go green bonus resources: creation care and conservation

1 Bonus Resources Creation Care and Conservation: General Information and Inspiration Many thanks to Stephanie Pendergrass, a Christian biologist/chemist and dedicated Blessed Earth volunteer, who researched and compiled the major- ity of this resource list. We are grateful! Web Sites http://www.creationcare.org An evangelical environmental network that seeks to educate, inspire, and mobilize Christians to be faithful stewards of God’s creation. http://www.coejl.org A coalition concerned with environmental problems and Jewish life issues. http://www.aecunity.net The Arizona Ecumenical Conference sponsors a Caring for Creation Conference each year, with the goal of inspiring and mobilizing Christian communities to build a just and sustainable future for all God’s creation. http://www.nccecojustice.org National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs. Believing that God calls us to be stewards of his creation, this organization seeks to make churches more environmentally friendly and helps to protect God’s creation for current and future generations. http://www.treehugger.com This site contains guides and tips for “going green” in all aspects of life such as home, community, work, school, etc.

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Go Green Bonus Resources: Creation Care and Conservation


Page 1: Go Green Bonus Resources: Creation Care and Conservation


Bonus Resources

Creation Careand Conservation:

General Informationand Inspiration

Many thanks to Stephanie Pendergrass, a Christian biologist/chemist and dedicated Blessed Earth volunteer, who researched and compiled the major-ity of this resource list. We are grateful!

Web Siteshttp://www.creationcare.org An evangelical environmental network that seeks to educate, inspire, and mobilize Christians to be faithful stewards of God’s creation.

http://www.coejl.org A coalition concerned with environmental problems and Jewish life issues.

http://www.aecunity.net The Arizona Ecumenical Conference sponsors a Caring for Creation Conference each year, with the goal of inspiring and mobilizing Christian communities to build a just and sustainable future for all God’s creation.

http://www.nccecojustice.org National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs. Believing that God calls us to be stewards of his creation, this organization seeks to make churches more environmentally friendly and helps to protect God’s creation for current and future generations.

http://www.treehugger.com This site contains guides and tips for “going green” in all aspects of life such as home, community, work, school, etc.

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http://www.natureconservancy.com (also conserveonline.org) An online resource for the global conservation community to fi nd and share innovations and lessons learned for the practice of conservation.

http://www.environment.about.com Check out updates and blogs on current environmental issues and newsworthy political actions or events related to the environmental protection movement.

http://www.cesc.montreat.edu/ A Christian environmental Web site to educate people about the appropriate biblical response to the disregard of God’s creation.

http://www.christian-ecology.org.uk/ Christian Ecology Link, a multidenominational UK Christian organization for people concerned about the environment.

http://www.nacce.org Network Alliance of Congregations Caring for the Earth is an ecumenical, voluntary, tax-exempt organization whose purpose is to encourage Christians in the work of healing the damaged earth, out of a common concern and love for God’s creation.

http://www.earthministry.org The Web site of Earth Ministry. This organization was formed to inspire and mobilize the Christian community to play a leadership role in building a just and sustainable future for all of God’s creation.

http://www.arocha.org A Christian conservation organization whose projects are cross cultural in character and share a community emphasis, with a focus on science and research, practical conservation, and environmental education.

http://www.env-steward.com Minnesota Episcopal Environmental Stewardship Commission (MEESC). This is a forum for environmental spirituality with a focus on worship, discussion, and various environmental projects.

http://www.targetearth.org The Web site of Target Earth, a national movement of Christians refl ecting a commitment to stewardship of creation. It addresses ecosystem degradation and provides service to the poor in fi fteen countries.

http://www.the regenerationproject.org The Regeneration Project is an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and faith. Projects include the promotion of renewable energy, energy effi ciency, and conservation.

http://www.letstendthegarden.org Boise Vineyard Church believes that environmental stewardship is a biblical mandate and a commission from God. The Christian life is one of action and stewardship that leaves the world a better place.

http://www.action.sierraclub.org Sierra Club Action Center contains listings and links to environmental news and tips for reducing the human footprint and protecting the fl ora and fauna of the earth.

http://www.wecansolveit.org Part of the Climate Project, a Web site dedicated to educating people about environmental issues, solving the global warming climate crisis, and repowering America with clean electricity within ten years.

http://www.careofcreation.org/home Care of Creation, a Christian environmental organization seeking to awaken and mobilize the church to care for God’s creation

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Resources 3

in the face of environmental crises that are devastating vast areas of the world and hurting our brothers and sisters.

http://www://thedailygreen.com Tips and news related to the green revolution.

http://www.nwf.org The Web site of the National Wildlife Federation, an organization dedicated to protecting wildlife from global warming, climate change, and abuses by humans.

http://www.christiansandclimate.org The Evangelical Climate Initiative is a campaign to advance sound and moral climate change policy, motivated by the values and principles derived from faith in Jesus Christ and the conviction that we are called to protect God’s creation. The site contains educational materials and calls to action for public offi cials and evangelical leaders.

http://www.ausable.org The Au Sable Institute of Environmental studies is a Christian institute integrating the knowledge of creation with biblical principles for the purpose of bringing the Christian community and the general public to a better understanding of the Creator and stewardship of God’s creation.

http://www.usccb.org/sdwp/ejp/ U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Environmental Justice Program calls Catholics to a deeper respect for and care of God’s creation.

http://www.unep.org United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN’s leading environmental organization and cosponsor of the IPCC.

http://www.worldwatch.org Worldwatch Institute is an independent research organization focused on the twenty-fi rst century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty. Priority programs include building a low-carbon energy system, creating a healthy future for agriculture, and developing a sustainable global economy.

http://www.ucsusa.org The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofi t working for a healthy environment. They combine independent scientifi c research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure responsible changes in government policy, corporate practices, and consumer choices.

http://www.grist.org Grist is an online source of daily environmental news and analysis.

http://www.environment.nationalgeographic.com Information on a wide variety of environmental topics.

http://www.nationalgeographic.com/preserveourplanet National Geographic’s Web site with resources for preserving planet Earth.

http://www.nrpe.org The National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE) was founded in 1993 to weave the mission of care for God’s creation across all areas of organized religion. Their faith-based environmental programs refl ect spiritual and biblical teachings.

http://www.covchurch.org The Evangelical Covenant Church wrote the “Resolution on Creation Care” in 2007 expressing urgency for improving and changing how we practice “creation care” for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the oceans we fi sh, and the land we cultivate.

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http://www.nrdc.org/media This Web site contains all the Natural Resources Defense Council’s latest press releases, as well as links to blogs and other Web sites about going green.

http://www.riverwired.com This Web site is full of “green” resources including the latest environmental news, money savers and products, and transportation issues.

http://www.theecoseekers.com On this Web site you can order the book The Land of Curiosities, which is a fi ctional eco-adventure of a family exploring Yellowstone Park who learn to protect each other and the environment. Curriculum for this fi rst book and upcoming books in the series are also available for teachers.

PeriodicalsCreation Care Magazine This publication of the Evangelical Environmental Network is located online at http://www.creationcare.org/magazine and contains articles on creation care and stewardship.

http://www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/archives.php Discusses current environmental issues through e-mail and blogs.

Earth Keeping News The Weblog of the Network Alliance of Congregations Caring for the Earth (http://www.nacce.org).

Earth Letter The Earth Ministry’s minijournal that highlights environmental spirituality, theology, and actions as well as refl ections on the Christian call to care for all creation.

Sierra (http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra) The magazine of the Sierra Club with articles and columns promoting conservation and environmental ideas to protect the earth.

Articles“Pope Says World’s Resources Being Squandered” (Rohan Sullivan, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25706062). The world’s natural resources are being squandered in the pursuit of “insatiable consumption,” said Pope Benedict XVI in a speech in Australia. He urged believers to care more for the environment and reconnect with the principle of peace.

“Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action” (http://www.christiansandclimate.org/learn/call-to-action/). A published document of the Evangelical Climate Initiative stating that (1) human-induced climate change is real; (2) the consequences of climate change are real and will hit the world’s poor the hardest; (3) Christian moral convictions demand our response to the climate change problem; and (4) the need to act is urgent.

“Action Suggestions: Evangelical Environmental Network” (http://www.creationcare.org/resources/sunday/actions.php). Various resources and suggested actions to help churches, homes, schools, and workplaces engage in creation care.

“The Greatest Failure of Thought in Human History” (Bob Doppelt, http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/08/27-16). The author explains that attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will fail unless humans alter their thinking and behavior regarding the insatiable use of fossil fuels, resource gluttony, massive waste emissions, etc., that are damaging our ecological and social systems.

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Resources 5

“Earth Ministries New Strategic Plan” (http://www.earthministry.org/strategic_plan.htm). A mission statement to inspire and mobilize the Christian community to play a leadership role in building a just, sustainable future stressing these core values: (1) It is a just and moral imperative to address the degradation of God’s sacred creation; (2) all life on earth is interdependent; (3) there is divine presence in all creation (all life is sacred); (4) we must have respect for diversity and inclusiveness; (5) there must be sustainability and integrity for a just future for all, with local accountability; and (6) we must implement ecological economics (determining the true costs of doing business in terms of ecological degradation), not the current economic systems where power is concentrated in a few wealthy persons.

“Scientists and Evangelicals Initiative” (http://www.chge.med.harvard.edu/programs/unite/index.html). A new program of the Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment designed to develop relationships of trust and mutual respect and understanding between the scientifi c and evangelical communities, with the goal of protecting global environments. Together this group released an “Urgent Call to Action” statement.

“Inconvenient Christians: Restoring Eden.” Young evangelicals heed the call to direct action on climate change. Short video link (http://www.restoringeden.org) describing how to love, serve, and protect God’s creation.

“Creation Stewardship, A Conversation with Tri Robinson,” Today’s Pentecostal Evangel, September 9, 2007 (http://www.pentecostalevangel.ag.org/Conversations2007/4870_Robinson.cfm).

“Caring for All Creation” (Earth Ministry). A four-part program encouraging both individuals and communities of faith to live in loving community with all of God’s creation.

BooksAnd God Saw That It Was Good (Drew Christiansen, S. J., and Walter Grazer, eds; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1996). This book explores Catholic theology and how it relates to the environment.

Ecotheology (David Hallman, ed.; WCC Publications, World Council of Churches, 1994). This book is a watershed in the Christian attempt to deal holistically with our environmental crisis.

Saving God’s Green Earth (Tri Robinson, Ampelon Publishing, 2006). A description of how the Boise Vineyard Church rediscovered its responsibility to environmental stewardship.

The End of Nature (Bill McKibben, Random House, 2006). One of the fi rst books to sound the alarm about environmental degradation and the negative effects of global climate change. This book is quoted often by environmental and faith-based groups.

A Spirituality of Resistance: Finding a Peaceful Heart and Protecting the Earth (Roger Gottlieb, Rowman & Littlefi eld Publishers, Inc., 2003). A discussion of the challenges of living a spiritual life during environmental upheaval.

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Ecological Healing (Nancy Wright and Donald Kill, Orbis Books, 1993). An ecologically sensitive view of the Christian vocation that spiritually lowers the barriers between matters of earth and spirit and provides an integral environmental ethic. The authors link the human need for social and economic well-being to the care of the earth.

Serve God, Save the Planet (Matthew Sleeth, Zondervan, 2007). An inspirational book designed to help people of faith learn practical ways to fulfi ll their call to be stewards and caretakers of God’s beautiful creation.

Pollution and the Death of Man (Francis A. Schaeffer, Crossway Books, 1992). A profound treatise of biblical perspective on the environment, this book is insightful, instructive, convicting, and reasonable. The Bible is clear: we were meant to exercise godly stewardship over the earth.

Our Father’s World: Mobilizing the Church to Care for Creation (Edward Brown, InterVarsity Press, 2008). A book that offers a biblical framework for creation care as well as being a practical guide for students, churches, missions, and ordinary Christians.

Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crisis, and a Revolution of Hope (Brian McClaren, Thomas Nelson, 2007). This book asks two essential questions: what are the world’s top crises and what do the life and message of Jesus say to those global crises?

Missionary Earthkeeping (Calvin B. DeWitt, Mercer University Press, 1993). A call to Christian missionaries to not only spread the word of God but to also be active in making sure God’s creation is not subjected to degradation and defi lement.

Earthkeeping in the Nineties: Stewardship of Creation (Loren Wilkerson, ed., William B. Eerdmans, 1991). A classic text on environmental stewardship.

The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say about the Environment? (Calvin DeWitt, Baker Publishing Group, 1991). A collection of essays on the importance of the environment in the Bible.

Earthwise: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues (Calvin DeWitt, Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2007). Discover how Christians can play a crucial role in maintaining the environment as stewards of God’s creation.

The Just Stewardship of Land and Creation: A Report of the Reformed Ecumenical Council (Calvin DeWitt, Reformed Ecumenical Assembly, Drinah Banda-Nyirenda—Environmental responsibility, 1996).

Caring for Creation: Faith and the Environmental Profession (Calvin DeWitt, et al, Proceedings of the Caring for Creation Conference, King’s University College, May 22–24, 1998, Baker Books). Speaks to the stewardship of caring and serving God’s creation on behalf of the Creator, emphasizing that Jesus came to redeem all creation.

The Greening of Protestant Thought (Robert Booth Fowler, The University of North Carolina Press, 1995). Fowler traces the increasing infl uence of environmentalism on American Protestantism since the fi rst Earth Day in 1970.

All Creation Is Groaning (Carol Dempsey and Russell A. Butkus, eds., Michael Glazier Books, 1999). This book broadens the comprehension of how the Bible and Scripture speak to stewardship in the modern world.

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Resources 7

God Is Green: Ecology for Christians (Ian Bradley, Image, 1992). Ian Bradley recovers the green heart of Christianity—a God who clothes wildfl owers in splendor; who reminds Job of his humble part in the cosmic drama; and sends Christ to ennoble and perfect all of creation.

And God Saw That It Was Good (Drew Christiansen, and Walter Grazer, eds; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1996).

The Travail of Nature: The Ambiguous Ecological Promise of Christian Theology (Paul H. Santmire, Fortress Press, 1985). A historical assessment of the view of nature in Christian theology.

Movies/DVDsAt One with Creation (Eco-Justice Ministries, 1993). A twelve-minute video suitable for a range of ages and audiences, complete with study guide.

Hope for a Renewed Earth (Catholic Telecommunications Network of America). A sixty-minute video that reviews major environmental concerns from a Catholic perspective.

The Greening of Faith: Why the Environment Is a Christian Concern, 2 videos (Cathedral Films and Video). Explores the religious dimensions of caring for the earth. Contains helpful ecumenical perspectives on one of the most pressing and exciting areas of faith and ethics.

Love the Earth and Be Healed (United Methodist Communications Offi ce). A series of six videos, each one containing case studies designed to stimulate theological refl ection.

Visioning for God’s Shalom (Mennonite Media). A thirty-minute, four-part video series targeting the Mennonite community.

Classic Natural Resources and Conservation Films (Quality Information Publishers, Inc.). Sixty-eight minutes of U.S. Dept. of Agriculture archival fi lms stressing the importance of soil management, wildlife management, and pollution management.

Planet Earth: The Interactive DVD Game (BBC Imagination). A game with spectacular footage and incredible facts about our planet that combined make it a great learning tool.

CREATION CARE AND CONSERVATION: INFORMATION AND INSPIRATION FOR CHURCHESWeb Siteshttp://www.eco-justice.org An independent ecumenical agency that helps churches answer the call to care for all of God’s creation and to develop ministries that are faithful, effective, and relevant in working toward social justice and environmental sustainability.

http://www.creationcareforpastors.com Creation Care for Pastors, a Web site designed to serve pastors who are interested in a growing emphasis within the Christian community called “Creation Care”—applying biblical principles of stewardship to the environment.

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http://www.eco-justice.org/CurricReview.asp Contains reviews of sixty-six references encompassing study guides, interactive exercises, and videos to be used in church and school classrooms. This is a service of eco-justice ministries.

Greening Congregations Handbook: Stories, Ideas, and Resources for Cultivating Creation Awareness and Care in Your Congregation (Earth Ministry). A “toolbox” for fostering creation awareness and care in congregations. The handbook has a “greening congregation process” to help develop an enduring, creation-honoring focus within all dimensions of congregational life.

Articles“Toward Sustainable Communities: Resources for Citizens and Their Governments” (Alan Wallace, 2007). An article (download only) from Environments.

“Five Steps To a Healthier and More Environmentally Friendly Church” (Eco-Justice Programs, http://www.nccecojustice.org). Explains how to (1) conduct an energy audit and donate savings to a missions project; (2) use creation friendly landscaping and eliminate the use of pesticides; (3) use environmentally friendly “green” cleaning products; (4) host events that are environmentally friendly; and (5) reduce waste by recycling programs at church, utilizing reusable items (cups, plates, etc.), and using recycled paper for all church documents.

SCRIPTURE AND INSPIRATIONAL QUOTATIONS All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Trans-lation, unless otherwise indicated.

Hymn, “This Is My Father’s World” (Maltbie D.Babcock, 1901), based upon Psalm 50:12: “All the world is mine and everything in it.”

Genesis 2 and Revelation 2: The world begins in a garden and ends in a restored garden.

“These creatures minister to our needs every day: without them we could not live; and through them the human race greatly offends the Creator. We fail every day to appreciate so great a blessing by not praising as we should the Creator and Dispenser of all these things.” St. Francis of Assissi

“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” (Romans 1:20)

“It is time to destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth.” (Revelation 11:18)

“The creation is quite like a spacious and splendid house, provided and fi lled with the most exquisite and the same time the most abundant furnishings. Everything in it tells us of God.” John Calvin

“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on the earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things.” (1 Chronicles 29:11)

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Resources 9

“The creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” (Romans 8:21-22)

“We can gather that all the creatures of the world lead the mind of the contemplative and wise man to the eternal God. For these creatures are shadows, echoes, and pictures . . . and vestiges proposed to us and signs divinely given so that we can see God.” St. Bonaventure

“O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104:24) [Author’s note: Regrettably, I would have to change it to “The earth was full of your creatures.”]

“The power of God is present at all places, even in the tiniest leaf. . . . God is currently and personally present in the wilderness, in the garden, and in the fi eld.” Martin Luther

“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fi ngers—the moon and the stars you have set in place—what are mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4)

“If thy heart were right, then every creature would be a mirror of life, and a book of holy doctrine. There is no creature so small and abject, but it refl ects the goodness of God.” Thomas à Kempis

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” (Psalm 19:1)

“The heavens declare the glory of God not by speaking in voice audible to the sensible ears, but by manifesting to us through their own greatness, the power of the Creator, and when we remark on their beauty, we give glory to their Maker as the best of all Artifi cers.” John of Damascus

“The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to work it and care for it.” (Genesis 2:15, niv)

Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.” (Genesis 1:29-30)

“You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve them all, and the angels of heaven worship you.” (Nehemiah 9:6)

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.” (Psalm 24:1-2)

“Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being. He set them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked.” (Psalm 148:5-6)

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8, niv)

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” (1 Corinthians 10:26)

“For through [Jesus Christ] God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers,

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and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16)

“Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these fi nal days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe.” (Hebrews 1:1-2)

“I have walked at night and gone into your homes and found people dying unloved. Here in the West you have a different kind of poverty . . . a poverty of the spirit, of loneliness, of being unwanted. And that is the worst disease in the world today, not tuberculosis or leprosy, or AIDS.” Mother Teresa

“The little birds singing are a signing of God; the beasts cry unto Him; the elements are in awe of Him; the mountains echo His name; the waves and streams cast their glances at Him; the herbs and fl owers praise Him. Nor do we need to labor or seek Him far off, since each one of us fi nds God within himself (herself), inasmuch as we are all upheld and preserved by His power dwelling in us.” John Calvin

Jesus said, “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” (John 10:10)

“Listen to the sermon preached to you by the fl owers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to glorify the sublimity of that sovereign Artist who has given them being.” Paul of the Cross

“Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. Speak to the earth; and it will instruct you. Let the fi sh in the sea speak to you.” (Job 12:7-8)

“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Heaven’s Armies. . . . Even the sparrow fi nds a home, and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young, at a place near your altar.” (Psalm 84:1-4)

“I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress. . . . Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them.” (Exodus 3:7-8) [Author’s note: God steps in, using people to do something in the world.]

“Praise the Lord from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths, . . . mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all livestock, small scurrying animals and birds, kings of the earth and all people, rulers and judges of the earth, young men and young women, old men and children.” (Psalm 148:7-13) [Author’s note: The psalmist describes creation as an active participant in the worship of God, alongside human beings.]

“May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26) [The Peace of “Shalom”]

GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGEWeb Siteshttp://www.ngm.nationalgeographic.com/climate connections National Geographic Society Web site that contains updates and warnings on climate change affecting world weather patterns, agriculture, water resources, etc.

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Resources 11

http://www.epa.gov/ord/npd/globalresearch-intro.htm The Environmental Protection Agency’s Offi ce of Research and Development’s National Program in Global Change.

http://www.climatescience.gov The Climate Change Science Program that integrates federal research on global change and climate change.

http://www.pewclimate.org Pew Center on Global Climate Change covers news and public policy related to climate issues.

http://www.ipcc.ch Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Web site, with research reports, press information, and presentations. The IPCC was established to provide decision-makers and interested individuals with information about climate change.

http://www.thedailyclimate.com The Daily Climate, a news-feed on climate change from major media outlets.

http://www.drought.unl.edu The National Drought Mitigation Center is the University of Nebraska’s clearinghouse for drought information and monitoring.

http://www.noaa.gov Offi cial Web site of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the leading U.S. agency on atmospheric and oceanic research. Includes the National Weather Service National Hurricane Center.

http://www.nsidc.org The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) conducts research on climate change effects on Earth’s cryosphere.

http://www.usgs.gov U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the multidisciplinary research arm of the U.S. government that also conducts climate change research.

http://www.wmo.ch Web site of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the UN’s lead agency for atmospheric research and cosponsor of the IPCC.

http://www.wri.org The World Resources Institute is a think tank focused on environmental research and practical solutions to climate change.

http://www.sierraclub.typepad.com/mrgreen. “Hey, Mr. Green” is Bob Schildgen, the Sierra Club’s “Answer Guy,” who tackles your toughest questions about climate change and nature as well as offering tips on how to “green up.”

http://www.chge.med.harvard.edu Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment. Oversees projects concerned with the health, ecological, and economic dimensions of climate change.

http://www.cires.colorado.edu Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), a research center studying all aspects of Earth system science.

http://www.ngm.com/climateconnections and npr.org/climateconnections National Geographic Society Climate Connections, National Geographic magazine, and National Public Radio join forces to cover all aspects of climate change.

http://www.npca.org/media_center/podcasts These podcasts from the National Parks Conservation Association have both educational programs on different parks as well as information on the effects of global warming and air pollution on the natural world.

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http://www.christiansandclimate.org/pub/PrayerGuide.pdf A prayer guide for global warming compiled by the Evangelical Climate Initiative. This document contains Scriptures that tell of God’s sovereign power over creation and our roles as stewards and servants.

Articles“Climate Change Futures: Health, Ecological, and Economic Dimensions” (http://www.climatechangefutures.org). Relates climate change to the public health and fi nancial issues impacting developing economies due to ecosystem degradation.

“China Calls for Help on Climate Change” (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GlobalWarming/wireStory?id=4715027). China calls on the technological development of other countries to help them fi ght global warming.

“Atlas Shows Effects of Climate Change on Africa” (Devon Haynie, http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=5039687). The United Nations environment agency revealed a new atlas illustrating the dramatic effects of climate change on Africa. Africa is losing around 10 million acres of forest every year and 55+ tons of soil per 2.5 acres every year.

“Report: Climate Change Linked to National Security” (Pamela Hess, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/06/25/national/w063920D60.DTL&feed=rss.news). Global warming is likely to increase illegal immigration, create humanitarian disasters, and destabilize governments in political hotspots, all of which could affect U.S. national security, according to U.S. intelligence agencies.

“EPA: Smog Could Get Worse with Global Warming” (Dina Capiello, http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Jul10/0,4670,GlobalWarmingSmog,00.html). Global warming could worsen smog and turn what is normally a summer problem into a problem in the spring and fall, especially in the Northeast, Midwest, and mid-Atlantic regions.

Movies/DVDsGod’s Creation and Global Warming. A twelve-minute video detailing the risks of global climate change and why it is a signifi cant religious issue.

Lighten Up! A Religious Response to Global Warming. Video designed to help explain the complex issue of global climate change and offer ideas on what each of us can do to help.

The Human Footprint (National Geographic Channel, 2008). A documentary on the effects humans have had on climate change and global warming. It symbolically depicts how much we consume.

Six Degrees Could Change the World (National Geographic Channel, 2007). Film about how what we consume has ripple effects throughout the earth.

Scientists and Evangelicals Initiative: Trip to Alaska in August 2007 to See the Effects of Climate Change (Trip was fi lmed by PBS and the documentary titled “God and Global Warming” was shown on the TV show NOW on October 26, 2007; http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/343/index.html). Participants witnessed the devastating effects of global warming on Alaska’s rapidly changing environment. Also available as a Podcast.

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Resources 13

The Age of MegaFires (60 Minutes, 2007). This DVD documents megafi res—forest fi res that are ten times bigger than in the past. Over eight million acres have burned with fi res hotter than ever, and global warming is the main culprit.

Alaska and the Rise of Global Warming (HDNet, 2007). From melting glaciers and buckling highways to dying forests, HDNet World Report takes you to the Alaskan wilderness to explore the wondrous beauty and the environmental danger of global warming.

An Earth Story (CustomFlix, 2007). This hour-long video delves into scientists’ expectations for the next century: that the planet will get warmer by 3 to 10 degrees.

Global Warming: Science and Solutions (Ambrose Video Publishing Inc., 2006). A 2-disc (116 minutes) DVD series that examines the science of global warming and presents viable solutions to the problem by examining the scientifi c facts.

Global Warming 2: The Rising Storm (Centre Communications, Inc. 2007). A two-hour- long DVD that examines the scientifi c effect that the burning of fossil fuels has had on our fragile planet. Dramatic shifts in the Arctic landscape and ocean temperatures, along with massive deaths in plant and animal life, are among the factors that confi rm these effects.

Global Warming: The Signs and the Science (PBS Home Video, 2006). An hour-long DVD fi lmed in the United States, Asia, and South America that brings the reality of climate change to life and offers viewers inspiring examples of people who are making a difference in their own communities.

Global Warming: What’s Up With the Weather (NOVA, 2007). Deadly fl ooding in Africa, catastrophic hurricanes in the United States, and record-high temperatures worldwide are documented in this nearly two-hour program. Are these naturally occuring events or is the devastation a result of global warming?

SOS Planet (Sling Shot, 2003). Narrated by Walter Cronkite, this forty-six-minute video illustrates the greatest dangers facing the earth today: global warming, rainforest degradation, and depletion of the oceans.

Too Hot Not to Handle (HBO Home Video, 2006). Over the past one hundred years, especially in America, carbon dioxide pollution has contributed to a dangerous global warming that has adversely affected the earth attested in this nearly hour-long video.

BooksClimate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis (http://www.usgrcp.gov/usgcrp/links/ipcc.htm). This most recent publication of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confi rms that global warming is now “unequivocal” and that human activity has been the cause of rising temperatures worldwide since 1950. For many years, Sir John Houghton (the world’s leading evangelical global warming expert) cochaired the panel; you can hear a video clip on the Web site of his assessment from the 2001 report.

Changing Climate (http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/04/climate/table-of-contents). A special report by NGM that takes an in-depth look at climate change,

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explaining the science and offering solutions. It suggests ways to shrink our carbon footprint and offers sustainable solutions (such as wind and solar power) to meet rising energy needs.

Earth: The Sequel (Fred Krupp, W. W. Norton, 2008). An urgent call to arms about global warming with a positive message profi ling the men and women who are transforming the energy sector.

The Down to Earth Guide to Global Warming (Laurie David and Cambria Gordon, Orchard Books, 2007). A comprehensive resource that readers can use to learn about global warming, the way it affects our planet, and how we can work together to stop it.

Green, Greener, Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-Smart Choices a Part of Your Life (Lori Bongiorno, Pedigree Books, 2008). Describes how we need to make changes in our personal consumption and lifestyle patterns to lessen the impact of global warming and climate change.

Global Warming: The Last Chance for Change (Paul Brown, Readers Digest, 2007). Informs the general public of the consequences from the ongoing increase in atmospheric CO2 and the fallout from continuing to “do business as usual.”

Boiling Point: How Politicians, Big Oil and Coal, Journalists, and Activists Have Fueled a Climate Crisis—And What We Can Do to Avert Disaster (Ross Gelbspan, Basic Books, 2005). Global warming’s threat and how disaster can be avoided.

ECOSYSTEM CONSERVATIONWeb Siteshttp://www.americanrivers.org Advocacy group dedicated to helping communities maximize their river’s value while developing sustainable river conservation solutions. Sponsors the highly successful National River Cleanup campaign.

Articles“Tar Sands: Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel” (http://www.nrdc.org/energy/dirtyfuels_tar.asp). Information from the Natural Resources Defense Council on the devastation to old growth Canadian boreal forests of Alberta, a sprawling area of bogs, rivers, and lakes that is under assault by oil companies who want to extract the oil buried in the tar sands. Obtaining this oil is an extremely polluting and energy intensive endeavor.

“Experts Fear Nation’s Waterways Need Rescuing—from Us” (http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0408/513679.html). Article describes water restoration projects to reverse decades of poor management and efforts to combat the mounting threats of population growth and climate change.

“Costa Rica Plants More Trees to Become Carbon Neutral” (http://www.afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5i2bKUuEBup6sadhjD7nJvpcQCQuQ). In 2008 Costa Rica vowed to plant seven million trees in order to become the world’s fi rst carbon neutral nation.

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Resources 15

“Aspen Trees Starved in Global Warming Experiment” (http://www.physorg.com/news130652378.html). Scientists are working to remove and replace aspen trees with a healthy mix of maple, oak, beech, and pine trees which will be richer in nitrogen and use sunlight more effi ciently, increasing photosynthesis which will use more CO2.

“Standing Army: Fighting Climate Change by Protecting Forests” (http://www.nature. rg/magazine/summer2008/issues/art24668.html) Nature conservancy is working to add forest restoration to the next global climate change agreement. Deforestation causes 17 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions—more than the transportation sector.

“Bitter Waters” (Brook Larmer, http://www.ngm.nationalgeographic.com/print/2008/05/china/yellow-river/larmer-text). Northern China’s lifeline, the Yellow River, has become an environmental disaster due to pollution and overuse. The explosion of factories, farms, and cities along its banks drained and poisoned the river so much that it is too toxic to use for irrigation.

“Damming China’s River Wild” (Austin Ramzy/Liuku, http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1813087,00.html?xid=rss-health). China’s Huadian power company plans to build thirteen dams on the free fl owing Nu River in spite of efforts by Beijing-based environmental groups. The Nu River is a World Heritage site and home to some of China’s richest bio diversity.

“NOAA Report: U.S. Coral Reefs in Severe Decline” (http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2008/20080707_coral.html). Nearly half of the coral reef ecosystems in U.S. territories are in decline because rising ocean temperatures bleach coral and carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels makes the ocean more acidic and corrosive on corals.

“Scientists Study Effect of Rainier Glacier Melt” (Susan Gordon, http://www.usatoday.com/weather/environment/2008-07-21-Scientists-study-debris-fl ow-at-mount-rainier_N.htm?csp=34). Global warming and glacial retreat has increased the risk of rock and mud debris fl ows in rivers around Mount Rainier.

“Researcher Says Gulf Dead Zone Bigger Than Ever” (Michael Graczyk, http://www.americanscientist.org/science/content1/4234). The “dead zone” (oxygen-depleted area) in the Gulf of Mexico is the largest ever in size and longevity, affecting marine life for more than 7,900 square miles. The “dead zone” results from nutrient pollution due to fertilizer runoff.

“Wastewater Often Used in Urban Agriculture” (http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/08/18/11058). Wastewater agriculture contributes greatly to urban food supplies but can also pose health hazards when vegetables are consumed uncooked.

“Researchers Study Mercury in the Great Salt Lake” (Mike Stark, http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=5543963). High levels of mercury have been detected in the Great Salt Lake, a concern to scientists because of the nine million birds that stop there during their migrations.

“At Top of Greenland, New Worrisome Cracks in Ice” (Seth Borenstein, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/08/21/national/a151148D76.DTL). In northern Greenland, an area of the Arctic that previously seemed immune to global

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warming, there is a growing crack and an eleven-square-mile chunk of ice breaking off the massive Petermann glacier.

“Troubled Waters” (Curtis Runyan, http://www.nature.org/magazine/autumn2008/issues/art25525.html). Forty percent of the earth’s oceans have been strongly and negatively affected by pollution and global warming.

“Leaking and Lethal” (60 Minutes, 2006). As a plume of dangerous nuclear waste moves toward the Columbia River, the lifeblood of the Pacifi c Northwest, authorities lose patience with the government’s sixteen-year attempt to clean the site up and get the Hanford waste treatment plant up and running. Fourteen-minute running time.

“California Plants Squeezed by Climate Change” (Jessica Marshall, Discovery News, http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/06/25/climate-change-plants.html). The ecological ranges of approximately two-thirds of the 2,387 plant species found only in California may shrink 80 percent under predicted climate change.

Movies/DVDsBlue Planet: Seas of Life (BBC Warner, 2007). An IMAX fi lm targeting grade school audiences that offers a cautionary warning that planet Earth is a delicate living organism, constantly reshaped and changed by the forces of nature. Forty-two-minute running time.

Earth Aid: Water Conservation (View Video, 1994). The amount of water on the earth for use by humans remains constant, but the amount of people on the planet continues to grow. This twenty-minute video has helpful tips by Ed Begley Jr. for conserving water.

Libby, Montana (Typecast Releasing, 2007). Explores the worst case of community-wide exposure to a toxic substance in U.S. history. Hundreds of people in this small mining town are sick or have already died from asbestos exposure. Nearly two-hour running time.

New Orleans Is Sinking (60 Minutes, 2005). Hurricane Katrina was just the beginning. In this thirtee-minute segment, Tim Kusky, professor of earth sciences and an expert on natural disasters, predicts the city will be below the sea for good in ninety years.

Oil on Ice: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Lightyear, 2005). Connects the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and the confl ict over drilling for oil there to critical decisions America makes about energy policy and transportation choices. Fifty-seven-minute running time.

Our Disappearing Forests (Educational Video Network, Inc., 2004). Overpopulation, industrial pollution, and exploitation are threatening the forests of the world and the people who depend on them. Eighteen-minute running time.

Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series, 11 parts (BBC, 2007). This up-close-and-personal look at the world covers specifi c geographical region or wildlife habitats; the entire planet has been magnifi cently represented by astonishing sights and sounds.

Saving Forest Ecosystems (Educational Video Network, Inc., 2004). The practice of clear cutting forests not only impacts the trees but also the animals that live there. Thirty-fi ve- minute running time.

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Resources 17

BooksGalen Rowell: A Retrospective (Sierra Club Books, 2008). Chronicles the life and work of the late photographer who captured the beauty of the natural world.

Living on the Edge: Amazing Relationships in the Natural World (Jeff Corwin, Rodale Books, 2004). Provides an understanding of the fragile ecosystems of the world and how future generations have the responsibility of insuring the future health of life on planet Earth.

Stolen Water: Saving the Everglades from Its Friends, Foes, and Florida (W. Hodding Carter, Atria Books, 2005). Details how the sugar cane industry’s use of water has damaged the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee, and recommends ending sugar grower subsidies.

Where The Wild Things Were (William Stolzenburg, Bloomsbury USA, 2008). Stolzenburg, a former Nature Conservancy senior editor, investigates the disappearance of some of earth’s most common carnivores and how their absence has upset the delicate balance of predator and prey.

WILDLIFE CONSERVATIONArticles“U.S. Conservation Win (?) in Canada” (Jeff Wells, David Wilcove, and Scott Weidensaul; http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0922/p09s02-coop.html). Ontario’s premier, Dalton McGuinty, announced that 55 million acres will be off limits to development, preventing massive amounts of greenhouse releases, and insuring an abundance of birds for all to enjoy.

“Reckless Conservatism: Risking Polar Bears for Another Oil Well” (Carl Pope, Sierra, September/October 2008, 6; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200809/create.asp). The modern spectacle of vanished forests and fauna, eroded lands, and ruthless and irresponsible use of natural resources has put future generations and the earth in great peril.

“Freshwater Fish in North America in Peril, Study Says” (Seth Borenstein, http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_14595.cfm). A “silent extinction” of North American freshwater fi sh is occurring; four out of ten fi sh species and a number of subspecies are in peril due to global warming, pollution, and damming of waterways.

“The Wolf Effect” (Ted Brewer, http://www.bestfriends.com/allthegoodnews/magazine/063008thewolfeffect.cfm). The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park in 1995–96 has benefi ted the ecosystem, reducing the elk population to the point that the willow trees are making a comeback. This has allowed other species to rebound too (birds, beaver, fi sh, and mountain lion).

“Rare Leopards Found in Borneo Forest” (http://www.mywire.com/a/AFP/Rare-leopards-found-Borneo-forest/7323190?pbl=249&lkt=img). A new population of rare clouded leopards were discovered in isolated forests once decimated by logging companies.

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“Nature Group Says Humpback Whales Recovering” (Bradley S. Klapper, http://climate.weather.com/articles/humpbackwhales081208.html). The humpback whale, nearly hunted to extinction for decades, is making a comeback because of protection from commercial hunters . . . a great conservation success!

“Feds: Common Pesticides Jeopardize Salmon Survival” (Jeff Branard, http://climate.weather.com/articles/salmon081408.html). NOAA Fisheries issued an opinion that three pesticides (chlorpyfi fos, diazinon, and malathion) are present in salmon streams at levels high enough to kill the salmon protected by the Endangered Species Act.

“Venomous Lionfi sh Prowls Fragile Caribbean Waters” (David McFadden, http://www.dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/08/13/red-lionfi sh-caribbean.html). The introduction of escaped red lionfi sh into Caribbean waters, where it gobbles native species, may become the most devastating invasion in an ecologically delicate region.

“Should We Move Species to Save Them?” (Randolph E. Schmid, http://climate.weather.com/articles/species071808.html). With climate change increasingly threatening the survival of plants and animals, it may be necessary to move species to save them.

“Endangered Condors Turning Up with Lead Poisoning” (Noaki Schwartz, http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/2008-06-03-condors_N.htm?csp=34). Endangered California condors are dying from lead poisoning, most likely due to the condors eating animals shot with lead bullets. The state is about to ban hunting with lead bullets to protect the condors.

“Study: Orangutan Populations Declining Sharply” (Michael Casey, http://www.breitbart.com/print.php?id=D91NIC2G0&show_article=1). Orangutan numbers are declining sharply due to illegal logging and the expansion of palm oil plantations by the Indonesian and Malaysian governments.

“Scientists Say Ailing Penguins Signal Sea Problems” (Seth Borenstein, http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=5281944). Penguins, the tuxedo-clad version of “the canary in the coal mine,” have had drop-offs of 50–95 percent of breeding pairs in Argentina and Africa, home to the largest colonies of penguins.

“Global Warming Is Causing the Polar Bear to Become a Threatened Species” (http://www.nwf.org/polarbear/). National Wildlife Federation’s senior scientist, Doug Inkley, testifi ed before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on April 2, 2008, listing the polar bear as a threatened species. The United States Geological Survey scientists project that two-thirds of the polar bear population in the world could disappear by 2050, including all of Alaska’s polar bears. With less sea ice in summer, polar bears are forced to fast longer, resulting in decreased nutrition and the inability to bear and raise their young.

“Scientists: Warming May Be the Greatest Threat to Tropical Species” (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/05/05/national/w140508D79.DTL&hw=warming&sn=004&sc=1000). Tropical species are accustomed to surviving in a small temperature range and thus may not be able to cope with changes of even a few degrees.

Pray for God’s endangered plants and animals. For a current list of endangered species, visit http://www.iucnredlist.org.

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Resources 19

BooksBirding Babylon (Jonathan Trouern-Trend, Sierra Club Books, 2006). A soldier’s journal of bird watching in war-torn Iraq.

Sustaining Life: How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity (E.O. Wilson, Oxford University Press, 2008). This book defi nes biodiversity, how human activity threatens it, and how we as individuals can conserve the world’s richly varied biota. Our health depends on the health of other species and the vitality of natural ecosystems.

Silent Spring (Rachel Carson, Houghton, 1962). A pioneering book that documented the detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment and animals, which led to the ban of the pesticide DDT in 1972. Updated editions are available.

The Lord God Made Them All (James Herriot, St. Martin’s Griffi n, 1981). The charming story of a man’s love for God’s creatures, great and small.

Movies/DVDsExtinction of Species and Global Warming (ABC News Nightline DVD, 2006). In this twenty-fi ve-minute segment of the news magazine, biologists discuss the issue of global warming and its impact on the survival of species.

Squibs Disc 4: In the Environment: Organisms and Ecosystems (Ignite! Learning, 2005). Squibs sets learning in motion for fourth to sixth graders with short animated videos answering questions about organisms and ecosystems. Forty-fi ve-minute running time.

The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (MGM, 2002). A fi lm that illustrates the need for global protection of threatened species and at-risk ecosystems.

The Crocodile Hunter (Animal Planet, 1997–2004)). Attracting a weekly TV audience of 200 million viewers, longtime animal rights advocate and environmentalist Steve Irwin was devoted to protecting threatened ecosystems and educating the public.

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES/ENERGY EFFICIENCYWeb Siteshttp://www.epri.com Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), a nonprofi t organiza-tion that conducts research on technology, operations, and the environment for the global electric power sector.

http://www.eia.doe.gov Energy Information Administration, the statistical arm of the U.S. Department of Energy.

http://www.nrel.gov National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Offi ce of Energy Effi ciency and Renewable Energy. The Web site includes a page of information about renewable energy as well as current research.

http://www.aceee.org American Council for an Energy-Effi cient Economy is a nonprofi t group promoting energy effi ciency.

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http://www.ases.org Web site of the American Solar Energy Society, an organization advancing solar energy, energy effi ciency, and sustainable technology initiatives in the United States.

http://www.awea.org American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), a trade association representing wind power industries, utilities, and consultants.

http://www.eere.energy.gov Energy Effi ciency and Renewable Energy, the U.S. Department of Energy program with tips on making homes more energy effi cient as well as providing information on new energy technologies.

http://www.energystar.gov Energy Star Program provides information on energy-saving appliances, including online calculators and model guides. Produced by EPA and DOE.

http://www.fi ndsolar.com FindSolar.com, an online directory of solar energy system installers.

http://www.iclei.org ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, is an international association of local governments committed to sustainable development.

http://www.ises.org International Solar Energy Society (ISES) supports and promotes solar technology and education worldwide.

http://www.green.ca.gov Green California is the state’s Web site focusing on California’s energy- and emission-reduction initiatives.

http://www.cleanenergy.org Web site of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, a nonpartisan organization promoting responsible energy use in the Southeast United States.

http://www.enocean.com Wireless and batteryless radio sensors that use a tenth of the energy of standard radio controllers.

http://www.dsireusa.org Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and information on federal tax credits.

http://www.nrel.gov National Renewable Energy Lab’s Guide for Energy Effi ciency covers the basics as well as plant selections.

www.energyfederation.org Online energy-effi ciency store.

Articles“City Plans to Convert Human Waste to Energy” (Jim Forsyth, http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSN0937395520080910). San Antonio, Texas, will become the fi rst U.S. city to harvest methane gas from human waste on a commercial scale and turn it into a clean burning fuel.

“The Clean-Energy Bandwagon” (Reed McManus, Sierra, July/August 2008, http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200807/lol.asp). Some big businesses back renewable energy (Dow Chemical, DuPont, Walmart, Target, Home Depot), but the author asks the question, Where is the federal support for renewable energy?

“Cutting Carbon and Still Wrecking the Planet” (http://www.greens.org/s-r/45/45-02.html). Discusses pros and cons of alternative fuel sources.

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Resources 21

“Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy” (http://www.ieer.org/carbonfree/CarbonFreeNuclearFree.pdf). Arjun Malhijani wrote this book for the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER). It sets ambitious zero carbon dioxide goals, puts a hard cap on carbon emissions, and rules out a nuclear fi x, phony carbon credits, and seeks to eliminate subsidies for biofuels made from food crops.

“Neighborhood Energy to Slash Greenhouse Gases” (http://www.spacedaily.com/news/energy-tech-00a.html). Australian households and industries could produce their own green energy supplies using fuel cells, gas microturbines, and other renewable energy technologies.

“Go, Greased Lightnin’” (http://www.magazine.audubon.org/offGrid/offGrid0805.html). A back-to-the-earther shrinks his carbon footprint by driving a truck that runs on food waste (vegetable oil), using goat’s milk to make ice cream, raising his own food crops, and using rooftop solar panels to power his ranch (including a washing machine, laptop, etc.)

“Cool Crowd: Eco League Colleges and Universities” (Lea Hartog and Michael Fox, Sierra, September/October 2008, 28–31; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200809/coolschools/). Lists the top ten eco-friendly colleges and universities with Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, chosen as number one .

BooksEarth: The Sequel (Miriam Horn and Fred Krupp, W. W. Norton & Co., 2009). Documents the need for a race to reinvent energy and stop global warming.

Alternative Energy 101: Intro to Manufacturing Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2004). A manufacturing primer on alternative energy technologies and fuel cells.

The End of Oil (Paul Roberts, Mariner Books, 2005). A book that serves as a wake-up call that oil and other fossil fuels are declining and cannot continue to provide the world’s insatiable appetite for energy. Discusses alternative fuel sources such as hydrogen, solar, and wind power, and describes how fossil fuels are killing millions of people throughout the world.

Movies/DVDsEnergy Crossroads: A Burning Need to Change (Tiroir A Films Productions). With global population and energy demand rising, resource depletion and global climate change have become pressing issues facing humanity. This nearly hour-long documentary exposes the problems associated with our current energy sources and consumption habits and offers concrete solutions for becoming a part of the solution.

Manufacturing Alternative Energy (Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2005). This half-hour program explores new developments in the manufacture of alternative energy systems and how they will impact the energy generation and utilization markets of the future, while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

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Power Shift: Energy + Sustainability (WorldLink Media, 2005). Cameron Diaz narrates a twenty-six-minute overview of current consumption in modern society and some of the problems and solutions associated with it.

Velocity: Exploring Sustainability through Wind Power (Vosswerke, 2004). This thirty-two-minute fi lm shows how wind energy has not only reduced the impact of pollution from burning fossil fuels but has also created billions of dollars of economic improvement across the northern hemisphere.

GOING GREEN AT HOME: REDUCING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT, SUSTAINABLE BUILDING, AND ORGANIC LAWNCAREWeb Siteshttp://www.eere.energy.gov Energy Effi ciency and Renewable Energy, a U.S. Department of Energy program with tips on making homes more energy effi cient and information on new energy technologies.

http://www.rehabadvisor.pathnet.org Energy Effi cient Rehab Advisor from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers guidelines for energy-effi cient housing rehabilitation.

http://www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower The Department of Energy’s green power network, listing what green power is available and at what cost.

http://www.xcelenergy.com Xcel Energy is a low-cost environmentally friendly energy provider available in eight states.

http://www.thegreenguide.com National Geographic Green Guide, online and print magazine offering tips for green living, product reviews, and environmental health news.

http://www.homepower.com Home Power is a do-it-yourself magazine on powering your home with renewable energy.

http://www.usgbc.org U.S. Green Building Council, a nonprofi t organization focused on sustainable building practices.

http://www.boschappliances.com Energy-effi cient appliances that meet Energy Star requirements.

http://www.houwire.com LifeGuard cable is a low smoke, zero-halogen alternative to standard electrical cable that contains fewer toxins and heavy metals.

http://www.solmetric.com The Solmetric SunEye is a handheld electronic device that enables solar installers and green-minded builders to easily measure and calculate solar access onsite.

http://www.creelighting.com LED lighting fi xtures that contain no mercury and use 11 fewer watts than compact fl uorescent downlights.

http://www.alpeneg.com Fiberglass windows that are the highest performing in the world, achieving R-values up to R-10.

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Resources 23

http://www.collinswood.com FreeForm particle board with no UF added; meets tough Phase 1 California Air Resources Board standards for formaldehyde emissions.

http://www.earth-lab.com/carbonprofi le Carbon footprint calculator and resources powered by EarthLab, an online climate crisis community.

http://www.newwaveenviro.com EnviroProducts manufactures a bottle made from 100 percent corn which can be refi lled up to 90 times and then biodegrades in 80 days in a compost pile.

http://www.wateruseitwisely.com/100ways Tips for saving water that are tailored to your region of the country.

http://www.realestatejournal.com/homegarden/20070712-bounds.html Article by the Wall Sreet Journal on organic lawn care.

http://www.safelawns.org Library of how-to videos on organic gardens and sustainable lawn care.

http://www.gardensalive.com; http://www.purebarnyard.com; http://wwwextremelygreen.com Retail Web sites selling organic and eco-friendly lawn and garden products.

http://www.consumersearch.com Comparison shopping for appliances. (Did you know that gas-powered lawnmowers emit as much pollution in one hour as a car traveling 100 miles?)

http://www.greenhomeguide.org Guide with defi nitions, resources, and inspiration for building or remodeling a green home.

http://www.treehugger.com Contains guides and tips for “going green” in all aspects of life such as home, community, work, school, etc.

http://www.homepower.com Web site of Home Power, a do-it-yourself magazine on powering your home with renewable energy.

http://www.cleanair-coolplanet.org/for_communities/green_teams.php Green team groups arrange energy audits, replace lights with energy-effi cient fl uorescent lightbulbs, adjust thermostats according to the season, caulk and seal windows and doors, etc., to save the environment. See examples on this Web site.

Articles“Sierra Club Conservation Initiatives: Be a Part of the 2% Solution” (http://www.sierraclub.org/twopercent/). Global warming is a present-day reality that is occurring faster than predicted. The United States needs to achieve an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 to begin to reverse global climate change. This means we need to cut carbon emissions by 2 percent each year to reach this goal.

“9 Tips to ‘Green-Up’ Your Home” (http://www.loghome.com/naturally_green_log_homes/articles/2862) Use these simple tips to save money and the planet at the same time.

“Climate Change: What You Can Do” (http://www.nature.org/initiatives/climatechange) A list of nine easy things each person can do to help our climate.

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“Best Green Places” (http://www.countryhome.com/greencities/index.html). Country Home magazine rates the top green cities in America using air and water quality, availability of mass transit, the number of farmers markets, organic products, and green-certifi ed buildings as criteria.

“Carbon Confessional: How to Come Clean about Your Greenhouse Gases” (Paul Rauber, Sierra, September/October 2008, 48–49; 72–73; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200809/carbon.asp). Not all carbon calculators are alike; the more questions, the more accurate your calculated carbon footprint becomes.

BooksStuff: The Secret Lives of Everyday Things (John Ryan and Alan Durning; Northwest Environment Watch, 1997). By documenting a day in the life of the average North American consumer, this book demonstrates how clutter and unnecessary “stuff” affects our lives and that of others.

Organic Prayer (Nancy Roth, Seabury Books, 2007). Offers an environmentally aware metaphor for the contemplation of God and our attempts to live in harmony with God’s creation. The experience of caring for creation helps us cultivate and understand more deeply our relationships with each other and with God’s creation.

Simple Prosperity (David Wann, St. Martin’s Griffi n, 2007). Details how our over-consumptive lifestyle is out of sync with our real values and that we can obtain greater contentment by creating vibrant communities, downsizing our houses, valuing our time, and nurturing our health.

The Down to Earth Guide to Global Warming (Laurie David and Cambria Gordon, Orchard Books, 2007). A comprehensive resource that readers can use to understand global warming, the way it affects our planet, and how we can work together to stop it.

Green, Greener, Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-Smart Choices a Part of Your Life (Lori Bongiorno, Pedigree Books, 2008). Describes how we need to make changes in our personal consumption and lifestyle patterns to lessen the impact of global warming and climate change.

The Circle of Simplicity: Return to the Good Life (Cecile Andrews; HarperCollins, 1997). A book full of inspiration to fi nd greater peace and happiness through support groups, as well as tips for slowing down and reconnecting with a community.

Living Simply: An Examination of Christian Lifestyles (David Crean, Eric and Helen Ebbeson, The Seabury Press, 1981).

The Simple Life: A Christian Stance toward Possessions (Vernard Eller; W. B. Eerdmans, 1973).

The Green Gardener’s Guide: Simple, Signifi cant Actions to Protect and Preserve Our Planet (Joe Lamp’l, Cool Springs Press, 2008). This book outlines eco-friendly gardening steps that are both practical and just make sense.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Living (Trish Riley, Alpha-Penguin Books, 2007). Earth-saving tips and solutions for everyday aspects of your life.

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Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness, and the Future of Life on Earth (John Robbins, H. J. Kramer, 1998). Raising livestock is more energy intensive and more costly than raising grain and vegetables.

Green Living: The E Magazine Handbook (E Magazine editors, Plume, 2005). A handbook that spurs consumers to “live lightly on the Earth” by maintaining a healthy home, going organic, fi nding a planet-friendly car, and making socially responsible investments.

Go Green, Live Rich (David Bach, Broadway Books, 2008). How to live in line with your green values and have money in the bank.

The Newman’s Own Organics Guide to a Good Life (Nell Newman, Joseph D/Agnese, Villard Books, 2003). “Hope for the Earth lies not with leaders but in your own heart and soul. If you decide to save the Earth, it will be saved.”

International Ecolodge Guidelines (Hitesh Mehta, International Ecotourism Society, 2002). Landscape architecture for sustainable site planning for eco-friendly lodges, buildings, and homes.

The Green Book (Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas Kostigen, Three Rivers Press, 2007). Tips on how to live “green” in the home, school, and workplace.

Movies/DVDsThe Eco House: Ideas for a Healthier Home (D&A Productions). A half-hour DVD that shows ways to improve indoor air quality, reduce building material waste, and improve the thermal effi ciency of your home.

Gimme Green (Jellyfi sh Smack Productions, 2007). A humorous look at the American obsession with the residential lawn and the effects it has on our environment, our wallets, and our outlook on life. Twenty-seven-minute running time.

How Do I: Energy Effi ciency (How Do I Inc, 2005). Thirty-one energy-effi ciency projects approved by top manufacturers and trade professionals covered in one hundred and sixty minutes.

GOING GREEN ON THE ROAD: ECOSMART VEHICLES AND ALTERNATIVE FUELSWeb Siteshttp://www.whatwouldJesusdrive.org Web site dedicated to reducing CO2 emissions by promoting environmentally friendly transportation. The Web site is a discussion initiated by the Evangelical Environmental Network and Creation Care magazine.

http://www.greenhybrid.com Information and forums on hybrid vehicles.

http://www.cleammpg.com Web site with articles, tips, and forums on improving gas mileage.

http://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles EPA’s green vehicle guide.

http://www.greenercars.org Site with listings of the “greenest” and “meanest” cars.

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http://www.biodieselamerica.com Site to locate retail pumps, distributors, co-ops, etc., for biodiesel fuel.

http://www.biodieselnow.com Learn more about biodiesel initiatives in your area.

http://www.bikesatwork.com Information and sales of bike trailers and a “cost of car ownership” calculator.

http://www.commutesolutions.com Calculate your direct costs per mile, carbon dioxide emissions, and land-use impact of driving to work.

http://www.bicycleforaday.org A charity founded by Matthew Modine to inspire people from all walks of life to join the worldwide movement to reduce global warming and carbon emissions caused by gas-powered vehicles.

http://www.erideshare.com; http://www.carpoolworld.com Connect to a carpool or start one yourself.

Articles“Web Sites Promote ‘Hypermiling’ to Save on Fuel” (http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSEIC07284920080430?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0). Promoted on a number of Web sites, “hypermiling” includes pumping up tires to the maximum pressure ratings, using low viscosity engine oil, and the controversial practice of drafting behind other vehicles to reduce aerodynamic drag. These methods can double gas mileage.

“As Fuel Prices Rise, Some Slow Down” (http://www.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/travel/2004398457_webgasdrive07.html). Letting up on the gas pedal improves gas mileage, as top fuel effi ciencies are achieved between 30 and 60 mph.

“Tapped Out” (Paul Roberts, National Geographic, November 2008; http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/06/world-oil/roberts-text). World oil demand is surging as supplies approach their limit.

“Governors Talk of Moving Beyond Corn-Based Ethanol” (Andrew Welsh-Huggins, http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=5365864). Governors discuss moving from corn-based ethanol because of high food prices.

“National Park in Alaska Tests Hybrid Bus” (Mary Pemberton, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2008/07/18/national_park_in_alaska_tests_hybrid_bus/). Denali National Park offi cials are testing a new hybrid bus for park tours that runs cleaner and less expensively, and is much quieter than carbon-emitting diesel buses.

“Electric Bikes Selling Briskly as Gas Prices Climb” (Dan Strumpf, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26218516/). The surging costs of fuel, coupled with wishes for a greener commute, are leading people to buy electric bikes (two wheeled bicycles with battery assist).

“Biofuel Takes a Beating: Should the Bounty of the Land Fill Your Belly or Your Tank?” (Reed McManus, Sierra, September/October 2008, 20–21; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200809/grapple.asp). Biofuel bashing tends to oversimplify the world crisis, but biofuel production should be moved to lands that cannot grow food or forests.

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“NRDC Advances Plan to Reduce Oil Consumption and Boost Effi ciency” (Nature’s Voice, September/October 2008, 2). The NRDC is undertaking a campaign to pressure Congress to stop big oil’s attempted land grab and to focus on solutions to break America’s addiction to oil. ANWAR represents less than a year’s worth of oil and according to the former administration would only lower the price per gallon of gasoline by four pennies in twenty years.

Movies/DVDsWho Killed the Electric Car? (Sony Pictures, 2006). GM’s electric EV-1 vehicles were so effi cient that they were on the brink of altering the driving landscape of America. This video unravels the puzzling demise of a vehicle that could have saved the environment and freed our addiction to foreign oil.

The Engine Counts (Varied Directions). Five different electric and hybrid car developers present their ideas and explain why electric and hybrid cars are better. Fifty-seven- minute running time.

The Ethanol Solution (60 Minutes, 2006). Can the fuel distilled from corn and other renewable materials one day replace the billions of barrels of oil the United States imports each year? As this thirteen-minute report shows, Brazil has managed to do it.

Historic Oil and Economic Dependence Films (Quality Information Publishers, Inc.). This thirty-fi ve-minute video touches on gas conservation, pollution, and dependence on Middle East oil.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (Main Street Media Inc., 2006). This twenty-fi ve-minute program explores zero-pollution hydrogen fuel cell transportation technology with researchers, professors, and industry experts.

“CARBON CAPTURE”/POLLUTION REMEDIATIONArticles“California Eyes Cattails to Combat Climate” (Steve Lawrence, http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=5538925). Tules and cattails can be gardened to combat global climate change in what is termed “carbon-capture” farming.

“Pollution Curbs Turn Beijing into Urban Laboratory” (Tini Tran, http://www.usatoday.com/sports/topstories/2008-08-03-2066494917_x.htm?loc=interstitialskip). Beijing’s massive experiment to control pollution (by shutting down factories and pulling millions of vehicles off the roads) is offering international researchers the opportunity to study a large-scale remediation in a unique urban environment.

“Chicago Outlines Plan to Slash Greenhouse Gases” (Caryn Rousseau, http://www.enn.com/pollution/article/38231). Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago announces plan to slash greenhouse gases in Chicago to 75 percent of 1990 levels by 2020, eliminating emissions at two coal-fi red power plants, and increasing green rooftops, recycling, and carpooling, as well as encouraging the use of alternative fuels.

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GOING GREEN AT WORK: ECO-FRIENDLY INDUSTRY AND WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTALISMWeb Siteshttp://www.environmentalpaper.org Environmental Paper Network, a group of diverse environmental organizations joined together to support socially and environmentally sustainable transformations in the pulp and paper industry.

http://www.carma.org Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA), a database containing carbon emissions data for power plants and power companies worldwide, produced and fi nanced by the Center for Global Development.

http://www.usgbc.org U.S. Green Building Council, a nonprofi t organization focused on sustainable building practices.

Articles“The State of the Paper Industry: Monitoring the Indicators of Environmental Perfor-mance” (http://www.environmentalpaper.org/stateofthepaperindustry/). A collaborative report by the steering committee of the Environmental Paper Network. This article is a comprehensive resource for advancing a more responsible paper industry.

“U.S. Rushes to Change Workplace Toxin Rules” (Carol D. Leonnig, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/22/AR2008072202838.html). Political appointees in the Department of Labor are moving quickly to push through a rule to make it tougher to regulate worker and environmental exposures to chemicals and toxins.

Movies/DVDsA Passion for Sustainability (Landfall Productions, Inc., 2008). Imagine a world where nurturing the health of the planet is the catalyst for global fi nancial success and social stability. Using a sustainability tool called The Natural Step, business owners in Portland, Oregon, did just that. They based their business plans on environmental sustainability and began the journey to create businesses that would be responsible for earth’s natural systems while building economic growth. Eighty-minute running time.

RECYCLING/WASTEWeb Siteshttp://www.earth911.org A resource Web site to determine what can be recycled in your area.

http://www.eco-cycle.org A Web site dedicated to “working to build a zero waste community.” Includes information on how to reduce or eliminate junk mail delivered to your home, educational tools for hosting “zero waste” events, and information about recycling various materials in your community.

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http://www.optoutprescreen.com Web site to get your name removed from the mailing list of credit card companies and insurance companies.

http://www.dmaconsumers.org Web site that enables you to manage your mail by being removed from the lists of direct marketers.

Articles“Recycling Is Working in the U.S.” (http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/index.htm). Describes how recycling is benefi tting the United States.

“Trashed” (http://www.audubonmagazine.org/features0805/technology.html). Every year Americans dispose of an estimated 130 million cell phones, and untold tons of printers, computers, copiers, keyboards, TVs, VCRs, scanners, and digital cameras. Discarded electronic equipment accounts for 70 percent of heavy metal contamination (lead, copper, mercury, arsenic, zinc, etc.). Most of this hazardous “e-waste” is shipped off to poorer nations with little environmental and health regulations, where the toxic metals cause enormous environmental damage.

“Best Buy Testing Free e-Waste Recycling Program” (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24919741/). Under pressure to help dispose of the some of the electronic waste (e-waste) that it created, Best Buy is experimenting with a program to allow customers to drop off old TVs, computers, and other unwanted electronic gadgets free of charge to keep them out of garbage dumps.

Movies/DVDsEarth Aid: Recycling (View Video, 1994). Every day people dispose of 19 million bottles and jars, 46 million cans, and 25,000 televisions, creating pollution and health hazards. This seventeen-minute video shows how recycling conserves the earth’s energy while reducing the amount of pollution in the environment.

E-Waste (ABC News Primetime, 2006). As trendy new technology is released, hundreds of millions of old computers, monitors, and TVs become obsolete every year. Toxic components like lead, mercury, arsenic, etc. can turn your garbage into a toxic waste dump. This fi fteen-minute segment of the news magazine examines what we can do about this e-waste.

Where the Garbage Goes (Fred Levine Productions, 1998). A half-hour educational video for kids about garbage that highlights trash pickup, a recycling facility, a scrap yard, and a landfi ll.

ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC POLICY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUESWeb Siteshttp://www.earth-policy.org Web site dedicated to developing and envisioning an eco-economy to mitigate emerging ecological crises with a step-by-step plan and related budgets.

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http://www.esa-online.org Evangelicals for Social Action, a network of Christians seeking to transform church and society by bringing thought-provoking material and events to the public forum.

http://www.undoit.org Proactive site of the Environmental Defense Fund.

http://www.christiansandclimate.org The Evangelical Climate Initiative is a campaign to advance sound and moral climate change policy motivated by the values and principles that derive from faith in Jesus Christ, and the conviction that we are called to protect God’s creation. The site contains educational materials and calls to action for public offi cials and evangelical leaders.

http://www.climate.org The Climate Institute is a group dedicated to “catalyzing innovative and practical policy solutions to protect the balance between climate and life on earth.”

http://www.ipcc.ch Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Web site with research reports, press information, and presentations. The IPCC was established to provide decision-makers and interested individuals information about climate change.

http://www.americanrivers.org/endangeredrivers Lists the rivers threatened by global warming and provides information for encouraging lawmakers to protect these rivers.

Articles“Principles for Federal Policy on Climate Change” (http://www.preview.christiansandclimate.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/principlesforfederalpolicyonclimatechange.pdf). An agreement reached by more than a hundred Christian leaders who believe that the love of God, love of our neighbors, and the demands for stewardship are reasons to respond with passion and concrete actions to reduce CO2 emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

“The Poltical Climate Is Changing: Who Has the Best Plan to Turn Down the Thermostat?” (Paul Rauber, Sierra, May/June 2008; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200805/lol.asp). Americans are ready for aggressive action as 9 of 10 citizens support a fi ve-year plan to phase out carbon-based energy.

“G-8 Endorses Halving Global Emissions by 2050” (Joseph Coleman, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2008/07/08/2008-07-08_g8_endorses_halving_global_emissions_by_.html). G-8 industrial nations endorsed halving greenhouse gases by 2050 but failed to enact tougher, short-term reduction levels.

“The Clean-Energy Bandwagon” (Reed McManus, Sierra, July/August 2008; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200807/lol.asp). Some big businesses back renewable energy (Dow Chemical, DuPont, Walmart, Target, Home Depot), but, the author asks, where is the federal support for renewable energy?

“Profi les in Courage: Environmental Heroes Who Went Down Swinging” (Dan Oko, Sierra, September/October 2008, 44–47; http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200809/profi les/). With the help of several watchdog organizations (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, Union of Concerned Scientists, etc.), the Sierra Club identifi ed heroic public servants who stood up for the environment, often at the cost of their jobs.

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“Australian PM Urges More U.S. Climate Change Action” (http://www.climate.weather.com/articles/australia081908.html). Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said that the United States, the only developed nation not to sign the Kyoto Protocol, must lead by example on reversing climate change so that developing nations such as China and India will not have excuses for inaction.

“U.S. Rushes to Change Workplace Toxin Rules” (Carol D. Leonnig, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/22/AR2008072202838.html). Political appointees in the Department of Labor are moving quickly to push through a rule to make it tougher to regulate worker and environmental exposures to chemicals and toxins.

BooksFood and Faith: Justice, Joy, and Daily Bread (Living the Good News/Morehouse, 2002). Earth Ministry’s community-building book celebrates the spirituality of food and examines the ecological and social impacts of climate change on the global food system.

The Assault on Reason (Al Gore, Penguin, 2008). Visionary analysis of how the politics of fear, secrecy, backroom deals, and blind faith have combined with the public sphere to create an environment hostile to science and reason.

Censoring Science (Mark Bowen, Dutton Adult, 2007). James Hansen, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and one of the preeminent climate scientists, has been warning us for decades about global warming. The book describes how he was muzzled by the greenhouse gas industry and the Bush administration.

Passion for the Earth: The Christian Vocation to Promote Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (Sean McDonagh, ed., Geoffrey Chapman, 1994).

Women Healing Earth: Third World Women on Ecology, Feminism, and Religion (Rosemary Radford Ruether, ed., Orbis Books, 1996). Global perspective on the ecofeminist movement from women around the world.

Food and Faith: Justice, Joy, and Daily Bread (Michael Schut, Living the Good News, 2003). A new collection of refl ections by Wendell Berry, Elizabeth Johnson, and others on the moral, spiritual, and economic implications of eating. Includes study guide.

The Cry of Creation: A Call for Climate Justice (Michael Schut, Interfaith Climate and Energy Campaign, 2003). Booklet and study guide that consider global warming.

“The Lifestyle of a Christian Faithfulness” (parts 5 and 6), by William E. Gobson in Beyond Survival: Bread and Justice in Christian Perspective (Dieter T. Hessel, ed., Friendship Press, 1977). Faithfulness requires us to resist and correct injustices and create a sustainable lifestyle for all of God’s creation.

Movies/DVDsRewriting the Science (60 Minutes, 2006). A thirteen-minute segment answering the question, “Is the White House putting the chill on talk of global warming?” uncovering how James Hanson, NASA’s top scientist studying climate change, was muzzled.

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HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENTWeb Siteshttp://www.healthyfamiliesnow.org An educational campaign dedicated to helping families protect their loved ones from environmental health threats and reduce health threats.

http://www.chge.med.harvard.edu Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment oversees projects concerned with the health, ecological, and economic dimensions of climate change.

http://www.who.int/globalchange/en The World Health Organization’s page addresses the effects of environmental change on human health.

http://www.thegreenguide.com National Geographic Green Guide, an online and print magazine offering tips for green living, product reviews, and environmental health news.

Articles“WHO: Global Warming to Spread More Disease Worldwide” (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/07/tech/main3999091.shtml?source=search_story). Millions of people could face poverty, disease, and hunger as a result of rising temperatures and changing rainfall expectations.

“Climate Change Brings Health Risks” (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=4619666). A top CDC offi cial states that climate change is expected to have a signifi cant impact on health in the next few decades, with the elderly and children most vulnerable to increased health problems from food-borne, water-borne, and zoonotic diseases such as Lyme disease, malaria, and dengue fever.

“Group Petitions FDA to Ban Some Food Colorings” (Kevin Freking, http://cbs2chicago.com/health/food.dye.FDA.2.739388.html). The consumer advocacy group, Center for Science in the Public Interest, called upon the FDA to ban eight artifi cial coloring additives in food because they may cause hyperactivity and behavioral problems in some children.

“EPA Experts Detail Global Warming’s Health Risks” (Dina Cappiello, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/07/11/national/w102200D18.DTL). Government scientists detail a rising death toll from heat waves, wildfi res, disease, and smog caused by the increased rate and magnitude of global warming in an analysis that the White House buried so it could avoid regulating green-house gases.

Movies/DVDsToxic Train Wrecks (ABC News Primetime, 2007). In January 2005 a train derailed in South Carolina unleashed 160,000 pounds of a deadly gas that killed nine people and injured over 500. ABC News reports the risk of toxic train wrecks in America.

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FOR KIDS: EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESWeb Siteshttp://www.climatechangeeducation.org Your children can learn to be “cool climate kids” on this Web site dedicated to climate change education.

http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/index.html). EPA’s Web site for kids with games, information, and links.

http://globalwarmingkids.net Children can learn to be “global warming” kids on this Web site. A project of ClimateChangeEducation.org.

http://www.online.nwf.org/site/PageNavigator/ClimateClassroom/cc_about_climateclassroom This National Wildlife Federation Climate Classroom is a Web site that helps educate children about global warming using developmentally appropriate methods.

http://www.davidsuzuki.org/NatureChallenge/ Fun and easy things kids can do to protect nature.

BooksIt’s Easy Being Green (Emma Sleeth, Zondervan, 2008). The resource on going green for Christian teens, illustrated amply with real-life stories from school, church, and home. Written when the author was only fi fteen years old, this book makes a great group study for youth groups.

William Is Going Green (James Martin II and James Martin III, Dream Liaison, 2008). After William the garbage truck loses his job, the eco-friendly town of Jamestown offers him employment if he replaces his gas-guzzling engine with a hybrid. Book adds the word hybrid to young children’s vocabularies and also helps them learn about water conservation and toy recycling.

Blue Potatoes, Orange Tomatoes: How to Grow a Rainbow Garden (Rosalind Creasy, Sierra Club Books for Children, 2000). Teaches young gardeners all they need to know in order to grow a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables in unexpected colors.

Movies/DVDsSquibs Disc 4: In the Environment: Organisms and Ecosystems (Ignite! Learning, 2005). Squibs sets learning in motion for fourth to sixth graders with forty-fi ve minutes of short animated videos answering questions about organisms and ecosystems.

Blue Planet: Seas of Life (BBC Warner, 2007). An IMAX fi lm targeting grade school audiences that offers a cautionary warning that planet Earth is a delicate living organism, constantly reshaped and changed by the forces of nature. Forty-two-minute running time.

Where the Garbage Goes (Fred Levine Productions, 1998). An educational thirty-minute video for kids about garbage that includes trash pickup, a recycling facility, a scrap yard, and a landfi ll.

Ever-Expanding Circles: A Stewardship Video Curriculum for Youth (Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1992). Explores the relationship between people and the earth.