general awarness 3

GENERAL AWARNESS 3 1. The union government of India on 1 February !1 gave the a""rova# for $etting u" a Nationa# %oun&i# for Senior %iti'en$. It (i## be headed by the mini$ter of)))) b* So&ia# +u$ti&e and Em"o(erment . A$ "er the #ate$t Sam"#e regi$tration Sy$tem ,SRS* bu##etin- e&ember !11 re#ea$ed by the Regi$trar Genera# of India ,RGI*- it i$ noted that Infant /orta#ity Rate ,I/R* dro""ed further from  )) to )) infant de ath$ "er 1!!! #ive birth$ during !1!. a* 0! 2 3. In the "eriod from +anuary to November !11- Sri Lan4a re&eived 5u$t over .0 #a4h touri$t$. 6f thi$- over 1.0 #a4h (ere Indian$. Indian$ &on$tituted about (hat "er &ent of the touri$t$ to Sri Lan4a in !117 a. !8 2. The Revie( %ommittee on the e#hi S&hoo# Edu&ation A&t and Ru#e$ 193 $ubmitted it$ re"ort to %hief /ini$ter Shei#a i4$hit on 3! +anuary !1. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing fa&t$ are not true in thi$ regard7 1. The &ommittee (a$ &haired by #ega# e:"ert /ani$h ;umar Gaur. The other member$ of the &ommittee (ere Abha +o$hi and Shai#5a %handra. . The &ommittee<$ re"ort i$ aimed at bringing about "ur"o$efu# amendment$ to the A&t and re#ated ru#e$ 3. The &ommittee- &on$tituted in A"ri# !11 (a$ mandated to e:amine a## i$$ue$ re#ated to SEAR=3 2. It $ugge$ted a ne( &on&e"t of &ondu&ting $&hoo# in$"e&tion$ (ith the "rimary fo&u$ being on the #earning out&ome$ of &hi#dren. An$(er> 6n#y 1 0. Freedom fighter and one of the doyen$ of Indian di"#oma&y (ho (a$ an ar&hite&t of the 191 Indo=Soviet Treaty "a$$ed a(ay in Ne( e#hi on 31 5anuary !1. Identify him.

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1. The union government of India on 1 February !1 gave the a""rova# for$etting u" a Nationa# %oun&i# for Senior %iti'en$. It (i## be headed by the mini$terof))))

b* So&ia# +u$ti&e and Em"o(erment

. A$ "er the #ate$t Sam"#e regi$tration Sy$tem ,SRS* bu##etin- e&ember !11re#ea$ed by theRegi$trar Genera# of India ,RGI*- it i$ noted that Infant /orta#ity Rate ,I/R*dro""ed further from

)) to )) infant death$ "er 1!!! #ive birth$ during !1!.

a* 0! 2

3. In the "eriod from +anuary to November !11- Sri Lan4a re&eived 5u$t over .0

#a4h touri$t$. 6fthi$- over 1.0 #a4h (ere Indian$. Indian$ &on$tituted about (hat "er &ent of thetouri$t$ to Sri Lan4ain !117

a. !8

2. The Revie( %ommittee on the e#hi S&hoo# Edu&ation A&t and Ru#e$ 19 3$ubmitted it$ re"ort to %hief /ini$ter Shei#a i4$hit on 3! +anuary !1 . Whi&h ofthe fo##o(ing fa&t$ are not true in thi$ regard7

1. The &ommittee (a$ &haired by #ega# e:"ert /ani$h ;umar Gaur. The othermember$ of the

&ommittee (ere Abha +o$hi and Shai#5a %handra.

. The &ommittee<$ re"ort i$ aimed at bringing about "ur"o$efu# amendment$ tothe A&t and

re#ated ru#e$

3. The &ommittee- &on$tituted in A"ri# !11 (a$ mandated to e:amine a## i$$ue$re#ated to


2. It $ugge$ted a ne( &on&e"t of &ondu&ting $&hoo# in$"e&tion$ (ith the "rimaryfo&u$ being on

the #earning out&ome$ of &hi#dren.

An$(er> 6n#y 1

0. Freedom fighter and one of the doyen$ of Indian di"#oma&y (ho (a$ anar&hite&t of the19 1 Indo=Soviet Treaty "a$$ed a(ay in Ne( e#hi on 31 5anuary !1 . Identifyhim.

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a. A ; amodaran

?. Whi&h e#e&troni& gadget ma4er "redi&ting a fourth &on$e&utive year of #o$$e$-named ;a'uo

@irai a$ a &hief e:e&utive offi&er re"#a&ing @o(ard Stringer7An$(er> Sony

. inani Indu$trie$- the ho#ding &om"any of ra5 inani grou"- &Buired a e#gianfibreg#a$$ &om"any for 0 mi##ion euro$. The e#gian &om"any i$ a #eadingmanufa&turer of fibreg#a$$ in Euro"e. Name the e#gian &om"any.

An$(er> 3

C. Whi&h $tate run &om"any $igned an agreement (ith it$ trade union$ forin&rea$e in the (age$ under (hi&h minimum guaranteed benefit (ou#d be 08

of gro$$7

An$(er> %IL

9. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing ban4$ fi#ed a &rimina# &om"#aint again$t Ster#ingiote&h- and it$ $i: dire&tor$ for a##eged#y defau#ting on re"ayment$ on &redit

fa&i#itie$ "rovided by the "ub#i& $e&tor #ender7

An$(er> State an4 of /y$ore

1!. Shai#e$h Rao- managing dire&tor ,media D "#atform$* at Goog#e<$ A$ia= a&ifi&o"eration$- #eft the (or#d<$ bigge$t Internet $ear&h &om"any to $et u" theinternationa# bu$ine$$ of (hi&h of the fo##o(ing &om"anie$7

An$(er> T(itter

11. nited Nation$ e"artment of E&onomi& and So&ia# Affair$ , N= ESA* datafor 10! &ountrie$ over 2! year$ $ho(ed (hi&h t(o &ountrie$ a$ the on#y t(o&ountrie$ in the (or#d (here fema#e infant morta#ity i$ higher than ma#e infantmorta#ity in the !!!$7

An$(er> %hina D India

1 . The fifth edition of the (or#d future energy $ummit (a$ he#d in Abu habifrom 1? to 19

+anuary !1 . Abu habi i$ the &a"ita# of ))).

An$(er> ,a* AE

13. ;am#a er$ad i$$e$$ar vi$ited India from 0 +anuary !1 to 12 +anuary !1 .%on$ider thefo##o(ing $tatement$ on her.

i* She i$ the $eventh rime /ini$ter of Trinidad and Tobago.

ii* She i$ the &ountry<$ fir$t fema#e rime /ini$ter.

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%hoo$e the right o"tion>

An$(er> ,a* oth i and ii are &orre&t

12. What i$ S@A E7An$(er> ,a* A ne( "a&t among the nava# for&e$ of India- +a"an and %hina

10. /ar4et regu#ator- Se&uritie$ and E:&hange oard of India ,SE I* on C +anuary !1 de&ided to enhan&e the minimum inve$tment amount "er &#ientmanaged by "ortfo#io manager$. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing fa&t$ are not true (ithre$"e&t to the above $tatement7

. SE I de&ided to enhan&e the minimum inve$tment amount "er &#ient managedby "ortfo#io manager$ to R$. 0 #a4h from R$.0 #a4h

3. in$uran&e &om"anie$ and mutua# fund$- (hi&h are broad=ba$ed inve$tmentvehi&#e$ re"re$enting the intere$t$ of the "ub#i& at #arge to be in&#uded in the"rovi$ion$ of SE I ,I$$ue of %a"ita# and i$&#o$ure ReBuirement$* Regu#ation$

2. A$ "er the &urrent norm- SE I ,I% R* Regu#ation$ "re&#ude &om"anie$ fromi$$uing "referentia# a##otment to entitie$ (hi&h have $o#d any of their ho#ding$during the $i: month$ "rior to the re#evant date

0. SE I a""roved &hange$ in the SE I ,/utua# Fund* Regu#ation$- 199?- (hi&ha$4 the a$$et management &om"anie$ ,A/%$* to en$ure a fair treatment to a##inve$tor$.

An$(er> 6n#y

1?. The nion government in +anuary !1 de&ided to $ub$&ribe to "referentia#eBuity $hare$

i$$ued by (hi&h of the t(o "ub#i& $e&tor ban4$7

a. S I D N

b. N D nion an4

&. S I D %6d. an4 of aroda D %anara an4

An$(er> ,a*


1 . A&&ording to the data re#ea$ed by the %ommer&e and Indu$try /ini$try on 3! +anuary !1 - the

gro(th rate of eight &ore indu$trie$ $#o(ed do(n to (hat "er &ent in e&ember!11 from ?.3 "er

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&ent in e&ember !1!7

a. .08

b. 3.1 8

&. 28

d. 0. 8

An$(er> ,b*


1C. The a"e: de&i$ion=ma4ing body of the &ommuni&ation$ mini$try- the Te#e&om%ommi$$ion

de&ided to a##o( mobi#e "hone &om"anie$ to $hare $"e&trum. Identify the$tatement (hi&h i$


1. The %ommi$$ion ha$ ho(ever #imited thi$ fa&i#ity to 3G air(ave$ a#one

. 6n#y tho$e o"erator$ that have air(ave$ in a "arti&u#ar region &an $hare it.S"e&trum &an be

$hared on#y bet(een t(o $"e&trum ho#der$

3. T(o &om"anie$ &an $hare air(ave$ on#y if their &ombined ho#ding$ do note:&eed the #imit$

"re$&ribed in the /DA norm$

2. S"e&trum $haring dea#$ (i## a#$o have to be rene(ed every five year$

a. 6n#y 2

b. 6n#y

&. 6n#y 1d. D 3

An$(er> ,&*

19. The nion government on 31 +anuary !1 revi$ed the e&onomi& gro(th ratefor !1!= !11

finan&ia# year to (hat "er&ent in &om"ari$on to the "reviou$ e$timate of C.0"er&ent7

a. C8

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b. C.28

&. .08

d. 8

An$(er> ,b*

!. Whi&h team &oa&hed by R R +ade5a (on it$ $e&ond &on$e&utive Ran5i Tro"hytit#e by

defeating Tami# Nadu at the /A %hidambaram $tadium on 3 +anuary !1 7

a. ;arnata4a

b. We$t enga#

&. Andhra rade$h

d. Ra5a$than

An$(er> ,d*

1. Whi&h Au$tra#ian bat$man (a$ honoured (ith Au$tr#ia<$ highe$t &ivi# honour =an offi&er

,A6* in the genera# divi$ion of the 6rder of Au$tra#ia for di$tingui$hed $ervi&e tothe $"ort of

&ri&4et a$ a #eading "#ayer7

a. Ri&4y onting

b. Adam Gi#&hri$t


&. /i&hae# @u$$ey

d. Andre( Symond$

An$(er> ,a*

. The !1 men<$ fina# of the Au$tra#ian 6"en (ent "a$t the !!C Wimb#edonfina# time

re&ord- fini$hing after 0 hour$ and 03 minute$ of "#ay. Who emerged (inner inthe e"i& fina#7

a. Andy /urray

b. Roger Federer

&. Nova4 5o4ovi&

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d. Rafae# Nada#

An$(er> ,&*3. Name the (oman tennni$ "#ayer (ho (on her (in fir$t Grand S#am tit#e by

(inning in the

fina#$ of of the Au$tra#ian 6"en !1 .

a. i&toria A'aren4a

b. Svet#ana ;u'net$ova

&. /aria Shera"ova

d. %aro#ine Wo'nia&4i

An$(er> ,a*

2. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing tab#e tenni$ "#ayer$ (on hi$ maiden nationa# tit#e bydefeating a $i:

time &ham"ion in the fina# of the 3rd Senior Nationa# and Inter=State Tab#e Tenni$ %ham"ion$hi"$

in Lu&4no( on 9 +anuary !1 7

a. A Sharath ;ama#

b. A Ama#ra5

&. N Gane$han

d. T.Ra5u

An$(er> ,b*

0. The White @ou$e on 1! February !1 named IndiaH$ reno(ned e&onomi$t a$the re&ei"ient

of the !11 S Nationa# @umanitie$ /eda#. Identify him.

a. /onte4 Singh Ah#u(a#ia

b. %. Rangara5an

&. $ha Thorat

d. Amartya Sen

An$(er> ,d*

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?. Singer and a&tre$$ Whitney @ou$ton died on 11 February !1 in a ever#y@i##$ hote# room

%a#ifornia. Whi&h of the fa&t$ about her are not true7

1. @ou$ton i$ a (inner of $i: Grammy A(ard$ in&#uding re&ord of the year for IWi## A#(ay$

Love ou and a#bum of the year for The odyguard

. @ou$tonH$ 19C0 debut a#bum Whitney @ou$ton be&ame the be$t=$e##ing debuta#bum by a

fema#e a&t at the time of it$ re#ea$e. The a#bum (a$ named Ro##ing StoneH$ be$ta#bum of 19C?- and

(a$ ran4ed at number 02 on Ro##ing StoneH$ #i$t of the 0!! Greate$t A#bum$ ofA## Time

3. She had made her nationa# te#evi$ed debut a#ong$ide avi$ on Gimme area4.

2. She had (on her fir$t Grammy a(ard for e$t o" o&a# erforman&e- Fema#efor Saving A##


/y Love for ou.

0. She i$ the fir$t arti$t to have t(o number=one i##board !! A#bum a(ard$,former#y JTo" o"

A#bumJ* on the i##board maga'ine year=end &hart$.

a. 1 D 0

b. 6n#y

&. 6n#y 0

d. D 2

An$(er> ,&*


. The $i:ty=fifth annua# riti$h A&ademy Fi#m a(ard$- the AFTA<$ (a$ he#d atthe Roya#

6"era @ou$e in London 1 February !1 . Whi&h fi#m $(e"t the a(ard &eremony(inning a tota#

of ? a(ard$7

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a. The Iron Lady

b. The Arti$t

&. We Need to Ta#4 About ;evind. @ugo

An$(er> ,b*

C. Thi$ riti$h $inger (ith $i: nomination$- (on a## $i: a(ard$ at 02th Annua#Grammy A(ard$

he#d on 1 February !1 for the a#bum 1- thu$ tying eyon&KH$ re&ord for mo$t(in$ by a fema#e

arti$t in one night. Identify the $inger.

a. on Iver

b. Lady Gaga

&. Ade#e

d. Whitney @ou$ton

An$(er> ,&*

9. a4i$tani ar&haeo#ogi$t$ di$&overed a rare Indu$ a##ey &ivi#i'ation=era $ea# in$teatite dating

ba&4 to 0!!= !!! % from the %ho#i$tan area of (hi&h of the fo##o(ing "rovin&ein a4i$tan7

a. un5ab rivin&e

b. a#o&hi$tan

&. ;hyber a4htun4h(a


An$(er> ,a*

3!. There (ere a$ many a$ 1309 foreigner$- (ho avai#ed them$e#ve$ of the i$aon Arriva#

$&heme in +anuary &om"ared (ith 9! in +anuary !11. What (a$ the "er&entage gro(th re&orded

in number of foreigner$ avai#ing i$a on Arriva# , oA* $&heme in +anuary !1 7

a. !8

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b. 8

&. 08

d. C 8An$(er> ,b*

31. A$ "er the "rovi$iona# figure$ of e:"ort$ re#ea$ed on 9 February !1 - India<$e:"ort$ in

+anuary !1 ro$e to (hat "er &ent to 0.2 bi##ion7


a. 1!.18

b. 8

&. 1 .3 8

d. C.38

An$(er> ,a*

3 . Re$erve an4 of India ,R I* on 12 February !1 - i$$ued the M raft %ir&u#arfor e"#oyment

of White Labe# Automated Te##er /a&hine$ ,WLA$* from non=ban4 entitie$. Whi&hof the

fo##o(ing fa&t$ re#ated to thi$ $tatement i$ are not true7


1. The WLA o"erator &an &hoo$e the #o&ation of the WLA. @o(ever- it (i## have toadhere to

annua# target$ and the ratio of WLA bet(een Tier I DII and Tier III= I &entre$ that

may be$ti"u#ated by the R I.

. Non=ban4 entitie$ "ro"o$ing to $et u" WLA$ have to a""#y to the R I $ee4ingauthori$ation

under the ayment and Sett#ement Sy$tem$ A&t !!

3. The non=ban4ing entitie$ $hou#d have a minimum net (orth of R$. 1!!! &roreat the time of

ma4ing the a""#i&ation and on a &ontinuing ba$i$ after i$$ue of the reBui$iteauthori$ation.

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2. eing non=ban4 o(ned AT/$- the guide#ine$ on five free tran$a&tion$ in amonth for u$ing

other ban4 AT/$ (i## not be a""#i&ab#e for tran$a&tion$ made on the WLA$.

0. The WLA o"erator (i## have to de&#are one S"on$or an4- (hi&h (i## $erve a$the Sett#ement

an4 for the $ett#ement of a## the $ervi&e tran$a&tion$ at the WLA$.

a. D 0

b. 6n#y 1

&. 6n#y 3

d. 6n#y 0

An$(er> ,&*

33. Em"o(ered Grou" of /ini$ter$ ,EGo/* headed by Finan&e /ini$ter ranab/u4her5ee on

10 February !1 a""roved the au&tion route for $e##ing 0 "er &ent $ta4e in$tate=run oi# ma5or7

a. I6%

b. 6NG%

&. @ %L

d. %L

An$(er> ,b*

32. A$ "er offi&ia# data re#ea$ed on 12 February !1 - head#ine inf#ation ea$ed toa ?=month #o(

in +anuary !1 from .2 "er &ent in e&ember !11 on the ba&4 of further fa##in vegetab#e

"ri&e$. What did the head#ine inf#ation $tand at in +anuary !1 7

a. ?.008

b. 0.338

&. 0. 08

d. .18

An$(er> ,a*

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1. Name the veteran hindi fi#m mu$i& &om"o$er Ra5e$h Ro$han (a$ honoured(ith the Lata

/anage$h4ar a(ard by the /adhya rade$h government on C February !1 .

a. A R Rehman

b. Ra5e$h Ro$han


&. Adnan Sami

d. Le$#ie Le(i$

An$(er> ,b*

30. Noted @indi (riter rofe$$or Ramdara$h /i$hra (a$ $e#e&ted for the 1$tya$ Samman for

hi$ "oetry &o##e&tion. For (hi&h of hi$ "oetry &o##e&tion (a$ he $e#e&ted for thea(ard7

a. a4 gai hai dhoo"

b. ath 4e Geet

&. ;andhe "ar Sura5


d. Aam ;e atte

An$(er> ,d*

3?. Reno(ned rdu "oet and noted #yri&i$t of mrao +aan- A4h#aB /ohammad;han "a$$ed

a(ay in A#igarh on 13 February !1 after batt#ing #ung &an&er. Whi&h of the

fa&t$ about the "oetgiven be#o( are not true7

1. A4h#aB /ohammad ;han (rote under the "en name HShahryarH

. Shahryar $tarted hi$ &areer a$ a #iterary a$$i$tant at An5uman TarraBBi=e= rdu.@e then (ent on

to 5oin +amia /i##ia I$#amia- a$ a #e&turer in rdu and ro$e to be&ome the&hairman of the rdu


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3. Shahryar had re&eived the +nan"ith A(ard- IndiaH$ highe$t #iterary a(ard- inthe year !!C.

2. @e edited the #iterary maga'ine Sher=o=@i4mat. In 19C he re&eived theSahitya A4ademy

A(ard in rdu for hi$ "oetry &o##e&tion- O;h(ab ;a ar and @aiH

a. 1 D 3

b. 6n#y 3

&. 6n#y

d. 3 D 2

An$(er> ,&*

3 . 22th Se$$ion of Indian Labour %onferen&e (a$ he#d on 12 P 10th February-!1 under the

&hairman$hi" of Shri /a##i4ar5un ;harge- nion /ini$ter of Labour D Em"#oyment.Whi&h of the

fa&t$ given be#o( are not true about the &onferen&e7

1. The &onferen&e (a$ inaugurated by the rime /ini$ter /anmohan Singh

. The %onferen&e de#iberated u"on very to"i&a# and &riti&a# i$$ue$ vi'.- ,i*/inimum Wage$- ,ii*

So&ia# Se&urity and ,iii* Em"#oyabi#ity and Em"#oyment.

3. The fir$t $u&h tri"artite &on$u#tation at the nationa# #eve# (a$ he#d in 192 a$the Tri"artite

Nationa# Labour %onferen&e P $ub$eBuent#y renamed a$ Indian Labour%onferen&e $in&e 1922

2. 20 Se$$ion$ of Indian Labour %onferen&e have been he#d $o far to di$&u$$

"rominent #abourre#ated i$$ue$.

a. 6n#y 2

b. D 3

&. 1D 3

d. 6n#y 3

An$(er> ,a*

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3C. Name the $enior + #eader and @igher Edu&ation /ini$ter of ;arnata4a (hodied in

anga#ore on 12 February !1 fo##o(ing a ma$$ive &ardia& arre$t.

(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&oma. ;atti Rame$h i$h(anath

b. G.S. a$avara5

&. ;.@. /uniya""a

d. S A&harya

An$(er> ,d*

39. %on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ and u$ing the &ode given be#o( identifythe "er$ona#ity (ith

(hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

1. @e (a$ the founder of /a: Te#e&om


. @e i$ the founder and %hairman of /a: India

3. @e ha$ been a""ointed the Non=E:e&utive %hairman of odafone India

2. @e i$ a veteran of Te#e&om Indu$try

,a*. ee"a4 are4h

,b*. Suni# harati /itta#

,&*. ; Singh

,d*. Ana#5eet Singh

An$(er> ,d*2!. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing Indian Te#e&om &om"any on 1? February !1 got theR I nod for

F%% redem"tion7

,a*. Re#ian&e Te#e&om

,b*. ninor

,&*. Airte#

,d*. odafone

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An$(er> ,a*

21. %ogni'ant (hi&h on 13 February !1 in4ed a 0=year dea# (ith Future Grou"i$ a

,a*. Logi$ti& %om"any

,b*. Aviation %om"any

,&*. 6n#ine Retai# %om"any

,d*. Te&hno#ogy So#ution %om"any

An$(er> ,d*

2 . ;intet$u Wor#d E:"re$$ of +a"an and Gati on 13 February !1 entered into a

+oint enture of

(hi&h of the fo##o(ing $e&tor7

,a*. E#e&troni& EBui"ment$

,b*. Su""#y %hain

,&*. Sing#e rand Retai#

,d*. Te&hno#ogy So#ution

An$(er> ,b*

23. Legrand- the Fren&h e#e&troni& and digita# eBui"ment$ &om"any on 9February !1 a&Buired

the S bu$ine$$ of (hi&h of the fo##o(ing Indian brand7

,a*. Luminou$

,b*. 6nida

,&*. Numeri& o(er(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&om

,d*. Invertabu#ar

An$(er> ,&*

22. %on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ and u$ing the &ode given be#o( identifythe "er$ona#ity (ith

(hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

1. @e i$ the Serbian Nationa#

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. @e ho#d$ number one "o$ition in (or#d Tenni$ ran4ing

3. @e ha$ been given the highe$t Serbian a(ard- the Go#d Star of ;arad5ord5e on10 February



2. @e ha$ five grand $#am tit#e$ in hi$ name

,a* Nova&4 5o4ovi4

,b* Rafae# Nada#

,&* Ro$er Federar

,d* Leton @e(it

An$(er> ,a*

20. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing Indian &om"any on 1? February !1 (ithdre( it$de&i$ion to Bua$h a##

it$ tie$ (ith the %%I

,a* Re#ian&e Indu$trie$

,b* E$$ar

,&* Sahara Grou"

,d* odafone

An$(er> ,&*

2?. Who (a$ $a&4ed a$ the o(#ing %oa&h of Indian %ri&4et Team on 13 February!1 7

,a* Garry ;ir$ten,b* en4ate$h ra$ad

,&* Eri& Simon$

,d* rad @ogg

An$(er> ,&*

2 . India had a""ea#ed to the Internationa# 6#ym"i& %ommittee to (ithdra( the$"on$or$hi" of

(hi&h &om"any from the London 6#ym"i&$

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,a* o( %hemi&a#$

,b* odafone

,&* Genera# /otor$,d* Goog#e

An$(er> ,a*

2C. Andre( Symond$- (ho announ&ed hi$ retirement from a## the format$ of&ri&4et on 1? February

!1 - i$ the "#ayer of

,a* Eng#and

,b* Ne('e#and

,&* Au$tra#ia

,d* South Afri&a

An$(er> ,&*


29. nion @ome /ini$ter . %hidambaram inaugurated the the fourth and fina#regiona# hub of

the Nationa# Se&urity Guard ,NSG* in (hi&h of the fo##o(ing "#a&e$ on 3February !1

a. /umbai

b. Im"ha#

&. Srinagar

d. i$ha4ha"attnamAn$(er> ,a*


0!. A$ a "art of the %ha&ha Nehru Sehat o5na ,%NS * e#hi %hief /ini$ter Shei#ai4$hit on

! February !1 #aun&hed a ma5or State=(ide de=(orming &am"aign. Whi&h ofthe fo##o(ing

fa&t$ are not &orre&t (ith re$"e&t to the de=(orming &am"aign7

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1. The &am"aign aim$ to de=(orm the &hi#dren and $ave them from (orm=infe$ted di$ea$e$ $u&h

a$ anaemia- ma#nutrition- and "hy$i&a# and menta# retardation

. e#hi Government had ear#ier &ondu&ted a $tudy and found that the average"reva#en&e of $oi#=tran$mitted (orm$ (a$ around 1? "er &ent

3. To over&ome thi$- a## $&hoo#=age &hi#dren of e#hi Government $&hoo#$-/uni&i"a#

%or"oration e#hi $&hoo#$- Ne( e#hi /uni&i"a# %oun&i# $&hoo#$- e#hi%antonment oard

$&hoo#$- "re=$&hoo# &hi#dren in Angan(adi &entre$- and the ado#e$&ent gir#$ ofSA LA "rogramme

(a$ given one do$e of the de=(orming medi&ation on 1 february !1 - the de=(orming day.

2. The e:er&i$e (a$ &ondu&ted in $&hoo#$ and Angan(adi &entre$- (here thetea&her$ and

Angan(adi (or4er$ (ou#d admini$ter mebenda'o#e de=(orming tab#et$ to every&hi#d.

0. The %ha&ha Nehru Sehat o5na (a$ introdu&ed in Se"tember !1! to "rovidehea#th &he&4=u"$

and free treatment to $tudent$ $tudying in e#hi government- Ne( e#hi/uni&i"a# %oun&i#-

/uni&i"a# %or"oration of e#hi and e#hi %antonment oard $&hoo#$

a. 3 D 2

b. 6n#y 2

&. 6n#y 0

d. D 2

An$(er> ,&*

01. The Re$erve an4 of India ,R I* "ane# on "riority $e&tor #ending on 1February !1

"ro"o$ed in&rement in the target ,"riority $e&tor* for foreign ban4$ to 2!8 of netban4 &redit from

the &urrent #eve# of 3 "er &ent (ith $ub=target$ of 10 "er &ent for e:"ort$ and10 "er &ent for the

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/SE $e&tor. The &ommittee (a$ headed by (hi&h of the fo##o(ing member$7

a. /. . Nair

b. r. . Subbarao

&. r. ;.%. %ha4rabarty

d. Subir Go4ran

An$(er> ,a*

0 . The ne( ver$ion of /GNREGA in&#uded more than 0 agri&u#ture and a##ieda&tivitie$. The

ne( ver$ion of the a&t (i## be im"#emented from))).

a* 1 A"ri# !1

b* 1 /ay !1

&* 1 +une !1


d* 1 +u#y !1

An$(er> ,a* 1 A"ri# !1

03. The i&e re$ident /ohammed @amid An$ari re#ea$ed a &o##e&tion of "oem$tit#ed LA A in

Ne( e#hi. The "oem$ (ere (ritten by))).

a* +aved A4htar

b* @amid An$ari

&* Sa#man Ru$hdie

d* Sa#man ;han(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&om

An$(er> ,a* +aved A4htar

02. India a$4ed (hi&h one of the fo##o(ing nation$ to bring in a nationa# anti="ira&y #egi$#ation for

inve$tigation and "ro$e&ution of $u$"e&ted "irate$7

a* Soma#ia

b* %hina

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&* Egy"t

d* Ghana

An$(er> ,a* Soma#ia00. India and a4i$tan on 1 February !1 agreed to e:tend the agreement toredu&e the ri$4 from

a&&ident$ re#ated to nu&#ear (ea"on$ for another))) year$.

a* Five

b* Four

&* Three

d* T(o

An$(er> ,a* Five

0?. The #arge$t ,1 . ? &arat* rough "in4 diamond ever found in Au$tra#ia (a$di$&overed in a We$t

Au$tra#ian mine o(ned by Rio Tinto. What (a$ diamond named7

a. Argy#e in4 +ubi#ee

b. Wi##iam$on in4

&. Aurora utterf#y of ea&e

d. Eure4a iamond

An$(er> ,a*

0 . A "ha$e=t(o $tudy of the Wor#d an4<$ &ri$i$ re$"on$e- "re$ented in a re"ort-tit#ed The Wor#d

an4<$ Re$"on$e to the G#oba# E&onomi& %ri$i$> ha$e II (a$ re#ea$ed on 3February !1 .

Whi&h of the fo##o(ing fa&t$ $tated be#o( i$ in&orre&t (ith re$"e&t to the re"ort7

1. Lo( re$our&e a##o&ation at the $tart of the &ri$i$ and the a$$um"tion that a##finan&ing demand$

&ou#d be a&&ommodated from e:i$ting "attern$ of #ending had "#ayed a ro#e inthe an4<$ u#timate

#ending de&i$ion$.

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. Whi#e eBuity=to=#oan ratio$ of the an4 at the out$et of the &ri$i$ (ere around3 .0 "er &ent- the

re&ent finan&ia# figure$ re#ea$ed by the an4 for Buarter &#o$ing Se"tember !11$ugge$ted it had

&ome do(n to 9 "er &ent

3. (hi#e mu&h of the budget=$u""ort #ending that the an4 undertoo4 in Indiahad he#"ed $igna#

the $trength of "ub#i& $e&tor ban4$ in the &ountry- yet many of the$e "ub#i&$e&tor ban4$ had &a"ita#


adeBua&y ratio$ &onforming to Indian government norm$ at the out$et of &ri$i$

2. The #ending "henomenon (a$ driven by &ountry demand for an4 #ending- andhen&e

&ountrie$ that (ere mo$t engaged (ith the an4 before the &ri$i$ tended toa""roa&h the an4 more

and in $ome &a$e$ get #oan$ more Bui&4#y

a. 1 D 3

b. 6n#y

&. 3 D 2

d. 6n#y 2

An$(er> ,b*


0C. e#hi @igh %ourt on 3 February !1 di$mi$$ed a "#ea from the %entre&ha##enging Te#e&om

i$"ute$ Sett#ement and A""e##ate Tribuna#<$ ,T SAT* authority to $to" (hi&h ofthe fo##o(ing

bodie$ from enfor&ing a ban on 3G roaming "a&t$ bet(een te#&o$7

a. Su"reme %ourt

b. @R /ini$try

&. oT

d. Finan&e /ini$try

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An$(er> ,&*

09. %abinet %ommittee for E&onomi& Affair$ a""roved the Nationa# airyeve#o"ment oard<$

ambitiou$ Nationa# airy #an for the 1 th Five= ear #an to be initiated in !1 .Whi&h of the

fo##o(ing fa&t$ (ith regard to the $tatement i$ not true7

. The "ro5e&t i$ aimed at boo$ting mi#4 "rodu&tion u$ing $&ientifi& breeding andfeeding

"rogramme$ &overing about . mi##ion mi#&h anima#$ in 2!!!! vi##age$

3. A&&ording to the Nationa# airy eve#o"ment oard- the demand for mi#4 i$#i4e#y to be

about 10! mi##ion tonne by !1?=1 and !!= 1! mi##ion tonne by ! 1= . India(a$ the third

#arge$t mi#4 "rodu&ing nation in !1!=11 (ith a "rodu&tion of 1!!. mi##iontonne.

2. %oo"erative$ &urrent#y "ro&ure about 1?8 of the nationa# mar4etab#e mi#4$ur"#u$ &overing

around 18 of the &ountry<$ vi##age$ and 1C8 of rura# mi#4 "rodu&ing hou$eho#d$

0. The &oo"erative $e&tor i$ needed to a&hieve a "ro&urement $hare of at #ea$t!8 of the

mar4etab#e mi#4 $ur"#u$ by !1?=1 $o a$ to retain an overa## 0!8 $hare of themar4etab#e $ur"#u$

hand#ed by the organi$ed $e&tor

a. 1 D 3

b. 6n#y 3

&. 6n#y

d. 3 D 2

An$(er> ,&*

?!. Re$erve an4 of India ,R I* on13 February !1 &hanged the ban4 rate- amedium=term $igna#

rate after nine year$ (ith the ob5e&tive to rea#ign it (ith the margina# $tandingfa&i#ity ,/SF* rate a$

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a one=time te&hni&a# ad5u$tment to #in4 it (ith the main "o#i&y re"o rate. Whatdoe$ the &hanged

ban4 rate $tand $tand at7

a. 9.08b. C.38

&. 1!.18

d. C8


An$(er> ,a*

?1. A$ "er the fir$t nation(ide retai# inf#ation data re#ea$ed by the %entre ofStati$ti&a# 6ffi&e on 1

February !1 - inf#ation ba$ed on the a## India %on$umer ri&e Inde: $tood at(hat "er &ent in

+anuary !1 7

a. ?.?8

b. .?0

&. C.3 8

d. 0.0!8


An$(er> ,b*

? . The rime /ini$terH$ E&onomi& Advi$ory ane# , /EA%* on February !1"ro5e&ted .0 =

C "er &ent gro(th rate for the fi$&a# !1 =13. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing fa&t$ aretrue (ith re$"e&t to

the above $tatement7

1. The e&onomy re&orded a gro(th rate of C.2 "er &ent in !1!=11- (hi&ha&&ording to the %S6

e$timate$ i$ e:"e&ted to moderate to ?. "er &ent in the &urrent fi$&a# !11=1

. Inf#ation (a$ "ro5e&ted to moderate to ?.08 by /ar&h !1 and 0=? "er &entin !1 =13.

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3. The manufa&turing $e&tor (a$ "ro5e&ted to gro( by 2.C "er&ent (hi#e&on$tru&tion $egment i$

e:"e&ted to e:"and by 0.3 "er&ent.

2. ro5e&ted Gro$$ ome$ti& rodu&t ,G * gro(th for !1 i$ $ub$tantia##y do(nfrom the

budgetary target of around nine "er&ent- and C.2 "er&ent e:"an$ion regi$teredin !1

a. 6n#y 2

b. 6n#y 1

&. 6n#y

d. 1- D 2

An$(er> ,d*

?3. Re$erve an4 of India ,R I* "ane# on "riority $e&tor #ending on 1 February!1 "ro"o$ed

in&rement in the target ,"riority $e&tor* for foreign ban4$ to (hat "er &ent of netban4 &redit from

the &urrent #eve# of 3 "er &ent (ith $ub=target$ of 10 "er &ent for e:"ort$ and10 "er &ent for the

/SE $e&tor7

a. 038

b. 2!8

&. 2?8

d. 398

An$(er> ,b*?2. %on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ and u$ing the &ode given be#o( identifythe "er$ona#ity

(ith (hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

. @e i$ the %hairman of @ F%

3. @e ha$ been given the Ern$t D oung Lifetime A&hievement A(ard !11

2. @e i$ one of the "ioneer in the @ou$ing Finan&e in the &ountry

0. @e i$ on the board of %a$tro# India Limited

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,a* ee"a4 are4h

,b* Rahu# hatia

,&* Ratan Tata(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&om

,d* Ana#5eet Singh

An$(er> ,a*

?0. Rahu# hatia- (ho (a$ &ho$en for Ern$t D oung Entre"reneur of the earA(ard i$ the

/anaging ire&tor of

,a* ua#&omm %ommuni&ation$

,b* +et Air(ay$

,&* odafone

,d* InterG#obe Enter"ri$e$


An$(er> ,d*

??. Eti$a#at Whi&h ha$ initiated the #ega# "ro&eeding again$t the "romoter$ ofS(an Te#e&om- it$

5oint venture "artner in India- i$ a

,a* aharain a$ed %om"any

,b* AE a$ed %om"any

,&* Au$tra#ia a$ed %om"any

,d* Ru$$ia a$ed %om"any

An$(er> ,b*

? . The %om"etition %ommi$$ion of India- under the %om"etition A&t- !! ofar#iament- ha$

been em"o(ered to #oo4 into

,a* high vo#tage merger and a&Bui$ition dea#$

,b* mar4et a&tivitie$

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,&* $e&urity mar4et trading$

,d* &#ient ba$e of different &om"anie$

An$(er> ,a*

?C. Wor#d<$ #arge$t t(o (hee#er manufa&turer @ero /oto%or" on February!1 in4ed a "a&t

(ith Eri4 ue## Ra&ing E R . E R i$ an

,a* SA ba$ed &om"any

,b* AE ba$ed &om"any

,&* Argentina ba$ed &om"any

,d* ; ba$ed &om"any

An$(er> ,a*

?9.%on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ and u$ing the &ode given be#o( identifythe "er$ona#ity (ith

(hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

1. @e i$ an Au$tra#ian nationa#

. @e #ed the Au$tra#ian &ri&4et team t(i&e to the (or#d &u" vi&tory

3. @e ha$ 3! &enturie$ and C fiftie$ in 6 I in hi$ name

2. @e on 1 February !1 announ&ed hi$ retirement from the 6ne day &ri&4et

,a* Andre( Simond$

,b* Shane Wat$on

,&* Ri&4y onting

,d* ;evin ieter$onAn$(er> ,&*


!. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing team defeated Indian (omen ho&4ey team in the fina#mat&h of London

6#ym"i& ua#ifier$

,a* South Afri&a

,b* Fran&e

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,&* Au$tra#ia

,d* Ne( Uea#and

An$(er> ,a*(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&om

1. o( %hemi&a#$ (ho$e $"on$or$hi" to the London 6#ym"i&$ (a$ high#y"rote$ted in India i$ the

"arent &om"any of

,a* nion %arbide

,b* Eti$a#at

,&* odafone

,d* %o&a %o#a

An$(er> ,b*

. Sania /ir'a and E#ena e$nina $uffered a &ru$hing defeat again$t to" $eed$Lie'e# @uber and

Li$a Raymond and fini$hed runner$=u" at the

,a* Au$tra#ian 6"en

,b* WTA ubai 6"en

,&* %hennai 6"en

,d* ;orean 6"en

An$(er> ,b*

3. +uan /artin e# otro of Argentina (on hi$ 1!th &areer AT tit#e by beating

,a* Roger Federar

,b* Rafae# Nada#

,&* Nova& 5o4ovi&4

,d* /i&hae# L#odra

An$(er> ,d*

2. A&&ording to data re#ea$ed by the mini$try of &ommer&e and indu$try on CFebruary !1 -

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out"ut of eight &ore $egment$ that &om"ri$e the manufa&turing $e&tor di""ed to!.08 in +anuary

!1 - mar4ing the $#o(e$t gro(th in three month$. What i$ the tota# (eight ofthe eight &ore

$egment$ in the inde: for indu$tria# "rodu&tion ,II *7

a. 2 8

b. 3 .98

&. 038

d. 01.28

An$(er> ,b*

0. The union government de&ided to boo$t "ub#i& $"ending in the hea#th $e&torto (hat "er &ent

of G from the &urrent 1.2 "er &ent over five year$ ,1 th Five ear #an "eriodbegining !1 *7

a. .08

b. 38

&. 3.338


d. 2.08

An$(er> ,a*

?. A$ "er the data re#ea$ed by the %entra# Stati$ti&a# organi$ation ,%S6* on 9February !1 -

India<$ e&onomi& gro(th rate di""ed to (hat "er&ent in the third Buarter

,o&tober=de&ember * of!11=1 due to "oor "erforman&e of the manufa&turing- mining and farm


a. 0.08

b. 3. 8

&. ?.18


d. ?.?8

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An$(er> ,&*

. A$ "er the data re#ea$ed by the %ontro##er Genera# of A&&ount$ on 9February !1 - fi$&a#

defi&it (a$ 1!0 "er &ent of the tota# annua# target in the A"ri#=+anuary "eriod of!11=1 . What did

the defi&it $tand at7

a. R$ 2 #a4h &rore

b. R$ 3.33 #a4h &rore

&. R$ 0. 1 #a4h &rore

d. R$ 2.32 #a4h &rore

An$(er> ,d*

C. S&ienti$t$ re&ent#y found the treatment for G#au&oma in rat$. G#au&oma i$ an )) di$ea$e.

a* Eye

b* Ear

&* Lung

d* S4in

An$(er> ,a* Eye

9. S&ienti$t$ identified t(o gene$- (hi&h are #in4ed to ar4in$on<$. The gene$are &a##ed)).

a* NA% and /A T

b* N%A and / AT

&* N A% and /T A

d* NN% and // A

An$(er> ,a* NA% and /A T

C!. Ero$ion and diver$ion of Ru$hi4u#ya river mouth in 6di$haH$ Gan5am di$tri&t$eem to be "o$ing

a $eriou$ threat to the annua# ma$$ ne$ting of the endangered 6#ive Rid#ey $eaturt#e$. %on$ider the

fo##o(ing $tatement$>

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i* The o#ive rid#ey $ea turt#e i$ a#$o 4no(n a$ the a&ifi& rid#ey.

ii* It i$ a $"e&ie$ of $ea turt#e.

%hoo$e the right o"tion>a* oth i and ii are &orre&t.

b* 6n#y i i$ &orre&t.

&* 6n#y ii i$ &orre&t.

d* Neither i nor ii i$ &orre&t.

An$(er> ,a* oth i and ii are &orre&t


C1. Whi&h one of the fo##o(ing $tate government$ im"o$ed re$tri&tion$ on thevi$it of foreign

touri$t$ to the area$ inhabited by Triba#$7

a* 6di$ha

b* ihar

&* /adhya rade$h

d* ttar rade$h

An$(er> ,a* 6di$ha


C . Indian b#a&4 eag#e (a$ $"otted in the Arava#i iodiver$ity "ar4 after a ga" of )) year$.

a* 9!

b* C!

&* !

d* ?!

An$(er> ,a* 9!

C3. A&&ording to data re#ea$ed by the mini$try of &ommer&e and indu$try on CFebruary !1 -

out"ut of eight &ore $egment$ that &om"ri$e the manufa&turing $e&tor di""ed to!.08 in +anuary

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!1 - mar4ing the $#o(e$t gro(th in three month$. What i$ the tota# (eight ofthe eight &ore

$egment$ in the inde: for indu$tria# "rodu&tion ,II *7

a. 2 8

b. 3 .98

&. 038

d. 01.28

An$(er> ,b*

C2. The union government de&ided to boo$t "ub#i& $"ending in the hea#th $e&tor

to (hat "er &ent

of G from the &urrent 1.2 "er &ent over five year$ ,1 th Five ear #an "eriodbegining !1 *7

a. .08

b. 38

&. 3.338

d. 2.08

An$(er> ,a*

C0. A$ "er the data re#ea$ed by the %entra# Stati$ti&a# organi$ation ,%S6* on 9February !1 -

India<$ e&onomi& gro(th rate di""ed to (hat "er&ent in the third Buarter,o&tober=de&ember * of

!11=1 due to "oor "erforman&e of the manufa&turing- mining and farm$e&tor$7

a. 0.08

b. 3. 8

&. ?.18

d. ?.?8

An$(er> ,&*

C?. A$ "er the data re#ea$ed by the %ontro##er Genera# of A&&ount$ on 9February !1 - fi$&a#

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defi&it (a$ 1!0 "er &ent of the tota# annua# target in the A"ri#=+anuary "eriod of!11=1 . What did

the defi&it $tand at7

(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&oma. R$ 2 #a4h &rore

b. R$ 3.33 #a4h &rore

&. R$ 0. 1 #a4h &rore

d. R$ 2.32 #a4h &rore

An$(er> ,d*

C . S&ienti$t$ re&ent#y found the treatment for G#au&oma in rat$. G#au&oma i$ an )) di$ea$e.

a* Eye

b* Ear


&* Lung

d* S4in

An$(er> ,a* Eye

CC. S&ienti$t$ identified t(o gene$- (hi&h are #in4ed to ar4in$on<$. The gene$are &a##ed)).

a* NA% and /A T

b* N%A and / AT

&* N A% and /T A

d* NN% and // A

An$(er> ,a* NA% and /A T

C9. Ero$ion and diver$ion of Ru$hi4u#ya river mouth in 6di$haH$ Gan5am di$tri&t$eem to be "o$ing

a $eriou$ threat to the annua# ma$$ ne$ting of the endangered 6#ive Rid#ey $eaturt#e$. %on$ider the

fo##o(ing $tatement$>

i* The o#ive rid#ey $ea turt#e i$ a#$o 4no(n a$ the a&ifi& rid#ey.

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ii* It i$ a $"e&ie$ of $ea turt#e.

%hoo$e the right o"tion>

a* oth i and ii are &orre&t.b* 6n#y i i$ &orre&t.

&* 6n#y ii i$ &orre&t.

d* Neither i nor ii i$ &orre&t.

An$(er> ,a* oth i and ii are &orre&t

9!. Whi&h one of the fo##o(ing $tate government$ im"o$ed re$tri&tion$ on thevi$it of foreign

touri$t$ to the area$ inhabited by Triba#$7

a* 6di$ha

b* ihar

&* /adhya rade$h

d* ttar rade$h

An$(er> ,a* 6di$ha

91. Indian b#a&4 eag#e (a$ $"otted in the Arava#i iodiver$ity "ar4 after a ga" of )) year$.

a* 9!

b* C!

&* !

d* ?!

An$(er> ,a* 9!


9 . A&&ording to data re#ea$ed by the government on 19 /ar&h !1 - retai#inf#ation $tood at

(hat "er &ent in February !1 a$ a re$u#t of higher "ri&e$ of "rotein ba$editem$- edib#e oi#

"rodu&t$ and manufa&tured good$7

a. C.C38

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b. . 28

&. 8

d. ?.98An$(er> ,a*


93. The nion Finan&e /ini$ter ,F/* ranab /u4her5ee tab#ed the nion udgetin the

ar#iament of India on 1? /ar&h !1 for the fi$&a# year !1 =13. The tota#e:"enditure for !1 =

13 i$ e$timated (hat amount7

a. R$ 12!!! 0 &rore

b. R$ 129!9 0 &rore

&. R$ 1201!33 &rore

d. R$ 1222 ?2 &rore

An$(er> ,b*

92. In the E&onomi& Survey tab#ed by the nion Finan&e /ini$ter ranab/u4her5ee on 10

/ar&h !1 - Indian e&onomy (a$ e$timated to gro( by (hat "er &ent in !11=1main#y due to

(ea4ening indu$tria# gro(th7

a. ?.08

b. ?8

&. 0. 8

d. ?.98

An$(er> ,d*

90. The nion Rai#(ay udget !1 =13 (a$ "re$ented in the Lo4 Sabha on 12/ar&h !1 by

nion Rai#(ay /ini$ter ine$h Trivedi. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing fa&t$ re#ated to thebudget are not


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1. The tota# union budget out#ay for !1 =13 $tood at R$ ?!1!! &rore.

. The fare$ (ere rai$ed in the budget. The fare$ (ere rai$ed 0 "ai$e "er 4m for$uburban and

ordinary $e&ond &#a$$. Fare$ for mai# e:"re$$ $e&ond &#a$$ (a$ rai$ed by on#y "ai$e "er 4m

3. nion Rai#(ay budget !1 =13 "ro"o$ed to a##o&ate about R$ 221! &rore to&a"a&ity

augmentation (or4$

2. The nion rai#(ay "ro"o$ed to e#e&trify ?0!! route 4i#ometer$ during the 1 th#an "eriod.

Thi$ (ou#d in&#ude e#e&trifi&ation of dham"ur=Srinagar= aramu##a #ine andhen&e "rovide

"o##ution free tra&tion to the "ri$tine ;a$hmir a##ey

0. nion rai#(ay /ini$ter "ro"o$ed to rai$e the a##o&ation under "a$$engeramenitie$ from R$ ?

&rore in !11=1 to R$ 11! &rore in !1 =13

a. 3 D 0

b. 6n#y 2

&. 6n#y

d. 3 D 2

An$(er> ,&*


9?. nion Finan&e /ini$ter ranab /u4har5ee "re$ented the annua# budget for

the fi$&a# year!1 =13 in the "ar#iament on 1? /ar&h !1 . The nion /ini$ter of Finan&e

&ame u" (ith an

in&rea$ed budgetary a##o&ation for variou$ $e&tor$ in&#uding agri&u#ture- rura#deve#o"ment- defen&e

et&. Whi&h of the $tatement$ are not true (ith re$"e&t to the budgetarya##o&ation$7

1. udgetary a##o&ation for agri&u#ture and a##ied a&tivitie$ !1 =13 in&rea$ed by1?8. 9 1 &rore

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ru"ee$ a##o&ated for Ra$htriya ;ri$hi i4a$ o5ana

. !-!!! &rore ru"ee$ a##o&ated for Rura# Infra$tru&ture eve#o"ment Fund

3. Sarva Si4$ha Abhiyan=Right to Edu&ation= 0000 &rore ru"ee$


2. 1932! &rore ru"ee$ aa##o&ated for efen&e $ervi&e$ in&#uding 90 9&roreru"ee$ for &a"ita#


0. !C &rore ru"ee$ Nationa# Rura# @ea#th /i$$ion

a. 1 D 0

b. 6n#y 1

&. D 0

d. 6n#y 2

An$(er> ,b*

9 . %on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ u$ing the &ode given be#o( identify the"er$ona#ity (ith

(hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

1. @e ha$ re&ent#y announ&ed hi$ retirement from Internationa# Te$t %ri&4et

. @e i$ the $e&ond highe$t run getter in internationa# te$t &ri&4et

3. @e made hi$ internationa# debut on ! +une 199? (hi#e "#aying at the Lord<$again$t Eng#and

2. @e ha$ the highe$t te$t &at&he$ to hi$ &redit

,a* Sourav Gangu#y

,b* Adam Gi#&hri$t

,&* S La:man

,d* Rahu# ravid

An$(er> ,d*

9C. Whi&h one of the fo##o(ing $tatement$ i$ (rong

,a* An5um %ho"ra (i## #ead the Indian team in the #imited=over $erie$ again$tAu$tra#ia

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,b* An5um %ho"ra i$ a #eading ho&4ey "#ayer

,&* Indian (omen ;abaddi team (on fir$t (omen Wor#d %u" ;abaddi&ham"ion$hi" tit#e

,d* A4hi# ;umar i$ a bo:erAn$(er> ,b*

99. Who among the fo##o(ing tenni$ "#ayer$ (on ubai 6"en Sing#e$ Tit#e7

,a* Rafae# Nada#

,b* Roger Federer

,&* Nova4 5o4ovi&

,d* Andy /urray

An$(er> ,a*

1!!. av Whatmore (a$ a""ointed a$ the "rin&i"a# &oa&h by (hi&h of thefo##o(ing team$7

,a* a4i$tan


,b* Au$tra#ia

,&* Uimbab(e

,d* South Afri&a

An$(er> ,a*

1!1. Indian Tenni$ "air of /ahe$h hu"ati and Rohan o"anna (on the doub#e$tit#e of ubai

6"en on 3 /ar&h !1 . It (a$ hu"ati<$ ..............&areer tit#e.

,a* 3!th

,b* 10th


,&* 0!th

,d* 1$t

An$(er> ,&*

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1! . %on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ and u$ing the &ode given be#o( identifythe "er$ona#ity

(ith (hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

1. @e ha$ re&ent#y 5oined the @indu$tan Aeronauti&$ Limited a$ it$ %hairman. @e i$ one of the fe( out$ider$ to head @AL

3. @e $tarted hi$ &areer (ith 6NG% in 19 ?

2. @e ha$ a#$o $erved a$ the head of a(an @an$ Limited

,a* R; Sharma

,b* R; Tyagi

,&* A/ Nai4

,d* rati" %haudhury

An$(er> ,b*

1!3. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing Indian &om"any ha$ formed a 5oint venture (ithSouth Afri&an firm


,a* Re#ian&e Indu$trie$

,b* E$$ar

,&* Tata o(er

,d* odafone India

An$(er> ,&*

1!2. Who ha$ been a""ointed the ne( /anaging ire&tor of @yundai India7

,a* o Shin Seo,b* Andre( /ar4

,&* Ani# Aggar(a#

,d* Anand /ahindra

An$(er> ,a*

1!0. Adma:- South A$ia<$ #arge$t digita# media net(or4 (a$ a&Buired by (hi&hIndian &om"any

,a* ;om#i /edia

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,b* /indtree

,&* Tata Te#e$ervi&e$

,d* Goog#e IndiaAn$(er> ,a*


1!?. +ame$ /urdo&h- (ho on 9 February !1 $te""ed do(n a$ E:e&utive%hairman of Ne($

Internationa# i$ $on of

,a* Ru"ert Grint

,b* Steve /urdo&h

,&* /ar4 Ru"ert

,d* Ru"ert /urdo&h

An$(er> ,d*


1! . %on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ u$ing the &ode given be#o( identify the"er$ona#ity (ith

(hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

. @e ha$ re&ent#y been a""ointed a$ the %hairman of /indtree Limited

3. @e i$ a#$o the &o=founder of /indtree #imited

2. @e ha$ re"#a&ed A$ho4 Soota a$ the %hairman of /indtree Limited

0. @e ha$ a#$o $erved a$ the i&e %haiman of /indtree

,a* Subroto ag&hi

,b* ive4 @ooda

,&* A$ho4 /a#i4

,d* radee" Rungta

An$(er> ,a*

1!C. Whi&h one of the fo##o(ing $tatement$ i$ (rong

,a* arun erry re$igned from the e"$i %o India on 9 February !1

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,b* @e (a$ the %hief E:e&utive 6ffi&er of e"$i%o India Food

,&* @e 5oined the &om"any in !!?

,d* A$ the %E6 of e"$i%o India Food$- he "romoted brand$ #i4e Lay<$- ua4er-;ur4ure and


An$(er> ,&*

1!9. Who ha$ been a""ointed the ne( /anaging ire&tor of @yundai India7

,a* o Shin Seo

,b* Andre( /ar4

,&* Ani# Aggar(a#

,d* Anand /ahindra

An$(er> ,a*

11!. %om"any La( oard on 1 /ar&h !1 - returned the "etition$ of

,a* Te#enor and nite&h

,b* Re#ian&e Te#e&om

,&* Eti$a#at

,d* STe#

An$(er> ,a*

111. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing "ub#i& $e&tor ban4 ha$ a""ointed /adhu4antGirdhar#a# Sanghvi a$ it$

ne( %hairman

,a* an4 of aroda


,b* A##ahabad an4

,&* State an4 of /ahara$htra

,d* Syndi&ate an4

An$(er> ,d*

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11 .%on$ider the fo##o(ing $tatement$ and u$ing the &ode given be#o( identifythe "er$ona#ity (ith

(hom the$e $tatement$ are a$$o&iated

1. @e i$ an Au$tra#ian nationa#. @e #ed the Au$tra#ian &ri&4et team t(i&e to the (or#d &u" vi&tory


3. @e ha$ 3! &enturie$ and C fiftie$ in 6 I in hi$ name

2. @e on 1 February !1 announ&ed hi$ retirement from the 6ne day &ri&4et

,a* Andre( Simond$

,b* Shane Wat$on

,&* Ri&4y onting

,d* ;evin ieter$on

An$(er> ,&*

113. Whi&h of the fo##o(ing team defeated Indian (omen ho&4ey team in thefina# mat&h of

London 6#ym"i& ua#ifier$

,a* South Afri&a

,b* Fran&e

,&* Au$tra#ia

,d* Ne( Uea#and

An$(er> ,a*

112. o( %hemi&a#$ (ho$e $"on$or$hi" to the London 6#ym"i&$ (a$ high#y"rote$ted in India i$

the "arent &om"any of

,a* nion %arbide

,b* Eti$a#at

,&* odafone

,d* %o&a %o#a

An$(er> ,b*

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110. Sania /ir'a and E#ena e$nina $uffered a &ru$hing defeat again$t to" $eed$Lie'e# @uber and

Li$a Raymond and fini$hed runner$=u" at the

,a* Au$tra#ian 6"en

,b* WTA ubai 6"en

,&* %hennai 6"en

,d* ;orean 6"en

An$(er> ,b*

11?. +uan /artin e# otro of Argentina (on hi$ 1!th &areer AT tit#e by beating

,a* Roger Federar

,b* Rafae# Nada#

,&* Nova& 5o4ovi&4


,d* /i&hae# L#odra

An$(er> ,d*

11 . In &onte:t (ith agri&u#ture- !1 i$ being #aun&hed a$ the year of )))7

,a* Green /anure

,b* 6rgani& Farming

,&* @orti&u#ture

,d* Seri&u#ture

An$(er> ,&* @orti&u#ture(((.tn"$&Bue$tion"a"er$.&om

11C. Who among the fo##o(ing ha$ (on the e$t a&tor A(ard in the 09th Nationa#Fi#m A(ard$


,a* Amir ;han

,b* Na$iruddin Shah

,&* Giri$h ;u#4arni

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,d* Sa#man ;han

An$(er> ,&* Giri$h ;u#4arni

119. The four #eading &ountrie$ in the re&ent#y he#d fir$t (omenH$ Wor#d %u";abaddi

&ham"ion$hi" (ere a$ fo##o($>

,a* India- Iran- +a"an- Ru$$ia

,b* India- Iran- +a"an- Thai#and

,&* India- Au$tra#ia- +a"an- Iran

,d* India- Au$tra#ia- Iran- +a"an

An$(er> ,b* India- Iran- +a"an- Thai#and

1 !. Re&ent#y- the Em"o(ered Grou" of /ini$ter$- EGo/ ha$ de&ided to a##o&ate!! megahert'

$"e&trum for offering (hi&h among the fo##o(ing te#e&om $ervi&e$7

,a* G

,b* 3G

,&* 2G

,d* 0G

An$(er> ,&* 2G