goodwin's theory - 30h!3

Applying Andrew Goodwin’s Theory !3 Ft. Ke$ha :- My first kiss Recent electro-pop song

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Applying Andrew Goodwin’s Theory

3OH!3 Ft. Ke$ha :- My first kissRecent electro-pop song

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One of the first point made by Goodwin was that all music videos could be indentify the genre of the song. In electro-pop music the normal aspects would be:

“Music videos show genre characteristics.”

• Romance• Attractive women• Revealing clothing worn by women• Lead singer close ups• Sexual Desire•Warm lighting

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Sexual desire.Throughout the video there is shots of different girls trying to kiss and being very up close and personal with Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte, the lead singers of the group. This gives off the impression of sexual desire towards the two men.

Close ups of lead singers.The picture shows one of many close ups of Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte. This is often done as a selling point and to so the consumer can relate to the video by recognising the singers. This could be know as objectifying because it idolises the singers to make them attractive to the target audience.Women wearing revealing

clothing.As you can see in the shot there is an attractive woman wearing very revealing clothing, this is done to attract a certain audience. Mainly men will be attracted a young and attractive woman in revealing clothing. Its done to make the artists lifestyle seem fast paced and exciting and a definitive characteristic of electro-pop music.

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Romance.This is a shot of a couple kissing, suggesting romance. The leading singers sing about their first kiss which is traditionally romantic therefore giving the impression of previous romance. This is frequently shown throughout the video.

Warm lighting.Here in the shot you can see the warm lighting and background behind the singers. It has been purposely amplified to give a warm feeling to give a clear definition between colours

Attractive women. In the shot there is an

attractive woman. The use of many attractive women in the video is to draw in a specific type of audience.

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“There is a link between the lyrics and the video.”

In the video there is often times where the lyrics show roughly what is happening in the video but not exactly what is happening. Often in Electro-pop videos the lyrics give an idea of what is happening in the video, for example in this video Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte sing about a first kiss and the video is predominantly made up of people kissing. We also see these two being idolised by women which is a classic example of a female role in an electro-pop video with male lead singers.

Lyrics during this shot – “Well my first kiss went a little like his”

Lyrics during this shot – “I got you on my lips”

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“There is a link between the lyrics and the music.”

The music in the song is very high pace and upbeat is represented through the visuals shown by Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte through out the video with lots of moving about and jumping up and down. Also the colour of the background changes in each time they are shown to show the type of song it is, it’s all ‘happy and fun’.

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“The record label demands lots of close ups of the artists.”

The reason for so many close ups is so that the target audience recognise the artists so they can sell merchandise and to make the song sell. It’s a common trait not just for electro-pop but all pop in general, it could also work as an inspiration for young bands and performers.

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“The Artist may develop iconography that recurs across their work.”

A common occurrence across 3OH!3’s videos would be showing sexual desire towards them. It is a recognisable trait of a 3OH!3 electro-pop music video. There is also lots of close ups of the two lead singers which again is a recognisable trait from most of their videos. Another common occurrence would be the use of vivid background colours, like you can see in ‘Don’t Trust Me’ as well as ‘My First Kiss’.

3OH!3 Ft. Katy PerryStarstrukk

3OH!3Don’t Trust Me

3OH!3Touchin’ on my

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“There is frequent reference to the notion of looking.”

The notion of looking not only into the camera but into a characters eyes as he sings to her. The reason he looks into the camera is for direct address so the viewer can relate. This is also used a selling point for the band as the viewers will get used to what they look like and feel like they can connect to them with similarities.

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“There are often intertextual references- mostly to film, television

and popular culture.”There is a shot during the video which could reference to 1940’s when sailors and soldiers return from war and kiss their partner. It is very patriotic for Americans and is very recognisable. It is an example of intertextual reference as there is similarities below but the shot in the video would be considered a modern version.