garnet & black_winter 2008

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Page 1: Garnet & Black_Winter 2008

:,:;.;;;;,,.';i*;':ii,.:',,Vi."..:,;"'. .,,:l::1;. t.,.'.'1.' ..:.'.':, .. ::':' ,..': .;;::i,ti:|,i,'"*.';.:,:)-:.':. 1;:..I Thle'Pe rfect, Gift'l|,', :.;,,,,'

Findlng the,right prfese6l ' '."

fol the'right pq15gn ':

,Stock Pot Charity, ,,

USC students change liveslone bowl of soUp at a time l

Different'WOrldslnternational student, onhow they see America

Page 2: Garnet & Black_Winter 2008

24 garnet&black ruouem b er g$

Page 3: Garnet & Black_Winter 2008


'q8ne1 ol e.\erl noL euoees nod aruq .(re.ta ' s8urql aseql

snolnrrprJ,\\or{ Jall€ru og d1n;adog'p3^los ruolqord issnoq s.pu3l{ B lE

e;,no.( aurl (ra.ta IoJluol oloureJ eqlpug ot alqe Sureq lou Jo parlJ

66'B$ - IorluoD elolueu pezlsre^o

'esnoH IIessnE lu reuulp puof,esetEI ro lq8ruprur p ol uoqlppe lea-r8 esr puz ea{-p.rel 'tczdruoc s,}1 dzld ollue^{ ilL { ,(pueg :nod ua,r.a lzql euz8e sr ase;qdqlleC 'ury a"rour qcnutpu" Jars€a 1nq'ooqza e>lIT Jo pury

66'rZ$ - ase"rqdqcl?3 rruorlsalg

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Page 4: Garnet & Black_Winter 2008

Headphones About S30 to $60Cool and practical, these hcad-

phones are like Derek Zoolander:really, really ridiculously good look-ing. Buy them rvith a neat design orin plain black. Either \\,ay you're sav-ing a euy's ears from thc dangers ofearphones.

Hoodie $15 to $45A hooded srveatshirt is a college

staple, and is ahvays appreciated(and, it should be pretty cold outsideby nolv anyrva.v). Get one rvith a wittysayine on it, or rvith a picture ol youif you want him to ne\rer wear it.

USB drive - $ 15 to $30\\rhile a normal USB drive is a

pretty practical gift, we'll be the firstto admit horv totally lame it is. Horv-eve! there now exist pizza, sushi andeven humpino bunny USB drives.CIassy.

Polaroid Camera $5 to $25Polaroid pictures are sreat for

an instant artsy \dbe. The best partis you don't have to r,vait to print thepictures. Just make sure you buy herfilm.

Postsecret Book - $ 1 7.79If you don't knorv what Postsecret

is, you're definitely missing out. Getyour girllriend/best friend/sister oneof creator Frank Warren's antholo-gies; she's almost guaranteed to likeit. You'll probably end up reading it,too.

@-5-- r/..,*: **1

Easy-bake Oven - $22.99Remind your girlfriend of her

childhood rvith this memento. Don'tget frustrated when it takes 45 min-utes for your cake to bake by lightbulb it's part of the fun! If shethrows it at you, just pretend youwere trying to be playful.

2ffi garnet&black nouem b er ffiffi

Page 5: Garnet & Black_Winter 2008

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JrE sulnqle ETIELIIS {uBrd ue.\e puEdlddng ;ry 'salfieg oqt 's{o51 qreagaq.L 'LLrH ro.J pJLLTE{ uoqt le8 ue,rcpl1or rlo1 '(;s.re1,1 a-rolg eos) rellope lsn[' JoJ sero]s UITLII lE s[Inqle e]I-ro,\eJ s.pEp rno( pug LiEl no

(re,r soru4 , spJof,e1 elIJor\EJ

ire^\oJ Isf]rgJrll rrJ,\ 'asno11 rtlti.\\ aqt 'pqEI\lea erlt 3o edeqs Jqt LII turtp :]J{)'clrop JJE (aqt eouo ecru ihterd 1oo1seuo C-t JSJrll pue ' pep noi(rllr,\\ puoq ot ie,u unJ E eq uec ,(aqr'r18noqt {peA .'edptrerli p1o poob'uErll ot auo a,rrts ol rallJq otl\,\

66'61$ alzznd c-t

'pEJlsur srqJl€,\\ rq leq^\ Jo unJ.)IPLU uuJ no( o. C-\C uo tnoqe Sur-11ut si(e,r.rp s eq

^\otls qrunp tur{t LUILI

la8 oq 's(ep esaql sr\or{s LIoISL\clolpoo8 ou JJp Jrorlt,\\oq lnocle Surureld-LUol pep .rno,( reaq s{e, no166'SZSI punorv c1\c LIo ,'\J plo




'>looq crll iiuipeor noL ller olIjur(n asr-r (11uurrou pFo,\\ Jrls eullerp puads 1.oqs ac1tie11 '1s43 ,(1ee:no.( rroq \\oul II.Jtls IsPJI IU 1nt1 'stto1-luJ eq lq8rur olllt JLIJ 'tuotu ;no( oleuo Sur,rr8 JOpISuoD 'seprn8 IE.\L\rllse8alloc Jsorlt .Io auo lo8 (1qec1ord no,('looqos q8rq pelenper8 no,( uaql\

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pulg tsnf 'og ol teq,\,\ oI,\ IIoJ l.uog

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ueq] urnl 'so{ul) ol o,3 'soiotld 8ur-rnpur-u#1e1sou'alnl J,\1J,\\.I puld

66'61$ rEpuelBDpczllEuosrrd

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Page 6: Garnet & Black_Winter 2008





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Tl l,,r kr.\\ .rrrrlhinq :rlror-rt thrilt stores in Clohu'nlria, HisI HLrri:t :liould lrt .Lt thc top o{'r'or-rr list lbl an aucsotttc bar-

I.,,i,,. I ll, l,,rrr -rrrpr. i11 tlte (.,,lttttrl,i;r ;rt( J rl(,1)'l ur't ,rttr pri-vlte ol qo\r-mnrent lirncling. Ifis Hou-re crillects donations ol' alikincls. ancl almost cvcn- itcm is iil.

His Hotrsc {eels likc arrr thlili storc shor,r1cl: clinrh-lit. a bit nnstrarcl lirll o1' potcntial. 'l hc shop is u,e11 org*anizcd. uith racks ofr krtliirrq :urrl shocs to one si.clo ancl houscholcl goods to the other.Huge arljoinins roollls lLrll ol books. r-inr,l irlbums. ancl iulnitulcrule :rlsri llllecl uith li'iencllv staff and authrrttir: r'itrtage picce'.

I tkru't leaih rnincl learing,- pcoplc's olcl r:lotht:s il mean, mr'clolnr has a uashing machiue;. so I Lreaclt-d to ottc o1- thc tniunlai li. ol clrt'sscs. IIr' Irier-rds alrd I firLrncl picc'r:s lrorn as f:rr backri. tiie '70s. intlurlirrg a be:rr-rLilirl vcllou prom drt'ss. Though ther',:aLe :ilnals sorne serionslv lauglrablc picc:r:s iI don't uaut to everknlrrr rlho orr.ncd a thrcr'-pir:t e, brrxvn-anil-gleen flou,er-printctlsuit l-ith hurrunq'ous slroulclrl pads;. it's not hard to find some-thilg r ou'll likc.

I l'as a 1itt1t' t an- o1' the shoc rack at first, hut it's not cli{Ecult tc:tcll uhich slroes ale-jLrst too gross to bur. Thcrc u'as a pair o1'redcoulrov boots [hat lookecl rclativt:h,nr:rl. lrut sacih'weretr't nr,v size.'l'hc lrcst itcnr of thc clin'u'as the pair o{' garnet and black pumpsI ciiscovclccl in g^rcurt condition - perli:ct lbr {botball games!

.Just bccalrsc ).ou tkrrt't like wearing other pcoplc's stuff doesn'rnrcan tlrrili stoles aren't lbl vou.'Iablers o1'discardcd odds anclcrrcls cun be uselirl apain. and \:oll can rnake cc-ccntric d6cor outci[' anvihing. I lbund a prcttv green glass vase {br rnv kitchen table:rnd zr paintirrg ol'a peal to hans o\rr m\r sink. The crtensjrerecord collcction \\'as a nicr: surprise. I hung sorne reallv artistit:,tllrUnr tu\i r\ r,n nlr rr:rll.

\lr rrirrrtrrrr itern. tuo lrclr'. trro.lrin.. ntn.kirt.. one pairoi'shoes, li.iur records, three books, one boarcl garne) a morie. apairrtirrg end a r:r., r'ort S ll.

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