gandhi, mandela, ataturk, etc

GANDHI, MANDELA, ATATURK, ETC. The World as it is Today

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The World as it is Today. Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc. Agenda: Check Terms  Prayer  GAME 1  Gandhi Page 2  Start Gandhi?. May 6, 2014. GAME ONE IS NOW. Agenda: Check Terms  Prayer  GAME 1  Gandhi Page 2  Start Gandhi?. May 6, 2014. GAME ONE IS OVER PAGES 865-867. Causes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The World as it is Today

Page 2: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc
Page 3: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

May 6, 2014 Agenda: Check Terms Prayer GAME 1 Gandhi Page 2 Start Gandhi?


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May 6, 2014 Agenda: Check Terms Prayer GAME 1 Gandhi Page 2 Start Gandhi?


PAGES 865-867

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Causes1. Amritsar Massacre2. Promised home-rule never fulfilled

Page 6: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

MAY 7, 2015Agenda: Pray Drill Finish Gandhi Overview Start Watching Gandhi until 7 minutes left in class then we will do a game.

DrillWhat could the government tax of yours to REALLY make some money and oppress you?

Actually think of one, don’t wait for my answer, God gave you a brain, use it

Page 7: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

PROTESTWHO? Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi

1. Amritsar2. Boycotts3. Salt March4. Civil Disobedience5. Hunger Strikes6. Made his own clothes 7. Burning government documents

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MAY 8TH - DRAFT DAYAgenda: Pray Drill Gandhi talk Gandhi Watch Game 3

Drill(sort of)

Which statement best reflects a belief of Mohandas Gandhi?

 1. Muslims and Hindus must be separated if true peace is to come to India 

 2. India must adopt the British factory system 

 3. The caste system must remain an important cornerstone of Hindu society 

 4. India must achieve independence, but not at the expense of further dividing the Indian people 

Page 11: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

MAY 8TH - DRAFT DAYAgenda: Pray Drill Gandhi talk Gandhi Watch Game 3

Drill(sort of)

Which statement best reflects a belief of Mohandas Gandhi?

 1. Muslims and Hindus must be separated if true peace is to come to India 

 2. India must adopt the British factory system 

 3. The caste system must remain an important cornerstone of Hindu society 

 4. India must achieve independence, but not at the expense of further dividing the Indian people 

Page 12: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

MAY 8TH - DRAFT DAYAgenda: Pray Drill Gandhi talk Gandhi Watch Game 3

Drill(sort of)

Which statement best reflects a belief of Mohandas Gandhi?

 1. Muslims and Hindus must be separated if true peace is to come to India 

 2. India must adopt the British factory system 

 3. The caste system must remain an important cornerstone of Hindu society 

 4. India must achieve independence, but not at the expense of further dividing the Indian people 

Page 13: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

MAY 8TH - DRAFT DAYAgenda: Pray Drill Gandhi talk Gandhi Watch Game 3

Drill(sort of)

Which statement best reflects a belief of Mohandas Gandhi?

 1. Muslims and Hindus must be separated if true peace is to come to India 

 2. India must adopt the British factory system 

 3. The caste system must remain an important cornerstone of Hindu society 

 4. India must achieve independence, but not at the expense of further dividing the Indian people 

Page 14: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

GANDHI…THE BEGINNINGS After Gandhi has a run in with the thugs

on the sidewalk… He is working to build a community

(ashram) he is hoping to accomplish a sense of home for the people, and freedom for his family.

It being outside of India, everyone has to do their fair share of the work, where as in India, untouchables would do it

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UNTOUCHABLES? Gandhi’s wife’s turn to clean the latreen

is up, but she is unhappy because she is not in a caste that should have to

Gandhi and her get in a fightShe has to because she is his wifeAnd because everyone contributes…and she conceides

He leads a South African protest against the carrying of “colored passess”

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PASSES FOR THE STREET? He encourages them to fight, you will

have toFightGo to prisonGet torturedBut never get violent

Then they march on the mines where they are being suppressed and police on horseback confront them, but lose…and then they send him to jail

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GANDHI RETURNS TO INDIA He goes on a missionary pilgrimage to



HE MEETS WITH THE MUSLIM LEAGUE Then Gandhi makes his speech to

inspire helping the tenant farmers…


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Copy Question Copy Correct Answer Explain: In Africa, there were over 1000

languages, as the Bantu spread and diffused their culture in the Muslim world, languages became more universal.

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11 312 313 114 415 116 317 418 419 220 321 222 123 324 325 226 127 228 129 430 231 4

32 233 234 335 336 137 438 339 140 141 242 143 344 145 346 447 148 349 350 2

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Page 21: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

The 15th of May, 2014

Agenda1. Pray2. Five Questions

3. Game Debate4. African Freedom Movements –

Page 85. Pages 9-11 Divide and Conquer


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Big Announcement:

Regents Reviews w/me are Mondays and Wednesdays now until forever.

Marche does them too

Page 23: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

Half Sheet of paper…1. What was the ultimate goal of Gandhi and

the Indian National Congress2. Why would Gandhi have disagreed with the

protest tactics of Vladimir Lenin or Sun Yatsen?

3. At what event do the British kill hundreds of peaceful protestors?

4. How does that weaken the British and strengthen the Indian National Congress?

5. How did Gandhi protest the tax on salt?Bonus: Why was Gandhi constantly spinning


Page 24: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

Half Sheet of paper…Answers1. Indian independence from Britain. 2. They were violent protests.3. Amritsar Massacre4. It shows the British to be a violent, unsettled

mother government who violates human rights

5. Salt MarchBonus: He made his own clothes because the

British were forcing their textiles, instead of Indian made textiles on the Indians. (he boycotted).

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January 30, 1948: Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu extremist who thought Gandhi was too protective of Muslims

Kashmir: Northern part of India…Hindu ruler with a majority Muslim population…fighting over that land continues today

Indira Gandhi (Nehru’s daughter) was the next prime minister until she was assassinated by Sikh extremists that wanted an independent state

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Rajiv Gandhi: Indira Gandhi’s son becomes prime minister until he was accused of being corrupt

Eventually East Pakistan became known as Bangladesh.

Although the caste system is illegal women still have few rights

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Page 28: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

Annotating Page 8….here is a half sheet of paper with


Then…1 = Ghana (9)2 = Kenya (10)3 = Algeria (11)

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1. Check 16

2. Pray

3. Drill

4. Finish anything with African liberators

5. Apartheid video + Maybe reading?

6. FW DeClerk Story: 13?

7. ESPYs Video


What do Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkruma and Ahmed Ben Bella have in common?

Led nationalist movements in their native African nations from European empires. (Kenya, Ghana and Algeria)

Homework: Venn

Diagram 17 + 18

Page 30: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc

Apartheid 1948-1994

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FW DeKlerk – pg 12 Last President of Apartheid

South Africa Legalized ANC and freed

Mandela Negotiated to end

apartheid, allowed national vote overwhelming majority of whites voted to end apartheid.

Page 32: Gandhi, Mandela, Ataturk, Etc


1. Check HW

2. Pray

3. Drill

4. Springboks Video if needed

5. Share HW answers on the board

6. Ataturk Articles

Who should be a bigger hero to the world, Gandhi or Mandela? Defend your answer…

Gandhi/Mandela Thematic Essay due ON TURN IT IN on Monday at


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1. Check HW and Pray

2. Drill

3. Did 1st do the Venn Diagram?

4. Ataturk Video

5. Ataturk and Turkey, Then and Now

Drill Provide examples as to how

Ataturk changed Turkish life

Westernized Democracy Women’s rights Modernized education Built up industry Separations of Church and State

(antidisestablishmentarianism) Etc.

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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

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Saudi Arabia




Golan Heights

West Bank

Gaza Strip

Sinai Peninsula


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Israeli Palestinian Conflict

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Israel: promised land of the Jews dating back 3000 years

Palestine: land consisting of Israel, West Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinians (both Muslim and Christian)

claim Palestine since Jews were driven out of the region in 135 A.D.

Arabs claim Palestine is theirs since their conquest of the region in the 7th century

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When Jews were forced out of Israel in 135 A.D. they dispersed throughout the world—Diaspora

Zionists—Jews who want to return to their homeland in Israel/Palestine (began organizing 19th and 20th centuries)

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Palestine was controlled by the Ottoman Empire until it collapsed after WWI

League of Nations asked Britain to oversee Palestine until it is ready for independence

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The Balfour Declaration

1917—Zionist leaders write a letter to British Foreign Secretary Sir Arthur Balfour asking for a Jewish homeland in Palestine

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1. Pray

2. Drill

3. Announcements

4. Continue Notes on Palestine/Israel

5. Page 24 stuff


Describe life on the Gaza Strip border? Why is it like that?

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1. Britain issues the Balfour Declaration

CAUSES:Increase of Jews

immigrating to Palestine

Request for a Jewish homeland

EFFECTS:Issue not solvedBritish refer issue

to UN

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2. Independent Israel is created


recommends partitioning Palestine

International support for Jews after the Holocaust

Effects:Outbreak of full-

scale Arab-Israeli war

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Independent Israel

Jerusalem is a city owned by neither sideJews get 55% of land (they are only 34% of

population)—sympathy from UNPalestinians and Arabs reject it—say UN

should not partition a country against the wishes of the majority of residents

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The conflict begins

The day after Israel is created it’s invaded by its Islamic neighbors

The state of Israel never came into being due to constant invasions—Jews are able to claim about half the promised land

600,000 Palestinians flee because of fighting—settle in UN refugee camps

Arabs also start seizing Palestinian lands Egypt takes control of Gaza Strip Jordan annexes the West Bank

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3. The 1956 Arab-Israeli war breaks out

CAUSES: Egypt (led by

Nasser) seized Suez Canal

EFFECTS:Egyptians defeatedIsrael and

British/French allies withdraw from Egypt, who regains control of the canal

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4. The 1967 Six-Day War begins

CAUSES:Tension b/t Israel

and Arab states

EFFECTS:Heavy Arab lossesIsraeli annexation

of Jerusalem, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights (as a buffer zone)

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Before and After 1967 War

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After 1967 War:

Palestinians living in Jerusalem given a choice of citizenship—Israeli or Jordanian (most chose Jordan)

Palestinians living in other areas not given choice—under Jewish control

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5. The 1973 Yom Kippur War begins

CAUSES:Joint Arab attack on

holiest Jewish holiday

Led by new Egyptian President Anwar Sadat


counterattack followed by an uneasy truce

Led by Israel prime minister Golda Meier

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Creation of the PLO

Israel and its Arab neighbors continue to battle for control of region

Palestinians struggle for recognitionUN grants Palestinians West Bank and Gaza

Strip, but Israelis take control of it1964— Palestine Liberation Organization

formed to push for a Palestinian state dominated by guerilla troops 1969— Yasir Arafat becomes leader of PLO

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6. Sadat and Begin sign the Camp David Accords (1979)

CAUSES:Sadat offers peace

to Israel in exchange for recognition of Palestinian state

US President Carter invited Sadat and Begin to Camp David to work out differences

EFFECTS:Egypt recognized

Israel as a nationSinai peninsula

transferred back to Egypt

1981-Sadat is assassinated by Arab Muslim extremists

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Israeli-Palestinian tensions 1970s-1980s

PLO & Israel fight forcefully for control of West Bank and Gaza Strip

Palestinians call for intifada (uprising), or civil disobedience against Israel

Peace talks needed—1993 meet secretly in Oslo, Norway

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7. Rabin & Arafat issue a Declaration of Principles (a.k.a. Oslo Accords)

CAUSES:Ongoing conflict

over Israeli-occupied territories led to series of peace talks

EFFECTS:Self-rule for

Palestinians in Gaza Strip and West Bank

Rabin is assassinated (1995) by Jewish extremist

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Israel-Palestine conflict continues

July 2000—US President Clinton attempts more peace talks, but PLO and Israel can’t reach agreement

Second Intifada begins—this time with suicide bombers

Israel starts invading refugee camps and bulldozing Palestinian towns

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Israel-Palestine tensions continue

2003: US President Bush brings together Abbas (PLO) and Sharon (Israel)

Work on “road map” for peaceKey issue is still independent Israel and

Palestine states

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The Struggle Continues Today. Current leaders:

Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu Palestinians: Mahmoud Abbas

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1. Pray

2. Drill

3. Finish Tibet & Myanmar

4. Tibet Video somewhere in there

5. Genocides W-B App

Drill Compare and contrast Yasir

Arafat and Aung Sang Suu Kyi

There is nearly nothing similar in these two

Arafat is Palestinian, Suu Kyi is Burmese

Arafat is a bad guy, Suu Kyi won the Nobel Prize

Arafat is super violent, Suu Kyi believes in non-violence

Arafat fought Israelis, Suu Kyi fights the Burmese Junta Government

The Thematic Essay is due

tonight…do it

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Go back to page 24

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Tibet Video

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Genocides App

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Finish Genocides

Talk it over

The Review Packets are out and…

International Organizations


List ways Tibetans are mistreated

HW: Reference the Schedule