game of phones - becoming the architects of connection (midwest dreamin' closing keynote 2016)

Game of Phones Becoming the Architects of Connection Peter Coffee VP for Strategic Research @petercoffee

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Game of Phones Becoming the Architects of Connection Peter Coffee

VP for Strategic Research


In 2014, We Could Still Talk About “the Cloud”…

…but we’re not in India (or Ireland)

In 2015, I Could Tell You That The Real Point is Connection

…but that’s no longer news

In 2015, I Could Tell You That The Real Point is Connection

…but that’s no longer news – and cords are being cut

When Curves Cross, “The Right Thing” Changes

From IBM PC in 1981 to HP 6305 (most popular desktop) in 2015 • 4.77 MHz to 3.6 GHz: Compute speed has risen ~20% per year

• 64K to 4 GB: Memory has surged ~40% per year

• 160K to 500 GB: Mass storage tsunami ~50% per year

Desktop systems are burdened with too much state • File system technology has not addressed new needs

• People can’t find stuff

• People keep redundant and inconsistent copies of stuff

• Governance falls short of rising demands

• People lose stuff

• People share stuff in unknown, unsafe, unauthorized ways

We didn’t build for where we wound up going • 300 bps to 50 Mbps: Connectivity has grown by ~45% per year

Everyday Thinking Fails to Grasp Exponential Change

Everyday Thinking Fails to Grasp Exponential Change

Everyday Thinking Fails to Grasp Exponential Change

Everyday Thinking Fails to Grasp Exponential Change

This Is Why We’re Talking Less About Devices

Down ~60%

This Year, People Talk About Post-Sale Experience and Value

Revenue Goal: “20% by ’20” “In this post-sale, on-demand, attention economy, digital transformation is more than a technology shift, it’s about transforming business models and how organizations and brands engage.” – Ray Wang, July 2016

Engagement—and Value—Emerge Through Conversation

Before 23 June 2015, Conversation Was “Eliza”

Before 23 June 2015, Conversation Was “Eliza” – not Alexa

Before 23 June 2015, Conversation Was “Eliza” – not Alexa

We Must Beware: Data Delivery Is Not Agenda-Free…

…and “algorithm” ⇏ “unbiased”

MAY 19, 2016

We Must Beware: Data Delivery Is Not Agenda-Free…

MAY 19, 2016

For That Matter, Mere Data Storage Can Obscure Value

For That Matter, Mere Data Storage Can Obscure Value

Alternative Data Models Enable Superior Processes

Alternative Data Models Enable Superior Processes…

But Trust Rests on Crypto…

But Trust Rests on Crypto…a Shifting Platform

But Trust Rests on Crypto…a Shifting Platform

But Trust Rests on Crypto…a Shifting Platform

…And There Will Be No Value in the Absence of Trust

Have I Mentioned That Doing This is Difficult? Talent Wanted

Don’t Fight for the Chance to Do the Old Things

• Conference Board CEO Challenge, 2016:

- Talent attraction and retention - Leadership development - Growth in emerging markets - New competitive challenges - Customer engagement

• Don’t wait for someone to write a job description

Start something

• The first follower is what makes a leader

The Prize For Winning: You Get to Live in the Future…

The Prize For Winning: You Get to Live in the Future…

…And Then, You Commute to Now – and Make It Happen

Hacking the Future…Together

“It is my responsibility as a technician not to simply criticize but to offer suggestions”

– Lee Felsenstein, Military Editor The Berkeley Barb (1968) Quoted in Hackers (Steven Levy, 1984)

“To avert what we have termed future shock, the individual must become infinitely more adaptable and capable than ever before… It is no longer resources that limit decisions, it is the decision that makes the resources” – Alvin Toffler (1971)

Thank you Peter Coffee

VP for Strategic Research [email protected]



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