glasgow city council · 2013. 11. 20. · st oswald’s secondary school to st margaret mary’s...

Glasgow City Council Executive Committee Report by Stephen Curran, Executive Member for Education and Young People Contact: Morag Gunion, Head of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Ext: 74086 PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE ST OSWALD’S SECONDARY SCHOOL WITHIN THE SPARE CAPACITY OF THE ST MARGARET MARY’S SECONDARY SCHOOL BUILDING AS A SHARED CAMPUS ARRANGEMENT RESPONSE TO CONSULTATION Purpose of Report To advise the Executive Committee on the outcome of the public consultation on the Council’s preferred option for St Oswald’s Secondary School. Recommendations It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the proposal that St Oswald’s Secondary School building be closed in June 2014 and that the school be relocated into the St Margaret Mary’s building which would become a Campus for use by both schools operating independently. This would be effective from August 2014 following a planned transition programme. Establishment Ward Strategic Planning Area Learning Community St Oswald’s Secondary School (1) Linn South Holyrood St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School (1) Linn South St Margaret Mary’s This document has been issued by Glasgow City Council in response to the consultation in terms of The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The Ordnance Survey map data included within this document is provided by Glasgow City Council under licence from Ordnance Survey order to fulfil its public function in relation to this public consultation. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey Copyright for advice where they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping/data for their own use. 1

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Page 1: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Glasgow City Council Executive Committee Report by Stephen Curran, Executive Member for Education and Young People Contact: Morag Gunion, Head of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching

Ext: 74086




Purpose of Report To advise the Executive Committee on the outcome of the public consultation on the Council’s preferred option for St Oswald’s Secondary School.

Recommendations It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the proposal that St Oswald’s Secondary School building be closed in June 2014 and that the school be relocated into the St Margaret Mary’s building which would become a Campus for use by both schools operating independently. This would be effective from August 2014 following a planned transition programme.

Establishment Ward Strategic Planning

Area Learning Community

St Oswald’s Secondary School

(1) Linn South Holyrood

St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School

(1) Linn South St Margaret Mary’s

This document has been issued by Glasgow City Council in response to the consultation in terms of The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The Ordnance Survey map data included within this document is provided by Glasgow City Council under licence from Ordnance Survey order to fulfil its public function in relation to this public consultation. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey Copyright for advice where they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping/data for their own use.


Page 2: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City


1. Introduction

1.1 On 16 May 2013 Glasgow City Council approved consultation on a proposal to relocate St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis.

1.2 Glasgow City Council consulted in line with the requirements of the Schools

(Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. This requires that local authorities adopt a robust and transparent framework for consultations on school closures, and other major changes to the estate. The process requires authorities to actively involve and consult with children and young people, staff, parents/carers, parent councils and other school users. It is necessary to include an educational benefits statement - that is, the authority must produce a statement setting out its assessment of the effects on children and young people and other users of any affected establishment. There is a minimum six week term time consultation period.

• Consultation papers were distributed to a wide range of stakeholders and interested

parties. • A notice to advise of the consultation arrangements was placed in the press. • A dedicated page was set up on the Council website for both information, and to

enable interested parties to respond to the proposal. • The consultation period ran from 16 May to 13 September inclusive, in excess of the

statutory six weeks term time • Public meetings were held to facilitate involvement. • Meetings were arranged with the relevant Parent Councils where appropriate. • Young people from St Oswald’s and St Margaret Mary’s Secondary Schools were

engaged in the consultation process. • Members of the local Area Partnerships were briefed by lead officers. • Meetings were held with staff in the establishments concerned. • All responses to the consultation were noted and validated by a member of the

Education Directorate in order to ensure that views and comments were accurately reflected in the consultation response paper.

1.3 In relation to the proposal, two public consultation meetings were held in St Oswald’s and

St Margaret Mary’s Secondary Schools. Approximately 76 people attended the St Oswald’s meeting and 35 attended the St Margaret Mary’s meeting. The issues raised at those meetings are contained in Appendix H.

1.4 As part of the consultation process, officers ensured that the views, opinions and

alternative suggestions of respondents were given due consideration. In order to ensure a rigorous and thorough evaluation of the responses received, a member of the Education Directorate read every response to validate the key aspects of responses to provide Elected Members with a detailed objective analysis.

An officer with education services offered and met individually with parents to discuss

details of the proposal as it would affect their children. The (acting) headteacher of St Oswald’s Secondary School participated in these meetings.

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A meeting was convened for St Oswald’s parents to meet with parents of young people attending John Paul Academy who also have additional support needs. These young people are being educated in supported provision within the mainstream sector. Parents were able to identify, with similar concerns and were able to offer reassurance and a positive parent perspective based on their children’s experience at John Paul Academy.

Opportunities to see the proposed wing of St Margaret Mary’s building that would be

adapted for St Oswald’s Secondary School were extended to parents, carers and other stakeholders. It was important that parents carers and young people were able to see the area of the building that would be used exclusively by St Oswald’s pupils and staff.

The young people of both schools were given the opportunity to visit the schools and meet

with each other. Their views were listened to, recorded and considered within the consultation process

Throughout all of these additional meetings the views of all stakeholders were listened to

and considered before the consultation period closed. 1.5 The statutory consultation period concluded on 13 September 2013 1.6 Officers focused on identifying the main issues and concerns (see Section 3) giving each

response equivalent weighting in order to ensure the basis of the response, rather than the number of people who made it, was fully explored and evaluated prior to offering conclusions and recommendations.

1.7 In any major consultation there is a possibility that errors may occur. Therefore

procedures were put in place to identify, amend and record any errors.

In the initial proposal paper, it was incorrectly stated that St Oswald’s Secondary School was in the St Margaret Mary's Learning Community. It is in the Holyrood Learning Community.

1.8 For reporting consistency Appendices I (Mapping) and K (Explanation of Condition and

Suitability ratings) have been included in this report.

2. Response to the consultation

2.1 A total of 699 responses to this proposal were received. These cited 11 main issues

which are outlined below. These are shown in Appendices A and B (to protect personal information of children and young people, the responses received from those under the age of 16 in Appendix B are labelled as ‘anonymous’)

Four hundred and fifty-seven additional respondents requested their responses remain

anonymous 2.1.1 One of the 699 responses was a signed petition with 502 signatures. 2.1.2 Two sets of duplicate responses were received from individual respondents and recorded

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First group of duplicate responses received numbered 431 Second group of duplicate responses received numbered 75

2.2 Six hundred and eighty-five of the responses received were against this proposal. These

are detailed in Appendices D and G. 2.3 There were no alternative proposals put forward. 2.4 The 11 issues raised against the proposal by the 699 respondents are detailed below. A

full breakdown of all reasons raised is detailed in Appendix F. Reason No of Respondents (i) Child Safety 613 (ii) Relationships/ Friends 519 (iii) Capacity 96 (iv) Building Condition 74 (v) Educational Case 15

(vi) Transition Issues 12 (vii) Community Concerns 10 (viii) Road Safety 9 (ix) Distance 6

(x) Transport availability 3 (xi) Territorial Issues 2 2.5 The main issues detailed above in 2.4 are explored further in section 3 below.

3. Main Issues

3.1 The education provided by St Oswald’s Secondary School is valued highly by the parents and carers and the local community.

3.2 The responses to the consultation and the public meetings highlighted 11 main areas of

concern as listed in Section 2.4. 3.3 Issue: Child Safety

Six hundred and thirteen respondents cited this as a major area of concern. These concerns included adequate supervision of St Oswald’s young people during break times across the range of social areas and moving around a large building to access specialist classes. In addition there were concerns raised about safe, secure playground areas to ensure no young person would inadvertently walk out of the school unnoticed and place themselves in danger. In addition respondents questioned the safety of young people with mobility issues accessing learning over two floors which will comprise the wing development.

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Response The issue of safety for young people is fundamental to any consideration for a change of school location by Glasgow City Council. Through the consultation period the council has encouraged stakeholders, including parents and carers, to visit St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School. These stakeholders were shown the proposed, dedicated playground areas. Adaptations required including increased fencing, were explained for increased safety arrangements. These areas would be dedicated for the use of St Oswald’s young people to access and use exclusively. In addition, these areas would be supervised at all break times by up to 13 adults including the leadership team of St Oswald’s Secondary School and the pupil support assistants assigned to this duty. This high ratio of supervision by adults, who know these young people well, would ensure the same safety procedures that are currently working in St Oswald’s Secondary School in Cathcart are put in place at the new campus. It is accepted that in the short to medium term, young people may need support when moving from the proposed wing base to and from specialist subject facilities in another area of the school. During these times, and for as long as is required, class groups of St Oswald’s young people will be accompanied by St Oswald’s staff in the school. This will be a priority. In addition, it is proposed, as part of the adaptations that colour coded pathways and signage, including the use of symbols and text, are used on floors and walls to clearly delineate the way to specific subjects from the base wing area. Transition programmes prior to relocation will further support orientation for young people. During a visit to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School a group of 15 parents were able to experience the change of period and the relatively quiet and calm way in which this took place with young people working and moving about the school. Stairwells in St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School are much wider than those in St Oswald’s Secondary School. Young people in St Oswald’s are used to using stairs. St Oswald’s has a second floor at basement level that requires young people to use stairs every day. A range of teaching spaces including PE and the playground are accessed from this level. The use of stairs in St Margaret Mary’s will not pose a difficulty for pupils from St Oswald’s. For young people with impaired mobility the proposed dedicated stairwell for exclusive use of St Oswald’s young people will be wider and therefore less congested than they are currently used to. In addition, there is a lift arrangement at St Margaret Mary’s building to accommodate any one with mobility difficulties. St Margaret Mary’s building is DDA compliant commensurate with all new buildings within Glasgow City Council education estate. St Oswald’s building is not DDA compliant by modern standards. Vigilance and supervision by St Oswald’s staff will also be extended to social areas in the school used by both groups of young people during break times.

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3.4 Issue: Facilities in the St Margaret Mary’s building for dealing with wet weather

arrangements for St Oswald’s pupils. Response

The arrangements for wet weather conditions for St Oswald’s pupils would remain as they are at present in their current building which works very well. Staff and parents are satisfied with these arrangements. When bad weather prevents the use of the playground, young people and staff gather together in designated classrooms. At these times a range of wet weather activities are put in place to occupy young people. These arrangements would be replicated in the new campus building.

3.5 Issue: Relationships and Friends: Will pupils attending St Oswald’s be bullied

when relocated to the new campus?

Five hundred and nineteen respondents cited this issue as a serious concern. Response The issue of bullying was explored and addressed at length with pupils of both St Oswald’s and St Margaret Mary’s Secondary Schools. There is no doubt, the view of both pupil focus groups, was that bullying, in any form, is quickly and effectively dealt with in both schools. Pupils know the arrangements for dealing with bullying and have a clear idea of the referral mechanisms and consequences in place in both schools. In other schools in Glasgow which have previously undergone co-location or merge, including supported provision for young people with additional learning needs in eight mainstream schools, and where bullying was considered a serious concern during the consultation period, it is reported and evidenced, through the Council’s monitoring and quality assurance process, that there has been no evidence of bullying. Careful monitoring by staff in both schools will ensure bullying will not be tolerated.

It is the view of both headteachers and officers of the Council, with considerable experience of additional support needs that the pupils of St Oswald’s Secondary School would not be subject to widespread bullying.

3.6 Issue: Capacity: Is there adequate space in St Margaret Mary’s?

Ninety-six respondents raised the issue of the suitability and capacity of the St Margaret Mary’s building to accommodate St Oswald’s as a separate school. Response Careful discussion, planning and consideration have been focused on this issue. St Margaret Mary’s building provides more than enough capacity to allow for St Oswald’s Secondary School to share the campus building as a separate school. A range of stakeholders contributed to the discussion and proposed planning around this question. These contributors included parents who had been encouraged to visit the school, throughout the consultation period, to look at the proposed considerations and plans for a

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wing development that would be made exclusively available to St Oswald’s Secondary School. Approximately 20 parents and carers visited St Margaret Mary’s building during this period. Parents were encouraged to offer comment and suggestions in order that the best possible reconfiguration of the building would emerge. Several very helpful ideas were offered by parents and adopted within the plan. The proposed wing arrangement would incorporate at least nine classroom spaces for general subjects and one science lab situated over two floors. These classrooms are situated immediately above each other and would be accessed by students through a dedicated stairwell exclusive to St Oswald’s Secondary School. This stairwell is directly adjacent to a separate entrance which will be adapted for use by St Oswald’s pupils in a separate, safe, quiet, discrete area of the playground. In addition, a dedicated suite of toilets within this wing will be allocated for the exclusive use of St Oswald’s young people. The toilets, which include accessible facilities, are adjacent to the general purpose classrooms and the dedicated stairwell. In addition to the above noted general purpose classrooms, St Oswald’s Secondary School will have its own home economics kitchen, art room and music room. A health and wellbeing base will be developed and dedicated for the use of young people who will require some quiet space, from time to time, for reflection, should they require it. In addition, St Oswald’s Secondary School will have shared, timetabled access to all other subject specialist classrooms, facilities and areas. Provision has also been made for St Oswald’s young people to access the second, full size, red blaise pitch and a separate safe playground area for their exclusive use at break times. A new range of office facilities will also be sited within the wing for use by St Oswald’s leadership team.

The planning and discussion for the development of the wing continues to evolve in order that the best possible outcome is achieved for both schools. An interim floor plan is included in the set of appendices that are attached to this report (Appendix I) Interim costs for the adaptations required to fulfil the commitment by the Council to this wing development are contained in the undernoted section headed ‘Financial Implications’

Projections for the school rolls show that there would be no pressure on accommodation for either school.

3.7 Issue: Lack of Outdoor Education and Learning Opportunities

Many respondents raised issues about St Oswald’s young people continuing to access out of school learning opportunities and the perception of a diminished outdoor education / PE facility and environment available to them at the proposed campus.

Response Respondents raised concerns that St Oswald’s Secondary School will suffer from a loss of outdoor/community learning facilities and opportunities if relocated to the proposed campus.

St Oswald’s Secondary School has two school minibuses and will continue to be able to access current out of school learning opportunities that are valued and used at present. In addition St Margaret Mary’s campus has two full-size outdoor pitch facilities which will

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be accessible to St Oswald’s classes through timetabled arrangements. The physical education facility at St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School has been custom built to cater for 800 pupils. This is therefore more than adequate to cater for the increased number of pupils / classes from St Oswald’s. Castlemilk Leisure Complex is close to the new campus and St Oswald’s Secondary School will continue to have opportunities to access it. Linn Park playground complex is easily accessible to St Margaret Mary’s building and St Oswald’s can continue to access this also. New community links can easily be developed from the new location to support further opportunities for learning and social development for St Oswald’s young people. There should be no detriment to out of school learning opportunities caused by relocation.

3.8 Issue: Building Condition: Keep St Oswald’s as a separate school in the current


Many parents and staff wished St Oswald’s to retain its identity in the current building. Seventy-four respondents raised the issue of the condition of St Oswald’s building including the possibility of refurbishment.


St Oswald’s Secondary School was opened in 1967. The current suitability rating is ‘D’ indicating that the effective life of the building has expired and / or there is serious risk of imminent failure. Education Services had advice from Development and Regeneration Services of Glasgow City Council, following feasibility survey in summer of 2013, that there is no possibility of upgrading or renovating the school and that a new build would be required. They indicate that the current design of the school, the small, inflexible classrooms, the restricted access and egress would indicate that there are limited possibilities of investment in the renovation of the school. St Oswald’s could not be remodelled to be a building for the 21st century.

3.9 Issue: Implications for St Margaret Mary’s of St Oswald’s being separate Response

St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School is a new build school, which opened in 2004 to cater for 800 pupils. The current roll in the school is just over 400. Currently St Margaret Mary’s is at 50% capacity. The excellent facilities in this building are under-utilised. Neither of the options, to build a new separate St Oswald’s Secondary School or to leave St Margaret Mary’s at 50% capacity presents best value for the Council. The Council has a duty to secure best value in the decisions that are made.

3.10 Issue: Educational Case There was concern expressed from fifteen respondents that the relocation of St Oswald’s

Secondary School to the spare capacity in the St Margaret Mary’s building would result in disruption and a reduction in the quality of young people’s education.

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Response If the proposal is approved the date of relocation will be from August 2014. It is proposed that prior to this date St Margaret Mary’s building currently running at 50% spare capacity will be reconfigured to ensure St Oswald’s will have a discrete area / wing exclusive to their school. The building will be renamed as a campus and both schools will have equal status within it operating as two independent schools

The authority has extensive and effective experience in dealing with transition issues. If the proposal is approved, transition programmes would be planned and actioned over an extensive period of time in order to support young people and staff to become familiar with their new campus and building. This will include interaction with staff and young people of St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School who will share the building with them.

Respondents also raised issues over how the authority would ensure that the valued educational standards currently experienced in St Oswald’s would be maintained. Officers have taken account of these concerns. All of the current staff at St Oswald’s will relocate with the young people and all of the valued, current, teaching and learning resources and strategies will transfer with them and be replicated within the new location. The quality of education for St Oswald’s young people will not be compromised in any way. The educational environment for St Oswald’s young people will be enhanced in the new shared building. An extended curriculum will be available that will include subjects not currently available within St Oswald’s existing curriculum, for example, technical education. State of the art facilities for all specialist subjects at the new campus will enhance the learning environment for all of St Oswald’s young people and staff. This will effectively enhance the quality of the educational curriculum and environment currently available at the St Oswald’s Secondary School campus in Cathcart The quality of teaching and learning in the new environment will be monitored closely by quality improvement officers to ensure the benefits to young people at St Oswald’s Secondary School in the new campus are maximised. This would ensure that valued educational standards are not only maintained but enhanced. Disruption to young people’s education would be kept to a minimum. There would be no reduction in the quality of education.

3.11 Issue: Concerns about meeting the needs of the pupils attending St Oswald’s

Secondary School should the proposal be approved. A large number of responses stated at that the two pupil populations of St Margaret

Mary’s and St Oswald’s are different, and so different, that it would be undesirable to co-locate the two schools within the one campus.

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Response St Oswald’s Secondary School meets the needs of young people with additional learning

needs. In many local authorities in Scotland a school with the profile of St Oswald’s would not exist as a separate school. In these other authorities parents have expressed a preference to reflect recent legislation and include young people, with appropriate support, in mainstream schools.

This proposal, should it be approved, would allow for the transfer of all staff working at St Oswald’s Secondary School to move, with their pupils, as a separate school into the Campus building. This would ensure that, teaching and learning strategies, opportunities and resources in place at St Oswald’s Secondary School and currently valued by parents, staff and pupils would be replicated. In addition, the existing good practice would be retained and St Oswald’s Secondary School would further benefit from the ‘state of the art’ facilities that are currently under utilised in the proposed campus building. As a consequence, St Oswald’s curriculum would be enriched by the addition of specialist facilities and subjects currently not available to them in their current setting, for example library facilities, chaplain facilities and technical education. It is the view of officers of Glasgow City Council, with considerable experience of additional support needs, and the headteachers of both schools that the needs of all young people at St Oswald’s Secondary School would continue to be fully met and additional value added to their education.

3.12 Issue: Transition

Respondents asked if there would be support for young people at times of transition.

Response Glasgow City Council has extensive experience of operating successful transition programmes facilitating mergers, co-locations and relocations of schools. Should the proposal be approved, leadership teams in both schools will very quickly liaise, agree and communicate a clear transition programme which will facilitate familiarisation opportunities for both schools that will allow for increased knowledge and understanding of both pupil groups, staff groups and the reconfigured building arrangements. Formal and informal familiarisation events will be planned to ensure both schools have an insight into the ethos and workings of each other. These arrangements will be facilitated through a sensitive and appropriately paced transition programme that will serve to ensure young people and staff are comfortable with each other understand each other’s needs and dispel any concerns that the groups are worried about including any perceived issues of bullying. Parents and carers will be included in the transition programme. This will all take place before the proposed relocation date of August 2014.

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3.13 Issue: St Oswald’s Secondary School Community

There have been concerns by respondents that this relocation proposal will destroy the very special community that is St Oswald’s Secondary School. Response There is no desire by the Council to do this. Headteachers and parent councils of merged/relocated schools in Glasgow City report that following a merger, relocation or co-location a new school community emerges very quickly. The staff expertise, the ethos of the school, the support of pupils and the support by parents and carers will remain constant for St Oswald’s and St Margaret Mary’s pupils as they become part of the co-located arrangement and campus.

3.14 Issue: Catholic Education

Many respondents have raised concerns that the Catholic education provision for young people with additional learning needs in the south side of the City will be lost. Response There will be no detriment to the Catholic education status of St Oswald’s Secondary School. All current practices and services, including those of visiting priests will continue to be available and welcomed at the new campus. St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School is a Catholic School. St Oswald’s is also a Catholic School. The proposal by the Council is one of relocation of St Oswald’s within the same broad area of the City. It is the Council’s proposal to reconfigure this Campus on the South Side of the City to ensure both Catholic Schools operate independently from a common Campus arrangement and for both to maintain their strong Catholic ethos. St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School has the services of a full time Chaplain on site and this would be extended to St Oswald’s Secondary School, a service not currently available to St Oswald’s in the Cathcart campus. This would enhance the Catholic provision currently available to St Oswald’s Secondary School. Catholic provision will be maintained within a denominational Campus that caters for two distinct, separate, Catholic establishments. There will be no loss of Catholic provision in the south side of the City for young people.

3.15 Issue: Road Safety Nine respondents raised this issue as a concern.

Response Taxis will continue to transport young people in St Oswald’s to the new location. There will be a separate, dedicated, secure, drop off area, within the campus, adjacent to the proposed new entrance for young people from St Oswald’s to enter the building.

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The young people will not be dropped off in the street outside of the campus and will therefore be safe and away from any roads. Supervision by staff will ensure safety of young people and that no one leaves the campus. For further safety measures, it has been agreed that all gates, with the exception of the main gate into the campus, will be closed during the school day. The current St Oswald’s campus in Cathcart has always been open across the school pitch to Holmlea Road. It is not the practice of young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School to wander out of the school grounds even when playing on the school pitch. Staff in St Oswald’s Secondary School know their pupils well. They will continue to be vigilant in keeping pupils safe in the new campus.

3.16 Issue: Transport: Additional Time spent travelling to and from School and associated distances of travel

Nine respondents who referred to this as an issue stated that they were concerned about the additional travel time to and from the new campus arrangement and the distances covered.

Response The distance in travel time between St Oswald’s and St Margaret Mary’s is less than 10 minutes by car. Many young people currently being educated at St Oswald’s transferred, at the secondary stage, from St. Raymond’s Primary School which was located within 3 minutes travel time by car from St. Margaret Mary’ School. Therefore, this journey was acceptable when young people attended St. Raymond’s Primary. In addition Glasgow City Council’s transport policy ensures that no pupil will have to spend longer than one hour in a taxi or bus on their normal journey to and from school. In general it is considered that journeys will be broadly similar with most pupils spending at most five minutes more or less than at present on their journey to and from school. As is current practice, should the acceptable normal time be exceeded then alternative transport arrangements will be made.

3.17 Issue: What are the benefits of this relocation proposal? Response

There are significant benefits of the proposal for all pupils currently attending St Oswald’s Secondary School. The newer building will provide an inclusive and accessible learning environment. The upgraded provision will meet the needs of all pupils better by extending the current curriculum being delivered. For example there are currently no technical rooms in St Oswald’s. There will be better facilities for all aspects of the curriculum but especially in specialist resources for curriculum areas.

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Teaching and learning for St Oswald’s young people will continue to be maintained through the valued and successful strategies currently in place. Young people at St Oswald’s will continue to be taught, exclusively, by their own staff. The use of ‘state of the art’ facilities will add value to the educational practices currently in place for St Oswald’s young people and staff members.

The pattern of the school day, including the length, will be similar for both schools. The number of hours of school attendance will not change.

The skills of staff and their particular specialisms and expertise will be shared with each other.

Recent examples of integrated provision in primary and secondary schools in Glasgow City Council are testament to the value of the enhanced staff skill expertise available on campus and beneficial to both pupil groups through the sharing of advice and resources across the full spectrum of learning. Social development for all young people on campus will be enhanced as they become sensitively exposed to a wider, more diverse peer group. This will encourage in both pupil groups an awareness of each other replicating society as a whole and enhancing the development of informed and desirable adult values across diversity.

There will be two headteachers and senior management teams available on campus able to share and build on existing good practice. All pupils will benefit from these factors.

4. Education Scotland Report

As part of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, Education Scotland complete a report on the proposals. The council has reviewed the original proposal in light of all representations received, including the report from Education Scotland. The Education Scotland report is attached as Appendix E. The following are key extracts from the report.

4.1 Issue: Concern as to whether St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building was

suitable to accommodate children with a broad range of additional support needs including those with autism spectrum disorder.


It is the view of officers of the Council, with a wide experience of this sector, and both headteachers that the St Margaret Mary’s building, following adaptations to develop a discrete wing facility for the exclusive use of St Oswald’s Secondary School will be entirely suitable to accommodate the young people who currently attend St Oswald’s Secondary School. The facilities in this proposed campus building would be adapted where necessary. For example, there are already plans to adapt the height and levels of specific work tops/desks, sinks, benches etc to ensure these facilities meet the needs of all young people who will require to access them. In addition, a quiet reflective facility would be developed for young people who, from time to time, may require it, including

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those with autism spectrum disorder. A suite of toilet facilities have been identified within the wing area for the exclusive use of St Oswald’s pupils.

4.2 Issue: Safety of young people in the event of a fire. Response

As in all of Glasgow City Council’s schools there are well established, tried and tested, fire safety procedures. The staff and young people of St Oswald’s Secondary School would be familiarised with the arrangements for the St Margaret Mary’s building for such an event. The headteacher of St Oswald’s Secondary School would review these procedures in the light of any additional requirements for the safety of St Oswald’s pupils and take any steps necessary to adapt the fire procedure policy in the school to ensure the safety and wellbeing of St Oswald’s pupils. This would include the use of the school lift for young people whose mobility is impaired. This would be done in consultation with the headteacher of St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School.

4.3 Issue: Concern as to whether the dining facilities in St Margaret Mary’s

Secondary School building are adequate to cope with the specific requirements of some young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School

Response The dining facilities at St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School have been built to cater for

800+ pupils. Currently the roll of St Margaret Mary’s is 412. The school facilities are under utilised and there is also sufficient space to accommodate St Oswald’s young people. The dining room could operate separate sittings for both schools should this be required. In addition, a separate dining area could be created in St Oswald’s for those young people where exposure to a large group could be stressful.

4.4 Issue: The lack of outdoor space for the sole use by young people from

St Oswald’s Secondary School Response

Should the proposal go ahead, the council has considered carefully, within the planning for the co-location of St Oswald’s Secondary School that discrete, safe, playground areas have been identified and dedicated for the sole use of young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School. This would include exclusive use of one of the two full-sized football pitches for break times. The plans for these areas were discussed with a group of St Oswald’s parents who visited the school.

4.5 Issue: The quality of public transport to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School Response

The vast majority of young people who currently attend St Oswald’s Secondary School travel by taxi provided by Glasgow City Council. There are only six young people, at this time, who are independent travellers and use public transport. Young people across the city who attend schools similar to St Oswald’s have their skills for independent travel to

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and from school supported, where appropriate, by the staff. The independent travellers, currently at St Oswald’s Secondary School will, if required, also be able to access taxi support again until such time as they become used to their new school location and be supported by staff members to pursue and learn their new route on public transport. There are a good number of bus services in the Castlemilk area.

4.6 Issue: The safe drop-off and pick-up point at the campus of young people who use taxis to get to school

Response Within the planning for this relocation the council has carefully considered this

arrangement. There is a dedicated drop off/ pick up taxi point identified at the campus for the safe delivery and pick up of St Oswald’s young people. This is adjacent to the proposed new entrance that all St Oswald’s young people would use to access their own wing of the building. This area is well away from any other playground facility and will only be used for taxi purposes.

4.7 Issue: Staff at St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School have concerns about the

pressure placed on facilities for physical education within a co-located campus. Response St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School has been built to accommodate 800+ young

people. It is currently 50% approximately under utilised. Physical education facilities at the school are sufficient to facilitate an increase in pupil numbers to accommodate St Oswald’s Secondary School. It is proposed that, should the proposal go ahead, the medical room in St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School would be adapted to accommodate additional changing facilities for young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School and the this facility be re-sited in another area of the school.

4.8 Issue: Staff at St Margaret Mary’s felt that insufficient consideration had been

given to the amount of time young people from St Oswald’s would be moving around the proposed joint campus. They also felt that they would require to be trained and have suitable information about individuals from St Oswald’s Secondary School in order to provide effective support to young people from St Oswald’s in emergency circumstances.

Response Should this proposal go ahead before full co-location would be a well planned transition

phase. The timescale will support and ensure that the leadership teams in both schools accommodate familiarisation events and arrangements to develop awareness, understanding and knowledge of pupil and staff groups in both schools and the changes within the reconfigured building.

Both schools will work together during this phase to support positive relationships in the sharing of an adapted common building that will become the co-located campus.

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4.9 Issue: Parents from both schools expressed the view that, should the proposal go ahead, they become involved in developing the transition plan for existing young people and those who may attend from August 2014


The views of parents would always be included in any transition planning arrangements. An officer of the council has met with parents individually and collectively throughout the consultation period in order to capture and address the views of parents. Several insightful suggestions developed as a result of these meetings and were incorporated into the planning and proposed wing development of the campus highlighted in section 3.

4.10 Issues: Young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School saw the educational

benefits of moving to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School. However, concerns were expressed about the size of the building, moving around the building independently and potential noise in corridors at period changes that could be upsetting for some young people particularly those with autism spectrum disorder.

Response The planned, adapted wing development of the building would be given over to St

Oswald’s Secondary School for its exclusive use. This wing area would accommodate 75% of the timetabled classes for pupils. The movement at period changes within this wing would be therefore minimal. For shared specialist subject facilities outwith the wing, young people from St Oswald’s will be escorted by adults for as long as it is deemed necessary. In addition the planning incorporates colour coded signage and pathways that clearly map the route to individual specialist subject areas.

St Oswald’s parents who visited the school experienced the change of period and agreed

that the movement and noise level at these times were acceptable and much quieter than would be expected in a secondary school with a much larger pupil population.

Young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School have already visited St Margaret

Mary’s Secondary School. Should the proposal go ahead, many more visits will be undertaken by the young people to familiarise them with the building, pupils, staff and the period changes.

St Oswald’s Secondary School staff know their young people well and will support them

all through any perceived difficulties or concerns they may have in the early stages of co-location. This includes young people with autism spectrum disorder

4.11 Issue: Bullying was raised as a concern Response

The issue of bullying was explored and addressed at length with pupils of both schools by an officer of the council and the consultant tasked by the council to capture the views of stakeholders on the proposal.

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Pupils in both schools know the arrangements for dealing with bullying and are clear that this issue, in any form, is dealt with quickly and effectively in both settings. In addition they understand the referral mechanisms and consequences in place in both schools. In other schools in Glasgow which have previously undergone co-location or merge, including supported provision for young people with additional learning needs in eight mainstream schools, and where bullying was considered a serious concern during the consultation period, it is reported and evidenced, through the Council’s monitoring and quality assurance process, that there has been no evidence of bullying.

It is the view of both headteachers and officers of the Council, with considerable experience of additional support needs that the pupils of St Oswald’s Secondary School would not be subject to widespread bullying.

4.12 Issue: Will the proposal affect the curriculum for young people from St Margaret

Mary’s Secondary School


St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building is currently 50% under utilised. The relocation proposal for St Oswald’s Secondary School to occupy the spare capacity in the building will not adversely affect the curriculum for St Margaret Mary’s pupils. St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School will continue to deliver the same highly effective curriculum to all its young people.

5. Scottish Ministers Call in

Should this proposal be approved by the Executive Committee, there would be a ‘call-in’ period during which representations could be made to the Scottish Ministers. The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010; If the proposal is approved (i.e. to close schools) there is a three week period, which begins on the date the decision is made, for anyone to make representations to Scottish Ministers requesting the case to be called in. There is then a further three week period for Ministers to reach a decision on whether or not to call in the case. Once a decision has been reached, the local authority in question and each individual who had requested a call in will be notified of the decision.

6. Council Strategic Plan Implications

Economic Impact: None

Sustainability: N/A

Financial: It is anticipated that the cost of adaptations required to

St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School will be in the region of £100,000. This is considerably less than costs to bring the St Oswald’s Secondary School building up to required standard.

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If this proposal is approved, Education Services will work with officers from Development and Regeneration Services to identify an appropriate annual maintenance charge for the adaptations made to the property.

Legal: The consultation process was conducted in compliance with statutory requirements and exceeded these requirements in certain areas. Under the Schools (Consultation)(Scotland) Act 2010, should a decision be taken by the Executive Committee to close an establishment, Education Services will have six days to inform Scottish Ministers of that decision. Thereafter Scottish Ministers have a period of 6 weeks in which to issue a call-in notice that would have the effect of remitting the closure proposal to Scottish Ministers. In deciding to issue a call-in notice the Scottish Ministers can take account of any relevant representations made to them (by any person) within the first 3 weeks of that 6 week period.

Personnel: There would be no compulsory redundancies Education Services staff as a consequence of these proposals and if the proposal is approved discussions with staff and unions would commence at the earliest opportunity.

Sustainable Procurement and Article 19:


7. Recommendations

It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the proposal that St Oswald’s Secondary School building be closed in June 2014 and that the school be relocated into the St Margaret Mary’s building which would become a Campus for use by both schools operating independently. This would be effective from August 2014 following a planned transition programme.

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Appendix A

Number of Responses to Proposal by Respondent Category


St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

Appendix A - Number of Responses to Proposal by Respondent Category

Respondent Category Number of Responses

Children - Closing Establishment 18 Children - Receiving Establishment 2 Children - Other 0 Parents / Carers - Closing Establishment 56 Parents/Carers - Receiving Establishment


Parent / Carers - Other 2 Parent Council 0 Friend - Closing Establishment 348 Friend - Receiving Establishment 0 Resident 213 Staff - Closing Establishment 15 Staff - Receiving Establishment 9 Staff - Other 0 Area Committees 0 Church 0 Community Council 0 Elected Members 1 MSP/MP/MEP 1 Other Council Services 0 Other Public Bodies 0 Petition 1 Trade Unions 0 Employee - GCC 4 Unknown / Other 26

Total: 699

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

Appendix B - List Of Respondents to Consultation Document

Proposal Ref Number Initial Surname

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1088 L Byrnes

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1093 B Coll

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1161 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1162 M McDonnell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1163 M Gillen

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1164 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1165 A Anon

St Oswald's 1166 M Halliday

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1167 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1168 M Gordon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1169 M Branston

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1170 A Campbell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1171 H Mehboob

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1172 J Longwill

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1173 C Hemphill

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1174 E Ponsonby

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1175 J Ferguson

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1180 P O'ryan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1181 R O'ryan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1191 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1192 M Belton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1194 G Heenan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1195 O Breheny

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1198 A McLaughlin

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1199 W Horton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1200 A Anon

St Oswald's 1201 J Sharkey

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1202 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1203 M Gallagher

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1204 E Guinney

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1205 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1206 M Normand

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1207 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1208 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1209 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's


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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1212 A HART

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1216 C Boyle

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1217 J O'shea

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1219 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1221 C Maher

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1222 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1225 m mckendrick

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1226 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1227 A Anon

St Oswald's 1228 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1230 J McKelvie

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1233 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1236 G O'Neill

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1237 D Cuddihy

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1238 M Cuddihy

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1239 M McElhinney

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1240 M Clark

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1241 V Byrnes

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1242 K McElhinney

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1250 F Wardlaw

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1251 H Robertson

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1252 V Kennedy

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1255 P Collar

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1256 F DIckson

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1260 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1261 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1263 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1264 T Malaney

St Oswald's 1265 J O'Hagan

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1268 J Byrnes

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1274 S Mortimer

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1275 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1276 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1306 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1307 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1308 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1309 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1310 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1312 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1313 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1314 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1315 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1316 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1317 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1318 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1319 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1320 A Anon

St Oswald's 1321 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1322 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1323 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1324 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1325 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1326 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1327 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1328 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1329 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1330 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1331 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1332 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1333 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1334 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1335 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1337 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1338 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1340 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1341 A Anon

St Oswald's 1342 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1343 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1344 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1345 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1346 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1347 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1348 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1349 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1350 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1351 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1352 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1353 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1354 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1355 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1356 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1357 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1358 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1359 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1361 A Anon

St Oswald's 1362 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1363 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1364 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1365 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1366 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1367 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1368 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1369 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1370 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1371 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1372 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1373 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1375 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1377 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1379 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1380 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1381 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1383 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1384 A Anon

St Oswald's 1386 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1387 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1388 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1390 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1391 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1392 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1394 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1395 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1396 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1397 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1398 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1399 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1400 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1401 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1402 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1403 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1404 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1405 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1406 A Anon

St Oswald's 1407 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1408 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1409 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1410 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1411 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1412 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1413 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1414 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1415 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1416 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1423 P McDonald

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1425 J Harkins

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1426 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1427 H Walker

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1428 R Dougan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1429 M McCann

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1430 O Jagielka

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1431 J Byrnes

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1432 M Harris

St Oswald's 1433 G Sheridan

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1435 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1437 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1438 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1439 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1440 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1441 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1442 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1443 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1444 A Anon

Page 40: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1445 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1446 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1447 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1448 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1449 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1450 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1451 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1452 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1453 A Anon

St Oswald's 1455 A Anon

Page 41: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1456 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1457 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1458 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1459 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1460 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1461 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1462 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1463 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1464 A Anon

Page 42: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1465 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1466 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1467 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1468 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1469 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1470 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1471 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1472 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1473 A Anon

St Oswald's 1474 A Anon

Page 43: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1475 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1476 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1477 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1478 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1479 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1480 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1481 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1482 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1483 A Anon

Page 44: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1484 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1485 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1486 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1487 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1490 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1491 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1492 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1493 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1494 A Anon

St Oswald's 1497 J Macleod

Page 45: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1498 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1499 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1500 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1501 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1502 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1503 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1504 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1505 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1506 A Anon

Page 46: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1507 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1508 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1509 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1510 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1511 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1512 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1513 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1514 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1515 A Anon

St Oswald's 1516 A Anon

Page 47: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1517 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1518 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1519 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1520 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1521 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1522 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1523 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1524 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1525 A Anon

Page 48: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1526 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1527 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1528 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1529 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1530 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1531 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1532 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1533 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1534 L Gray

St Oswald's 1535 A Anon

Page 49: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1536 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1537 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1538 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1539 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1540 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1541 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1542 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1543 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1544 A Anon

Page 50: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1545 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1546 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1547 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1548 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1549 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1550 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1551 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1552 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1553 A Anon

St Oswald's 1554 A Anon

Page 51: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1555 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1556 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1557 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1558 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1559 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1560 D Moore

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1561 E Sexton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1562 T Kelly

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1563 A Kelly

Page 52: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1564 J Quigley

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1565 M Wallace

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1566 J Livingston

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1568 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1569 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1570 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1571 G Ercolino

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1572 C Mulhern

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1573 T Hoy

St Oswald's 1574 A Anon

Page 53: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1575 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1576 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1577 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1578 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1579 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1580 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1581 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1582 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1583 A Anon

Page 54: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1584 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1585 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1586 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1587 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1588 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1589 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1590 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1591 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1592 A Anon

St Oswald's 1593 A Anon

Page 55: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1594 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1595 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1596 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1597 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1598 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1599 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1600 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1601 C Pugh

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1602 G O'Kane

Page 56: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1603 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1604 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1605 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1606 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1607 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1608 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1609 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1610 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1611 A Anon

St Oswald's 1612 A Anon

Page 57: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1613 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1614 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1615 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1616 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1617 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1618 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1619 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1620 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1621 A Anon

Page 58: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1622 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1623 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1624 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1625 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1626 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1627 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1628 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1629 N McBride

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1630 A Anon

St Oswald's 1631 A Anon

Page 59: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1632 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1633 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1634 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1635 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1636 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1637 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1638 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1639 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1640 A Anon

Page 60: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1641 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1642 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1643 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1644 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1645 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1646 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1647 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1648 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1649 A Anon

St Oswald's 1650 A Anon

Page 61: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1651 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1652 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1653 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1654 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1655 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1656 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1657 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1659 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1660 A Anon

Page 62: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1661 J O'Hagan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1663 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1664 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1666 T Boyle

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1667 A Dubar

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1668 F Carrick

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1669 N Latif

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1670 R Dalziel

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1672 K Wilson

St Oswald's 1673 J Wilson

Page 63: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1674 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1675 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1676 A Jordan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1677 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1678 N Sweeney

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1679 K Cooke

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1680 L McGuinness

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1681 M McGuinness

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1682 B McGuinness

Page 64: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1683 A Barton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1684 M MacNair

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1685 P Carvil

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1686 S McElroy

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1687 K Cooke

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1688 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1689 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1691 P Devine

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1692 R Gallacher

St Oswald's 1693 M Hunter

Page 65: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1694 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1695 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1697 F N'Fruity

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1698 C Docherty

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1699 R Craig

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1700 A Bently

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1701 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1702 D Clark

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1703 P Barrett

Page 66: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1704 P Campbell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1705 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1708 g mcdonnell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1709 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1710 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1711 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1712 C Campbell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1714 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1715 M Muniz

St Oswald's 1716 A Anon

Page 67: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1717 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1718 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1719 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1720 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1721 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1722 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1723 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1724 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1725 A Anon

Page 68: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1726 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1727 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1728 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1729 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1730 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1731 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1732 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1733 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1734 A Anon

St Oswald's 1735 A Anon

Page 69: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1736 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1737 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1738 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1739 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1740 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1741 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1742 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1743 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1744 A Anon

Page 70: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1745 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1746 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1747 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1748 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1749 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1750 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1752 K Jeans

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1753 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1754 S Docherty

St Oswald's 1755 M MacLeay

Page 71: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1756 M McNulty

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1757 . Arturos

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1758 C Allan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1759 G Black

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1760 K Platt

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1761 E Fallon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1762 J Fallon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1763 J Donnelly

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1764 T Montgomery

Page 72: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1765 E Lochead

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1766 L Belton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1767 J Renshaw

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1768 M Barton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1769 F Montgomery

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1770 F Rae

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1771 M McPhee

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1772 J Belton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1773 L Rae

St Oswald's 1774 H Montgomery

Page 73: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1775 R Gillespie

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1776 L Montgomery

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1777 S Rae

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1778 I LochHead

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1779 I Donnellly

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1780 S Darkin

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1781 D Poarty

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1782 N Topper

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1783 C Strickland

Page 74: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1784 E Squire

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1785 L McLuskey

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1786 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1787 S Boyle

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1788 J McBrearty

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1789 A Linich

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1790 J Pugh

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1791 S Pugh

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1792 W Bonner

St Oswald's 1793 T Linich

Page 75: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1794 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1795 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1796 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1797 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1798 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1799 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1800 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1801 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1802 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1803 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1804 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1805 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1806 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1807 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1808 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1809 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1810 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1811 A Anon

St Oswald's 1812 A Anon

Page 77: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1813 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1814 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1815 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1816 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1817 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1818 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1819 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1820 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1821 A Anon

Page 78: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1822 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1823 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1824 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1825 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1827 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1828 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1829 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1830 A Johnston

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1831 N Roberts

St Oswald's 1832 S Winton

Page 79: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1833 J McLeod

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1834 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1835 K MacKinlay

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1836 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1837 A McClafferty

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1838 J Beattie

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1839 S Lalley

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1840 C Ingram

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1841 S Capaldi

Page 80: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1842 A Powell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1843 M Platt

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1844 D Cameron

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1845 J Sloan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1846 L Linich

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1847 R Foley

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1848 C Dalrymple

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1849 J Mitchell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1850 D Muldoon

St Oswald's 1851 P O'Donnell

Page 81: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1852 M Dorrian

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1853 A Morris

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1854 A Mitchell

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1855 G Johnstone

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1856 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1857 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1858 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1859 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1860 A Anon

Page 82: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1861 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1862 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1863 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1864 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1865 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1866 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1867 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1868 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1869 A Anon

St Oswald's 1870 A Anon

Page 83: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1871 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1872 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1873 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1874 S Morton

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1875 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1876 P Legowski

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1877 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1878 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1879 J Harvie

Page 84: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1880 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1881 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1882 W Gorman

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1883 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1884 M Greig

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1885 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1886 J Orr

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1887 P O'Neill

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1888 G O'Neill

St Oswald's 1889 K Wilson

Page 85: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1890 J Irons

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1891 M Nicol

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1892 J McShannon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1893 B Legowski

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1894 A Young

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1895 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1896 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1897 M Legowski

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1898 A Anon

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Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1899 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1900 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1901 P Anderson

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1902 C Hunter

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1903 A Merulla

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1904 S Law

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1905 A Beglan

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1906 R Atack

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1907 C Butler

St Oswald's 1908 J Gillen

Page 87: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1909 S Gillen

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1910 T Johnston

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1911 C McKenzie

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1912 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1913 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1914 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1915 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1916 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1917 A Anon

Page 88: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1918 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1919 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1920 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1921 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1922 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1923 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1924 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1925 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1926 A Anon

St Oswald's 1927 A Anon

Page 89: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1928 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1929 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1930 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1931 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1932 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1933 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1934 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1935 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1936 A Anon

Page 90: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1937 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1938 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1939 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1940 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1941 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1942 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1944 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1945 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1948 R McKenzie

St Oswald's 1949 S McKenzie

Page 91: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1950 P Sloey

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1951 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1952 H Donohoe

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1953 P McKay

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1954 A Duffy

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1955 V Love

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1956 S Harvie

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1957 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's

1958 J Young

Page 92: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1959 J Legowski

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1960 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1961 M Gorman

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1962 M Latif

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1963 S Latif

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1964 S McKenzie

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1965 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1966 P Tennant

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1967 C Perkins

St Oswald's 1968 J Boyle

Page 93: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix B

List of Respondents to Consultation Document


Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1970 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1971 A Anon

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1972 T Harris MP

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1973 L Cleland

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1974 L Garrity

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1975 N McBride

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

1977 E McGee

Total: 699

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There were no alternative proposals submitted

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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

Appendix D – Total Issues Raised Against Proposal

Reason Total For Reason % of Total

Child Safety 613 31.96 % Road Safety 9 0.47 % Territorial Issues 2 0.10 % Distance 6 0.31 % Transport Cost 0 0.00 % Transport Availability 3 0.16 % Breakfast Club 0 0.00 % After School Activities 0 0.00 % After School Care 0 0.00 % Class Sizes 0 0.00 % Community Concerns 10 0.52 % Relationships/Friends 519 27.06 % Transition Issues 12 0.63 % Financial Issues 0 0.00 % Educational Case 15 0.78 % Capacity 96 5.01 % Building Condition 74 3.86 % Other 559 29.14 % Request for Information 0 0.00 %


Page 96: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


Appendix D – Breakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’

Reason Total For Reason


5th move of school for young person 1

accomodation in St margaret mary's would not meet needs of children in st oswald's


Building is not suitable. 1

Building suitability and lack of outdoor PE facilities. 1

Building unsuitable for a variety of reasons. vulnerability of young people.


building unsuitable for ASL children. 1

Children would be upset at the move. 1

Closing St Oswald's will mean closing the only catholic ASL school in the south of Glasgow.


Closing St Oswald's will mean losing the ASL catholic school in the south of the city


Closing St Oswald's will mean loss of ASL secondary in south of city.


Closing St Oswald's will mean loss of catholic ASL school in south of city


Commitment needed to ensure that appropriate adaptations to St Margaret Mary's are carried out. Staff in St margaret Mary's would require training to understand about ASL needs.


concern over shared areas 5

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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


concern over shared areas. 5

Concerns over shared areas at lunchtime particularly. Needs confirmation that building addaptations will be carried out.


concerns over shared areas. 2

DDA addaptations would be needed in some classrooms


detrimental to both groups of children 1

difficulties for pupils mixing in large m/s school. 1

distance to St margaret Mary's 1

emotional concerns for the YP concerns. 1

good community links currently 1

Health and safety concerns. Proposals cover two floors. removal of catholic education in south of city.


improvements should be made to St Oswald's and leave open.


insufficient car parking 1

insufficient PE and outdoor facilities in St Margaret Mary's


Lack of access for disability in St Margaret Mary's 1

lack of appropriate PE faclities. 1

lack of outdoor sports facilities 1

lack of outdoor sports facilities. 1

lack of PE facilities 1

Page 98: Glasgow City Council · 2013. 11. 20. · St Oswald’s Secondary School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building, in Castlemilk, on a shared campus basis. 1.2 Glasgow City

Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


Location of rooms for St oswald's within St Margaret Mary's is not an ideal position.


los of extensive outdoor areas in St Oswald's 1

lose of ASL school in south of city 1

losing a demononational ASL school from south of city. 1

Loss of ASL school in south of city 8

loss of an ASL denominational school on southside. 1

loss of ASL catholic school in south of city. 1

loss of ASL catholic school in south side. 1

Loss of ASL catholic school on south side. 3

loss of ASL school 1

Loss of ASL school in south of city 6

loss of ASL secondary school in south side 1

Loss of catholic ASL school in south side 39

Loss of catholic ASL school in south side Loss of PE facilities.


loss of catholic ASL school in south of city 154

loss of catholic ASL school in south of city Loss of outdoor spaces


loss of catholic ASL school in south of city. 95

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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


loss of catholic ASL school in south side 2

loss of catholic ASL school in south side of city. 24

loss of catholic ASL school in south side. 32

loss of catholic ASL school in southside of city. 8

loss of catholic ASL school in southside. 3

loss of catholic ASN school in south. 1

loss of catholic education in soth of city. 1

loss of catholic school in south of city 1

Loss of catholic school in south of city. 3

Loss of catholic school in south of Glasgow 1

Loss of catholic school in south side 1

Loss of catholic school on southside of city. H&S fears as classrooms planned for St Oswald's are on 1st and 2nd floors.


loss of catholic secondary school in south of city. 1

loss of catholic secondary school in south of city. Building unsuitable - lack of outdoor PE facilities


loss of catholic secondary school in south side. 2

loss of extensive grounds in current school. 2

loss of extensive outdoor facilities 8

loss of extensive outdoor facilities in St Oswald's 1

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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


loss of extensive outdoor grounds 1

loss of extensive outdoor space 1

loss of facilities for outdoor education. 1

loss of local environment and amenities 1

loss of local facilities 1

loss of outddor facilities 1

loss of outddor space 1

loss of outdoor areas 1

loss of outdoor areas. 8

loss of outdoor facilities 28

Loss of outdoor facilities and shortage of PE facilities in St Margaret Mary's


loss of outdoor facilities in current school 1

loss of outdoor facilities in st oswald's 2

loss of outdoor facilities. 16

loss of outdoor PE facilities. 1

loss of outdoor space 4

loss of outdoor space. 1

loss of outdoor spaces 1

loss of parental choice 1

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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


Loss of purpose-built ASN school in south of city. School ethos will be lost.


loss of valuable outdoor space 1

Mainstream school too busy 1

Mainstream setting not ideal for St Oswald's pupils 1

mobility issues as proposal is over two floors in St MM's 1

needs of pupils with ASD and ASL not met in large environment.


No ASL denominational school remaining in south of city


no comments given. 1

no details 1

no reasons given 1

none given 3

not clear 1

not meetiong needs of vulnerable young people. 1

Parents have not been given enough information. 1

PE facilities could be over stretched. 2

positive location in community 1

possibility of bullying 1

Possible loss of catholic education in south of city.


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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised Against ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


Location on 1st and 2nd floors of St Margaret Mary's could prove H&S issue for St Oswald's pupils. Loss of identity Proposed classrooms being on 1st and 2nd floors is not good for children with mobility issues.


Provision for children with autism. 1

Pupils need a small school. 1

removes choice in the area. 1

respondents reports that students have expressed axiety over move.


retain separate school 1

School should not be uprooted and moved 1

Shared areas between both schools 1

St Margaret Mary's loses teaching time each year due to poor weather. Loss of PE facilities.


St Margaret Mary's unsuitable for ASL pupils 1

St margaret Mary's unsuitable for children with ASL Third move of school for child


St Oswald's better as a separate school 1

St Oswald's should be refurbished. 1


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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised For ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

Appendix D – Total Issues Raised For Proposal

Reason Total For Reason % of Total

Child Safety 0 0.00 % Road Safety 0 0.00 % Territorial Issues 0 0.00 % Distance 0 0.00 % Transport Cost 0 0.00 % Transport Availability 0 0.00 % Breakfast Club 0 0.00 % After School Activities 0 0.00 % After School Care 0 0.00 % Class Sizes 0 0.00 % Community Concerns 0 0.00 % Relationships/Friends 3 25.00 % Transition Issues 0 0.00 % Financial Issues 0 0.00 % Educational Case 4 33.33 % Capacity 0 0.00 % Building Condition 2 16.67 % Other 3 25.00 % Request for Information 0 0.00 %


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Appendix D

Total Issues Raised For ProposalBreakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’


Appendix D – Breakdown of Reasons Categorised as ‘Others’

Reason Total For Reason

Improve pupils' self esteem to attend m/s school. 1

many benefits fot st oswald's pupils 1

none given 1


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Appendix E

Consultation proposal by Glasgow City Council Report by HM Inspectors, Education Scotland, addressing educational aspects of the proposal to relocate St Oswald’s Secondary School into spare capacity within St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School. Context This report from Education Scotland is required under the terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. It has been prepared by HM Inspectors in accordance with the terms of the Act. The purpose of this report is to provide an independent and impartial consideration of the council’s consultation proposal. Section 2 of this report sets out the views expressed by consultees during the initial consultation process. Section 3 sets out HM Inspectors’ consideration of the educational aspects of the proposal and the views expressed by consultees. Section 4 summarises HM Inspectors’ overall view of the proposal. Upon receipt of this report, the Act requires the council to consider it and then prepare its final consultation report. The council’s final consultation report should include a copy of this report and must contain an explanation of how it has reviewed the initial proposal, including a summary of points raised during the consultation and the council’s response to them. The council has to publish its final consultation report three weeks before it takes its final decision. 1. Introduction 1.1 Glasgow City Council proposes to relocate St Oswald’s

Secondary School into spare capacity within St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School. Young people who attend St Oswald’s Secondary School have a broad range of additional support needs including those with autism spectrum disorder.

1.2 The report from HM Inspectors is required under the terms of

the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. It has been prepared by HM Inspectors in accordance with the terms of the Act.

1.3 HM Inspectors undertook the following activities in considering

the educational aspects of the proposal: � attendance at the public meetings held on 18 June 2013 and

19 June 2013 in connection with the council’s proposals; � consideration of all relevant documentation provided by the

council in relation to the proposal, specifically the educational benefits statement and related

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Appendix E

consultation documents, written and oral submissions from parents and others; and

� visits to the sites St Oswald’s Secondary School, St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School, St Bartholomew’s Primary School and John Paul II Primary School, including discussion with relevant consultees.

1.4 HM Inspectors considered: � the likely effects of the proposal for children and young people

of both schools; any other users; children likely to become pupils within two years of the date of publication of the proposal paper; and other children and young people in the council area.

� any other likely effects of the proposal; � how the council intends to minimise or avoid any adverse

effects that may arise from the proposal; and � benefits which the council believes will result from

implementation of the proposal, and the council’s reasons for coming to these beliefs.

2. Consultation process 2.1 Glasgow City Council undertook the initial consultation on its

proposals with reference to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The consultation included two public meetings and invitations to submit written submissions, including

an online submissions form. A few parents reported that the online system was difficult to use and occasionally crashed. An independent consultant was employed by the council to undertake a consultation with parents, pupils and staff of the school affected by the proposal. Staff of both schools did not feel that they were able to accurately present their views at meetings chaired by the consultant. The public meetings were well attended. While providing opportunities for parents and members of the community to express their views, a few parents later stated that they felt intimidated by the way in which the meetings were chaired and had been reticent to speak. Parents of P6 and P7 pupils in John Paul II Primary School had not been informed of the consultation and felt that their children had not been included in the process as well as they should have been.

2.2 The council received a large number of responses to its

consultation. Many of these responses were anonymous copies of two generic submissions. The responses came from a wide range of groups and individuals. Almost all of the responses did not support the council’s proposal. In the submissions and in the

meetings with HM Inspectors of Education, parents and staff had concerns about the lack of a purpose-built denominational school for young people with additional support needs on the

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Appendix E

south side of Glasgow. Many written responses had concerns as to whether the St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building was suitable to accommodate children with a broad range of additional support needs including those with autism spectrum disorder. The major concerns were the safety of young people in the event of a fire; whether the dining facilities were adequate to cope with the specific requirements of some of the young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School; the lack of outdoor space for the sole use by young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School; the quality of public transport to St. Margaret Mary’s Secondary School; and the safe drop-off and pick-up of young people who use taxis to get to school. The respondents who were local residents around St Oswald’s Secondary School wrote in favour of maintaining the school on the current site as they held the view that it had become a very important part of the community.

2.3 Staff in both schools saw that the proposal had the potential to

improve learning experiences for young people by offering modern accommodation and access to modern specialist teaching areas. Young people would have the opportunity to interact and socialise with a larger group of peers. Staff could work on curriculum development and improve pedagogy to the benefit of both schools. Young people from St. Oswald’s Secondary School could have easy access to mainstream subject classes if this was appropriate to their needs.

2.4 Staff in St. Margaret Mary’s Secondary School were in favour of

inclusive education but were worried that a number of adaptations to the St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School campus would need to be made to accommodate effectively the

pupils from St Oswald’s Secondary School who have a broad range of additional support needs, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder. The main concern was the pressure which would be placed on facilities for physical education which staff felt were already unsuitable. Other areas of concern included the lack of adapted equipment for home economics and technical. Staff felt that insufficient consideration had been given to the amount of time young people from St. Oswald’s Secondary School would be moving around the proposed joint campus. In order to provide effective support to young people in emergencies, staff felt that they would need to be trained and have suitable information about individuals from St. Oswald’s Secondary School. Time would be required to do this effectively.

There were also concerns about the effects of increased traffic

in and around the school campus. Staff from St. Oswald’s Secondary School were concerned about the loss of the school’s identity. For example, it would be more difficult to hold whole-school assemblies or have a staff room for St Oswald’s

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Appendix E

Secondary School staff. A major concern was the perceived lack of quiet rooms throughout the new campus should the need arise as young people from St Oswald’s with autism spectrum disorder moved from one area to another. Staff from both schools felt that the council had not given sufficient consideration to developing a draft plan as to how the proposal could operate in practice. They perceived there to be a lack of clear information. The resulting uncertainty had led to anxiety amongst staff and pupils.

2.5 Parents accepted the need for alternative accommodation to the

current St Oswald’s Secondary School building and that the proposal offered the potential for improved accommodation and access to a wider range of modern specialist facilities. Overall, however they were strongly opposed to the council’s proposed solution. Parents from both schools felt that the council had not presented a clear plan of how the joint campus could operate and that the lack of clarity had led to some children becoming unnecessarily anxious. If the proposal is to go ahead, parents thought it was vital that they were involved in developing a clear transition plan for existing young people and those who may attend from August 2014.

2.6 Young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School recognised that

the current accommodation was cramped and that there was not sufficient space to offer a full curriculum. They saw benefits to moving to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School in offering subjects such as technical and business education. They expressed a number of concerns about the size of St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School and in particular the potential noise in corridors at period changes which could be upsetting to some young people, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder. They were also concerned that some learners would find it difficult to move around the school independently. The change could also mean that some young people who travelled to school independently would no longer be able to do so. Their main concern was about the potential bullying which a number of young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School with specific additional support needs had experienced in the past in a mainstream environment.

3. Educational aspects of the proposal 3.1 Glasgow City Council has set out in its proposal a range of educational benefits for young people who currently attend St. Oswald’s Secondary

School and will attend St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School if the proposal goes ahead. In particular, it highlights how young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School would have improved learning experiences in a modern learning environment at St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School. Increased access to specialist teaching facilities

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Appendix E

would improve opportunities for certification in a wider range of subjects. As appropriate to their individual learning needs, young people would be able to learn alongside their mainstream peers in selected subjects.

3.2 The council has outlined that the current St Oswald’s Secondary

School accommodation is no longer suitable in the medium to long term to provide a modern curriculum. The proposal would provide access to facilities such as computer suites and library facilities which young people currently do not have. The current St Oswald’s Secondary School accommodation is a two-storey building with the majority of rooms on one floor. There are specialist teaching areas for home economics, physical education, art and music. A small IT suite is used by a number of subjects. The outdoor space is used a great deal by young people and is a pleasant learning environment. However, the building is generally in poor condition and has insufficient space for specialist teaching in the areas identified by the council. The accommodation at St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School is much more

suited to the delivery of a modern curriculum and increased social interaction. It would provide a more appropriate environment for learning for young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School. However, the council needs to assess carefully any alterations that may be needed to the current St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School accommodation to ensure they address the specific needs of young people currently accommodated in St Oswald’s Secondary School, this includes outside space.

3.3 The increased contact with their peers could benefit pupils from both

St Oswald’s Secondary School and St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School and improve how their social needs are met. The close proximity of the schools has the potential to offer increased learning opportunities as well as improved social interaction. The pleasant social spaces in the joint campus could provide opportunities for interaction between young people from both schools and develop a range of skills for life, learning and work. This aspect of the proposal will have to be handled sensitively to ensure all young people, particularly those with more complex additional support needs feel comfortable and are valued by their peers. If handled well, this aspect of the proposal has the potential to develop positive relationships across the campus and improved social and emotional outcomes for young people.

3.4 The council has outlined how the proposal will improve the coherence

of the curriculum for young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School. Increased curricular opportunities will be available for all young people on the campus and it is important the council considers how the curriculum for young people from St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School may also be affected because of the proposal. This includes how the transition programmes for both schools may need to be adapted before August 2014.

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3.5 The opportunities outlined by the council for a campus approach to inclusive education would benefit young people from both schools. A fresh impetus for both schools to revisit their visions, values and aims may enable both schools to continue to develop their expectations for all young people on the campus. There is the potential to do this while maintaining the distinct ethos and values of each school.

3.6 The council outlines a number of benefits for staff should the proposal

go ahead. These include the co-location of management teams breaking down isolated leadership; and providing single teacher departments with increased opportunities for professional learning with subject colleagues. These are clear benefits of the proposal. Teams from both schools will be able to learn together and develop some aspects of the curriculum together. The opportunities for working together on pedagogy, sharing skills and developing new skills which will naturally arise from the co-location will benefit staff and young people.

4. Summary 4.1 The council has outlined clearly the educational benefits of the

proposal. The educational benefits statement has demonstrated how the proposal will significantly improve aspects of the learning environment for young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School. The move to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School will provide accommodation which is more suited to delivering a curriculum for the 21st century.

It is clear that the proposal has the potential to provide increased

learning opportunities for all young people on the proposed campus and increased professional learning opportunities for staff. The proposal will offer the potential to better meet the social and emotional needs of young people from both schools. With more opportunities for partnership working, the learning needs of young people in both schools may be met more effectively. Overall, the council has demonstrated how the proposal has the potential to improve the education of young people in both schools.

4.2 The council has consulted with a wide range of stakeholders. In taking forward the proposal, it needs to address a number of issues. It needs

to consider whether action should be taken regarding the error in the consultation document concerning St Oswald’s Secondary School learning community. It also needs to assure stakeholders that it has consulted with all key groups which may be affected by the proposal.

4.3 As the council moves forward with the proposal, it needs to outline as

soon as possible how it will continue to inform and engage with all stakeholders. In order to alleviate growing anxiety amongst young people in both schools, it needs to be proactive in working with young people, parents and staff to develop quickly a clear plan to show all

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stakeholders how the two schools will operate on the one campus. This may need to include such things as assessments of the safety of all young people; the daily routines of the two schools and any alterations required to the campus to ensure young people from both schools continue to learn in a suitable environment. The council also needs to outline how it will support the development of the ethos of both schools to ensure that all young people continue to feel safe and cared for wherever they are on the campus. Children, young people, parents and

staff would welcome continuing engagement about the proposed campus and the council needs to outline how it will continue to engage with all stakeholders.

HM Inspectors Education Scotland September 2013

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Appendix F Breakdown of Reasons given Against Proposal / Breakdown of Respondents to Proposal 

Proposal : St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

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Appendix F Breakdown of Reasons given Against Proposal / Breakdown of Respondents to Proposal 

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Appendix F Breakdown of Reasons given For Proposal / Breakdown of Respondents to Proposal 

Proposal : St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

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Appendix F Breakdown of Reasons given For Proposal / Breakdown of Respondents to Proposal 

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Appendix G

Consultation Summary Report


St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary School

St Oswald's Secondary School/St Margaret Mary's Secondary


St Margaret Marys Secondary School

St Oswalds Secondary School 

View Number of Responses % For 7 1.00 Against 685 98.00 Unclear 7 1.00

Total: 699

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Appendix H

Proposal • The proposal is to co-locate St Oswald’s Secondary School into spare capacity in the St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building. • St Oswald’s Secondary School would retain its unique identity and ethos and would benefit from access to the specialist teaching resources in the St Margaret Mary’s building. • St Oswald’s Secondary School would have a core set of general classrooms designated for their sole use. They would also have access to specialist technical, home economics, science, drama and physical education teaching areas. • Young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School would continue to be taught by their own specialist teachers. However, as appropriate to their learning needs, and as the timetable allows, some pupils, as is the case at the moment, might be taught by specialist teachers from St Margaret Mary’s.

Consultation Report

St Margaret Mary's Public Meeting

Meeting on Wednesday 19th June 2013 Number of people attending: 38 including teachers and support staff from the schools, pupils, parents and members of the community. The headteachers of both schools and senior officers from Education Services were in attendance. The consultation report and response sheet were circulated. The meeting began with a presentation on the proposal, an explanation of the summary and the consultative process to be followed.

General reaction to proposals There was a negative reaction from parents and staff. Most thought the decision to co-locate the schools had been made and that the reason was cost saving.

Main Issues Correction to presentation Apologies were given for the initial slide indicating the dates for a previous consultation

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Placing requests to St Margaret Mary's There was debate about the movement of pupils into and out of St Margaret Mary's. The headteacher of St Margaret Mary's answered that this was positive in favour of St Margaret Mary's. Reasons for the consultation Councillor Cunning stated that the Council desired to bring all ASL schools up to standard. He indicated that costs were a factor, as was the best provision for pupils. There was considerable investment in the school estate. Full integration into St Margaret Mary's The chair of the parent council of St Margaret Mary's agreed with the proposal. He indicated that full integration of St Oswald's pupils into St Margaret Mary's could be the way ahead. Some thought hat teachers could not cope with this and spoke of unsuccessful past mergers of schools. The headteacher of St Oswald's said she had been saddened about comments at the public meeting (last evening) about the perceived needs of the pupils of St Oswald's. She considered a vibrant community with resilient pupils who are out and about in the community without being mocked. Another school A parent told of an unfortunate experience at another Glasgow secondary school. The headteacher of St Margaret Mary's indicated a caring and supportive school. This had been reflected in the interviews with pupils of St Margaret Mary's. Numbers It was noted that 10 classrooms were to be used in St Margaret Mary's by pupils of St Oswald's. There would be 523 pupils of St Margaret Mary's in 2022 and a further 100 pupils from St Oswald's and this could put pressure on accommodation. A lot can happen between now and 2022. Other languages In reply to a question about the consultation the headteacher of St Oswald's said that the proposal had been translated into the languages of those eastern European parents who did not speak English There was no necessity to do this for other parets/carers of children attending St Oswald's. Length of school day It was noted that the length of the school day and the timetabled periods would be the same for both schools.

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Play/ intervals The headteacher of St Margaret Mary's explained the arrangements for intervals and his ideas to secure a more protected playground for the St Oswald's pupils. There was a discussion about wet weather arrangements when the main hall is busy. The headteacher of St Oswald's stated that the house system was currently used to make provision during wet weather and that this arrangement could transfer. Staff There would be staff development to allay staff concerns about dealing with children. A member of staff at St Oswald's raised concerns about safety Councillor Curran In reply to a direct question Councillor Curran stated that St Oswald's was not being refurbished or replaced in the same manner as Holybrook or Abercorn because the proposal gave a better opportunity and would provide for better learning. he accepts that parents need reassurances and said that value for money was a secondary point. After a quote from the leader of the City council was read he stated that the location of the school was not as important as meeting the needs of young people. He said that elected members were happy to have future meetings on this matter. The parent council could request such a meeting. he offered to meet individual parents at the end of the consultation meeting. Transport It was felt that some pupils could be on a bus or taxi for a longer time under the proposal. This had been checked and only pupils ij G53 would spend more time than at present on there journey to St Oswald's in St Margaret Mary's. There is a policy of Glasgow City council that no pupil should spend longer than an hour in a taxi on their way to school.

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Appendix H


The proposal is to co-locate St Oswald’s Secondary School into spare capacity in the St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building.

St Oswald’s Secondary School would retain its unique identity and ethos and would benefit from access to the specialist teaching resources in the St Margaret Mary’s building.

St Oswald’s Secondary School would have a core set of general classrooms designated for their sole use. They would also have access to specialist technical, home economics, science, drama and physical education teaching areas.

Young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School would continue to be taught by their own specialist teachers. However, as appropriate to their learning needs, and as the timetable allows, some pupils, as is the case at the moment, might be taught by specialist teachers from St Margaret Mary’s.

Consultation Report

St Oswald's Public Meeting

Meeting on Tuesday 18th June 2013 Number of people attending: 76 including teachers and support staff from the schools, pupils, parents and members of the community. The headteachers of both schools and senior officers from Education Services were in attendance The consultation report and response sheet were circulated. The meeting began with a presentation on the proposal, an explanation of the summary and the consultative process to be followed.

General reaction to the proposals There was a negative reaction from parents and staff. Many parents told of their own children's needs being better met in a separate special school. Many felt that the children attending St Oswald's were fragile and would not cope with the proposed co-location in a secondary school. Many spoke of their children requiring routine and familiarity. There was real anxiety about the physical robustness of the St Oswald's pupils and about change. Other parents had had a bad experience in a previous round of school rationalisations, especially in relation to St Raymond's. Parents felt that no real consideration of their children’s difficulties had been incorporated into the proposal.

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Main Issues arising: Correction to report The consultation document stated that St Oswald's was in the St Margaret Mary's learning community when it was in the Holyrood Learning Community. The condition of St Oswald's The presentation had indicated that the St Oswald's building building was categorised as "D". There were questions about what this meant. The headteacher of St Oswald's answered questions on the constraints of the school building. It was stated that there would be a 4Rs feasibility study in the summer of 2013 on the costings to upgrade St Oswald's. Some of the audience made the point that there had been a rumour that the land was for sale. This was denied. The process for selling land was outlined and that this would have to follow the results of the consultations and consequent decisions. Bullying There was potential for bullying in any school. The pupils had been clear that they knew how to address bullying if it arose. Parents considered this a serious matter. In defence of St Margaret Mary's attitude to bullying a positive quote from a recent report by HMIE on the school was shared. Funding A question was asked about how much the swimming programme was costing Glasgow. The questioner guessed at £500 000. Human Rights A parent read information from UNICEF's Convention on the Rights of the Child. There was strong agreement for his statement. More able children The presentation had mentioned interviewing pupils of St Oswald's A Pupil Support Assistant contended that these were the more able children and that the proposed move would be detrimental to the more fragile children. Uniform There was discussion on uniform. There are no proposals to have one uniform for the two schools. The headteacher of St Oswald's indicated that the uniform of St Oswald's had changed before the consultation started.

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Staff posts There was a contention that under the proposal staff would lose their jobs. There are no proposals to make any staff of any grade redundant. Some staff would be redeployed. One teacher had been declared as surplus to the staffing requirements of St Oswald's but this was not part of the consultation. It was confirmed that there would be two distinct management teams retained for each school Fitting into St Margaret Mary's Pupils from St Oswald's would not fit in due to their transport and to the arrangements. The headteacher of St Margaret Mary's gave assurances over the traffic management of numerous taxis, even when both schools finished at the same time. There was discussion on the finishing times and times for periods during the day. It was stated that these should be at the same time to allow timetabling. It was confirmed following questions and discussion that the playground, dining room and toilets would be shared. The headteacher of St Oswald’s said that each child at St Oswald's would be assessed to ensure their needs for relocation. Elected members Councillor Cunning sated that the Council desired to bring all ASL schools up to standard. In St Oswald's case this could be by demolishing St Oswald's or by co-location. There was a query about why more elected members were not present at this public meeting. One parent though attendance should be mandatory for elected members. Other models of co-location There was a question about whether this type of co-location had happened successfully elsewhere or whether the pupils of St Oswald's would be guinea pigs. The headteacher of St Margaret Mary's outlined two other co-located schools. Numbers It was stated that the projected roll for 2022 was 523 pupils for St Margaret Mary's and with the addition of St Oswald's pupils this would make the total for both schools over 700 pupils. Community links Members of the community spoke of the community links which existed with St Oswald's and which were appreciated. It was stated that St Oswald's was, in itself, a small community and this should be protected.

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Denominational status The headteacher replied to the assertion and denied that the Catholic ethos would be lost in a co-location of St Oswald's and St Margaret Mary's.

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Shared Areas

St. Oswald’s Areas

Plan of Ground Floor






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Appendix I
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Shared Areas

St. Oswald’s Areas

Plan of First Floor

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Shared Areas

St. Oswald’s Areas

Plan of Second Floor

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Appendix J Glasgow City Council

Education Services

Proposal to relocate St Oswald’s Secondary School into spare capacity

within St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School


Introduction An equality impact assessment is when we assess our policies and functions to find out if they discriminate against any of the groups we have listed below. We have carried out an equality impact assessment on this proposal. We do not believe that introducing this proposal will have an adverse impact on any of the groups listed. We also consulted a wide range of stakeholders as detailed in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the main response report. In total, 699 written responses were received. It should be noted that 1 of the 699 responses was a signed petition with 502 signatures. We have not identified any issues raised about equality during this consultation. From the impact assessment, we found that this policy would have neither a positive nor a negative effect on any of the 6 protected characteristics listed. We will discuss in more detail the effect on each of the protected characteristics. The relevant protected characteristics relating to equal opportunities are as follows:

Age; Sex; Religion and belief; Race; Disability; Sexual orientation.

Background Full details of the background to this proposal were contained in the original consultation document published in May 2013. Further details are also contained in the main response to consultation report. Assessments Age

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All children affected by this proposal will continue to be given the same level of support to meet their needs. So, in terms of age, this policy will not have an adverse impact on any child. Sex All children affected by this proposal will continue to be given support to meet their needs, whether they are male or female. So, in terms of gender, this proposal will not have an adverse impact on any child. Religion and Belief All children affected by this proposal currently attend establishments that have Roman Catholic status, and this will be not change as a result of the proposals. Roman Catholic provision will be maintained within both schools. So, in terms of religion and belief, this proposal will not have an adverse impact on any child. Race All children affected by this proposal will continue to be given support to meet their needs, irrespective of their ethnicity or ethnic background. So, in terms of racial group, this proposal will not have an adverse impact on any child. . Disability Some children affected by this proposal currently attend an ALN school. Therefore, by definition, all children enrolled in St Oswald’s Secondary School can be assumed to have a disability. This may also be true for some children attending St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School, although this wasn’t articulated as part of the consultation. 519 respondents cited the issue of bullying of St Oswald’s Secondary School pupils as a serious concern. Careful consideration has been given to this point, as detailed in 3.9 of the response to consultation report. Additionally, the pupil focus groups in both schools were consulted on this point and stated that any form of bullying is quickly and effectively dealt with in both schools. 613 respondents cited the issue of safety and accessibility as a major area of concern. Careful consideration has been given to this point in relation to young people in St Oswald’s Secondary School, as detailed in 3.10.1 of the response to consultation report. It should be noted that the St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School building is compliant commensurate with Disability Discrimination legislation, whereas the St Oswald’s Secondary School building is not compliant by modern standards. However, having considered all reports and submissions related to this proposal, in terms of disability, we believe it will not have an adverse impact on any child. In fact, we believe it will have a positive impact.

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Sexual orientation This proposal will not have an adverse impact on any child in relation to their sexuality. Conclusion We believe that this proposal does not have a negative effect on any of the groups we listed. If this proposal is approved, young people from St Oswald’s Secondary School will be learning in a facility that is inclusive and accessible, and fully compliant with Disability Discrimination legislation. This proposal will also support good relationships within the campus, as detailed in 3.3, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.9 of the response to consultation report.

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APPENDIX K Explanation of Condition and Suitability The Condition and Suitability ratings used in this document are generally as defined in the Guidance provided by the Scottish Executive publications "The Condition Core Fact" and Suitability Core Fact." Copies of the Guidance publications can be downloaded from the Scottish Government website . The Suitability and Condition ratings used, in line with the Guidance given, represent the whole building average and does not reflect the individual elements or components that make up the final score. Scottish Government Definition - Condition Glasgow City Council Convention A: Good – Performing well and operating efficiently. A: Good – Performing well and operating efficiently. B: Satisfactory – Performing adequately but showing minor deterioration. B: Fair – Performing adequately but showing minor deterioration. C: Poor – Showing major defects and/or not operating adequately. C: Poor – Showing major elemental defects that could be repaired. D: Bad – Economic life expired and/or risk of failure. D: Very Poor – Showing major elemental defects requiring full replacement. D: Bad – Economic life expired and/or risk of failure . E: Distressed – Economic life expired and/or serious risk of imminent failure. Note; For reporting on the Core Facts return to the Scottish Government and Audit Scotland Glasgow's D and E conditions are reported as D. Scottish Government Definition - Suitability Glasgow City Council Convention A: Good – Performing well and operating efficiently (the school buildings and grounds support the delivery of services to children and communities)

A: Good – Performing well and operating efficiently (the school buildings and grounds support the delivery of services to children and communities)

B: Satisfactory – Performing well but with minor problems (the school buildings and grounds generally support the delivery of services to children and communities)

B: Satisfactory – Performing well but with minor problems (the school buildings and grounds generally support the delivery of services to children and communities)

C: Poor – Showing major problems and/or not operating optimally (the school buildings and grounds impede the delivery of activities that are needed for children and communities in the school)

C: Poor – Showing major problems and/or not operating optimally (the school buildings and grounds impede the delivery of activities that are needed for children and communities in the school)

D: Bad – Does not support the delivery of services to children and communities (the school buildings and grounds seriously impede the delivery of activities that are needed for children and communities in the school)

D: Bad – Does not support the delivery of services to children and communities (the school buildings and grounds seriously impede the delivery of activities that are needed for children and communities in the school)