gong xie xue pai gong xie doctrine 攻邪学派

Gong Xie Xue Pai Gong Xie Doctrine 攻邪学派 Daoshing Ni

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Post on 01-Feb-2022




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Daoshing Ni
Transla5on • Gong – to a7ack, to eliminate, to invade • Xie – evils, pathogens, toxins • Gong Xie Xue Pai – The School of Pathogen- A7acking Method. Detoxifica5on Doctrine

Defini5on of Detoxifica5on
• 1. The process of detoxifying. 2. The state or condi5on of being detoxified. 3. Physiology. The metabolic process by which the toxic quali5es of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body. 4. A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addic5on designed to purge the body of intoxica5ng or addic5ve substances. Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addic5on.
The Truth of Detoxifica5on
Pathogen Pathogenic Consequence Disease
• Pathogen and its progressive consequences in the body creates a disease phenomenon. This is toxic to our body.
• The focus is on rid of the toxins.
pathogenic invasion
No disease progression • Detoxifica5on • Restore body’s func5on • Strengthen body’s func5on
Gong Xue Doctrine Summary
• Represen5ng physician: –Dr. Zhang, Cong Zheng (Zhang, Zi He )
• Central Doctrine: –A7acking (heat) toxins with cool and cold herbs
• Publica5on: – Ru Men Shi Qin
• Suppor5ng physicians: – Chang De
• Suppor5ng publica5ons: – Shang Han Xin Jin
Founding Environment
• Similar as He Jian Xue Pai –War5me –Song, Jin Dynas5es –Frequent epidemics and febrile diseases –Began in the same province with similar climate and pa5ent condi5ons
–Began in the same 5me period –As an an5dote to Tai Ping Hui Min Ju Fang
The Trend of the Day
Favors tonifica-on, dislike seda-on; favors warming, dislike cooling; Da Huang, Meng Xiao
are snakes and scorpions; dry ginger and aconite are sweet as malt sugar…
Even with the push by Liu Wan Su of focusing on Fire-Heat, it is s5ll difficult to change things
Inferior physician knows only to tonify Deficiencies, afraid of trea5ng Excess condi5on,
people called this the “safe way”.
Origina5on of Detoxifica5on Doctrine
• Neijing and Shang Han Lun • Strong agreement with “Xie Zhi Suo Cou, Qi Qi Bi Xu” , , Neijing – Congealment of pathogens will weaken the Qi –Weakness of Qi will invite congealment of pathogens
• Strong alignment with Zhang, Zhong Jing in the use of Han (Swea5ng) , Tu (Emesis) , Xia (Purge) treatment methods in Shang Han Lun
Addi5onal Influences
• As a disciple of Zhang, Wan Su , the father of He Jian Xue Pai, he has adopted his ways of using cooling and cold herbs by further using cold bi7er herbs to a7ack.
Original Concept
• The forma5on of disease, regardless of Nei Shang (Endogenous Injury) or Wai Xie (Exogenous Pathogen), all are due to pathogens.
• These pathogens are not normal in the body and needs to be rid of. Once the pathogens are gone, Yuan Qi will recover on its own.
• The use of Han, Tu, Xia are the most frequent methods of Zhang, Cong, Zheng
Detoxifica5on’s Human Cast
• Zhang, Cong Zheng – the ini5ator • Ma, Jiu Chou , Chang, De , Li, Zi Fan – the
suppor5ng physicians
• Ma, Jiu Chou – Dr. Zhang’s student that may have wri7en most of Ru Men Shi Qin
• Chang, De has wri7en Zhang Zi He Xin Jin (Dr. Zhang’s Zi He’s Mirror of the Heart)
Future Influences
• Established founda5on for later Web Bing Xue Pai (Warmth Disease Doctrine)
• Established founda5on for the ini5al treatment of plague
• Established founda5on for later treatment of cancer, tumors and miscellaneous endogenous diseases
• Qu Xie Fu Zheng (Rid of Pathogen to Support the An5-pathogenic Qi)
The Work of Zhang Cong Zheng
Zhang, Cong Zheng
• Other name: Zhang, Zi He • Born in Song Jin Dynas5es • 1156-1228 AD • Wri7en Ru Men Shi Qin • It is a compila5on of 10 plus different publica5ons of Zhang, Cong Zheng
• 15 chapters
Dis5nct Features of Zhang Cong Zheng
1. All disease is from Pathogen 2. A7ack Pathogen to Rid of Disease 3. Three Methods of Detoxifica5on
a. Han diaphoresis b. Tu emesis
c. Xia purga5on 4. Bloodlekng Therapy
1. All Disease Is From Pathogen(s)
Exogenous Pathogens
Exogenous Diseases
Endogenous Pathogens
Endogenous Diseases
Human Level 6 Tastes
Attack Upper Portion of the Body
Attack Middle Portion of the Body
Attack Lower Portion of the BodyROYGBIV
Qi and Xue must be flowing and not stagnant…any stagnancy will invite pathogenic invasion…
2. A7ack Pathogen to Rid of Disease
• All diseases are from pathogens • All treatments begin with a7acking pathogens • The a7ack must be quick and swil • Sooner the pathogens are gone, sooner the Yuan Qi returns
• Emphasizes a7ack with medicine such as herbs…nourishment with food…
When nourish life, use food…when treat disease, use medicine…
Yang Sheng Shi Bu, Zhi Bing Yao Gong
Han, Xia, Tu methods use Herbs; Tonifica-on uses grain, meat, fruits and vegetables.
One who knows how to use medicine, knows how to let pa4ent take in five grains to tonify 1. Rice 2. Proso Millet 3. Foxtail Millet
4. Wheat 5. Soy Bean
If one uses minerals and herbs to tonify, the pathogens will be tonified and will cause death
That’s why Dr. Zhang, Cong Zheng proposed “A7ack first, tonify later”
All herbs contain certain imbalances; thus they have cura-ve and toxic proper-es simultaneously.
Prolonged use of tonics will cause accumula-ons of small imbalances into larger imbalances such as the
use of Gan Cao and Ren Sheng.
3. Three Methods of Detoxifica5on- Han, Tu, Xia
• Diaphoresis, emesis, purga5on (cartharsis) are the three main methods of treatment used by Dr. Zhang, Cong Zheng.
• By using these three methods of treatment, he is able to treat all diseases. For him, these three methods encompasses all the other methods of treatment.
Diaphoresis – Han Fa (Swea5ng Method)
• Pungent Warm • Cool-Cold • Moxa, steam, wash, bath, iron, branding, acupuncture, stone needle, Daoyin, massage can all cause diaphoresis. Any methods that can relieve biao would be considered Han Fa.
• For all condi5ons where the pathogen a7acked only the Biao and the 5ssues.
Han Fa – Diaphoresis Method
• “Wind Cold pathogen stagnates in the -ssues, hides in the Jing Luo crea-ng pain, numbness or extremity swelling, itchiness, s-ffness and spasm. Use Han Fa to bring it out.”
• “Wind, Cold, Damp, Summer Heat enter the -ssue but yet to enter deeper. To speedily get rid of pathogen would be to sweat it out.”
Han Fa
• Incessant diarrhea, indiges5on, pulse floa5ng large and long, feverish with Biao Re symptoms can all use Han Fa or combined with Tu Fa and Xia Fa.
• Tetanus, seizures, manic, alcohol poisoning, bi syndrome etc. can all use emesis first and follow up by Han method, or combined simultaneously.
• Favored the pungent warming herbal formulas used by Zhang, Zhong Jing such as Ma Huang Tang and Gui Zhi Tang.
• Pungent cooling: –Fang Feng Tong Sheng San –Shuang Jie San
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
• Fang Feng, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Shao Yao, Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Lian Qiao, Bo He, Ma Huang, Shi Gao, Jie Geng, Huang Qin, Bai Zhu, Zhi Zi, Jing Jie, Hua Shi, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang.

• Disperse wind relieve biao, cleanse heat and purge.
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
• Migraine Headaches • Hyperlipidemia • Obesity • Skin condi5ons • Acute Conjunc5vi5s • Acute Allergic Reac5ons • Alopecia • Acne • Sinusi5s
Shuang Jie San
• Tian Shui San + Fang Feng Tong Sheng San • Measles, Biao Li Excess
Tian Shui San
• Liu Yi San, Yi Yuan San, Tai Bai San
• Hua Shi 6, Zhi Gan Cao 1, honey • 61
• Summer damp with fever, restlessness, thirst, sluggish urina5on with pain, San Jiao damp heat.
Tian Shui San
• Infan5le Diarrhea • Whooping cough
Han Fa – Diaphore5c Method
• Southern area has more heat, pungent cool is more suitable; northern area has more cold, pungent warm is more suitable; summer months has more summer heat, pungent cool is more suitable; winter months has more cold, pungent warm is more suitable; younger stronger cons-tu-on more suitable with pungent cooling, older weaker cons-tu-on more suitable with pungent warming; irritated emo-ons need pungent cooling, relaxed emo-ons need pungent warming; pulse floa-ng large needs pungent cooling, pulse slow needs pungent warming.
Pungent Cooling Pungent Warming
Southern Area ! Northern Area ! Summer Months ! Winter Months ! Strong/Young ! Weak/Old ! Irritability ! Relaxed Mood !
P Floating Large ! P Retarded !
Han Fa – Diaphore5c Method
• Always differen5ate Yin-Yang, Biao-Li, Xu-Shi, once sweated and healed, no need to con5nue the herbs.
Tu Fa – Eme5c Method
• People are frequently afraid and unhappy with vomi-ng, they rather allow things to go downward and coming out the other end.
• But eme-c method when done appropriately, the effec-veness tends to be immediate.
• Contraindicated in irritability, moodiness, bleeding, old, weak, dangerous, and bulimic condi-ons.
• Always begin with small dose of formula and increase gradually.
Tu Fa Shang Han Headache – Gua Di San
• Gua Di 75 pieces, Chi Xiao Dou 75 pieces, Ren Shen 5 Qian, Gan Cao 5 Qian
• • Grind into powder, take 1 Qian at a 5me un5l emesis
Gua Di • Cucumis melo
(Muskmelon) is a species of melon that has been developed into many cul5vated varie5es.
• These include smooth- skinned varie5es such as honeydew, Crenshaw, and casaba, and different ne7ed cul5vars (cantalou pe, Persian melon, and Santa Claus or Christmas melon).
Gua Di • The cul5va5on of the Melon in
Asia is of very ancient date. It was grown by the Egyp5ans, and the Romans and Greeks were familiar with it.
• The Common Melon was commonly known as the Musk Melon.
• The root of the Common Melon is purga5ve, and in large doses (7 to 10 grains) is said to be a certain eme5c, the ac5ve and bi7er principle having been called Melon- eme5n.
Gua Di • Carpopodium (Stalk) of
Cucumis melo • Bi7er, Cold • Eme5c, Rid of Jaundice • Indiges5on, food poisoning,
epilep5c seizure • Acute hepa55s, liver
cirrhosis • 2-5 fen in powder, take
orally to use as an eme5c • Cau5on for pa5ent with
heart condi5ons and weakened state.
Tu Fa Za Bing Headache
• Cong Bai and Dou Chi • • Once vomited use Chuan Xiong, Bo He.

Xia Fa – Catharsis Method (Purging Method)
• Neijing has pointed out that the patency flow of Qi and Xue is paramount. When there are pathogens retaining inside causing stagnancy, Xia Fa is necessary. To purge at this 5me is to tonify.
• Xia Fa besides the obvious catharsis, it also included promo5ng labor, promo5ng lacta5on, breaking up tumor, purging fluid, breaking channel, and breaking Qi.
• This method is especially suited for Spleen/ Stomach disorders.
Spleen governs transforma-on and stomach governs dissolving and grinding down food source. The
characteris-c of these ac-ons is most importantly – free flowing. If there is any stagnancy in this process, any symptoms and condi-ons will begin to form. The
only way to resolve this is to aXack and bring stagnancy downward to dissolve this blockage.
Stagnancy of Earth requires Da Cheng Qi Tang .
Da Huang biXer and cold, opens up nine orifices, small and large conveniences, rid of
stagnant heat of five Zang and six Fu; Mang Xiao salty and cold, breaks up
phlegm and disperses heat, moistens intes-nes and stomach.
Zhi Shi biXer cold is an adjunc-ve and guiding herb, disperses stagnant Qi, dissolve food accumula-on, abdominal disten-on and
fullness. Hou Pu pungent warm, harmonize spleen
and stomach, widen middle and open Qi.
Xia Fa - Contraindica5ons
• When the condi5on is not Shi-Excess type • Diarrhea with weak pulse • Bleeding condi5ons with weak pulse
4. Ci Xue Liao Fa Bloodlekng Therapy Method
• Lekng go of blood when it is stagnant is actually nourish blood. Because when blood is stagnant, it becomes old. When it is old, the new blood cannot be formed. This creates a blood stagnancy and deficiency condi5on at the same 5me. Therefore lekng go of old blood is nourishing.
• Bloodlekng is synonymous with Han Fa. Their principles and therapeu5c intent are the same.
• Sore throat, where the Han Fa is not the most effec5ve, the bleeding method is be7er.
Bing Ming Disease Name
Zheng Zhuang Symptoms
Ci Fa Puncture Method
Acute Blindness Sudden blurry vision
Bi Zhong , Zan Zhu , Tou Ding
Throat Pain Throat pain, swelling with difficulty speech
Shao Shang
Bai Hui
Ending Summary - Dis5nct Features of Zhang Cong Zheng
• All disease is from Pathogen • A7ack Pathogen to Rid of Disease • Three Methods of Detoxifica5on
–Han diaphoresis –Tu emesis
–Xia purga5on • Bloodlekng Therapy
Ending Summary
• Represen5ng physician: Dr. Zhang, Cong Zheng (Zhang, Zi He )
• Central Doctrine: A7acking (heat) toxins with cool and cold herbs