gobelins hro workshop kick-off


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Post on 30-Apr-2015




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This morning’s program

Workshop introduction (Hans)

Introduction Gobelins (Antoine)

Assignment briefing (Hans)

Personal introduction in teams (Y’all)


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Your hosts for this workshop

Hans KempUXD minor teacher Rotterdam University

Soraya CosaertPuck PeijenburgUXD minor students Rotterdam University

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Our facility

Institute for Communication, Media and Information Technology (CMI)

Media courses:Communication and Multimedia Design (800)Media Technology (150)Communication Digital Media (50)

4 years, full-timeIncluding 2x 0,5 year internship

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Communication & Multimedia Design




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Workshop overview

September 20, 21, 22 - RotterdamConcept workshop + concept pitch

September 23rd – October 17th Concept/design development + realization

October 18, 19 - ParisFinalization workshop+ final presentation

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Rotterdam workshop program

Every day we will start at 9:30, in the Study Landscape

Monday morning: kick-off and team assemblyMonday afternoon: no program Tuesday morning: no programTuesday afternoon: field trip (?)Wednesday morning: no programWednesday 11:00 – 14:00: exhibition in open area

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All resources, announcements etc. will be made available for you thru


All teams upload their results on this blog using a team account (Dutch student gets team account)

For questions on the workshop blog, contact Hans

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Wireless access

The Gobelins students can use a guest account for wireless access on the ‘Eduroam’ network

Login information for this guest account will be available after this meeting (Puck, Soraya and Hans)

Let your Dutch team members help you with this, you can turn to one of the hosts for more help

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Network access

The same account can be used to login on the HRO network using the stationary computers

Computers downstairs (Medialab) you can use whenever available

Availability of room 2.53 (Macs) on blog

Let your Dutch team members help you with this, you can turn to Puck, Soraya and Hans for more help

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Housekeeping announcements

English is the common language in which we communicate during this workshop… all the time

We all suck at it, but it will level the playing field

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Housekeeping announcements

We will arrange for coffee, lunch and afternoon refreshment every day, for anything else you’re on your own

If you need any equipment such as video cameras, HRO students can borrow those at the Front Office (Tom/Rick)

Keep an eye on http://project.cmi.hro.nl/2010_2011/gobelins_hro/

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Your assignment

Develop a joint vision on a platform for capturing and sharing a ‘visiting experience’

Create a ‘new media product’, to capture and share this experience:Realtime (as it happens)Focus on emotional aspects

Develop the concept to be pitched at the exhibition (Wednesday 11:00 – 14:00)

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Your assignment

Work towards a concrete result, in just a few days

Surprise us, look for the new, not the obvious

Go outside, be part of the city

Involve everyone, be a team player

Enjoy yourself and have fun together!

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At the workshop blog you will find the list of names for the teams


Go to the Study Landscape, find your fellow team members and introduce yourselfs