

Upload: stangacrema

Post on 10-Aug-2015




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A● Antera: Anthers;

● Flower's reproductive part.

● Arare: Till;

● Prepare for planting.

● Avversità: Disease;

● Sickness.

● Acqua: Water;

● Agricoltore: Farmer;

● Person, work, one who works the land.

B● Bucce: Glume;

● The casing that protects the seed.

● Brattee: Ear wing;

● Leaves that protect the flowers and inflorescences during their growth.

C● Coltivare: Farmer;

● Person, work, one who works the land.

● Coltivazione: Plantation;

● Cultivated land.

● Concimare: Fertilize;

● To supply soil or water with mineral and organic

nutrients to aid the growth of plants

D● Diserbare: Weeding;

● To clear of weeds.

E● Ettaro: Hectare;

● Area: 10,000 square metres.

F● Farina di mais: Corn Flour;

● We're used to hearing the term “cornmeal” rather than corn flour. Cornmeal is general coarser, but corn flour also exist, and can be used in all manner of foods. Make sure to buy whole corn flour instead of degermed, if you want the goodness of the whole grain.

● Foglia: Flag leaf;

● Uppermost leaf of the plant



I● Internodi: Tassel internode;

● Central axis, comprised of nodes and internodes.

● Irrigare: Irrigate;

● Water with ditches or pipes.

● Irrigazione: Irrigation;

● Farming: watering land.

● Infestante: Infested;

● Wild plant that bothers to working.




M● Mais: corn;

● Cereal plant ( Zea Mais ) of the family poaceae. it originated in the new world and has been introduced globally. Corn is used as livestock feed, as human food, and as raw material in industry.

● Mais dolce: Sweet Corn;

● Sweet corn is picked when immature, at what's called the “milk stage”, and is enjoyed as a vegetabl, rather than being left to dry and consumed as a grain. Sweet corn always has a even number of rows. Count them and see for yourself!

● Mais da popocorn: Popcorn;

● grains with a hard,moisture-resistant hull surrounding a dense pocket of starch will pop when subjected to heat, because steam builds up inside the hull. while some other grains, like amaranth and sorghum, can also pop, popcorn is the most "explosive". not just any corn will pop - popcorn is cultivated as a special variety

● Mais dentato: Dent Corn;

● Dent corn is so-called because of the dent, or dimple, that forms in the top of each kernel as it begins to dry out. also known as field corn, dent corn is the work-a-day corn that's used for animal feed, for making corn syrup, and for everything from fuel to biodegradable plastics. dent corn is higher in starch and lower in sugar than sweet corn

● Maturazione: Maturation;

● The final differentiation processes in biological systems.

● Malattie: Disease;

● Plant Pathology a corresponding condition in plants.

● Macinazione: Grinding;

● Controlled process of reduction of the

particle size of a solid material.

● Mulino: Mill;

● Machine to grind the corn is ground by a large wheel. By means of a device in viteviene adjusted the height of the mill, and then the fineness of the flour.

● Macina: Grinder;

● Tool for grinding.

● Macchinari: Machinery;

● The working parts of a particular machine.



P● Pennacchio: Tassel;

● A flower or group of flowers at the top of cornstalk

● Pannocchia: Ears;

● Seed bearing spike of corn.

● Paratoie: Floodgates;

● Mobile walls of wood or iron, which by sliding

vertically in special joints open or close the entry

of water in a channel.


R● Ruota idraulica: Waterwheel;

● Machine designed to make use of the motive power limited waterfalls.

S● Seta di mais: Tassel floret;

● Hair-like stigman on end of ear of maize.

● Seta: Silks;

● Hair-like stigman growing on ear of maize.

● Seminare: Seed;

● Scatter or bury the seed.

● Selezione: Selection;

● The act of choosing something or someone from a group.

● Salto: Drop;

● In hydraulics is the height difference between two points of a watercourse.

T● Tonnellata: Tonne;

● A unit of mass equal to 1000 kg.

● Trattore: Tractor;

● A powerful motor-driven vehicle with large, heavy treads, used for pulling farm machinery.

● Tramoggia: Opper;

● Cash sloping bottom for the discharge of loose material.


V● Varietà: Type;

● A class or category of things or persons sharing characteristics.