gershon breslav- illusion of choice in happy art euroclub .pdf

Happy Art Museum-5.floor hall GALLERIA RIGA Dzirnavu street 67 EverySaturday18:00FreeEntree [email protected] +37129595885+37129642746 GERSHON BRESLAV: ILLUSION OF CHOICE 26.10.2013 17:0 0 I LLUSION OF CHOICE. NOTE OF THE COGITATIVE. If irrationality of choice is acknowledged, the issue of responsibility for one’s decisions crops up. Can a person be fully responsible for more or less random and intuitive life decisions?.. That’s the subject of contemplation of doctor of psychological sciences, habilitated doctor of Latvia, associate professor of Baltic school of psychology and management Gershon Breslav. Literatūra/Литература/Literature: Skinner, B.F. Beyond Freedom & Dignity Скиннер , Б . Ф . За пределами свободы и достоинства Skiners, B.F. Aiz brīvības un cieņas robežām Ar eirosveicienu, С европриветом, Euroyours, Igors Vatoļins Игорь Ватолин +37129642746, [email protected] Галина Максимова Galina Maksimova +38129177748 [email protected] Dags Vidulejs, Даг Видулейс, +37129595885, [email protected]

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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HappyArtMuseum @ most expensive in the Baltics entertainment &shopping arcade Galleria Riga Dzirnavu street 67 7 floor (300m2) 13.00-21.00-- every day seven days a week free entrance 5 years exhibitions. Latvian society of artists masterpieces and exchange projects from neighboring countries. Happy Art Museum” primary mission is to provoke (encourage) the viewer on a conversation. HappyArtMuseum mission to provoke love - change the world with art exhibitions exchange                 We offer cooperation in organizing the art exhibitions.      We offer the "Happy Art Museum" galleries collection: a selection of the best contemporary artists paintings, sculptures, graphics. "Happy Art Museum" is a collection of high quality works of recognized professionals.Contemporaries in the art that will become classics.  The proposed exhibition designed for the widest possible audience and visitors to address a variety of categories. In particular, run-on sculpture and modern environmental sculpture work.   Founded in 2007. In 2009 the modern exhibition space PINAKOTEKA exhibition building was built. 3 years, there were several large-scale art events. Latvian artists union group exhibitions, the atrical performances, literal actions as well as foreign collection of exposure. Exhibition  in their Pinakoteka 2000m2 and in the center of Riga, the newly built "Galleria Riga" in one floor (450m2).   Shows well attended (up to 800 people a day). We offer to team up with the exchange of exhibitions. We are ready to take Your exhibition, to take the exposure assembly, the opening event organization, advertising creation and publishing.   We offer the "Happy Art Museum" galleries collection: a selection of the best contemporary artists paintings, sculptures, graphics. "Happy Art Museum" is a collection of high quality works of recognized professionals.Contemporaries in the art that will become classics.                                                                                          We are the largest private art exhibition hall in Latvia. Ltd. " Producers Group Ltd"Happy Art Museum" organizes art events in “Pinakoteka" and in the center of Riga, the newly built "Galleria Riga" in one floor (450m2).12.00-21.00 seven days a week 5 Years entrance freecharitable non-profit exhibitions, lectures, shows in wonderful entertainment and shopping complex "Galleria Riga" 5 floor HappyArtMuseum hall Information about events  for You in social NetworksSincerely,
Dag Vidulejs ⓒ +37129595885 [email protected]. "Happy Art Museum" Dags Vidulejs @Google+ Happy Art Museum@Google+ Vidulejs @Facebook Happy Art Museum@Facebook HappyArtMuseum@LaimigaMaksla on Twitter Art Museum@VIMEO (HappyArtMuseum) Vidulejs@ LinkedIN Dags Vidulejs @               Dags Vidulejs (HappyArtMuseum)Laimīgās Mākslas Muzejs@             Google map


  • Happy Art Museum-5.floor hallGALLERIA RIGA Dzirnavu street


    26.10.20131 7 : 0 0

    ILLUSION OF CHOICE. NOTE OF THE COGITATIVE. If irrationality of choice is acknowledged, the issue of responsibility for ones decisions crops up. Can a person be fully responsible for more or less random and intuitive life decisions?.. Thats the subject of contemplation of doctor of psychological sciences, habilitated doctor of Latvia, associate professor of Baltic school of psychology and management Gershon Breslav.

    Literatra//Literature: Skinner, B.F. Beyond Freedom & Dignity , .. Skiners, B.F. Aiz brvbas un cieas robem

    Ar eirosveicienu, , Euroyours, Igors Vatoins +37129642746, [email protected] Galina Maksimova +38129177748 [email protected] Dags Vidulejs, , +37129595885, [email protected]