glory belongs to those who sacrifice for great visions


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Page 1: glory belongs to those who sacrifice for great visions
Page 2: glory belongs to those who sacrifice for great visions

glory belongs to those

who sacrifice

for great visions

Page 3: glory belongs to those who sacrifice for great visions

ORIGIN OF THE NAME “ALBANIA”• Albania is synonymous with the word Albanoi .

Its name, which means today's Albania is derived from an Illyrian tribe, which is about the 2nd century AD, lived between Durres and Mat.

The origins of the Albanian nation apparently occurred at the time when the Albanian people aware that they shared a common ground, name, language, and cultural heritage.

(Linguists have determined that the name "Albania" is derived from adverbs "shqip", meaning "clear“ meaning "speak clearly"):

This name replaces the old name Arber during the XVI and XVII centuries. The hypothesis of the origin of the name "Albanian", or "eagle," then "Albania" - "land of the eagle" is a romantic hypothesis that does not comply with scientific reality.

Albanians belong to one of the oldest nations of Europe.

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Albanians experienced the glory, in the era of Skanderbeg, the era that illuminated the path to freedom through the darkest centuries of slavery.

This era served as illuminated castle that showed the street to the freedom for Albanians.

This testament of the great Skanderbeg Albanians held as a covenant to protect Albanian land sacrificed their fore being, for the flag raised by Gjergj Kastrioti, Skanderbeg (Skenderbeu) on November 28th 1443.

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The first attempts (after those of the period Skanderbeg century. XV) for

termination of Albania from Ottoman rule and the formation of Albanian state

was made on the eve of the Renaissance era, the end of the century. XVIII and

beginning of the century XIX.

Albanians showed again their tendencies to break from Ottoman Empire.

Distinguished writers of this era were:

Naim Frasheri, Jeronim de Rada, Aleksander

Stavre Drenova (Cajupi),Ndre Mjeda,

Asdreni, etc.

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Falls, collisions, increasing the national awakening was not stopped for centuries, until November 28, 1912 after much suffering and struggle, after many heroics of brave warriors of Albania, a trembling hand of the old Ismail Qemali unfurl the national flag with dignity, this symbol of the god of love, for Albanians

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Albania was declared independent in Vlora on 28th November 1912 by Ismail Qemali.

83 delegates from all Albanian territories attended the Declaration of Independence.

Immediately after independence Assembly of Vlora, formed the first government

of independent Albania run by Ismail Qemali.

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History of creation for Albanian Kingdom relates to the process of national independence, the emergence of Albania as a subject of international law and the establishment state. Albanian Kingdom arose only in the second quarter of the twentieth century, more in 1928, ie, nearly a century later that the neighbors.

1st Sept. 1928. Albania for the first time converted into a monarchy. Ahmet Zogolli was the founder of the kingdom, proclaiming himself king. It was declared by parliament "Zog I, King of Albanians". After that he changed his name making Zogu. Kingdom was declared constitutional, parliamentary and hereditary.

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National Liberation War was the war waged between the Albanian partisan forces and the invading Nazi-fascist armies during World War II in Albania during 1939-1944.

National Liberation Movement was the primary organization War World II resistance

against invaders.

Anticommunist forces in cooperation with neighboring countries organized anticommunist movements in northern provinces of Albania

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After the end of World War II, the communist dictatorship established in Albania. According to communist theory collective system without private property can be achieved by destroying the existing system through proletarian revolution or armed struggle.

According to this theory, the driving force of society was the class struggle which was eternal. After the revolution, strengthening and perpetuation of new power realized through the dictatorship of the proletariat, which means establishing violence instead of reason, freedom isolation, lack of law over the rule of law.

To realize the dictatorship of the proletariat arose oppressive institutions and organizations, mainly “hidden” ones, authoritarian and intimidating. Thousands of people were executed or died in inhuman prisons, there are those that emerged from prison after 20 to 25 years, simply for political reasons.

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All this isolation and oppressive propaganda that was accumulated for 50 consecutive years in the early 90 culminated with wide popular movement against the communist system.

The opening of embassies and student movement of December 1990 were the first signs of courage against 50 years old dictatorship.

With the motto "We want Albania like Europe" hundreds of thousands of students in Tirana in the cold night of 8th December 1990, will rise up against the communist system with two legal requirements: "Freedom and Democracy".

Aspiratat e “Lëvizjes Studentore 90” ishin ngritja në vend e një sistemi vlerash evropiane, pluralizmi politik, integrimi në Evropë dhe mbi të gjitha arritja e demokracisë.

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Students turned the town "student" in the cradle of the great turn, where hundreds of students and professors at the University of Tirana, Academy of Arts, became the initiators of peaceful protests that brought little later decline of party system and the emergence of pluralism and democracy.

Among the leading exponents of this revolt took the eye Azem Hajdari.

On April 2nd, 1991 in Shkodra protest to oppose the election results were killed 4 young. Arben Broci Bujar Bishanaku Nazmi Kryeziu, Besnik Ceka,

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Kosovo continued movement of freedom for Albanian National Unification.

They continued uninterrupted struggle against Slavia barbaric. These were the sons and daughters of Albanians was not tired, was not disappointed, did not give in, refused to say enough, because they were aware that the freedom of the Albanian national unity, for our beloved Albania holy, never sacrifices not excessive.

These sublime effort for freedom and dignity were followed by the popular uprising which was led by the sons and daughters the best among them Adem chief architect of the Kosovo war.

“War is not the threshold of the home, the war was not the target of the last yard of the village or mountain sinori front, war is broader than that, and for far more fundamental reasons for which it is worth the fight and to sacrifice”.