gamification in enterprise software

in Enterprise Software Gamificatio n

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Page 1: Gamification in Enterprise Software

in Enterprise Software


Page 2: Gamification in Enterprise Software

Overview1. Game vs. Work2. About games3. Why people play games?4. What is Gamification?5. Enterprise Software6. Why gamify Enterprise software7. Player Centric Design• Know your player• Identify Mission• Understand Motivation• Apply Game mechanics• Manage, Monitor & Measure

8. Benefits of Gamification9. Further readings

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Games vs. WorkGames Attributes Work

Constantly Feedbacks Once or twice a year

Clear Rules Unclear

Repetitive and fun Tasks Repetitive and dull

Clear Goals Contradictory

Intentional Obstacles Accidental

Transparent, Timely Status Hidden

Yes Collaboration Maybe

Encouraged Failure Punished

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About Game

An activity among 1 or more independent decision maker seeking to achieve their objectives in some limiting context.

- Clark C. Abt

"A game is a form of play with goals and structure." - Kevin J. Maroney

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Why people play games?Most imp. motivations to play games are as follows1. For Mastery

3. To have fun

2. To de-stress

4. To socialize

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What is Gamification• Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non

game contexts to engage users in solving problems. • It motivates player to engage in desired behaviors by showing them

the path to mastery.

Game Mechanic


Boring System Interesting One

Gamified System

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Example - Nike+ - Gamified physical exercise activity

Points Levels Leaderboards

Badges Challenges

Social engagement

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Example - LinkedIn - Gamified professional social networking

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Enterprise Software

Enterprise software refers to software that businesses use to run their day-to-day activities such as finance, sales, human resources, manufacturing, shipping, and procurement.

It is typically purchased by companies as off-the-shelf software, customized and configured to meet their business needs, and made available to their employees.

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Why gamify Enterprise software

• Emergence of Gen Y (digital natives – people born after 1980)

• Changing nature of information work

• To make technology and business more inviting pertaining advantages of peoples innate enjoyment of play.

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Player Centered Design frameworkPlayer centered design is based on UCD but goes beyond UCD to enable meaningful management & behavior change.

UCD focuses on: • User satisfaction• Efficiency• Effectiveness etc.

UCD + Engagement = Player Centered Design

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Player Centered Design

Know your player

Identify mission

Understand human

motivationApply game mechanics

Manage Monitor & Measure

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Know Your PlayerIt is to understand player and their context.

• Amy Jo Kim has coined the word “Player”.• We generally use ‘User’ in UCD and ‘Player’ in PCD.• Why Player?• Players’ participation is voluntary in games • Players could walk away at any moment however in business software

employees are expected to use the software as part of their work, which is not voluntary.

• Player persona• It helps in understanding user goals, experience, aspiration along with

basic demographic like gender, age etc. • This will provide an insight into how to engage & motivate them in an

enterprise context.

PCD Step 1

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Player Persona Template

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Player Persona Key attributes1. GenderIt provides critical input into the type of game mechanics that will

engage the user.

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Player Persona Key attributes2. Generation (Age group)Research shows that there are significant differences in attitudes between

the generations in the way they approach work. This knowledge is relevant for gamification since it gives a good indication of the receptiveness of the

player to game mechanics .Generation Year of Birth General behavior

Gen X 1960 to 1980 They tend to be hierarchy oriented and do not tolerate failure.

Gen Y Early 1980 to early 2000 • Grew up with videogames, they expect immediate feedback.

• They are willing to take risks and endure “epic failure”.

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Player Persona Key attributes3. Player Type Richard Bartle classifies players into four categories based on their gaming


Achievers play to gain points and status.

Explorers love to discover new aspects of the game.

Similar to killers however they go one-step further and find joy in seeing others lose.

Socializers play for the joy of interacting with others rather than for the game itself.

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Player Persona other attributes

4. Type of industry

5. Job Title & Job Goals 6. Pain Point

7. Aspiration

8. Work Culture

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Identify Mission

Mission refers to the goal of your gamification activity.

Understanding current business scenario – What players are doing today.

Understand target business outcome – What business wants to achieve.

Setting appropriate mission

PCD Step 2

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Understand Human MotivationPCD Step 3

What is motivation ?Motivation is a psychological feature that induces an organism to act

towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force;

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Intrinsic MotivationIntrinsic

 Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or grades.

The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on a task.

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Extrinsic MotivationExtrinsic

Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from outside an individual. The motivating factors are external, or outside, rewards such as money or grades. These rewards provide satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide.

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Understand Motivation in Gamification

Intrinsic Extrinsic



User performs activity & repeats proactively.

High engagement


User performs activity till extrinsic motivation is available & high.

Less engagement

Intrinsic Extrinsic







Increase in intrinsic motivation with external rewards results more activity and high engagement.


Extrinsic rewards LOW



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Apply Game MechanicsPoints : Points are the granular units of measurement in gamification. They are single count metrics. This is the way the system keeps count of the player’s actions pertaining to the targeted behaviors in the overall gamification strategy.

PCD Step 4

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Apply Game MechanicsLeader board: Leader boards bring in the social aspect of points and badges, by displaying the players on a list, typically ranked in descending order with the greatest number of points at the top.

The possible disadvantage of a leader board is that it could be demotivating to a new player.

PCD Step 4

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Apply Game Mechanics

Badges : Once the player has accumulated a certain number of points, they may be awarded badges. Badges are a form of virtual achievement by the player. They provide positive reinforcement for the targeted behavior.

PCD Step 4

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Apply Game Mechanics

Relationship : Relationships are game mechanics based on the motivational driver of connection. We are social beings, and relationships have a powerful effect on how we feel and what we do.

PCD Step 4

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Other Mechanics




PCD Step 4

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Manage, Monitor & MeasureGamification is an iterative program & need long term commitment to be successful.

Manage Mission : Periodically evaluate the validity of the mission and adjust

if needed.

Monitor Motivation : After rollout conduct qualitative research (interview,observation) to study the impact on player interaction , motivation. Player fatigue is a condition where player are less motivated, engaged with

systemas compared to when its was initial roll out. It was beneficial to introduce new future periodically to sustain


PCD Step 5

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Manage, Monitor & Measure

Measure effectiveness of mechanics :Continuously measure the effectiveness of mechanics as they are the key to success of


PCD Step 5

Engagement Time ROI

•Average number of actions •Median number of actions •Number of users performing actions •Number of times users return •Progression of users through the experience •Customer satisfaction results

•Retention •Frequency •Decrease of response time •Timeliness

•Number of active users •Productivity increase •Cost reductions •Sales increase

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Benefits of Gamification• Motivations and long term user engagement and loyalty.

• Making things more pleasurable in interaction, process and in system.

• Helps in creating brand connection with user in a meaningful and interesting way.

• It can be used with different roles like User, customers, employee and different scenarios like user engagement, personal motivation.

• Helps in converting complex system in to simple and interesting system.

• It attempts to make technology more inviting by encouraging users to engage in desired behaviors and by showing the path to mastery.

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Further readings1. Online course on GamificationLink :

2. Books

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