genesis 3:6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the...


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Genesis 3:6Genesis 3:6

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes,

and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes,

and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat

Not merely your emotionsNot merely your emotions

Whom I have sent again: thou therefore receive him, that is,

mine own bowels


Philemon 1:12Philemon 1:12

I am sending him back. You therefore receive him, that is,

my own heart


Includes your mindIncludes your mind

But when Jesus perceived their thoughts,

He answered and said to them,

“Why are you reasoning in your hearts?”

Luke 5:21-23Luke 5:21-23

But when Jesus perceived their thoughts,

He answered and said to them,

“Why are you reasoning in your hearts?”












Proverbs 27:19Proverbs 27:19

As in water face reflects face,

So a man’s heart reveals the man.

For as he thinks in his heart,

so is he

Proverbs 23:7Proverbs 23:7

man looks at the outward appearance,

but the LORD looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

Jeremiah 17:9Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful

above all things,

And desperately


Every way of a man is

right in his own eyes,

But the LORD weighs

the hearts.

He who trusts

in his own heart

is a fool…

Proverbs 21:2Proverbs 21:2Proverbs 27:19Proverbs 27:19

Proverbs 28:26Proverbs 28:26

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool…

Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived…

Deuteronomy 11:16

Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived…

Deuteronomy 11:16

…A deceived heart has turned him aside…

Isaiah 44:20

…A deceived heart has turned him aside…

Isaiah 44:20

Then Paul…said, “Men and brethren,

I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.”

Acts 23:1Acts 23:1

“Indeed, I myself thought

I must do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

This I also did…”

Acts 26:9Acts 26:9

The heart is deceitful above all things…

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things…

Jeremiah 17:9

The pride of your heart has deceived


Obadiah 1:3

The pride of your heart has deceived


Obadiah 1:3

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable…

that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-172 Timothy 3:16-17


Through the Word


Through the World

Received the Word with all readiness

Searched the scriptures daily

Do not let your heart envy sinners

Proverbs 23:17

Direct your heart in the way

Proverbs 23:19

Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes delight in my ways

Proverbs 23:26

Let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to the Lord our God

1 Kings 8:61

Do not let your heart be troubled

John 14:27

Purify your hearts

James 4:8

Strengthen your hearts

James 5:8

Keep your heart with all diligence…

Proverbs 4:23

But let a man examine himself…

Above all else, guard your heart,

for it is the wellspring of life.

Since, then, you have been

raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above

For where your treasure is,

there your heart will be


1. Examine

2. Capture

3. Set

4. Guard

1 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Proverbs 4:23; Colossians 3:1; Matthew 6:211 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Proverbs 4:23; Colossians 3:1; Matthew 6:21

5. Invest

we are taking every thought captive to the

obedience of Christ

A wise man's heart directs him toward the right…

Ecclesiastes 10:2 Ecclesiastes 10:2 nasbnasb

they show the work of the Law written in their hearts

Romans 2:15Romans 2:15

I will put my laws into their minds,and I will write them on their hearts.

And I will be their God,and they shall be my people.

Hebrews 8:10Hebrews 8:10