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Getting LinkedIn A Realtors® Guide to LinkedIn (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013

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A Realtors(r) Guide to Getting LinkedIn - covers connections, recommendations and endorsements, being business social and beefing up your job description.


  • 1. Getting LinkedIn A Realtors Guide to LinkedIn (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013

2. Is LinkedIn Worth Your Time? (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 3. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 4. Is LinkedIn Worth Your Time? (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Yes! You can manage LinkedIn by logging in 2 times a week for just a few minutes. I do think, however, that most of us do it wrong. Love, -Stef Yes, I said it wrong. 5. For those wishing to ROCK LinkedIn (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 1. Stop connecting with every Realtor in your office/company/brand. 2. Get meaningful recommendations and endorsements that speak to your specific strengths. 3. Reach out to your LinkedIn connections and have a conversation. 4. Tell them why you are different. 6. Who is in your network? Are you building a powerful referral machine or an office roster? (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 7. But I dont want to offend (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Tell your office mates I said its okay to ignore their connection request. No one knows when you ignore them on LinkedIn. If they do know, because they are eagerly awaiting your approval on their connection request you should already be running away. 8. Determine your Social Contract (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Additionally, consider your social contract on LinkedIn. With whom do you want to be associated with on this service? If LinkedIn is truly your business social networking it would make sense to not connect with people you would not do business with right? Social contracts are important to consider on every social network that you participate in and will likely be different across your different networks. 9. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Consider Connections Carefully 10. Connections to Seek Out (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 oPast clients oFormer classmates/co-workers oVendors (that you use and trust) oYour sphere 11. A Word About Social Contracts (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Only YOU can determine your social contracts. Who you let in, what you share and how you interact on LinkedIn should not be taken lightly. Do you know this person thats asking you to connect? If you know them, do you (generally) like them? Would you do business with them? 12. Securing thoughtful recommendations Getting others to recognize your awesomeness (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 13. Does This Ever Happen to You? (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Stefanie: Thank you so much for the presentation and intro to the new ZipForms. I started using the new version last night - I LOVE IT! Without brown nosing, lol - I have to tell you, your teaching style is excellent! I understand that it must be tough to teach a tech class when you have people at all different levels, but you really do a good job of explaining key points while keeping the pace moving. The info is always pertinent instead of redundant and fluff. Having grown up in the "tech age" I typically have an advantage over several others in the office who are significantly older, but the classes do an excellent job of bridging the gap so that both generations can understand and learn, without frustration. 14. WHOA! Hold the phone! (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 I want to print that email and tape it to my forehead. But I cant (I have bangs). So instead, Im going to make it super easy for her to recommend me on LinkedIn. 15. You Can Do This Too! Really. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Go through recent emails, cards and letters of recommendation that you have received. Look the sender(s) up on LinkedIn. Are you connected? If not, connect with that person. Once you are connected, reach out and ask them for a recommendation on LinkedIn. Type in (or copy and paste if you can) their email, card or letter DIRECTLY into your request and let them know they can copy what they wrote directly. Be personal and thankful! 16. Asking Made Easy (step-by-step) (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Click on Profile in the top menu to see your information Click on the drop-down at Edit Click on Ask to be recommended 17. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 1. Click in the box to select which position you want to be recd 2. Type in the connections name you want to ask 3. WRITE YOUR OWN message to that person WITH the text of their email or card 4. Click Send 18. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 What does that mean? Whenever possible, try to get recommendations that speak to your specific skills and expertise. Just get through a gut-wrenching short sale? Ask for a recommendation that speaks to the work you specifically did whenever possible remind them: I was hoping that you could write a short recommendation for me that touched on some of the points Ive listed below. Tell them what you want them to say but allow them to say it in their own words. But You Said Meaningful 19. Recommendation vs. Endorsements (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 While endorsements can be fast and fun, a recommendation packs the bigger punch. Endorsements are based on the skills you claimed to possess in the Skills section on your profile. 20. Recommendation vs. Endorsements (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 21. Start By Adding Skills Click Edit Profile Click Edit (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 22. Start By Adding Skills (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 23. Adding Skills One by one, start adding your skills (just type in the box) and click Add after each one. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 24. Skills & Expertise Section Your scoreboard may begin to fill up before you know it! Try to return the favor and endorse others when appropriate. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 25. Endorsing Others LinkedIn will suggest that you endorse others (sometimes those who have endorsed you already) and other random connections. Click Endorse under their photo to begin the process. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 26. Endorsing Others Click to x out or close the skills you DO NOT wish to endorse and then click Endorse when you have the skills you want in the box. My photo now will appear next to those skills on their profile. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 27. Still a social network Who have you talked to on LinkedIn lately? (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 28. Be Social Please remember to be social on LinkedIn. Yes, even here. IF you want to get something out of LinkedIn o Post business-like updates o Write a quick note to new connections o Make it a point to reach out to 2 of your LinkedIn connections once a week (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 29. Updates on LinkedIn I still wouldnt post listings here. Really. I would post: o Relevant real estate news o Market data for the areas you serve o Awards and special accomplishments (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 30. Notes to New Connections When someone asks you to connect on LinkedIn, write them a quick note after accepting. You will be surprised the doors that a little note can open On the flip side, when you ask someone to connect, try to write a personal note as well. Reconnect with your social side = get business (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 31. Pick Two and Connect How many connections do you have on LinkedIn 100? 300? 500? When is the last time you actually reached out by phone, email or in person? 500 connections on LinkedIn that you never actually connect with will do less for you than 100 connections that you connect with on a regular basis. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 32. Don't skimp on the basic info Tell them what you really do everyday. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Tell them what you do! 33. Write a Description! (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 I often see that we short- change ourselves in the description part of our job on LinkedIn. Many agents list their title as Realtor and leave the description of their job blank. 34. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 35. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 36. Tell Them What You Do Good Realtors work their tails off. The public has a not-so-nice perception of your job already. LinkedIn is the perfect place for you to showcase everything that you do before, during, after the transaction and all around it. Tell them. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 37. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Beefing Up Your Description 38. IS LINKEDIN WORTH YOUR TIME? Tricky tricky (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 39. That Depends If you filled-out a LinkedIn profile a few years ago because someone like me told you that you needed to have one, but youve never really done much with it and have no intention to put some time into it going forward, then well, no. (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 40. Suggestions for Improvement (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 1. Stop connecting with every Realtor in your office/company/brand. 2. Get meaningful recommendations and endorsements that speak to your specific strengths. 3. Reach out to your LinkedIn connections and have a conversation. 4. Tell them why you are different. 41. THANK YOU (c) Stefanie Hahn | | September 2013 Thank you for listening today! Feel free to view or download my presentation here: Stefanie Hahn [email protected]