globalisation and its impact on marketing strategies

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  • 8/6/2019 Globalisation and its Impact on Marketing Strategies









    Prof. Ashulekha Gupta Abhinav Agarwal

    HOD-MIB MIB0901




  • 8/6/2019 Globalisation and its Impact on Marketing Strategies



    I extend my sincere thanks to all those who helped me in the completion of this

    report. Without their undying help and guidance, this project would not be what it is. I

    specially extend my heartfelt thanks to my Faculty Guide Prof. Ashulekha Gupta for

    helping me at every step, and guiding me in every way possible. This project would not

    have been successful without his help and continuous guidance throughout. A special note

    of thanks also goes out to the people from various fields for giving me their precious time

    and helping me with this project. I also extend my appreciation towards my family who

    encouraged me and were by my side whenever I needed them.

    Abhinav Agrawal

    MIB 0901


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    I have the pleasure in certifying that Mr. Abhinav Agrawal is a bonafide student of

    2nd year of the Masters Degree in International Business (Batch 2009-2011), of

    Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun under H.N.B. Garhwal University Roll No.

    ... .

    He has completed his report work entitled Globalization and its impact on Marketing

    Strategies under my guidance.

    I certify that this is his original effort & has not been copied from any other source. This reporthas also not been submitted in any other Institute / University for the purpose of award of anyDegree.

    This project fulfils the requirement of the curriculum prescribed by this Institute for the saidcourse. I recommend this project work for evaluation & consideration for the award of Degree tothe student.

    Signature :

    Name of the Guide : Prof. Ashulekha Gupta

    Designation : HOD - MIB

    Date :

  • 8/6/2019 Globalisation and its Impact on Marketing Strategies



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    Building on international business, strategic management and marketing literature, this

    project advances prior knowledge on globalization and business by analyzing different effects of

    globalization on firms. Globalizationthe process of increasing social, cultural, political, and

    economic interdependencehas resulted in several changes in business environment. Global

    market opportunities and threats are major effects of globalization.

    While the former refers to the increases in market potential, trade and investment

    potential, and resource accessibility, the latter refers to the increases in number and level of

    competition, and the level of uncertainty. Two empirical studies included in this project explore

    how these effects influence firms international marketing activities and performance.

    Thus, central contributions of this project include: first, it classifies the effects of globalization

    on firms into global market opportunities and global competitive threats; second, it

    integrates literature on international business, strategic management, and marketing to address

    the effects of globalization on firms marketing conduct and outcomes; third, it demonstrates the

    generalizing of the transaction cost economics, the market power perspectives, and the literature

    on environment-organization interfaces in the domain of globalization; fourth, it confirms that

    globalization acts as a two-edged sword and that alliance cooperation presents a viable

    alternative for firms to navigate successfully in this new competitive landscape.

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    The primary objective of this research is to gain a better understanding of the effects of

    globalization on firms international marketing cooperation and performance of firms, both in

    developed and emerging economies (i.e., the India, and the other countries).

    The first two questions of this project are:

    1) Does globalization affect firm performance?

    2) Is the relationship between global market opportunities and its performance stronger

    than the relationship between global market threats and its performance?

    By answering these questions, the study indicates the extent to which firms in two different

    economic contexts are affected by globalization. It also shows which dimension of globalization

    effects tends to have stronger impact on the performance of firms that are located in very

    different market environments.

    Some Questions arises while studying this topic:-

    Up to what extent Globalization is affecting different aspects of our life including culture,

    environment and business or marketing.

    To study the different strategies used by the companies in this environment.

    To study the change in consumer behavior

    To study the threats and opportunities globalization is creating.

    What steps companies may take to go for globalization?

    To study Is globalization useful for business.


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    The emphasis of this project is on how the degree of cooperation in co marketing alliances

    enables firms to manage globalization effects and stay competitive in international markets. As

    suggested in past literature, globalization makes alliances an essential part of a firms strategy in

    order to stay competitive and to achieve superior performance. To better capture global

    opportunities, firms tend to cooperate with other firms to capitalize on and leverage their limited

    resources since it is impossible for one firm to do it all and go it alone. Similarly, in order to

    cope with increasing global competitive threats, firms are likely to form alliances .Based on the

    classical industrial organization perspectivethe market power, firms form alliances to reduce

    competition and uncertainty. Through such cooperation, companies gain market power that helps

    alleviate competition and improve its competitive position.

    Therefore, the next two research questions of this project are:

    1) Does globalization affect the degree of cooperation in co-marketing alliances?

    2) Do co-marketing alliances influence firms international performance?

    Guided by these two broad research questions, a more specific emphasis of this paper is on the

    degree of cooperation in international marketing activities of the co-marketing alliances among


    Past literature also suggests that firms from emerging economies usually possess characteristics

    which distinguish them from those of developed economies. Therefore, empirical investigations

    on the relationships among globalization effects, degree of co-marketing alliances, and

    performance of firms from India and other countries, which possess different backgrounds and

    characteristics, are undertaken by secondary data approach.

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    An Overview

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    Globalization has caused dramatic changes to business practices around the world. Companies

    such as IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Philips have started to outsource specialists from various parts

    of the world, causing job shifts and changes in companies structures. Alliances among

    automakers (e.g., GM-Ford- DaimlerChrysler, Ford-Mazda, and GM-Honda), petroleum

    manufacturers (e.g., BP-Mobil, NUPI-Chevron Texaco), and airlines(e.g., star alliances) are

    other examples of changes driven by this phenomenon. Therefore, this dissertation investigates

    the effects of globalization on business firms with a particular interest on how it affects firms

    from both emerging economies (i.e., China, Thailand), and developed economies, (i.e..India and

    the U.S).

    In this study, globalization refers to the process of increasing social and cultural inter-

    connectedness, political interdependence, and economic, financial and market integrations that

    are driven by advances in communication and transportation technologies, and trade




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    Globalization (or globalization) describes an ongoing process by which regional economies,

    societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of

    communication and trade. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to the integration of

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    national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment,

    capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. However, globalization is usually

    recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural,

    political, and biological factors. The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas,

    languages, or popular culture through acculturation.

    People around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and

    money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are

    increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent. International

    communication is commonplace. This phenomenon has been titled "globalization."

    "The Era of Globalization" is fast becoming the preferred term for describing the current times.

    Just as the Depression, the Cold War Era, the Space Age, and the Roaring 20's are used to

    describe particular periods of history; globalization describes the political, economic, and

    cultural atmosphere of today.

    While some people think of globalization as primarily a synonym for global business and trade,

    it is much more than that. The same forces that allow businesses to operate as if national borders

    did not exist also allow social activists, labor organizers, journalists, academics, and many othersto work on a global stage.

    In terms of economics, businesses participate in globalization to increase the international flow

    on capital, including foreign investments. This would lead to the economic stability of the nation

    and means providing more development such as infrastructures and establishments. Furthermore,

    it could create international agreements among different nations, and may lead to more job

    opportunities in the nation. This also affects the political aspect, as more projects will be

    produced, nationally and locally, and will practically help the nation or country in their stability

    and leadership. More opportunities may also mean the boosting of confidence of each individual

    to become more productive and effective. Culturally, there will be an increase in the exchange of

    information, and multiculturalism will be achieved; having no inferior or superior races. This

    will lead to a boom in travel and tourism, which would totally help locals to promote their

    products and profit from their small businesses.
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    No one doubts that the worlds economy is truly global. Whether its a Fortune 100 company

    that sells on six continents or a local concern whose bottom line is affected by the cost of raw

    materials that originate across the ocean, every business is tied to the global economy. And

    ambitious companies look to become more global by the day.

    Nestl has reported massive double-digit growth in its China business. Procter & Gamble has

    acknowledged that emerging markets will account for 25 percent more business in a few short

    years. India will be a top-five consumer-packaged-goods market by 2010. The average salary in

    that country is growing by more than 10 percent a year. Global means growth potential. And the

    potential is staggering. By 2030, the world population will have gained nearly 50 percent over

    2002, and developing nations will represent 90 percent of the worlds population, up five

    percentage points.


    Globalization is an interesting phenomenon since it is obvious that the world has been goingthrough this process of change towards increasing economic, financial, social, cultural, political,

    market, and environmental interdependence among nations. Virtually, everyone is affected by

    this process. Given these changes, globalization brings about a borderless world. Globalization

    drives people to change their ways of living, prompts firms to change their ways of conducting

    business, and, spurs nations to establish new national policies. Events transpiring in different

    parts of the world now have dramatic consequences to other parts of the world at a faster pace

    than anyone could imagine in the past. For example, the Asian financial crisis in 1997 has

    severely affected businesses around the world and the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute

    Respiratory Syndrome) in 2003 has shown how globalization permits the rapid spread of the

    disease, which affects many airlines, the hospitality industry, and other businesses around the


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    On the positive side, globalization enables firms to outsource and find customers around the

    world, e.g., the auto and electronics industries. The globalization of production and operations

    benefits firms through the realization of economies of scales and scope. Hence, no one can deny

    that globalization has changed the way we conduct business.

    Although globalization is a worldwide phenomenon, the extent to which each country is

    globalized is not identical. To measure the degree of globalization of each nation, a globalization

    index was recently developed by cooperation between Foreign Policy Magazine, AT Kearney

    and EDS Company. The index indicates that some small developing countries in emerging

    economies such as Singapore and Malaysia were among the top twenty most globalized nations

    from 2001 to 2004 with Singapore being ranked as the most globalized nation. Thus, it is clear

    that globalization is an important phenomenon, one that cannot be simply ignored, because every

    nationregardless of size or level of developmentis globalized and affected by globalization.

    With the prevalence of this worldwide phenomenon, it is not surprising that businesses are

    inevitably affected.

    Throughout this dissertation, the effects of globalization are classified into two broad categories:

    1) Global market opportunities

    2) Global market threats.

    These two major effects are chosen to be investigated here because they are frequently cited in

    the past literature as the most apparent and immediate effects of globalization. Global market

    opportunities refer to the increases in market potential, trade and investment potential and

    resource accessibility. Global market threats refer to the increases in the number and level of

    competition and the level of uncertainty.


    Consumer researchers are increasingly exploring and comparing behavior and cognitions in

    diverse national environments. New samples of the consumer behavior are formed by the fact

    that it drastic changes within the political borders and in the spatial configuration of the sales

    markets for consumer goods, which are connected with strong sociological-cultural forces.

    Barriers between markets moved away through regional integration, and created larger unified

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    market entities. Consumers are increasingly exposed to a myriad of diverse influences from

    beyond their national borders, because the advances in communications technology are shrinking

    distances and forgetting links between markets worldwide. Traditional definitions of the unit of

    analysis used in cross cultural research need to be critically re-examined in view of the changing

    consumer landscape.

    There are different changing dynamics of consumer behavior in the world. In the following a few

    are introduced. The first changing dynamic are the massive waves of migration which are taking

    place, as consumers from emerging market economies are moving to industrialized economies.

    The second one is that consumers are becoming more mobile and travelling more both for

    pleasure and business. One of the results of this changing dynamic is that the consumers are

    becoming exposed to the products, lifestyles and behavior patterns of consumers in other

    countries. There are some reasons, for example that barriers come down (European Union) and

    consumers and goods move freely across national boundaries. Firms gradually alter traditional

    patterns of behavior, by introducing new products, services and ideas into the global market

    place. As a result countries or cultures can no longer be viewed in isolation as a set of separate

    entities, characterized by their own distinctive value-systems, traits and customs.

    In the 60s and 70s the first studies (cross-cultural consumer research) emerged, which examine

    the consumer behavior in the different countries. Studies were primarily descriptive and lacked

    any strong conceptual framework to interpret findings and make inferences about observed

    similarities' or differences' in behavior in different countries. One wanted to examine whether

    similar consumption samples and behavior in similar demographic and sociological-cultural

    groups in the different national cultures exist. A number of studies have focused on examining

    the universality of consumer models in different countries and cultural contexts. This is one of

    the key themes in cross-cultural psychology. Another stream of research focuses on comparing

    similarities and differences in various aspects of consumer attitudes and behaviors such as

    values, cognitions and decision making etc., in different cultural contexts or countries.

    The key theme of this is the study of cultural values or rather to compare values cross culturally.

    Differences in time orientation and use of time across countries or cultures have been another

    favorite topic of investigation. A number of studies have focused on identifying global market

    segments based on demographic characteristics, such as, global teenagers, women worldwide,

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    elite consumers, and have compared their attitudes and behavior patterns in different countries.

    The changing dynamics of consumption behavior and the increasing complexity of cultural

    influences on behavior, together with the limited ability of traditional research designs to capture

    this complexity suggest the need to reexamine the design of cross cultural consumer research.

    It is necessary to define the unit of analysis. There are different aspects to be attended here. The

    first priority is to define the relevant unit of analysis, or cultural group to be studied. Important

    point in this context is a high degree of homogeneity in attitudes and behavior among members

    of the group. There are two different key criteria to define the unit. First there is the language,

    which may be a dialect or main language, and secondly the degree of social interaction and

    communication. Modern means of communication enable members located at geographically

    dispersed sites to communicate, interact, and establish a strong closely knit community of shared

    interest and identity. Besides this it structures the research design in cross-cultural studies. Once

    the unit of analysis has been determined along with its cultural context, the next step is to

    structure the research design and identity, the nature of the cultural phenomena or influences to

    be studied.

    The first and most common type of study involves a static comparison of cultic-units located at

    different geographic sites and within different macro or micro-cultures. Another type of study

    involves examination of the impact of exposure to direct and indirect influences from other

    cultures on behavior patterns of a given group. A third type of study examines how attitudes,

    interest and behavior patterns change with movement from one macro-culture to another. In such

    studies, the local point is to examine the ethnic core of the culture, and in some instances, its

    variation across sites. Different aspects of the ethnic core and its relation to behavior as

    consumers can be examined, including, for example, its core values and beliefs, the artifacts and

    symbols of the culture, and their impact on consumption, and desired product benefits, or

    ritualistic behavior.

    While multi-site studies focus on the ethnic core of the cultic- unit, and its influence on attitudes,preferences and consumption behavior, the second type of study focuses explicitly on examining

    the impact of external cultural influences on the culti- unit or individual members. These are

    influences which come from other macro-cultures or originate from a cultural context other than

    the one in which their culti-unit is embedded. There are direct and indirect influences. Direct

    influences will arise when an individual travels to or lives for a period of time in another cultural

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    context or macro-culture. Indirect influences, on the other hand, arise from passive exposure to

    media, information, visual images, or other stimuli generated by organizations from other ma

    cro-cultures. A third type of study deals with transition from one macro-culture to another. This

    occurs when an individual moves from one macro-cultural context to another, as through

    immigration to another country.

    Consumer Behavior in Global markets

    The focus is to provide a comprehensive view of consumer behavior in global markets,especially in relation to the countries of Eastern Europe and the third world.

    Consumer behavior is likely to be somewhat different in developing countries since it is largely

    influenced by social, political and economic conditions. It provides a framework that can be used

    to study consumer behavior in global markets, this framework is applied to examine and

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    understand consumer behavior in countries of the third World and Eastern Europe. Besides this it

    offers generalizations and recommendations to those wishing to market their products/services in

    the Third World and Eastern Europe.

    Theories/models have played an important role by detailing how various factors influenceconsumer behavior. The four stages are termed access, buying behavior, consumption

    characteristics, and disposal. A thorough understanding of each stage is essential for the global

    marketer since the overall effectiveness of the marketing function is contingent on all four stages

    being facilitated within any culture. First there are short definitions of each stage:

    (1) Access

    The first step in global marketing is to provide access to the product/service for consumers

    within a culture. Access pertains both to physical access as well as to economic access.

    (2) Buying Behavior

    This stage encompasses all factors impacting on decision making and choice within a culture.

    Examples of these factors include perceptions, attitudes, and consumer responses such as brand


    (3) Consumption characteristics

    The specific products/services that are purchased and consumed may be different in each culture.

    The cultural orientation (traditional versus modern) and social class distribution, among other

    factors, will determine consumption patterns within a culture.

    (4) Disposal

    Most countries, including the developing countries, are becoming more environmentally

    conscious and moving away from throw-away products. Hence marketers need to design systems

    to facilitate the safe disposal, recycling, resale or manufacturing of products. They must alsomeet their social responsibilities in other countries, especially in relation to public safety and

    environmental pollution.

    First, since the four stages are universally applicable, the paradigm offers a general framework to

    understand consumer behaviour within any global market. Second, in order to understand the

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    broadest possible range of consumer behavior within any culture, the paradigm encompasses all

    aspects of purchase and consumption within a simple framework. Third, the four stages of the

    paradigm are arranged in a hierarchical fashion from the consumers' viewpoint. And fourth the

    consistent with the concept of business process reengineering, which encourages business to

    improve corporate performance by using a cross- functional perspective.

    The practical application of consumer behavior findings in international markets has often posed

    a problem for marketers for two reasons. First, most consumer research in international markets

    has used a piecemeal approach. Second, there has been no comprehensive framework to integrate

    the findings in a meaningful manner.



    Brand strategy is aimed at influencing people perception of a brand in such a way that they are

    persuaded to act in a certain manner, e.g. buy and use the products and services offered by the

    brand, purchase these at higher price points, donate to a cause.

    A global brand needs to provide relevant meaning and experience to people across multiple

    societies. To do so, the brand strategy needs to be devised that takes account of the brands own

    capabilities and competencies, the strategies of competing brands, and the outlook of consumers

    (including business decision makers) which has been largely formed by experiences in their

    respective societies. There are four broad brand strategy areas that can be employed.

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    (1) Brand Domain- Brand domain specialists are experts in one or more of the brand domain

    aspects (products/services, media, distribution, solutions). A brand domain specialist tries to pre-

    empt or even dictate particular domain developments. This requires an intimate knowledge, notonly of the technologies shaping the brand domain, but also of pertinent consumer behavior and

    needs. The lifeblood of a brand domain specialist is innovation and creative use of its resources.

    A brand domain specialist is like a cheetah in the Serengeti preying on impala and gazelle.

    The cheetah is a specialist hunter with superior speed to chase, and the claws and teeth to kill

    these animals. The cheetah is also very familiar with the habits of its prey.

    (2) Brand Reputation - Brand reputation specialists use or develop specific traits of their brands to

    support their authenticity, credibility or reliability over and above competitors. A brand

    reputation specialist needs to have some kind of history, legacy or mythology. It also needs to be

    able to narrate these in a convincing manner, and be able to live up to the resulting reputation. A

    brand reputation specialist has to have a very good understanding of which stories will convince

    consumers that the brand is in some way superior. A brand reputation specialist is like a horse.

    (3) Brand Affinity - Brand affinity specialists bond with consumers based on one or more of a

    range of affinity aspects. A brand affinity specialist needs to outperform competition in terms of

    building relationships with consumers. This means that a brand affinity specialist needs to have a

    distinct appeal to consumers, be able to communicate with them affectively, and provide an

    experience that reinforces the bonding process. A brand affinity specialist is like a pet dog.

    (4) Brand Recognition - Brand recognition specialists distinguish themselves from competition by

    raising their profiles among consumers. The brand recognition specialist either convinces

    consumers that it is somehow different from competition, as is the case for niche brands, or rises

    above the melee by becoming more well known among consumers than competition. The latter is

    particularly important in categories where brands have few distinguishing features in the minds

    of consumers.

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    The factors discussed above each have their own specific impact on the four general brand

    strategies and their strategy sub-types. Due to the limitations of its format, this paper focuses on

    factors that influence the four general strategies only. We also limit the discussion to one global

    branding issue that has attracted a lot of attention among practitioners in recent years, namely

    brand harmonization or standardization. This is not say that the factors discussed above do not

    also have a profound effect on other global branding issues such as global brand extensions,

    rationalizing a global brand portfolio, global brand architecture and co-branding global brands.


    Since at least 10 years you hear a lot about Globalization, about the shrinking physical and

    mental distances between countries.

    There are probably four different marketing constituents that need to be considered if one

    analyzes the extent of the globalization of marketing: The Consumer, Brands, the community of

    Marketers, and the academic field of marketing.

    The Consumer There is no doubt that todays consumers are much more globally oriented

    than ever before. The internet makes physical boundaries seem obsolete, the exchange of ideas

    and communication appear more borderless. But, but most consumers, especially in the US, still

    spend most of their discretionary income on US brands, on products and goods that are sold

    (definitely not manufactured) in the United States. There is only a very limited global sourcing

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    and purchasing behavior of consumers. This is very different from businesses which are getting

    used to buy goods and services from anywhere. Still, the US consumer is used to shop non US

    brands, and thinks more and more beyond physical country boundaries but there are only a few

    (very rich) truly global consumers.

    Brands The number of truly global brands (e.g. Apple, Nokia, Hugo Boss) have increased over

    the last decade. One just needs to look at Toyota and their increasing leadership in the

    automotive industry on a global level. One can imagine that the world of brands morph into two

    extremes, of very global and very local brands. Brands will have to decide if they want to focus

    primarily on their local or their local identity.

    Marketers Its still pretty rare to find really global marketers in the CMOs position of Fortune

    2,000 Firms. Its much more common for CEOs to have the global work experience with stints

    on multiple continents. CMOs still seem to follow the old rule of originating from a brands

    motherland. While this is partly understandable (you first need to understand the consumers

    mindset of the brands mother or fatherland), CMOs need to become much more global players.

    Unfortunately there does not seem to be a growing community of global marketers, not even

    within the big marketing services firms, that actively promote the global CMO.

    Academics The biggest lack of globalization resides within the academic community. Most US

    marketing academics are too busy enough in reinforcing their own US superiority while non US

    academics dont like to rely heavily on the US marketing leadership. Just recently I asked US

    academics about their favorite non US marketing personality or stimulating book. I did the same

    with some of their European counterparts and inquired about their favorite US marketing

    academic or book. In both cases I only received blank stares and uncomfortable silence.

    This brief assessment of the globalization degree along the key marketing constituents shows

    that leading brands behave and think much more global than the practicing or the academic

    oriented marketer. We Marketers have to be careful that we dont fall further back but instead

    keep up with the speed of globalization. Currently its more driven by brands and opinion

    leading consumers instead of a community of global marketers.

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    Why Go Global?

    The playing field is wide open for small business. Heres why both men and

    women should consider going global:

    Increase sales.

    Generate economies of scale in production.

    Raise profitability.

    Insulate seasonal domestic sales by finding new foreign markets.

    Create jobs, productivity growth and wealth.

    Encourage the exchange of views, ideas and information.

    Small business in particular can take a mentoring role in educating other men and women in

    going global. They can establish educational programs, conferences and other activities to

    advance their colleagues, and in doing so, promote professional growth and leadership among all

    small business owners. The best is truly yet to come.

    W hat Does It Take To Go Global?

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    Any small business owner must be adaptable, strategic and willing to take calculated risks. But

    becoming a successful global small business requires the following commitments:

    Be comfortable with change. Welcome new experiences; and learn as much as possible about the culture in which you

    are interested in doing business.

    Be willing to take risks, even though it may create short term challenges.

    Push yourself to continuously innovate.


    1. Exporting

    Exporting, the most traditional mode of entering the foreign market is quite a common one even

    now. International trade has been growing much faster than the world output resulting in greater

    world economic integration. Exporting is the appropriate strategy when one of more of the

    following conditions prevails.

    1. The volume of foreign business is not large enough to justify production in the foreign market.

    2. Cost of production in the foreign market is high.

    3. The foreign market is characterized by production bottlenecks like infrastructural problems,

    problems with materials supplies etc.

    4. There are political or other risks of investment in the foreign country.

    Exporting is more attractive than other modes particularly when underutilized capacity exists.

    Even when there is no excess capacity, expansion of the existing facility may sometimes be

    easier and less costly than setting up production facilities abroad. Further, many governments, as

    in India, provide incentives for establishing facilities for export production. The alternatives to

    making in foreign countries by the international marketer for marketing the goods in the foreign

    countries are licensing and contract manufacturing. Although these have certain advantages,

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    there are also certain risks. Hence, if a company does not want to go in for licensing or contract

    manufacturing, the only avenue open is exporting.

    2. Licensing and Franchising

    Licensing and Franchising, which involve minimal commitment of resources and effort on the

    part of the International marketer, are easy ways of entering the foreign markets. Under

    International licensing, a firm in one country (the licensor) permits a firm in another country (the

    licensee) to use its intellectual property (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, technology, and

    technical know-how, marketing skill or some other specific skill). The monetary benefit to the

    licensor is the royalty or fees which licensee pays. In many countries, such fees or royalties are

    regulated by the government; it does not exceed five per cent of the sales in many developing


    A licensing agreement may also be one of cross licensing, wherein there is a mutual exchange of

    knowledge and/or patents. In cross licensing, a cash payment mayor may not be involved.

    Franchising is a form of licensing in which a parent company (the franchiser) grants another

    independent entity (the franchisee) the right to do business in a prescribed manner. This right cantake the form of selling the Franchisers products, using its name, production and marketing

    techniques, or general business approach. One of the common forms of franchising involves the

    franchisor supplying an important ingredient (part, material etc.,) for the finished product, like

    the Coca-Cola supplying the syrup to the bottlers.

    3. Contract Manufacturing

    Under contract manufacturing, a company doing international marketing contracts with firms in

    foreign countries to manufacture or assemble the products while retaining the responsibility of

    marketing the product. This is a common practice in international, business.

    Contract manufacturing has the following advantages.

    1. The company does not have to commit resource for setting up production facilities.

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    2. It frees the company from the risks of investing in foreign countries.

    3. If idle production capacity is readily available in the foreign country, it enables the marketer to

    get started immediately.

    4. In many cases, the cost of the product obtained by contract manufacturing is lower than if it

    were manufactured by their international firm.

    4. Management Contracting

    Under the management contract, the firm providing the management know-how may not have

    any equity stake in the enterprise being managed. In short, in a management contract the supplier

    brings together a package of skills that will provide an integrated service to the client without

    incurring the risk and benefit of ownership Thus, as Sir Philip Kotler observes, management

    contracting is a low-risk method of getting into a foreign market and it starts yielding income

    right from the beginning.

    The arrangement is especially attractive if the contracting firm is given an option to purchase,

    some shares in the managed company within a stated period. Management contract could,

    sometimes, bring in additional benefits for the managing company. It may obtain the business of

    exporting or selling otherwise of the products of the managed company or supplying the inputs

    required by the managed company.

    Management contract enables a firm to commercialize existing know-how that has been built up

    with significant investments and frequently the impact of fluctuations in business volumes can be

    reduced by making use of experienced personnel who otherwise would have to be laid off.

    5. Turnkey Contracts

    Turnkey contracts are common in international business in the supply, erection and

    commissioning of plants, as in the case of oil refineries, steel mills, cement and fertilizer plants

    etc; construction projects and franchising agreements.

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    A turnkey operation is an agreement by the seller to supply a buyer with a facility fully

    equipped and ready to be operated by the buyers personnel, who will be trained by the seller.

    The term is sometimes used in fast - food franchising when a franchiser agrees to select a store

    site, build the store, equip it, train the franchisee and- employees and sometimes arrange for the


    6. Wholly Owned Manufacturing Facilities

    Companies with long term and substantial interest in the foreign market normally establish fully

    owned manufacturing facilities there. As Drucker points out, it is simply not possible to

    maintain substantial market standing in an important area unless one has a physical presence as a

    producer. A number of factors like trade barriers, differences in the production and other costs,

    government policies etc., encourage the establishment of production facilities in the foreign

    markets Establishment of manufacturing facilities abroad has several advantages. It provides the

    firm with complete control over production and quality. It does not have the risk of developing

    potential competitors as in the case of licensing and contract manufacturing.

    Wholly owned manufacturing facility has several disadvantages too. In some cases, the cost of

    production is high in the foreign market. There may also be problems such as restrictions

    regarding the types of technology, non-availability of skilled labor, production bottlenecks due to

    infrastructural problems etc. If the market size is small, a separate production unit for the market

    may be uneconomical. Foreign investment also entails political risks.

    7. Assembly Operations

    As Miracle and Albaum point out, a manufacturer who wants many of the advantages that are

    associated with overseas manufacturing facilities and yet does not want to go that fat may find it

    desirable to establish overseas assembly facilities in selected markets. In a sense the

    establishment. of an assembly operation represents a cross between exporting and overseas


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    Having assembly facilities in foreign markets is very ideal when there are economies of scale in

    he manufacture of parts and components and when assembly operations are labour intensive, and

    labour is cheap in the foreign country. It may be noted that a number of U.S. manufacturers ship

    the parts and components to the developing countries, get the product assembled there and bring

    it back home. The U.S. tariff law also encourages this. Thus, even products meant to be marketed

    domestically are assembled abroad.

    8. Joint Ventures

    Joint venture is a very common strategy of entering the foreign market. In the widest sense, any

    form of association which implies collaboration for more than a transitory period is a joint

    venture (pure trading operations are not included in this concept). Such a broad definition

    encompasses many diverse types of joint overseas operations, viz,

    1. Sharing of ownership and management in an enterprise.

    2. Licensing/franchising agreements.

    3. Contract manufacturing.

    4. Management contracts.

    Three of the above have already been discussed in the preceding sections. The following

    paragraphs are confined to the first category referred to above, i.e. joint ownership ventures.

    What is often meant by the term joint venture is joint ownership venture.

    The essential feature of a joint ownership venture is that the ownership and management are

    shared between a foreign firm and a local firm. In some cases there are more than two parties


    A joint ownership venture may be brought about by a foreign investor buying an interest in a

    local company, a local firm acquiring an interest in an existing foreign firm or by both the

    foreign and local entrepreneurs jointly forming a new enterprise.

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    9. Third Country Location

    Third country location is sometimes used as an entry strategy. When there are no commercial

    transactions between two nations because of political reasons or when direct transactions

    between two nations are difficult due to political reasons or the like, a firm in one of thesenations which wants to enter the other market will have to operate from a third country base. For

    example, Taiwanese entrepreneurs found it easy to enter Peoples Republic of China through

    bases in Hong Kong. Third country location may also be helpful to take advantage of toe friendly

    trade relations between the third country and the foreign market concerned. Thus, for example,

    Rank Xerox found it convenient to enter the erstwhile USSR through its Indian joint venture

    Modi Xerox. There are several cases of countries not having direct commercial transactions. For

    example, it was true of Israel and Arab Countries. In the past, government of India did not permit

    trade with South Africa and Mauritius.

    10. Mergers and Acquisitions

    Mergers and acquisitions (M & A) have been a very important market entry strategy as well as

    expansion strategy. A number of Indian companies have also used this entry strategy. Mergers

    and acquisitions have certain specific advantages: It provides instant access to markets and

    distribution network. As one of the most difficult areas in international marketing is the

    distribution, this is often a very important consideration for M & A. Another important objective

    of M and A is to obtain access to new technology or a patent right. M and A also has the

    advantage of reducing the competition. Mergers and acquisitions may also give rise to some

    problems which arise mostly because of the deficiencies of the evaluation of the case for

    acquisition. Sometimes the cost of acquisition may be unrealistically high. Further, when a

    enterprise is taken over, air its problems are also acquired with it. The success of the enterprise

    will naturally depend on the success in solving the problems.

    11. Strategic Alliance

    Strategic alliance has been becoming more and more popular ininternational business. Also

    known by such names as entente and coalition, this strategy seeks to enhance the long term

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    competitive advantage of the firm by forming alliance with its competitors, existing or potential

    in critical areas, instead of competing with each other. The goals are to leverage critical

    capabilities, increase the flow of innovation and increase flexibility in responding to market and

    technological changes.

    Strategic alliance is also sometimes used as a market entry strategy. For example, a firm may

    enter a foreign market by forming an alliance with a firm in the foreign market for marketing or

    distributing the formers products. A U.S. pharmaceutical firm may use the sales promotion and

    distribution infrastructure of a Japanese pharmaceutical firm to sell its products in Japan. In

    return, the Japanese firm can use the same strategy for the sale of its products in the U.S. market.

    Strategic alliance, more than an entry strategy, is a competitive strategy.

    There are different types of alliances according to purpose or structure. Based on the description

    of the generic forms of coalitions by Michael Porter and Mark Fuller, Magsaysay classifies

    alliances according to purpose as follows.

    1. Technology development alliances like research consortia, simultaneous engineering

    agreements, licensing or joint development agreements.

    2. Marketing, sales and service alliances in which a company makes use of the marketing

    infrastructure etc., of another company, in the foreign market, for its products. This may help

    easy penetration of the foreign market and preemption of potential competitors.

    3. Multiple activity alliance which involves the combining of two or more types of alliances.

    While marketing alliances are often single country alliances, as international firms take on

    different allies in each country, technology development and operations alliances are usually

    multi-country since these kinds of activities can be employed over several countries.

    4. Multiple activity alliance involves the combining of two or more types of alliances. While

    marketing alliances are often single country alliances, as international firms take on different

    allies in each country, technology development and operations alliances are usually multi-

    country since these kinds of activities can be employed over several countries.

    12. Countertrade

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    Although the major reason for the substantial growth of counter trade is its use as a strategy to

    increase exports, particularly by the developing countries, countertrade has been successfully

    used by a number of companies as an entry strategy.

    For example, Pepsi Co, gained entry to the USSR by employing this strategy. Countertrade is aform of international trade in which certain export and import transactions are directly linked

    with each other and in which import of goods are paid for by export of goods, instead of money

    payments. In the modern economies, most transactions involve monetary payments and receipts,

    either immediate or deferred. As against this, countertrade refers to a variety of unconventional

    international trade practices which link exchange of goods - directly or indirectly - in an attempt

    to dispense with currency transactions.


    As with any sound business plan, the first step is doing your homework. Here are ten action steps

    for taking on the world:

    1. Conduct market research to identify your prime target markets.

    2. Search out the data you need to predict how your product will sell in a specificgeographic location.

    3. Update your database rigorously with a view to focusing more closely on those products

    or services which are in demand and dropping those which are not.

    4. Articulate your business plan for accessing global markets.

    5. Get companywide commitment.

    6. Build a web site and implement your international plan sensibly.

    7. Factor in a two year lead time for world market penetration.

    8. Make personal contact with your new targets armed with culture specific information and

    courtesies, professionalism and consistency.

    9. Value the relationship more than the deal; the individual is more important than closing

    the deal under discussion.

    10. Welcome the unknown.

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    Global market opportunities can be defined as increases in market potential, trade and investment

    potential and resource accessibility resulting from globalization. Developments in information

    technology, removal of trade and investment barriers, privatization, and deregulation of trade and

    investment policies have provided firms seeking international markets with tremendous

    opportunities. Such changes in the business environment enable firms to not only access new

    markets but also lower costs by relocating their operations and exploiting cheap resources around

    the world. Firms can outsource their production in various locations to lower their costs. Market

    transactions have also become more efficient due to globalization of technology. These new

    market opportunities have eventually fostered rapid growth in various economic sectors in many

    regions around the world (Graham, 1996). A large volume of cross-border flows of trade,

    investment, and technology during the 1990s and early 2000s is excellent evidence of increasing

    opportunities driven by globalization.

    As discussed earlier, globalization increases market potential, trade and investment potential and

    resource accessibility of firms. It has become easier for firms to outsource their production todifferent locations to gain benefits from location advantage since less trade and investment

    barriers are present in todays global marketplace. Firms are able to reach out and serve many

    new untapped markets around the globe. Liberal movements of financial and human capital also

    facilitate their business transactions. Moreover, advances in communication technology and

    information systems also lower search costs and improve efficiency.

    Hence, it is clear that globalization makes resources necessary for a firms growth and success

    more abundant. Given that these opportunities are likely to enhance the firm performance, thefirst hypothesis of this study can be stated as:

    Firm performance is positively influenced by global market opportunities.

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    Global market threats can be further categorized into 1) global competitive threats and 2) global

    market uncertainty. Global competitive threats are defined as the intensified competition in

    global markets resulting from larger numbers of competitors in the global marketplace. Along

    with higher competition, another threat posed by globalization is global market uncertainty,

    which refers to the increasing complexity and demand uncertainty in the market. These two types

    of global market threats and their hypothesized relationships are discussed in detail in thefollowing sections.



    Due to the emergence of global market opportunities and global market threats, firms have been

    forced to respond quickly to these effects. Unlike other environmental changes, the effects of

    globalization are far more pervasiveaffecting every individual, business, industry, and country

    The environment surrounding business today is characterized as a hypercompetitive

    environmenta faster and more aggressive competitive environment. Major forms of business

    restructuring in response to the dramatic changes brought by globalization include, for example,

    investments in new technologies, downsizing and reengineering, the formation of strategic

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    alliances and networks, and a shift from international and multinational to global and

    transnational strategies. Among these various forms of business restructuring designed to

    manage globalization effects, alliance formation is considered the most remarkable business

    trend of the past decades. Therefore, it is of interest to both academics and practitioners to

    explore how alliances help firms achieve superior international marketing performance in the

    globalization era.

    Since globalization makes alliances an integral part of a firms strategy to better satisfy

    customers and to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, the proliferation of alliances in

    recent years is not surprising. It has become difficult for firms to stay competitive in this era

    without allying with other firms. Moreover, to achieve superior marketing performance in the

    present business environment, firms need to manage relationships with partners, customers, and

    different parties in the value chain. As a result, there has been an increasing trend towards more

    cooperation among firms, both vertically and horizontally. Such inter-firm cooperation is

    especially important for firms to compete in the global marketplace. In order for firms to succeed

    in international markets, they need cooperate with other firms and or governmental agencie.

    Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore whether globalization affects the degree of

    international marketing cooperation of firms participating in co-marketing alliances, a type of

    strategic alliance in which partners cooperate in one or more marketing activities. Specifically,

    we propose to investigate the influence of globalization effects on the degree of firms

    cooperation in co-marketing alliances, and the relationship between such cooperation and the

    firms international marketing performance.


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    Strategies adopted by Various Companies

    How Johnson & Johnson is winning in this environment. Specifically, the shift in economicactivity to developing nations, along with the associated rise of the middle class, which is

    projected to significantly increase levels of consumer spending. How Johnson & Johnson is

    maintaining its competitive edge in a global environment, citing its recent acquisition of Pfizer

    Consumer HealthCare and the geographic expansion of Splenda. The Pfizer acquisition

    effectively doubled the size of Johnson & Johnson's OTC market, with 50% of this market

    now located outside of the U.S. Furthermore, in only five years since its launch, Splenda is

    now distributed in 33 countries worldwide. While the core brand footprint - the look and feel

    of the product - is consistent from region to region, Johnson & Johnson tailors the approach

    and positioning of Splenda to local markets. The company's global reach and focus on local

    market dynamics has enabled it to successfully enter these new markets.

    In addition to learning from keynote addresses, ranging from health and wellness to the evolution

    of market research.

    The "Branding Strategies: The Challenge of Going Global and Staying Local" panel explored

    what marketers can do when expanding product lines globally to protect their brands and

    improve the chances of successfully launching products.

    Rob Warren, Senior Vice President of Global Tequila for Diageo, explains that in taking a brand

    global, the core essence of the brand and what it stands for must remain consistent. However, the

    way that Diageo brings a brand to life for consumers may be tailored to specific cultures.

    Sylvia Lin, Associate Director of Global Oral Care Long Term Innovation for Colgate-

    Palmolive, noted that companies should determine how to gain a competitive advantage in a new

    market. For example, Colgate-Palmolive conducts extensive research to determine whether

    Colgate toothpaste should be marketed in English or in local languages. "In some instances it

    makes sense to leverage the American brand; in others, it simply does not," explains Lin. The

    "Health and Wellness: Trends in a Global Marketplace" panel discussed how marketers can react

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    to and capitalize on health and wellness trends when developing competitive marketing strategy.

    Sharon Fox, Director of Marketing of Beverages at Kraft Foods, discussed a holistic health and

    wellness trend, explaining that customers "desire balance in mind, body and soul; it is not just

    about what they eat, but about overall healthiness." Kraft has developed a Sensible Solution Flag

    for over 500 products that meet specific health related criteria, like 100-calorie-packs and Crystal


    Brian Graybill, Director of Marketing of Tostitos, describes how Frito Lay responded to

    changing consumer preferences by launching its Flat Earth products, snacks that include half a

    serving of fruits or veggies per ounce. He also stressed the importance of engaging children in

    healthier food options. However, Mr. Gray noted that lifestyle is more of a challenge than calorie

    intake with kids. This led Frito Lay to launch "America on the Move," a program dedicated to

    educating children about active, healthy lifestyles.

    The Industry believes that while flavor preferences may vary regionally, philosophies and

    general trends in health and wellness are global in nature. Companies worldwide are addressing

    widespread health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Some People dedicated to

    the media industry, "Ready to Sweep out Traditional Media?" focused on the impact of new

    media such as user-generated media and mobile marketing on consumers' purchasing behaviors.

    The panelists also addressed whether they believe new media will soon supplant traditional off

    -line media.

    Elizabeth Poon, Regional Brand Development Manager for Unilever, believes in the

    effectiveness of new media in developing consumer interaction with a brand. Unilever

    established consumer interaction with its Dove brand through an online contest for women to

    create a 30-second Dove advertisement. The winning video from this popular contest was airedduring the 2007 Oscar broadcast and generated serious industry buzz. According to Ms. Poon,

    "consumers always had power and intent to contribute; only now they have the tools."

    Panelists agreed that while newer media has advantages in its accountability and in the

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    immediacy of results, traditional media still has its place. "It's not a matter of new versus old;

    integration is the bottom line."

    Some other Industry expert explored the changing landscape of market research. Panelists

    discussed how technology, such as online and adaptive surveys, online focuses groups, consumer

    auctions, and data mining have affected the field.

    Dan Salzman, Global Vice President of Marketing Research in Consumer Healthcare for

    Johnson & Johnson, believes that technology has made research faster, cheaper, and allows

    companies to answer questions in non-intrusive ways. In addition, the targeted nature of new

    technologies allows researchers to "no longer seek to get accurate averages, but tailored solutions

    for customers."

    Steve Nollau, Partner of Brado Cuneo Nollau, believes that a cost-saving advantage related to

    technological advances in marketing research. New technology has enabled companies to test

    product concepts at an early stage in the development process, "preventing lots of money from

    being spent on bad ideas and promoting investment in viable ones."

    Last, the effects of the Internet and globalization on consumers, as they are provided increasing

    access to product information, purchase outlets, and overall purchase options. This evolving

    landscape presents both challenges and opportunities in consumer loyalty and retention for the

    retailer, manufacturer, and marketer.


    Consumers in most countries had trouble relating to generic products, so executives instead

    strove for global scale on backstage activities such as production while customizing product

    features and selling techniques to local tastes. Such "global" strategies now rule marketing.

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    Global branding has lost more luster recently because transnational companies have been under

    siege, with brands like Coca-Cola and Nike becoming lightning rods for anti globalization

    protests. The instinctive reaction of most transnational companies has been to try to fly below the

    radar. But global brands can't escape notice. In a research project involving 3,300 consumers in

    41 countries, the authors found that most people choose one global brand over another because

    of differences in the brands' global qualities. Rather than ignore the global characteristics of their

    brands, it's critical for firms to manage those characteristics, because future growth for most

    companies will likely come from foreign markets. Consumers base preferences on three

    dimensions of global brands--quality (signaled by a company's global stature); the cultural myths

    that brands author; and firms' efforts to address social problems. The authors also found that it

    didn't matter to consumers whether the brands they bought were American--a remarkable finding

    considering that the study was conducted when anti-American sentiment in many nations was on

    the rise.


    Day by day, global branding is becoming a bigger challenge. Why? Because it's no longer

    possible to isolate a brand and its reputation. Companies might think you've created an excellent

    strategy for your brand in one local market, only to realize that the rest of the world has access to

    that same local communication. This exposure destroys any possibility of separating your local

    branding strategy from your global branding strategy. This unavoidable exposure of companys

    local brand-building strategy in the international arena is part of the growing difficulties that

    attend global brand building. Related to this complication are the internal issues that arise. For

    example, how can corporations handle the local and global mix in their marketing departments?

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    Is every local marketing department now obsolete? Can local marketing be taken over by a

    single department of centralized marketing functions?

    Such issues are the result of the speed and spread of communications. The Internet has enabled

    every consumer to access every piece of communication in the world. Good old concepts like

    running test markets have been dramatically altered because of the increasing proximity among

    markets. True separation among markets has disappeared.

    When Coca-Cola selected Australia as the test market for the first non-Coca-Cola drink it had

    launched in years, most of the world watched the experiment, and almost as many people

    participated in the experiment from outside the test market. This might very well have been the

    strategy's intention. However, if the objective was to test a new product in a local market, the

    strategy clearly failed.

    Global communication is more or less forcing brand builders around the world to adjust their

    approaches. They're having to forego the strategy that provides local marketing teams with full

    autonomy. So, how should we handle the brand challenge?

    First of all, the local brand is not dead. But some of the activities that are used to promote it are

    now obsolete. I would separate local brand-building activities from global brand-building

    activities on the promotional side, as McDonald's has done. Ronald McDonald is the key in-store

    promotional figure. Very seldom do you see him on television commercials and, when you do,

    you see him publicizing in-store promotions.

    Ronald, very cleverly, has become McDonald's point of differentiation in each market. He

    celebrates Christmas in Northern Europe and the Chinese New Year in Hong Kong. He promotes

    McDonald's wine in France and McDonald's Filet-o-Fish in Australia. But he never appears in

    globally accessible media. McDonald's' global messages come through television commercials.

    The corporation produces local adaptations of these, too. But you can see McDonald's local

    twists are substantially stronger in the in-store promotions than on television.

    The purpose of global brand management is to conceive of and control a brand's global direction,and this is done by defining and communicating the brand's core values. The execution of this

    communication lies in devising and consistently applying a specific style, tone, and image.

    The role of local brand management is to refine the communication of the brand's core values by

    adjusting their execution to communicate meaningfully with each local market. If a local event

    like the Chinese New Year is taking place, it's the local brand-builder's task to ensure the brand
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    leveraging on it. Local brand building depends on an acute awareness of local trends; it's all

    about leveraging knowledge that the international marketing department has no access to or

    sympathy with.

    The global marketing department is the strategic group. The local team is the tactical group. Both

    need to work hand in hand.

    Managing Brands in Global Markets: One Size Doesn't Fit All

    Global companies need global brands to some extent. But global branding is not an all-or-

    nothing proposition. There is a continuum along which firms can decide how global they wish

    their brands to be -- with a single global brand at one extreme and an assortment of nothing but

    local brands at the other. Global and local brands can be part of a successful marketing mix at

    any spot along the continuum. Decisions to use a combination of local and global brands -- what

    the Wharton professors call the "hybrid" approach -- depend on many factors, including

    products, industry, local cultures and the nature of the competition.

    There are "various levels of being truly global. It is not always achievable, nor desirable, to go

    the full extent. Some form of local adaptation may be necessary, either in the product/service that

    is offered or in the positioning relative to competition."

    Big Brands, Big Money

    Which global brands are most valuable? According to the 2004 Business Week/Interbrand

    survey, Coca-Cola tops the list of the 10 most valuable global brands ($67.4 billion), followed by

    Microsoft ($65 billion), IBM ($53.8 billion), General Electric ($44.1 billion), Intel ($33.5

    billion), Disney ($27.1 billion), McDonald's ($25 billion), Nokia ($24 billion), Toyota ($22.7

    billion) and Marlboro ($22.1 billion).

    These brands and others share some common features: They have a consistent name that is easy

    to pronounce; corporate sales are globally balanced with no dominant market; the essence and

    positioning of the brand is the same the world over; they address the same customer needs, or the

    same target segment, in every market; and there is great similarity in execution (pricing,

    packaging, advertising) across cultures.

    What kinds of products do not lend themselves to global brands? Food is one category where,

    literally, differences in tastes from culture to culture compel global companies to adapt to local

    conditions, according to Day. At the other end of the spectrum is a company like Intel, whose

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    1600 Brands

    In a chapter titled "Managing Brands in Global Markets," the authors trace the paths of two

    global brands, Unilever and Music Television Networks (MTV). Both companies exhibit thevarious challenges faced by global firms to sell their products and services worldwide. The

    experiences of these two firms also show that developing brands for global markets is more

    complex and nuanced than Levitt's portrait of an inexorable march toward globalization would


    In the 1990s, Unilever was struggling under the weight of some 1,600 brands in more than 50

    countries. Revenues were lopsided -- 3% of the brands provided 63% of revenues -- and the

    company was not growing. In 2002, Unilever launched a program to reduce its number of brands

    to 400 "core" brands so that it could concentrate its resources on fewer products. The company

    combined branding strategies by placing the 400 in three categories: international brands (such

    as Dove and Lipton), regional brands (such as a spread called Flora in the United Kingdom and

    Becel in Germany), and local brands with strong positions in single countries (including

    Wishbone salad dressing in the United States and Persil detergent in England).

    MTV might appear to be the kind of company that could establish the type of uniform global

    brand that Levitt envisioned. MTV entered Europe in 1987 with pan-regional programs in

    English. Programming was provided to cable operators at no charge, and all revenue came from

    advertising. Within a few years, however, things changed. Advertisers called on MTV to offer

    local programs, either because they could not afford pan-European coverage, their products were

    available only locally, or their products were not uniformly branded in all countries. At the same

    time, strong local competitors emerged, such as VIVA in Germany and MCM in France. MTV

    responded to the change in climate. Today, MTV Europe (MTVE) has a presence in 41 countries

    with multiple languages and formats and nearly 50% local programming.

    For one thing, MTV realized that the local advertising sales market was much bigger than the

    pan-European market. Moreover, changes in technology allowed separate satellite feeds to each

    country. Hence, MTV managed to address local content and advertising concerns, while

    simultaneously leveraging its powerful global brand identity -- the anti-establishment voice of

    young people.

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    Effects of Globalization on Indian Industry started when the government opened the country's

    markets to foreign investments in the early 1990s. Globalization of the Indian Industry took

    place in its various sectors such as steel, pharmaceutical, petroleum, chemical, textile, cement,

    retail, and BPO.

    Globalization means the dismantling of trade barriers between nations and the integration of the

    nations economies through financial flow, trade in goods and services, and corporate investments

    between nations. Globalization has increased across the world in recent years due to the fast

    progress that has been made in the field of technology especially in communications and

    transport. The government of India made changes in its economic policy in 1991 by which it

    allowed direct foreign investments in the country. As a result of this, globalization of the Indian

    Industry took place on a major scale.

    The various beneficial effects of globalization in Indian Industry are that it brought in huge

    amounts of foreign investments into the industry especially in the BPO, pharmaceutical,

    petroleum, and manufacturing industries. As huge amounts of foreign direct investments werecoming to the Indian Industry, they boosted the Indian economy quite significantly. The benefits

    of the effects of globalization in the Indian Industry are that many foreign companies set up

    industries in India, especially in the pharmaceutical, BPO, petroleum, manufacturing, and

    chemical sectors and this helped to provide employment to many people in the country. This

    helped reduce the level of unemployment and poverty in the country. Also the benefit of the

    Effects of Globalization on Indian Industry are that the foreign companies brought in highly

    advanced technology with them and this helped to make the Indian Industry more

    technologically advanced.

    The various negative Effects of Globalization on Indian Industry are that it increased competition

    in the Indian market between the foreign companies and domestic companies. With the foreign

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    goods being better than the Indian goods, the consumer preferred to buy the foreign goods. This

    reduced the amount of profit of the Indian Industry companies. This happened mainly in the

    pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, and steel industries. The negative Effects of

    Globalization on Indian Industry are that with the coming of technology the number of labor

    required decreased and this resulted in many people being removed from their jobs. This

    happened mainly in the pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing, and cement industries.

    The effects of globalization on Indian Industry have proved to be positive as well as negative.

    The government of India must try to make such economic policies with regard to Indian

    Industry's Globalization that are beneficial and not harmful


    Rural Agricultural Marketing - Impact of Globalization: Contract Marketing

    The macro level changes due to the New Economic Policy have had a direct impact in the field

    of agricultural marketing. So the impact of globalization has been highlighted here.

    As a result of globalization substantial investments in new ventures are being made by national

    as well as international corporations. A number of foreign companies are slated to enter the

    Indian market through collaborations with the well known Indian companies like Eagle Agro-

    farms, Maxworth Orchards, etc. It is clear that the wholesaler in the fresh products market as

    well as the processor will prefer contract marketing tie-ups with the farmers for sourcing his

    supply requirements.

    The concept of contract farming is not new to India. Several years back, contract marketing wassuccessfully tried in respect of "Hima peas". 'MARKFED' of Punjab also operated a scheme of

    contract marketing for green peas, Agrecotec proposes to setup country-wide retail network of

    shops for fresh fruit vegetable marketing. ,Direct marketing to consumer is already being done

    by the Mother Dairy through its outlets in Delhi.

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    The successful integration of production and marketing under Apni mandi' scheme in Punjab and

    the marketing managements of 'FRESH' in Hyderabad are clear signs that contract marketing is

    going to be increasingly resorted to in the years to come. Pepsi Foods" also an another example

    of contract farming of potatoes and tomatoes. Under this farming farmers will be producing

    specific varieties or qualities tailored to meet the requirements of the processor or the fresh

    produce market.

    The potential benefits of the contract farming are:- producers can reduce the market risk, post

    harvest losses can be reduced, technology can be transferred to the producers, contract serve as a

    security for increased access to credit by both producers and processors, contract may create a

    greater sense of common interest among the producers and induce greater involvement in group

    activities etc.

    Common problems may be volatility in market price, there is risk that the processors may

    manipulate the quality standards, coordination problems may be there regarding delivery of

    inputs or produce, processors may lack the competence or capacity to deliver the require

    technical assistance, producers may become tied to a contract relationship by virtue of debt,

    specialization, or the disappearance of other markets and may be unable to adjust their

    production activities to changing conditions etc.

    Many of these problems of contract farming will not arise where goodwill and credibility existbetween the farmers and the concerned company.

    Major Areas of Concern in the Rural Marketing Sector

    1. Government should assume a more dynamic role in the field of agricultural marketing that of a

    strong buffer between global forces and local needs.

    2. Emphasize value addition by giving a thrust to agro-processing industries at farm level so that

    the benefit of value addition is transferred to the producer.

    3. There is a need for professionalizing agricultural marketing as a subject of great practical


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    4. Creation of an effective market intelligence network, right from the importer in the global

    market to the producer in the remote corner of the rural India.

    5. Institutional linkages should be emphasized upon to integrate the markets, for easy movement

    of goods and also to facilitate the inter-state trade.

    6. Regular surveys and analytical studies on agricultural marketing should be conducted, so that

    appropriate policy adjustments and refinements whenever necessary.

    7. Decentralization in the marketing system.

    8. To introduce social marketing for bringing about a change in the behaviour and attitude

    through social advertising and social communication. Some fertilizer companies and commercial

    banks are taking up Village Adoption Programme under the social marketing.

    9. A design frame work for information technology based Agricultural Marketing Network is

    essential. Computer installations at State as well as district marketing boards enhances the

    availability of trade information.

    10. Economic incentives should be offered to the farmers to encourage them during low

    economic conditions.

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    Research in a common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Research can also be

    defined as scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on the specific topic. So

    research means careful investigation on inquiry especially through search for new fact in branch

    of knowledge. Research is an academic activity and as such as term should be used in a technical

    sense. Research comprises defining and redefining problem, formulation hypothesis or

    suggested solution, collection, organizing and evaluating data, make deduction and research

    conclusion and careful testing the conclusion to determine whether they fit or not . Research

    purpose is to discover answer to question through the procedure of scientific procedure.

    Research Design

    The study is descriptive and empirical in nature with applied bias.

    Descriptive Study:

    Descriptive studies are utilized when the researcher attempts to describe the state of affairs

    without controlling the variables causing change. This study includes the survey and fact finding

    inquires of different kind. The major purpose of descriptive research was description of the state

    of affairs that exists in Globalization and its marketing strategies.

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    Empirical Studies:

    An empirical research relies on experience or observation alone often without due regard for

    system and theory. It is the data research coming up with the conclusion which is capable being

    verified by observation and experiment.

    Analysis Pattern

    The nature of the project is of the subjective nature so for the analysis of the available data, the

    use various statistical and mathematical and graphical techniques was not required. There were

    no additional statistical and technical tool were considered for suitability of the procedure &

    problem in order to achieve the desire objective. The study was of the qualitative aspect not the

    quantitative. All the data was collected through interviews a secondary data so not tool were used

    It has been found that firms from emerging economies usually possess characteristics which

    distinguish them from those of developed economies. Therefore, empirical investigations on the

    relationships among globalization effects, degree of co-marketing alliances, and performance of

    firms from India and other countries, which possess different backgrounds and characteristics,

    are undertaken by secondary data approach.

    In Secondary data, external research was done through Internet website & published books

    were consulted.

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    Local success on a global scale


    Much of the debate about global branding has centered on the question of whether global brands

    should attempt to speak with one voice around the world, or whether they should adapt to local

    cultures. A popular strategy for many brands has been to globalize logos, brand names and

    trademarks, while introducing product variations at the local level. But a few global brands have

    gone the extra mile and achieved what must be the best of all possible worldsacceptance as

    local brands nearly everywhere they do business. Most of the brands that have achieved

    multilocal status have been around for awhile, although the tie-in is not completely obvious.

    One modern American brand that has achieved widespread local acceptance overseas is

    McDonald's. The American fast food chain has become such a routine part of the landscape in

    parts of Asia, for example, that