god's secrets revealed by w. v. grant, sr

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80x 3S3. Dallal.Toxal Chapter I

Books b y Rev . W . V . Gran t

SO c each or all twelve books for $S.OO



Do some evangelists use mental telepathy in church


Some people say so; some say, no.

Telepathy is the passage of thoughts from one per-

son to another without the use of words or signs.

Samuel told Saul all that was in his heart. He told

him many things about himself. Samuel knew that Saul

was hunting his asses; that they had been lost three

days; that they had already been found; that Saul's

father had left home worrying about him; that Saul

had been chosen of the Lord to reign over His people;

that he should anoint Saul king; that Saul would save

the people out of the hands of the Philistines; the time

of day that he was going to meet Saul; that Saul would

meet two men just after he left to go on his way; that

the two men would speak to Saul; that Saul would

meet three men as he went up to Bethel; that one of

the three men would be carrying three kids; that he

would meet them at Tabor; that one man would be car-

rying three loaves of bread! that another would be

carrying a bottle of wine; that they would salute Saul;

that they would give Saul two loaves of bread; that

Saul would come to the hill of God; that he would come

to the city; that he would meet a company of prophets;that these prophets would be carrying musical instru-

ments, namely a psaltery, tabret, pipe, and harp; that

the company of prophets would prophesy; that the

Spirit of the Lord would come upon Saul; that Saul

would prophesy with them; that Saul would be turned

into another man.

In the ninth and tenth chapters of I Samuel we see

at least two dozen things that the Lord showed Samuel.

He knew the exact details.


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The Natural Mind Rebels

The natural mind does not accept the fact that God

showed Samuel these things. Natural reasoning un-

doubtedly tried to explain the revelation of God away.

In those days the unbelievers branded such things as

soothsayings, which is condemned by the Lord, (I Sam.

28:3). They would say that it was divination, or that" it

was prompted by familiar spirits.

A natural man cannot understand the things of theLord. They are foolishness to him.

"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world,

but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know

the things that are freely given to us of God...

"Which things also we speak, not in the words which

man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost

teacheth; comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual"

(I Cor. 2 :13).

Ananias Branded a Mystic

The Lord spoke to Ananias: He told him the name ofa man; the exact house where the man was staying;

the name of the man who lived there; the name of the

street on which the house was located; the name of the

town which Paul was from; that Paul was there pray-

ing; that Paul was blind; that Ananias' name had

already been revealed to Paul; that Paul knew Ananias

would lay hands on him, pray for him to be healed of

blindness and receive the Holy Ghost; that Paul

(then named Saul) was chosen to suffer for the Lord;

that Paul had a ministry to the Gentiles.

The Word of God says that God spoke to Ananias.

But the natural man is always ready to discredit such

reports. He always-eeies to explain them away or say

such things .are the work of the devil.

The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God. It

is enmity against God (Rom. 8:7).

Not long ago I was in a big tent revival where the

Lord was blessing the evangelist, even showing him the

names and addresses of strangers. He knew the names

of the towns and states they came from. He told them

many things about themselves. They acknowledged

that he was right.

Some of the leading ministers of our day branded

him a fake. They said that the evangelist was using

mental telepathy. One fine, well meaning pastor asked

me, "Do you think that it is morally right for a

preacher to use mental telepathy in church?""But as it is written, Eye hath not seen nor ear

heard, neither have entered into the heart ofmen, the

things which God hath prepared for them that love


BY HIS SPIRIT" (ICor. 2 :9-10).

Peter Branded A Mystic

Peter was on top of the house praying. The Spirit

showed him that three men were seeking for him; that

the Lord had sent them; that God had granted life to

the Gentiles; that all people were equal in Goci's sight.God had just shown Cornelius that his prayers were

heard; that he must send men to Joppa, call for Simon,

whose surname was Peter.

The Lord showed him the name of the preacher; the

name of the town; the name of the man who lived

there; his occupation; the location of that house; and

what Peter was going to do.

That was a revelation from God. That was the word

of knowledge in operation. That was one of the Spirit-

ual gifts working in the lives of Peter and Cornelius.

Had the editor written that story in the newspaper

he would have branded it fanaticism; but it is the Bap-


God has hid these things from the wise and prudent

and revealed them to babes (Matt. 11 :25).

Before I went to the Philippine Islands the Lord

showed me some things which were happening among

the missionaries. We dealt with the problem even be-

fore we arrived. The only way that I could know it

was by a supernatural revelation. But people today



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Paul Branded A Mystic

He saw a man over in another country saying, "Corne

over into Macedonia, and help us" (Acts 16 :9). He

knew even before he went to Jerusalem that he would

be bound there. He knew beforehand that the ship

would run into a storm. He knew that the ship wouldbe lost, but all the men would be saved. He knew that

he was going to reach the city of Rome. The Lord had

revealed these things to him.

But could the educators of that day understand such

things ? They thought that he had gone mad! They

beat him, put him into prison, and finally cut off his

head!While I was praying the Lord showed me that a

certain lady in a distant town was blind in her left eye,


that the eye ball was paralyzed. I went to that town.

I went to the tent meeting which he showed me. I

prayed for the lady. God healed her perfectly!

The carnal minded people would say that Iwas using

mental telepathy, or reading her mind at a distance.

But really God had given me a word of knowledge and

made me to know a little of what He knows.

would say that I knew it by mental telepathy. They try

to explain away the miraculous.

Jesus Branded A Mystic

I asked for some religious books in a book store in

Washington, D.C. The lady told me the only way their

books mentioned Jesus was in the sense that He was a

mystic. They branded Him with all the spiritualists.

Jesus knew that Nathanael was under the fig tree

and knew what he was doing there. He knew this by

a word of knowledge (John 1:45). This Spiritual gift

caused him to believe. Jesus knew that the disciples

had been discussing which of them would be the

greatest. He knew that the Pharisees had been reason-

ing in their hearts. Many times things were revealed

to Jesus. Jesus said that we can do the same works that

He did (John 14 :12). That would be through the

anointing of the same Holy Spirit that anointed Him

(Acts 10:38).

The Pharisees said that Jesus did all his works bythe power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. They could

not understand the things of Spirit because they were


So Called Mental Telepathy

I was riding through the city of Chicago with

Brother Branham. Suddenly I turned to him and said,

"There is no such thing as mental telepathy. If you

know what a man is thinking, without anyone telling

you, th;at is not natural; it is supernatural. There are

only two supernatural spirits, God or the devil. Every-

thing which is not of God is of the devil".

"Now you are looking right down the barrel",

Brother Branham said, "You have your sight right

on it".Brother Branham is a hunter. Had he been a car-

penter he no doubt would have said, "Now you are

hitting the nail right on the head".

I had never heard anyone say that. The Lord showed


Since then I have made a research on this and found


No one can teach mental telepathy on a natural level.

Scientific boards have offered prizes for many years

for people who can use telepathy at will. No one canbe found.

If the stock markets, banks and business houses can

find a man like that they would give that man millions

of dollars to practice for them. The politicians would

give billions for that man.

The theory has no support. There is no evidence of

the reality of telepathy.

No natural man can train pupils to use telepathy.

Only quacks teach the reality of telepathy.


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Sensible educators know that just anyone cannot

use telepathy.

Telepathy is not a sicence. It deals with the spirit

of man.

Telepathy Is A Coined Word

People did not know anything about telepathy until

1882. The word was coined in this generation.

W. H. Myers, the noted spiritualist coined the word,

trying to get the average man to practice spiritualism.

Mr. Myers said, "It is spontaneous, uncontrolled and

uncontrollable. It is not in a man's own ability." Then

again," Telepathy does not need to be the mind of

living persons. It works mostly by the deceased, rarely

by the living."

Mr. Myers was a spiritualist who believed in talking

to the dead. The word of God condemns this practice

and teaches it is of the devil.

Mr. Myers wrote other books on such subjects as

phenomena of hallucination, hypnotism, automatism,double personality, mediumship, clairvoyance, seeing

the dead, supernatural relations, precognition, and such

books as you see in spiritualist book stores.

One title is "Human Personality And Its Survival of

Bodily Death". Another is, "Phantasisms of The Liv-


This man tried to bring spiritualism on a normal

plane for everyone. So he coined the word "telepathy"

defining it to be a product of the natural mind. As far

as the natural is concerned there is no such thing.Hypnotism A Coined Word.

Hypnotism was coined about the middle of the nine-

teenth century, about the time there was a revival of

demon forces in America.

The practice has always been counted the work of

demons until Mr. Braid coined the word "hypnotism".

It is not a science.

Mr. Braid tried to introduce this practice into the

medical profession. A man who uses this practice has

been counted a quack by the best medical authorities.

It is impossible for everyone to learn the practice of


Lately the practice of hypnotism has become popular

on television, because all people are hungry for the

supernatural. Churches have disappointed the people

because they have not given them the supernatural

spirit of God.

Spiritualism is a ripe field for the antichrist to takeover this world. Anyone even looking at people prac-

ticing hypnotism are in danger of being bound by the

wrong spirit.


Hypnotism In HospitalsSeveral women have tread places angels would not

dare tread. They have placed themselves at the mercy

of a man with such strange powers. Some are said to

have lost their minds. The insane institutions are run-

ning over with people who have corne under the evilpower of imagination and superstition.

Women give birth to babies under this evil power.

What will the babies be in later years if the mothers

are swayed by satan!

Some women turn themselves over to men with this

power in order to reduce. It seems that voices speak to

these women and tell them not to eat certain foods.

They seem compelled to obey these voices.

We know women who have starved themselves to

the point that they never regained their health. Theyhad arthritis and their joints melted! The devil comes

only to kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Certain quack psychiatrists use hypnotism on inno-

cent children who cannot help themselves. A nurse

recently told me that the physician she worked under

hypnotized a boy, who did what he was told to do after-

wards. Many think that the boy will be under his spell

for years to corne.

Before the middle of the nineteenth century this


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practice went by various names, including "animal

magnetism'.' It was considered an occult force. It was

practiced by magicians and those people with familiar

spirits. In the Bible it is condemned as sorcery (Acts8:11).

Some claim they can hold the victims under their

spell for months and years to come. They say they

can tell them to read a certain chapter in a certain book

at a certain time on a certain day a year later. When

that hour rolls around the patient will read that chap-ter.

Supernatural Powers

Hypnotism is undoubtedly a supernatural power, but

not the supernatural power of God.

In high school our principal let a man come to school

and hypnotize the pupils. Some of my classmates were

hypnotized. One of them danced to imaginary music.

He was under a strong power. In the natural he could

not dance. Another boy was told that a girl was in

bathing, motioning for him to come to her. Suddenlyhe began taking his clothes off. The man caught him

and forced his clothes back on him!

The man said he got the black magic from India.

People have been said to do anti-social acts and

crimes while under this strange power. No one can

hypnotize you against your will. Satan will not take

you unless you yield to him.

The anti-christ will try to make magic power in reachof all people.

The Unpardonable SinEverything the devil has, he has copied it from God.

It is counterfeit. If the devil can show people things,

then God has more power, and can reveal things to His

children for soul winning. God Uses the word of knowl-

edge to deliver people from sin. I would not serve a

God that did not have as much power as the devil.

Modern ministers brand all revelations of the devil

and make people afraid to seek God.


Jesus received revelations from God under the

anointing of the Holy Ghost. All His miracles were done

by the Holy Ghost anointing. But the Pharisee.s said

that He was working under the power of the devil.

The religious leaders knew that Jesus was using a

supernatural power, so they said it was the evil power,

for they were strangers to God's power.Jesus told them they were committing the unpardon-

able sin if they accused him of operating by the power

of Satan. They were not speaking about Him, but the

Holy Ghost that performed the works (Matt. 12 :32,

Acts 10:38).

So called mental telepathy is an evil power. Men

coined that word, trying to put black magic on the level

and call it science. They try to explain away all super-

natural. They claim that telepathy and hypnotism are


The religious leaders of today try to be more polite,

than the Pharisees. They call the power of God hypno-tism and the word of knowledge telepathy.

But actually they are doing the same thing as the

Pharisees, for both telepathy and hypnotism are works

of the evil spirits. .. .

When they say that the working of the Spirit IS

telepathy just because they do not un~ersta~d i~ they

are doing the same thing as the Pharisees! It WIll not

be forgiven them in this world or the wo:l? to c~me.

The word of knowledge is one of the Spiritual gifts.

God says for us to desire Spiritual gifts (I Cor. 14:).

Elijah Branded A Mystic

Ahaziah the king of Samaria, fell through a lattice

one day a; he was in his palace and hurt himself. He

was sick and bedfast (II Kings 1 :2). .

He sent messengers to Baalzebub, the god of Ekron

to ask if he would recover.

About that time the angel of the Lord spoke to

Elijah and told him to meet the messengers. He met

the messengers and told them to turn around and go


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back home and carry a message from the Lord to theking.

Here is the message the messengers carried to the

king: "Is it not because there is not a God in Israel

that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron ?';

Now therefore thus saith the Lord, Thou shalt not

come down from that bed on which thou art gone up,but shall surely die."

Itseems the king did not like for a man to stop hismessengers and send them back. That was a great in-

su~~ to hi~. At once he summoned men to go bring

Elijah to him I A captain was appointed to carry fifty

men to bring the man of God to Justice!

Elijah had a record of bringing fire from heaven

holding back the rain for three and one-half years'

rebuking King Ahab for putting Naboth to death, and

now he was meddling with his business!

He misjudged the strength of Elijah when he

thought that an army of fifty-one men would capturehim.

Elijah knew that the king was not in the right atti-

tude, so he refused to go. He resisted arrest. He

called fire down from heaven and destroyed the fifty-one men.

The king was determined to take Elijah. So he sent

fifty more men with a captain that commanded Elijah

to come down from the top of the hill on which he was

sitting. Again Elijah refused to be arrested. He said

"If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven?and consume thee and thy fifty." And it was so. Super-natural fire burnt them all!

.This seemed to make a believer out of the unbelieving

king, He could not deny miracles any longer! He sent

another captain and fifty men to come the humble

route. This time it was not a command; it was arequest.

These men fell on their knees and humbly besought

Elijah to spare their lives. They confessed they were


Elijah's servants instead of the king's servants. The

captain said, "0 man of God, I pray thee, let my life

and the lives of these fifty, thy servants, be precious

in thy sight".

The angel of the Lord said to Elijah, "Go down with

him: be not afraid of him." So Elijah arose and went

with them to King Ahaziah.

He rebuked the king for inquiring of the wrong man.

The king sought information from the child of thedevil instead of the child of God. Elijah told him that

he would die. So he died according to the word of the

Lord which Elijah had spoken.

The King Was Out Of Connection

The Bible says that your iniquities have separated

you- from the Lord and He will not hear you. He was

speaking to a class of people that had gone into sin.

Sin will separate people from God, so they are no

longer in connection with Him. That is why the king

was not on speaking terms with the Lord. That's whyhe sought information from the wrong source. That is

why he died before his time, out of the will of God.

That is why people go to fortune tellers today; they

are not on speaking terms with God. That is why they

are possessed with the devil and die before their time.

God Is A Jealous God

His glory He will not give to another. He wants his

child to inquire-of Him and not from the evil spirit. He

says the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth

and even show us things to come. His sheep know his

voice .

There are two kinds of revelations; one from the

Lord and the other from the devil. Anyone who tells

you something supernatural is of the devil or .is of

God. There are only two supernatural spirits. So why

not go to the Lord's man to begin with?

The reports come that many of the law-makers in

Washington, D.C. will not vote until they have first


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consulted some fortune-teller. If that be true the judg-ment of God is against them for inquiring of the wrong


The very people who believe in fortune tellers often

deny the power of God to reveal secrets. They have

more faith in the devil than in God. I would not serve

a God that does not have as much power as the devil.

Fortune Tellers--Abomination

"There shall not be found among you anyone that

maketh his son or his daughter pass through the fire,

or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or

an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter

with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

For ALL that do so are an ABOMINATION unto the

Lord" (Deut. 18: 10-12).

A necromancer is one who tells things in your life,

or lets you talk to the dead.

Divination is fortelling the future. A soothsayer

claims to foretell the future. The Lord is against all

such things and the Bible teaches in many, many places

that they are an abomination.

In modern times people change the names of such

practice to fortune telling, but the source is of the

devil. Changing these names does not make the practice

all right.

Many people become possessed with evil spirits by

consulting the people that read palms or tell fortunes.

Ityou want to know something about yourself go to

the Lord and talk to him about it. A fortune-teller willruin life forever; cause you to be bound by evil spirits,

have a broken heart and broken home, and die before

your time.

No Such Thing As Magic

An enchanter is a man that puts spells on you. A

witch deals with evil spirits. A charmer deals with evil

spirits to cast spells on someone. A sorcerer is one who

bewitches people. God's judgment is against such

things because they are of the devil (Acts 8 :9, 136,


19:19). Such power will be used by anti-christ (Rev.

9:21, 18:23). He is trying to prepare the world for such

by trying to make such evil power popular and calling it

by another name. They call people who practice such

things magicians. A certain dentist in Dallas uses

strange powers on people, calling himself a magician.

Magicians are put on radio, television, and on the stage

in schools. This practice will grow worse and worseuntil it becomes popular. The whole world will see the

superman as he performs, probably on television.

There is no such power as magic. What people call

magic is from the evil one and is to be avoided as being

worse than a rattlesnake! It is a supernatural power;

but not the supernatural power of God!

Such "magic" power as we discuss in this topic is

not the word of knowledge, but I use this as an illustra-

tion to show how people are trying to explain away the

supernatural power of God, saying that God cannot

reveal anything to man today; but they are trying to

bring the power of the enemy on the natural plane and

give it some popular name; trying to get everyone. to

practice spiritualism. Some church folk have mor~ fal~h

in the devil than they do in God. The carnal mind 10

them has a tendency to discard the fact that God can

reveal things, but accept what the devil does.

Daniel Branded A Mystic

King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream which

troubled his spirit. But he forgot his dream. He called

the sorcerers, magicians and soothsayers and told themto tell him both the dream and the interpretation or he

would put them all to death. They told him that no man

on earth could tell him both the interpretation and the

dream. They said they would have to know the dream

before they could tell him the interpretation.

The king considered Daniel and the three Hebrew

Children 'as one of the soothsayers. He put them all in

the same class (Dan. 2). He was going to put them to

death with the soothsayers.


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Daniel and the three Hebrew children had a prayer-

meeting and talked to God about it. God told Daniel

the dream and the interpretation.

The king promoted Daniel and gave him authority

over all the soothsayers and sorcerers.

One time Belshazzar was having a banquet. He had

about a thousand lords and princes. He had plenty of .

wine and women present. That did not satisfy him; sohe sent for the vessels from the house of the Lord and

defiled them with wine; he praised the gods of gold

and silver.

Just then the Lord could stand no more! He let a

hand write a supernatural language on the wall. The

fear of God fell on Belshazzar! His knees smote to-

gether! He called for the soothsayers and astrologers,

but they knew nothing about the meaning of the super-

natural language.

Then someone recommended a man to him who was

a dissolver of doubts. Itwas Daniel, who had an excel-

lent spirit, knowledge and understanding (Dan. 5 :12).

When he sent for the man, Daniel told him that it

was not any knowledge of his own. He did not claim it.

It was God that gave him the knowledge. He did not

give him all His knowledge, just part of it. So it was

the word of knowledge, which is one of the spiritual

gifts in manifestation.

Human Nature the Same Today

The king and rulers put Daniel on the same levelwith the soothsayers and sorcerers. They knew that he

had a supernatural Spirit in him. But they branded it

the same supernatural spirit that was in the sooth-


Today when some of the church leaders and rulers

see that we have a supernatural spirit in us they label

it the same spirit that is in a soothsayer or fortune-

teller. They do this because they have a carnal mind. Acarnal mind cannot recognize the Spirit of God. It is


not subject to the law of God. Itis enmity with God

(Rom. 8).

This is the same Spirit that accused Jesus of work-

ing under the devil's power. This is what raised the

wrath of God and brought judgment on the heads of

the proud Pharisees, who were ignorant of God's super-

natural power.

In Daniel's day God manifested His supernaturalpower and proved Himself greater than the devil. He

honored His servant with signs following.

God made a difference in His servants and the ser-

vants of the devil.

The Lord is able to do the same today. He will let

the signs follow our ministry and give us authority

over all the powers of opposition that try to imitate the

supernatural power of God. IN His name we can cast

out devils We can silence the evil spirits that exalt

themselves against God's servants.

Daniel and his group prayed and depended on the

Lord for guidance and help. They did not claim the

power themselves, but confessed that it was God's

power.The soothsayers neither pray nor call on God for

their help. The fortune-tellers and palm-readers do not

depend on God or live a righteous life. They do not

pray in Jesus' name. If they honored the name. of Jes~s

they would be greatly hindered from operatmg their

evil power.

The Real Power Will Win Out

The king saw the difference in the real and the false.

In the long run the false failed and the real won the

battle. The king learned that there was a real God in

heaven who had authority and dominion over the imita-

tion. He no longer discarded the real power because the

false failed.Many professors today do not know the difference in

the real and the false. They are so afraid that they dis-


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card all supernatural power. So their churches are

dead and dry.

They are saying they want the Holy Ghost fire. But

they are so afraid of the "fox-fire" that they stumble

backward and accept "back-fire".

I believe that our God is able to destroy everyone

that refuses His supernatural power, who brands His

powers mental telepathy. He is able to demonstrate

the real, genuine Spirit until the false accusers, haters

of God's power, and despisers of those who are good,

are put down and we are given authority over them;

The real power will come out winner in the long run.

God's people will be strong and do exploits! There is a

God in heaven who reveals secrets. He has men today

who are dissolvers of doubts, who are faith builders

instead of fear-builders and joy-killers,

The day is fast approaching when the Lord's men

and women will march forth like an army with ban-

ners!It shall flow as a river; it shall fall as the rain; it

shall rise as the dawn of the day. The knowledge of

the Lord shall fill all the earth; when the Spirit of theLord shall fall!

Elisha Branded A Mystic

Every time the Syrian Army had secret plans to

capture Samaria their plans would be exposed. Every-

thing would end in failure. The King of Syria became

worried and discouraged and thought some of his peo-

ple were spies for the King of Samaria.Then it was learned that Elisha prophet of God,

knew about the hiding place of the Syrian army. He

knew by revelation of a word of knowledge.

(II Kings 6:9). Through a word of knowledge Elisha

knew more than the intelligence division in his coun-

try. He told the King of Israel and saved his country

from being captured.

The King of Syria wanted to know where Elisha was.

He was told that Elisha was in Dothan. So he sent a


great army by night with horses and chariots. A very

great host gathered around Elisha to take him. They

thought that if they could capture Elisha they could

take Israel. No doubt they wanted to take him alive so

they could join him with all their soothsayers to work

for them. They just thought he was another soothsayer

or "diviner".

The servant of Elisha saw the mighty Syrian Army

as it surrounded them. He was frightened! I can see

Elisha as he arose and rubbed his eyes and said in a

low confidential tone, "Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes

that he may see". Elisha did not seem to be excited.

The Lord opened Elisha's servant's eyes. He saw the

mountain full of horses and chariots of fire around

Elisha! I hope the Lord opens the eyes of the unbe-

lieving critics who oppose us today.

Elisha spoke the word and the Syrian Army was

made blind. None of the men could see! He led them to

the King of Samaria: Then their eyes were opened andthey discovered that they were in captivity!

He Knew More Than The Soothsayers

The King of Syria did not expect Elisha to know all

his secrets. He far excelled all his fortune-tellers. He

was not an ordinary human being because he had the

Spirit of God with him. There was a difference!

The King of Syria had no one with that kind of


The Lord is able today to make a difference in His

children and the children of the devil. If they have any-thing we can have more. 1would not serve a God that

cannot do more than the devil. God can reveal things

to His children today.

The King of Syria worried because his plans failed.

When the gifts of the Spirit are in operation the enemy

will worry today. His plans will fail. The secrets of

men's hearts will be manifested. They will fall down

on their face and report that God is in us of a truth

(I Cor. 14:25).

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Elisha Was More Powerful Than The Fakes

No king has ever had to send a great army to cap-

ture a soothsayer or an enchanter.

As we obey the Lord and do more for the Lord our

opposition will grow stronger. We will be opposed.

Satan will send his army after us. If we do not do

much for the Lord we will not be opposed. But we will

be considered by the church world an ordinary man or


Our opposition will grow stronger as we grow

stronger. When God begins to work the devil will also

work harder.

Elisha Opposed the Soothsayers

Itwas because he had a different Spirit. The Syrian

King's diviners worked for the Syrians and against

the Samaritans. But Elisha worked for God's people

and against the Syrians.

The palm-readers and fortune-tellers of today work

against us. We work against them. It is God in us op-

posed to the evil one in them.Elisha was given power and dominion over the devil's

crowd. If we obey the Lord we will come out winner

over all opposition! We will have dominion over all

soothsayers and sorcerers.Not long ago I was in a revival. The Spirit of God

showed me that there were some spirit mediums in the

audience. I called for them publicly. They came for-

ward, confessed, and were delivered, saved and filled

with the Holy Spirit. In Russellville, Arkansas a for-tune-teller came to the prayer room. She was saved

and filled with the Holy Spirit. Since then she sent me

a picture of a great sign which advertised that she was

praying for the sick and having divine healing services.

With the true Spirit of God we can capture and con-

quer an army of false religions. God will make a dif-

ference.Elisha Was Misunderstood

Elisha had saved the life of the king of Israel. Yet


the king did not understand him. In fact in the same

chapter it is recorded that the king wanted to cutElisha's head off (II Kings 6 :31).

The King's mind was carnal. He did not understandthe Spiritual mind.

The church people misunderstood Jesus. One day they

cried "Hosanna, hosanna". The next day they cried,"Crucify Him, crucify Him".

One day the people wanted to worship Paul. Before

Paul left that city the same people stoned him to death.

One day the people wanted to pull out their own eyes

and give to Paul. Before long they wanted to pull out hiseyes.

I went to a church. God gave us the best revival intheir history. Hundreds of people were filled with the

Holy Ghost. God forgave the sins of hundreds of peo-

ple. Hundreds of people were turned away and could

not get into the church. Hundreds of people we~'e

healed. The deaf heard. The blind saw. A lady walked

for the first time in twelve years. Hundreds of people

were set free from habits. People from many differentdenominations were set free.

One night the Lord showed me a man that was in the

audience with a broken neck. He came forward and

was healed. Then some of the people could not under-

stand how God could show me things about people.They turned against me and branded me mystic. They

said I was using mental telepathy. Their carnal minds

could not understand that God could reveal things toHis people. Human nature and the carnal mind arealways the same.

God Protected Elisha

They that be for us are more than be against us. If

we will look with our spiritual eyes instead of using our

carnal. eyes we will see that we have protection. We

have more on our side than is on the opposite side. A

carnal mind, like Elisha's servant, cannot see into theSpirit world.


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God's angels encamp around about us if we fear

the Lord. The carnal mind cannot recognize this. It

does not believe it. Itcriticizes this fact.

Elisha did not have this word of knowledge until God

revealed it. Spiritual gifts cannot be used as the will

of carnal man. God does not give us all of His knowl-

edge; just a word as He sees fit.

A widow woman came and caught Elisha by the feet.

Elisha knew she was in trouble. But the Lord hid itfrom him and did not reveal it to him (II Kings 4 :27).

The fact remains today that the SECRET OF THE


God in heaven that reveals secrets. He is not willing

to hold His secrets from His children if they believe

the Word of God and are not afraid to trust God. In fact

a secret revealed can save the lives of you and me and

an army of other innocent people. The Holy Spirit will

lead and guide us into all truth and show us things to


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Chapter n



In a recent meeting Pastor J. told me this story

which actually took place in h'is city.

Bill and Ann were two fine people in his church.

They courted awhile and then decided that they wouldget married.

After they were married Ann learned that Bill's

folks did not approve of them going to a full gospel

church. Her mother-in-law wanted them to go to a mod-

ern, formal church where there was no Spirit of God.

To Ann's surprise Bill turned with his folks and op-

posed her going to the full gospel church any longer.

Ann prayed each day. God revealed things to her.

Bill grew cruel and hard. He lost out with God. Ann

stayed sweet in her soul. She read the Bible ana prayed.

Bill commanded her not to go to the church anymore.

"I'll see that you don't go, regardless of what I have

to do," he told her. He threatened her in many dif-

ferent ways. Finally he told her that she was crazy and

he was going to put her in the insane institution if

she did not agree to change churches.

Ann told Brother J., her pastor about this threat.

Brother J. told her not to worry. He said that we are

living in America, where everyone has a right to go to

the church of his choice. He told Ann as long as we

lived in America she need not fear, for nothing likethat could happen in this country.

Ann Carried Away

To her surprise the sheriff came for her one day.

He carried her to a distant city for a "checkup".

Brother J. did not know when this happened. Ann

wanted to tell her pastor, but was not allowed to do so.

Soon Ann saw that she was charged with one thing.

The papers that were written out stated that she

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claimed to talk to the Lord and that she believed that

the Lord could talk to her. On this charge she was sent

to an institution!

About five unbelieving psychiatrists cross questioned

Ann. She did not deny that she talked to the Lord. She

confessed that the Lord had revealed some things to

her in the past. With this "evidence" these Italian born

psychiatrists signed papers that she needed treatmer:t.

She went through brain washing just as people do m

the communist countries. One electric shock treatment

followed another over a long period of time. Month

after month the psychiatrist tried to get Ann to change

her mind and promise to give up all this idea that God

could talk to people in our day. She went through dark-

ness and gloominess; almost a hell on earth.

Pastor J. Enters The Case

He called his large church together and asked them

to pray certain hours for this one trapped sheep ..He

went to talk to Ann. The five men had everything

sewed up. They refused to talk to the pastor or allow

him to see Ann. What could he do?

As Brother J. and his fine wife went to the institu-

tion they were denied entrance.

Just then Ann was at a ball game. She had been

forced to attend a ball game against her wishes in al-

most a nude state. She did not want to play. About then

God spoke to her and told her to go to her ~oom. She

ran to her room for a few minutes and arrived there

just in time to see Brother and Sister J. leaving the

institution. She screamed for them to get her out of

that place which was a hell on earth to her.

This touched the pastor's heart! He secured the best

lawyer he could find. They battled it o~t. for a lo~g

time. Finally the judge handed down a decision. He said

that Ann could not be forced to go to any church

against her will. She was released to go live with her

husband if he would promise to let her go to the

church of her choice.


But after Ann was home with her husband a few

days he began the same thing. He threatened her with

something worse if she insisted on going to the full

gospel church. She could not stay with him any longer

and be safe from harm. She left him. She was in our

meeting night after night shouting the victory. His

sheep know his voice. She is no more insane than you

or I.When I heard about this case I could not help think-

ing of others who do not have a pastor with a backbone

as her pastor; others who are not fortunate enough to

have friends with money who will spend it in court in

fighting a case like that, and getting freedom for lambs

taken by wolves inspired by the anti-christ himself.

We have many carnal minded people in America, in

places of authority who do not understand the work-

ings of the Holy Spirit. They do not believe that God

speaks to His people today. They brand everyone in-sane who say they hear the voice of God.

The other night I received

A Long Distance Call.

A voice in a distant city said, "We want to know

what you put on my wife. What ever it was I want you

to come back and take it off. She claims that the Lord

talks to her. She is not the same woman she was before

she came to your meeting and was prayed for. We are

going to ask you to Come back and take off whatever

you put on her. If you don't come back we are going tohave you brought back."

The little woman was bubbling over with joy. She

had found a new joy. It was the first time in her life

that she ever had an experience like that. The carnal

minded man did not know what to do. He was under

conviction. The neighbors could not understand what

had happened to the little lady. They seemed to make

her husband afraid and talked him into calling me.

Carnal minded members don't believe that God can

talk to us. A preacher of the first church in my home


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One basket of figs was very good; the other was

very bad. He said that meant God's people would go

into captivity; that some of them would never return,

and some of them would return to their home land.

This was hard for that nation to believe. They had

been taught that they were God's people. Jeremiah

was about as popular as I would be if I should make a

tour through this nation telling people that God showed

me' that Communism was going to take over this coun-

try! that we would all be carried to Russia; that a few

of us would return to the United States after many


People would tell me that I had a delusion. They

would say I was weakening the morale of the people.

That is exactly what they said about Jeremiah. Human

nature is always the same. We have people in this na-

tion who are lifted up with pride. They say that God is

going to spare this nation because we are better than

everyone else. They say that we are God's people, thatHe is going to let us rule over all other people.

God Needs A Man

Jeremiah went into the temple court and told the

starchy, religious people what God told him. He said

that God was going to let the nation' go into captivity

for seventy years.

One day Jeremiah put a yoke around his neck and

wore it before the people like a cow. He said that God

to1d him to do it. He said that God said the nation would

be under the yoke of Babylon. "You must surrender

to Babylon and serve that country if you want to save

your life" he told them.

One man ran up and broke the yoke from off his neck

and told him that he was seeing hallucinations. The

man who did this was a very religious man, but he

was carnal and did not understand the leading of the

Spirit. Perhaps he had been through Bible college, but

he knew nothing of the Spirit.


town laughed at me for saying that the Lord revealed

things to me. He said that no one can receive a revela-

tion in our day. According to that he does not know

that he is saved. He does not know that he is called to

preach. Maybe he should go plow instead.

Jeremiah Branded a Fanatic

Jeremiah was misunderstood. They thought that he

had gone insane. The church leaders of his day could

not understand him. Some of them thought that he

had lost his mind. They thought that he had a delusion.

One day Jeremiah put a linen girdle around his loins.

After wearing it awhile he went and hid it in a hole in

a rock, where he let it stay until it almost decayed. He

took it out and told the religious leaders that God said

that he would mar the pride of Jerusalem in the same

way the girdle was marred. He said that God told him

that He would destroy the king and his people.

This was opposite to what all the "diviners" were

telling the king.Pashur, the son of Immel' the priest smote Jeremiah

and put him in stocks. The carnal people did not believe

that God would speak to a man like Jeremiah. They

thought that he was seeing hallucinations.

One day Jeremiah came into town and told the peo-

ple that he took the wine cup fury from the Lord, that

all the nations must drink from it, including Israel. He

said that God would send a sword among the people.

He said that the slain of the Lord would be from one

end of the land to the other. This was hard for a groupof selfrighteous Jews to believe. They had always been

taught that they were favored of the Lord, that they

were God's chosen people. They thought that they

would be saved because they were better than all other

people. They believed in God, they said. Yet they were

not Spiritual enough to believe that God had spoken

to His man.

One day Jeremiah said that God had shown him two

baskets of figs.

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Jeremiah kept saying that the king would go into


One day God told Jeremiah to write on a roll the

judgments to come to King Jehoiakim. After the king

called around him all the "wise men" and talked to

them he decided to burn the roll. Jeremiah just wrote

another one with worse judgments on it than before.

Just as the man of God said, the king went into

real Christian. But Modernism will cause a Christian

to grow colder and colder as the Christian sits in a for-

mal church that claims to believe in God, but does not

have Him. They do not makethe Spirit of God welcome

in their midst. They try to explain away the super-


They say that America will be spared and rule over

all the other nations; but if you will read my book on

Armageddon you will see that they are wrong.

When Hananiah broke the yoke off Jeremiah's neck

and told Jeremiah that the nation would not go into

captivity, Jeremiah turned and told him that God had

showed him that Hananiah would die that year because

he did not believe the word of God. Hananiah died that

year just as the Lord showed Jeremiah (Jeremiah


The Lord will finally give us dominion over all the

powers of the enemy.

The Lord began to bless us in a city wide tent meet-

ing in Monroe, Louisiana. The religious leaders who

were modern became stirred up. They stirred up the

newspaper editors against us. They criticized us be-

cause we claimed that the Lord revealed things to His

people in our time. They caused the meeting to be

closed a week early. We wanted to stay five weeks and

only stayed four. In three weeks after we moved our

tent two of the newspaper men and the man who

owned the grounds dropped dead with heart attacks.

I did not pray for it to happen, but vengeance belongsto the Lord. He will take care of the opposition.

One time Jeremiah grew discouraged. He was only

a human being. He decided that he would not talk to

anyone else about what God had showed. him. But he

felt fire shut up in his bones and he could not stay still.

He had to tell it! .

But if we were to tell people that we feel fire shut

up in our bones they would surely think we were off.

They would think we were ready for the crazy house!


captivity.King Zedekiah Warned

Jeremiah told King Zedekiah that the Chaldeans

would come and burn their city with fire. Jeremiah was

arrested, whipped and put in prison. He was put into a

dungeon where he sunk into the mire.

The king sent for him and asked him what he had

to say. He said the same thing. He did not change his

message to keep out of prison. He told King Zedekiah

the only way he could escape would be to surrender to

the King of Babylon and serve him.

The king seemed to be touched by the Lord, but

public opinion held him back from hearing the man

of God. Social prestige caused him to disobey God. He

knew Jeremiah's word had come true a few years

before, that King Jehoiakim had gone into captivity.

Yet his carnal nature was not subject to the Spirit of


Jeremiah told him that he would go to Babylon, but

would never see Babylon. That seemed like a contradic-

tion to the carnal mind. One time he was told that he

would never see Babylon. Another time he was told

that he would go to Babylon. Jeremiah had heard from

God. The king's eyes were punched out; then he was

carried to Babylon.

Jeremiah was saved alive, but the king and the

people went into slavery.

Modernism Worse Than Communism

Communism will drive people closer to the Lord. It

does not claim to believe in God. They cannot fool a


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Micaiah Thought Crazy

Be~use. King Arab had Naboth put to death and

took hIS v~neyard t~e prophet Elijah pronounced judg-

ment on him. He said the dogs would lick up his blood.

A?ab repented and God prolonged the judgment. ButKing Ahab kept sinning.

Ahab had three years of peace with the Syrians

Because he sinned the Lord let the Syrians come

against him again.

. King Ahab got four hundred "wise men" to advisehIm.; to tell him if he should go into battle with theSyrians.

They all said that God was on their side : that thenation would win ; that it was favored of God. They

thought because they were Jews that the judgment of

God would never come against them. But that turnedout to be national pride.

Micaiah was the only man who knew the mind of the

~rd. The king asked him to not speak anything nega-tive, but to speak and think positive.

!'1icaiah said, "As the Lord liveth what the Lordsaith unto me, that will I speak (IKings 22:14).

He told them that he sawall Israel scattered upon

the hills, as a sheep that have no shepherd. Of coursethat meant that King Ahab would fall in battle. '

The king had Micaiah shipped and put into prison.He was fed water and bread of affliction.

Ahab disguised himself and went into battle. An

arrow wounded him so that he died. Dogs licked hisblood just as God showed Elijah.

Micaiah Knew God

The stiff, starchy, "chosen people" did not think

that he did. They were educated, but they had the

wrong kind of education. They had that kind of educa-

tion that taught them how to explain away the powerof God.

Some day men will see that they will not be saved

just because they live in America. Many of them have


much national pride as the Jews did at one time. They

thought they would not fall regardless of what theydid. They boasted that they were God's nation.

God was really talking to Micaiah. Some day people

in our country will look back and say, "Well that old

boy was right, but it is too late now".

We have hundreds of people today who claim to be

"diviners". They are "doctors of divinity" . They say,

"We must talk positive and think positive". But wemust think as God thinks and say what God says.

These "diviners" say that America will never be de-stroyed, that we are Cod's nation, that we will rule

over other nations.

They will change their mind some day. Every islandwill flee away. The mountains will not be found. The

elements will melt; all nations under one world rule

will go down in defeat (Revelations chapters 13 and

19). Blood will run to the horses' bridle for two hun-

dred miles. The fowls of the air will feast on the fleshof ALL men.

Men of God who dare speak what God tells them are

branded foolish.

Modern ministers say God does not reveal things to

his servants today. We need men who will say as Mi-

caiah, "As the Lord liveth what the Lord saith unto

me, that will I speak".

Men Of Like Passion

We are men of like passion as Elijah. Elijah relayed

the message from God to the King of Israel and said,"As the Lord liveth there will not be rain upon the

earth for three and one half years".People who were supposed to be religious leaders

thought he had gone "nutty". Many of them thought

they were a spiritual nation and would never fall under

the wrath of God. But soon they found out that Godhad a man to whom he could talk; a man who would

speak out for God and say that God revealed things

to him.


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Many people today may ask where is the Lord God

of Elijah. But we need to ask, "Where is an Elijah

whom God can speak to, someone who will listen to

the voice of God instead of listening to a program from

Hollywood. Elijah had his ears turned toward holy

woods instead of towards Hollywood.

Noah Was A Man Of God

The professors of that day did not think so. Theymade fun of him because he said that he heard the

voice of God. He even said that God was going to send

a flood and destroy people! NO doubt the religious

leaders said, "That old fool, he should know that God

does not reveal things to people these days". Surely

they said that, for as it is in the days of the coming of

the Son of man, so it was then.

Isee Noah one day at the dinner table. He says, "Lis-

ten." Mrs. Noah said, "Dear, Idon't hear anything."

Ham said, "Ah, daddy, you are always hearing some-thing." The rest of the boys did not pay any attention.

But Noah said, "I hear the voice of God. He says

that it is time for us to all move into the Ark. God is

going to shut the door Himself."

They had confidence in the old man. They followed him

into the Ark. There came a flood for the first time in

history. The people knew after it was too late that

really God had someone He could talk to. There was no

use knocking then. God had shut the door. The carnal

minded people could not believe that God could speakto people, but they found out after it was too late.

Moses Brought A Revival

But the people could not understand how God could

talk to him. He had gone through Bible school at one

time and started out inhis own strength; People could

understand that, for it was the carnal way.

But when Moses really heard the voice of God, he

thought surely his brethren would understand how

God spoke to him and sent him to deliver them, but

they understood not. They did not want to go. Even.


after they crossed the Red Sea many of them wanted

to go back into Egypt, because they still did not be-

lieve that God spoke to him.

Moses' own brother and sister said that God had

not spoken to Moses anymore than He had spoken to

them. When God got through with them they were

made believers. Two hundred and fifty families of

Moses' leaders thought that God had not spoken to

Moses, but the earth opened up and swallowed them.

The church rolled on!

Ican see Moses as he was leading a donkey through

the hot desert down toward Egypt. His wife was on

the donkey. He had a child under each arm. His feet

were blistered. His face was sunburned. He was eighty

years old. Someone asked, "Where are you going,

Moses ?"

"I have started down to Egypt to release three mil-

lion people from King Pharaoh. We are going to rebel

and have a revolution. We will conquer the nation,

spoil them, and they will be destroyed that rebel

against us."

"How do you know this Moses?", someone says.

"Oh, God showed me. He talked to me and told me

to go get those people and carry them across the Red


The man who is talking to him does not say anything,

but he just makes a circle around his ears and grins,

and walks off! He thinks he is so smart and educated.

But he does not know the voice of God.

God Looked For A Man.

God is still looking for a man. He uses men; a man

to whom He can reveal His secrets. The secret of the

Lord is with them that fear him.

If the Lord can use such men as Gideon, who can win

a battle with three hundred out of thirty-two thous-

and; if he can use Joshua to bring down the walls of

opposition! if He can use Moses to bring a deliverance


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revival to a nation; if He can use Elijah to bring a na-

tion to its knees and cause the people to cry "The Lord

He is God"! if He can use Noah to hear His voice and

warn a wicked world, then He can find a man today He

can use. It does not need to be many men . He can use

one if He finds one who will separate himself .and havethe grace and backbone to speak what God tells him.

God and one is a majority.

Some day people are going to learn, after it is too

Iate, that God does have some men who are warning

the world of the coming storm. They are going to knock

and say, "Lord, open to us". But He is going to say

"Depart from Me Iknow you not!" '

God is going to have some people that He can use

to bring a deliverance revival to a people who are

b.ound by tradition and rituals. The Red Sea of opposi-

tion will roll back. "The enemy will be confounded andconfused and defeated."

. Are y~u going to be one of those people who are go-

mg to hide away with God until you hear His voice

know His voice; one whom He can trust with His sec~

rets? God grant that you may. That day is right nowat hand.




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50c eachI am going to send you 60 of my best faith books, on casting out devils,

healing the sick, faith, Holy Ghost, prophecy, and almost every subject of the

Bible. You will be on my prayer list every day until Jesus comes. I'll pray that CL.you will have a double portion ministry. I want you to be my partner and pray _

for me. When you finish reading these books and filling out the test papers we :r :will send you a diploma which you can frame and have on your wall. It will

remind you that I am praying for you every day, that you are my partner in

prayer. If you are a minister you may receive a license to preach. There is no

charge for the packing, boxing, storage, shipping, postage, exam papers,

grading, secretary expense, diplomas, or ordination papers. Your dues will be

paid up for life. (Others charge $12.00 per yeor and up). You can pay for them

$.SO per week or send in the name of one new student per month, either one you

you choose. If you send one name per month all the textbooks are free. 0 t--

Dear TVD Staff: - e x : :[J Please send the 60 W. V. Grant faith books. If I like them I will send SO cen!!:, <.

per week, or one name per month, of someone who wants this course. \,/) a..[J Put me on your prayer list. Pray for me at a certain time each day. I'll b>

your partner. >U I want a license to preach when I finish the books. I understand the IicensO

costs no money and my dues will be paid for life. --l

NAME~ ~--l



e x : :UJ


- 3 2 . : . . . . . . . _50 Cent8