 500 1000 1500 2000

Square Ft. Lab. Area

[ l l U q ~ Flamumblc ]

Laboratory Work Area 500 $q. Ft. or Less Internal Cy|indcr Volume in Cubic t~. = 1.2

Laboratory Work Area Greater Than 500 Sq. Ft. Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft. ~ 0.0018(Sq, Ft, Lab. Work


Maximum Quantity or flcalth hazard 3 or 4 Gases

ta llesith llazard 3 m' 4 C ~ s

O 54)0 1OO0 1500 2090 Square Ft. Lab. Am

Laboratory Work Area 500 Sq, Ft. or Less Internal Cylinder Volume in {;ubic Ft. - 0.3

Laboratory Work Area Greater Than ~ Sq. Ft. Internal Cylinder Volume in Cubic Ft. -- 0.0006(Sq, Ft, Lab. Work



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T~tpical Internal Volume of Cylinders Nominal Dimension Internal Volume Diameter x Length* (Water Volume)

(in.) (cm) (Liters) (cubic it) 9 x 52 23 x 132 43.8 1.54 12x 43 30 x 109 609 2.15 15 x 54 38 x 137 126.3 4.46 15 x 46 38 x 117 109.6 3.87 10 x 48 25 x 122 55.7 1.97 14x 59 36 x 150 126.3 4.46 10 x 55 25 x 140 49.0 1.73 12 x 53 30 x 135 85.0 3.00 8 x 48 20 x 122 29.5 1.04 8 x 53 20 x 135 38.7 1.37

20 x 120 51 x 305 438.9 15.50 10x 51 25 x 130 42.4 1.54 10x 48 25 x 122 54.5 1.92 9 x 56 23 x 142 48.7 1.72 8 x 27 20x 69 16.7 0.59 7 x 19 18 x 48 8.5 0.30 8 x 25 20 x 64 15.3 0.54 9 x 22 23x 56 15.3 0.54 7 x 38 16x 85 15.7 0.55 6 x 21 15 x 53 6.9 0.24 5 x 24 13x 61 6.7 0.24 9 x 13 23x 33 6.9 0.25 6 x 21 15 x 53 6.9 0.25 7 x 17 18x 43 6.7 0.24 4 x 14 10x 36 Z3 0.08

3 x 12.5 8 x 32 0.93 0.033 2 x'15 5 x 38 0.44 0.016

*Includes valve and cap

(Log #35) 45- 68 - (Figure D-2(d)): Accept SUBMITTER: Jonas L. Morehar t , Pun t a Gorda, FL RECOMMENDATION: Revise the words "required exit corridor" in the capt ion u n d e r the f igure to read, "an exit passageway." SUBSTANTIATION: If the corr idor is r e q u i r e d t o have walls with a fire resistance rating, it is an EXIT PASSAGEWAY, a n d is requi red to have that fire resistance rat ing for the ent ire l eng th of the corridor. This is n o t expla ined in this s tandard. See Life Safety Code, pa rag raph 5-2.6. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #31) 45- 69 - (D-2-4): Accept SUBMITTER: Jonas L. Morehar t , P u n t a Gorda, FL

] RECOMMENDATION: Delete the words "one story" in the s econd paragraph . S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : The wording infers that a laboratory uni t canno t be an ent ire bui ld ing unless it is l imited to a single story. This could be undu ly restrictive in some cases; increas ing cons t ruc t ion costs. COMMITTEE ACTION: AccepL NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

SUBSTANTIATION: Provide amplifying in format ion us ing g raphs to suppor t the cylinder vo lume l imit ing r equ i r emen t s incorpora ted in the p roposed text of 8-1.6.5. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #33) 45- 66 - (D-2): Accept SUBMrrTER: Jonas L. Morehar t , P un t a Gorda, FL RECOMMENDATION: Delete the last sen tence of the four th paragraph; beg inn ing "Further , the internal corr idor provides..." SUBSTANTIATION: T h e internal corr idor is normal ly cons idered access to exit a n d is only requi red in some occupancies to have any fire resistance rating. Otherwise, the corr idor could be an "Exit Passageway" as def ined in paragraph 5- 2.6 of the Life Safety Code. Either one would definitely m e e t the requ i rements of the Life Safety Code. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #34) 45- 67 - (D-2): Accept SUBMITTER: Jonas L. Morehar t , Pun ta Gorda, FL

I RECOMMENDATION: Revise the words "means of exit access" in the first line of the fifth pa ragraph to read, "exit ,passageway." SUBSTANTIATION: Unless the corr idor is an 'exit passageway" as def ined by pa ragraph 5-2.6 of the Life Safety Code, it is merely "access to exit." COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 26 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #32) 45- 70 - (D-2-4): Accept SUBMITTER= Jonas L. Morehar t , Pun t a Gorda, FL RECOMMENDATION: Delete the words "whether a round , above,

] or below" in pa rag raph D-2.4. SUBSTANTIATION: The reference to above or below implies tha t a fire resistance ra t ing is requi red for the floor const ruct ion involved. This could conflict with Tables 3-1 (a) a n d 3-1(b). In bui ld ing c o m p a r t m e n t a d o n , floors are no t requi red to have a ra t ing unless specified by a const ruct ion type definit ion. See pa rag raph 6-2.2 of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 29 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 25 ABSTENTION: 1 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: STEERE: If laboratory uni ts on different floors are no t separated

by fire-rated construct ion, the entire vo lume would seem to be par t of one laboratory un i t and quant i ty limits would apply.

(Log #CP32) 45- 71 - (Appendix E): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Laborator ies Using Chemica ls RECOMMENDATION: Revise Append ix E as follows:

Append ix E Flammabil i ty Characteristics of C o m m o n Compres sed and Liquef ied Gases.

This Append ix is no t a part of the r equ i r emen t s of this NFPA d o c u m e n t bu t is inc luded for informat ional purposes only.

NOTICE: T h e reader shou ld u n d e r s t a n d tha t this list is n o t i n t ended to be inclusive or exhaustive. Fur the rmore , practically all compressed a n d l iquefied gases p resen t varying hea l th hazards to laboratory or emergency personnel . Therefore , the user is u rged to seek addi t ional in format ion f rom reliable references to adequate ly assess the reactivity or toxicity of the material.

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Appendix E Flammability Characteristics of Common Compressed and Liquef ied Gases.

Flammable Gas Limits Reference

(if f lammable, Source ercent b Y

Acetylene 2.5-82 M GD Allene 1 1.5-11.5 M GD A m m onia I 15-28 MGD Arsine 1 5.1-78 N I O S H Boron Trichloride 1 (a) MGD Boron Trifluoride (a) MGD 1,3-Butadiene I 2-12 627 n-Butane 1.6-8.4 325 iso-Butane I 1.8-8.4 325 1-Butene ~ 1.6-10 627, 325 2-Butene 1 1.7-9.7 627 Carbon Monoxide 12.5-74 627 Carbonyl Chloride (a) NIOSH (phosgene) 1 Carbonyl Fluoride 1 (a) NIOSH Carbonyi Sulfide I 12-29 325 Chlorine (a) N I O S H Chlorine Dioxide I (b) N I O S H Chlorine Trifluoride a (a) N I O S H 1 -Chloro-1, 9-14.8 M GD

1-Di-fluoroethane a Chlorotdf luoroethylene 1 8.4-38.7 MGD Cyanogen I 6-32 M GD Cyanogen Chloride 1 (a) NIOSH Cyclopropane 1 2.4-10.4 MGD, 627 Deuter ium 5-75 325 Diazomethane 1 (b) NIOSH Diborane 0.8--98 325,627 1,1-Difluoroethane 1 3.7-18 MGD 1,1 -Difluoro ethylene 1 5.5-21.3 M GD Dimethyl E t h e # 3.4-27 325, 627 2,2-Dimethyl Propane I 1.4-7.5 325, 627 Ethane x 3.0-12.5 MGD, 325, 627 Ethylacetytene I (b) M GD Ethylamine 1 3.5-14 325 Ethyl Chloride 1 3.8-15.4 325 Ethylene 2.7-36 325, 627 Ethylene Oxide I 3-100 MGD Huor ine (a) N I O S H Formaldehyde 7-73 325 Germane (b) MGD Hexafluoroacetone I (a) N I O S H Hydrogen 4-75 325, 627 Hydrogen Bromide 1 (a) N I O S H Hydrogen Chlor idC (a) N I O S H Hydrogen Cyanide I 5.6--40 325, 627 Hydrogen Fluoride 1 (a) N I O S H Hydrogen Iodide 1 (a) MGD Hydrogen Selenide 1 (b)A N I O S H Hydrogen Sulfide . . ~ 325, 627 Ketene (b) N I O S H Methane 5-15 325, 627 Methylacetylene 1 2-11.1 325 (Propyne) Methylamine I 4.9-20.7 325 Methyl Bromide a 10-16 325 3-Methyl-l-butene 1 1.5-9.1 325, 627 Methyl Chloride ~ 8.1-17.4 325 Methyl Fluoride 1 (b) MGD Methyl Mercaptan a 3.9-21.8 325 2-Methylpropene 1.8-9.6 325, 627 Natural Gas 3.8/6.5-13/17 325 Nitric Oxide (a) N I O S H Nitrogen Dioxide 1 (a) MGD Nitrogen Trioxide 1 (a) MGD Nitrogen Trifluoride (a) MGD Nitrosyl Chloride I (a) MGD Oxygen (a) MGD Oxygen Difluoride (a) N I O S H Ozone (a) N I O S H iso-Pentane i 1.4-7.6 325 Perchloryl Fluoride 1 (a) N I O S H Phosphine I (c) N I O S H

Propane I 2.1-9.5 325, 627 Propylene 1 2.0-11.1 325 Selenium Hexafluoride (a) N I O S H Silane (c) MGD Silicon Tetrafluoride (a) MGD Stibine (b ) NIOSH Sulfur Dioxide i (a) N I O S H Sulfur Teteafluoride I (a) N I O S H Sulfuryl Fluoride ~ (a) NIOSH Tetrafluoroethylene 1 10/11-50/60 MGD, 325 Tetrafluorohydrazine (b) M GD Trimethylamine 1 2-11.6 MGD, 325 Vinyl Bromide 1 9-15 325 Vinyl Chloride I 3.6-33 325, 627 Vinyl Fluoride ~ 2.6-21.7 MGD Vin~,l Meth~'l Ether 1 2.6-39 M GD

1Liquefied Gas

NOTES: Flammable range: (a) - - Not f lammable (b) - - Flammable, bu t range no t repor ted (c) - - Spontaneously f lammable Reference sources for f lammable range:

325 - - NFPA 325, Guide to Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids

627 - - U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 627, Flammability Characteristics o f Combustible Gases and Vapors MGD - - Matheson Gas Data Book NIOSH - - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards


AFFIRMATIVE: 26 NOT RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

(Log #CP33) 45- 72 - (Appendix F (New)): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Laboratories Using Chemicals R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : Add new Append ix F as follows:

Appendix F: Safety Tips for Compressed Gas Users

1. Thoroughly know the hazards of the gas you are using. All compressed gases have the pressure hazard but a gas may also have more hazards such as they may be toxic, corrosive, flammable, asphyxiating, oxidizing, pyrophoric a n d / o r reactive. All may impact the design of the system and how the gases are utilized.

2. Always wear eye protect ion when working on or near compressed gas systems. Make it your j o b no t to let anyone without eye protect ion into any area where compressed gases are used or stored.

3. Never let anyone use or connect a cylinder to any system unless they are trained and knowledgeable in the dangers of pressure, the chemical proper t ies of the compressed gas, the proper CGA compressed gas fittings and connections.

4. Do no t use a compressed gas cylinder unless the cylinder is clearly marked or labeled with the cylinder's contents. Reject any cylinder that is unmarked or which has conflicting markings or labels. Never rely on the color of the cylinder to identify the contents. If there is any conflict or doub t the contents, do no t use the cylinder. Return it to your vendor.

5. Be certain that the contents o f the cylinder are the correct p roduc t for use in the system you are connect ing it to.

6. Never use a compressed gas cylinder without a pressure reducing regulator or device that will safely reduce the cylinder

~ ressure to the pressure of your system. Only use regulators that ave both a h igh pressure gauge and a low pressure gauge...this

allows you to moni to r both the pressure in the compressed gas cylinder and the pressure in the system.


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7. As per ANSI B-40.1, never use a gauge above 75 pe rcen t of its m a x i m u m face reading. Example a 3,000 psi system shou ld use at least 4,000 psi gauges, ff your system can see a m a x i m u m pressure of 75 psi, the gauge mon i t o r i ng the system shou ld be at least 100 psi. ( Immedia te ly replace any gauge whose po in te r does no t go back to it 's zero po in t when pressure is removed.)

8. Be sure the valve on the compressed gas cylinder a n d the pressure r e d u c i n g r e g u l a t o r you are us ing have the p roper CGA connec t ions for the pure gas (CGA V-I) or gas mix tu re (CC, A V-7) you are using. NEVER USE AN ADAPTOR BETWEEN A CYLINDER AND A PRESSURE REDUCING REGULATOR.

9. Be certain the CGA connect ion(s ) on the cylinder and the )ressure reduc ing regulator fit toge ther properly wi thout be ing too

loose or too tight. Proper connec t ions will go toge ther smoothly. Never use excessive force to connec t a CGA connect ion . NEVER USE AN AID (such as pipe dope or Tef lon tape) T O CONNECT A REGULATOR TO A CYLINDER.

10. Be certain that the pressure reduc ing regulator you are us ing is compatible with the gas and is ra ted a n d marked for the m a x i m u m p r e s s u r e rat ing of the CGA connec t ion on the c o m p r e s s e d g a s cylinder valve you are a t taching it to. All compressed gas cylinder connec t ions can be found listed with their r e c o m m e n d e d gases a n d the m a x i m u m allowed nressures in CGA/ANSI V-1 (Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Out le t a n d Inlet Connect ions . )

11. Never replace the CGA connec t ion the regulator manu fac tu r e r has pu t on a regulator with one for a different gas service. Only the regulator manufac tu re r or a t ra ined service representat ive can p roper ly re-clean the regulator and knows the gas compatibili ty o f the regula tor ' s internal design.

12. After a pressure reduc ing regulator to a compressed gas cylinder * T u r n the regula tor ' s ad jus tmen t screw ou t [counter-

clockwise] until it feels loose. • Stand b e h i n d the cylinder with the valve out let facing away

f rom you. • Observe the h igh pressure gauge on the regulator f rom an

angle - do no t pressurize a gauge while looking directly at the glass or plastic face plate.

* T h e n open the valve hand le on the compressed has cylinder

• S-L-O-W-L-Y unti l you hear the space between the cylinder valve gently fill the gas. You can also watch the pressure rise on the h igh pressure gauge. If you t u r n e d the regulator ' s ad ju s tmen t screw back properly, there shou ld be no gas flow ou t of the regulator or pressure rise on the low pressure gauge.

• If you are us ing a non-toxic, non- f l ammable gas you can insure purity by shu t t ing off the cylinder valve a n d gently cracking the CGA connec t ion at the cylinder valve. (Generally three pressurizat ions with vent ing will insure the inter ior of the connec t ion has a clean representat ive sample of the gas in the compressed gas cylinder. For toxic or f l ammable gases you can purchase special vent ing regulators which can be safely ven ted to a f ume h o o d or ven ted gas cabinet.)

* W h e n you are ready to use the compressed ga s cylinder, fully open the cylinder valve unti l you feel it stop. T h e n close it 1 / 4 turn. (A fully open valve tha t has no play in it can confuse a person who is checking to see if it is open. Many accidents have been recorded by people trying to open a oreviouslv fully o n e n e d valve by us ing a large wrench.

• O n acetylene cylinders, to allow quick closing of the valve in the event o f an emergency, the following practices are used. O p e n acetylene cylinder valves no m o r e 1-1/2 turns. Leave the wrench on the valve spindle when the cylinder is be ing used if the acetylene cylinder has a T-wrench instead of a h a n d wheel valve.

13. Make sure any system (piping, manifolds, containers , etc.) you are pressurizing - tha t can be isolated or can be closed off, has its own pressure relief device. It is the users responsibility to see that their system has p roper pressure relief device(s) built into it. Do not rely on the relief device on the compressed gas cylinder 's regulator, it is no t des igned to protec t down-stream systems. This is very critical when cryogenic h'quids are used. Pressure relief d ischarge points shou ld consider ven t ing to safe locations (not d i rec ted towards people or rou ted to safe locations for haza rdous gases).

14. Shut off cylinders tha t are no t in use. Always have a cylinder cap on any cylinder tha t is on s torage or is n o t is use.

15. Use backflow check valves where f lammable and oxidizing gases are connec t ed to a c o m m o n piece of e q u i p m e n t or where low and h igh pressure gases are connec t ed to a c o m m o n set of p ip ing . Do no t rely on a closed valve to prevent bacidlow.

16. T h e relief device on a cylinder of l iquefied f lammable gas (general ly f o u n d on the cylinder valve) mus t always be in direct contact ( communica t ion ) with the vapor space of the cylinder. This is in bo th use a n d storage. Never lay a cylinder of l iquefied f l ammable ~as on its side unless it is so des igned - [and so marked] - to allow tha t posi t ioning - as in the case of p ropane cylinders for fork lift trucks.

17. Cylinders in use shall as be secured by a ho lde r or device specifically des igned to secure a cylinder. Never s t and a single cylinder in an open area unsecured . Always protec t cylinders f rom dangers of overhead hazards, h igh t empera tu res a n d o ther sources of damage such as vehicle traffic.

18. Always use a cylinder cart to move large cylinders or specially des igned cylinder holders to carry small cylinders. Never pick up a cylinder by its cap.

19. Never refill gas back into a cylinder or use a cylinder for s tor ing any material. If material is accidentally forced back or sucked back into a cylinder, mark the cylinder well and in form your gas supplier. (Almost all r ecen t dea ths involving compressed gas cylinders were caused by users pu t t ing materials back into cylinders a n d fillers at the compressed gas plants be ing killed.)

20. Possibly the greatest hazard to a user of compressed gasses - a n d especially users of cryogenic fluids - is asphyxiat ion. R e m e m b e r except for oxygen and air (with at least 19.5 percen t oxygen) ALL GAS IS AN ASPHIXIANT. Only vent gas into safe a n d p r o p e r l y vent i la ted locations - outside of the bui ld ing or fume h o o d - areas. EXPOSURE TO AN ATMOSPHERE W H I C H HAS 12 PERCENT OR LESS OXYGEN WILL BRING A B O U T UNCONSCIOUSNESS W I T H O U T WARNING AND SO QUICKLY THAT THE INDIVIDUALS CANNOT HELP OR PROTECT THEMSELVES.

21. ff you are t ransferr ing cryogenic gases inside or have e q u i p m e n t us ing cryogenic gases tha t vents any th ing m o r e t h an a few cc's of gas a minu te inside (i.e. no t to a hood) , you m u s t have adequate 24 h o u r venti lat ion and install con t inuous oxygen m e t e r ( s ) / m o n i t o r ( s ) with a "low oxygen" alarm.

Remember : all compressed gases are hazardous , u n d e r s t a n d those hazards completely and des ign your system accordingly. The major compressed gas vendors have the technical expert ise available to suppor t users and are always willing to help. NEVER BECOME COMPLACENT W H E N USING A COMPRESSED GAS, always respect the hazards a n d treat t h e m accordingly. SUBSTANTIATION: Provide addi t ional safety in format ion for users of compressed gases tha t is based u p o n cu r r en t indust ry pcractice.


AFFIRMATIVE: 25 ABSTENTION: 1 N O T RETURNED: 3 Belanger, Eriksen-Rattan, Varadi

EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: STEERE: Ques t ion whether this useful in format ion is appropr ia te

here, a n d whe the r this proposal begins to make NFPA 4 5 a CGA publ ica t ion.

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Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals

2000 Edition

NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the number or letter designating a paragraph indicates explanatory material on the paragraph can be found in Appendix A.

A reference in parentheses 0 at the end of a section or paragraph indicates that the material has been extracted from another NFPA document . The bold number in parentheses indicates the documen t number and is followed by the section number where the extracted material can be found in that document . The complete title and current edition of an extracted document can be found in the chapter on referenced publications.

Information on referenced publications can be found in Chapter 11 and Appendix G.

jurisdiction that the existing situation involves a distinct hazard to life or property.

1-1.4 Equivalency. Nothing in this s tandard is in tended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety over those prescribed by this standard, provided technical documenta t ion is made available to the authority having jurisdiction to demonst ra te equivalency and the system, method, or device is approved for the in tended purpose.

1-2 Purp ose.#:i. ~ ..::~:.::~:.::.:::'::.

1-2.1 T h . ¢ . : ~ of this s tandard shall be to provide basic require .~.~'.'.~ for the protect ion of life and property through preve #; control of fires and explosions involving the use of c h e ~ s ii~.-:~boratory-scale operations.

.,,. .:-:::':: ':-i:i$'.:.'.:~ ~.-.~".~'~i~?:~s s t a n ' ~ , i s~es igned to control hazards and protect

....:.#'~'rs6~dl f r o ~ ' ~ c , corrosive, or other harmful effects of .........:#:'chemicals they m i ~ b e exposed to as a result of fire or explosion.

~ . - : . ' $ ~ . 2 . ~ e objectives of this s tandard shall be as follows: Chapter 1 General

'%~.~. Limit injury or death to the occupants involved in or in 1-1 Scope. .:::i::.:, e x ~ . e ~ox imi ty to the point of fire origin.

1-1.1 This s tandard shall apply to laboratory buildings, labora~.. ' . . : : .~ (2) " ~ ? d e a t h and minimal injury to emergency response • ~.?&'~.~:?.:.:. ..--." umts, and laborato ry work areas whether located above or beloW:. """:+:':'::"::~--x.:.:..-:i!i-'--~.-:ersc~el grade in which chemicals, as defined, are handled or stored. :~: ::~!Y'~!"i::ii'-T?:i:~.::: - % :#" .... "!!~ Limit property loss to a min imum of a single laboratory unit. Exception No. 1: This standard shall not apply to l a b o r ~ 2 ~ i t s wi~i':::ii;:" #!:" less than or equal to 4 L (1.1 .gal) offiammable or c o ~ u i d , "% i-2.4 It is not the objective of this s tandard to address financial and less than 2.2 standard m ' ( 7 5 scJ) of flammable # . "%!i" %:....~:.:' losses such as business in terrupt ion or property loss when the loss

• ::~i~.. ~i!' .. .:::. :iiiii~i~:: of a laboratory uni t is unacceptable. Exception No. 2: It does not apply to laboratories . ~ : ~ t : ~ q . p i . # ~ '::i!i;-~i:-"

":::~-':'{~¢~" "~'. 'f~" 1-3 Interface with Existing Codes and Standards. E~ception No. 3: It does not apply to laboratories, that h~ i~: f fn ly ":::::'::""::'::" chemicals with a hazard rating-ofzero or o n . . ~ . ~ . ~ e d b ' j ' ~ A 704, 1-3.1 When interface w~th existing NFPA or o ther consensus codes Standard System for the Ident'~fication o f ~ : ~ a ~ ' . ' . ~ l ( f f a ' [ ~ o r and standards occurs, reference is made to the appropriate source Emergency Response, for all of the fol lo~gg: h e a l t K ~ m a b ~ and in the text. instabili .:~:':"::. ":.-.-::?~: A::"

:ii::: "":i~.:.:::. "iiiii!ii 1-3.2" NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, shall be used Exception No. 4: It does not apply to l a b ~ e s that ~ prirnarily for additional requirements for laboratories in health care manu¢acturin g p lants. • .-'--'--'--'--":::::::"::::':-. . . . . . . . . . . . ..:.:-'::::? :::. occu p ancies .

Exception No. 5: It does not apply to i n c i d e n ~ g f a c i l i t i e s . 1-3.3 Due to the special nature of laboratories using chemicals, i!~! !:" this s tandard modifies and supplements existing codes and

Exception No. 6: It does not apply to physical, ~ctronic, instrument, standards so as to apply more specifically to buildings or portions laser, or similar laboratories that use chemicals only for incidental purposes, such as cleaning.

Exception No. 7: It does not apply to laboratories that work only with radioactive materials, as covered by NFPA 801, Standard for Fire Protection for Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials.

Exception No. 8: It does not apply to laboratories that work only with explosive material, covered try NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code.

1-1.2 This s tandard contains requirements , but not all-inclusive requirements , for handl ing and storage of chemicals, where laboratory-scale operat ions are conducted.

Exception No. 1: It does not cover the special fire protection required when handling explosive materials. (See NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code.)

Exception No. 2: It does not cover the special fire protection required when handling radioactive materials.

1-1.3" Applicability. The provisions of this documen t are cons ide red necessary to provide a reasonable level of protect ion from loss of life and property f rom fire and explosion. They reflect situations and the state of the art prevalent at the time the s tandard was issued.

Unless otherwise noted, it is not in tended that the provisions of this documen t be appl ied to facilities, equipment , structures, or installations that were existing or approved for construction or installation prior to the effective date of the document , except in those cases where it is de te rmined by the authority having

of buildings devoted to laboratory-scale operations.

1-3.4 Where a construction or protect ion requi rement of a governmental agency having jurisdiction is more str ingent than in this standard, the more str ingent requ i rement shall apply.

1-4 Definitions. For the purpose of this standard, the following terms shall have the meanings given below.

Apparatus. Furniture, laboratory hoods, centrifuges, refrigerators, and commercial or made-on-site equ ipment used in a laboratory.

Approved.* Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.

Authority Having Jurisdiction.* The organization, office, or individual responsible for approving equipment , materials, an installation, or a procedure .

Auxiliary Air. Supply or supplemental air delivered near the outside face of a laboratory hood to reduce room air consumpt ion .

Baffle. An object placed in an appliance to change the direction of or to retard the flow of air, alr-gas mixtures, or flue gases.

Biological Safety Cabinet. A special safety enclosure used to handle and contain biological materials.

Business Occupancy. An occupancy used for the transaction of business (other than those covered under "mercantile") for the keeping of accounts and records and for similar purposes.


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N F P A 45 - - MAY 2000 R O P

Bypass. An airflow-compensating open ing that maintains a relatively constant volume exhaust th rough a laboratory hood regardless of sash position. It serves to limit the maximum face velocity as the sash is lowered.

Canopy Hood. A suspended ventilating device used only to exhaust beat, water vapor, odors, and other nonhazardous materials. This is not a laboratory hood and generally is not effective for exhausting toxic or f lammable materials.

when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a serious hazard.

Flash Point. The min imum tempera ture at which a liquid or a solid emits vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid or the solid.

Health Care Facilities. Buildings or port ions of buildings in which medical, dental ,psychiatr ic , nursing, obstetrical, or surgical care are provided. Health care facilities include, but are not

Chemical.* A substance with one or more of the following limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, l imited care facilities, clinics, hazard ratings as def ined in NFPA 704, Standard System for the medical and ~.gntal offices, and ambulatory care centers, whether Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response:. permanen t ~ i : :~yab le . Health - - 2, 3, or 4; Flammability - - 2, 3, or 4; Reactivity - - 2, 3, ..::if" "%:. or 4. (See also Section B-2.) Heal t .h . . : .~ Occupancy. An occupancy that is used for

p u r p o ~ ~ : . a s medical or other t rea tment or care of persons Combustible Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point s u f f e ~ g f r ~ . h y s i c a l or mental illness, disease, or infirmity; and

at or above 37.8°C (IO0°F). - for.:~i...Lg.'~::i.~..~re o ' : ' ~ : ~ t s , convalescents, or infirm aged persons. H . . ~ . ' ~ e ocd'~.' provide s leeping facilities for four or

Compressed Gas Cylinder. Anypor table pressure vessel of 45.4 . :# 'b re"~cupan t s ~ii.-'.'~i~e occupied by persons who are mostly kg (100 lb) water capacity or less designed to contain a gas or ....-.:~':"qn of sel f -p~ 'ervat ion because of age, physical or mental liquid that is authorized for use at gauge pressures over 276 kPa ..~Ii~:,dlsa~.~ljty, or bec~i'~/e of security measures not under the (40LPl ~si) at 21°C (70°F)by the U S.. Depan.ment of Transportat ion ::~'7.'~'~'~:~?:.. ,:::~ct/i "~<''..!~.t's control. (D ) or Transpor t Canada (T.C.). ::i~i~i~i~i~:::!~i .......... ;"

"~...o.d Interior. The volume enclosed by the side, back, and top Cryogenic Fluid.* Substance that exists only in the vapor phase en :~- '~ re :panels, the work surface, the access open ing (called the

above -73°C (-99°F) at one. atmosphere. . pressure and th-at i s :.:.:::"~-.i.:.:,~..:::::..:::::.% fa~..-:'.".~..~:~ash:...~:.~ or sashes. , and. . the. exhaust plenuna, inc]ud 'ng the handled stored and used in the hqmd state at temperatures at~.¢..,.'~.~:-~:i::.:., baffle "..~gtem for mrflow distrlbulaon. below -73°C (-99°F) while at any pressure. - %"~:.~., .x.~ -#':':':':

":i~:. ~ J ~ . ~ d e n t a l Testing Facility. An area within a product ion facility Deflector Vane. An airfoil-shaped, vane along the bottom., of thd~...>...,.......::,-~:" "~t'~ ~'aside~ for the pur pose of conduct in g in-process control tests

hood face that directs incoming air across the work ~ ~ to t h e ~ a ta t are related to the product ion process. lower baffle opening. The opening between the w ~ c e and~i..":: the deflector vane is open even with the sash full~..-':"~losed'.'!~i~ %..,.::~i:. Industrial Occupancy.* Factories making products of all kinds

.~iiii~. i f ..,. ".'~i~#:" and propert ies devoted to operations such as processing, • • . : : : ~ : : : : . ' : ' : - : : ~ . .:.':.':.:..-:::::-:~ ",:~. ~ . . q ~ : : . . . . . . .

Educatmnal Laboratory Umt. A laboratory 1.~lllSi~t i ~ l ~ l - "::.-'u::: assembhng, m~xmg, packaging, f imshmg or decoratang and educational purposes through the twelfth grade b ~ : ' ~ m o l ~ i . - 'x: repairing. persons for four or more hours per day or..m..ore thifi~/~.~., h o u r s ' ~ r week. ~!-:'i~ili~!.-... ':%i!~: ....... Inside Liquid Storage Area, A room or building used for the

-~'::'::" "'~t:"-"K %~i:#" storage of liquids in containers or portable tanks separated from Educational Occuapancy.* All buil~,:., gs or p ~ 6 ~ ~'''x':':" s of ~ | l d i n . gs other, types of occupancies. Such areas include the following." (1)

used for educational purposes t h r o ~ : : t h e twelft l~ade~.~~ stx or Instde Room. A room totally enclosed within a building and having more persons for four or more h~~i:r'~":':..~: day or ~ e than 12 no exterior walls; (2) Cut-Off Room. A room within a building a n d hours per week. Educational o c c u p ~ include" ~tcademies , having at least one exterior wall; (3) Attached Building. A buildinl~ kinder~gartens, nursery schools and scho"~.~2-~::.Educ#onal having only one common wall with ano the r bui lding 'having other" occupancies also include day-care f a c i l i t i e ~ r a n ~ c c u p a n t load. types of occupancies; (4) Liquid Warehouse. A separate, de tached

t c a t i ~ : ~ s t i t u t i o n s shall building or at tached building used for warehousing-type parts ~ I a e NFPA 101, Life operations for liquids. is i n c ~ n t a l to some other

Other occupancies associated with educati, be in accordance with the appropriate parts Safety Code. In cases where instruction occupancy, the section of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, governing such other occupancy shall apply.

Exit Access Corridor. A corridor used as exit access that leads to an exit that is separated from other parts of the building by walls.

Explosive Material. Any explosive, blasting agent, emulsion explosive, water gel, or detonator .

Face (of hood). The hood open ing or the plane of the inside surface of the sash. This area is used to calculate the square footage of hood opening, and face velocity is measured in this plane.

Face Velocity. The rate of flow or velocity of air moving into the laboratory hood entrance or face, as measured at the plane of the laboratory hood face.

Fire Separation. A horizontal or vertical fire resis tance-rated assembly of materials that have protected openings and are des igned to restrict the spread of fire.

Flammable Gas. A g a s that will burn in air.

Flammable Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point at or above 37.8°C (100°F) and a maximum vapor pressure of 2068 mm Hg (40 psia) at 37.8°C (100°F).

* Flammable Solid• A solid, o ther than a blasting agent or explosive, that is liable to cause fire th rough friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat f rom manufactur ing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and

Instructional Laboratory Unit. A laboratory uni t used for the

~ urposes of instruction of six or more persons for four or more ours per day or more than 12 hours per week. Experiments and

tests conducted in instructional laboratory units are under the direct supervision of an instructor. Laboratory units used for graduate or post-graduate research are not to be considered instructional laboratory units.

Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been at tached a label, symbol, or o ther identifying mark of an organization that is acceptable to the anthority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspect ion of

rOduction of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose beling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate

standards or performance in a specified manner .

Laboratory• A facility where the containers used for reactions, transfers, and o ther handl ing of chemicals are des igned to be easily and safely manipula ted by one person. It is a workplace where chemicals are used or synthesized on a nonproduc t ion basis.

Laboratory Building. A structure consisting wholly or principally of one or more laboratory units.

Laboratory Equipment. See Apparatus.

Laboratory Hood.* A venti lated enclosure des igned to contain and exhaust fumes, gases, vapors, mists, and particulate matter generated within the hood interior.

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Laboratory Scale. Work with chemicals in which the conta iners used for reactions, transfers, and o ther hand l ing of chemicals are des igned to be easily and safely man ipu la t ed by one person.

Laboratory Unit• An enclosed space used for exper imen t s or tests. A laboratory un i t can include offices, lavatories, a n d o ther incidental cont iguous rooms ma in t a ined for or used by laboratory personnel , a n d corridors within the unit. It can contain one or more separate laboratory work areas. It can be an entire building• A laboratory uni t is classified as A, B, C, or D accord ing to the l imitat ions establ ished in Tables 2-2.1 (a), 2-2.1 (b) , 3-1.1(a), and

inc luding refrigerators, freezers, a n d similar equ ipment . (See 9-2.2 and A-

Safety Can.* An approved container , of not more than 19 L (5 dgdg~l) capacity, hav ing a spring-closing lid and spou t cover and

es igned so that it will safely relieve internal pressure when subjected to fire exposure.

Sash. A movable panel or panels set in the hood entrance. (See C-5.1.)

3-1.1 (b). (See also Appendix D.) Shall. a manda to ry requi rement•

~i."..:~.-., Laboratory Unit Separat ion. All walls, parti t ions, floors, a n d Should. A~iadic,'lti~-s a r e c o m m e n d a t i o n or tha t which is advised

ceilings, inc luding op-enings in them, that separate a laboratory but no t ~ i r e d . " un i t f rom adjoin ing areas• ....i~':" ~iii-~,

S t o ~ C ~ t . * A cabinet for the storage of f l ammable an d L a b o r a t o r y Work Area. A room or space for testing, analysis, c o ~ b l e I ~ s cons t ruc ted in accordance with Section 4-3 of

research, ins t ruct ion, or similar activities tha t involve the use of ~ . : ~ . F l a m ~ a ~ Combustible Liquids Code. • • .+'.,~.-'~ "" ":~:::::x .. x;~:~:i;:, x~.- chemicals. This work area can be enclosed. ..::i.;" "::.::: %'-'g-.'i~..'-:~::"

,#i-': Floor. A n ~ b r y or floor level accessible f rom the s treet Laminar Flow Cabinet. A ventilated, partially enclosed cabinet ~ % o r ~. . .~ outside t ~ bui ld ing at g r o u n d level with floor level at the

primari ly i n t ended to provide fi l tered airflow over the work surface @~-' . -~ ' no t m o r e t han three risers above or below g r o u n d by use of laminar alrflbw methods . " %I..'.~:"~i't':*&ese points, and a r ranged a n d utilized to qualify as the

~ floor. Where , due to differences in s t reet levels, there are L e c t u r e B o t t l e . A small compressed gas cylinder up to a size o f t w N , ~ . m q f e stories accessible f rom the street, each is a street

annroximate lv 5 c m x 33 cm (2 in x 13 in.). ":#.'..;.'i~:::,, f l o o ~ # e purposes of the Life Safe9 Code ~. Where the re is no " " " " :~i~i~![~!{~ ~?.~.~.. f loor I ~ l within the specified limits for a street floor above or

• . • ~i~:.":::: ~ % , elo~.-'~ o u n d level the bui ld ing shall be cons idered as having no L i q u e f i e d G a s C y l i n d e r . A compressed gas cyhnder used for ' .~. ~g-.-~-!~!":'~rr

• - - .,., :-'.;->'--',*!~ ;~ h o u r l iquefied gas. !i.".~ .#.? . x ~ • ..... :';.'."~ .~i'~::" .~:" .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-'.-'-.:-% . . . . :!:~: !:' : : # ~ J n a t t e n d e d L a b o r a t o r y O n e r a t i o n . A laboratory n rocedure or m u m Pray m a t e n m m a t n a s a n m m t y eater m ~.-'*~.:.'~t ~uu .:-: " . . . ~ . q . - . . . . . . gre~ . ~ ? ~ a ~ , "!: : operat ion a t which there ~s no person p resen t who is pene t ra t ion asptialt wnen testect m accorc~nce w L . ~ : ~ :.':':D ~, :::: . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c~:, . .a~.....~.~._ :~.'.........~:~ knowledgeable regard ing the operat ion and emergency shu tdown ~uznaara les t 2vietaoa jor rene tra twn oj tJttummout,..~darenat~.$, w n e n "...:::::::::::

. . . . . . ::.:.~.~, ...'.$. ..'., :',.'6-~" rocecmres. no t othervase ~dentified, the te rm h q m d shall ~.,botl~.:~!.,.-...,.. ::~:: .:~;:: P f l ammable and combust ib le liquids "":" "~'-'% :::':"!-":':::~:::-~,.i~!::* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• ":::,~'-:.-:i.::" "~i~.":~!ii# t~napter z t .aooratory u n i t r i azara ,~mssmcat lon

Listed.* Equipment , materials, or servi~,c.~.~¢luded:'~!~ list publ i shed by an organizat ion that is ac~ i ' . ' ~ . .~ : . . . . the ~ y having jur isdic t ion and conce rned wi..t~'::"e'valua~ii~f p ~ or services, tha t main ta ins periodic i n ~ t i o n of p~'..B..ctio.~tf listed e q u i p m e n t or materials or per iod i # ! ' ~ u a t i o n of*~vice'~'i and wfaos'e listing states that eith'er t h e " ' ~ ' e q ~ e n t , m a t ~ l , or service meets appropr ia te des ignated standa]-d~:~ii~as beetle:tested a n d f o u n d suitable for a specif ied purpose . ":~}~ii-"i-::. ....'~-Y

M a x i m u m Allowable Working Pressure . T ~ i ! ~ a x i m u m gauge pressure permissible at the top of completed.!!~'quipment, a container, or a vessel in its opera t ing positio'6" for a design tempera ture .

Nonlabora tory Area. Any space within a bui ld ing no t inc luded in a laboratory unit. (See Laboratory Unit.)

Organic Peroxide. Any organic c o m p o u n d having a double oxygen or peroxy (-o-o-) g roup in its chemical s tructure.

O p e n Plan Building. A bui ld ing having rooms, spaces and corridors de l inea ted by tables, chairs, desks, bookcases, counters , low-height partit ions, floor patterns, or any similar f inishes or furnishings .

Oxidizer. Any material that readily yields oxygen or o ther oxidizing gas, or tha t readily reacts to p romo t e or initiate combus t ion of combust ib le materials, Examples of o ther oxidizing gases inc lude bromine , ch lor ine or f luorine.

Pilot Plant. An exper imenta l assembly of manu fac t u r i ng e q u i p m e n t for explor ing process variables or for p roduc ing semicommerc ia l quant i t ies of materials•

Pyrophoric Gas. A gas tha t will spon taneous ly ignite in air at or below a t empera tu re of 54.4°C (130°17).

R e a c t i v e Material. A material that, by itself, is readily capable of de tonat ion , explosive decompos i t ion , or explosive react ion at no rma l or elevated t empera tu res and pressures. (See B -2 .5 .5 fo r definitions of Reactivi 9 2, 3, or 4.)

Refr igerat ing Equipment . Any mechanica l ly opera ted e q u i p m e n t used for s tor ing materials below norma l a m b i e n t t empera ture ,

2-1 Scope• This chapter classifies laboratory uni ts based on the a m o u n t of f l ammable and combust ib le liquids or f lammable gases conta ined within the unit , bo th in s torage and in use. This chapter also def ines the existence of an explosion hazard in a laboratory un i t or in a laboratory work area. This chapter fur ther def ines l imitations on instruct ional laboratory units.

2-2 L a b o r a t o r y U n i t F i r e H a z a r d C l a s s i f i c a t i o n .

2-2.1" Classifications. Laboratory units shall be classified as Class A (High Fire Hazard), Class B (Modera te Fire Hazard), Class C (Low Fire Hazard) , or Class D (Minimal Fire Hazard), according to the quant i t ies of f l ammable and combust ib le liquids specified in Table 2-2.1 (a) and Table 2-2.1(b) (shown on the following page)• (See Appendix D for further informatior~ on laborator) uni t fire hazard classification.)

2-2,1,1 High Fire Hazard. The total a m o u n t of f lammable an d combust ib le liquids outside of f l ammable l iquid s torage rooms shall no t exceed the quant i t ies p resen ted for Class A laboratory uni ts in Table 2-2.1(a) or 2-2•1(b).

2-2.1.2 Modera te Fire Hazard• The total a m o u n t of f lammable and combust ib le liquids outside of f l ammable l iquid storage rooms shall no t exceed the quanti t ies p r e sen t ed for Class B laboratory uni ts in Table 2-2.1 (a) or 2-2.1 (b) .

2-2.1.3 Low Fire Hazard. The total a m o u n t of f l ammable an d combust ib le liquids outside of f l ammable l iquid s torage rooms shall no t exceed the quant i t ies p resen ted for Class C laboratory units in Table 2-2.1(a) or 2-2(b).

2-2.1.4 Minimal Fire Hazard . The total a m o u n t of f lammable a n d combust ib le liquids outside of f l ammable l iquid s torage ro o m s shall no t exceed the quant i t ies p resen ted for Class D laboratory units in Table 2-2.1 (a) or 2-2.1 (b). (See 1-1.1, Exception No. 1.)

2- Quant i f ies of f l ammable a n d combust ib le liquids, inc luding liquids in laboratory uni ts located in hea l th care occupancies, shall no t exceed those specif ied for a Class D laboratory unit .


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Table 2-2.1(n) Maximum Quantities of Flammabio and Combustible • - Labomtm rUnits Oatside of l a d d e

, n .d' Laboratory Combustible Liquid Unit Fire Class with Class I Hazard including Liquefied

Class Hamma~le ( lase~ A P

14, II, and IlIA B P

14, II, and I ! ~ C P

I ~, II~ and IliA D P

14~ II~ and IlIA Notes:

1. For maximum quantities of Class I liquids, see 2-2.5. 2. For nonwater extinguishing systems, see 2-2.6.

tFor maximum allowable quantity, see 2-2.4. ~For maximum container sizes, see Table 7-2.3.2. SSee description of containers in Table 4-2.3 and description of st< Liquids Code. l i ~ (This category includes Class I flammable liquids and [ ~ ] : . fl~ SSee 2-2.1.~ and 8-1.6.5.

Quantutos m Storage Cabmets ~ or ,, , , Sa fe t~Ca~

Maximum Ouantity ~ per 9.3 m" (1~,0 ft ~) of

LabOrator~ Unit

7~ L ~o ~ ) 20 L (5 gal) 38 L ( to ,~ ) 7.5 L (2,gal) 15 L {4 ~ia~) 4 L (1"1 ~g~d I 4 L (1,1

and I/queried Flammable Gases in Spriaklered S ~,e Atom

' h d ~ Quantities in stor~e C~b~ets" or Safety Cans

Maximum Quantity Maximum Quandty z m per Laboratory per 9.8 mZ (1~0 ft~) of

Unit Laborator~ Unit 2270 L (600 gal) 76 L (20 gal) 3028 L (800 ffal) ~ 150 L (40 gal) l l S 6 L (3008a ! ~ ~ 38L ! O g a l ) 1515 L (400 I ~ 76 L, 120 i~a,I)

757 L (20~ 30 L (8 gal) 7.5 L 284 L ~7~ ~lk 7.5L (2 gal)

284 ~ (2 gal)

4540 L (1200 gal) 6o6o L (1600 ~ ) 227O L (6OO ga 0 ~o~a L (8OO ~ ) ~1~ L (3OO gal) 1515 L (400 gad 570-L (150 gal) 570 L (150 gal)

4-3 of NFPA 30, F/ammub/~ and C_o~us6b/~

Table 2-2.10)) Mn~mum Quantities of ~ ~ b ~ Liquids m d Liqlefled F bo. me o f

Flammable and axhq "~ ~ ~ Laboratory Combustible Liqu~ , ..= i ~ Unit Fh'e Class with Class I M a x h u m ~ t l ~ j ~ t ) ~ Maximum Hazard including IAqnefielJd ~ "~Sbo?~m Quantity la p e r

Class Flammable C . a s e ~ Laboratory Unit Laborator r Unit A P ~ ,(10g ~ , 1136 L (300 76 L (20 ~d)

I( ,II , a n d ] ~ 7( ~(20~-t 1515L(4001~I 150L(4011[al) B P

I I I A ~ ~. 757 L (200 gal) I ' , If, and ~ ~(150~gal)) 570 L (150 ga~'

C P ~ ~ 7.~L (2 gal) 284 L (75 gal) I 4, II, and IliA ~ L (4 fial) 380 L (10Ogal)

D I s ~ ~)I L (1.1 gal) 140 L (5' gal) I( ,II , a n d l I IA . ~ ' 4 L ( 1 . 1 gal) 140L($' Kal)

Notes: 1. For maximum quantities of Class I liquids, see 2-2.5. 2. For nonwater extinguishing systems, see 2-2.6.

~For maximum allowable quantity, see 2-2.4. ~For maximum container razes, see Table 7-2.$.2.

l~mmable Gases in Nomprlnklered

~umm (I~Umftlfi)-t~of Maximum Quantity m per Laboram.r,/Unit

227o L (6oo gai) 50~s.n (8oo ~ )

~ 'r. (10 gal) 1136 L !i~0 ~ ) L (~0 gal) _ " 1515 L

15 L (4 gal) 570L ~g~dl g0 L (O~al? - 700 L !.~00 - ~.5 L (2 gal) 284 L (75 gal) 7.5 L (2 gal) 284 L (75 gal)

SSee description of containers in Table 4-2.3 and description of storage cabinets in Section 4-3 of NFPA 30; F/ammab/~ and Combust/b/e Liquids Code. 4This category includes Class I flammable liquids and liquefied flammable gases. 5See 2-2.1.~ and 8-1.6.5.

2-2.1.5 For the purposes of determining laboratory fire hazard classification and the use of Tables 2-2.1(a) and 2-2.1 (b), quantities of liquefied flammable gases shall be treated as ff they were Class I flammable liquids; that is, 4 L (1.1 gal) of liquefied flammable gas is to be considered equivalent to 4 L (1.1 gal) of Class I flammable liquid.

Exception: I f a ~ assessment acceptable to the authodO 3 having jurisdiction demonstrates that a material poses a fire loading different than indlca~l by the bz~nent of ~v, eflsel flammable ga.~es, a more specific conversion shall be permitted to be used,

2-2.2 Additional Requirements for Instructional Laboratory Units,

2-2.2,1 Experiments and tests conducted in instructional laboratory units shall be under the direct supervision of an instructor.

2-2.2.2 Laboratory units used for instructional purposes shall be limited to 50 percent of the flammable and combustible liquids

quantity for Class B laboratory units presented in Tables 2-2.1(a) ~ d 2-2.1 (b).

2-2.2.$ Laboratory units used for the instruction of students through the 12th grade shall be limited to 50 percent of the flammable and combustible liquids quantity for Class C laboratory units presented in Tab)es 2-2.1 (a) and 2-2.1 (b).

2-8 Laboratory Work Area and Laboratory Unit Explosion Hazard Classification. ~

2-S.I A laboratory work area shall be considered to contain an explosion hazard if an explosion of quantities or concentrations of materials in (1) through (5) below could result in serious or fatal injuries to personnel within that laboratory work area. (See Appondix ~ )

(1) Storage of materials with a Reactivity Hazard Rating of 4 (see ~ z s )

(2) Upe oi" formation of materials with a Reactivity Hazard Rat ingof 4 (see B-2.5)


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(3)* Presence of highly exothermic reactions such as

~ olymerizations, oxidations, nitrations, peroxidations, ydrogenations, or organo-metallic reactions

(4) Use or formation of materials whose chemical structures indicate apo ten t i a l hazard, but whose propert ies have not been established, such as triple bonds, epoxy radicals, nitro and nitroso compounds , and peroxides

(5) Presence of high pressure reactions (see Figure C-4.5)

2-3.2 A laboratory uni t shall not be considered to contain an explosion hazard unless a laboratory work area within that uni t contains an explosion hazard great enough to cause major proper ty damage or serious injury outside that laboratory work area.

Chapter 3 I~,aboratory Unit Design and Construction

3-1" Laboratory Unit Enclosure.

3-1.1 The required construction of laboratory units shall be in accordance with Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3-1.1(b).

3-1.2 The construction requi rements shall be the min imum permit ted and shall not exclude the use of construction with greater fire resistance. *~':'- -~....-'..~..:~

Table 3-1. l(a) Pure Protection Requirements for Sprlnklered::"~i~ "::'~ Labora tor , /Uni ts "{~

> 10,000 ft ~ < 10,000 ft z > 10,000 ft ~

Table 3-1.1(b) Fire P r o ~ Nonspr inklered ~:

A I n o t ' ~ i t t e d ~"

I ~ . ¢ I I I

B not p ' ~ tted..'.:::' c < lo,ooo ~, " l - ~ i ~ # ~'

> 10,000 ft ~ [ n ~ e r m i t t e d D < 10,000 ft z [ r r~ reqmred

> 10,000 ft 2 [ l ' h o u r

3-1.3 Regardless of the construction and fire protection requirements for laboratory units that are specified in Table 3- 1.1(a) or Table 3-1.1 (b) , laboratory units in educational occupancies shall be separated from nonlaboratory areas by 1- hour construction.

3-1.4 Table 3-1.1(a) shall pertain to laboratory units protected by automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Where water will create a serious fire or personnel hazard, a suitable nonwater automatic extinguishing system shall be permit ted to be an acceptable substitute for sprinklers.

3-1.5 Penetrat ions through fire-rated f loor /cei l ing and wall assemblies by pipes, conduits, bus ducts, cables, wires, air ducts, pneumat ic tubes and ducts, and similar bui lding service equ ipment shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code.

3-1.6 All f loor openings shall be sealed or curbed to prevent l iquid leakage to lower floors.

3-1.7 Door assemblies in 1-hour-rated fire barriers shall be s/4- hour rated. Door assemblies in 2-hour-rated fire barriers shall be l l / 2 -hour rated.

3-1.8 Window assemblies shall be permi t ted in fire-rated wall assemblies having a required fire resistance rating of 1 hour or less. Window assemblies shall be of an approved type and shall have a fire protect ion rating in accordance with NFPA 101, Life

Safe~y Code. Fire window assemblies shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows.

3-1.9" Openings in fire-rated f loor /cei l ing and wall assemblies for air-handling ductwork or air movement shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air- Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.

3-2 Maximum Area of Laboratory Units. The maximum area of a laboratory uni t shall be de te rmined by the fire hazard classification, the construction of the laboratory unit, and the fire protect ion p t z ~ d e d , as shown in Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3-1.1(b).

3-3 R e q u ~ e ~ £ o r Life Safety. Life safety features for l abo ra to~ . . . i l d ings , laboratory units, and laboratory work areas shall c...o.~a':~'~i:"~ith NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, unless otherwise m o d i ~ " b ' ~ r provisions of this standard.

~ i i i ~ : : ~ safe":i::'~::::~:::'~u!,~.. ~ments for noninstructional laboratory units ..:~a~iall ~ [n a c c o r ~ " k v i t h the chapter for an industrial

NFP~:[t , Code. iYocc~ancy in 91, Life Safe 0 ~5~ ::~:-:~x ~:. :. ~ : Laboratories covered by NFPA 99, Standard for Hearth Care

f?shall be in accordance with NFPA 101, Life SafeO Code, for a care occupancy

i~i:~" 3 - 3 . ~ ' ~ k a f e t y reouirements for instructional laboratory units for grade~i!~-~ and below shall be ,n accordance with NFPA/01 , Life

~afe~')."~,de, for an educational occupancy.

~" Life safety requirements for instructional laboratory units for )re ,grade 12, and for Class D medical laboratories located in

facilities classified as business occupancies, shall be in accordance with the NFPA 101, Life Safety Code requi rements for business occupancies .

3-4 Means of Access to an Exit.

3-4.1" A second means of access to an exit shall be provided from a laboratory work area if any of the situations described in (1) through (6) exist.

(1) A laboratory work area contains an explosion hazard located so that an incident would block escape fi'om or access to the laboratory work area.

(2) A laboratory work area within a Class A laboratory uni t exceeds 46.5 m ~ (500 ft2).

(3) A laboratory work area within a Class B, Class C, or Class D laboratory unit exceeds 93 m ~ (1000 ft~).

(4) A hood in a laboratory work area is located adjacent to the primary means of exit access.

(5) A compressed gas cylinder is in use that

a. Is larger than lecture bottle size [approximately 5 cm ×33

cm (2 in. x 13 in.)]

b. Contains a gas that is f lammable or has a Health Hazard Rating of 3 or 4

c. Could prevent safe egress in the event of accidental release of cylinder contents (see Section 8-2)

(6) A cryogenic container is in use that

a. Contains a f lammable gas or has a Health Hazard Rating of 3 o r 4

b. Could prevent safe egress in the event of accidental release of container contents (see Section 8-3)

5-4.2 Emergency lighting facilities shall be provided for any laboratory work area requir ing a second means of access to an exit in accordance with 3-4.1.

3-4.3 The required exit access doors of all laboratory work areas within Class A or Class B laboratory units shall swing in the direction of exit travel.


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3-4.4* The required exit access doors of all laboratory work areas within Class G or Class D laboratory units shall be permitted to swing against the direction of exit travel or shall bepermi t t ed to be a horizontal sliding door complying with NFPA lOLLife Safety Coda

3-4.5 Emergency lighting in laboratory work areas and exits shall be installed in accordance with Section 5,9, Emergency Lighting, of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code.

3-5* Furniture, Casework, and Equipment. Furniture, casework, and equipment in laboratory units shall be arranged so that means of access to an exit can be reached easily from any point.

3-6 Electrical Installation, All electrical installations, including wiring and appurtenances, apparatus, lighting, signal systems, alarm systems, remote control systems, or parts thereof, shall comply with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code ®.

3-6.1 Electrical receptacles, switches, and controls shall be located so as not to be subject to liquid spills.

3-6.2* Laboratory work areas, laboratory units, and laboratory hood interiors shall be considered as unclassified electrically with respect to Article 500 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

Exception: Under some conditions of hazard, it could be necessary ~%~ classify a laboratory work area, or a part thereof as a hazardous ~%~ location, for the purpose of designating the electrical installations. % (See 9-2.2 and 9~Z5.) ~!i

Chapter 4 Fire Protection ~4~.~-..,

4-1 General. ,~:~ ,:.x.:. .2~ ~!.~: .~$.-':~. :~:~..~.... .~

4-1.1 All laboratory units shall be provided w i ~ < ~ . ~ r ~ appropriate to the fire hazard as follows: " : ! : ~ ~ ~ , ' . - ~

%..~ -. (1) Portable fire extinguishers (see Sec " ~ " ~:

. : : ~ : : . . (2) Fire alarm systems (see " ":::"" - :~ : . ~ i~ : Sectwn .:~J ) ~:<.~':.5.i~:

(3) Evacuation and emergency ~ . ~ e e Section : ~ ) ,~:~:.. .,.:~,;

4-1.2 In addition to the fire protection s'~t~.~ed i~-~;-Zl-l.1, laboratory units under some conditio~ ; ~ e ~ v i d e d with

extinguishing systems (see Section ! ~ n d automatic inside standpipe and hose systems (see Section 4-3).e:~

4-1.8 An automatic sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, shall be provided for the protection of any below-grade laboratory work area.

4-2 Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems.

4-2.1" Automatic Sprinkler Systems.

4-2.1.1 An automatic sprinkler system, where required by Table 3- 1.1 (a), depending on the construction of the building, the hazard class of the laboratory unit, the construction of the laboratory unit enclosure, and the area of the laboratory unit shall be in accordance with the following:

(a) Automatic sprinkler system protection for Class A and Class B laboratories shall be in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, for Ordinary H .azard Group 2 occupancies.

(b) Automatic sprinkler system protection for Class G and Class D laboratories shall be in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, for Ordinary Hazard Group 1 occupancies.

4-2.1.2" Automatic sprinkler systems shall be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testin~ and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.

4-2.2 Other Automatic Extinguishing Systems. Where required or used in place of automatic sprinkler systems, special hazard extinguishing systems and nonwater automatic extinguishing

systems shall be designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with the following standards, as applicable:

(1) NFPA 11, Standard for Low-Expansion Foam

(2) NFPA 11A, Standard for Medium- and High-Expansion Foam Sy sterns

(3) NFPA 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems

(4) NFPA 12A, Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems

(5) N F P ~ [ ~ t a n d a r d for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection .-:~i::" "":":-:-~'::.:.

(6) ~ , Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems

(.7..~.:-- ----'i~FPA'~j::..zStandard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems

on Exp sio. Pr ention Sys

(9"~ii!...N. F P A " : " 750, ~ndard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems ! ' ~ i ~ h a r g e . The of automatic fire discharge a l l

~.guishing system shall activate an audible fire alarm system on t ~ : m ~ , e s . .%..~:..

.'..~.'* 4-8 ~ <~plpe and Hose Systems,

~-::¢'r~In all laboratory buildings that are two or more stories below the grade level (level of exit discharge), standpipes

~" e°ber$lt2dl installed in accordance with NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems.

4-3.2* Standpipe systems shall be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testinb and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.

4-3.$ Hose lines shall be of an approved type and shall be tested and maintained in accordance with NFPA 1962, Standard for the Care, Use, and Service Testing of Fire Hose Including Couplings and Nozzles.

4-4 Portable Fire Extinguishers.

4-4.1 Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed, located, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.

4-4.2 For purposes of sizing and placement of fire extinguishers for Class B fires (Table $-3.1 of NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers), Class A laboratory units shall be rated as extra (high) hazard, and Class B, Class G, and Class D laboratory units shall be rated as ordinary (moderate) hazard.

4-5 Fire Alarm Systems.

4-5.1 Fire alarm systems, where provided, shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code °.

4-5.2 Class A and Class B laboratory units shall have a manual fire alarm system installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.

4-5.3 The fire alarm system, where provided, shall be designed so that all personnel endangered by the fire condition or a contingent condition shall be alerted.

4-5.4 The fire alarm system shall alert local emergency responders or public fire department.

4-6 Fire Prevention.

4-6.1 Fire Prevention Procedures. Fire prevention procedures shall be established. Certain critical areas require special consideration including, but not limited to, the followingz

(1) Handling and storage of chemicals, flammable and combustible liquids, and gases


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(2) Open flame and spark-producing equipment work permit system

(3) Arrangements and use of portable electric cords

(4) Smoking area controls

4-6.2* Maintenance Procedures. Mainfenance procedures shall be established.

4-6.3* Emergency Plans.

4-6.3.1 Plans for laboratory emergencies shall be developed. Such . plans shall include the following:

(1) Alarm activation

(2) Evacuation and building re-entry procedures

(3) Equipment shutdown procedures or applicable emergency operation

(4) Fire-fighting operations

(5)* Nonfire hazards

4-6.3.2* Procedures for extinguishing clothing fires shall be "~.:'.:~.~ established. ":'*~i ~:

Chapter 5 Explosion Hazard Protection

5-1 General. . ~:. i~":

5-1.1 When a laboratory work area or a laborato..~':" ~.̂ .~-~ ii considered to contain an explosion hazard, as .~..O~ ~.~.:..t a~

appropriate protection sbal, be pro de >' of the laboratory work area, the laboratory unit, a~ laboratory units, and nonlaboratory Apl ~for :~ further information.) ..j~:..~iiiii~::..... "-.',:.:-:

i ~ ~:. 5 - l . 2 Protection sha l l be provided b%~ne or

• ~:::.-:.~ foil owinff: .::::.-:.-~:::~. .:::::.x:.::::i:::.::: ~

(1) Limiting amounts of flammable~:~!g.cactive c .. imicais or chemicals with unknown character is t ics~!: . in o~ 'xposed by experiments ::?..:~:.-:~:-, ,~.::

(2) Special preventive or protective measur~:':Ior the reactions, equipment, or materials themselves (e.g., high-speed fire detection with deluge sprinklers, explosion-resistant equipment or enclosures, explosion suppression, and explosion venting directed to a safe location) (see 4-2.3)

(~,) Explosion-resistant walls or barricades around the laboratory work area containing the explosion hazard (see Section 5-2)

(4) Remote control of equipment to minimize personnel exposure

(5) Sufficient deflagration venting in outside walls to maintain the integrity of the walls separating the hazardous laboratory work area or laboratory unit from adjoining areas

(6) Conducting experiments in a detached or isolated building, or outdoors

5-2 Explosion*Reslstant Construction. When explosion-resistant construction is used, adequately designed explosion resistance shall be achieved by the use of one of the following methods:

(1) Reinforced concrete walls

(2) Reinforced and fully grouted concrete block walls

(3) Steel walls

(4) Steel plate walls with energy-absorbing linings

(5) Barricades, such as those used for explosives operations, constructed of reinforced concrete, sand-filled/wood-sandwich walls, wood-lined steel plate, or earthen or rock berms

(6) Specifically engineered construction assemblies

5-3 Explosion Venting. When explosion venting is used, it shall be designed so that

(1) Fragments will not strike other occupied buildings or emergency response staging areas.

(2) Fragments will not strike critical equipment (e.g., production, storage, utility services, and fire protection).

(3)* Fragn!~. ts will be intercepted by blast mats, energy- absorbing ~ w a l l s , or earthen berms.

Un~!" "::: ' : : ~rized Access. Properly posted doors, gates, fences, or other ~ ~ o r o p e r l y posted, shall be provided to prevent u n a ~ r i : ~ . ~ : e s s to laboratory work areas and laboratory units co~9a~ng a d ~ . J o s i o n hazard and to the space between , ~ v e n t s ~ framment barriers.

~-9 ~.lnspecuon an~i.0Mamtenance. %. ..iy

~ 5 . ~ h s p e c t i o n of all protective construction devices and systems !~l~.. ~'~'~onducted at least annually Re uired maintenance shall ~ . q

assure integrity" and !~ne to

L,,~, ~ s ~ ! ~ ~ ' : ' ~ iosi on shields and special ex pl osi on-co ntain i ngho o d s ~-"t'taspected prior to each use for deterioration, especially

• .s.~irent shields and sight panels in special explosion- '~'k':"~"" "ni ng hoods.

:~.-" Chapter 6 Laboratory Ventilating Systems and H o o d Requirements

6-1" Scope.

6-1.1 This chapter shall apply to laboratory exhaust systems, including laboratory hoods, special local exhaust devices, and other systems for exhausting air from laboratory work areas in which flammable gases, vapors, or particulate matter are released.

6-1.2 This chapter also contains certain requirements for laboratory air supply systems.

6-1.3 This chapter also contains requirements for identification, inspection, andmaintenance of laboratory ventilation systems and hoods.

6-2 Basic Requirements.

6-2.1" Laboratory ventilation systems shall be redesigned to ensure that fire hazar~ls and risks are minimized.

6-2.2 Laboratory hoods shall not be relied upon to provide explosion (blast) protection unless specifically designed to do so. (See also C-5.4 and C-5.5 for further information on explosion-resistant hoods and shields.)

6-2.3 Laboratory hoods using perchloric acid shall be in accordance with Section 6-11.

6-3 Supply Systems.

6-3.1 Laboratory ventilation systems shall be designed to ensure that chemicals originating from the laboratory shall not be recirculated. The release of chemicals into the laboratory shall be controlled by enclosure(s) or captured to prevent any flammable and/or combustible concentrations of vapors from reaching any source of ignition.

6-3,9 The location and configuration of fresh air intakes shall be chosen so as to avoid drawing in chemicals or products of combustion coming either from the laboratory building itself or from other structures and devices.

6-$.3* Laboratory units in which chemicals are present shall be continuously ventilated.

6-$.4 The air pressure in the laboratory work areas shall be negative with respect to corridors and nonlaboratory areas.


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Exception No. I: Where operations such as those requiring clean rooms preclude a negative pressure relative to surrounding areas, alternate means shall be provided to prevent escape of the atmosphere in the laboratory work area or untt to the surrounding spaces.

Exception No. 2: The desired static pressure level with respect to corridors and nonlaboratory areas shall be permitted to undergo momentary variations as the ventilation system components respond to door openings, changes in laboratory hood sash positions, and other activities that can for a short term affect the static pressure level and its negative relationship.

6-$.5* The location of air supply diffusion devices shall be chosen so as to avoid air currents that would adversely affect the Pdefformance of laboratory hoods, exhaust systems, and fire

etection or extinguishing systems. [See Sections 4-2 and 4-5, and 6- 9.1.1

6-4 Exhaust Air Discharge.

6-4.1" Air exhausted from laboratory hoods and other special local exhaust systems shall not be recirculated. (See also 6-2.1.)

6-4.2* If energy conservation devices are used, they shall be designed in accordance with 6-2.1. Devices that could result in recirculation of exhaust air or exhausted contaminants shall not be used unless designed in accordance with Section 4"10 l, ~:~-.- . . ~; : : . . : : :

Nonlaboratory Air, and Section 4:10.2, General Room Exhaust~.:'$ A N S I / A I H A Z9.5, Laboratory Ventilation. "~i


6-4.3 Air exhausted from laboratory work areas shall not pass unducted through other areas. ~ i

6-4.4* Air from laboratory units and laboratory ~.~l~k a~ [f~in which chemicals are present shall be continuo~.~...disc ~ . " .¢d through duct systems maintained at a n e g a t i v ~ e ~ t ~ the pressure of normally occupied areas of t h e - b u ~ . x~:..%

6-4.5 Posmve pressure portions of the l ~ . e x h : a s (e.g., fans, coils, flexible connections,,#,n~'~"d d ~ ' ~ k ~ ) within the laboratory building shall I~"sealed a ~ o ~ e d in a continuously mechanically v e n u i ~ " ~:'=' '~""'~.-'.'..~:~:. ..-:*:~ ;::.-:.~. .:~. -.'.-.:~: "~:::: , -~ ~ 6-4.6* Laboratory hood face ve locmes ' :~ : exhausi~olumes shall be sufficient to contain contaminants g e ~ t e d wJ,.~in the hood and exhaust them outside of the l a b o m t o ~ l d i j ' ~ g . The hood

i .:¢g shall provide containment of the possibl ~ and protection for personnel at all times when chemicals ent in the hood. horatory hoods equipped with con ol sys.%sthat the hood exhaust airflow as the sash opening varies shall maintain the required minimum average face velocity for all sash positions.

64.7 Special local exhaust systems, such as snorkels or "elephant trunks, shall have sufficient capture velocities to entrain the chemical being released.

64.8 Canopy hoods shall not be used in lieu of laboratory hoods.

6-4.9 Biological safety cabinets shall not be used in lieu of laboratory hoods.

6-4.10 Laminar flow cabinets shall not be used in lieu of laboratory hoods.

64.11" Air exhausted from laboratory hoods and special exhaust systems shall be discharged above the roof at a location, height, and velocity sufficient to prevent re-entry of chemicals and to prevent exposures to personnel.

6-5 Duct Construction for Hoods and Local Exhaust Systems.

6-5.1" Ducts from laboratory hoods and from local exhaust systems shall be constructed entirely of noncombustible materials.

Exception No. 1: Flexible ducts of combustible construction shall be permitted to be used for special local exhaust systems within a laboratory work area. (See 6-5.2.)

Exception No. 2: Combustible ducts shall be permitted to be used i f enclosed in a shaft of noncombustible or limited-combustible construction where they pass through nonlaboratory areas or through laboratory units other than the one they serve. (See 6.5.2.)

Exception No. 3: Combustible ducts shall be permitted to be used i f all areas through which they pass are protected with an approved automatic fire extinguishing system, as described in Chapter 4. (See 6-5.2.)

6-5.2 Combustible ducts or duct linings shall have a flame spread index of 25 or less when tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. Test specimens shall be of the minimum thickness used in the construction of the duct or duct lining.

6-5.3 Linings and coatings containing such fill as fiberglass, mineral woolt?$.,oam, or other similar material that could accumulate~. '~. ical deposits shall not he permitted within

6-5.4 ~ d @ ~ . t e m s for perchloric acid hoods shall be constructed in a c ~ d a ¢ ~ t h 6-113

~ t s shapirO.., o~.~,adequate strength and rigidity to meet the ~ndi'f~bns of s e ~ i i ~ d installation requirements and shall be ;~ro~cted against i~'Ehanical damage.

~.5.~it~aterial s g' used for vibration isolation connectors shall

"'" :'<" "bl 6 - 5 ~ g t e ~ e connectors containing pockets in which conveyed m a . t ~ m collect shall not be used in any concealed space or w h e r , ~ ) n g oxidizing chemicals are used (e.g., perchloric acid).

~ .~ o~Ontrols and dampers, where required for balancing or ~ " of the exhaust system, shall be of a type that, in event of

ure, will fail open to ensure continuous draft. (See 6-10.3.)

6-5.9 Hand holes where installed for damper, sprinkler, or fusible link inspection or resetting and for residue clean-out purposes shall be equipped with tight-fitting covers provided with substantial fasteners,

6-5.10 Manifolding of Laboratory Hood and Ducts.

6-5.10.1 Exhaust ducts from each laboratory unit shall be separately ducted to a point outside the building, to a mechanical room, or to a shaft. (See 3-1.6 and 6-10.3.)

6-5.10.2 Connection to a common laboratory hood exhaust duct system shall he permitted to occur within a building only in any of the following locations:

(1) Mechanical room protected in accordance with Tables 3- 1.1 (a) and (b)

(2) Shaft protected in accordance with the chapter for protection of vertical openings of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code

(3) To a point outside of the building.

6-5.10.3 Exhaust ducts from laboratory hoods and other exhaust systems within the same laboratory unit shall be permitted to be combined within that laboratory unit. (See 6-4.1 .)

6-6 Duct Velocities. Duct velocities of laboratory exhaust systems shall be high enough to minimize the deposition of liquids or condensable solids in the exhaust systems during normal operations in the laboratory hood.

6-7 Exhausters (Fans), Controls, Velocities, and Discharge.

6-7.1 Fans shall be selected to meet requirements for fire, explosion, and corrosion.

6-7.2 Fans conveying both corrosive and flammable or combustible materials shall be permitted to be lined with or constructed of corrosion-resistant materials having a flame spread index of 25 or less when tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

6-7.3 Fans shall be located and arranged so as to afford ready access for repairs, cleaning, inspection, and maintenance.

* 6-7.4 Where flammablegases or vapors or combustible dusts are passed through the fans, the rotating element shall be of


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nonfer rous or spark-resistant construction. Alternatively, the casing shall be constructed of or l ined with such material. Where there is the possibility of solid material passing through the fan that would produce a spark, both the rotating e lement and the casing shall be constructed of such material. Nonferrous or spark- resistant materials shall have a flame spread index of 25 or less when tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

6-7.5 Motors and their controls shall be located outside the

6-9 L a b o r a t o r y H o o d L o c a t i o n .

6-9.1" Laboratory hoods shall be located in areas of min imum air turbulence.

6-9.2 For new installations, laboratory hoods shall not be located adjacent to a single means of access to an exit or to high-~raffic areas.

6-9.3 Work stations where personnel will spend much of their location where f lammable or combustible vapors or combustible working day, such as desks or microscope benches, shall no t be dusts are genera ted or conveyed, unless specifically approved for located direcgg: in front of laboratory hood openings. that location and use. ,.'~I~.~-~:.

6-10 L a b o ~ o ~ : " - : ~ l o o d F i r e P r o t e c t i o n • 6-7.6* Fans shall be marked with an arrow or o ther means to ~'.:.-".'~:.*':"%- - - - - , indicate direct ion of rotat ion and with the location of laboratory 6-10.1 ~ t i c fire protect ion systems shall no t be required in hoods and exhaust systems served, labor~'.:~ry ~ . or exhaust systems.

• .% ~:~.~. ":~!~i~--.-:::~ 6-8 L a b o r a t o r y H o o d C o n s t r u c t i o n . See also 6-2.2 and Section ~ . ~ : N o . l:".~:~¢o..r~ttc fire protectwn shall be requ:red for ex:stmg 6-11. . ~ : : ~ i n g i n t ~ t h a flame spread index greater than 25 in

...:#:'whi .~. flammable l i ~ s are handled. 6-8.1 Laboratory Hood I n t e r i o r s . . . ~ .... '~ii~i~. "~ ii'~:

• :.':~::~%':'.:'~e~ No. 2: I f a hazard assessment shows that an automatic 6-8.1.1 Materials of construction used for the interiors of new "~t':':~'-"~ing system is required for the laboratory hood, then the laboratory hoods or for the modification of the interiors of " ~ a b l e automatic fire protectlon system standard shall be followed. existing laboratory hoods shall have a flame spread index of 25 or "~.'.:'iii~:~ .,. less when tested according to NFPA 955 Standard Method of 7 ~ 6-1l~'.. '--"~omatic fire protect ion systems, where provided, shall • • • ' "..~.~'~: ~:.~.x ,'~+:+ • Surface Burn:n~ Charactenst:cs of Buddme Materials. ~"'-.%".,.% comlS~.:~.~th the follov~n~t standards as aoohcabfe:

. . . . . . • :::.': • ~..:.:i...:: <.,>" . . . . . Exceptwn: Where spemal requirements of use dictate, hood mterwrs :~: ~ ' . 1 . . ~ .~ NFPA 12, Standard on Carbon Dwxzde Extmgmshmg Systems shall be p ermitted to be constructed of materials having a fla_. ~me spread'!!i!:'5..~:., 4:::...::#" .:.~::~.:-.,::"~"::"':~: index greater than 25, if the interior of the hood is p r o v i ~ ':i~i.:.."~::" :~;'~2) NFPA 12A, Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems automatic fire protection in accordance with 6-10.2. ::~'~:""%-:::!i~. :!i~!::

::#:" "%':;" :~..::..:-'~" (3) NFPA l 3, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 6-8.1.2" Baffles shall be constructed so that t h ~ ! ~ e una.' be.:: ~'~:" adjusted to materially restrict the volume of a i ~ - : : ~ . s t ~ ~ i : . : . ' . ' : : : (4) NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire the laboratory hood. " :~" : " "'5%!!#~ii.-"-" Protection

6-8.1.3" Laboratory hoods shall be p r o ~ a ~ . o f . containing minor spills. ~::':~::-':"": ....... ':~::.'i::.-'.-'..'..'~!::i~::. : : i ' ~ "~::"

6-8.2" L a b o r a t o r y H o o d S a s h G l a ~ . The s a s ~ . p r o g ~ e d , shall be glazed with material that x~ll'~:'~.'~.'.o.:yide p r o t ~ o n to the operator against the hazards associate~-"-'~?~) the us~ii.~f t he hood. (see a~so Appendi,~ C.) "-~i~%::. #"

6-8.3* L a b o r a t o r y H o o d S a s h Closure. ~ : r y hood sashes shall be kept closed whenever possible. Whe~i~ fume hood is unat tended, its sash shall remain fully closed~:"

6-8.4* Electrical Devices. In installations where services and controls are within the hood, additional electrical disconnects shall be located within 15 m (50 ft) of the hood and shall be accessible and clearly marked.

Exception: I f electrical receptacles are located external to the hood, no addzt" ional electrical disconnect shall be required. (See 3-6.1.)

6-8.5 O t h e r H o o d Services.

6-8.5.1 For new installations or modifications of existing installations, controls for laboratory hood services (gas, air, water, etc.) shall be located external to the hood and within easy reach.

6-8.5.2 In existing installations where service controls are within the hood, additional shutoffs shall be located within 15 m (50 ft) of the hood and shall be accessible and clearly marked.

6-8.6 Auxiliary Air. For auxiliary air hoods, auxiliary air shall be in t roduced exterior to the hood face in such a manner that the airflow does no t compromise the protect ion provided by the hood and so that an imbalance of auxiliary air to exhaust air will no t pressurize the hood interior.

6-8.7 Measuring Device f o r H o o d Airflow.

6-8.7.1 A measuring device for hood airflow shall be provided on each laboratory hood.

6-8.7.2 The measuring device for hood airflow shall be a permanent ly installed device and shall provide constant indication to the hood user of adequb.te or inadequate hood airflow.

(5) NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems

(6) NFPA 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems

(7)* NFPA 750, Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems

6-10.2.1 The fire extinguishing system shall be suitable to extinguish fires within the laboratory hood under the anticipated conditions of use.

6-10.3 Automatic fire dampers shall no t be used in laboratory hood exhaust systems. Fire detect ion and alarm systems shall not be interlocked to automatically shut down laboratory hood exhaust fans. The design and installation of ducts from laboratory hoods shall be in accordance with NFPA 91, Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases, Mists, and Noncombustible Particulate Solids, except that specific requirements in NFPA 45 shall take precedence.

Exception:* Where a gaseous fire extinguishing system is used to protect a laboratory hood, the protected laboratory hood shall be independent of all other laboratory hoods and its exhaust system shall be permitted to be interlocked to shut down upon actuation of the fire extinguishing system.

6-10.4 Laboratory hoods equipped with control systems that vary the h o o d exhaust airflow as the sash opening varies a n d / o r in conjunction with whether the laboratory room is in use (occup ied /unoccup ied ) shall be equ ipped with a user accessible means to attain maximum e n h a u s t h o o d airflow regardless of sash position when necessary or desirable to ensure conta inment and removal of a potential hazard within the hood.

6-I1 Perchloric Acid Hoods.

6-11.1" Perchloric acid heated above ambient temperatures shall only be used in a laboratory hood specifically des igned for its use and identified as "For Perchloric Acid Operations."

Exception: Hoods not specifically designed for use with perchloric acid shaU be permitted to be used where the vapors are trapped and scrubbed before they are released into the hood. (See also 9-1.2.4.)


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6-11.2 Perchloric acid hoods and exhaust ductwork shall be constructed of materials that are acid resistant, nonreactive, and impervious to perchloric acid.

6-11.3 The exhaust fan shall be acid resistant and spark-resistant. The exhaust fan motor shall not be located within the ductwork. Drive belts shall be conductive and shall not be located within the ductwork.

6-11.4 Ductwork for perchloric acid hoods and exhaust systems shall take the shortest and straightest path to the outside of the building and shall not be manifolded with other exhaust systems. Horizontal runs shall be as short as possible, with no sharp turns or bends. . The ductwork shall provide a positive, drainag.e slope back into the hood. Ductwork shall consist of sealed sectaons. Flexible connectorg shall not be used.

6-11.5 Sealants, gaskets, and lubricants used with perchloric acid hoods, ductwork, and exhaust systems shall be acid resistant and nonreactive with perchloric acid.

6-11.6" A water spray system shall be provided for washing down the hood interior behind the baffle and the entire exhaust system. The hood work surface shall be watertight with a minimum depression of 13 mm (I/2 in.) at the front and sides. An integral trough shall be provided at the rear of the hood to collect wash- -~< down water. ~

6-11.7 The hood baffle shall be removable for inspection and ~ cleaning. "')~

6-11.8" If a laboratory hood or exhaust system was ~ .~.r 3 perchloric acid heated above ambient temperatur~ ~ ~ l be conducted for explosive perchlorates before any~ ~ eo ....~, . cleaning, maintenance, or any other work is dq~ i~ an ~:~.~..of.~ the exhaust system or hood interior. <.i?.':" ":~ ~ !

3ose, " ~ 6-11.9 Prior to using a Derchloric acid hood for :m :el hood shall be w~ter-washed and shall b ~ i~:~o ~-1 L8

to ensure residual perchlorates are no$~'es~":.~! i.-'.:~. ~;:.~::" ..::.-.:~.- "~ :~,.." %i.~::"

6-12 Identification of Laboratory ~ " ~ . Systems'~ ~

~~ % ~ i 6-12.1" Special-use laboratory hoods ~ D e c i a l - u local exhaust systems shall be identified to indicate ~'th~i~ten, !~ use.

::!~...:.-~..... 6-12.2 A sign shall be affixed to each hood ~ ~hing the following information from the last inspectioi

(1) Inspection interval

(2) Last inspection date

(3) Average face velocity

(4) Location of fan that serves hood

(5) Inspector's name

Exception: In lieu of a sign, a properly maintained log of all hoods giving the above information shall be deemed acceptable.

6-13 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance.

6-13.1" When installed or modified and at least annually thereafter, laboratory hoods, laboratory hood exhaust systems, and laboratory special exhaust systems shall be inspected and tested. The following inspections and tests, as applicable, shall be made:

(1) Visual inspection of the physical condition of the hood interior, sash, and ductwork (see 5-5.2)

(2) Measuring device for hood airflow

(~) Low airflow and loss-of-airfow alarms at each alarm location

(4) Face velocity

(5) Verification of inward airflow over the entire hood face

(6) Changes in work area conditions that might affect hood performance

6-13.2 Deficiencies in hood performance shall be corrected or one of the following shall apply:

(1) The activity within the hood shall be restricted to the capability of the hood.

(2) The hood shall not be used.

6-13.$ Labor'~pry hood face velocity profile or hood exhaust air quantity s h ~ h e c k e d after any adjustment to the ventilation system b ~ ' c e / : : %


6-13.4 larvas. Air system flow detectors, if cted and tested annually. Where obstructive conditions exist, the inspection be increased.

1 ~ * Air supply and exhaust fans, motors, and components 15~"~haspected at least annually.

ere a i r f o w dete ors are n o t provided or airfo rate testd~.-..,~ot made, fan belts shall be inspected quarterly. Frayed or b i ~ k belts shall be replaced prompdy. When double sheaves ~ d I :~ are employed, the inspection frequency shall be ~ itted to be semiannual.

Fixed fire extinguishing systemsprotecting filters shall be inspected quarterly for accumulation of deposits on nozzles. Nozzles shall be cleaned as necessary.

Chapter 7 Chemical Storage, Handling, and Waste Disposal

7-1" Ordering Procedures. When a chemical is ordered, steps shall be taken to determine its hazards and to transmit that information to those who will receive, store, use, or dispose of the chemical. Restrictions imposed by governmental regulations and in-house rules shall be followed.

7-2 Handling and Storage.

7-2.1 Facilities.

7-2.1.1 Chemicals shall not be brought into a laboratory work area unless design, construction, and fire protection of receiving and storage facilities are commensurate with the quantities and hazards of chemicals involved.

7-2.1.2 Safe storage facilities shall be provided for materials that have unique physical or hazardous properties, such as temperature sensitivity, water reactivity, or explosibil]ty. (See A-7-1 for sources of additional information.)

7-2.1.$ In instructional laboratory work areas, no container for Class I or Class II liquids shall exceed a capacity of 4 L (1.1 gad).

Exception: Safety cans shall be permitted to have an 8 L (2.1 gal) c~p~ity.

7-2.2 Handling.

7-2.2.1 Receiving, transporting, unpacking, and dispensing of chemicals and other hazardous materials shall be carried out by trained personnel in such locations and in such a manner as to minimize hazards from flammable, reactive, or toxic materials.

7-2.2.2* Materials of construction for ducts, piping, and vessels shall be compatible with materials to be transferred or handled.

7-2.2.8 Supply piping for flammable and combustible liquid supply systems shall comply with NFPA 30, bTammable and Combustible Liquids Cod~

7-2.2.4 Before a chemical material is used, the user shall determine that information and facilities are available for safe disposal of hazardous materials and waste products.


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7-2.2.5 Class I liquids shall not be stored or t ransferred from one vessel to another in any exit access corridor, open plan buildings, or ancillary spaces unpro tec ted f rom the exit access corridor.

7-2.2.6* Transfer of Class I liquids to smaller containers from bulk stock containers not exceeding 19 L (5 gal) in capacity shall be pe r fo rmed as follows:

(1) In a laboratory hood

7-2.3.3* Chemical inventories shall be mainta ined within the prescribed capacities o f the storage facility.

7-2.3.4* Incompatible materials shall be segregated to prevent accidental contact with one another .

7-2.3.5" Containers of materials that might become hazardous during prolonged storage shall be dated when first opened. At the end of 6 months, the material shall be ewaluated or tested for cont inued safe use. Material that is found to be safe or that can be

(2) In an area provided with ventilation adequate to prevent t reated to be made safe shall be permit ted to be redated and accumulations of f lammable vapor /a i r mixtures from exceeding retained for a..,~,additional 6-month period. All other material 25 percent of the lower f lammable limit shall be s a f ~ ' : : ~ c a r d e d .

A:: " % (3) Inside liquid storage areas specifically des igned and 7-2.3.6*..~....rage ~abinets used in laboratories shall not be

protected for dispensing Class I f lammable liquids that mee t the r e q u i r ~ ' i ~ ! - ~ v e n t e d for fire protect ion purposes. requirements of NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code .'%::i "::~i!ii~:.-:"~-::

7 - ~ . ~ i i : . j _ a b o i ~ storage facilities shall be inspected to ensure 7-2.2.7* Transfer of Class I liquids from containers of 19 L (5 gal) c . . ~ i ~ e w i t l $ . ~ p~.ovisions of Chapter 7. or more capacity shall be carried out as follows in (a) or (b): ~ : " %~.:')~ii:~g ":~'

.~i-":'~/-3"::, F l a m m a b l e S I ~ t ~ The quantity of f lammable solids allowed (a) In a separate area outside the building ~ % s h a l ~ e l imited tc~:ilqe m i n i m u m quantity necessary to per form the - . ~ . :~ . . . . .

,.~ - ' ~ : . o r ~ n g done• Handhnl~ of the materials shall conform to the (b) Inside liquid storage areas specifically des igned and ~ } ' ~ N u r e r s ' recommendat ions .

protected for dispensing Class I f lammable liquids that meet the "~i~:"-".~i~:. requirements of NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 7~!~i].~..~id.~.ers. The quantity of solid and liquid oxidizers allowed

~!,~::.., shal}-":"~k.l~ited to the min imum quantity necessary to pe r fo rm the 7-2.2.8 Class I liquids shall no t be t ransferred between ~iiii~i~.:~::, work ~ g done. Handlin~ of the materials shall conform to the conductive containers of greater than 4 L (1 1 ~ral) capacity u n l ~ > . - ~ . - , x n a n . ~ c t u r e r s ' r ecommenda t ions

• . . • ~ . . '~..'.-..; ~,,. the containers are electrically in te rconnec ted by d~rect b o n d m g ~ . ::::.,-:~:.~:.,.~<:~:~:.- by indirect bond ing through a common grounding system. Whe ~ ~} .:#:-':: " '~ : "Organ ic Peroxides. The quantity of peroxides allowed shall dispensing Class I liquids involves nonconduct ive c o l ~ r s larg~:::'}:' ~'6 l imited to the min imum quantity necessary to per form the work than 4 L (1.1 gal), which can be difficult to bond ~ , ~ii-, being done. Handl ing of th~ materials shall conform to the special dispensing procedures commensura te wi.t.~."."'ihe e r ~ r i c a l %.:.:.:::'-'~ munufacturers ' recommendat ions . characteristics of the liquid shall be d e v e l o p e d . . . ~ i m p l ~ ¢ n t e c ~ ~iii~:::' - .~..:::::::::~ ~::'~::'~:,. ,~:, ~.:.:.

<i:." "~-':':~:.-'-':':~ ~.:...x-:....:~.....~: :::.. Char t e r 8 C o m p r e s s e d a n d L l o u e f i e d G a s e s 7-2.3" Storage. "::~,i~i:.':i-::'.':.-':':~" "%iii~..-:".~..:-:~..-i":. ":~ " - '::::~:~:~$ ":~:!~81::" • • •

.......... ":N~-.-'~::.. "'" 8-1 C o m p r e s s e d a n d L~quef i ed G a s e s m C y h n d e r s . 7-2.3.1 Hazardous chemicals s tored in ~ : : . s h a l l ' ~ ' . - " } ~ e p . t . to the min imum necessary for the work b . ~ g d'~i!!!!~:: "~ . : : i ::~ 8-1.1 Cylinders shall be handled only by trained personnel . (See

::~!iY ":"?~:'.:':'::i~i!ii. ~i}i~Y" Appendix E and Appendix F.) 7-2.3.2" Container types and m a x i ~ capacide:~i~all ~ m p l y with Table 7-2.3.2. :~::""::~iii::'iiiii::, :~'::iiii. 8-1.2" Cylinders that are not necessary for current laboratory

:::'~'::-=:-::- ~; requirements shall be stored outside the laboratory unit in Exception No. I: Glass containers as large':~i~:,L (1.11i~al) shall be permitted to be used i f needed and i f the r e q u ~ ) ~ u ~ " would be adversely affected by storage in a metal or an ~ : ~ l plastic container, or i f the liquid would cause excessive corrosion o~ii~gradation of a metal or an approved plastic container. 4::"

Exception No. 2: Containers of not more than 227 L (60 gal) capaeit" 3 shall be permitted in a separate area inside the building i f the inside area meets the requirements of NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.

accordance with NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders.

Exception: Nominal 0.5-kg (l-lb) propane cylinders, made for consumer use, shall be exempt from this requirement.

8-1.5" Any compressed gas cylinder or container used at gauge pressures over 103 kPa (15 psi) shall be fabricated to the

of or authorized for use by the U.S. Depar tment of ansportat ion (DOT); Transpor t Canada (TC); or Section VIII

of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The container shall be marked to show the authorizing code and its working pressure at 21°c (70°F).

C o n t a i n e r T~,pe


Metal (o ther than DOT drums) or approved plastic

Safety cans

Metal con ta iner (DOT spec.)

Polyethylene (DOT Spec. 34, UN 1H1, or as authorized by DOT exempt ion)

T a b l e 7-2.3.2 M a x i m u m A l l o w a b l e C o n t a i n e r C a p a c i t y F l a m m a b l e L iqu ids ~


500 ml (1 pt) 5

4 L (1.1 gal)

10 L (2.6 gal)

4 L 41.1 ~al)

4 L (1.1 gai)


1 L (1 qt)'

20 L (5 gal) 1

20 L 45 ~al) 4

20 L (5 gal) 4

20 L (5 gal) 4


4 L/1.1 t~al)

20 L (5 gal) 4

20 L (5 ga l ) '

20 L (5 gal)4

20 L (5 gal)4

L3 o NFPA 30, Flammt ile and' Combustibl Liquids Code, ext f lammable liquids in metal (DOT specification) drums. ~See Section B-1 for definit ions of the various classes of f lammable and combustible liquids• SSee Exception No. 1 of 7-2.3.2 and A-7-2.3.2. 4See 7-2.1.3.


4 L (1.1 gal)

20 L (5 gal) 4

20 L (5 gal) 4

227 L (60 gal) 4

227 L (60 gal) 4

~t for allowable


20 L (5 ~al/ '

20 L (5 gal) 4

20 L 45 I~ai) 4

227 L (60 gal) 4

227 L (60 gal)4

antities of


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Exception: Vessels whose physical size, operating pressure, or both, are outside the scope of the referenced code(s), shall be constructed in accordance with the philosophy and guidance of the ASME code, and shall not require marking.

8-1.4 Special Ventilation Requirements for Gas Cylinders.

8-1.4.1 Lecture bott le-sized cylinders of the following gases located in laboratory units shall be kept in a continuously mechanically ventilated hood or o ther continuously mechanically ventilated enclosure:

(1) All gases that have Health Hazard Ratings of 3 or 4

(2) All gases that have Health Hazard Ratings of 2 without physiological warning propert ies

(3) Pyrophoric gases

8-1.4.2 Cylinders of all gases that are greater than lecture bot t le- sized and have Health Hazard Ratings of 3 or 4, and cylinders of gases that have a Health Hazard Rating of 2 without physiological warning propert ies that are located in laboratory units shall mee t both the following conditions:

(1) Be in approved continuously mechanically ventilated cabinets

(2) Comply with the requirements of Chapter 3 of NFPA Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling o f Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders ._

8-1.4.3 Cylinders of pyrophoric gases that are g botde--sized that are located in laboratory units approved continuously mechanically ventilated~ cabinets. -.-'i~

8-1.5 Cylinder Safety. ~ " .:~'" ':'~":.:?:~.~ ::...,..~ ":~:':~

8-1.5.1 Cylinders shall be secured fro~'.-'.'~pp~.'....'.'~r b,~l ~x~' '~ designed for such service. # ' : %~. . ~.~" ~

~!.~ii:. ':-'~ ~..-'.-'.-.-'.-'..'.,. ~.,. 8-1.~.2 Cylinders in the l a b o r a t o ~ e ' ~ e q u i p f f ~ with a pressure regulator designed for the s p ~ gas a n ~ a r k e d for its maximum cylinder pressure. ~:.~k( #"

~:.:-~+:...'~:, #..,.'~- 8- The regulator system shall be eqt /~"~:~with two gauges, either on the regulator or remote from the r ~ l a t o r , installed so as to show both the cylinder pressure and th@:'outlet pressure.

8- Where the source cylinder is outside of the laboratory, a station regulator and gauge shall be installed at the point of use to show outlet pressure.

8-1.5.3 Cylinders shall have a manual shutoff valve. A quick connect shall no t be used in place of a shutoff valve.

8-1.6 Cylinders in Use.

8-1.6.1 Cylinders, when in use, shall be connected to gas delivery systems des igned by a qualified person.

8-1.6.2 Cylinders shall be at tached to an ins t rument for use by means of a regulator.

8-1.6.3 A compressed gas cylinder shall be considered to be "in use" if it is

(1) Connected through a regulator to deliver gas to a laboratory operation; or

(2) Connected to a manifold being used to deliver gas to a laboratory operation; or

(3) A single cylinder secured alongside the cylinder in (1) as the reserve cylinder for (1).

8-1.6.4 Cylinders not "in use" shall not be stored in the laboratory unit.

8-1.6.5" The maximum internal volume (water volume) of all cylinders in each of the listed dassitications, in use in the

laboratory work area, shall comply with the following (based on internal cylinder volume at 70°F, 1 atm):

Exception: In addition to the above maximum, the number of lecture bottle cylinders [approximately 5 c m x 33 cm (2 in. x 13 in.)] shall be limited to 25. In instructional laboratory units (as defined in this standard), the maximum internal cylinder volume in standard cubic feet shall be limited to 6.0 scf of flammable gases, 6.0 scf of oxidizing gases, 1.2 scf of liquefied flammable gases, and 0.3 scf of gases with Health Hazard Rating of 3 or 4, or 10 lecture bottle-sized [approximate~ 5 c m x

33 cm (2 in. ~iii~..3.. in.)] cylinders. ~:#::-':'.:::*..::~!!::,

(a)* ~ m u m X ' ~ u a n t i t y of Flammable Gases.

1.. . :~r a i i ~ r a t o r y work area of 500 ft ~ or less, the internal c y l i p ~ : vold~i~.i.n s tandard cubic feet equals 6.0

:~:::. %-:,, ,:.5:::~:~.-~: .~-.::..:ii::. ::ilik .~i~ii~ib. ~ ~ . ~:.-",:'..~r a l a b o ~ . . , ~ o r k area greater than 500 ft , the internal

l~lind~l: volume ~ " ' . " ~ d a r d cubic feet equals 0.012 (ft 2 lab. work

~axlmum Quantity of Oxidizing Gases.

r a laboratory work area of 500 ft ~ or less, the internal ...~ume in standard cubic feet equals 6.0 ~-

r a laboratory work area greater than 500 ft ~, the internal volume in s tandard cubic feet equals 0.012 (ft ~ lab. work

~ ( c )* M a x i m u m ~,antity of Liquefied Flammable Cases.

1. For a laboratory work area of 500 ft ~ or less, the internal cylinder volume in s tandard cubic feet equals 1.2

2. For a laboratory work area greater than 500 ft ~, the internal cylinder volume in s tandard cubic feet equals 0.0018 (ft ~ lab. work area)

(d) Maximum Quantity o f Health Hazard 3 or 4 Gases.

1. For a laboratory work area of 500 ft ~ or less, the internal cylinder volume in s tandard cubic feet equals 0.3

2. For a laboratory work area greater than 500 ft , the internal cylinder volume in s tandard cubic feet equals 0.006 (ft ~ lab. work area)

8-2 Storage and Piping Systems.

8-2.1 The me thod of storage and piping systems for compressed and liquefied gases shall comply with the applicable requirements of NFPA standards, including the following:

(1) NFPA 51, Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen- Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes

(2) NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code

(3) NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders

(4) NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code

8-2.2 Systems for o ther compressed gases and for cryogenic materials shall comply with the manufacturer ' s design and specifications.

, 8-2.3 Manual shutoff valves shall be provided near each point of use. The point-of-use valve shall be located away from the potential hazards and within immediate reach. Where the cylinder valve is located within immediate reach, a separate point-of use- shutoff valve shall no t be required.

8-2.3.1 Line regulators that have their source away from the point of use shall have a manual shutoff valve near the point of use.

8-2.4 Each and every por t ion of a piping system shall have uninterruptible pressure relief. Any part of the system that can be


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isolated from the rest of the system shall have adequate pressure relief.

Exception: Piping designed for a pressure greater than the maximum system pressure that can be developed under abnormal conditions.

8-2.4.1 A pressure relief system shall be designed to provide a discharge rate sufficient to avoid further pressure increase and shall vent to a safe location.

formed, hazards associated with the operation of the equipment at the operating conditions, and hazards associated, with the proposed reactions, for example, oxidation and polymerization. (See also 9-1.1.3.)

9-1.1.2 Regular reviews of laboratory operations and procedures shall be conducted with special attention given to any change in materials, operations, or personnel.

9-1.1.3" Where reactions are being performed to synthesize 8-2.5* Permanent piping shall be identified at the supply point materials, the hazard characteristics of which have not yet been and at each discharge point with the name of the material being determined ~g....test, precautions shall be employed to control the transported, highest pos~.: ' . :~azard based on a known hazard of similar

material. ,,.~er'~:~se of a new material might present a severe 8-2.6 Piping systems, including regulators, shall not be used for explosio...~.~tential, initial experiments or tests shall be conducted gases other than those for which they are designed and identified• in an ~ | ~ e that is designed to protect people and property

from:~ten~,~..e.xplosion damage. (See Chapter 5.) Exception:* A piping system shall be permitted to be converted from one .::-::, "~i~ii. '"~.'.:-..:~ gas service to another after a thorough review of the design ~.~_~f:~:'~natte~,..o..r..~p.utomatic laboratory operations involving specifications, materials o f construction, and service compatibili 0 is . . . :~fiff0tis chemi~,~gI'iall be provided with regular surveillance made and other appropriate modifications have been made. ..::#i'or ,a.bnormal c o n ~ 0 n s . (See 9-1.2.3 and 9-2.4.1.)

2".::~?-'.:'., ~':',.. .:.~'~ 8-3 Outdoor Installation of Compressed Gas Cylinders for ~'.-~...~..l.~-~.~..gatmg Operauons. Servicing Laboratory Work Areas (Located Outside of Laboratory "~-'::"":::.:.:" Work Areas). ~$!..~...1 All heating of flammable or combustible liquids shall be

• c o ~ t e ~ , so as to minimize fire hazards. 8-3.1 Toxic or flammable gas cylinders shall not be installed :!ii~'~i~.:.'.-.., ~'%~?": within 2 m (6 ft) of windows doors, or other openings to :~$~, . . . 9-1.2.~-'i~i~rovisions shall be made to contain liquid that might be building(s). ~..-.:~ ":-~f~{~a..ccl .d~fifly released from glass apparatus contmnmg more than

"::'.i~!~ ~ . . ~ . ~ ! - ~ (8.4 oz) of flammable liquid or combustible liquid heated 8-3.2 Toxic or flammable gas cylinders shall not be installed % ~;~ "'~!~'6s flash point. Supplementary fire extinguishing equipment within 9 m (30 ft) of ventilation intakes. .:::.:.i:.,...l::.~,iili~::i,i!!!i:. "i~i" lift'all be provided if necessary.

8-3.3 Outdoor storage areas shall have a minimu.~%f 25"~:rcent ":!!~..:..,.'~ 9-1.2.3 Unattended operation,s shall be provided with override of the perimeter open to the atmosphere. T h i s ~ n spa~.,~hail.:::. '~:: control and automatic shutdown to prevent system failure that can be per~nitted to . . . . inc" orporate chaln-ll~nk fence,-/~:'"~.'.:~'~::-co~n~% .~ - . ' ¢ : : . : o . . . . . . .:.,:.:....:...~.,.: result in fire or explosion. open block, or s~mflar materials for the full h e ~ g h t ~ . ~ i d t l ~ : ~ i i : the opening. The following are requireme.n..~, for o ~ . o . r sto~:~" 9-1.2.4 Strong oxidizing materials, such as perchloric acid, shall

..:::'-%ii~iiiii!~!::.. '::'~i.~ ...... not be heated by gas flames or oil baths. (1) Storage areas shall be kept clear ....6;f:~dry'~'~tion " ~ i i . :'::~

combustible materials for a minimu~i~listance m (~..'.$:'ft). 9-1.3 Distillation Operations.

(2) Cylinders stored outside shaf~: '~i~e p l a c e d " ~ the 'ground 9-1.3.1 Distillations shall be conducted in equipment designed (earth) or on surfaces where water ca~::i~umulat~i!~i and fabricated for this use and shall be assembled with

~:iii'::..':~::::. :..'-'.'.:-::" consideration being given to fire hazards from vent gases and (3) Storage areas shall be provided wi~:~::~s.ic~i:'protection possible equipment breakage or failure. Care shall be taken to

from vehicle damage, avoid the presence of unstable components in the still pot (e.g., peroxides) and to avoid overheating still contents.

(4) Storage areas shall be permitted to be.-.~!~vered with canopies of noncombustible construction.

8-4 Cryogenic Fluids.

84.1 All system components used for cryogenic fluids shall be selected and designed for such service. Design pressure for vessels and piping shall be not less than 150 percent of maximum pressure relief.

8-4.1.1" Systems or apparatus handling a cryogenic fluid that can cause freezing or liquefaction of the surrounding atmosphere shall be designed to prevent contact of the condensedai r with organic materials. Systems or apparatus handling liquid oxygen shall be designed to prevent contact of the oxygen with organic materials.

8-4.2 Pressure relief of vessels and piping handling cryogenic fluids shall comply with applicable requirements of Section 8-2.

8-4.3 The space in which cryogenic systems are located shall be ventilated commensurate with the properties of the specific cryogenic fluid in use.

Chapter 9 Laboratory Operations and Apparatus

9-1 Operations.

9-1.1 Hazards of Chemicals and Chemical Reactions.

9-1.1.1" Before laboratory tests or chemical reactions are begun, evaluations shall be made for hazards that can be encountered or gthenerated during the course of the work. Evaluations shall include

e hazards associated with the properties and the reactivity of the materials used and any intermediate and end products that can be

9-1.3.2 Glass equipment used for distillations shall be inspected for cracks, scratches, and other defects prior to each use. Faulty glass equipment shall be discarded or repaired.

9-1.4" Other Separation Operations. Filtrations, extractions, sublimations, adsorptions, evaporations, centrifuging operations, and other separation techniques that involve flammable or combustible materials shall be p.rotected from ignition sources and shall be provided with venUlation that prevents the accumulation of an ignitible concentration of vapors in the work area.

9-1.5 Mixing and Grinding Operations. Mixing, grinding, stirring, and agitating operations involving flammable and combustible materials shall require the same precautions against fire as set forth in 9-1.4. Precautions shall be taken to avoid local overheating during grinding and mixing of solids. Care shall be taken to avoid fire or explosion hazards from flammable or combustible materials.

9-1.6 Other Operations.

9-1.6.1 Other laboratory operations, such as reactions at temperatures and pressures either above or below ambient conditions, shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes hazards. Shielding shall be used whenever there is a reasonable probability of explosion or vigorous chemical reaction and associated hazards during charging, sampling, venting, and discharge of products. (See Chapter 5 and 9-2.6.3.)

9-1.6.2 Glass equipment operated under either vacuum or pressure shall be shielded, wrapped with tape, or otherwise protected from shattering during use.


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9-1.6.3" Quantities of reactants shall be limited and procedures shall be developed to control or isolate vigorous or exothermic reactions.

9-1.6.4 Flammable or combustible vapors evolved dur ing drying operations shall be condensed, t rapped, or vented to avoid ignition.

9-1.6.5 Spraying of f lammable or combustible paint and varnishes shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 33, Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials.

9-1.6.6 Flammable liquids stored in refrigerated equ ipment shall be s tored in closed containers. (See 9-2.2.)

9-2 Apparatus.

9-2.1 General.

9-2.1.1 Apparatus shall be installed in compliance with applicable requirements of NFPA standards including NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

9-2.1.2 Operat ing controls shall be accessible under normal and emergency conditions.

9-2.2 Refrigeration and Cooling Equipment. ~%:~-... "~.~ ~....',.-..'.:~ ~ .:. • .:::, .:~:....'~::?.'g 9-2.2.1 Each refrigerator, freezer, or cooler shall be prominent ly. '~:~ marked to indicate whether or not it meets the requirements fo safe storage of f lammable liquids.

9-2.2.2* Refrigerators, freezers, and other coo l ing~ ~ n t use~-'~ to store or cool f lammable liquids shall be d e s i g . ~ $~ i f i ed !:.."~g as follows: :.

(a) Any electrical equ ipment located within':!~iiiii~ :hei ~i~:~: ':.Sii: ~:~ t0 0 r ''::~i~:::~ within the storage compartment , on the doQl~ or ot~

frame shall meet the requirements for ~ ~ s ! ~c~..tions, as described in Article 501 of NFPA 70#'Natit~i ~ , ..':~

....:~::-.- ":~.~.:. ~..-:-" (b) Electrical equ ipment mount~j~$.a the outs~'~! ~:~storage

(~ ; ways: compartment shall be insta.ed fo .o

1. To mee t the requirements for Cl~i::~,Divisi, ~:'2 ai locations

be ocated above the storage com :nt - .:-:.::-

3. To be located on the outside surface of:=--~he equipment where exposure to hazardous concentrat ions of vapors will be minimal

9-2.2.3 Refrigerators, freezers, and cooling equipment located in a laboratory work area designated as a Class I location, as specified in the Exception to 3-6.2, shall be approved for Class I, Division 1 or 2 locations and shall be installed in accordance with Article 501 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

9-2.3 Heating Equipment.

9-2.3.1 All una t t ended electrical heating equipment shall be

~ uipped with a manual reset over-temperature shutoff switch, in dition to normal tempera ture controls, if overheating could

result in a fire or explosion.

9-2.3.2 Heating equipment with circulation fans shall be equipped with an interlock arranged to disconnect current to the heating elements if the fan fails.

9-2.3.3 Burners, induction heaters, ovens, furnaces, and other heat-producing equipment shall be located a safe distance from areas where temperature-sensitive and f lammable materials and compressed gases are handled.

9-2.$.4 Oven and furnace installations shall comply with NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces.

• 5 9-2.3.5 Laboratory beating equipment such as o v e n , furnaces, environmental chambers, and other hea ted enclosures shall not be used to beat, store, or test f lammable or combustible liquids or aerosols containing f lammable gases unless the equipment is des igned or modif ied to prevent internal explosion.

9-2.4 Heated Constant Temperature Baths.

9-2.4.1 Electrically hea ted constant tempera ture baths shall be equipped with over-temperature shutoff switches in addi t ion to normal tempera ture controls, if overheat ing could result in a fire or an explosion.

9-2.4.2 Bath containers shall be of noncombust ib le materials.

9-2.4.3 Baths handl ing f lammable liquids or combustible liquids heated to their flash points shall be placed in a laboratory h o o d or shall be v e n t ~ to a safe location to control vapors.

..:.-."-'.~:.4:.~::, ~:~:.~'~.x.'.~:~ . . 9-2.5 Ele¢.t~ic I~fi~'ors. Electric motors shall be statable for Class I, Divisione~ii~cations when f lammable and combustible liquids or flam o oncentratio produce ha dous c o n c ~ t i ~ : ' 9 . f f lammable mixtures.

~: -~.:.-'.-~. : ~ : : , 1 ~ : Elect~:..~. rs shall be exempt from this requirement if they ~ b l3~e'd in l a b ~ : h o o d s or provided with special local ventilation :'tha~...:.~ill prevent f l a ~ b l e concentrations of gases or vapors from : reac~g the motor.,:i~:-:"

~.~::': '~ssure Equipment.

9~i~i~'~. *~:::~ F.~uipment used at pressures above 103 kPa ~ange (15 p s i g ~ : : b e des igned and constructed by qualified individuals for t t ~ i ~ the expected temperature , pressure, and other operat ing .:¢ond~ons affecting safety.

~ . 2 Pressure equipment shall be fit ted with a pressure relief ~ c e , such as a rupture disc or a relief valve. The pressure relief device shall be vented to a safe location.

9-2.6.3 Equipment operated at pressures above 105 kPa gauge (15 psig), such as autoclaves, steam sterilizers, reactors, and calorimeters, shall be opera ted and mainta ined according to manufacturers ' instructions, the design limitations of the equipment , and applicable codes and regulations. Such equipment shall be inspected on a regular basis. Any significant change in the condit ion of the equipment , such as corrosion, cracks, distortion, scale formation, or general chemical attack, or any weakening of the closure, or any inability of the equipment to maintain pressure, shall be documented . This equ ipment shall be removed from service immediately and shall not be re tu rned to service until approved by a qualified person.

9-2.6.4 Any pressure equipment that has been found to be degraded shall be d e r a t e d o r discarded, whichever is appropriate.

9-2.7 Analytical Instruments.

9-2.7.1 Analytical instruments, such as infrared, ultraviolet, atomic absorption, X-ray, mass spectrometers, chromatographs, and thermal analyzers, shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers ' instructions and applicable standards and codes.

9-2.7.2 Analytical instruments shall be opera ted in accordance with manufacturers ' instructions or approved r e c o m m e n d e d operat ing procedures. Hazards to personnel from high voltage, vapors or fumes, radiation, flames, flashbacks, and explosions shall be minimized.

Chapter 10 Hazard Identification

10-1" Identification o f Entrances. Entrances to laboratory units, laboratory work areas, storage areas, and associated facilities shall. be identified by signs to warn emergency response personnel of unusual or severe hazards that are no t directly related to the fire hazard of contents. The hazards shall be communica ted in the plans for fire fighting. (See 4-6.3.1.)

10-2" Exhaust Systems. Exhaust systems used for the removal of hazardous materials shall be identified to warn personnel of the possible hazards.

10-3 Labeling of Containers.

10-3.1 Content identification, including precautionary information, shall be provided directly on all original and subsequent containers of hazardous chemicals, except those being used in ongoing experiments.


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104.2 Containers of materials that become hazardous dur ing

~ ro longed storage shall be dated when first opened, to facilitate azard control. (See 7-2.3.5 and A-7-2.3.5.)

C h a p t e r 11 R e f e r e n c e d P u b l i c a t i o n s

11-1 The following documents or port ions t he reo f are referenced within this s tandard as mandatory requirements and shall be considered part of the requirements of this standard. The edition indicated for each re ferenced mandatory documen t is the current

11-1.4 A S T M P u b l i c a t i o n . American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

ASTM D 5, Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bituminous Materials, 1994.

A p p e n d i x A E x p l a n a t o r y Material

Ap~ncendix A is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but ludsd for informational purposes only. This appendix contains

edition as of the date of the NFPA issuance of this standard. Some aeplanatory materia~ numbered to correspond with the applicable text of these mandatory documents might also be re ferenced in this paragraphs. #.. standard for specific informational purposes and, therefore, are "~"~"":" . ~.".-'~. . . . . . . also listed in Appendix G. A-I-1.3 S ~ ' T i g t ~ . A - l - l . 3 for de te rmin ing the apphcabdtty of

NFPA 4 ~ lab setting. Existing laboratories using chemicals 11-1.1 N F P A P u b l i c a t i o n s . National Fire Protection Association, that ar.~.~'h"~-'~'~ compliance with this s tandard s h o u l d b e permit ted 1 Batteryrnarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101. to b e ~ n t i r ~ ' ~ i n use if they provide protect ion to life and

ad.~..6~.~ p r d ~ that is equivalent to that in this standard. NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 1998 edition. A$~.,.-$.. :~...r. ..~:::::....:::.. . NFPA 11, Standard for Low-Expansion Foam, 1998 edition. .:.~ii NFPA 11A, Standard for Medium-and High-Expansion Foam Systems, ~:~i~it I 'l I

1999 edition. Does your laboratory use No I You are outside NFPA 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, 1998 flammable or hazardous ~ the scope of

edition, chemicals? J NFPA 45. NFPA 12A, Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems . . . . . . . .

1997 edition. ":"~. , NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 199~.:'~.:i:~:. "~:.__ )~": Yes

edition. :~i"-:" ~iiii~i~ ~ :.~ ..• '%~":" NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose ~-:."': "::~:~:~:~.-::~-, ,'~:::'

• • :::-" ""~"-':*~:"'~"" I Systems, 1996 edltaon. _ "& ~<";-".{'il Do you have more than 4L

I NFPA 15, Standard for Water bpray Fixed Systems for Fire Protectioh~.: :~: | (1.1 gal) of flammable or • • ..-x-:-:.:> ~$:::~ -- - • 1996 ediuon. .<:~&:~$:, .-:~:.-.::., | combustible hqmd or more than NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishin~ ~'~- .- ' - ;1998 ~i~: J 2.2 standard m ~ (75 standard fl 3) I

• . ~ ~..44..~ , . : :>: :~: ~::~. . • edmon . ::'~ $~.-:v :....:.::~.::.:,# J of flammable gas in your I NFP A 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical E x t i n g u ~ Sys~,,.199~.~:: ~i."-':" J laboratory unit? edi t ion ~ : ~ ' ~ . . ¢:~:-~--:"+ " I

NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspeetwn, Testing, and~"~"[ena i~ i i i ~ [ Yes Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 1998 e d i d o n ~ i . ~ ~ "'":'.'.~":" I

NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible L ~ 1 9 ~ t i Q . a a . NFPA 33, Standard for Spray Applicati~~mab~:i~.:i:: ' .?:~ ":~ I . . . . . . I

. . . . . • ' "~ :.~ ":':':'-":: Are you using mese cnemlcals Combust, ble Materials, 1995 ed,uon. :.:::.~'..:.: - ~%.-:~: :~:~ I . . . . . . . I NFPA 51, Standard for the Design .~!:.Installatio~i~... Oxy~-Fuel J In .nonpr.oouctlon .enemleal . . . . . c-~.~: manl ulaiions on a laoorato J Gas S~stems for Welding. CuUinz. ~ ' . . ~ . d Processe"£~!:!J99~ edition I P . - ry-

NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Cod~ 19901~f ion . ~!.-'.:~ J seam. I NFPA 55, Standard for the Storage, Use, ~ a n d l ~ of Compressed " I and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders, 19~....~di.t~."n. J Yes

NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 1 9 9 ~ i ~ o n . [ NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention ~ m s , 1997 edition. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code ~, 1999 edi~:~)n. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . [


NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code*, 1999 edition. Using NFPA 704, do any of your chemicals have a Health, NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows, 1999 edition.

NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces, 1999 edition. NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and

Ventilating Systems, 1999 edition. NFPA 91, Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors,

Gases, Mists, and Noncombustible Particulate Solids, 1999 edition. NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, 1999 edition• NFPA 101% Life Safety Code*, 1997 edition. NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning

Characteristics of Building Materials, 1996 edition• NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Cod~ 1996 edition• NFPA 704, Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of

Materials for Emergency Res#onse, 1~96 edition. NFPA 7E;0, Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems, 1996

edition. NFPA 801, Standard for Fire Protection for Facilities Handling

Radioactive Materials, 1998 edition. NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and

Health Program, 1997 edition. NFPA 1962, Standard for the Care, Us~ and Service Testing of Fire

Hose Including Couplings and Nozzles, 1998 edition•

11-1.2 AIHA Publication. American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2700 Prosperity Ave., Suite ~i50, Fairfax, VA 22031- 4319.

ANSI/AIHA Z9.5, Laboratory Ventilation, 1992•

11-1.3 ASME P u b l i c a t i o n . American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, NewYork, NY 10017.

ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, 1995.

Flammability, or Reactivity Hazard of 2 or greater?


I Is your laboratory in I

a healthcare occupancy? [ I

You are covered by the scope I of NFPA 45. Go to Tables

I 2-2(a) and (b) to find your "Laboratory Unit

Ftre Hazard Class."

I You are outside I :- the scope of


I You are outside No I the scope of - I NFPA 45.

See NFPA 30.

No I You are outside ;1 the scope of


Yes I NFPA 45 is the

basic document. , See also NFPA99

v I for more stringent I requirements.

Figure A-I-I.3 G u i d e f o r d e t e r m i n i n g the app l i cab i l i ty o f N F P A 45 to a l a b o r a t o r y sett ing.

A-1-3.2 Table on U s i n g N F P A D o c u m e n t s f o r Laboratories. The following are some considerations for de te rmin ing which documen t (NFPA 45 or NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities) should be consulted first when designing or operating a laboratory.

4 7 2

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Table A-1-3.2 Use of NFPA Documents for Laboratories

Location of Laboratory Primary

Reference Document

Laboratory in a building with inpatients 99 Laboratory in a building with outpatients 99

incapable of serf-preservation Laboratory in a building with outpatients 45

capable of self-preservation All o ther laboratories 45

A-I-4 Approved. The National Fire Protection Association does not approve, inspect, or certify any installations, procedures, equipment , or materials; nor does it approve or evaluate testing laboratories. In de termining the acceptability of installations, procedures, equipment , or materials, the authority having

risdiction may base acceptance on compliance with NFPA or other appropriate standards. In the absence of such standards, said authority may require evidence of proper installation, procedure, or use. The authority having jurisdiction may also refer to the listings or labeling practices of an organization that is concerned with product evaluations and is thus in a position to de te rmine compliance with appropriate standards for the current product ion of listed items.

~?:::.~, A-l-4 Authority Having Jurisdiction. The phrase "authority %~,~ having jurisdiction" is used in NFPA documents in a broad ::~'~:~ ~;': manner , since jurisdictions and approval agencies vary, as do tki'~:i responsibilities. Where public safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may be a federal, state, local, or kregion~ depa r tmen t or individual such as a fire chief; fire ~ ~ c h i e f c a fire prevention bureau, labor depar tment , or h...~ ~ t m e n l building official; electrical inspector; or others ~ 1 :..~tory authority. For insurance purposes, an i n s u r a ~ ~ . . . . . "~ depar tment , rating bureau, or o ther insurance . ~ c o ": " ~ . . ,

n m ~ ! representative may be the authority having jurisdict~ circumstances, the property owner or his..:~i-~.~f,.des $.d ag.ent assumes the role of the authority h a v i n ~ ' i : l ~ n .~..:-..:.:-:-'.:~ . . . . . . . government installations, the c o m m ~ i n g o ~ ' ~ ! ~ ~ e n t a l official may be the authority h a v i n ~ i s d i c t i o n . '~ifi~i ~.~:-'~

~ : .~i~i " ~ A-l-4 Chemical. For fire hazard fati~i~0.f many c~ }micals, see NFPA 49, Hazardous Chemicals Data, a~;-'""c't~i~A 525~' "Guide to Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gt~f;i~nd ~ aile Solids.

.:.~.,-:.:~:~v. A-l-4 Cryogenic Fluid. See National Safety ' : ;~f ic i l Data Sheet 1- 688-86, Cryogenic Fluids in the Laboratory. 4i". ,~'':

A-l-4 Educational Occupancy. See NFPA 101, Life Safe 0 Code, Sections 10-7, 10-8, 11-7, 11-8, and 11-9.

A-l-4 Flammable Solid. A chemical is considered to be a f lammable solid if, when tested by the me thod described in 16 CRF 1500.44, it ignites and burns with a self-sustained flame at a rate greater than one-tenth of an inch per second along its major axis.

A-l-4 Industrial Occupancy. See NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, Chapter 28, for more information.

A-l-4 Laboratory Hood. For informat ion on descriptions of types of laboratory hoods and exhaust ventilation devices, see ANSI/AIHA Z9.5, Laboratory Ventilation.

(a) Conventional Hook A square-post hood without an airfoil directional vane across the bot tom of the hood face, in most cases without provision for a bypass. As the sash is lowered in hoods without an air bypass, the face velocity increases rapidly. The square-post design and absence of a deflector vane has been known to create turbulence at the hood face.

Square-post hoods create turbulence at the hood face, which can bring fumes f rom the h o o d interior out to the hood face, where they are easily drawn out into the room by the air turbulence caused by a person working at the hood, persons passing the hood, or minor room cross drafts. If hoods are no t equipped with a bypass, face velocities might become objectionably high as the sash is closed and, with sash completely closed, airflow might be insufficient to carry vapors away.

(b) Bypass Air Hood. A h o o d having a bypass, protec ted by a grille, that serves to maintain a relatively constant volume of airflow regardless of sash position. Current design r ecommends a s treamlined entry profile with a deflector vane across the bot tom of the hood to direct the airflow across the work surface.

(c) Auxiliary Air Hood. Same as bypass air hood with the addit ion of an auxiliary air bonne t to provide a direct source of makeup air in addit ion to the makeup air f rom the laboratory work area.

(d) Special ~.u. rpose Hoods. ~"...,..

1. Rad.~':soto:~. Hoods. Designed primarily for use with radioch~. ' .ga ls

.:::'--- -::~..-:':-:.:-:: 2. :~i~." r c f i ' ~ Acid Hoods. Designed primarily for use with

.:-.:.#'='3~"~k-in H ~ # ] ) e s i g n e d primarily for extra headroom to ¢::ac c?...:mm o date tall ~ i p m e n t

l ~ . - ~ e d . The means for identifying listed equipment may vary ~ c ~ ' o r g a n i z a t i o n concerned with product evaluation; some ~ i z a t i o n s do not recognize equipment as listed unless it is also la" ~ . T:he authority having jurisdict ion should utilize the s y s t d " ~ l o y e d by the listing organization to identify a listed

Can. See Section 1-2, Safety Can, of NFPA 30, t Combustible Liquids Code.

A-I-4 Storage Cabinet. Some local jurisdict ions require bottom- venting of f lammable liquids storage cabinets. Although this is not required by NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code; some manufacturers provide plugged vent connect ions to accommodate these local jurisdictions.

A-l-4 Unattended Laboratory Operation. Absence for lunch, te lephone calls, and so forth, without coverage by a knowledgeable person constitutes an una t t ended laboratory operation.

A-2-2.1 The largest amounts of f lammable and combustible liquids are permi t ted in Class A laboratory units and the least amounts in Class D laboratory units.

A-2-3.1 For explosion hazard protect ion requirements , see Chapter 5.

A-2-$.1 ($) For sources of data on chemical reactivity hazard and hazardous chemical reactions, see the following NFPA documents:

(1) NFPA49, Hazardous Chemicals Data

(2) NFPA 325, Guide to Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids

(3) NFPA 491, Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions

A-B-I The types of construction in Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3-1.1(b) are def ined in NFPA 220, Standard o n T3pes of Building Construction, and are repr in ted in Section B-B of this standard. Also, for a discussion of fire-resistive construct ion and fire endurance of building materials and construct ion assemblies, see the NFPA Fire Protection Handbook.

A-5-1.9 NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, requires that approved fire dampers be provided in all air-transfer openings in partitions required to have a fire resistance rating. It requires that approved fire dampers be provided where ducts or air grilles penetra te partit ions required to have a fire resistance rating of 2 hours or more. Thus, al though any air-transfer opening would have to be fire dampered in a required fire barrier of any rating, penetrat ions by ducts or air grilles would not have to be fire dampered if the required rating of the barrier is less than 2 hours.

A-34.1 A door to an adjoining laboratory work area or laboratory unit is considered to be a second means of access to an exit, provided that the laboratory unit is no t of a h igher fire hazard classification.

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A-3-4.4 It should be no ted that while sliding doors are permi t ted in certain Glass C and Class D laboratory work areas, NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and building codes place limitations on their use based on number of occupants and area. Before sliding doors are used, both NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and applicable local building codes should be reviewed for requi rements and limitations.

Under these ventilation rates and control led quantities of f lammable licluids, the h o o d is considered to be electrically unclassified since the LFL of the specific vapor will no t be reached. Ventilation is assumed to be constant, and its failure simultaneously with an unexpec ted deve lopment of f lammable vapors above the LFL is highly unlikely.

Before undertaking any laboratory activity involving toxic or f lammable materials, a hazard assessment should be completed. A-3-5 M o d e m laboratory design concepts provide a wide selection

of laboratory furniture and equipment . Although such selections This is especially impor tant when unfamiliar chemicals, apparatus, will be dictated by several factors, such as laboratory function, and reactions are used or when operat ing parameters are altered. cost, serviceability, accessibility, repair, etc., any laboratory design Generally, be:...~use a laboratory hood is used to conduct various should recognize and accommodate - - to the extent practical - - operations ~ n g larger quantities of toxic or flammables several needs directly related to improving the fire-safety posture of c o m p a r e ~ " Wg~.::done on the laboratory bench, the following the laboratory work area. items s K . . ~ , be reviewed and considered before a t tempting to

a s s e m b ~ ~ a t u s in a hood: ,.~.<.q . :.::-x Casework design should be flexible to provide opt imum use of :~:~,?.~ "~.~?~

storage capacity without interfering with the normal needs of the ( ~ e m ~ m quantity of f lammable or combustible liquids laboratory. This can include desk areas that do not encourage ~ b l e ~ : : t h ~ are necessary to achieve the desired results underdesk storage, restraining techniques for items s tored above , ~ ' h s ~ n ~ thee " ~ " capabilities of the hood should be eye level, ease of egress, provision for separation of incompatible .,:~i::determineo. .:~i~5 ~" chemicals or materials, provisions for ventilated or corrosion- ....~.~!i:, %: .!#:' resistant storage, or properly identif ied special facilities for unique -;.#.~.~::'S~:.~i.::-::..(bJ[~i~..ossible ignition sources, including ho t surfaces, electrical waste storage needs, such as chemical, biological, or radioactive " ~ i : f f ~ i a t , static charge, etc. should be ~clentified. materials.

• .. (~:~,.:~.# th...e activity is conducted when personnel are not in Easy access to laboratory utilities, such as oiping, valves, and!i~!-!z~, a t t e~a~ '~ ' , the eouipment has to be des igned to shut down in a

electrical switches and circuit breaker panels, should be p r o v i ~ $ . : .... f a i l - s ~ o d e in ttae event of ventilation failure, fire, over- All valves and switches should be properly identified in :~!~ :'~.S.~..:.t.em~..~ature, etc. Audible and visible alarms should also be accordance with the governing codes and standards. '-~i: ~ l e d .

. . . . . . %:-#:-" i.~:: . . The use of shp-res stunt f loor surfaces should be c ~ i ~ ....... ~ . r ed . :.:.:.x.,.:..::. ,:.':':,'(d) Switches that control .pcower to e q m p m e n t should be outside

.~;'...':"" "%S~..:: ~.:'..:i.~ the h o o d and within 15 m (~o ft) so apparatus can be deenergized A-3-6.2 The requi rement in 3-6.2 identifies labor . .~ry uti~.~, ~%.j:.: in a emergency. laboratory work areas, and the interior of l a b o ~ hoo~. .~. ., i!i!#' electrically unclassified areas. The ensuing d ~ ~ ~ : e % ~ i s:• (e) When a risk assessment is performed, a list of possible classification of laboratory hoods will suppor t t h e ' ~ ' ~ , c.ati"@ii!~.i~ hazards should be p repared and engineer ing controls should be laboratory hoods as general purpose when .~e c ~ . o n of~:~*~'~ used to reduce the probability of the event occurring. airflow rate and f lammable vapo-r conce~ . w i "~" : ' " ~ j ~ . . . e r m . . i t - -

• ..:.. ~.:..'..~.~ ..::':~J:...:.:. . . .

f lammable miXtures to form. . . ~ ! ~ ~ . ':-'~i'i.~!~?" (f) If the operaUon ~s designed for una t tended use, a measuring ~:#::" ":~i~':. ":.!~il ~:~" device for hood airflow equ ipped with electrical contacts can be

The effective ventilation of l a b o r ~ ! : w o r k a r e ~ e r e : ~ x i c or used to warn of d e f e c t i v e h o o d per formance and to provide a f lammable chemicals are h a n d l e d ~ e d is c r i t i ~ to safe means to initiate an automatic safe shutdown of equipment. o erations for two im ortant reasons ::~::~!~:, :-"~::i P P • .::::::::::::.. ...::::

'::~i!i~i~-::, :-:i~:: (g) When f lammable or combustible liquids are pressurized, the First, to prevent personnel exposure to ~ - . o r . ~ f e r o u s equipment layout should be ar ranged so that potential leaks from

materials dur ing the course of conduct ing ~ J ~ laboratory pump seals, piping components , glassware, etc. cannot occur near activities, the resulting vapor~ or gases are u s ~ l y exhausted with ignition sources. In some extra-hazardous operations, a partition nonrecirculated, condi t ioned air through h~'~'~ls and local exhaust between ignition sources and f lammable a n d c o m b u s t i b l e liquid arrangements. This is one reason why it is very important to or f lammable gas supplies might be required. If partit ions are assure that laboratory ventilation systems are operat ing proper ly used, a smoke test of the airflow patterns should be conducted to while activities are being carried out in the work area. Depend ing assure good distribution across the hood opening. on the nature of the chemicals and the type of operations, it might be possible to reduce ventilation rates dur ing off-hours when work (h) Spill con ta inment should be provided to prevent spilled areas are unoccupied, liquids from escaping from the hood..

Second, when activities involve the use of toxic or f lammable materials in quantities that cannot be safely handled in work areas, the activity should be done in a well-ventilated area or hood. Typical, m ode r n hoods operate under negative pressure compared to the work area with hood face velocities that range from 0.41 m / s e c to 0.61 m / s e c (80 linear f t / m i n to 120 linear f t /min ) with 0.5 m / s e c (100 linear f t /min) b e i n g t h e most common. These ventilation rates mix, dilute, and exhaust toxic or f lammable materials to a safe location.

Many laboratory hoods contain a wide variety of eiectrical equ ipmen t ranging f rom vaporproof l igh t ing ,pumps , motors, hea ted surfaces, and electronic instruments. The electrical classification of the hoods is d e p e n d e n t on the ventilation rate, the quantity of f lammable materials, and the type of chemical process or activity (Schram and Earley, 1988). The challenge is to de te rmine how flammable vapors or gases can be safely used in a hood with unclassified electrical equ ipment and hea ted surfaces.

When the quantity of f lammable vapor is minimized and ventilation rates are maximized, a determinat ion (as shown in Table A-3-6.2) of the volume of vapor genera ted by the vaporization of f lammable liquid can help to approximate the maximum quantity of liquid that can be used to operate below the lower f lammable limit (LFL). (Assuming that liquid vaporizes instantaneously and mixes with air moving through the hood.)

(i) Hoods with once-through flow that are equipped with a bypass airfoil or mechanical stops on the sash(es) that assure good ventilation rates even with the sash(es) in the closed position should be used.

(j) All f lammable and combustible materials that are no t being used should be removed.

(k) Unauthor ized use or operation of the h o o d should be prevented.

(1) Risk of accidental spill of liquids should be minimized by using nonglass apparatus where possible.

(m) Hood sash(es) should be kept closed when operations do not require them to be open.

(n) An emergency plan and off-hour instructions that can be followed during an emergency should be developed.

A-4-2.1 The autorrotic fire extinguishing system should be an automatic sprinkler system. If ext inguishment or control can be more effectively accomplished by a nonwater automatic fire extinguishing system, it might be advisable to install such a system instead of automatic sprinklers.

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Table A-3-6.2 Properties of Commonl~t Used Flammable Liquid Loadln~ in Laborator~ Hoods l 2 3 4 5 6 ~

mmmmm ,T~ao] ,( I]111 ~i"KI = \ ' ~ i U i i ~ = i | ~ g l im'~ '~ | i .'1 rJmm.~ir I~1

~,,,,t~,r t~

~ i ~ l q[; ~ I I I ~ l I ~ l I I ~ A ~ ~ I I . . I I ~ ~ !~ i~i I I I ~ I ~ IL~.I ~_~t.'_[.'I I

~.--:~:-~i~i~ :_...::.... -

i~,~,m ,~ ;

'X- ~." | ~ ~ ~ I~I IIi~.IIi)]I I' ::~

(.~}" ] (2.7) 2.1 1(0.56) Pentane 0.6 (.-.'~!i![~, 5 4~iii~ii: 1.5 0.20 ~Zb.b~ 42 I i . . eropyl Alcohol 0.8 i-':":-i~ i 23":-ii~i . . . . 2.2 0.32 (42.3~ 67 I ] 2.0 ] (0.52) Propylene Oxide 0.83 i:.::.. 37 "!~r! '~ "~/ / 4"2) PropylEther 0.75 3.5::~i~i~!~: __ i:i: t3~'J 2.3 0.35 i46.1i 73 I] /4"6) ] 1.9 I (0.50) ' ' ' ' " 17o~ 1.3 0.18 /23.8) 38 /2.4) 2.o I i0.54i P~ridine 1.0 -'';:':iiii!!:!):} ":2-''~'~:_~v i68} 1.8 0.31 141.1? I 65 [ (4.1) 1.7 [ i0.44)

i I I l l l l

Tetrahydrofuran 0.9 2.4 ..~i- 14 /6) 2.0 0.30 (39.9) 63 /4.0) Toluene 0.9 3.1 "" 4 /40) 1.1 0.24 /32.2) 51 /3.2)

M-xylene 0.9 3.6 27 I81) 1.1 0.20 {27.0) 43 t2.7) 1.6 [ (0.41) Notes:

7" Quantity of

Liquid Vaporized to Reach Lower Flam. Limit L I (Gal)

2.2 I /0.57) 1.8 1(0.48) 5.5 [ /1.44) 1.9 1(0.50) 1.3 [ (0 .34)

1.~ I 10.33/ 1.6 I /o.41)

1.6 I ¢o.4m 1.4 10.38/

1.9 I I0.50)

2.3 I /o.6o) 2 . 4 1 { 0 . 6 3 )

2.1 [ (o.56)

1.9 [ (O.5O) 1.6 [ i0.42]

| i i

2.8 [ (0.74) 1.7 (0.46) 9.8 (2.60) 1.5 1(o .4o)

2.1 I (0.56) 2.0 i i0.52i

| , i

1.9 I (0.50) 2.0 I ?0.54i 17 I i044i

1.9 I /0.50/ 1.3 I /0.34)

1. Air volume and liquid quantity normalized at 1000 ft3/min and 1 gal respectively to enable extrapolation to other conditions. 2. Columns 1-4 are constants. 3. Column 5 is quantity of vapor generated from 1 gal of liquid. 4. Column 6 is percent vapor in 1000 ftS/min air from 1 gal of vaporized liquid. 5. Column 7 is quantity of liquid required to reach LFL (Lower Flammability Limit).

1Table gives liquid quantity to reach LFL. Operating conditions should not exceed 25 percent LEL (see NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention S~stems).

2 3 Percent vapor in 1000 ft /m in air from 1 gal of liquid that is assumed to instantaneously vaporize and perfectly mix. SQuantity of liquid that is vaporized to reach LFL.

A-4-2.1.2 See NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, for guidance.

A-4-2.3 It is suggested that automatic fire extinguishing systems activate both a local audible alarm and an audible or visible alarm at a constantly attended location.

A-4-3.1 All laboratory buildings should be provided with standpipes and 3.8-cm (1 l/2-in. ) hose connections for use by trained occupants. Hose connections should be fitted with hose lines and combination straight stream-fog nozzles. Waterflow through the standpipe system should activate an audible fire alarm system on the premises.

A-4-3.2 For additional information, see NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.

A-4-6.2 Maintenance procedures should include inspection, testing, and maintenance of the following:

(1) Utilities (steam, gas, electrical) (2) Air supply and exhaust systems (3) Fire protection equipment (4) Detectors and alarms (5) Compressed gas regulators and pressure relief valves (6) Waste disposal systems (7) Fire doors (8) Emergency lighting and exit signs (9) Electrically operated equipment


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A-4-6.3 Emergency Plan Components. An emergency response plan should be prepared and updated. The plan should be available for inspection by the authority having jurisdiction upon reasonable notice. The following information should be included in the emergency plan:

(1) The type of emergency equipment available and its location

(2) A brief description of any testing or maintenance programs for the available emergency equipment

(3) An indication that hazard identification marking is provided for each storage area

(4) Location of posted emergency response procedures

(5) Material safety data sheets (MSDS) for all gases stored on the site

(6) A list of responsible personnel who are designated and trained to be liaison personnel for the fire department. These individuals should aid the emergency responders in pre-emergency planning; identifying where flammable, pyrophoric, oxidizing, and toxic gases are located; and accessing .material safety data sheets and should he knowledgeable in the site emergency response procedures. ~.

(7) A list of the types and quantities of compressed and liquefied gases normally at the facility.

A-4-6.$.1(5) Unusual nonflre hazards that emergency t personnel might encounter in responding to a fire i..~ laboratory might include the following: .~'~ '

(1) Poisons (2) Corrosives (3) Irritants (4) Radioactivity (5) Nonionizing radiation (6) Biological hazards

Laboratory management should t personnel in detailed emergency special hazards.


Laboratory management should also enc department to become familiar with these service inspections, joint emergency plan , coordinated emergency response drills.

through in- kent. and

Emergency telephones are of value when connected directly to an emergency office and when located within the laboratory building so that they can be readily used by laboratory personnel. They are also valuable when available at an exterior location for use by evacuees or passersby. An emergency telephone system should be interconnected with a mass notification system, such as a public address system.

The management of each laboratory work area covered by this standard should be responsible for developing and distributing an evacuation plan for the facility. The plan should be written wiih accompanying diagrams and distributed to each supervisor and posted in appropriate locations for all employees to read and study. In addition to fires and explosions, the evacuation plan should also consider hazardous incidents such as spills, leaks, or releases of flammable, toxic, or radioactive materials, and acts of nature such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. The evacuation plan should include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Conditions under which evacuation will be necessary

(b) Method of alarm transmission

(c) Action to be taken by personnel upon receiving an alarm in addition to evacuation (e.g., turn offflames and other ignition sources)

(d) Primary and secondary routes to horizontal and vertical exits leading either to the exterior of the building or to safe refuge zones within the building as might be permitted if total evacuation is not necessary and the alarm system is appropriately zoned.

(e) Instructions necessary to prevent evacuees from hampering fire-fighting operations or essential duties of emergency personnel (i.e., move away from the building to a predesignated area).

(f) Accountability to determine if everyone has left the facility. (Wardens or supervisors should be instructed to check all occupied spaces in their assigned area upon sounding of an alarm to ensure that everyone has heard the alarm and is evacuating. Personnel from particular groups, departments, floors, or areas should be instructed to gather in a predesignated area outside the building or in a safe refuge zone. Special procedures should have to be establisl~d for evacuation of handicapped persons. Wardens or supe rv i s~ i~ . . u ld be responsible for accounting for all personne[:.:~ the C"~areas, including guests and visitors.)

of notifying personnel when it is safe to re-enter the .~dence on duly authorized persons, such as ~ i s word will prevent someone from entering the

• " Laboratory m a n a ~ e n t should conduct fire exit drills at least onc~:~.year to tes~l~ e evacuation procedures by familiarizing c~n~ i~e l with exits, especially emergency exits not normally used,

a ~ a f e and efficient use of the exits. For required frequency ~ exit drills in educational occupancies and health care

o ~ c i ~ s , see NFPA I01, Life Safety Code. (Fire exit drills differ fro ~ . ~ I r i l l s in that the latter are held for purposes of t'we:

~ ' ~ r a c t i c e fighti I by the fire brigade or other emergency ;~:orga~ ations. Since a conflict exists between evacuation and fire ~ e c " ~lg, management should appoint different persons to be

msible for each procedure, as one cannot effectively direct -fighting operations and evacuation simultaneously.)

Fire alarm systems, where available, should be used in the conduct of fire exit drills. No one should be excused from participating in a fire exit drill.

A-4-6.$.2 Laboratory personnel should be thoroughly indoctrinated in procedures to follow in cases of clothing fires. The most important instruction, one that should be stressed until it becomes second nature to all personnel, is to immediately drop to the floor and roll. All personnel should recognize that, in case of ignition of another person's clothing, they should immediately knock that person to the floor and roll that person around to smother the flames. Too often a person wilIpanie if clothing ignites and will run, resulting in more severe, often fatal, burn injuries.

Fire-retardant or flame-resistant clothing is one option available to help reduce the occurrence of clothing fires. Refer to NFPA 1975, Standard on Station~Work Uniforms for Fire and Emergen~ Services, for performance requirements and test methods for fire- resistant- clothing.

It should be emphasized that safety showers, fire blankets, or fire extinguishers are of secondary importance. They should be used only when immediately at hand. It should be recognized that rolling on the floor not only smothers the fire but also helps to keep flames out of the victim's face and reduces inhalation of smoke.

A-5-$(3) For further information on venting, see NFPA 68, Guide for Venting of Deflagrations.

A-5-5.2 A protective coating, such as mineral oil, can be applied to transparent sight panels exposed to corrosive vapors.

A-6-1 NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating S3stems , and NFPA 91, Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases, Mists and Noncombustible Particulate Solids contain additional requirements for general environmental ventilating systems.

A-6-2.1 For additional information on laboratory ventilation, see ANSI/AIHA Z9.5, Laboratory Ventilation. For information on preventing the spread of smoke by means of utilizing supply and exhaust systems to create airflows and pressure differences between rooms or building areas, see NFPA 92A, Recommended Practice for Smoke-Control Systems.

A-6-2.2 Hoods having explosionproofelectrical devices are sometimes referred to as "explosionproof hoods." This does not


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imply that they will contain an explosion, only that the electrical equipment will not provide a source of ignition.

A-6-3.2 Special studies such as air-dispersion modeling might be necessary to determine the location of air intakes for laboratories away from the influence of laboratory exhaust and other local point source emissions.

A-6-3.3 A minimum ventilation rate for unoccupied laboratories (e.g., nights and weekends) is for four room air changes per hour. Occupied laboratories typically operate at rates of greater than eight room air changes per hour consistent with the conditions of use for the laboratory. It is not the intent of the standard to require emergency or standby power for laboratory ventilation systems.

A-6-5.5 Room air current velocities in the vicinity of fume hoods should be as low as possible, ideally less than 30 percent of the face velocity of the fume hood. Air supply diffusion devices should be as far away from fume hoods as possible, and have low exit velocities.

A-6-4.1 Ductless laboratory hoods thatpass air from the hood interior through an absorption filter a n d t h e n discharge the air into the laboratory are only applicable for use with nuisance vapors and dusts that do not present a fire or toxicity hazard.

A-6-4.2 Consideration should be made of the potential ~-." contamination of the fresh air supply by exhaust air containing~i~ vapors of flammable or toxic chemicals when using devices fo~-: energy conservation purposes.

dso #,-6-4.4 Ducts should be sealed to prevent conden~ :1o1"1 forth, from leaking into occupied areas. . : ~ .~.~

Laboratory fume hood containment can be e ~ ~ ~ ' ~ procedures contained in the ASHRAE 110, Metho !i Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods. Face ~ ~ 4 r n / ~ to 0.6 m/sec (80 f t /min to


120 ft/min~/~.,3, l~r' ~:.~.~ containment if the hood location req~ t ventilation criteria of this standard a~Iamet

In addition to maintaining p r o p ~ ~ ~ celocity, fume hoods that reduce the exhaust volume enmg is reduced should maintain a minimum e e to ensure that contaminants are diluted and exhau hood. The hood exhaust airflow should not be reduce ~ than 1 L/sec /m ~ (25 f t3/min/f t e) of internal hood ~ surface even when the sash is fully closed. ..'#

A-6-4.11 Exhaust stacks should extend at least ~ m (10 ft) above the highest point on the roof to protect personnel on the roof. Exhaust stacks might need to be much higher to dissipate effluent effectively, and studies might be necessary to determine adequate design. Related information on stack height can be found in Chapter 14, Airflow Around Buildings, of the ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals Volume.

A-6-5.1 The designer of a laboratory exhaust system shall consider the physical and chemical properties and hazard characteristics of the materials being conveyed. The exceptions cited recognize that some laboratory operations generate corrosive vapors that might attack available metallic duct materials. When i thas been ascertained that metallic ducts will not withstand such an attack by the chemicals to be exhausted or where the unique nature of the work to be done mandates the use of nonmetallic ducts, nonmetallic ducts may be used. The designer should consider the use of chemical-resistant thermoplastic-lined metallic duct materials.

.4.-6-7.4 For further information, see Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) Standards Handbook 99-0401-86, Type A or B Construction Classification for Spark Resistant Construction, for informative material regarding spark-resistant fan construction.

A-6-7.6 Exhaust fans should be tested to ensure they do not rotate backward in new installations or after repair on motors.

A-6-8.1.2 Baffles normally should be adjusted for the best operating position for general use. Only where high heat loads or the routine use of large quantities of light or heavy gases occur should compensating adjustment be made. In most cases,

however, the low concentrations of heavier-than-air and lighter- than-air vapors take on the characteristics of the large volumes of air going through the hood. It is recommended that the total adjustment not exceed 20 percent of the total airflow.

A-6-8.1.$ The means of containing minor spills might consist of a 6.4-mm (1/4-it%) recess in the work surface, use of pans or trays, or creation of a recess by installing a curb across the front of the hood and sealing the joints between the work surface and the sides, back, and curb of the hood.

A-6-8.2 A h o d sash greatly enhances the safety provided by a laboratory ~ x a n d it is recommended that the hood design incorpor~..,.t~.~"thi~'~l)ature. For example, a hood sash can be adjusted..::~i..'.~crease the face velocity when working on high-hazard materi.~" ~ . s a s h can be used as a safety shield; i~t can be closed to c o @ n ~ o r runaway reaction; and it can be closed to c o ~ ~ t s when the hood is left unattended. :..-.:~ ~, .*.~. ~:~

.,.:~oo~ without ~ ~ " "::::'~

Ho ~ or hoods with a side or rear sash in dd~Oon to a f r o n t ~ h do not offer the same degree of protection

:,as d~itaoods with t~otected single face openings, and, thus, their i ~ e ~'.-'~t recommended. A small face opening might be • " . -* .~f~" to save exhaust air and energy or to i~crease the

face velocity on existing hoods. ~ u m

~ , ~ e . r s should be instructed and periodically reminded not to o p ~ a s h e s rapidly and to allow hood sashes to be open only

~..whe..n..,.-~eeded andonly as much as necessary.

' ~ " : ~ 4 Locating services, controls, and electrical fixtures external the hood minimizes the potential hazards of corrosion and


A-6-9.1 A person walking past the hood might create sufficient turbulence to disrupt a face velocity of 0.5 m/sec (100 ft /min). In addition, open windows or air impingement from a n air diffuser might completely negate or dramatically reduce the face velocity and can also affect negative differential air pressure.

A-6-10.2(7) For further information, see report entitled "An Investigation of Chemical Fume Hood Fire Protection Using Sprinkler and Water Mist Nozzles" prepared by Factory Mutual Research Corporation for Merck & Co., Inc.

A-6-10.3 Exception. Where a gaseous fire extinguishing system is used, the protected hood should be provided with an independent duct system and a fan that is interlocked to shut down on actuation of the extinguishing system, or the protected hood should be isolatec by a damper actuated by the extinguishing system.

A-6-11.1 If perchloric acid is heated above ambient temperature, it will give off vapors that can condense and form explosive perchlorates. Limited quantifies of perchloric acid vapor can be kept from condensing in laboratory exhaust systems by trapping or scrubbing the vapors at the point of origin. Scrubbing systems have been described in published articles.

A-6-11.6 Perchloric acid hoods should be washed down after each u s e .

A-6-11.8 A simple and sensitive test for perchlorates is avmlable that uses a 0.4 percent solution of methylene blue in water. A few drops of the test solution in a small quantity [about 25 ml (0.84 oz) ] o f water washed from the duct to be tested will produce a violet precipitate if perchlorates are present. Approximately 12 mg (0.40 oz) of perchlorate in this volume 500 mg/L (17 oz/gal) can be recognized easily as a positive test.

An effective method for washing down ductwork suspected of perchlorate contamination has been recommended by Breyesse and published by Steere in the Handbook of Laboratory Safety. The method uses steaming of the ducts for 24 hours to condense water on all surfaces and dissolve and wash away perchlorate deposits. If tests after 24 hours show perchlorates in the final wash water, the steaming should be continued for another 24 hours until the test is negative.

A-6-12.1 Laboratory hoods in which radioactive materials are handled should be identified with the radiation hazard symbol. For information, see NFPA 801, Standard for Fire Protection for Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials.


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A-6-13.1 The operating characteristics of some laboratory hood designs,particularly auxiliary air laboratory hoods, change at intermediate positions of sash height. It is therefore important to verify inward airflow over the face of the hood according to 6- 13.1(5) at several sash heights from full open to closed.

A number of test procedures for verifying performance of laboratory hoods that have been installed in the field have been published.

A test procedure is given in Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association (SEFA), Standard on Laboratory Fume Hoods (SEFA 1- 1992), which uses a velometer and visible fume for checking hood

.4,-7-2.2.6 Ventilation for transfer operations should be provided to prevent overexposure of personnel transferring flammable liquids. Control of solvent vapors is most effective if local exhaust ventilation is provided at or close to the point of transfer. Explosion venting is not required for separate inside liquid storage areas if containers are no greater than 227 L (60 gal) and if transfer from containers larger than 4 L (1.1 gal) is by means of approved pumps or other devices drawing through a top opening.

A-7-2.2.7 Where practicable, transfer operations should be separated from the storage of flammable and combustible liquids because of thg:xexposure of greater quantities to the hazards of transfer o pC~.D.." s.

performance. Copies of the standard are available from SEFA. ,:~::.:'i::" '::i':-:.i-:- A-7-2.2..8..i~::~i~e requirement permits the use of squeeze bottles in

A standard, ASHRAE 110, has been issued by the American labora..~."~i~ii~t~Their use greatly reduces spills, while aiding in Society. of Heatinng, Refrigerating. , and Air Conditioning Engineers accu ~[":":~,. ly ff{t"':':~ssin, g qli uids onto. small components or surfaces. enUded Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods. Th..~..#~l ra t~%i.ntermit tent discharge through a squeeze bottle's Copies of this standard are available from Manager of Standards, ~ . ' ~ ' ~ . tube ~ o ~ : p r o v e n to be a hazard over many years of use. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning ~-'.~':: ...... :%~' " ~ : " Engineers, Inc. .::#" In:::l.aboratory occ.~fim~cies where pouring from and filling of

~ i . ~ : l a b ~ t o r y size co¢/~iners is performed within a laboratory fume The Environmental Protection Al~ency's Standard St~edl~cation for :~--::" ""x~J~.oo~}~ other similarly ventilated enclosure or space, iRaaition due

Laboratory Fume Hoods contains a te"st procedure using stffur - " "~.t~iu~":':%~discharge is not likely to occur. This might be a~ ttributed hexafluoride as a test gas. This specification is available from the {~# .ombina t ion of factors such as the following: Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460, Attn: ~ . . . . . . . Chief, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Branch (Pi-2" .~i~ ( 1 ) ' ~ } ~ e r size containers than those used in industrial or

"~'~i~'~. c o m r ~ i a l occupancies A-6-13.5.1 The annual inspection of air supply and exhaust f a n ' ~ . " > : ~ . ~ . . . . ~:: motors., and components. . should ensure, that equipment_ is clear~-~i::.... /:.:.~.:'~.":'~;:.,.:~....:~ . . . . . . Low flow rates during manual pouring/fil l ing dry, ught, and frlcuon-free. Bearings should be properly "~-~..:::~;:~:" "?."?.~" lubricated on a regular basis, according to m a n u f a c ~ : . 'i~ii;:" :'ii!?'~'3) Ventilation to below the lower flammable limits recommendations. Protective devices should be c~-:...". '~9 :'~i.-', ensure that settings are correct and that ratings h~;6 bee~i~sted :~i:::.~.'.:~: (4) Contact made between containers (good laboratory under simulated overload conditions. Inspec~.~shoul.~!~.e. ~:: ~!~: technique dictates that liquids be poured down the side of the made by personnel familiar with the manufack-:~ ' i :~ . jn~" ~ '!~i; :':.:':::" container or by use of a stirring rod, thus avoidin~ splashing or and equipped with proper instruments, gauges, a ~ % . " ~ turbulence) "

A-7-1 Before a hazardous chemical is o ~ o n t r ~ i ~ o u l d be Perhaps, of some yet to be determined significance, is the established to ensure that adequate f a . . . ~ J e ~ i ~ r o c e ~ ' ~ l - e undefined charge transfer mechanism that carl take place between available for receiving, storing, using~:~'.~d d i s p o ~ o f th'~:" nonconductive containers or between containers and the person material. Information sources inc.t.~.::the f o l l o ~ ~g::" performing the transfer. (For information on methods to reduce static

:"::-"::~!~!::. %i: dectricity, see NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electrlcity.) (1) NFPA 49, Hazardous Chemicals D~!i::~ iiiiii;

~-~...'--::, ..:~ii." A-7-2.3 Flammable and combustible liquids that are not in use (2) NFPA 325, Gu/de to Fire Hazard P r o ~ of.:).~mmable should be stored in safety cans, storage cabinets, or inside liquid

Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids ""~i ; : : storage areas. (See NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids ~!~!i::: Code, for quantity limitations of storage cabinets and inside liquid

(3) NFPA 491, Manual of Hazardous Chem~'l Reactions storage areas.)

A-7-2.2.1 The route used to transport hazardous materials between receiving rooms, storage rooms, dispensing rooms, and laboratory units of a facility should be appropriate to both the quantity and characteristics of the material being transported. Where possible, heavy or bulky quantifies of hazardous materials should be transported by elevator, preferably one reserved exclusively for freight. In any event, the transport of hazardous materials in any quantity on an elevator should be accomplished by the minimum number of persons. All other persons should be excluded from an elevator while hazardous materials are present. Use of stairways for transport of small quantifies of hazardous materials should be minimized.

A-7-2.2.2 Some common construction materials are subject to serious corrosion or formation of explosive compounds if used for or contacted by certain chemicals and gases commonly used in the laboratory. For example, copper tubing forms explosive compounds if it is used to pipe acetylene; azide salts are not compatible with copper or lead piping; mercury amalgamates in lead pipes.

Thermoplastic pipe used in chemical service, such as in laboratory waste drains, will frequendy soften even when not directly attacked by chemical solvents. When this happens, much of the original strength and rigidity of the pipe is lost. If installed above ground or floor level, such piping should be provided with adequate rack support to prevent sagging. Burying plastic pipe used for chemical waste is not recommended because normal expansion might cause the pipe to collapse if the pipe has been softened by solvent attack.

A-7-2.3.2 Class IA and IB flammable liquids in glass containers larger than the 500 ml (1 pt) and 1 L (1 qt) sizes permitted by Table 7-2.3.2 should be kept in containers of sufficient size to hold the contents of the glass containers.

The presence of flammable liquids in glass containers presents substantial hazards from accidental breakage. Many suppliers furnish glass containers with shatter-resistant coatings. These shatter-resistant glass containers offer significant protection from accidental breakage and are recommended for use when hazardous chemicals need to be kept in glass rather than plastic or metal containers.

A-7-2.3.3 Inventories of flammable solids, oxidizers and peroxides should be maintzJneA at the lowestpossible levels consistent with the work being done. Rules of the City of NewYork, Chapter 10, Chemical Laboratories, (1991) specify the maximum inventory levels for the laboratory levels as shown in Table A-7-2.3.3.

Table A-7-2.3.3 Maximum Inventor,/' Levels Lab Fire Rating Fire Solid Ox OP

T~0e (hr~ Protection (lb I (lb) (lb) I 2 S 15 50 12 II 1 S 10 40 6 III 2 N 6 30 3 IV I N 3 20 2

Notes: I. S = sprinklered 2. N = nonsprinldered


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A-7-2.3.4 For guidance , see NFPA 49, Hazardous Chemicals Data, and NFPA 491, Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions.

A-7-2.3.5 The re are several chemicals tha t can increase in hazard N o m i n a l D i m e n s i o n potential if subjected to long- term storage. T i me a lone can be Diameter x Length ! only partially responsible, d e p e n d i n g on the specific chemical. For example , exposure to air or l ight can cause the format ion of in. c m highly shock-sensitive or friction-sensitive peroxides. Some hygroscopic or water-reactive c o m p o u n d s , such as metal l ic 9 x 52 23 x 132 sodium, can autoigni te on exposure to air or moisture . Ano the r 12 ×43 3 0 x 109 example is picric acid, which becomes highly shock-sensitive when its no rma l water con ten t is allowed to evaporate. Reactive 15 x 54~: 38 x 137

".~.~ m o n o m e r s tha t have been inhibi ted to reduce the chance of 15 x ...~"-"'~i~ 38 x 117 un in ten t iona l polymerizat ion can become unstable when the ,.-:~ "~% inhibi tor is consumed . 1 ~ 2 5 x 1 2 2

.-N ~ 36 x 15o Such chemicals as descr ibed above, which can increase in . ~ :"~:, 4".'~,.

hazard potential over t ime, are c o m m o n to chemical laboratories :~:~ "ii~O x 55::.%iiiii..,:::. 25 x 140 a n d are rout inely hand l ed without incident . Still, the user shou ld ~:'.:.'.,.j~...x53 ~:"~.'%. 1 0 x 135 use appropr ia te reference material to adequate ly assess the often .,,,'.'(: ...... '~"":'~.~ ~ '~?.~5:"

~x48 ~ 20 x 122 mult iple hazards associated with the use of chemicals ,:~-~: ,. "i~.}.i~ y ~ : ~-:.-'~-:. a x 53 ':.'~:: 2 0 x 135

A-7-2.3,6 See NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, for .~ .'.%%~. :i~iiii~ per formance-based r equ i r emen t s if s torage cabinets are ven ted for ".~?):.'.'~.:..~ 120 51 x 305 any reason. "~j~i.-.., 10x51 2 5 x 1 3 0 . . . . . ::~.-"-'..-:i:~ .0.¢~48::"" 25 × 122 A-7-3 Fur ther informat ion on safety for hand l ing a n d s t o r a g e ' ~ . . "::~.:':.~,.:.:.::: be f ound in CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, and Prudent P ~ - - , . , ~ '~i~:x 56 23 x142 in the Laboratory. :~i?~ "::.'i:~'.'~:. ,...:~:: ^ , ~^

A-8-1.2 Cylinders of corrosive or uns table gases shou ld be '~.~ ~!" "'~" 7 x 19 18 x 48 r e tu rned to the su lier when the ex iration date of " t.:i~0aximu~" :~"

PP. • P - ~ ' ~ ,::: " 8 x 25 20 x 64 r e c o m m e n d e d r e t e n u o n per iod has been r e a c h e d . , ' . . E ~ e s o f .'.-..'.-.. such corrosive or uns table gases include the f o i l i n g : ~:~":~-'-'i ::.%,#: 9 x 22 23 x 56 .~$~.. ~. . .~:~!~'.:.=::"

. .:-.-..:.:~-...-..- ~ .~ . . . . . . :.: ~::.:.- . . x-:~.:-..-:..:-: ".'~:-'.':':'-'-'. ':':, '.':':' 7 x 38 16 x 85 (1) A o d a n d a l k a h n e ases ::::" "--'-:-:'-'-:-:- -:-'--:*::~.:-:'::::~:- "--',*."

"::ii::.'.:::':'x'...'.9 :~ "%:::%::"":'~':..-' 6 x 21 15 x 53 (2) Gases subject to autopolymer iza t ion "~:~i~i~i~:, "::::;':":" . . . . . . .

.-:~"-'."::.::::,-. "~-:~'!~i'!~,. 5 x Z4 13 x Ol

(3) Gases subject to explosive d e c o ~ ~ : . " : ~ ; : 9 x 13 23 x 33

Cylinders no t in active use shoul~--£emoved ~ l a ~ t o r y 6 x 21 15 x 53 work areas to a s torage facility a s : - ' i ~ ~ e d . .......:...: in CCS~ Pam....~ ph le t P-I , 7 x 17 1 8 x 4 3 Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in C ~ e r s . In ~ te absence of

4 x 1 4 1 0 x 3 6 a m a x i m u m r e c o m m e n d e d re ten t ion t i ~ . 3 6 - m ~ :h interval shou ld be used. ":~:,~.~)..::......:}J-::~ 3 x 12.5 8 x 32

A-8-1.5 Such vessels shall no t be used in c o ~ " e r c e unless DOT 2 x 15 5 x 38 approved. .:::. qnc ludes valve and cap

A-8-1.6.5 Gas cylinders a re cons idered in four hazard groups and are regula ted in this s t andard on the basis of cylinder volume. Table A-8-1.6.5 provides in format ion on the typical internal vo lume of cylinders. Factors of sprinkler protect ion adjust these allowed gas vo lumes for f lammable , oxidizing, a n d l iquefied 30. f lammable gases by doubl ing tha t allowed for nonspr ink le red laboratory work areas. 25'

A-8-1.6.5(a) th rough (c) M a x i m u m quant i t ies in (a), (b), and (c) ~ 20' are doub led for spr inklered space. >,

.'- 1 5 Figures A-8-1.6.5(a) t h r o u g h (d) depic t the quant i ty limitations E

of compressed or l iquefied gases in laboratory work areas. They ¢~ are displayed on the basis of internal cylinder volume (water (~ 10' volume) , which can be equa ted to the physical size a n d n u m b e r of 5. cylinders and is no t d e p e n d e n t on the propert ies of the gas conta ined within the cylinder o ther than the four m a j o r h a z a r d 0 groups .

T a b l e A-8-1 .6 .5 T y p i c a l In terna l V o l u m e o f Cy l inders

I n t e r n a l V o l u m e ( W a t e r V o l u m e )

L ft s 43.8 1.54

609 2.15

126.3 4.46

109.6 3.87

55.7 1.97

126.3 4.46

49.0 1.73

85.0 3.00

29.5 1.04

38.7 1.37

438.9 15.50

42.4 1.54

54.5 1.92

48.7 1.72

16.7 0.59

8.5 0.30

15.3 0.54

15.3 0.54

15.7 O.55

6.9 0.24

6.7 0.24

6.9 0.25

6.9 0.25

6.7 0.24

2.3 0.08

0.93 0.033

0.44 0.016

Maximum Quantity of Flammable Gases

- - Q Flammable gases

~~~,::::-:~:i~!~i!il N ~ ~ 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Laboratory work area (ti2)

Laboratory work area 500 ft 2 or less Internal cylinder volume = 6.0 It 3

Laboratory work area greater than 500 ft = Internal cylinder volume (ft 3) = 0,012 x laboratory work area (t12)

4 7 9

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NFPA 45 - - MAY 2000 ROP

Maximum Quantity of Oxidizing Gases A-8-2.1 For addi t ional in format ion see the following:

30 I (I) GGA Pamphle t P-l, Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in I Containers

2 5 - ~ [ ] Oxidizing gases ~ " , ~ r ~ | ~ (2) ANSI B~I.1, Power Piping ( inc luding Addendas a th rough d)


] ========================== m the Laboratory.

| ! : : : ~ 2 - : : ~ $ i ~ " : ' : ' : ' ~ : : ~ ~ ' . : ' i : : . - ~ $ A-8-2.3 A d ~ l shutoff valves, located m accessible locations :~::::~:-:.:.:..:.:-.'.:.:.:.~-:-:.:::::~:::-:..::~. ~ : ~ : . . : : : : : . . : : : : : ~ ?,y.~::::::::::::::." ~'~:.-':~ ~ . .~¢~ ~:-.'~.+. . . 0 ~ ....................... :"<" .... :<~:':<':"': outside o~....-~.~e a ~ m which the gases are used, are acceptable.

0 see ~ 000 ~ 5oo 2ooo <,~;:~. Laboratorv area tft2~ A-8-2.~.~;I~.:"~.~.commended that each in te rmedia te regulator and

"" ' ' v a l v e : ~ o b ~ " ~ n t i f i e d . The identif icat ion should conform to • 2 . ~ ~ 3 . 1 , ~ for the Identification of Piping Systems.

Laboratory WOrK area 500 It or tess ~ ~ : ~ : , Internal cylinder volume = 6.0 ft s . ~ : ~ e ~ ' : e a t care should be taken when convert ing a

La b o r a t o ~ vWO?~a~Oaugre?~t~r tho015#0x ~borato-" work area 'ft ~' ,~,..,Pe~P " ~ g e ~ : e ~ ~ , ~ h o g ~ r : : g ~ n S e t h £ r n l t : d # 2 : n tr~si~ees might =ntu~.~ uy , u ~ v ,H~ ~ / = . 'x ~ / ~ ' . : '~ae ~ t i a l For examnle, iner t o i l -oumped ni t rogen will leave a ,. , - ~ . . . . . • . , . . , . .

" ~ b l e organic residue that is incompat ib le w~th oxygen and Figure A-8-1.6.5(b) Maximum quanti ty of oxidizing gases. ~ oxidizing agents. Similar incompatibi l i t ies can occur with

• . . ::.~.:!~:~,, ~- . :~ . . . Maximum Quanhty of Dquefied Flammable Gases "~#.'.:~#.<':'~:':':.::::~,, A-8-4~.:J Air can be condensed when ~t contacts containers or

• "%": <~$:,laipin~,":"contalning cryogenic fluids. W h e n this occurs, the 4 I __ . / ":~.: ~ " ' ~ n t r a t i o n of oxygen in the condensed air. increases, thereby

3.5 - ~ [ ] ~ u ~ : d e gases ~ ~.. ~i~: ~ * e a s i n g the l ikelihood of ign i tmn of organ, c maternal.

~ / :~i~- A-9-1.1.1 Reference sources include the following:

~" =" I . ~ ~ , 1 ~ . . ..-::. ~$:" (1) NFPA 49, Hazardous Chemicals Data 2 1 %

/ / ~ ~ i ] "~i~i:~ ~i~i~ (2) NFPA 325, Guide to Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable 1.5 ........:.:<..-... ................ $ ~$i: :-.': :!:::::::~::~'.-.:.@~-~:!~. :"::: .Y::" . . . . 0 ] ..~.:.:~:~:...~:~:.:~::.:~..:~::..:..:~.:::~.~:~:.~.:.:~:~:~:.:....:<..~:~:+:.~:.:~.<::.... L* rods, Gases, and Volatile Solid

" (3) NFPA 491, Manual of Hazardous Chemical R~act~ons 0.5 ~;~.:..:~i~:@..~i.i~..:..:~:<...:..:~$;i;i;i~i~i;i........~#ii~:.̀ ...iIi~#ii::;i~1~.~1~i~r.̀ : : ' : ~ : ~ : ~ : " ~ : : : $:~$:::~ ~ : : . : : ' : : ' : ~ : : : ::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::~ -::'$-.:::'~:~$~::~: .::.-::." . . .

0 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: " A-9-1.1.$ W h e n a new chemical is produced, it should be "0 500' 10130' ":':"'<$':~:!:'::"%-.::~::'..-':: 1 BOO' '7~:'~:.-':~: 20'00 subjected . . . . . . to a hazard analysis as appropr ia te to the reasonably

, . ".'--~... :~!!.::" ant ic ioated hazard characteristics of the material. Such tests m~gnt Laooratory area (I~!..:.. #i!i #. include, but are no t l imited to, differential thermal analysis,

"%~'-. s#" accelerat ing rate calorimetry, d rop weight shock sensitivity, Laboratory work area 500 ft 2 or less "%!~iii':':::i:'::i :~ autoimaition tempera ture flash point, the rmal stability u n d e r

• 3 ":::::::::::: v ' • • internal c hnder volume 1 2 ft hea Y = . :-:i.,: conta inment , t of combust ion, and o the r appropr ia te tests.

L a b o r a t o r y w o r k a r e a g r e a t e r t h a n 5 0 0 tt ~ $:" Internal cylinder volume (ft a) = 0.0018 x laboratory work area (ft 2) A-9-1.4 Protect ion against ignit ion sources associated with typical

laboratory apparatus can be achieved by distance, pressurization of motor or switch housings, or iner t ing techniques that can

Figure A-8-1.6.5(c) Maximum quanti ty of l iquefied f l a m m a b l e gases.

Maximum Quantity el Health Hazard 3 or 4 Gases

1 , 4 "

1 . 2 - - - ~ Health Hazard 3 or 4 gases ~:~'~iii

~-- 1.0-

08- ~ ~ I 0.6- ~ ~- ;~ i~:~:~ ~ ~ " ~-~

O 0.4- . ~ t ~ ' ' i ~ ' : ~ i

0.2- ;:: ~".-.'< ..'.'~ ~ P2~.".:':-:':~ ~ ~ O. ~ i ~ ~ i :~-~ ~-~.:::!~'::::":":".'~%:i~

0 500 10OO 1500 2000 Laboratory area (ft 2)

Laboratory work area 500 ft = or less Internal cylinder volume = 0.3 ft ~

Laboratory work area greater than 500 ft 2 Internal cylinder volume (ft 3) = 0.0006 x laboratory work area (ft 2)

F i g u r e A - 8 - 1 . 6 . 5 ( d ) Maximum quanti ty of heal th hazard 3 o r 4 gases.

effectively prevent f lammable vapor concena 'a t ions f rom contact ing igni t ion sources. (See NFPA 496, Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, for requirements for purge systems for electrical enclosures, and NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems, for ~equirements for inerting systems.)

A-9-1.6.3 Procedures might include chilling, quenching , cutoff of reactant supply, venting, dumping, a n d "short-stopping or inhibit ing.

A-9-2.2.2 The use of domestic refrigerators for the storage of typical laboratory solvents presents a significant hazard to the laboratory work area. Refrigerator tempera tures are a lmost universally h igher than the flash points of the f lammable liquids most often stored in them. In addi t ion to vapor accumulat ion, a domest ic refr igerator contains readily available igni t ion sources, such as thermostats , l ight switches, and hea ter strips, all within or exposed to the refr igerated storage compar tment . Fur thermore , the compressor and its circuits are typically located at the bo t tom of the unit , where vapors f rom f lammable l iquid spills or leaks could easily accumulate•

Protect ion against the igni t ion of f lammable vapors in refrigerated equ ipmen t is available t h rough th ree types of laboratory refrigerators: explosionproof, "laboratory-safe" (or "explosion-safe ') , and modif ied domest ic models.

Explos ionproof refr igerat ion equ ipmen t is designed to protec t against ignit ion of f lammable vapors bo th inside and outside the refr igerated storage compar tment . This type is i n t ended and


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recommended for environments such as pilot plants or laboratory work areas where all electrical equipment is required to meet the requiremLmts of Arlide 501 of N~P~ 70, Natio~mi Electrical

The design concepts of the "explosion-safe ~ or "" type of refrigerator are based on t_he typical laboratory environment. The primary intent is to eliminate ignition of vapors inside the storage comparunent by sources also within the compartment. In addition, commercially avaUable "laboratory- safe refrigerators incorporate such design features as thresholds, self-closing doors, friction latches or magnetic door gaskets, and special materials for the inner shell. All of these features are intended to control or limit the damage should an exothermic reaction occur within the storage compartment. Finally, the compressor and its circuits and controls are located at the top of the unit to further reduce the potential for ignition of floor-level vapors. In general, the design features of a commercially available "laboratory-safe" refrigerator are such that they provide important safeguards not easily available through modification of domestic models.

Although not considered optimum protection, it is l~ossible to modify domestic refrigerators to achieve some degree of protection. However, the modification process can be applied only to manual defrost refrigerators; the self-defrostLng models cannot be successfully modified to provide even minimum safeguards against vapor ignition. The minimum procedures 1 modification include the following:

(1) Relocation of manual temperature controls to the exteriol the storage compartment, sealing all points where cap ary tubili or wiring formerly entered the storage compartmen~,~

(2) Removal of light switches and light assemlq~s : ~ all resulting openings

(3) Replacement of positive mechanical door 1 magnetic door gaskets.

Regardless of the approach used ~ f m a r k e d [ ~ [ ( ' ~ ' ~ i ~ safe," modified domestic, or u n m o o ~ e a a o m e s ~ laboratory refrigerator should bec~ whether-or not It is safe for stora~ 01{~fnmable ri~erials. Internal laboratory procedures sho ,ld gre l oratory

F refrigerators are being properly used i ~ A - 9 - 2 ~ P 2 gives examples of labels tha(can be used on lal~[gorl~efrigerators.

I Do not store flammable solvents I in this refrigerator. I

Label used for unrnodd'md domestic models


No~: This is not an explosionFoof reldgerator, but it has been dmigned to pemit sale Storage Of matedab producing flammable vapors. Containers should be weli-stopper~ or tghtly closed.

Label for laboraloff-safe or modif~l domeslic models

F'tgure A-9-2.2.2 Labels to be used in laboratory refrigerators.

A-9-2.$.5 The requirements of 9-2.3.5 can be accomplished by either of the following:

(a) Limiting the temperatures of internal heated surfaces that can be exposed to the vapors to no more than 80 percent of the autoignition temperature of the material being heated.

(b) Providing mechanical exhaust ventilation that discharges to a safe location to keep the concentration of flammable gas or vapor below 25 percent of the lower flammable limit. The ventilation equipment should be interlocked with the heating system so that healing cannot take place unless the ventilation system is operating.

Also, any electrical equipment located within the outer shell, within the comparunent, on the door, or on the door frame should be suitable for Class I, Division 1 hazardous (classified) locations, and an electrical e uipment mounted on the outside of the eoumment.s~ould be as ~olllows: '

(a) I, Division 2 hazardous (classified)

(b)= the outside surface of the equipment where ; will be minimal

v e r ~ g a s a e s c n ~ F m N~VA ~o, ~ : an~mfor ~ a ,~ ~,urn~es.

~ k - 9 - t Pressure vessels require specialized design beyond the ~ - S F m o r r n a l workshop practice. For design of pressure v ~ , see Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Pressure V e ' ~ ' s i o n 1, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code..

~ l~Examples of severe or unusual hazards that might require • " ~ of signs include the following:


) Unstable chemicals

(2) Radioactive chemicals

(3) Carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens

(4) Pathogens

(5) High-pressure reactions

(6) High-powered lasers

(7) Water-reactive materials

(8)" Cryogens

Also, the names and home telephone numbers of one or more persons working in each laboratory work area should be posted at the entrance to that work area. Such information shouldbe kept current.

It is important to recognize that an extremely toxic substance need not be identified as a proportionately hazardous substance, The quantity of the substance, the ease of penetration of its container or risk of its release by fire, and the probability of harming emergency response personnel are the true measures of the hazardievel. This standard does not exclusively endorse any particular convention for communicating unusual I~o~rds to emergency resL~onse personnel, reco~..d..'ziug that professional ~udgments nedd to be made on a f a d l i ~ i t y basis. These judgments should recognize several existing conventions.

Use of the NFPA 704 system (Standard System for the I d m t t i ~ ' n oftl~ Hazards o f ~ f o r ~ Rmpom/), which nught be suitable for flammable liquid storage cabinets or those laboratories containing a nearly constant chemical inventory, is'. not recommended for mnltichemical labojratories where the chemicals can change frequently. Such laboratories can include any of the following: analytical, biological (public health, genetic engineering, bacteriological), physical and chemical (organic, inbrganic, physical, research, crystallographic , forensic), ins~actional (college and high school chemistry and physics laboratories), metallurgical, mineralogical, fine art restoration and identification, and dental. Even where storage withina laboratory involves unusually high amounts of flammable or toxic or reactive materials (and hence calls for hazard identification), a lettered sign is generally more easily understandable than a numerical designation. Hence the NFPA 704 system is not recommended for laboratories in general.


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A-10-2 The exhaust system should be identified '%VARN1NG - - Chemical Laboratory Exhaust" (or ~Laboratory Hood Exhaust" or other appropriate wording). Exhaust system discharge stacks and discharge vents and exhaust system fans should be marked to identify the laboratories or work areas being served.

Appendix B Supplementary Definitions

The following definitions are extracted from other NFPA documents and are critical to the understanding of this standard and thus a r e

considered a part of the requirements of this document.

B-I NFPA 30 Definitions. The following definitions axe extracted from NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Cod~

B-I.I Flammable Liquid. Any liquid that has a closed-cup flash point below 37.8°C (100°F), as determined by the test procedures and apparatus set forth in 1-7.4 [of NFPA 30]. Flammable liquids shall be classified as Class I as follows:

(a) Class I Liquid. Any liquid that has a closed-cup flash point below 37.8°C (100°F) and a Reid vapor pressure not exceeding 2068.6 mm Hg (40 psia) at 37.8°C (100°F), as determined by ASTM D 323, Standard Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method). Class I liquids shall be further classified as follows:

1. Class IA liquids shall include those liquids that have fl; points below 22.8°C (73°F) and boiling points below 37.8°C (100°F).

2. Class IB liquids shall include those liquids points below 22.8°C (73°F) and boiling points at (100°F).

3. Class IC liquids shall include those li( points at or above 22.8°C (73°F), but below 1-7.3.1)

B-1.2 Combustible Liquid. A combus...~le ff~!~£hall ~i..::~.~fined as any liquid that has a closed-cup f l ~ point ~ : ~ b o v ~ / . 8 ° C (lO0°F), as determined by tile t e s t . ~ e d u r e s ~ { ~ p a r ~ u s set forth in 1-7.4 [of NFPA 30]. Gon~:~:.~.e liquids ~.~ll be classified as Class II or Class III as f o i l ; :~i~i~

(a) Class U Liquid. Any liquid that hasX~i~.h # ~ n t at or above 37.8°C (100°F) and below 60°C (140°F). " ~ ! i "

(b) Class IliA. Any liquid that has a flash ~ i n t at or above 60°C (140°F), but below 93°C (200°F).

(c) Class IIIB. Any liquid that has a flash point at or above 93°C (200°F). (30: 1-7.3.2)

B-2 NFPA 704 Definitions. The following definitions are extracted from NFPA 704, Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response:,

B-2.1 Health Hazard. The likelihood of a material to cause, either direcdy or indirecdy, temporary or permanent injury or incapacitation due to an acute exposure by contact, inhalation, or ingestion. (704: 2-2)

B-2.2 Degrees of Hazard. The degrees of health hazard shall be ranked according to the probable severity of the effects of exposure to emergency response personnel. For each degree of hazard the criteria are listed in a priority order based upon the likelihood of exposure. Data from all routes of exposure shall be considered when applying professional judgment to assign a Health Hazard Rating. (704: 2-3.1)

B-2.2.1 See Table 2-2.1 for Health Hazard Rating criteria.

Health Hazard Rating


.:.fliiiii! i, :i::::."


Table B-2.2.1 Health Hazard Rating Criteria


Materials that, under emergency conditions, can be lethal. The following criteria shall be considered when rating materials:

Gases whose LC~0 for acute inhalation toxicity is less than or equal to 1000 parts per million (ppm); Any liquid whose saturated vapor concentration at .~..~C (68°F) is equal to or greater than 10 times its ii"-~:~'.or acute inhalation toxicity, if its LCs0 is less : than"6r equal to 1000 parts per million (ppm);

Dusts and mists whose LCs0 for acute inhalation icity is less than or equal to 0.5 milligrams per

~ g , (mg/L); ~..~.e..rials whose LDs0 for acute dermal toxicity is

l e ~ < ~ , : ~ equal to 40 milligrams per kilogram ( m g / ~ , :

Ma~[als whose LDs0 for acute oral toxicity is less than'%r equal to 5 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).

Materials that, under emergency conditions, can cause serious or permanent injury. The following criteria shall be considered when rating materials: Gases whose LCs0 for acute inhalation toxicity is

reater than 1000 parts per million (ppm), but less an or equal to 3000 parts per million (ppm); Any liquid whose saturated vapor concentration at

20°C (68°F) is equal to or greater than its LCs0 for acute inhalation toxicity, if its LCs0 is less than or equal to 3000 parts per million (ppm), and that does not meet the criteria for degree of hazard 4;

Dusts and mist whose LCs0 for acute inhalation toxicity is greater than 0.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L), but less than or equal to 2 milligrams per liter (mg/L);

Materials whose LDs0 for acute dermal toxicity is

l reater than 40 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), ut less than or equal to 200 milligrams per

kilogram (mg/kg); Materials that are corrosive to the respiratory tract; Materials that are corrosive to the eye or cause

irreversible corneal opacity;, Materials that are severely irritating and/or

corrosive to skin; Materials whose LDs0 for acute oral toxicity is reater than 5 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), but ss than or equal to 50 milligrams per kilogram

(mg/kg). Materials that, under emergency conditions, can

cause temporary incapacitation or residual injury. The following criteria shall be considered when rating materials:

Gases whose LC~0 for acute inhalation toxicity is gthreater than 3000 parts per million (ppm), but less

an or ecjual to 5000 parts per million (ppm); Any liqmd whose saturated vapor concentration at

20°C (68°F) is equal to or greater than one-fifth (1/5) its LCs0 for acute inhalation toxicity, if its LC~0 is less than or equal to 5000 parts per million (ppm), and that does not meet the criteria for either degree of hazard 3 or degree of hazard 4;

Dusts and mists whose LCs0 for acute inhalation toxicity is greater than 2 milligrams per liter (mg/L), but less than or equal to 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L);

Materials whose LDs0 for acute dermal toxicity is greater than 200 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), but less than or equal to 1000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg);

Materials that are respiratory irritants; Materials that cause irritating but reversible injury

to the eyes; Materials that are primary skin irritants or

sensitizers; Materials whose LDs0 for acute oral toxicity is

greater than 50 milligrams per kilogram, but less than or equal to 500 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).


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1 Materials that, under emergency conditions, can cause significant irritation. The following criteria shall be considered when rating materials:

Gases and vapors whose LCs0 for acute inhalation toxicity is greater than 5000par ts per million (ppm), but less than or equal to 10,000 parts per million ( p p m ) ;

Dusts and mists whose LCs0 for acute inhalation 2 toxicity is greater than 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) , but less than or equal to 200 milligrams per liter (mg/L) ;

Materials whose LDs0 for acute dermal toxicity is than 1000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) ,

t less than or equal to 2000 milligrams per .;."i kilogram (mg/kg) ; ....:~i

Materials that are slightly irritating to the ..::ff respiratory tract, eyes, and skin; :~.--:.:!.--!.~

Materials whose LDs0 for acute oral toxicity is .:. ~t.::~:~

greater than 500 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) , ":":'iiiiii~".-~%- but less than or equal to 2000 milligrams per k i lo~am /m~/k~[).

Materials that, under emergency conditions, would ~.~'i, ~'~: ~ : : . ...'~i-i~ii~::: offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible . ,.-.:~.:.:-:..:~: ~$:.~::.~:::.

materials. The following criteria shall be considered when rating materials: "::"%ii~.:,~':":~':"~

Gases andvapor s whose LCs0 for acute inhalatig~. :::~i~.~, :!: toxicity is greater than 10,000 parts per million "::-":-~iiiiiii~:;:.::.:, ""~!ii!~ff" ( p p m ); ::::!~:%'%i~!::-:.-. #""~

Dusts and mists whose LCs0 for acute inhalation ~. ":"'~,~.~:.-'.,:.~ . .~ toxicity is greater than 200//filligrams per liter % ..::#"::~::"~ ( m g /L ) ; ...... .--'~:.. . '!ii!#ili::" ~:"

Materials whose LD~0 for acute de rm . ~ . i ~ t y ~s -:.:...'.-!!." .'~.'."" greater than 2000 milligrams per k i l o ~ ' ~ / k g ) ; "-"ii-":.

Materials whose LD~0 for acute or~oxici tyzi ~ :,:~i'%~:~:.:~ greater than 2000 milligrams per . . . . ~ ~ g ) ~ i i - , i~!ii""

Essentially nonirri tat ing to the ~l~.~..~a~.~".:~i~.::'.-...:..'.:~: ~'':" e~ces, and skin. "::::"::'~::'~':" ":':"::::::::::':':':

..... :.:.~... ~:-':~-:'.:~::. 13-2.3 Flammability Hazards. This c h a ~ i ~ - : . a . d d r ~ i i ~ e . . ~ : degree of susceptibility of materials ta.:~rninl~iiiii::~ce n~::i-::: materials will burn under one set o f . ~ n d i t i o n s "~!":"'~':,will r ~ ' b u r n under others, the form or conditi.a..~ii~i:.the materi'~j~halfi:be considered, along with its i nhe red f p ~ r t i e s . Th~::-~tefinitions for liquid classification are found in Nl~PA~'~i~::F/amma#.'.'.~ and Combustible Liquids Code. (704: 3-1.1) "":?i'i~::-. ~.-'-"i';"

'.::~.:~.::..~.:~::...::-~::" B-2.4 Degrees of Hazard. The degrees of h ~ t ] shall be ranked according to the susceptibility of materials m.ii:'~'urning as follows. (704: 3-2.1) ":::~

B-2.4.1 See Table B-2.4.1 for Flammability Hazard Rating criteria.

Table B-2.4.1 FlammabUity Hazard Rating Criteria Flam-

mability Hazard Rating




Materials that will rapidly or completely vaporize at a tmospher ic pressure and normal ambient temperature or that are readily dispersed in air, and which will burn readily. This includes:

Flammable gases; Flammable cryogenic materials; Any liquid or gaseous material that is liquid while

under pressure and has a flash point below 22.8°C (73°F) and a boiling point below 37.8°C (IO0°F) (i.e., Class IA liquids);

Materials that ignite spontaneously when exposed to air.

Liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient tempera ture conditions. Materials in this degree produce hazardous a tmospheres with air under almost all ambient temperatures or, though unaffected by ambient temperatures, are readily ignited under almost all conditions. This includes:

Liquids having a flash point below 22.8°C (73°F) and having a boilin~g point at or above 37.8°C (100°F) and those hquids having a flash point at or above ~2.8°C (73°F) and below 37.8°C (100°F) (i.e., Class IB and Class IC liquids);

Materials that on account of their physical form or


environmental condit ions can form explosive mixtures with air and that are readily dispersed in air;

Materials that burn with ext reme rapidity, usually by reason of self-contained oxygen (e.g., dry nitrocellulose and many or l~nic peroxides) .

Materials that must be moderately hea ted or exposed to relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur. Materials in this degree would no t under normal condit ions form hazardous a tmospheres with air, but under high ambient ~ p e r a t u r e s or under moderate heating might

~ e vapor in sufficient quantities to produce " h a ~ o u s a t m o s p h e r e s with air. This includes: ~... Liquids having a flash point at or above 37.8°C ~..0O°F) and below 93.4°C (200°F) (i.e., Class II and

IliA liquids); ~ . . materials in the form of coarse dusts that

bu~p.~n~l , y but that generally do no t form explosive a t m t ~ ' ~ e s with air;

Soli~i~aterials in a fibrous or sh redded form that burn':.~pidly and create flash fire hazards, such as cotton, sisal, and hemp;

Solids and semisolids that readily give off f lammable vapors.

Materials that must be preheated before ignition can occur. Materials in this degree require considerable preheating, unde r all ambient temperature conditions, before ignition and combust ion can occur. This includes:

Materials that will burn in air when exposed to a temperature of 815.5°C (1500°F) for a per iod of 5 minutes or less;

Liquids, solids, and semisolids having a flash point at or above 93.4°C (200°F) (i.e., Class IIIB liquids);

Liquids with a flash point greater than 35°C (95°F) that do not sustain combust ion when tested using the Method of Testing for Sustained Combustibility, per 49 CFR, Part 173, Appendix H, or the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, 8th Revised Edition.

Liquids with a flash point greater than 35°C (95°F) in a water-miscible solution or dispersion with a water noncombust ib le l iqu id / so l id content of more than 85 percent by weight.

Liquids that have no fire point when tested by ASTM D 92, Standard Test Method for Flash Point and Fire Point by Cleveland Open Cup, up to the boiling point of the liquid or up to a temperature at which the sample being tes tedshows an obvious physical change.

Most ordinary combustible materials. Materials that will not burn. This includes any

material that will not burn in air when exposed to a temperature of 815.5°C (1500°F) for a per iod of 5 minutes.

B-2.5 Reactivity (Instability) Hazards.

B-2.5.1 This chapter shall address the degree of susceptibility of materials to release energy. Some materials are capable of rapid release of energy by themselves, th rough self-reaction or polymerization, or can undergo violent explosive reaction through contact with water or o the r extinguishing agents or with certain other materials. (704: 4-1.1)

13-2.5.2 The violence of a reaction or decomposi t ion of materials can be increased by heat or pressure, or by mixture with certain other materials to form fuel-oxidizer combinations, or by contact with incompatible substances, sensitizing contaminants, or catalysts. (704: 4-1.2)

B-2.5.3 Because of the wide variations of accidental combinations possible in fire or o ther emergencies, these extraneous hazard factors (except for the effect of water) cannot be appl ied to a general numerical rating of hazards. Such extraneous factors must be considered individually in order to establish appropriate safety factors, such as separation or segregation. Such indivaduai consideration is particularly impor tant where significant amounts of materials are to be stored or handled. Guidance for this


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consideration is provided in NFPA 49, Hazardous Chemicals Data. (704: @1.3)

15-2.5.4 The degree of instability hazard shall indicate to fire- fighting and emergency personnel whether the area shall be evacuated, whether a fire shall be fought from a protected location, whether caution shall be used in approaching a spill or fire to apply extinguishing agents, or whether a fire can be fought using normal procedures. (704: 4-1.4)

B-2.5.5 Def ini t ions .

B- For the purposes of this standard, an unstable material is one that can enter into a violent chemical reaction with water. Reactions with other materials can also result in violent release of energy but are beyond the scope of this standard. (704: @2.1)

B- For the purposes of this standard, an unstable material is one that, in the pure state or as commercially produced, will vigorously polymerize, decompose or condense, become self- reactive, or otherwise undergo a violent chemical change under conditions of shock, pressure, or temperature. (704: @2.2)

B- Stable materials are those that normally have the capadty to resist changes in their chemical composition, despite exposure to air, water, and heat as encountered in fire emergencies. (704:

@2.3) ~k~ B-2.6 Degrees of Hazard. The degrees of hazard shall be r according to ease, rate, and quantity of energy release as foilows~ (704: @3.1)

!?,-2.6.1 See Table 13-2.6.1 for Reactivity Rating C r i ~ ,

Table B-2.6.1 Reactlviv

Materials 4 I Materials mat in t l a e m s e ~ x r e a ~ p a b l e

of detonation or explo s I ~ ~ o s l t i ~ at explosive reactiOnncl~ I ~nal t e ~ t u r e ~ . ~ . . ,

I s m a t e r i a l i s t ar..~...~ ~ pressures. This [ sensitive to l o c a l i z ~ m a l or m .~aani'~al [ shock at normal t d m p ~ r e s and ~iiessures.

Materials that have an ~ t a n e , f power of heat J density (product d ~ c t i o ! ad reactior




Materials that in themselves ~ ; ' c apab le of detonation or explosive dec~Jffp.osition or explosive reaction, but that reqmre a strong initiating source or that must be heated under containment before initiation. This includes:

Materials that have an instantaneous power density (product of heat of reaction and reaction rate) at 250°C (482°F) at or above 100 W/mL and below 1000 W/mL;

Materials that are sensitive to thermal or mechanical shock at elevated temperatures and pressures;

Materials that react explosively with water without requiring{ heat or containment.

Materials that readily undergo violent chemical change at elevated temperatures and pressures. This includes:

Materials that have an instantaneous power density (product of heat of reaction and reaction rate) at 250°C (482°F) at or above 10 W/mL and below 100 W/mL;

Materials that react violently with water or form potentially explosive mixtures with water.

Materials that in themselves are normally stable, but that can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures. This includes:

Materials that have an instantaneous power density (product of heat of reaction and reaction rate) at 250°C (482°F) at or above 0.01 W/mL and below 10 W/mL;

Materials that react vigorously with water, but not violently;

Materials that change or decompose on exposure to air, light, or moisture.

A Materials that in themselves are normally stable, even under fire conditions. This includes:

Materials that have an instantaneous power density (product of heat of reaction and reaction rate) at 250°C (482°F) below 0.01 W/mL;

Materials that do not react with water; Materials that do not exhibit an exotherm at

temperature less than or equal to 500°C (932°F) when tested by differential scanning calorimetry.

B-3 NFPA 220 Def'.mitlons. The following definitions are extracted fro~.~.~FPA 220, Standard on Types of Building

B-3.1 bustible Material. A material that, in the form in and under the conditions anticipated, will not

~port combustion, or release flammable vapors or heat. Materials that are reported as ~;. ~.~,.a~tandard Test Method for Behavior of Materials ~e ~ at 750°C, shall be considered e n ~ r i a l s . (220: 2-1)

~ ]~l]tnited-Combustible. A building construction material not q ~ i lying with the definition of noncombustible material that, in d ~ i.~. which it is used, has a potential heat value not exce . 3 1 ~ 3 5 0 0 Btu/lb (8141 kJ /kg) , where tested in accordance with ~.I~A 259, Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building • ~ . . t ~ l s , and complies with (a) or (f~): (a) Materials having a

. ~ u r a l base of noncombustible material, with a surfacing not ~'eeding a thickness of 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) that has a flame spread

ex not greater than 50; and (b) Materials, in the form and thickness used., other than as described in (a), having neither a flame spread index greater than 25 nor evidence of continued progressive combustion and of such composition that surfaces that would be exposed by cutting through the material on any plane would have neither a flame spread index greater than 25 nor evi- dence of continued progressive combustion.

Materials subject to increase in combnstibility or flame spread index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture, or other atmospheric condition shall be considered combustible. (220: 2-1)

11-3.3 Flame Spread Index. A number obtained according to NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. (220: 2-1)

B-3.4 Guide to Classification of Types of Building Construction.

B-$.4.1 The types of construction include five basic types designated by Roman numerals as Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, and Type V. This system of designating types of construction also includes a specific breakdown of the types of construction through the use of Arabic numbers. These numbers follow the Roman numeral notation where identifying a type of construction (e.g., Type 1-443, Type II-111, Type III-200). (220: 1-3)

B-3.4.2 Basic Construction Types. NOTE: All dimensions for sawn and laminated lumber are nominal.

Type i (443 or 332). Type I construction shall be that type in which the structural members, including walls, columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches, floors, and roofs, are of approved noncombustible or limited-combnstible materials and shall have fire resistance ratings not less than those specified in Table B- 3.4.2. (220: 3-1)

Type II (222, 111, or 000). Type II construction shall be that type not qualifying as Type I construction in which the structural members, including walls, columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches, floors, and roofs, are of approved noncombustible or limited-combustible materials and shall have fire resistance ratings not less than those specified in Table B-3.4.2. (220: 3-2)

Type HI (211 or 200). Type III construction shall be that type in which exterior walls and structural members that are portions of exterior walls are of approved noncombustible or limited- combustible materials, and interior structural members, including walls, columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches, floors, and roofs,


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are entirely or partially of wood of smaller dimensions than required for Type IV construction or of approved noncombustible, limited-combustible, or other approved combustible materials. In addition, structural members shall have fire resistance ratings not less than those specified in Table B- 3•4.2• (220: 3-3)

Type IV (2HH). Type IV construction shall be that type in which exterior and interior walls and structural members that are portions of such walls are of approved noncombustible or limited- combustible materials• Other interior structural members, including columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches, floors, and roofs, shall be of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces and shall comply with the provisions of (a) through (e) below• In addition, structural members shall have fire resistance ratings not less than those specified in Table 13-3.4.2. (220: 3-4.1)

Exception No. 1: Interior columns, arches, beams, girders, and trusses of approved materials other than wood shall be permitted, provided they are protected to provide a fire resistance rating of n o t less than 1 hour.

Exception No. 2: Certain concealed spaces shall be permitted by the exception to (c) below.

(a) Wood columns supporting floor loads shall be not less than 203 mm (8 in.) in any dimension; wood columns supporting roof loads only shall be not less than 152 mm (6 in.) in the s m a l ~ - ~ dimension and not less than 203 mm (8 in.) in depth. ( 2 2 0 : ~ : ~

(b) Wood beams and girders supporting floor loads shall be less than 152 mm (6 in.) in width and not less than 254 mm (10 in•) in depth; wood beams and girders and other ro ~ % . !~i) ~ supporting roof loads only, shall be not less than 1~ in width and not less than 152 mm (6 in.) in d e p ~ "

(c) Framed o rg lued laminated arches that ~ r ~ "~,._/ the floor line a n d t i m b e r trusses that support floo/~ ~ not less than 203 mm (8 in.) in width or t laminated arches for roof consti3lctioI t ~ i ~ ~" : or the floor line and do not support floo~.-'.'i~c~ ~ [~ers not less than 152 mm (6 in.) in wid .~. ~ q d n am (8 in.) in depth for the lower half of .:--::~.t~"~i~emb mt less

than 152 nun (6 in.) in depth for the upper half of the member height• Framed or glued laminated arches for roof construction that spring from the top of walls or wall abutments and timber trusses that do not support floor loads shall have members not less than 102 mm (4 in.) in width and not less than 152 mm (6 in.) in depth.

Exception: Spaced members shall be permitted to be composed of two or more pieces not less t h a n 7 6 ram (3 in.) in thickness where blocked solidly throughout their intervening spaces or where such spaces are tightly closed by a continuous wood cover plate not less than 51 ram (2 in.) in thickn~.: h secured to the underside of the members•

be not less than 76 mm (3 in.) in thickness.

(d): ) o r ~ ' ~ l be constructed of splined or tongued and p l a n l ~ , less than 76 mm (3 in.) in thickness that is with ~ , . (_l¢in.) tongue and groove flooring, laid %r di ':ag " ~ ' ~ t o the plank, or with 13-mm (l/~-in.) or thefy s ~ - be constructed of laminated planks not less mmmm (4(4 i~i(~) in width, set close together on edge, spiked at of 457 mm (18 in.), and covered with 25-ram (1-in.) iad groove flooring, laid crosswise or diagonally to the • with 13-ram Q/~-in.) plywood. (220: 3-4.5)

( e y ~ decks shall be constructed of splined or tongued and g r o o v ~ l a n k not less than 51 mm (2 in.) in thickness; or of ~am[.~'~ecl planks not less than 76 mm (3 in•) in width, set close ~ e r on edge, and laid as required for floors; or of 28.6-mm "..~[.x~-/s-in. ) thick interior plywood (exterior glue); or of approved ~bncombustible or limited-combustible materials of equivalent fire durability. (220: 3-4.6)

T~.e V (111 or 000). Type V construction shall be that type in which exterior walls, bearing walls, columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches, floors, and roofs are entirely or partially of wood or other approved combustible material smaller than material required for Type IV construction. In addition, structural members shall have fire resistance ratings not less than those specified in Table B-3.4.2. (220: 3-5)

Table B-3.4.2 Ratings (in hours) for Type I through Type V Construction

"%~::~ Type I Type II Type III Type IV ~? 443 352 222 111 000 211 200 2HH

Exterior Bearing Walls Supporting more than one floor, columns,

or other bearing walls 4 3 2 01 2 2 2 Support ing one floor only 4 3 2 0 t 2 2 2 Supportin~ a roof only 4 3 1 01 2 ~ 2 ~. 2

Interior Bearing Walls ~:..i~ :::":":: ~ :'::::" ?.':~:~'i.::..5~'-:i~-.*.',~:j:~.'. Supporting more than one floor, columns, ..:.:.~ ~'.":~t I ~{

or other bearing walls 4 3 2 0 i~ ~ ~ i~ ~ i ~ ~i ii ~'.-:"i ee~.~ -~..-.:~-;.s.-~ Supporting one floor only 3 2 2 0 ~ ] ~ - ~ i 1 Supporting roofs only 3 2 1 0 i.".-"~ :::::::::::::::::::::::: 1

uL%TfiH~ Supporting more than one foor , columns,

or other bearing walls 4 3 2 1 Supporting one floor only 3 2 2 1 Su ortin roofsonl 3 2 1 1

~eams, ¢ o l r u e r s , l r u s s e s ) a n t l z~l 'cnes

Supporting more than one floor, columns, or other bearing walls 4 3 2 1

Supporting one floor only 3 2 2 1 Supporting roofs only 3 2 1 1

Floor Construction 3 2 2 1

Exterior onbearing alls l ~ ' ~ 1

mitrlmm D

'See A-3-1 (Table) from NFPA 220. 2 "H" indicates heavy timber members; see text for requirements. SExterior nonbearing walls meeting the conditions of acceptance of NFPA 285, Standard Method of Evaluation of FkzmmabiliO Characteristics of Exterlor Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components Using the Intermediate-Scale, Multistory Test Apparatus, shall be permitted to be used.


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Appendix C Supplementary I n f o r m a t i o n o n E x p l o s i o n H a z a r d s and P r o t e c t i o n

This appendix is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but is included for informational purposes only.

C-1 Scope. This appendix is intended to provide laboratory management with information to assist them in understanding the potential consequences of an explosion and the need for

02 .3 D e t o n a t i o n .

O2.3.1 A detonation is a rapid combustion reaction that takes place at or above the speed of sound in the unburned medium.

02.3.2 A detonation will cause a high-pressure shock wave to propagate outwardly, through the surrounding environment, at velocities above the speed of sound.

adequately designed protection. It is not intended to be a design manual. 02 .4 Therm~.Explosion. A thermal explosion is a self-

a c c e l e r a t i n g i ~ e r m i c decomposition ttaat occurs throughout 0 2 Explosion. An explosion is defined as (1) a violent bursting, the e n t i r e : . . ~ s + ' ~ no separate, distinct reaction zone. as of a pressurized vessel; or (2) an extremely rapid chemical .-.::.::i:.'~.e.~ • : : : : - ' - : : : : ' ~ : : . . x . ,

reaction with the associated production of noise, heat, and violent C-2.4..L..i~i::A'~al explosion can accelerate into a detonation. expansion of gases. Reactive explosions are further categorized as ::!~:.'~i "':~!".:~:~::. deflagrations, detonations, and thermal explosions. C-.~~ii~The ~ . p r e s s u r e and rate of pressure rise in a thermal

~ . ~ ar~ d~y .~ . l~opor t lona l to the amount of material O2.1 Container Failure. When a container is pressurized ~t,~'de':~ing r eac f f~ . .~ r unit volume of the container. This is beyond its burst strength, it can violently tear asunder ..:.,ff'~luike. unlike gas o r j~po r explosions, where the loading density is (explode). A container failure can produce subsonic, sonic, or ~!~-jii~::no~lly fixed by .~e combustible mixture at one atmosphere. supersonic shock waves, depending on the cause of the internal . ~ : ~ " : ~ ~ k - K a m e n e t s k i i theory is useful in evaluating the critical pressure. : ~ : " i n 4 ~ h e thermal explosion of solids.

C-2.1.1 The energy released by failure of a vessel containing a.gas C~i~feq . t s of E x p l o s i o n s . or liquid is the sum of the energy of pressurization of the f l u i ~ "::-:~::.~¢~ the strain energy in the vessel wails due to pressure-induced ~ . - . . : . . , C-$.l"'!~...'~'sonnel Exposure. Personnel exposed to the effects of deformation. ~'~"-':.~:.:: " : ' : ~ , ~ : ~ n . ~ ~ . ~ e~.x~'~|osion are susce ptibte to in'urytl from the following:

: : : :~ . . . ~ : ~ : : : : : : ' : : ' : :

C-2.1.2 In pressurized gas systems, the energy in the compresse~ili: ~iii.":" "~"~:) Missiles and explosion-dispersed materials gas represents a large proportion of the total energy ~ , e d in a:~i!!# ~ :~'.:'i::~2) Thermal and corrosive burns vessel rupture, whereas, in pressurized liquid s y s t e ~ : ~ a i n '~..".:: ~ (3) Inhalation of explosion products energy in the container walls represents me morg-($igmfl'-~t :~ii::..-:,.'~: (4) Overpressure, including incident, reflection-reinforced portion of the total explosion energy a v a i l a b l e , ~ " '~:~ "~" .... cmll~.....hig% it!i!i:-:'*" incident, and sustained overpressure pressure systems. ':#::~~:.lii~. ~ - ~ . ' . - , . :~!U':" (5) Body blowdown and whole-body displacement

~:-.:.34,500"~a Injuries from missiles and explosion-dispersed materials, r ~ :::. burns, and inhalation of toxic gases account for the majority of f i g n ' ~ i t y injuries related to small explosions. Approximation of .ter a~.".~tIent physiological damage due to explosions is given in Tables G- ~erial~:"~f 3.1 (a) and (b) (shown on the following page).

C-2.1.3 Small-volume liquid systems pressu.n'zed to i (5000 psi), large-volume systems at low " : " ~ oI contained by vessels made of materials~h'at e~.~T. ~:~ should be evaluated for energy r e l e ~ ~ conditions. This does not imply ~ i i ~ o n e l a s t i c ~ . . construction are preferred. M a t e r ~ ' t ~ l p r e d i c a t e failure modes are referred ¢:i:i:!:':.:.'~ ~:!: p • ..::::::..::::.. :::-:~:-

. . . . . "~:~:~:~:.'.:~ . .~:.-':: . C-2.1.4 Llqmd systems containing e n t r a m ~ r ..~gas roll store more potential energy and are, therefore, ~"~ .~hza rdous than totally liquid systems because the gas b e c o m e ~ h e driving force behind the liquid. .:'Y" .,

C-2.1.5 For gas-pressurized liquid systems, such as nitrogen over oil, an evaluation of the explosion energy should be made for both the lowest and highest possible liquid levels.

C-2.1.6 For two-phase systems, such as carbon dioxide, an energy evaluation should be made for the entire system in the gas phase and the expansion of the maximum available liquid to the gas phase should then be considered.

C-2.2.1 Deflagratlon. A deflagration is a rapid combustion or decomposition reaction in which the reaction zone (flame front) progresses below the speed of sound through the unburned medium.

02.2.2 The reaction rate is proportional to the increasing pressure of the reaction. A deflagration can, under some conditions, accelerate and build into a detonation. The deflagration-to-detonation transition (D-D-T) is influenced by confinement containment that allows compression waves to advance and create higher pressures that continue to increase the deflagration rates. This is commonly called pressure piling.

03.2 Damage to S t r u c t u r a l E l e m e n t s . The potential for damage to high-value buildings and equipment also warrants special consideration. Failure of building components s h o u l d n o t be overlooked as a source of injury to personnel.

O3.2.1 Where the incident impulse is reinforced by reflection, as will be the case in large explosions within or near structures, the incident peak pressures for given damage are substantially lowered. The reflected pressure migh tbe from 2 to 19 times

~ eater than the incident pressure, depending on the magnitude of e incident pressure and the distance from reflecting surfaces.

However, when a small explosion located more than a few inches from a reflecting surface has a TNT equivalence of less than 100 gm (3.5 oz), the reinforcement phenomenon is negligible because of the rapid decay of both the incident pressure wave and the reflected pressure wave with distance.

03.2.2 Thermal explosions and deflagrations having impulses with rates of pressure rise greater than 20 milliseconds require peak pressures approximately three times those of detonations in order to produce similar damage.

C-3.2.3 A sustained overpressure will result when a large explosion occurs in a building with few openings or inadequate explosion venting. This sustained overpressure is more damaging than a short duration explosion of equivalent rate of pressure rise and peak pressure. Explosions with TNT equivalencies of less than I00 gm (3.5 oz) would not be expected to create significant sustained overpressures, except in small enclosures. (For small explosions, burns, inhalation of toxic gases, and missile injuries usually exceed blast wave injuries.)


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Table C-3.1(a) Blast Effects from Detonations Ranl~e in Feet for Indicated Explosive Yield (TNT Equivalent) Blast Effect 0.1 ]gm 1.0 igm 10 ,gm 100 g m Criteria

1% E a r d r u m Rup tu re 1.1 2.4 5.2 11 23.5 kPa (P~ = 3.4 psi) 50% E a r d r u m Rup tu re 0.47 1.0 2.2 4.7 110 kPa (Pi = 16 psi) No Blowdown 0.31 1.3 6.9 ~30 57 kPa • msec ( I i + / q = 1.25 psi msec)

0.9 m / s e c ( V~, = 0.3 f t / sec ) 50% Blowdown <0.1 0.29 1.1 4.1 57 kPa ° msec (I~ + Iq = 8.3 psi ° msec)

0.6 m / s e c V~ , = 2.0 f t / s e c 1% Ser ious Di sp lacemen t Injury <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 ~1.1 373 kPa ° msec (I~ + / q = 54 psi ° msec)

Vm~ , 4 msec ( V ~ © 13 f t / sec ) T h r e s h o l d L u n g H e m o r r h a g e <0.1 <0.2 0.5 1.8 . 180 kPa ° msec (/i + L = 26 psi s msec) Severe L u n g H e m o r r h a g e <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 ~1.1 .:i'iii , 360 kPa * msec ( I i + ft. = 52 psi ° msec) 1% Mortality <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 <1::..'.# "~:~: i~!~,.'::.590 kPa * msec ( I i + ~ = 85 psi ° msec) 50% Mortality <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 ~ill. ":~900 kPa ° msec (L + ffq = 130 psi ° msec) 50% Large 1.5 m ~ - 2.3 m 2 (16 f C - 25 ft ~ ) 0.26 1.1 5.7 .:.-:.'$~!i!i~::.. 21 kPa ° msec (/~= 3 psi ° msec)

Windows Broken .-.:~-.:" "~':.'.'i~i~: 50% Small 0.12 m~ - 0.56 m~ (1.3 ft~ - 6 ft~) 0.17 0.40 1.9 : ~ . 9.9 "::~iiii i~x 55 kPa • m s e c ( I = 8 psi ° msec)

Windows Broken ~:.-:.-:ii i:..-, :% " ~']-'~. Notes: ...~. "" ":~::. ~" "-..':'.'~:.-':~::..,:'.?.: Pi = peak m m d e n t overpressure kPa (psO. ..:i.~:: _ "!~!:: Vm~ = m a x i m u m translat ional velocity fo r an initially s t and ing m a n ~ s e c ( ~ / s e c ) . ::.:U /~ = impulse m the inc iden t wave kPa msec (psi msec) . ..'.'."~:"~i~i~::.. .."i~i~i~i~::. " I = dynamic p ressu re impulse in the inc iden t wave kPa ° msec (p~ • "~)~:::::::~h:,

= ~mpulse in the inc iden t wave u p o n ref lecUon against a surface p e r p ~ u l a r to its p a t h of travel kPa msec (psi • msec) . The overpressure-d is tance curves o f t he rma l explos ions a n d deflagration~'-"-:~::.not ma tch those of T N T de tona t ions . N o n d e t o n a t i o n

explos ions have lower overpressures in close for comparable..:..'~:.e.rgy r e l e a s e s ~ : : ~ h i g h e r overpressures to g rea te r distances. T h e critical fac tor is impulse . Impulse is t he m a x i m u m i n c i d e n t ~ : g . . . e s s u r e (psP~Itiplied by the pulse d u r a t i o n (msec) .

"i~i:: ~-...-'.<......:..~ ..#'" :.~: " " ~ 0 t e d that an imprope r ly a n c h o r e d or inadequate ly des igned

Table C-3.1(b) Cri ter ia f o r Estlmatinlz Missile ln iur ies ~ .+':'~':'"::"~d also can b e c o m e a missile The possibili ty of f lames a n d " " R~,,~,g~.-~a~t-'-'̂ 't':]~'~--. '~))...:.~'~:"~:. ::,,~persi°n of hot , corrosive, or toxic mater ia ls likewise s h o u l d be

Critical O r g a n I ~ :~i~!: cons idered . Kind o f Missile or Event m/s~"::" ' ~ / s e c ) ~ili...$~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .£.k, ~'~" ~:~:~:~:.~. t.,-4.~ l n e nxennooc t o t an explos ion is estimatect oy consictering m'~t~pfne~0-]~g-g, - ) Cerebra l . . . . . . . . . . ":'i~'~::~i~ii~'::" ~":~":"~" % sliii?" such factors as the p roper t i e s of the reactants; his tory of the react ion

o" ' - . '" ::~'i!i!i-:::~::,A"-::":"~':"::-~'.".~:.# • :" based on l i terature search, etc.; possible in te rmedia tes a n d reac t ion D cot concuss ion "-" :::::~:::-Y "::.-'~i:.:::'-~: ~':y . . . . . . . ",::::::.'.:.~ . . . . :-'--':::-':-'::." products ; p ressure , volume, s to red energy, des ign integri ty and safet, l n r e s n o l o : ~ a ~ . O " : : : - ' : : : : : : : . ( 1 ~ ) "" ~ ~ . , , . . . . , ' ~ •

• ::.";:::~:i:::.. :::!.:.:i~.~. factors o I react ion vessels" p res su re rel ict provaslons in m e case or ..-.~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -::k::i:.::..x,. ~ . ' . . . . . , . ~ , , , ~ , . . . . &'.':" ":.':'~!~-:~ii~::.. -:~i~--.:~ ::~ p ressure vessels; a n d exploswe limits, quanUtaes, oxygen e n n c h m e n t ,

~9.'7" ~ ' ~ : ~ .#:" ~;;.~'., "-."~'L:"-':';.. etc. of f l ammable gases or vapors. The t e r m " l ike l ihood" r a the r l n r e s n o l o .::-:-:. ~,.r~.::::::::::. .:.'~:'1:9) ~, ' . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-:::-'?.k ~ 75::::::::::::- .:::::';~-. t han ' prODaDtllty, IS usect to ctescnDe an estamatect event t r equency r~ear 1 o O ~:',.-':::.:::~ /.O :::::::::~i "~:II ( X 3 ) . . . . .

p . . . . . . :__l ..:-: "-':?:~:~.-... '*!:~:!: based on expemence, knowledge, or m t u m v e reasoning , r a the r t h a n - - c u ~ u , t u t ~ 1 6 ':~ q : : : : : : : : :~ .::::::~ . . . . . ' - ,

10 "0 35 oz" S " 1 .. ':::'.:.'.':~ .. ::::::: u p o n statistical data. In genera l the re vclll be m s u f f i o e n t data to ~ • - ) Kin ace r anon -:::.-'-.-:::::. ::::: , , , , , . . '

glass f rag lnents T h r e s h o l d ::::'~ ~i'~-"i:"::":: . . . . 15 .~i~?::::: (50 ) oeveiop mamemataca t pronalatl iues.

. __ "::@:.~iii:':'::.:::~¢:' C-4.4 T h e c o n s e q u e n c e s o f an exp los ion can be es t imated by ~,erlous w o u n o s " ~ : : : : : : : . . . . . . T h r e l h o l c l " ! ~ t ~ n m cons ider ing the m t e r a c u o n s o f the exp los ion wath pe r sonne l , ~5"()'~o ~ . . . . 4i:::~"*"~ ~ a ~ equ ipmen t , a n d bu i ld ing c o m p o n e n t s at varying distances f r o m

" ~ ~ the cen te r of t he explos ion. This analysis sh o u ld inc lude n u m b e r s 100% 91 /300) a n d locations of pe r sonne l ; injury and fatality potentials; repa i r or

~Eye damage , lethality, or paralysis can resul t f rom pene t r a t ing r e p l a c e m e n t cost of e q u i p m e n t ; ability of the bu i ld ing or r o o m or missiles at relatively low velocities s tr iking eyes, major b lood e q u i p m e n t to wi ths tand the explosion, and the cost to res tore the vessels, ma jo r nerve centers, or vital organs , facility a n d e q u i p m e n t ; adverse impac t on r e sea rch a n d

d e v e l o p m e n t a n d bus iness i n t e r rup t i on costs as a resul t of loss of C-4 H a z a r d Analysis. use of the facility.

C-4.1 T h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the degree of hazard p re sen t ed by a specific ope ra t i on is a ma t t e r of j u d g m e n t . An explos ion hazard C-4.5 Figure C,-4.5 p rov ides gu idance o n d is t inguish ing be tween

h igh-pressure and low-pressure react ions. shou ld be evaluated in t e rms of l ikel ihood, severity, a n d the c o n s e q u e n c e s of an explos ion , as well as the p ro tec t ion r eq u i r ed to substantial ly reduce tiae hazard. A review of the explos ion 1000 High-pressure reactions hazard analysis by an a p p r o p r i a t e level of m a n a g e m e n t is r e c o m m e n d e d . ._~ 500

~_ 4 o o o ~ C-4.2 The severity of an explosion is m e a s u r e d in t e rms of the rate "g" 300 of p res su re rise, peak explos ion pressure , impulse , du ra t ion of the _~ overpressure , dynamic pressure , velocity of the p r o p a g a t i n g ~, 200


pressure wave, a n d residual overpressures . T h e effects of a n ~_ explos ion within an enclosure , such as a l abora tory hood , =m ~ o0 l abora tory work area, or labora tory un i t can be far m o r e severe ~ an kow-pr t han the effects of a similar explos ion in an o p e n space. O f ~ 60 p r imary i m p o r t a n c e is the missile hazard. S o m e explosions , such o °- 50 as in overpressur ized l ightweight glassware, can genera te pressure ~ 40 waves that, in themselves, do n o t e n d a n g e r pe r sonne l , bu t the ~ ~ 30 resul t ing f r agmen t s can blind, o therwise injure, or kill the re 20 1 Atmosohero expe r imen te r . An explos ion tha t develops lbressures sufficient to e n d a n g e r p e r s o n n e l in a l abora tory work a rea usually will p r e s e n t lO I I a ser ious missile hazard. Cons ide ra t ion of missile hazards sh o u ld 0.01 o.1 1 4 inc lude p r ima ry missiles f r o m the vessel in which the exp los ion originates, secondary missiles accelera ted by the e x p a n d i n g blast Volume of reactor (L) wave, and the mass, shape , and velocity of the missiles. It shou ld

Figure C-4.5 Pressure classification o f reactions.

4 8 7

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The following items apply to the classification of reactions in vessels as either high pressure or low pressure.

C-4.5.1 Reactions that produce pressures below the curve in Figure C-4.5 are classified as low-pressure reactions.

Exception: Experimental reactions involving materials that are known to be inherently unstable, such as reactions with acetylenic compounds and certain oxidations, such as halogenations or nitrations, should be considered high-pressure reactions, even though they might fa l l below the curve in Figure C-4.5.

C-4.5.2 Reactions that produce pressures above the curve in Figure C-4.5 should be classified as high-pressure reactions.

Exception: Routine reactions where pressures and temperatures are expected between certain predetermined limits based on long experience or routine work might be considered low-pressure reactions, i f the reaction vessel is built of suitablo materials, has an adequate safety factor, and is provided with pressure relief in the form of a proper 0 desigued s~feO relief valve or a rupture disc that discharges to a safe location.

C-4.5.3 Items (a) through (d) contain recommendations for protecting against explosion hazards of reactions conducted above atmospheric pressures.

(a) High-pressure experimental reactions should be c o n d u ~ behind a substantial fixed barricade that is capable of withstarf.~". the expected lateral forces. The barricade should be firmly "~ supported at top and bottom to take these forces. At least one wall should be provided with explosion venting directed to a saf(~ location. (See NFPA 68, Guide for Venting t f O e f l a g r a ~ , . l

(b) Reaction vessels should be built of suitable::-~ateri~ ~ of construction and should have an adequate safe.t~.'.'-~!gtor. -~?~. ~.

(c) All reaction vessels should be provided with '~i~'..:.., ""~-~ valve or a rupture disc. ~ k

(d) Low-pressure reactions should n o ] ~ n d ~ "¢" portable barricades. ¢:~..-.'::.'=" %~i~. . . . . . . .~.:.~

¢ :

C-5 Explosion Hazard Protectiom":" "-'%~$~ ~ :

C-5.1 It is important to remember that ~.~ ~,ati~ "d laboratory hood is not designed to provide explosior~* ~ b n .

C-5.2 The design of explosion hazard protei n measures should be based on the following considerations. ..'i

(a) Blast effects: 1. Impulse 2. Rate and duration of pressure rise 3. Peak pressure 4. Duration of overpressure 5. Velocity of the propagating pressure wave 6. Residual overpressure and underpressure

(b) Missiles: 1. Physical properties of the material 2. Mass 3. Shape 4. Velocity

C-5.3 Protection can be provided by one or more of the following methods:

(a) Providing special preventive or protective measures for reactions, equipment, or the reactants themselves (such as explosion suppression, high-speed fire detection with deluge sprinklers, explosion venting directed to a safe location, or explosion-resistant enclosures)

(b) Using remote control to minimize personnel exposure

(c) Conducting experiments in a detached or isolated building, or outdoors

(d) Providing explosion-resistant walls or barricades around the laboratory

(e) Limiting the quantities of flammable or reactive chemicals used in or exposedby the experiments

(f) Limiting the quantities of reactants of unknown characteristics to fractional gram amounts until the properties of intermediate and final products are well established

(g) Providing sufficient explosion venting in outside walls to maintain the integrity of the walls separating the hazardous laboratory work area from adjacent areas. Inside walls should be of explosion-resistant construction


(h) D i s a i ~ the use of explosion hazard areas for other


at hoo


offices, conference rooms, lunch rooms, etc., i~ explosion hazard area Hoods and Shields. Laboratory ~..:"~btected by specially designed explosion- r ~ ' e l d s for TNT equivalencies up to 1.0 gm ig:fitly greater TNT equivalencies, specially )rovided with explosion venting are required. For .~s greater than 2.0 gm (0.07 oz), explosion- :tion, isolation, or other protective methods

NO~i~-'~lonventional laboratory hoods are not designed to ~ r o ~ explosion protection.

~ 4 . 1 When explosion-resistant hoods or shields are used, they t~o"" uld be designed, located, supported, and anchored so as to do the following:

(1) Withstand the effects of the explosion (2) Vent overpressures, injurious substances, flames, and heat to

a safe location (3) Contain missiles and fragments (4) Prevent the formation of secondary missiles caused by failure

of hood or shield components

C-b.4.2 Commercially available explosion shields should be evaluated against the criteria of C-5.4.1 for the spedfic hazard.

C-5.4.3 Mild steel plate offers several advantages for hood and shield construction. It is economical, easy to fabricate, and tends to fail, at least initially, by bending and tearing, rather than by spailing, shattering, or splintering.

The use of mirrors or closed-circuit television to view the experiments allows the use of nontransparent shields without hampering the experimenter.

C~.4.4 When transparent shields are necessary for viewing purposes, the most common materials used are safety glass, wire- reinforced glass, and acrylic or polycarbonate plastic. Each of these materials, al though providing some missile penetration resistance, has a distinct failure mode.

Glass shields tend to fragment into shards and to spail on the side away from the explosion. Plastics tend to fail by cracking and breaking into distinct pieces. Also, plastics can lose strength with age, exposure to reactants, or mechanical action. Polycarbonates exhibit superior toughness compared to acrylics.

,Glass panels and plastic composite panels (safety glass backed with polycarbonate, with the safety glass towards the explosion hazard) have been suggested as an improved shield design. The glass blunts sharp missiles, and the polycarbonate contains any glass shards and provides additional resistance to the impulse load.

C-5.5 Explosion-Resistant Construction. As explained in C-5.4, explosion-resistant construction might be required for TNT equivalencies greater than 2.0 gin (0.07 oz). Explosion-resistant construction should be designed based on the anticipated blast wave, defined in terms of peak impulse pressure and pulse duration, and the worst-case expected missile hazard, in terms of material, mass, shape, and velocity. Missile velocities of 305 m/sec to 1220 m/sec (1000 ft/sec to 4000 ft/sec) normally might be expected.


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C-5.5.1 The response of a wall to an explosive shock is a function of the pressure applied and of the time per iod over which the pressure is applied. The pressure- t ime product is known as impulse.

Detonat ions of small quantities of explosive mater ia ls usually involve very short periods of time (tenths of milliseconds) and high average pressure.

Gaseous deflagrations usually involve longer t ime periods and low average pressures.

Information on design of explosion-resistant walls and barricades can be obtained from references in Appendix G.

C-5.6 Explosion Venting. Peak pressure and impulse loadings resulting f rom deflagrations (not detonations) can be significantly r e d u c e d b y adequate explosion venting. (See NFPA 68, Guide for

- Venting of Deflagrations, for information on calculating required vent areas. )

C-5.6.1 Explosion vents should be des igned and located so that fragments will not strike occupied buildings or areas where personnel could be located. Blast mats, energy-absorbing barriers, or earth berrns can be used to interrupt the flight of fragments.

C-5.6.2 An air blast, unlike a missile, is no t in ter rupted by an ~ ' ~ obstacle in its line of travel. Instead, the blast wave will diffrac~d~ii,":": a round the obstacle and, except for slight energy losses, is ~:%. essentially fully reconst i tuted within live to six obstade dimensiot~:.,.....~ beyond the obstacle. However, in the case of a sma. .~ .S. .~ equivalence of 100 grn (3.5 oz) or less] explosion, ~ . ~ " ~ d e c a y :~i

• , ent )li with distance might more than offset the r e i n f o r ~ phenomena . ~'~""~ ~i'.

~"~"~. ..~;.:~.:-~i."..:g.'::.: ":i:: ~:::.- - "-:: p" ~';:::4::~:~::.•. ~::" Appendix D Supplementary Information on the ~ ' ~ p t 6 ~ i ~

Laboratory Unit ,v...:~,.:~:: ..:,~i~i~:~!!~!~.. % .....

This appendix is not a pa. of the requi~ts"~}..~[~:~ent:":"~" " but is included for informational purpo~..'~" only• ~ . ~$~.

D-1 Definitions. The following t ~ i ~ f l n e d it 1-4 of t i °n ~ this standard, are essential to the und ~ d i n g ff i~is appendix:

(1) Laboratory "%ii~.. ~! ~ ' ~ . ~

(2) Laboratory work area ~i~'"

(3) Laboratory uni t

(4) Laboratory uni t separation

D-2 Basic Concepts.

D-2.1 The concept of a laboratory is too nebulous to be used for establishing requirements for fire protection. The term laboratory has too many differing, and conflicting, interpretations.

D-2.2 The requirements of this s tandard are based on the concept of the laboratory work area and the laboratory unit.

D-2.3 The term laboratory work area applies to any area that serves the purpose of a laboratory. It need not be enclosed. If enclosed, it need not constitute an individual fire area. If the boundaries of a laboratory work area do coincide with fire separation from adjacent areas, then that laboratory work area is also a laboratory unit and is more properly def ined as such.

D-2.4 The term laboratory unit is meant to comprise any separate fire area that contains one or more laboratory work areas. The fire resistance rating of the separation between the laboratory unit and adjacent areas, or below, is d e p e n d e n t on the size of the unit; its class, according to Chapter 2; amounts of f lammable and combustible liquids; and tlae presence, or lack of, an automatic extinguishing system.

Consider the laboratory uni t shown in Figure D-2.4(a) ; the laboratory uni t is totally enclosed by a fire separation. This laboratory unit can be an entire building or just one floor of a building. It can be only a port ion of one floor of a building.

I Laboratory unit:

~'~ ~ ~ ~< "~"-".~.~:. Building ~ - ~ . Floor

~ff "::-"~..-'::. Portion of a floor ...-$~ ' ,.,-...-..'~: :~i-'.-'-'.-"~ "::~'.-"~:. Laboratory work area

.~i~. "%. "%~:

1%:,. ,¢

Laboratory unit enclosure

Figure D-2.4(a) Laboratory unit (not to scale).

Figure D-2.4(b) shows the same laboratory unit, but with more details added. Note that, by adding work benches and a desk, the laboratory uni t is now divided into three distinct work areas and a nonlaboratory area, namely the office. Further, a l though there is no physical separation between these four areas, o ther than the furniture, they are still separate and distinct and can be so treated. For example, smoking might be allowed at the desk, but no t in the work areas. Or, the work area at the upper left quadrant might be restricted to very simple, nonhazardous routines.

Laboratory bench I Laboratory bench

Laboratory work area Laboratory work area

Labor. atory bench I

Laboratory unit

Laboratory bench

Laboratory work area

I Laboratory bench

~ , ~ ~ Laboratory unit enclosure

Figure D-2.4(b) Laboratory unit without partit ioning (not to scale).

In Figure D-2.4(c), the work areas and the office shown in Figure D-2.4(b) are separated by physical barriers, most likely the steel panel and glass partitions common to such use. Although the partitions have no fire resistance rating, they still afford a minimal degree of protection.


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Laboratory bench Labora~rybench

Laboratory work area



Laboratory work area

Laboratory bench

Figure D-2.4(e) shows how a nonlaboratory area and a Class C laboratory uni t are separated both f rom each other and from an exit passageway. On the other side of the means of exit access, the two laboratory work areas of Figure D-2.4(e) are now separated by a fire partition into two laboratory units of differing class.

Laboratory work area

Laboratory bench

Internal corddor

Office ( Laboratory


~ Laboratory~:~i~:..~.. enclosure ":ii~: ":<.':"~i~!ii I

= = Optional :~. ":~:s~-;'-'ii part.itionin g :iii!. ~:ii# ":r

.;i~-: %" %:---::~?~ Figure D-2.4(c) Laboratory unitscale).with opt ional .~ t . . " : ...... tioni~:.....~:.:..:'::':'., ot (.~.::::..~yli~i::il i!~::"

" ~:"~;~i~iii-S ~:~!::::::i~ii~-~:~:ii~ • .:::::-:::::.. ":~:-~:'.'~i!i~i::" .....~... ~::::::::::::. Figure D-2.4(O) shows an entirely d i ~ ~ . g . t i o n . " ~ i ~ . e . ......

corridor is now a required means of .~."~" acce~ii~..~ere~'~i!.~'t should be separated f rom the l abo r~ : ry units b~i~.¢-rate~F construction. This converts the si~..:.~., b o r a t o r y " ~ t inf~ two laboratory units: one having two s ' ~ ' p ~ : . w o r k r o o ~ and one havin a work room and an office ".':!:!::':.::i::. i:!:: g • .:::::::-::: :::::.

%iiii!~:~ . . J

Laboratory bench

Laboratory work area

Laboratory unit

Laboratory bench

Laboratory l work area

Laboratory bench

1 Laboratory unit enclosure

, ~ Optional partitioning

Figure D-2.4(d) Laboratory units separated by an exit passageway (not to scale).

Laboratory bench

Laboratory bench Laboratory bench

Laboratory bench

am) Laboratory unit I

(_ ! ii;:" 1 Laboratory unit


Figure D-2.4(e) Separation of laboratory units and nonlaboratory areas (not to scale).

D-3 Factors Affect ing Laboratory Unit Fire Hazard Classification.

D-3.1 The primary factor in de termining laboratory unit fire hazard classification is the quantity of Class I, Class II, and Class IlIA liquids, as def ined in Appendix B. A survey of flammable liquid usage and storage in any particular laboratory unit should identify the quantit ies of Class I liquids alone and Class I, Class II, and Class I l i a liquids combined. The survey should differentiate between the total amounts present and the amounts that are not s tored in approved storage cabinets or safety cans. Further, f lammable and combustible liquids inside liquid storage areas meet ing the requirements of NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, are disregarded.

D-3.2 As shown in Tables 2-2.1 (a) and 2-2.1(b), maximum quantities of liquids differ by a factor of 2, depend ing on the presence or absence of automatic sprinkler protect ion (or equivalent protect ion) .

D-3.3 The area of the laboratory uni t will establish whether or not the quantities of Class I or Class I, Class II, and Class IliA liquids actually present exceed the maximum limits specified in Tables 2- 2.1 (a) and 2-2.1 (b).

D-3.4 The construction requirements in Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3- 1.1 (b) will establish whether the actual laboratory uni t separation is proper for the laboratory unit fire hazard class and size.

D-4 Correct ing Nonconforming Laboratory Units.

D-4.1 The simplest, most obvious means of handl ing a noncomplying laboratory uni t is to reduce the quantities of f lammable and combustible liquids present. This might involve moving some liquids to an inside liquid storage a r e a , b u t the chances are that a surprising amount of such liquids are not in f requent use and might even be of no value at all.

D-4.2 The most d i f f i cuhprob lem to face is noncompl iance with Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3-1.1(b). For example, assume ma t a f lammable liquids survey indicates a Class A unit. Further, assume that the building is Type II construction, with fire partitions of 1- hour construction. However, the laboratory uni t is ==560 m ~ (6000 R~). If the laboratory uni t is protec ted by a sprinkler system, then it complies with Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3-1.1(b). But, if no

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sprinklers are present, the laboratory uni t should be designated Class B and the quantit ies of f lammable and combustible liquids adjusted accordintly. An alternate me thod would be to replace one or more nont~re-rated partit ions with fire-rated construction to divide the single laboratory uni t into two or more laboratory units. In effect, this is what was done to Figure D-2.4(c) to produce Figure D-2.4(d).

D-5 New Construction. In new construction, the laboratory designer should de te rmine the in tended use of each laboratory

Hydrogen Chloride ~ (a) N I O S H Hydrogen Cyanide a 5.6-40 325, 627 Hydrogen Fluoride a (a) N I O S H Hydrogen Iodide ~ (a) MGD Hydrogen Selenide ~ (b) N I O S H Hydrogen Sulfide a a~ 325, 627 Ketene (b) N I O S H Methane 5-15 325, 627 Methylacetylene 1 2-11.1 325 (Propyne)

work area and in tended storage levels of Class I, Class II, and Methylamine ~ Class IliA liquids. Then, based on this information and desired Methyl Br .o~..ide ~ space requirements , h e / s h e can de te rmine the probable 3 - M e t h y l ~ n e t laboratory uni t fire hazard class, allowable area [as specified in Me thy l . . ~ lo~ :~ -t Tables 3-1.1(a) and 3-1.1(b)], and construction requirements . M e t h ~ u o r i d e ~

M e . ~ ] : ~ a p t a n ' Appendix E Flammability Characteristics of Common 2 - ~ y l ~ n e

Compressed and Liquefied Gases .~ .a~a l G~i~i~..

This appendix is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document ~:~:"'N[~-'~gen DioxR~.::':'.:~:-" but is included for informational purposes only. .j::::' i~.j.trogen T r i o x i ~ :~

~(~.~i':.. Iq'itrogen Triflui~ride r-1 The reader should unders tand that the list in Table E-1 is not .~}."~"%ili~::.. ~ y l Chlodcle ~ in tended to be inclusive or exhaustive. Furthermore, practically ' - i i i i ~ h all compressed and liquefied gases present varying health hazards "%i~ygen Difluoride to laboratory or emergency personnel . Therefore, the user is .. "~...~pe::.:~ urged to seek additional information from reliable references~'..~:.~, i s ~ I ~ n e a adequately assess the reactivity or toxicity of the material. :!~iii'!i!~i~i~*:.~.. Pe~.~oryl Fluoride ~

% " : " ~ , : p . l ~ p h i n e ~

Appendix E Flammability Characteristics of Common \~. ,.'#" "'%~-'~ropylene ~ Compressed and Liquefied Gases....+::~i~i~!~::.. '~i": :~ 'Selenium Hexafluoride

.::#~':":~:: ::iiil ::.~ "%'. " Silane Flammable ..::if" ":iiii::ii I ::.:%.,~':" Silicon Tetrafluoride

Gas Limits ..::"~i~i:Re f e ~ g ¢ ...::. ~i-":':: Stibine (if f lammable#~ ' : '%i~ou~i i :? . : , % '::.~Y Sulfur Dioxide t percent by ":%ii~:#: " ' ~ i ~ Sulfur Tetrafluoride ~

v o l . ) .... -,-,, ":~i~iii~i:;., "'~':"::":" Sulfuryl Fluor ide ' Acetylene Tetrmquoroethylene ~ Allene a

4.9-20.7 325 10-16 325 1.5-9.1 325, 627 8.1-17.4 325 (b) MGD 3.9-21.8 325 1.8--9.6 325, 627 3.8/6.5-13/17 325 (a) N I O S H (a) MGD (a) MGD (a) MGD (a) MGD (a) MGD (a) N I O S H (a) N I O S H 1.4-7.6 325 (a) N I O S H (c) N I O S H 2.1-9.5 325, 627 2.0-11.1 325 (a) N I O S H (c) MGD (a) MGD (b) N I O S H (a) N I O S H (a) N I O S H (a) N I O S H 10/11-50/60 MGD, 325

Ammonia ~ Arsine 1 Boron Trichloride ~ Boron Trifluoride 1,3-Butadiene 1 n-Butane iso-Butaue ~ 1-Butene ~ 2-Butene I 1.7-9.7 Carbon Monoxide 12.5--74 Carbonyl Chloride (a) (phosgene) l Carbonyl Fluoride I (a) Carbonyl Sulfide 1 12-29 Chlor ine (a) Chlorine Dioxide 1 (b) Chlorine Trifluoride I (a) 1-Chloro-1, 9-14.8

1-Di-fluoroethane Chlorotrif luoroethylene ~ 8.4-38.7 Cyanogen I 6-32 Cyanogen Chloride ~ (a) CyclopropanC 2.4-10.4 Deuter ium 5-75 Diazomethane 1 (b) Diborane 0.8--98 1,1-Difluoroethane 1 3.7-18 1,1-Difluoroethylene a 5.5-21.3 Dimethyt E t h e # 3.4-27 2,2-Dimethyl Propane 1 1.4-7.5 Ethane ~ 3.0-12.5 Ethylacetylene ~ (b) Ethylami u e ~ 3.5-14 Ethyl Chloride ~ 3.8-15.4 Ethylene 2.7-36 Ethylene Oxide ~ 3-100 Fluorine (a) Formaldehyde 7-73 Germane (b) Hexafluoroacetone ~ (a) Hydrogen 4-75 Hydrogen Bromide ~ (a)

2.5-82 ..:~i~i~:~.':'i:':'i~.-'.:'~i~ii~ii::. M~..~..-':"!~::, ¢: 1.5-11.~U "'::i~!!!~}.-:,::.M G I~-.::!:'.-'? 15_28i~!~ ~ ""~iliii~l G D ~i~i ~::" 5 1 ~ ......... I "'" " • :..,.~ii-:: ":,~!~i~ O S ~ t

(a) "::! !.';-" }-.'; ~. ?..::. .~.GD 2-12 :---%ii~::. :(~7 1.6-8.4 :ii~.........:iii7325 1.8---8.4 " ~ i -';~ 325 1.6-10 :.:-'.-:;¢ 627, 325

• -.":~:~ 627 627 NIOSH


MGD MGD NIOSH MGD, 627 325 N1OSH 325, 627 MGD MGD 325, 627 325, 627 MGD, 325, 627 MGD 325 325 325, 627 MGD NIOSH 325 MGD NIOSH 325, 627 NIOSH

Tetrafluorohydrazine (b) M GD Trimethylamine ~ 2-11.6 MGD, 325 Vinyl Bromide a 9-15 325 Vinyl Chloride I 3.6-33 325, 627 Vinyl Fluoride I 2.6-21.7 MGD Vinyl Methyl Ether I 2.6-39 M GD

ILiquefied Gas

NOTES: Flammable range: (a) - - Not f lammable (b) - - Flammable, but range not repor ted (c) - - Spontaneously flammable Reference sources for f lammable range:

325 - - NFPA 325, Gu/de to Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids

627 - - U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 627, Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors MGD - - Matheson Gas Data Book NIOSH - - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards

Appendix F: Safety Tips for Compressed Gas Users

This appendix is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but is included for informational purposes only.

F-I Thoroughly know the hazards of the gas you are using. All compressed gases have the pressure hazard but a gas can also have more hazards; they may be toxic, corrosive, flammable, asphyxiating, oxidizing, pyrophoric a n d / o r reactive. All these factors can impact the design of the system and how the gases are utilized.

17-2 Always wear eye protect ion when working on or near compressed gas systems. Make it your j o b not to let anyone without eye protect ion into any area where compressed gases are used or stored.

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F-3 N e v e r l e t a n y o n e u se o r c o n n e c t a c y l i n d e r to a n y s y s t e m u n l e s s t h e y a r e t r a i n e d a n d k n o w l e d g e a b l e in t h e d a n g e r s o f p r e s s u r e , t h e c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s o f t h e c o m p r e s s e d gas , a n d t h e p r o p e r C G A c o m p r e s s e d g a s f i t t i n g s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s .

F-4 D o n o t u s e a c o m p r e s s e d g a s c y l i n d e r u n l e s s t h e c y l i n d e r is c l e a r l y m a r k e d o r l a b e l e d w i t h t h e c y l i n d e r ' s c o n t e n t s . R e j e c t a n y

p u r c h a s e s p e c i a l v e n t i n g r e g u l a t o r s t h a t c a n b e sa fe ly v e n t e d to a f u m e h o o d o r v e n t e d g a s c a b i n e t . )

• W h e n y o u a r e r e a d y to u s e t h e c o m p r e s s e d ga s c y l i n d e r , fu l ly o p e n t h e c y l i n d e r v a l v e u n t i l y o u fee l i t s t op . T h e n c lo se i t o n e - q u a r t e r t u r n . ( A fu l ly o p e n v a l v e t h a t h a s n o p l a y i n i t c a n c o n f u s e a p e r s o n w h o is c h e c k i n g to s e e i f it is o p e n . M a n y a c c i d e n t s h a v e b e e n r e c o r d e d b y p e o p l e t r y i n g to o p e n a p r e v i o u s l y fu l l y o p e n e d

c y l i n d e r t h a t is u n m a r k e d o r h a s c o n f l i c t i n g m a r k i n g s o r l abe l s , va lve by u s i n g a l a r g e w r e n c h . ) N e v e r r e ly o n t h e c o l o r o f t h e c y l i n d e r to i d e n t i f y t h e c o n t e n t s , f f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • O n a c e t y l e n e c y l i n d e r s to a l l o w q u i c k c l o s i n g o f t h e v a l v e in n e r e IS a n y c o n n l c t o r c l o u o t m e c o n t e n t s a n n o t u s e m e cynnc t e r . • ~ ' - ~ , , . . ,

n • , ' m e e v e n t o r a n e m e r g e n c y , m e I o u o w m i z io rac t ices a r e u s e u . u p e n t ~ e t u r n it to y o u r venc to r , a c e t y l e n e cy l in .der va l~es n o m o r e t h a n ffn'e a n d o n e - h a l f t u rns • . . . . . . a t . . . . . . e . . . . . . . L e a v e t h e w r ~ . ~ , o n t h e v a l v e s p i n d l e w h e n t h e c y l i n d e r is b e i n g r - a De c e r t a i n m m e c o n t e n t o t m Cyllncter is m e c o r r e c t ~ . ~ . , ..-.'-:~::.'::..'. ,. , , ~ _ . , ~ , _

. . . . . . . . . . usela i i m e ! . ~ t ' ~ e c y n n a e r nag a l - w r e n c h i n s t e a d o t a n a n u - p r o c t u c t t o r u se in m e s y s t e m to w n l c n y o u a r e c o n n e c t i n g it. w h e e l va.J~....~:: "~"

F-6 N e v e r u se a c o m p r e s s e d g a s c y l i n d e r w i t h o u t a p r e s s u r e - F 13 ~:ff"i:~ ili!i!~::: a n s t e m " i in m a n i f o l d s c o n t a i n e r s e t c " r e d u c i n g r e g u l a t o r o r d e v i c e t h a t will s a f e ly r e d u c e t h e c y l i n d e r - : : : ~ " ~ ¢ ~. y s y s ( p i p • g, __ , , , _ , ~ ;.)

. . . . . . . . . y o u a ~ : ~ p r e s g ~ n g m a t c a n d e i so la tec i o r c a n d e ctosect ol i , nag p r e s s u r e to m e p r e s s u r e o t y o u r s y s t e m , o n l y u s e r e g u l a t o r s m a t . ..::: ::::. ~. :-:-:, ,. , , . . . . . ~ . , .

• - - ~ . ltS..-.~.~. ": r e s s u r ~ l e i a e v a c e I t ts t h e u s e r s ' r e s o n s l n n l t y to s e e h a v e b o t h a h i g h - p r e s s u r e g a u g e a n d a l o w - p r e s s u r e g a u g e . T h i s ~ " ~ ~,-~-~.~., " . . . . . P . . . . a l ' " i t . . . . . . . es u . . . . . t ~ : ~ . . . l ~ " system":t l t~t~d~oper p r e s s u r e - r e u e t o e w c e ~ s ) o u i l t i n t o it. lOWS y o u to m o n o r DOUl t i l e p r s r e In m e c o m p r e s s e c t g a s .-..~ :~: , , ~:-.+.-..-~ . . . . , -- ,. , ,

. . . . . , . . , ;:::~o not" r e l y o n t n ~ l ~ l l e t a e w c e o n m e c o m o r e s s e c l ~as CVllncler s c y n n a e r anc t m e o r e s s u r e in m e s y s t e m . .::'::: . . . . . . :~:.~ . , , - o ~ ~ , . - :~..'i~ r eg . . . a . to r ; it is n o ~ e s i g n e o to p r o t e c t a o w u s t r e a m s y s t e m s , a n t s

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ - ~ s v e ~ : c r i t i c a l wh/~l~ c r y o g e n i c l i q u i d s a r e u s e d P r e s s u r e - r e l i e f e - / P x s D e r ,Apri l n -qo . 1, t , a u g e $ - - r r e s s u r e I n d i c a t i n g v t a t 1 ~oe - - ~:" "¢~.-~-:~. ,:-':~::::.-:.. • , , , ~ , ~ , ". . - . , ~ , . ,* . . . . . . ~: " "~i:'~..c.~i~be p o i n t s s n o u l c t d e v e n t e d to s a t e l o c a t i o n s ( n o t O a r e c t e a r ~ a s t w ~re'rnen~ n e v e r u s e a g a u g e a o o v e /D p e r c e n t o i its m a x i m u m ~:~:...-.~, ~:.-- , _ ~ , . ~ _ , ,

cts e o le o r r o u t e c t t o s a l e l o c a t i o n s t o t n a z a r c t o u s es) f a c e r e a d i n g . F o r e x a m p l e , a 3 0 0 0 ps i s y s t e m s h o u l d u s e a t l e a s t ~ p p ga s . 4 0 0 0 psi g a u g e s . I f y o u r s y s t e m c a n a c h i e v e a m a x i m u m p r e s s u r e . ~ : ~ k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I~-ltl:.-'.~!~+~....L~.~)II Cyllncters m a t a r e n o t i n u se . e a w a y s n a v e a c y n n a e r

t ~a psi , m e g a g m o n l t o n n g m e s y s t e m s n o u l o De a t l e a s t l..~d:.:::,. ~!~,...'=-~.-::::* , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-.-:::::: c a o ~ . . ~ y c y u n o e r m a t is n e l n s to rec t o r is n o t in u s e t~si ( I m m e d i a t e l y r e n l a c e a n y crautre w h o s e n o i n t e r d o e s n o t ~~- ' . ' : : - - . P ~i~::. g "

b a c k to its z e r o p o i n t w h e n r e s s u r e is r e m o v e d • ) :-;:.::.: : ~ , : . .-::::: . . . P % ,~iii~i~.~.::.';:Use b a c k f l o w c h e c k v a l v e s w h e r e f l a m m a b l e a n d o x i d i z i n g

F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '::" ":"" ~ a r e c o n n e c t e d to a c o m m o n p i e c e o f e q u i p m e n t o r w h e r e -t~ Be s u r e m e ValVe o n m e c o m p r e s s e d g a s cy l tnc te r anc t m e .::.':. .--'::~:." ~..-:.:.'-~ , , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ~:..'~...~:." anct m g n - p r e s s u r e g a s e s a r e c o n n e c t e d to a c o m m o n se t o f p r e s s u r e - r e c m c m g r e ~ m a t o r y o u a r e u s l n ~ n a v e m e ~ t s G A :.-'.!:~:~. :.~ . . . . , , , , - , _

• ~ ~ . . .:-~ .:..::: 151 in . t J o n o t r e l y o n a ClOSed v a l v e to r e v e n t t~acmlOW. c o n n e c t i o n s f o r t h e o u r e g a s ( C G A V - l ) o r g a s m ~ A V- ~ . P g P 7) y o u a r e u s i n g . N t~VER U S E A N A D A P T O R B~'TWEE~:.":A "~::...::-:. c3¢'I lNlI~g'I~ ANII~ A PI~l~qqtll~l~ I~ITFII~f2TNI('. l ~ i g t T ATIL~ ~-~.:.".:: F-16 T h e r e l i e f d e v i c e o n a c y l i n d e r o f l i q u e f i e d f l a m m a b l e g a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . r , ~ . ~ . ~ , ~ , , ~:" :"':"" " e a '" f o u n d o " - " v a l v " " " " " " " "" .~i::~i~'~:. ~ : ~ : : . ~ . ~:: :.:..:..-'?-" ~gen r n y r n m e c } a m o e r e) a lways s n o u l a n e in c u r e c t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "" , ~ . . . . ~~!::"~::~:....:~U c o n t a c t ( c o m m u n i c a t i o n ) w i t h t h e v a n o r s p a c e o f t h e c y l i n d e r in r - ~ De c e r t a i n m e t~tJA c o n n e c u o n ( s ) o n m e cyn r i~ .~ :~ tno tl~.~.':::::.'::::: t , - , , , , t . . . . . , _ , ,

r e s s u r e r e d u c i n r e l a t o r f i t t o e t h e r r o e r i w i ~ b i " ~ O d i n u s e anc t s t o r a g e . ~ e v e r lay a c y u n c t e r o I u q u e n e o t l a m m a n l e D~ - . ~ g egu g . . p r o ~ . . ? y v l ~ : e n ~ . g a s o n its s i d e u n l e s s i t is so d e s i g n e d ( a n d s o m a r k e d ) to a l l o w

use o r t o o u g n . r r o p e r c o n n e c u o n s w ~ t [ ~ l ~ o Q . t n t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m a t o s m o n l n g , as in m e c a s e o t r o a n e c y u n o e r s f o r t u r k l t t t N e v e r u s e e x c e s s i v e f o r c e to c o n n e c t a ~ : ~ A c ~ c t i o ~ R ,P P P

U S E A N A I D ( s u c h a s p i p e do l ce o r . : - ~ f l o n t a - " ~ : O c ~ E c T t r u c k s . A R E G U L A T O R T O A C Y L I N EP~."

.,.'::~!~ii!!i:.-, ' ~ "::" 17-17 C y l i n d e r s in u s e s h o u l d b e s e c u r e d b y a h o l d e r o r d e v i c e

17-10 Be c e r t a i n t h a t t h e p r e s s u r e - r e d u ~ , r e g u l a t ~ y o u a r e u s i n g s p e c ~ c a l l y d e s i g n e d to s e c u r e a c y l ! n d e r . N e v e r s t a n d a. s i n g l e . . . . . . , . , , , . __ :~&_ ._ • ~ : : _ , - c y l l n u e r i n a n o p e n a r e a u u s e c u r e c t . #always n r o t e c t c y t i n a e r s I r o m is c o m p a t i D l e With m e gas , a n d De c e r r m r ~ , ~ a t i t lSSgateo a n d ~ ~ , -- - - - , . , r -- •

, ~ ~ .,_ . . . x ~ : : ~ . ~ , . d a n g e r s o t o v e r n e a r t nazarc t s , n l g n t e m n e r a t u r e s anc t d i n e r s o u r c e s m a r K e c t i o r t i le m a x i m u m D r e s s u r e r a n n ~ .~..::~.. e . ~ , t ~ c o n n e c n o n , _ . , r • - ~ "~:.-:.-:.-::~ ~:- • • o f d a m a g e SUCh as v e h i c l e t r a f f i c . o n t h e c o m p r e s s e d g a s c y h n d e r v a l v e y o u a r ~ . ~ i ; h l n g I t to . All

c o m p r e s s e d g a s c y l i n d e r c o n n e c t i o n s c a n b e ~ n d l i s t ed w i t h . . . • • .., • [ ' -18 A lways u s e a c y h n d e r c a r t t o m o v e l a r e c h n d e r s o r s ec la l ly t h e i r r e c o m m e n d e d g a s e s a n d t h e m a y a m u n ~ l o w e d p r e s s u r e s m . . . . . . . . . . . . tar~ , y . . p ,

~ - - , . . . . , , , . ~ . . . . . . , ~ ~ , . . . . . . . . . o e s l g n e c t c y u n o e r n o l c t e r s to c a r r y s m a n c y l i n d e r s , r ~ e v e r p~cg u p ~ t . , ~ / t ' s a ' ~ t V - ~ , ~ r a n a a r a j o r t~ompressea n a g b y t m a e r v a t v e u u u e t . . . . . .

a c y n n o e r n y its c a a n d I n l e t C o n n e c t i o n s . P"

F-11 N e v e r r e p l a c e t h e C G A c o n n e c t i o n t h a t t h e r e g u l a t o r " m a n u f a c t u r e r h a s p u t o n a r e g u l a t o r w i t h o n e f o r a d i f f e r e n t g a s s e r v i c e . O n l y t h e r e g u l a t o r m a n u f a c t u r e r o r a t r a i n e d s e r v i c e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e c a n p r o p e r l y r e - c l e a n t h e r e g u l a t o r a n d k n o w s t h e g a s c o m p a t i b i l i t y o f t h e r e g u l a t o r ' s i n t e r n a l d e s i g n .

F -12 A f t e r a t t a c h i n g a p r e s s u r e - r e d u c i n g r e g u l a t o r to a c o m p r e s s e d g a s c y l i n d e r , d o t h e f o l l o w i n g :

• T u r n t h e r e g u l a t o r ' s a d j u s t m e n t s c r e w o u t [ c o u n t e r - c l o c k w i s e ] u n t i l i t f e e l s l o o s e .

• S t a n d b e h i n d t h e c y l i n d e r w i t h t h e v a l v e o u t l e t f a c i n g a w a y f r o m you .

• O b s e r v e t h e h i g h - p r e s s u r e g a u g e o n t h e r e g u l a t o r f r o m a n a n g l e . D o n o t p r e s s u r i z e a g a u g e w h i l e l o o k i n g d i r e c t l y a t t h e g l a s s o r p l a s t i c f a c e p l a t e .

• O p e n t h e v a l v e h a n d l e o n t h e c o m p r e s s e d g a s c y l i n d e r S-L-O- W-L .Y u n t i l y o u h e a r t h e s p a c e b e t w e e n t h e c y l i n d e r v a l v e g e n t l y fill t h e gas . Y o u c a n a l so w a t c h t h e p r e s s u r e r i se o n t h e h i g h - p r e s s u r e g a u g e • I f y o u t u r n e d t h e r e g u l a t o r ' s a d j u s t m e n t s c r e w b a c k p r o p e r l y , t h e r e s h o u l d b e n o g a s f l o w o u t o f t h e r e g u l a t o r o r p r e s s u r e r i se o n t h e l o w - p r e s s u r e g a u g e .

• I f y o u a r e u s i n g a n o n t o x i c , n o n f l a m m a b l e g a s y o u c a n e n s u r e p u r i t y b y s h u t t i n g o f f t h e c y l i n d e r v a l v e a n d g e n t l y c r a c k i n g t h e C G A c o n n e c t i o n a t t h e c y l i n d e r va lve . ( G e n e r a l l y t h r e e p r e s s u r i z a t i o n s w i t h v e n t i n g will e n s u r e t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h e c o n n e c t i o n h a s a c l e a n r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a m p l e o f t h e ga s in t h e c o m p r e s s e d gas c y l i n d e r . F o r t o x i c o r f l a m m a b l e g a s e s y o u c a n

E-19 N e v e r ref i l l g a s b a c k i n t o a c y l i n d e r o r u s e a c y l i n d e r f o r s t o r i n g a n y m a t e r i a l . I f m a t e r i a l is a c c i d e n t a l l y f o r c e d b a c k o r s u c k e d b a c k i n t o a c y l i n d e r , m a r k t h e c y l i n d e r we l l a n d i n f o r m y o u r g a s s u p p l i e r . ( A l m o s t al l r e c e n t d e a t h s i n v o l v i n g c o m p r e s s e d ga s c y l i n d e r s w e r e c a u s e d b y u s e r s b e i n g k i l l e d a s t h e y w e r e - p u t t i n g m a t e r i a l s b a c k i n t o c y l i n d e r s a n d f i l l e r s a t t h e c o m p r e s s e d g a s p l a n t s . )

F -20 P o s s i b l y t h e g r e a t e s t h a z a r d to a u s e r o f c o m p r e s s e d g a s e s - - a n d e s p e c i a l l y u s e r s o f c r y o g e n i c f l u i d s - - is a s p h y x i a t i o n . R e m e m b e r , e x c e p t f o r o x y g e n a n d a i r ( w i t h a t l e a s t 19 .5 p e r c e n t o x y g e n ) , A L L G A S IS A N A S P H I X I A N T . O n l y v e n t g a s i n t o sa fe a n d p r o p e r l y v e n t i l a t e d l o c a t i o n s o u t s i d e o f t h e b u i l d i n g o r f u m e h o o d . E X P O S U R E T O A N A T M O S P H E R E T H A T H A S 12 P E R C E N T O R L E S S O X Y G E N W I L L B R I N G A B O U T U N C O N S C I O U S N E S S W I T H O U T W A R N I N G A N D S O Q U I C K L Y T H A T T H E I N D I V I D U A L S C A N N O T H E L P O R P R O T E C T T H E M S E L V E S .

F-21 I f y o u a r e t r a n s f e r r i n g c r y o g e n i c g a s e s i n s i d e o r h a v e e q u i p m e n t u s i n g c r y o g e n i c g a s e s t h a t v e n t s a n y t h i n g m o r e t h a n a f e w c u b i c c e n t i m e t e r s o f g a s p e r m i n u t e i n s i d e ( i .e . , n o t t o a h o o d ) , y o u s h o u l d h a v e a d e q u a t e 2 4 - h o u r v e n t i l a t i o n a n d ins ta l l c o n t i n u o u s o x y g e n m e t e r ( s ) / m o n i t o r ( s ) w i t h a " l o w o x y g e n " a l a r m .

R e m e m b e r , a l l c o m p r e s s e d g a s e s a r e h a z a r d o u s ; u n d e r s t a n d t h o s e h a z a r d s c o m p l e t e l y a n d d e s i g n y o u r s y s t e m a c c o r d i n g l y . T h e m a j o r c o m p r e s s e d ga s v e n d o r s h a v e t h e t e c h n i c a l e x p e r t i s e a v a i l a b l e to s u p p o r t u s e r s a n d a r e a lways w i l l i n g to h e l p . N E V E R

4 9 2

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BECOME COMPLACENT WHEN USING A COMPRESSED GAS. Always respect the hazards and treat them accordingly.

Appendix G Referenced Publications G-I The following documents or portions thereof are referenced within this standard for informational purposes only and are thus not considered part of the requirements of this standard unless also listed in Chapter 11. The edition indicated here for each reference is the current edition as of the date of the NFPA issuance of this standard.

G-I.I NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.

NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 1998 edition.

NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Cod~ 1996 edition. NFPA 49, Hazardous Chemicals Data, 1994 edition. NFPA 68, Guide for Venting of Deflagrations, 1998 edition. NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems, 1997 edition. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code ®, 1999 edition. NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, 1993 edition. NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces, 1999 edition. NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and

Ventilating Systems, 1999 edition. NFPA 92A, Recommended Practice for Smoke-Control Systems, 1 ~ - : . ~

edition. NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, 1999 edition. NFPA I01 °, Life Safety Code e, 1997 edition. ":' NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction, 1999

edition. -;--':-:::'::':~--'-'- NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface B u r ~ . . ~ i i i

Characteristics of Building Materials, 1996 edition.A~:" -!~:i NFPA 259, Standard Test Method for Potential ":':'~i':'~'f Bui~(~'.::.~!~:.~i~... ""

Materials, 1998 edition. -..-¢~i~ ::~::" of Flarn 325, ide to Fire Hazord P p ies

Gases, and Volatile Solids, 1994 edition. "::i~i!ii.::.~.-: "'':':" ~ A 491, Manual of Hazardous C h e m i ~ n s , i'~}~.-.~di.~on. NFPA 496, Standard for Purged and Pg~s~"~,,~e~j~lo~,u~i~i~:"

Electrical Equipment, 1998 edition. ;:#. . . . . . . . -::::::.':%. - ...... ~flcation o~ H~:rds NFPA 704, Standard System for thef..~ ~ of

Materials for Emergency Response, l :~ i : :~ . t ion . ':i~(: NFPA 801 Standard for Fire Protectio~ , i:~facilities ~andling

Radioactive Materials, 1998 edition. ~ f.:.¢i~ire and NFPA 1975, Standard on Station~Work U

Emergency Services, 1999 edition. Fire Protection Handbook, 18th edition, 1997..:k:::" Schram, P.J. and Earley, M. W., Electrical t~tallations in

Hazardous Locations, 1988.

G-1.2 AMCA Publication. Air Movement and Control Association, Inc., 30 W. University Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1893.

AMCA Standards Handbook 99-0401-86, Type A or B Construction, Classification for Spark Resistant Construction, 1986.

G-I.3 ASHRAE Publications. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Adanta, GA 30329-2305.

ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals Volume, Chapter 14, "Airflow Around Buildings," 1993.

ASHRAE 110, Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods, 1995.

G-1.4 ASME Publication. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, iVY 10017.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, "Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels," 1995.

G-I.5 ASTM Publications. American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Burr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428- 2959.

ASTM D 92, Standard Test Method for Flash Point and Fire Point by Cleveland Open Cup, 1990.

ASTM D 323, Standard Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method), 1994.

ASTM E 136, Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 Degrees C, 1995.

G-1.6 ANSI Publications. American National Standards Institute, Inc., 11 West 42nd Street, 13th floor, New York, NY 10036.

ANSI A13.1, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems, 1981. ANSI B31.1, Power Piping, 1995. ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, 1993. ANSI/AHIA Z9.5, Laboratory Ventilation, 1992.

G-I.7 CGA Jefferson Di

ltions. Compressed Gas Association, 1725 hway, Arlington, VA 22202-4100.

CGA Contal

let P-l, Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in k edition, 1991. ~1, Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet

'1.8"::~:S. G o v e ~ t Publications. U.S. Government Printing :")ffkc.e, Washingto ~-..'.:~D C 20402.

:.Tit[:..~'..'~, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1500.44. :..:::'.:~j~|~i~; Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173, Appendix H.

"":G ~ii:i~ii~.. O t ~ r Publications.

Cryo'~.~c Fluids in the Laboratory, NSC Data Sheet 1-688-86, ~atig$~al Safety Council, 1986. ~ ! . ' B u r e a u of Mines Bulletin 627, Flammability Characteristics of

~ bustible Gases and Vapors, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA, 55.

CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, Keith A. Furr, 4th edition, CRC Press, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, FL, (561) 994- 0555, 1995.

"An Investigation of Chemical Fume Hood Fire Protection Using Sprinkler and Water Mist Nozzles," Factory Mutual Research Corp.

Matheson Gas Data Book, 4th edition, Matheson Co., East Rutherford, NJ, 1966.

Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, June, 1997.

Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995.

Rules of the Ciey of New York, "Chemical Laboratories," Chapter 10, 1991.

Standard on Laboratory Fume Hoods (SEFA 1-1992), The Scientific Equipment and Furniture Assocation, 225 Reinekers, Suite 625, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Standard Specification for Laboratory Fume Hoods, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460, Atm: Chief, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Branch (PM-215).

UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, 8th Revised Edition.

G-2 Bibliographical References. The following publications are included in this appendix for information purposes only.

Allen, D. S. and Athens, P., "Influence of Explosion on Design," NewYork, Loss Prevention Manual - - V o l u m e 2, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1968.

Brasie, W. C. and Simpson, D. W., "Guidelines for Estimating Explosion Damage," New York, Loss Prevention Manual - - Volume 2, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1968.

Brinldey, S. R., "Determination of Explosion Yields," New York, Loss Prevention Manual - - Volume 3, American Institute of Chemical En~neers, 1969.

Cohen, E., Prevention of and Protection Against Accidental Explosion of Munitions, Fuels, and Other Hazardous Mixtures," New York, New York Academy of Science Annals - - Volume 152, 1968.

Damon, E. G. et al., Biodynamics of Air Blast, Albuquerque, NM, Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute, 1971.

Dobbs, N. et at., New Concepts in the Design of Structures to Resist the Effects of Explosive-Toxic Detonations, Dover, N|, Picatinny Arsenal, 1970.

Frank-Karnenetskii, D. A., "Calculation of Thermal Explosion Limits," U.S.S.R. Acta Physico-Chimica, Volume 10, p. 365, 1939.

Gray, P. and Lee, P. R., Thermal Explosion Theory, New York, Elsevier Publishing Co.

Hartwigsen, C., Shrapnel Containment Shields, Albuquerque, NM, Sandia Laboratories, 1971.


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Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice, 19th edition, Lansing, MI, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1986.

JANNAF Propulsion Committee, "Chemical Propel lant /Rocket Hazards," Volume 2, General Safety Engineering Design Criteria, Silver Springs, MD, Chemical Propulsion Information Agency, 1971. Johnson, W. G., The Management Oversight and Risk Tree,

Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. Kinney, G. F., Explosive Shocks in Air, New York, The Macmillan

Co., 1962. Kinney, G. F. and Robert, G. S., Pressure Rises in Internal .~:~

Explosions, Albuquerque, NM, University of New Mexico, 1972. ~'..-:-'~ Lawrence, W. E. and Johnson, E. E•, "Design for Limiting ~-":"'~" ::~i~.~.

• , , . . . ~:.~-.-:-::. ,

Explosion Damage New York Chemical Engineering, Volume 81 .-::.':~::.-:.~:. No. 1, pp. 96-104, 1974. .~$" ~:.-'::'~'.-::.

Newmark, N. M., "An Engineering Approach to Blast Resistant ~ "::~!~i~i~. Design " Transaction 121, American Society of Civil Engineers, &::. %'~, '::~!~-~.-:::~!~. 1956. ....~:~.-'~:.::. ,.~: '.::?.:,.!.-.':?.:~ .::.>.

Norris, C. H. et al., Structural Design for Dynamic Loads New d: : " ":~%~' " '~-~Y~" • , :~:.~:.- • . ~ :

York McGraw-Htll 1959. ~:~" ~-., .:s:." Polentz, L. M., "The Peril in Pressurized Liquids," Design News, . ~ : , ~ , #"

September 6 and October 22, 1973• :~%.~'~..:..,..... ~:....~. " Rogers, R. N. and Zinn, j . , "Thermal Initiation of Explosives," ~ : ' " '~" - .~ ,

Journal of Physical Chemistry, Volume 66, p. 2646, 1969. "::~...:':.~::, Smith, L. C. and Urizar, M.J., Lightweight Safety Shields for " " ~ : • "

Small Scale Operations Involving r_xplosives, Los Alamos, N M ~ '::~:'...:':ii-~:.::~#:' Alamos ScienUfic Laboratories 1967. ~ : . - : . ~ %6'"::

::.:.~: : ~:::~:! ! !i! !i~'~-*~" :....:~: ...,..-.~, . . . . . . :~.~.:-..- .,.::.<:::.-:+. '~.::.::.~:-" .::.i~.~:"

..::# . . . . . '~i:.-'..%!~.,, '.--'~:~~:::-::~-':" .... ',iiii',iiii!

.-.'.-:-:-.x. -~, $-.::-:!.-. .:: .:::

iiiii : :- :.:.:.:

x-:.:-: . : . :