getting the automotive industry on the right side of open source compliance

Ge#ng the Automo-ve Industry on the Right Side of Open Source Compliance: All the Basics You Must Know Ibrahim Haddad, Ph.D. Director, Technology and Alliances

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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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The proliferation of open source software use combined with recent legal actions has raised industry awareness that open source code must be managed in compliance with applicable software licenses. Leading development organizations are establishing policies around open source usage and implementing engineering development processes which insure that software products remain in compliance. In this presentation, Dr. Haddad provides an introduction to open source compliance and discusses some of the best practices related to ensuring open source compliance in the enterprise.


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Ge#ng  the  Automo-ve  Industry  on  the  Right  Side  of  Open  Source  Compliance:  All  the  Basics  You  Must  Know      Ibrahim  Haddad,  Ph.D.  Director,  Technology  and  Alliances  

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•  Compliance  101  

•  Best  Prac-ces  –  from  an  opera-onal  perspec-ve  

•  The  Linux  Founda-on  Open  Compliance  Program    

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Compliance  101  

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A  Changing  Business  Environment  

Middleware (Proprietary, 3rd party or a mix)

Commercial Applications

(3rd Party)

Proprietary Applications

Proprietary OS

Open Source


Middleware (Open Source, Proprietary, 3rd party or a mix)

Linux Kernel

Proprietary Applications

(possibly include

Open Source code)

Open Source Driver


Open Source Driver


Commercial Applications

(possibly include

Open Source code)

Open Source Driver


Proprietary Driver


Proprietary Driver


Proprietary Driver


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A  Changing  Business  Environment  

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•  Commercial  licenses  are  nego-ated  

•  Limited  number  of  licenses    

•  The  business  environment  is  predictable    

•  Companies  ensure  contractual  protec-on  through  through  license  nego-a-on  and  commercial  contracts  

•  The  origin  of  soRware  components  is  known  

•  FOSS  Licenses  are  not  nego-ated  

•  Dozens  of  FOSS  licenses  involved    

•  The  business  environment  is  less  predictable  

•  Thousands  of  contributors  to  the  various  FOSS  used  

•  The  origin  of  some  components  may  not  be  clear  

•  Maintenance  and  support  are  variable  and  self-­‐service  

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Compliance  Objec-ves  

•  Observe  all  the  copyright  no-ces  and  sa-sfy  all  the  FOSS  license  obliga-ons  

•  Ensure  compliance  with  3rd  party  soRware  licensing  

•  Protect  product  differen-a-on    

•  Facilitate  effec-ve  usage  of  FOSS  

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Achieving  Compliance  

•  Through  aggregate  of:  Ø  policies  Ø  processes  Ø  training    Ø  tools    

 that  enables  an  organiza-on  to  effec-vely  use  FOSS  and  contribute  to  projects  Ø  copyrights,    Ø  complying  with  license  obliga.ons,  and    Ø  the  organiza.on's  intellectual  property  and  that  of  its  customers  and  suppliers.  

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What  Basic  License  Obliga-ons  Must  Be  Sa-sfied?  

•  Depending  on  the  license(s)  involved,  obliga-ons  could  consist  of:  Ø  Inclusion  of  copyright  and  license  in  the  source  code  and/or  product    Ø  No.ces  as  to  source  code  availability  –  for  original  work,  for  combined  work  or  modifica.ons,  and  so  on  

Ø  Documenta.on,  so  that  downstream  users  know  the  origin  of  the  soNware  and  what  their  rights  are.    

Ø  Disclaimers  of  warranty  on  behalf  of  the  authors  Ø  Etc.  

•  Analysis  of  source  code  is  needed  to  clarify  obliga-ons  

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How  public  non-­‐compliance  cases  were  se^led?  

•  Become  compliant  •  Appoint  a  compliance  officer    •  Publish  licensing  no.ce  on  their  website  

•  No.fy  previous  recipients  of  the  product  that  the  product  contains  GPL  code  and  inform  them  of  their  rights  to  receive  a  copy  of  the  source  code    

•  Provide  addi.onal  no.ces  in  product  publica.ons  

•  Make  available  the  complete  and  corresponding  source  code  

•  Cease  binary  distribu.on  of  the  OSS  in  ques.on  un.l  it  has  published  complete  corresponding  source  code  on  its  web  site    

•  Pay  an  undisclosed  amount  of  financial  considera.on  to  the  plain.ffs  

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3  Key  Lessons  

•  Ensure  Compliance  Prior  to  Product  Shipment  

•  Non-­‐Compliance  is  Expensive  

•  Educa-on  and  Training  are  Key  

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Legal  Localiza-on  


Supply  Chain  


Corporate    Development  

Compliance    Officer  


Product  Team  


Who  is  responsible  for  achieving  compliance?  

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How  to  Implement  an  Efficient  and  Light-­‐weight  Compliance  Program?  

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Building  Blocks  of  a  Compliance  Program  

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Policies  and  Processes  






Contribu.on   Distribu.on  Code   Project  Management  

Inventory  Management  

Linkages    Analysis  

Code  Inspec.on  

Formal  Training  

Guidelines  &  Prac.ces  

Brown  Bag  Seminars  


Obliga.ons  Fulfillment  

Usage  e-­‐Form   Contribu.on              e-­‐Form                e-­‐Form  


Internal  Web  Portal  

External    Web  Portal  


Core  Team  (OSRB)  

Extended  Team  

Messaging   Internal    


Compliance  Strategy  

Inquiry  Response    

Invited  Speakers  

Employee  Orienta.on  


BoM  Difference  

Linguis.c  Review  

Binary  Analysis  

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What  compliance  process  should  we  have  in  place?    

14 The  Linux  Founda.on    

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Sample  End-­‐to-­‐End  Compliance  Process  

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What  are  some  of  the  best  prac-ces  can  we  learn  from?    

16 The  Linux  Founda.on    

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Best  Prac-ces  in  Select  Areas    

•  Iden-fica-on    •  Audit  /  Source  code  scan  •  Resolving  issues  •  Reviews  •  Approvals  •  No-ces  •  Verifica-ons    

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•  Iden-fy  all  the  components  included  in  the  product  and  their  origin.    

•  There  are  three  main  sources  for  incoming  source  code:  Ø  Proprietary:    

§  Developed  by  your  own  engineers  (may  include  snippets  of  FOSS  or  in  many  cases  depends  on  or  links  to  FOSS)  

Ø  Third  Party  Commercial:    §  Developed  by  third  party  soNware  providers  or  consultants  and  offered  to  you  under  a  

commercial  or  FOSS  license  (may  include  snippets  of  FOSS  or  in  many  cases  depends  on  or  links  to  FOSS)  

Ø  FOSS:    §  Developed  by  members  of  the  FOSS  community  

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Iden-fica-on  –  Basic  Housekeeping  

•  Print  out  and  retain  the  license  informa-on  at  the  -me  you  download  the  soRware  Ø  Backtracking  doesn’t  always  work  because:  

§  Open  source  projects  change  their  licenses  §  You  may  wish  to  take  the  code  under  an  earlier  version  than  the  current  one  

•  Double  check  that  the  license  terms  in  the  source  distribu-on  match  the  ones  described  on  the  project  web  site  

•  If  you  cannot  iden-fy  a  license,  ask  legal  to  iden-fy  it  for  you  

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Source  Code  Audi-ng  

•  Scan  all  source  code  to  iden-fy  origin  and  license  •  Scan  early  and  oRen.  It  allows  you  to:  

Ø  Discover  compliance  problems  as  they  occur  Ø  Provide  solu.ons  to  discovered  problem  within  acceptable  delays    Ø  Keep  the  delta  with  the  previous  scan  to  a  minimum    Ø  Perform  incremental  scan  in  a  very  efficient  way    

•  Scan  newer  versions  of  previously  approved  packages:  Ø  Each  .me  Engineers  modify  a  previously  approved  component  or  plan  to  use  a  previously  approved  component  in  a  different  product,  the  source  code  of  the  modified  component  is  re-­‐scanned  and  the  component  has  to  go  through  the  approval  process  again.  

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Resolving  issues  iden-fied  by  the  audit  

•  When  in  doubt  with  the  scan  results  discuss  with  Engineering.    

•  Inspect  and  resolve  each  file  or  snippet  flagged  by  the  scanning  tool.  

•  Iden-fy  if  your  engineers  made  any  code  modifica-ons.    Ø  Use  tools  to  iden.fy  code  changes,  who  

made  them  and  when  Ø  Document  all  changes  to  open  source  


•  If  you  iden-fies  GPL-­‐licensed  source  code  (for  instance)  integrated  in  a  proprietary  component,  you  should  report  to  Engineering  and  request  correc-on.    Ø  Re-­‐scan  the  code  to  verify  

•  In  prepara-on  of  the  legal  review,  provide  Legal  with  all  informa-on  you  discovered  on  the  licensing  of  the  specific  component.  Ø  For  FOSS  components,  that  includes  


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If  you  can’t  comply    

•  If  there  are  conflicts  or  compliance  is  not  possible:  Ø  Can  you  live  without  this  code?  Ø  Can  you  create  a  work  around?  Ø  Is  there  a  newer  (or  older)  version  of  this  code  under  a  different  license?  Ø  Is  there  an  FOSS  project  with  same  func.on  under  a  different  license?  

Ø  Can  you  contact  the  author(s)  and  ask  for  an  excep.on  /  different  license?  

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Architecture  Review  

•  The  architecture  review  is  an  analysis  of  the  interac-on  between  FOSS  and  your  proprietary  and  third  party  soRware  components  that  iden-fies:  Ø  Components  that  are  FOSS  (used  “as  is”  or  modified)    Ø  Components  that  are  proprietary  Ø  Components  that  are  third  party  licensed  under  a  commercial  license  Ø  Components  dependencies  Ø  Communica.on  protocols    Ø  Dynamic  versus  sta.c  linking  Ø  Components  that  live  in  kernel  space  versus  user  space  Ø  Shared  header  files  Ø  Other  FOSS  that  the  specific  soNware  component  interacts  with  or  depends  on  especially  if  

it  is  governed  by  a  different  FOSS  license  

•  The  result  of  the  architecture  review  is  an  analysis  of  the  licensing  obliga-ons  that  may  extend  from  the  FOSS  to  the  proprietary  or  third  party  components.  

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•  The  OSRB  is  responsible  for  approving  the  usage  of  FOSS  in  products.    Ø  Legal  +  Product  Management  +  Technical  Expert  +  Open  Source  Expert    

•  There  are  two  important  prac-ces  to  note:  Ø Make  sure  that  all  sub-­‐tasks  related  to  the  compliance  .cket  have  been  completed  and  closed  before  approving  the  compliance  .cket.  ONen,  it  is  easy  to  forget  sub-­‐tasks  or  pending  sub-­‐issues,  which  may  lead  to  closing  a  compliance  .cket  that  may  s.ll  have  problems.    

Ø  Record  the  minutes  of  the  OSRB  and  the  summary  of  the  discussions  leading  to  the  decisions  of  approval  or  denial.  This  informa.on  can  become  very  useful  when  you  receive  compliance  inquiries.    

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•  Wri^en  offer    •  License  no-ce  and  text  •  Copyright  no-ce    •  A^ribu-on  no-ce    •  Etc.    

•  Be  clear  in  the  language  of  the  wri^en  offer  and  inclusive  of  all  FOSS  included  in  your  product.    

•  It  is  oRen  the  case  that  companies  include  this  informa-on  in  the  product  manual,  on  their  web  site,  inside  a  soRware  development  kit  (when  applicable),  etc.  

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•  Due  to  the  large  number  of  verifica-ons  steps,  it  is  very  useful  to  develop  checklists  to  make  sure  you  went  through  all  the  steps  needed  to  complete  your  compliance.  

•  Example  of  a  post-­‐distribu-on  checklist:  Ø  Validate  that  the  FOSS  package  has  been  uploaded  to  the  web  site  and  that  it  is  accessible  from  an  external  computer    

Ø  Validate  that  the  FOSS  package  can  be  downloaded  from  an  external  computer  and  uncompressed  without  errors  

Ø  Validate  packages  compile  and  build  properly  Ø  Validate  that  it  matches  the  binary  in  the  product  

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Responding  to  Compliance  Inquiries    







Incoming Inquiry

These  steps  are  taken    only  if  a  viola.on  was    found  

Close Inquiry

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Open  Compliance  Program  

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Goals of the Open Compliance Program


•  Increase awareness of compliance – neutral education and training

•  Bridge the disconnect between companies and the developer community

•  Standardize some aspects related to compliance across industries

•  Increase collaboration on open source compliance

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All  program  elements  are  focused  on  the  opera-onal  side  of  compliance  

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Open  Compliance  Summit  –  Oct  24-­‐25  hnp://  

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•  The  Auto  industry  has  the  advantage  of  learning  from  many  other  industries  who  already  did  the  migra-on  towards  Open  Source.  

•  Compliance  is  simple  and  easy  to  achieve  –  It  is  more  of  an  opera-on  and  scaling  challenge,  than  a  legal  one.  

•  The  Linux  Founda-on  offers  a  number  of  resources  that  you  can  use  to  enable  be^er  and  more  efficient  compliance.    

   [email protected]  


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 Q  &  A  

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Ibrahim  Haddad,  Ph.D.  Director,  Technology  &  Alliances  [email protected]