glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds · cambridge, ma, usa; darabictype, london,...

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Ergonomics ISSN: 0014-0139 (Print) 1366-5847 (Online) Journal homepage: Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds Ben D. Sawyer, Benjamin Wolfe, Jonathan Dobres, Nadine Chahine, Bruce Mehler & Bryan Reimer To cite this article: Ben D. Sawyer, Benjamin Wolfe, Jonathan Dobres, Nadine Chahine, Bruce Mehler & Bryan Reimer (2020): Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds, Ergonomics, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2020.1758348 To link to this article: Published online: 19 May 2020. Submit your article to this journal View related articles View Crossmark data

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Page 1: Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds · Cambridge, MA, USA; dArabicType, London, UK ABSTRACT Modern digital interfaces display typeface in ways new to the 500year

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Glanceable, legible typography over complexbackgrounds

Ben D. Sawyer, Benjamin Wolfe, Jonathan Dobres, Nadine Chahine, BruceMehler & Bryan Reimer

To cite this article: Ben D. Sawyer, Benjamin Wolfe, Jonathan Dobres, Nadine Chahine, BruceMehler & Bryan Reimer (2020): Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds,Ergonomics, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2020.1758348

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Page 2: Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds · Cambridge, MA, USA; dArabicType, London, UK ABSTRACT Modern digital interfaces display typeface in ways new to the 500year

Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds

Ben D. Sawyera,b, Benjamin Wolfec,b, Jonathan Dobresb, Nadine Chahined, Bruce Mehlerb andBryan Reimerb

aIndustrial Engineering and Management Systems, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; bAgeLab, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; cComputer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, MA, USA; dArabicType, London, UK

ABSTRACTModern digital interfaces display typeface in ways new to the 500 year old art of typography,driving a shift in reading from primarily long-form to increasingly short-form. In safety-criticalsettings, such at-a-glance reading competes with the need to understand the environment. Tokeep both type and the environment legible, a variety of ‘middle layer’ approaches areemployed. But what is the best approach to presenting type over complex backgrounds so asto preserve legibility? This work tests and ranks middle layers in three studies. In the first study,Gaussian blur and semi-transparent ‘scrim’ middle layer techniques best maximise legibility. Inthe second, an optimal combination of the two is identified. In the third, letter-localised middlelayers are tested, with results favouring drop-shadows. These results, discussed in mixed reality(MR) including overlays, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), considers a future inwhich glanceable reading amidst complex backgrounds is common.

Practitioner summary: Typography over complex backgrounds, meant to be read and under-stood at a glance, was once niche but today is a growing design challenge for graphical userinterface HCI. We provide a technique, evidence-based strategies, and illuminating results formaximising legibility of glanceable typography over complex backgrounds.

Abbreviations: AR: augmented reality; VR: virtual reality; HUD: head-up display; OLED: organiclight-emitting diode; UX: user experience; MS: millisecond; CM: centimeter

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 6 June 2019Accepted 22 February 2020

KEYWORDSPerception; vision andlighting; environmentalergonomics; informationdisplays; human-machinesystems; mixed realityvirtual environmentshuman-computerinteraction


The applied question of legibility, how text may bepresented so as to be more easily read (c.f. Graham2012), is not a new topic of study (see, for example,Roethlein 1912). What is, however, radically new is agrowing prevalence of types of reading and typo-graphic presentation once niche. Two of these are thefocus of the present work: (a) reading at-a-glance and(b) doing so with type situated over complex back-grounds. This seemingly inadvisable situation isbecoming commonplace in various types of interfaces,and is particularly prominent in the proliferation ofcomputationally powerful portable electronics withhigh resolution screens and see Hancock, Sawyer, andStafford 2015. Music track information, for example, islayered over album art, distance information over acamera feed, or street names over satellite imagery.Text displayed as a layer over the natural world is

indeed promising to become increasingly common, asadvances in augmented reality (AR) in support of ubi-quitous computing (Weiser 1993), the current prolifer-ation of virtual reality (VR), and indeed the emergingtechnological feasibility of the entire mixed realitycontinuum (Milgram and Kishino 1994; Milgram et al.1995). Amidst this continued rise of glanceable read-ing over complex backgrounds, data-grounded effortsto understand how to best design in such situationsare vital.

At-a-glance reading is not new, and indeed signagehas arguably been ‘augmenting’ reality since shortlyafter the advent of writing, but a growing proportionof reading is now directed towards glanceable con-tent. That change, and the growth in contentdesigned to be consumed at speed, has recently beendriven largely by wide-scale adoption of digital dis-plays intended to be read on-the-go. Smartphones, for

CONTACT Ben D. Sawyer [email protected]; [email protected] Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, University of CentralFlorida, Orlando, FL 32816-2993, USA; AgeLab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USAColor versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at� 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


Page 3: Glanceable, legible typography over complex backgrounds · Cambridge, MA, USA; dArabicType, London, UK ABSTRACT Modern digital interfaces display typeface in ways new to the 500year

example, certainly support long-form reading, butinteraction with these devices is largely ‘glanceable’.Such short-form glanceable reading can be distin-guished by the viewer’s rapid acquisition of textualinformation in a single or small set of fixation(s): theweather, a text message, or name of a caller areall examples of modern day glanceable reading.The degree to which an interface can facilitate read-ing-at-a-glance is crucially important, especially insafety-critical operational contexts. Consider surfacetransport: when a driver looks to their GPS to read thename of the street on which they must soon turn,they are moving their attention away from potentialroadway hazards. Recent research assessing theimpact of reading short messages while drivingdescribes not only impact to onroad event responsetime (Caird et al. 2014), but differential impact whenreading text in different typefaces (Reimer et al. 2014).Crucially, it is important in such situations to not sim-ply recommend the user focus on the operation task(driving, etc.) but also to consider the optimisation ofthe messages, so as to design the interfere to be min-imally demanding on attention (and see Skrypchuk,Langdon, Sawyer, and Clarkson 2019; Skrypchuk,Langdon, Sawyer, et al. 2019).

The background over which text is presented is aneglected aspect of the literature, and one in need ofexpansion as the convention of the white page is con-tinually challenged. Digital reading devices allow read-ers to select all matter of backgrounds, and AR head-up displays (HUDs) have been put forth as a way tomitigate the divided attention by bringing reading in-line with visually complex environments. For example,a windshield HUD might allow information to be pre-sented to a driver without necessitating glances awayfrom the roadway, a security camera might providelocation information over feed, or a display mightdeliver notification information superimposed over auser-selected background. While benefits can be imag-ined in each case, these technologies incur newdesign complications related to the display of textover complex, real-world backgrounds. Performancegains are far from certain (see Sawyer et al. 2014,Rusch et al. 2013). How can a designer provide a mul-titasking user with crucial information, before return-ing their gaze to an equally crucial ongoing task? Notaddressed in this work are systems where visual depthcues are presented, the ongoing evolution of associ-ated technologies and resultant focal issues, includingaccommodation-vergence conflict (and see Hoffmanet al. 2008). We here focus on the applied question oftextual legibility in glanceable reading over various

backgrounds. How can typographic design be lever-aged to facilitate fast glanceable reading, superim-posed over both simple and complex backgrounds?This paper addresses this relationship between typog-raphy and legibility rather differently from previousworks on reading. We investigate reading not as along-form task, but as a task performed at speed forsingle words, and not only on simple, monochromaticbackgrounds, but also on complex backgrounds.

Questions of legibility have interested researchersnearly from the outset of modern studies of percep-tion and psychology, a timespan that subtends signifi-cant changes in printing, display, rendering and othertechnologies. The earliest studies of eye movements—done to understand how a reader’s gaze moves acrossa sentence and the page—laid the groundwork forthe last century of eye movement research (Javal1878, as described in Huey 1908). About the sametime as the advent of hot lead type, typographicalmanipulations impacting text legibility were first beingstudied with the explicit goal of improving readingspeed and accuracy (c.f. Sanford 1888). Perhaps theearliest direct precursor to our work is that ofRoethlein, who presented individual words in diversetypefaces to subjects, and determined minimum view-ing distance for words of a given size (1912). Duringthis same period, printing technology has moved fromhand-set cold type to hot lead type to modern offsetprinting, and since the 1990s has increasinglyeschewed paper for digital text on screens. Thesedigital interfaces have enabled greater design free-dom, but present new challenges inherent to themedium and how it differs from printed text on paper.This, notably, includes the ease with which type ele-ments can be superimposed over photos, illustrations,and other richly complex backgrounds.

Prior work out of the MIT AgeLab in this spacebegan with the assessment of legibility differences inthe glance-based context of a driving simulationexperiment (Reimer et al. 2014). More recently, ourefforts have couched legibility in typographical designas a vision science-grounded empirical effort (Dobreset al. 2018; Dobres et al. 2016; Sawyer et al. 2017,2020; Wolfe et al. 2016). These investigations haveused calibrated legibility thresholds, or the duration ofa fixation during which an average reader can make adecision about a single word, as well as accuracy data,as a window into understanding legibility. Using thisapproach, the importance to legibility of (a) size (c.f.Roethlein 1912) has been showed to hold true onmodern backlit digital displays (Dobres et al. 2016).Likewise, (b) choice of typeface has been shown to be


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important for legibility (Dobres et al. 2016; Sawyeret al. 2017) and to effect higher reading speed inskilled adult readers (Wallace et al., 2020). Legibilitythresholds have been used for benchmarking the rela-tive legibility of typefaces in ‘typographic bakeoffs’ (asin Sawyer et al. 2017) which could potentially allowthe vast libraries of typefaces presently available to bebenchmarked in terms of legibility. Such efforts couldspan language and character set, while effects acrosspolarity and typeface are consistent between Englishand Italian (Dobres, Chahine, and Reimer 2017),Chinese characters likewise exhibit typeface-basedlegibility differences (Dobres et al. 2016b) that, per-haps for reasons particular to the script, did not paral-lel those observed with Latin character legibility.Significant impacts on legibility, as measured byincreased thresholds, were found in research for both(c) all-lowercase typeface and (d) condensed typeface(Sawyer et al. 2017). Though the lowercase finding iscounter-intuitive, we believe that this result is drivenby the smaller area size that lowercase letterformsoccupy. Finally, legibility costs (e.g. longer durationthresholds) have been shown for (e) typeface weightin Latin (Dobres et al. 2016) and Chinese characters(Dobres et al. 2016), where heavier weights in Latinwere less legible, while Chinese results showedimproved legibility with heavier weights.

Legibility research has identified a number ofimportant considerations beyond those mentionedabove. For example, studies comparing polarities ondigital screens favour positive polarity (Dobres et al.2016; Dobres, Chahine, and Reimer 2017). The import-ance of text size, polarity and background illuminationillustrate a more complex relationship with the favor-ability of positive polarity being amplified in low ambi-ent conditions (Dobres, Chahine, and Reimer 2017).These findings have emerged alongside a user experi-ence (UX) movement towards negative polarity designdriven by the new technology of organic light-emit-ting diode (OLED) displays, which consume less poweras they display more black. Previous works on designand typography do note the importance of maximis-ing contrast between background colours and textcolours (Graham 2012). It is only recently that technol-ogy has allowed users to choose, on-the-fly, betweenpositive polarity, dark text on a light background, andnegative polarity, light text on a dark background.Likewise, positional uncertainty, or displaying informa-tion in a different place over time, has been shown tohinder legibility (Dobres et al. 2018). Together, thisbody of work speaks to a range of questions forglanceable reading on screens, but moving beyond

screens to augmented reality poses itsown challenges.

It is an open question how much these prior find-ings will translate to AR, where text must be pre-sented over the user’s view of the larger environment.Legible typographical or symbolic overlays in suchenvironments are the foundation of head-up displays(HUDs), head/helmet mounted displays (HMDs), auto-motive backup cameras, and other AR systems. Thequestion of legibility in these environments is particu-larly timely: overlay technologies are becoming rela-tively financially and computationally inexpensive, andtherefore AR implementations are increasingly com-mon. Backup cameras, dashboard mounted HUDs, andother overlay technologies in vehicle UX formerlyassociated only with luxury vehicles are now beingfound on midrange models. Such interfaces may soonbe standard in every new vehicle. The text overlaytechnology literature is presently dominated by evalu-ations of specific technologies, while generalisedresearch into the psychophysical underpinnings oflegibility in such systems is relatively sparse. Subtitledvideo has been studied in this regard (Neve andJenniskens 1994), indicating that reading is facilitatedwith solid backgrounds and high contrast, even at thecost of occluding a portion of the video. A slightlylarger body of literature has more directly addressedquestions of text legibility in AR, both in HUDs andHMDs. Work here includes an investigation of optimaltext colour and background for AR by Debernardiset al. (2014), who suggest white text on a fully occlu-sive blue background to maximise legibility. In add-ition, Gabbard and colleagues examined the effects ofbackground texture, visual distance, and ambient illu-mination (Gabbard, Swan, and Hix 2006), all of whichimpact legibility. They also suggest fully occlusive opa-que squares, or ‘billboards’, as the background to text-ual information to minimise reaction time. However,this is complicated by the optical requirements ofHUDs and HMDs, since both ambient illumination andthe capabilities of the AR device limit the ability toprovide these maximally useful conditions in the real-world (c.f. Kress and Starner 2013). Modelling effortshave also provided optimal luminance at–the-eyecurves for HMD iconography presented in militaryvehicles (Harding, Martin, and Rash 2005, 2007), fur-ther emphasising the need to consider the problem inits real-world context. While some of these studies getclose, none of them speak to our question: how candesigners best present text in augmented reality?

As such, the present work embarked on three stud-ies to better understand which design strategies might


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best facilitate typeface legibility over complex back-grounds. Holding other known variables of conse-quence constant, Experiment I investigates so-called‘middle layer’ strategies, in which the background isdigitally manipulated. Experiment II compares the bestof the strategies emerging from this work in order tofind an ideal level of background manipulation.Experiment III looks to typeface manipulation for legi-bility (i.e. manipulating the foreground elementsrather than the background), specifically outline andshadow, both in combination with and in the absenceof a middle layer. In all studies, the overarching themeis the search for typographic permutations whichmaximise legibility for at-a-glance reading in AR appli-cations. To these questions we bring an age and gen-der balanced population of individuals who, as withall readers, use glanceable typography in their day-to-day lives.

Experiment I

Designers, and ultimately users, have a need for cru-cial interface elements to remain legible across a widerange of possible complex backgrounds. One commonsolution to this dilemma is the adoption of ‘middlelayer’ techniques, in which a manipulation to the com-plex background layer enhances legibility of a fore-ground text layer. Existing psychophysical workinvestigating the legibility effects of such techniques issparse, but a sizable body of work supports the needfor middle layer approaches. Background pattern spa-tial frequency strongly affects readability, with back-grounds exerting a stronger masking effect whenpattern width is comparable to letter weight, and let-ter size itself exerting no significant influence (Petkovand Westenberg 2003). Consider ‘billboards’ of colourinterposed behind content and background, whichfacilitate reading text faster and more accurately(Gabbard, Swan, and Hix 2006). Billboards also oftencompletely obscure the background, an aestheticdrawback in some systems, but a practical safetydrawback when vital information is present, as inautomotive backup cameras.

Designers generally compromise, blurring or uni-formly dimming/brightening the background layer.This improves contrast between background and text,a vital cue in human perception (Legge et al. 1990)with a well-understood range of acceptable values, atleast in office environments (ISO 9241). Designers hereface a balance: improving contrast removes informa-tion about a background which may fulfil an aesthetic(e.g. album art) and/or situation awareness (e.g.

backup camera) function. Surprisingly, there has beenalmost no work that directly examines the relationshipbetween manipulations of a middle layer and the legi-bility of the foreground. As dynamic interfaces enterthe vehicle and other time critical contexts, it will beimportant to understand how dynamic backgroundelements and the middle layers that mediate themaffect legibility at a glance. Optimal levels of suchmiddle layer ‘strength’ are generally judged by theindividual designer.

To investigate an objective optimal formulation ofmiddle layers, Experiment I investigates the glancelegibility of text set against complex backgrounds. Inaddition to an unmodified control condition, severaltypes of middle layers suggested by the literature andour own experience are studied at various intensities.These include the traditional semi-transparent layeringand Gaussian blurring, as well as the removal of hori-zontal and vertical information in the spatial frequencydomain. We hypothesised that each of these middlelayer approaches would improve legibility.

Experiment I methods

A total of 42 participants between the ages of 35 and75 were recruited, a range chosen from previousresearch (see Wolfe et al. 2016), and provided writteninformed consent prior to participating. Of these, fiveparticipants were excluded for having response accu-racies of less than 50% (worse than chance perform-ance) in several assessed conditions, two participantswere excluded because their display time thresholdestimates were 200ms or greater (outliers in this sam-ple), and 1 was excluded due to technical failure. Thisleft a total of 34 participants in the analysis sample,18 female (mean age ¼ 58.8) and 16 male (mean age¼ 58.6).

Background images were sampled from theImageNet database (Deng et al. 2009). To ensure awide array of ‘unpredictable’ images, candidates weresampled from categories that spanned naturalistic,artificial, sparse, and crowded categories. Keywordsincluded: metal, wood, orchestra, grating, window,blind, alluvial, mountain, crowd, pattern, plant, city,road, and tree. Because the images were to be usedas backgrounds in the experiment, and white textstimuli would be displayed at their centre, the imagepool was reduced according to the following parame-ters: (a) width between 500 and 800 pixels, (b) heightof at least 350 pixels, (c) average image brightnessbetween 102 and 107 (inclusive, out of a maximumvalue of 255), and (d) within a 10-pixel square at the


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image centre, an average brightness of between 77and 102 (inclusive, out of a maximum value of 255).This left a total of 160 eligible images in the pool.In the actual experiment, background images werescaled up by 25% in each dimension to fully utilisethe high-resolution monitor (see section ‘Apparatusand setting’). Screen area beyond the image boundarywas filled with a uniform grey (RGB: 110, Display: AcerH257HU, Brightness 350 cd/m2).

The present study examines 21 middle layer condi-tions (see below) using a lexical decision task (as inDobres et al. 2016; Sawyer et al. 2017). A simple yes/no decision was made as to whether a string of letterswas a true word (record) or a psuedoword (throps), apronounceable non-word. All stimuli were six letters inlength. True words were selected from an onlineorthographic database (see Medler & Binder 2005),while pseudowords were generated as detailed byDobres et al. (2016), and included in theirSupplemental Materials for that work. The display timeof each word/pseudoword was adjusted dependingon performance. Before experimental trials began, par-ticipants completed two independent legibility thresh-old calibration trials utilising an adaptive staircaseprocedure. As in work by Dobres and colleagues(2016), text stimuli during this section were set inFrutiger at a 4mm capital letter height, in black (hex:#000000) against a plain white background (hex:#ffffff). The white background was a 700� 400 pixelrectangle at the centre of the screen. The edges ofthe rectangle were Gaussian blurred (SD ¼ 50 pixels)to minimise afterimage effects. Stimulus duration wasset at 800ms then decreased every three trials, to6,00,400ms, and finally 200ms. Thereafter, a ‘3-down1-up’ rule incremented stimulus duration by 200msfor three trials, and 20% less for each three trialsthereafter, with a floor of 33.4ms. This established theminimum amount of time needed for each participantto read a word presented under highly legible condi-tions with approximately 79.4% accuracy. The medianvalue of these two blocks (rounded to the nearestmonitor refresh interval) was taken as representativeof the participant’s 79.4% accuracy thresholds. Thisthreshold value was then used as the display time forall stimuli across the 21 conditions of interest.Therefore, the dependent variable in all middle layerconditions was subject performance, given a fixedstimulus duration.

Each participant completed 800 lexical decision tri-als, which was deemed to be the upper limit of whatcould be completed in a single session. As describedabove, each session began with two threshold

calibration blocks (100 trials each). The remaining 600trials were used to test the 21 middle layer conditions,as described below. All experimental trials were ran-domly interleaved, as were the exact backgroundimages used per condition. The same font and textsize from the thresholding portion were used through-out, and text was set in white (hex: #ffffff). Each imagein the pool of 160 was processed to produce anappearance consistent with each of the 21 tested con-ditions, thus backgrounds could be repeatedacross conditions.

A random selection of backgrounds was presentedwithout modification across 40 trials of the experimentas a control condition.

A semi-transparent layer was presented across 140trials of the experiment, or 28 per intensity level. Theimage’s mean colour was calculated, and then theimage was interpolated towards the mean. An inter-polation of 0% would leave the image unmodified,while 100% would simplify the image to its uniformmean colour. Interpolation levels used were 10%, 20%,30%, 40%, and 50% (see examples in Figure 1).

A Gaussian blur layer was presented across 140 tri-als, or 28 per intensity level. Backgrounds were blurredwith a 2D Gaussian-weighted function, an aesthetic-ally pleasing effect that is increasingly common ininterface design. The technique is easily accessible inimage editors, as a function in many common imageprocessing libraries. Although a Gaussian kernelexpression would be used in most vision scienceresearch, blur intensity levels are here expressed asthe standard deviation (SD) of the Gaussian function,in pixels. This is their usual expression in the applieddomain of digital displays. Blur intensities (SDs) usedwere 1.00, 1.75, 2.50, 3.25, and 4.00 (see examples inFigure 2). Note that Gaussian blurs cannot occurwithin ‘fraction pixels’, and we make no claim to havefractional pixels. Rather, antialiasing and other technol-ogies which smooth pixels perceptually do play a rolehere to create a difference in the display characteris-tics of, for example, SD 1.00 and 1.75. This does meanthat our results in this work explicitly reference ourhardware and software, which work together to influ-ence such technologies (for another example, seeDobres et al. 2016).

A ‘Fourier domain horizontal filtering’, or Fourierlayer, was presented across 140 trials, or 28 per level.The Gaussian blur technique, described above, can bethought of as a ‘2D weighted average’, but it mayalso be thought of as ‘removal of high frequencyimage features at all orientations’. Images are com-monly thought of as mosaics of pixel intensities,


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however, any image may also be thought of as a sum-mation of waves of many orientations, frequencies,and powers (see Field 1987). The discrete Fouriertransformation can be used to convert an image from

Cartesian (or ‘normal’) space to Fourier (or ‘frequency’)space (see bottom row Figure 3). In a Fourier image,each pixel represents a wave, with the amplitudeencoded as the pixel’s brightness, its frequency as the

Figure 1. Examples of the middle layer resulting from interpolation with the image’s mean colour, producing a semi-transparentlayer effect. A pseudoword, like those displayed to participants, is shown in the foreground.

Figure 2. Examples of the middle layer resulting from Gaussian blur, a weighted average of pixels within a radius approximatelythree times larger than the specified SD. An SD of 1.0 would include weighted pixel values from a surrounding area of approxi-mately 6 pixels in diameter. A pseudoword, like those displayed to participants, is shown in the foreground.


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pixel’s distance from the image centre, and the wave’sorientation as the pixel’s angle from image centre. Ascan be seen in the example above, the image of thegrate has prominent vertical and horizontal features.These appear in the Fourier image as bright horizontaland vertical bands radiating from the image centre.The final image at the bottom of Figure 3 shows asimple orientation mask applied in Fourier space,which reduces the power of all waves that are ±45degrees from horizontal. When the image is trans-formed back to Cartesian space, the result is an imagein which horizontal contours are blurred. The blurringis specific to horizontal contours, leaving vertical andoff-vertical image data intact. If a Gaussian blur is

‘reduction of high frequency image data at all orienta-tions’, then this technique is ‘reduction of high fre-quency image data at selected orientations’. Imageswere generated that reduced horizontal power tovarying extents. The scale for this effect is nonlinearand somewhat difficult to quantify at present, and isbest thought of as a ‘multiplier’. A multiplier of multi-plier of 1.0 leaves the initial image intact, while amultiplier of 0.0 masks horizontal contours entirely.

Reducing image data in this way has the effect ofdarkening the image. To counteract this, the Fourierimage’s central pixel value was preserved and leftunaffected by the mask. This ensures that, when theFourier image is transformed back to Cartesian space,

Figure 3. Examples of the middle layer resulting from filtering out horizontal information in the Fourier domain (top two rows).Illustration of Fourier domain transformation and filtering (bottom row). Note that the Fourier images have been log transformedand normalised to better expose the range of intensities present (untransformed, the image’s centre pixel would have severalorders of magnitude more power than any other pixel, resulting in an image that appears almost entirely black). A pseudoword,like those displayed to participants, is shown in the foreground.


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its mean brightness is left intact. While this preservesbrightness, it also has the effect of compressing theimage’s colours towards the image’s mean colour,similar to the semi-transparent layer techniquedescribed earlier. Therefore, as a final post-processingstep, image colour values were rescaled to counteractthe compression in colour space. While an imperfectsolution at present, this generally had the effect ofrestoring image contrast and reducing the ‘semi-trans-parent’ appearance (Figure 4).

A ‘Fourier domain vertical filtering’ middle layerwas applied over 140 trials, or 28 per intensity level.Images were filtered in the Fourier domain and post-processed using the same methods as described forhorizontal domain filtering, with the exception thatthe filter was changed to affect waves that were ±45degrees off vertical.

Apparatus and settingThe experiment was run on a Mac Mini running MacOS 10.10.5 (2.5 Ghz Intel Core i5 CPU, 4GB of RAM)running PsychoPy (Peirce 2008). Stimuli were displayedon a high-resolution Acer monitor (21.77” � 12.24”,2560� 1440 pixels, 60Hz refresh rate). Participantsviewed the screen from a distance of approximately70 cm. Data were collected in two separate experimentrooms that used identical hardware and software con-figurations. Both rooms were quiet and dimly lit (as

measured with a photometer to ensure equal ambientillumination <10 lux). Average reading time thresholdsdid not differ between rooms (t(21) ¼ 0.42, p¼ 0.682).As a note, we retained this monitor and environmentfor experiments II and III. At the conclusion of theexperimental portion of the study, participants weredebriefed and paid for their time (Figure 5).

Experiment I results

ThresholdsEach participant completed two consecutive blocks ofthreshold assessment, and threshold estimatesdecreased significantly between the first and secondassessment, consistent with a practice/familiarity effectt(33) ¼ 2.69, p¼ 0.011. Participants required an aver-age of 100ms of display time to read highly legibletext with 79.4% accuracy. This is slightly but signifi-cantly more time (82.3 vs 100ms: t(33) ¼ 2.49,p¼ 0.018) than was assessed in an early study of thesame basic typographic configuration (Dobres et al.2016). Across background image trials (i.e. excludingthe threshold calibration sections at the start of eachsession), a Wilcoxon signed rank test revealed thatresponse times decreased significantly over the timecourse of the experiment (V¼ 535, p< 0.001). Meanresponse time during the first 100 trials was 495ms(SE¼ 4.84ms), compared to 393ms during the final

Figure 4. Examples of the middle layer resulting from filtering out vertical information in the Fourier domain. A pseudoword, likethose displayed to participants, is shown in the foreground.


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100 trials (SE¼ 4.00ms). Friedman’s rank sum testrevealed no significant differences among differentbackground image conditions (v2¼ 20.51, p¼ 0.427).The lack of a significant difference in response timesbetween conditions, combined with the fact that con-ditions were randomly interleaved among each other,supports the premise that the observed response timeeffect was consistent with well-known habituation andlearning effects common to most psychophysical stud-ies. Thresholds rose slightly with age, but this increasewas not statistically significant t(33) ¼ 1.16, p¼ 0.255.

The unmodified backgrounds were used as a con-trol, a base reference point with no manipulation.When reading text set against a random selection ofunmodified backgrounds, accuracy averaged 74.9%. Aswas expected, this is significantly lower than resultsobtained during threshold calibration against a plainwhite background t(33) ¼ 2.88, p¼ 0.007. Accuracy inthe control condition did not depend upon age t(33)¼ 0.79, p¼ 0.434, and ranged between 52.5% and90%. Although the high end of this accuracy rangewas unexpected, only 2 participants had accuracies atthis level in some conditions. Since their tentativeremoval from the sample had little effect on the over-all pattern of results and a less restricted sample wasconsidered beneficial, and they were retained inthe analysis.

Semi-transparent layerAs shown in Figure 6, response accuracies were signifi-cantly different across the intensity levels of the semi-transparent middle layer F(1, 33) ¼ 11.90, p¼ 0.002.Changes in accuracy follow a step-like pattern, withthe higher middle layer intensities resulting in higher

response accuracy. Table 1 summarises the key statis-tical relationships in these data. Performance at the10% and 20% intensity levels were not significantlydifferent from performance in the control condition,but were significantly lower than the high legibilityaccuracy point, suggesting that these intensities didlittle to mediate the background layer. Conversely,accuracies for intensity levels 30% and higher weresignificantly greater than the control condition, butnot significantly different from the high legibility con-dition. This indicates that these intensity levels createdlegibility conditions comparable to the high legibil-ity condition.

As shown in Figure 7, response accuracies were sig-nificantly different across the intensity levels of

Figure 5. (Left Panel) Histogram of display time thresholds corresponding to approximately 79.4% response accuracy. (RightPanel) Legibility thresholds visualised against participant age. The blue line is a linear regression through the data.

Figure 6. Response accuracies across different intensity levelsof the semi-transparent middle layer condition (higher numberson the x-axis indicate a stronger middle layer). Response accur-acy in the unmodified control condition is shown in white. Errorbars represent ±1 mean-adjusted SEM. The dashed horizontalline represents the theoretical accuracy level obtained duringdisplay time calibration under ideal conditions.


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Gaussian blur middle layer F(1, 33) ¼ 9.97, p¼ 0.003.Changes in accuracy follow a non-linear increasingpattern, with small amounts of blur resulting in largergains in performance accuracy, while further blur pla-teaus performance. Table 2 summarises the key statis-tical relationships in these data. A Gaussian blur withan SD of 1.00 pixels results in a substantial increase inresponse accuracy. Though the increase in accuracyfrom the control condition is not quite statistically sig-nificant, the relationship trends towards significanceand may reach this mark with a larger sample. AGaussian blur of 1.75 pixels produces another largeincrease in accuracy. Not only is accuracy in this con-dition significantly greater than the control condition,it is also significantly greater than the accuracy pointused in the high legibility condition. The same is truefor blurs of 2.50, 3.25, and 4.00 pixels, which are not

significantly different from performance accuracy atthe 1.75 blur level (all p> 0.25, paired t-tests)(Figure 8).

Accuracy did not differ between levels of the hori-zontal filter F(1, 33) ¼ 0.07, p¼ 0.791. Averaged acrossintensity levels, response accuracy was not signifi-cantly different from accuracy in the control conditiont(33) ¼ 1.13, p¼ 0.266, but was significantly lowerthan the high legibility accuracy point t(33) ¼ 2.74,p¼ 0.010. Table 3 summarises differences betweeneach intensity level and the control condition or highlegibility accuracy point. This table should be inter-preted in light of the lack of statistical significanceobserved in the omnibus test, and is included here forcompleteness.

Fourier domain vertical filteringAccuracy did not differ between levels of the verticalfilter F(1, 33) ¼ 0.05, p¼ 0.818 (see Figure 1).Averaged across intensity levels, response accuracywas significantly greater than accuracy in the controlcondition t(33) ¼ 3.57, p¼ 0.001, but was not signifi-cantly different than the high legibility accuracy pointt(33) ¼ 0.67, p¼ 0.509. This table should be inter-preted in light of the lack of statistical significance

Table 1. Results of statistical tests comparing the response accuracy obtained at each intensitylevel of the middle layer to the accuracy obtained in the control condition, as well as a compari-son to the theoretical accuracy point of 79.4% obtained from a high legibility condition.Middle layer opacity Different from control? Different from high legibility?

10% No [t¼ 0.35, p¼ 0.728] Yes [t ¼ �2.39, p¼ 0.023]20% No [t¼ 0.06, p¼ 0.950] Yes [t ¼ �2.91, p¼ 0.006]30% Yes [t¼ 3.60, p¼ 0.001] No [t¼ 1.01, p¼ 0.318]40% Yes� [t¼ 2.03, p¼ 0.050] No [t ¼ �0.46, p¼ 0.651]50% Yes [t¼ 2.45, p¼ 0.020] No [t¼ 0.49, p¼ 0.624]

Asterisk denotes a borderline significant difference.

Figure 7. Response accuracies across different levels of theGaussian blur middle layer condition (higher numbers on thex-axis indicate more blurring). Labelling as in Figure 6.

Table 2. Results of statistical tests comparing the responseaccuracies of the Gaussian blur middle layers to the controland high legibility conditions.

Gaussian blur SDDifferent from

control?Different fromhigh legibility?

1.00 Yes� [t¼ 1.75, p¼ 0.089] No [t ¼ �0.77, p¼ 0.445]1.75 Yes [t¼ 4.83, p¼ 0.000] Yes [t¼ 2.15, p¼ 0.039]2.50 Yes [t¼ 5.46, p¼ 0.000] Yes [t¼ 3.11, p¼ 0.004]3.25 Yes [t¼ 4.55, p¼ 0.000] Yes [t¼ 3.26, p¼ 0.003]4.00 Yes [t¼ 3.86, p¼ 0.001] Yes [t¼ 2.25, p¼ 0.031]

Asterisk denotes a borderline significant difference.

Figure 8. Response accuracies across different levels of thehorizontal information filter middle layer condition (lowernumbers on the x-axis indicate greater reductions in horizontalinformation; as in previous plots, the middle layer increases inintensity when read from left to right). Other labelling as inFigure 6.


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observed in the omnibus test, and is included here forcompleteness (Figure 9).

Table 4 summarises differences between eachintensity level and the control condition or high legi-bility accuracy point. This table should be interpretedin light of the lack of statistical significance observedin the omnibus test, and is included here forcompleteness.

Experiment I discussion

Overall, most of the middle layer manipulations dem-onstrated a beneficial impact on glance legibility. Thisextends the findings of previous efforts, notably thework of Gabbard, Swan, and Hix (2006) in using opa-que ‘billboards’. Our approach uses middle layers

which preserve, and therefore reveal, backgroundinformation. Further, intensity levels were shown,broadly, to have an impact on legibility. Therefore,design decisions that have previously been primarilyguided by aesthetic concerns should now be under-stood to have applied significance for operators; per-formance in glance-based legibility tasks hinges onboth typeface and the intensity of the middle layer.However, our hypothesis held only for the conven-tional middle layer approaches of Gaussian blur andsemi-transparent layering. We will discuss each of themiddle layer types and performance at the tested lev-els below.

Results showed that the semi-transparent layer wasineffective at low intensity (10–20% opacity), butbecame highly effective at promoting legibility at 30%opacity or greater. Note that the method employedhere linearly interpolates the background image withits own mean colour. This is somewhat different fromwhat some interfaces do, which is to interpolatetowards black to darken the image or white to lightenit. Figure 10 illustrates the difference between thesetechniques. At 30% opacity, the white and black layershave a noticeable presence against the backgroundimage, whereas the mean colour layer is perceivedmore as a subtle reduction in contrast. While it maybe true that the white and black versions require lessopacity to achieve improvements in legibility com-pared to the mean colour, it is true that mean colourinterpolation remains a subtler effect. It is also worthconsidering that the data suggest that semi-transpar-ent layering operates in a step function, with low lev-els of opacity having no effect. Once opacity hasrapidly increased to a critical point, however, legibilitygains are consistent.

Gaussian blurring proved to be the most effectivemiddle layer technique, based on overall responseaccuracy. Small amounts of blur produced improve-ments in performance accuracy similar to the highlegibility accuracy point. Larger amounts of blur pro-duced performance accuracy significantly greater thanthis. Why this ‘over improvement’ occurred is unclear.Blur levels were relatively modest and certainly wouldnot have created viewing conditions as amenable tolegibility as the black-on-white condition, which was

Table 3. Results of statistical tests comparing the response accuracies of the horizontally filteredmiddle layers to the control and high legibility conditions.Horizontal multiplier Different from control? Different from high legibility?

0.2 No [t¼ 1.15, p¼ 0.258] No [t ¼ �1.32, p¼ 0.198]0.1 No [t¼ 1.12, p¼ 0.269] No [t ¼ �1.29, p¼ 0.206]0.05 No [t ¼ �0.39, p¼ 0.702] Yes [t ¼ �3.81, p¼ 0.001]0.025 No [t¼ 0.76, p¼ 0.453] No [t ¼ �1.81, p¼ 0.080]0 No [t¼ 1.80, p¼ 0.081] No [t ¼ �1.01, p¼ 0.318]

Figure 9. Response accuracies across different levels of thevertical information filter middle layer condition (lower num-bers on the x-axis indicate greater reductions in vertical infor-mation; as in previous plots, the middle layer increases inintensity when read from left to right). Other labelling as inFigure 6.

Table 4. Results of statistical tests comparing the responseaccuracies of the vertically filtered middle layers to the con-trol and high legibility conditions.

Vertical multiplierDifferent from

control?Different fromhigh legibility?

0.2 Yes [t¼ 2.40, p¼ 0.022] No [t¼ 0.22, p¼ 0.830]0.1 Yes [t¼ 3.70, p¼ 0.001] No [t¼ 1.17, p¼ 0.251]0.05 Yes [t¼ 2.09, p¼ 0.045] No [t ¼ �0.82, p¼ 0.419]0.025 Yes [t¼ 3.15, p¼ 0.003] No [t¼ 0.88, p¼ 0.384]0 Yes [t¼ 3.21, p¼ 0.003] No [t¼ 0.80, p¼ 0.429]


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used to determine a stimulus display time thresholdcorresponding to 79.4% accuracy. Potentially, this isrelated to better edge detection against blurred mid-dle layers, but could also be related to participantsimproving at performing the task as the session wenton simply as a result of practice with the task.

One limitation that was identified during analysiswas that, as threshold assessments were conductedonly at the start of the session, it was possible thatthese thresholds could underestimate later perform-ance gains. To proactively mitigate these effects,which may or may not have existed, in Experiment IIand III we presented a second thresholding block, andignored the values from the first block.

Removing horizontal information from the back-ground images via Fourier domain filtering did notseem to improve foreground text legibility, in oppos-ition to our hypothesis. Conversely, removing verticalinformation resulted in performance accuracy in linewith the high legibility condition, regardless of theintensity of the filter. Figure 11 shows a filtered back-ground that also contains a signature in the lower-right corner (‘judith’). Fully filtering the vertical infor-mation renders the signature unrecognisable, whilefully filtering the horizontal leaves the signature fairlylegible. In other words, vertical filtering removes cru-cial text-like features that would compete with fore-ground text, but horizontal filtering does not. This islikely why the vertical filter was more effective atimproving legibility, while the horizontal filter had lit-tle to no effect at all. Notably, the vertical filter doesnot improve with greater levels of informationremoval, also in opposition to our hypothesis.

From the present data, Experiment I provides cleardesign guidance: Gaussian blur and semi-transparent‘scrim’ middle layer techniques prove best at maximis-ing legibility. Note that these two techniques are notmutually exclusive, and that the computationalrequirements to produce each, or a combination, are

modest. As such, it may be possible to use a combin-ation of scrim and blur to produce even better results.

Experiment II

Building on the promising results of Experiment I,Experiment II was designed to provide a deeperunderstanding of whether the interaction between thetwo most common filtering techniques—semitranspar-ent ‘scrim’ layers and Gaussian blurring—would bebeneficial for legibility. It was further decided to usecomplex background stimuli similar to those thatwould be encountered in applied uses of AR displays.One common application of the responsive UX phil-osophy, particularly in infotainment, is the use thealbum art of a currently playing song to fill the back-ground. Interface controls and information may thenbe overlaid over this background. As such, basedupon the prior study, it was decided that 5 scrimintensities (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60%) and 4 blurintensities (SDs of 0, 1, 2, and 3 pixels) would beincluded for analysis. This created a total of 20 condi-tions, with the 0% scrim/0 pixel blur condition repre-senting a no-filter control. It was hypothesised that acombination of scrim and blur might allow for greaterlegibility while retaining more information from thebackground image.

Experiment II methods

A total of 34 new participants between the ages of 35and 75 were recruited and subsequently providedwritten informed consent. There were 18 females(mean age ¼ 57.89) and 16 males (mean age ¼ 57.44)in the sample.

Experiment II utilised the same equipment and soft-ware from Experiment I. Complex background stimuliwere based on a pool of album art pulled fromBillboard Top 40 lists (324 images total), and

Figure 10. Comparisons of an unmodified background image with semi-transparent layers (30% opacity) of the mean colour,white, and black.


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standardised to a size of 600� 600 pixels. As inExperiment I, the pool was analysed to extract statis-tics such as average brightness, centre area brightness,and a measure of visual complexity computed bydividing each image into 64 tiles, and computingmedian of the SD of pixel intensities for each tile.Images at or below the 10th percentile of brightness,or at or above the 90th percentile of brightness, weredropped from the image pool. Images with central vis-ual complexities at or below the 25th percentile of thepool were also excluded, as were images with min-imum complexity values at or below the 10th percent-ile. This left a total of 168 images in the pool. Eachimage was modified 20 times, creating versionsmatching the specified combinations of scrim andblur. Therefore, the underlying base images wererepeated across conditions, but not within conditions.

As in Experiment I, each participant completed two100-trial positive polarity lexical decision thresholdassessment blocks. Only the second was used toinform the display time for all subsequent conditions.In the experimental portion, text stimuli were againset in Frutiger, 4mm, white (#ffffff), and scrims weresemi-transparent black (#000000). Response accuracyin each condition was again the primary measure oflegibility, with greater accuracy indicating greater legi-bility under the conditions studied. At the conclusionof the study, participants were debriefed and paid fortheir time.

Experiment II results

Assessed display time thresholds ranged between42ms and 133ms, and thresholds increased

significantly with age F(1, 32) ¼ 8.82, p¼ 0.006, by anaverage of approximately 1ms per year across thesample. Figure 12 visualises accuracy across all condi-tions in the study. The dashed lines represent theaccuracy level targeted during the threshold calibra-tion stage, and should reflect a theoretical ceiling forthe present data. Response accuracy was significantlyaffected by both blur v2(1) ¼ 9.10, p¼ 0.003 and scrimv2(1) ¼ 39.6, p< 0.001, and the two factors did notsignificantly interact v2(1) ¼ 3.29, ¼ 0.070. The non-significant trend towards interaction likely arisesbecause blur exerts a stronger influence on perform-ance when scrim is weak, and vice versa.

Experiment II discussion

Scrim exerted a stronger effect on performance thanblur. The effect of blur appears to plateau at 2 pixels(at the 600 pixel image size used), while scrim beginsto approach the theoretical calibration point for ideallegibility in this study at 30%. The interaction, inopposition to our hypothesis, was non-significant.While accuracy for 0 blur and 45% and 60% scrimwere both nominally higher than for 30% scrim, inorder to maximise legibility while retaining the aes-thetic and practical advantages of background visibil-ity, the present results simply recommend a scrim of30%. The combination of scrim of 30% and blur of3px provide the highest performance in our sample,but at increased loss of background information.

One worthwhile consideration is that the valueschosen to test here may not be equivalent betweenthe two manipulations: it is possible that scrim merelyutilised a wider range of possible values, while blur

Figure 11. Examples of selectively removing all horizontal or all vertical information from one of the background images used inthis study. Bottom row shows differences in preserved detail of a signature in the image’s lower-right corner. This example’sImageNet ID: n13912260_7234, for reference.


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was more constrained. It is also worth noting that thisrecommendation only refers to legibility, and does notinvestigate the question of ability to quickly andaccurately obtain information from the background.When initially considering an experiment looking atboth legibility and background interpretability aspects,our conversation quickly turned to the possibility ofsimply shrinking the region of scrim. Could we createa small ‘bubble’ of scrim around the text and receivesimilar results? It seemed very likely. It was also con-sidered, upon reflection, that a constrained scrimregion might be seen as very similar to drop-shadows,a conventional typeface manipulation. Design litera-ture does do have some insight in this matter, sug-gesting that a combination of weight (bold typeface),and either outline or drop-shadow, offer legibilityenhancement. How would these typeface manipula-tions hold up, alone and in combination?

Experiment III

Experiment III investigates a logical extension ofExperiment II: the use of outline or drop-shadow infront of complex backgrounds. We should first highlightthat these techniques have been considered in designcontexts (Graham 2012). In terms of typeface weight,previous work has shown a small legibility decrementin the use of bold-weight typefaces on simple

backgrounds (Dobres et al. 2016, see Figure 13;increased thresholds are worse). On the other hand,one might expect a typeface that hides more of thebackground to have better visibility and therefore bet-ter legibility performance. In order to understand theimpact of these typeface manipulations in the absenceof a ‘middle layer’, the present manipulated outlinesand drop-shadows, presented in bold and regular type-face. Indeed, we here conceptualise outline andshadow as themselves a letter-attached, localised mid-dle layer. We hypothesised that shadows would providesignificant legibility advantages while outlines would

Figure 12. (Top) Blur plotted against accuracy, each panel showing a different intensity of scrim. (Bottom) The same data points,but with scrim intensity plotted against accuracy, and each panel showing a blur intensity. Dashed horizontal line is placed at79.4% accuracy, corresponding to the theoretical calibration point for ideal legibility in this study.

Figure 13. Trends in stimulus display time needed for accur-ate reading have been reported across typeface weights.Adapted from Dobres et al. (2016).


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create too much visual noise and therefore wouldnegatively affect legibility. This would be in contrast tocurrent industry practice. We further hypothesised thatbold typeface would degrade legibility and that itwould interact with both outline and shadow to pro-vide more substantial decrements in legibility.

Experiment III methods

A total of 48 new participants between the ages of 35and 75 were recruited and provided informed consent.Of these, two were removed for exhibiting extremethresholds, one failed to calibrate to threshold, one wasremoved for poor reaction times, one reported retinalscarring, one was interrupted by a fire drill, one reportedbeing a non-native speaker after the completion of theexperiment, and one was removed for non-completion.This left a total of 40 participants in the analysis sample,20 female (mean age ¼ 58.8) and 20 male (mean age ¼56.25). Each provided written informed consent prior toparticipating in the experiment.

Complex background stimuli in Experiment III con-sisted of the same album art used in Experiment II.Each participant underwent two initial blocks ofthreshold assessment, with textual stimuli set inFrutiger at a 4mm capital letter height in white(hex: #ffffff) against a plain black background (hex:#000000) and the threshold from the second runwas used as the display duration for all subsequentconditions. Response accuracy in each condition wasagain the primary measure of legibility, with greateraccuracy indicating greater legibility under the condi-tions studied. The task was again lexical decision,but in Experiment III text stimuli were set in eitherNeue Frutiger Regular or Neue Frutiger Bold, at a4mm capital letter height, in white (#ffffff). Our text-ual manipulation conditions, outline and drop-shadow, were displayed at default width in black(#000000), modifying the white characters. At theconclusion of the experimental portion of the study,participants were debriefed and paid for their time(Figure 14).

Figure 14. The conditions for the present study include two font weights of Neue Frutiger typeface, modified by three textualmanipulations. As in previous studies, text is presented in white. In both the outline conditions and shadow conditions the interiorof the displayed textual stimuli is white, and the outline or shadow is black. In all cases, textual stimuli were displayed centred ona complex album art background. For illustrative purposes, the examples here show a close-up of the text and manipulation ineach upper left-hand corner. In the actual experiment, this close-up was not shown.


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Experiment III results

Among the remaining age and gender balanced sam-ple, assessed display time thresholds ranged between33ms and 283ms across participants. Neither age norgender had significant impact upon thresholds, F(1,39) ¼ 8.82, p¼ 0.006. The present analysis assessedaccuracy of two typeface weights (regular, bold) xthree typeface manipulations (none, outline, shadow)using a repeated-measures analysis of variance(ANOVA). Multivariate tests revealed a main effect oftypeface weight Wilk’s k ¼ .62, F(1, 9) ¼ 5.59, p¼ 0.04.A main effect of typeface manipulation was foundWilk’s k¼ 0.06, F(2, 8) ¼ 0.06, p< 0.01. These maineffects are best interpreted in light of a significantinteraction between typeface weight and typefacemanipulation Wilk’s k¼ 0.41, F(2, 8) ¼ 5.76, p < .01.The interaction describes the distribution of the type-face weight effect, such that bold typeface stronglyoutperforms regular typeface under the ‘outline’manipulation, but makes no significant impact undereither ‘no manipulation’ or the ‘shadow’ manipulation(Figure 15).

Experiment III discussion

The pattern at hand clearly shows shadow to havebeen a superior typeface manipulation for improvinglegibility of the Neue Frutiger typeface used in thepresent experiment. Outline, conversely, and in agree-ment with our hypothesis, was, at best, only as legibleas non-manipulated text. Indeed, outlined text pre-sented in regular Neue Frutiger typeface was theworst performing condition in the entire experiment.Our hypothesis regarding an interaction betweentypeface manipulation and weight was only partiallyupheld. Typeface without manipulation was notstrongly impacted by typeface weight. Previous work(Dobres et al. 2016) had shown a small effect (seeFigure 13). When combined with outline, greaterweight greatly improved performance in line with ourhypothesis, albeit only in the face of the substantialdecrements imposed by the outline itself. When com-bined with shadow, greater weight in fact resulted ina small trend towards performance decrement.

These data carry clear design implications for prac-titioners displaying text over complex backgrounds. Insuch situations, legibility can be best achievedthrough the use of drop-shadows, rather than outlines.When using drop-shadows, bolding exerts such asmall decrement effect as to be considered unimport-ant in terms of performance. If, perhaps for aestheticreasons, outline is preferred, it is important to use abolded typeface to ameliorate some, but not all, ofthe losses in legibility. Finally, on complex back-grounds, text presented in a bold typeface will not besignificantly more legible. As an aesthetic decision thismay be advisable, but it will not boost performance.


Our data from Experiments I, II, and III provide a win-dow into legibility considerations related to the dis-play of typeface over complex backgrounds, as theyexist in AR applications. They additionally speak to theefficacy of the various ‘middle layer’ and typographicalmanipulation approaches designers deploy in thesecircumstances. It is worth noting that our results, over-laying text on static images, may not generalise todynamic backgrounds (as exist in many real-world ARapplications, such as vehicular HUDs and HMDs).Future work should investigate this question. Naturalenvironments can be more complex than the stimuliwe used as backgrounds (e.g. road scenes, whichthemselves vary considerably in their contents as afunction of environment, with urban scenes beingmore visual complex than highway scenes). Our album

Figure 15. Two font weights (regular, bold) plotted againstthe three textual manipulations (none, outline, shadow).Percent correct here is a measure of legibility. Bold typefacestrongly outperforms regular weight under the ‘outline’manipulation, but makes no significant impact under either nomanipulation or the shadow manipulation. Indeed, the cleardesign recommendation is, in situations where performancematters, to use shadow to increased legibility of text on com-plex backgrounds. The dashed horizontal line at 80% accuracyrepresents a theoretical calibration point for ideal legibility inthis study, representing a ‘ceiling’ for the present data.


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covers, specifically, included text and other symbology.But, of course, so do many naturalistic scenes. Indeed,stimuli representative of text or symbology presentedover video or 3-D environments, in head-up displays(HUDs), or over dynamic graphical user interface (GUI)may themselves show differences, and human factorsand engineering psychology centred efforts to deter-mine these differences would be a wise investmentfor any group strongly invested in a particular context.For example, as dynamic interfaces enter the vehicleand other time critical contexts, it will be important tounderstand how dynamic background elements andthe middle layers that mediate them affect legibility ata glance. This work should be done with an eye notonly to the basic vision science, but also with anapplied understanding of how various factors may hol-istically impact human performance beyond the legi-bility task itself in real-world contexts.

More specifically, it remains an open question as towhy shadow, in general, has such a strong impactcompared to outline. One possibility has to do withan underlying cause of poor legibility of text overcomplex backgrounds: each letter contains within itinformation encoded in an outline, and outlines in thebackground compete with this information. Adding anoutline to the text itself may only add interference, byincreasing the complexity of the overall discriminationtask. A drop-shadow, on the other hand, selectivelyplaces a semitransparent layer between the letter andthe background. The efficacy of this approach, notablywith a much larger semitransparent layer, can be seenExperiments I and II. Such a scrim may be efficaciouseven when it is very small, attached only to part of aletter. Indeed, a new and interesting question arisesfrom this line of thought: how small can a scrim, or adrop-shadow, be and yet remain effective? The advan-tage of smaller scrims is in retaining situational aware-ness of the background is also worth a deeperinvestigation, on the basis that less coverage of back-ground elements distorts less environmentalinformation.

For that matter, based on our results inExperiments I and II, we believe there is substantiallymore work to be done in understanding why Gaussianblur performed so well. Necessarily, this includes ques-tions of how the semi-transparent layer techniqueused in the present work (blending towards theimage’s mean colour) compares to the more commontechniques of blending towards white or black.Opportunities in the Fourier domain are especiallyintriguing, and we readily acknowledged that the fil-ters developed for Experiment 1 are relatively crude.

There are undoubtedly more refined ways of control-ling the brightness and contrast of the filtered images,and more targeted ways of filtering out backgroundinformation that competes with foreground text. Forexample, consider the possibilities of filtering for text-like spatial frequencies in combination with orienta-tion, rather than orientation alone. Indeed, Gaussianblur may perform so well simply because, in theFourier domain, the manipulation better removespower associated with text. For a similar reason,choosing intensity levels for each middle layer tech-nique proved challenging. There is little actionableguidance for these types of information spaces, andtherein lies a research opportunity. There is, of course,a considerable body of research on the many interac-tions between contrast and visual perception, but littleof it is directly applicable here. There is also somerecent work on the effects of additive blur and noiseon text legibility (Wolfe et al. 2016), but this focuseson the foreground, not the background, our focus inthis study. This, then, brings up a particular limitationof Experiments I & II: it is difficult to compare scrimand blur effects precisely because it is difficult toquantify whether one (likely scrim) simply used awider range of values, relative to some unknown per-ceptual baseline, than the other. Indeed, quantifyingthis question alludes to the larger and ongoing ques-tions of fundamental understanding of human sensa-tion and subsequent perception.

A number of fascinating questions and potentialapplications remain uninvestigated in this work.Further research using the approaches of this paper,might provide interesting information regarding whichtypographic components facilitate visual acquisition oftextual information, both on a letter basis and inaggregate. We especially remain intrigued by the pos-sibility of a more optimal, if less traditional, middleground between middle layers as employed inExperiment I and III, and dropshadows as employed inExperiment III. For example, one might imagine shift-ing the spatial extent of the middle layer modificationin some fashion, potentially in multiple levels (e.g. Xpixels/0.X� visual angle from the centre of the word),while considering word orientation. It would be inter-esting to examine the influence of spatial extent ofthe filtered middle layer region around the word onlegibility, which would allow us to determine a trade-off curve between enhancing legibility and obscuringthe background, and such future work might alsoinclude an investigation of text polarity in this context.Beyond such hybrids, digital typefaces often havedefault variants for common typographic


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manipulations, but whether these presets are optimalfor glanceable legibility in unknown and likely amen-able to optimisation on a per-typeface basis or in amore generalisable form. The outline, shadow, andbold variants we test in Experiment III indeed areunlikely to be the ‘optimal’ variants that would resultfrom such work. There are also extensions in terms ofthe vision science component of the present workthat we feel would be fruitful. Depth cues, which maybe generated intentionally in many mixed reality sys-tems or unintentionally, for example in windshieldHUDs, may provide affordances to legibility. Indeed,many of the examples in this paper include such adepth component. Where depth and switchingbetween layers occurs, and implicit question of div-ided attention arises which we have alluded to in thiswork, but here call our specifically and a direction foradditional research. We suggest this be investigatedbroadly, as there is evidence that depth informationmay enhance salience in dimensions beyond legibility(see Greenlee et al. 2015). Further, we suspect thatsome glanceable reading may be possible using usingperipheral vision, and so the questions of central andperipheral vision should be considered, both as theirown interesting direction and in conjunction withquestions of depth (and see Wolfe et al. 2019, for evi-dence that peripheral vision can support other visualtasks, even under conditions of distraction).

Our present results are informative in and of them-selves, and reveal several interesting relationshipsbetween text, background, and middle layer modifica-tions. These findings have direct relevance to graphicdesign for augmented reality applications. Indeed,they provide a foundation for broader understandingof design trade-offs and best practices in glanceablereading over complex backgrounds. The future ofreading at speed, and of displaying type in-line withrich environments, presently appears to be ever-grow-ing, and in fact we look with the present resultstowards a time when reading on the static page is afar more niche activity. In considering this future, it isimportant to reflect that writing has been withhumans for at least 9000 years (Li et al. 2003). Earthenwalls, clay tablets, bound hides, and stone are each amore complex background than the sterile canvasesof today. The 500 year old art of typography, therefore,would seem to have resilient roots. Writing, as a tech-nology, may prove surprisingly robust to a future ofbeing displayed over photos, live scenery, virtualworlds, and scenes presently unimaginable. Designersand researchers facing those challenges to come willneed to rethink the basic tenants of design, interface,

and moving information from screen to mind. Wehere provide a first step towards exploring and under-standing this increasingly common and practicaldesign problem, the balance between removing back-ground information and providing fore-ground legibility.


Support for this publication was provided through the ClearInformation Presentation (Clear-IP) consortium at MIT. Clear-IP is a collaborative effort focussed on the study of legibilityand related topics, primarily supported to date by MonotypeImaging and Google. Studies I and II were supported byClear-IP and study III was independently supported byMonotype. The views and conclusions being expressed asthose of the authors and may not necessarily representthose of individual sponsoring organisations.

Disclosure statement

Nadine Chahine was employed by Monotype at the timeportions of this work were performed.

Ben D. Sawyer was employed by The MassachusettsInstitute of Technology at the time portions of this workwere performed.


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