genome data interpretation: how to ease the bottleneck

Genome Data Interpreta-on: How to Ease the Bo5leneck Hannes Smarason Genome Sequencing |Personalized Medicine | Transforming Health Care

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Post on 02-Jul-2015



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Bloomberg BNA Business' “Diagnostic Testing & Emerging Technologies” highlights how NextCODE is providing a qualitatively different way to store and analyze genomic information to meet growing opportunities in personalized medicine.


Page 1: Genome Data Interpretation: How to Ease the Bottleneck

Genome  Data  Interpreta-on:  How  to  Ease  the  Bo5leneck  

Hannes  Smarason    Genome  Sequencing  |Personalized  Medicine  |  Transforming  Health  Care  

Page 2: Genome Data Interpretation: How to Ease the Bottleneck

Breaking  the  Data  “Bo5leneck”  

   While  various  systems  have  been  established  in  recent  years  to  store  the  large  amounts  of  genomic  data  from  pa>ents’  DNA,  a  remaining  obstacle  is  to  “break  the  boFleneck”  so  that  researchers  can  process  the  vast  data  in  mul>ple  human  genomes  in  order  to  iden>fy  and  isolate  a  small,  useful  piece  of  informa>on  about  disease.    

Page 3: Genome Data Interpretation: How to Ease the Bottleneck

Breaking  the  Data  “Bo5leneck”  

•  Conven>onal  databases  and  algorithms  have  not  been  able  to  efficiently  and  reliably  iden>fy  subset  informa>on  among  the  millions  of  gene>c  markers  in  order  to  inform  clinical  decisions.  This  has  become  a  major  data  management  roadblock.    

•  The  key  is  to  find  new  approaches  for  databases  and  algorithms  that  accommodate  the  unique  ways  that  genomic  informa>on  is  analyzed  and  interpreted.    

Page 4: Genome Data Interpretation: How to Ease the Bottleneck

Improving  the  Efficiency  of  Storage  and  Analysis  

As  discussed  in  Bloomberg  BNA,  Diagnos>c  Tes>ng  &  Emerging  Technologies,  NextCODE  is  already  easing  this  boFleneck  by  providing  a  qualita>vely  different  way  to  store  and  analyze  genomic  informa>on  and  apply  it  to  meet  the  growing  opportuni>es  for  personalized  medicine.    

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Efficient  Database  Organiza-on  

•  NextCODE’s  Genomically  Ordered  Rela>onal  (or  GOR)  database  infrastructure  is  a  truly  different  way  of  storing  this  huge  amount  of  data.  The  principle  is  very  simple:    –  Rather  than  store  sequence  and  reference  data  in  vast  unwieldy  

files,  it  >es  data  directly  to  its  specific  genomic  posi>on.    –  As  a  result,  the  algorithms  are  vastly  more  efficient  compared  to  a  

tradi>onal  rela>onal  database  because  they  can  isolate  by  loca>on  in  the  genome.    

•  That  makes  analysis  faster,  more  powerful  and  radically  more  efficient,  both  in  terms  of  clinicians’  and  researchers’  >me,  as  well  as  computer  infrastructure,  I/O  and  CPU  usage.  

Page 6: Genome Data Interpretation: How to Ease the Bottleneck

This  holis>c  approach  applies  broadly  to  the  priori>es  of  genome  scien>sts  around  the  world,  helping  them  eliminate  the  data  management  boFleneck  to  iden>fy  more  culprits  to  many  inherited  diseases,  more  quickly  and  cost  effec>vely.      Read  more  about  NextCODE’s  work  here.  

Holis-c  Approach,  Broad  Applicability