governing the global risks programme

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  • 8/6/2019 Governing the Global Risks Programme


    Governing the global risks

    Casa de la Paz y Los Derechos Humanos

    Donostia-San Sebastin, 6th and 7th October 2010

    Provisional programme*Simultaneous translation to Spanish- English and French

  • 8/6/2019 Governing the Global Risks Programme


    Day 1

    6th October

    8:30 Enrolment Opening Time

    9.00 to 09.45 Session 1

    MODERATOR: Daniel Innerarity, El Instituto de la Gobernanza9:00 Edgar Grande, University of Munich (Germany)- Global Risks and Preventive Governance.9:30 Zaki Ladi, Sciences Po (France)- Is Europe a Risk Averse Power.10:00 Michael Zrn, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) (Germany)-Politization of World Politics and itsConsequences.

    10:30 11:15 Debate

    11:15 to 11.30 Coffee break/Pausa Caf/

    11.30 to 13.00 Session 2

    MODERATOR: Jos Luis Curbelo, Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness11:30 Javier Solana, ESADE-12:00 Gurutz Jauregui, Universidad del Pas Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea,- La emergencia de un nuevo orden

    jurdico- institucional: el estado y la constitucin en la era de la globalizacin.

    12:30 13:00 Debate

    13.00 to 14:30 Lunch/Comida/.



  • 8/6/2019 Governing the Global Risks Programme


    Day 1

    6th OctoberPROVISIONAL


    14:30 to 16.00 Session 3

    MODERATOR- Susana del Ro, Experts Committee of the European Commission.

    14:30 Elena Pulcini, University of Florence (Italy)- Re-learning to fear: the Perception of Risks in the Global Age15:00 Dimitri DAndrea, University of Florence (Italy)- Global Warming as Globalised Risks and Potencial GlobalThreat.

    15:30-16:00 Debate

    16.00 to 16:15 Coffee Break/Pausa Caf/

    16:15 to 17.15 Session 4

    MODERATOR- Cristina Monge, Ecologa y Desarrollo (ECODES)16:15 Andreas Metzer, University of Mnster (Germany)-The Governance of Science and Technology and theChallenges of Progress, Vulnerability & Sustainable Development

    16:45 Ignacio Aymerich, Universitat Jaume I.-16:45- 17:15 Sesin de debate

    19:00 Guided visit across the city of Donostia-San Sebastin

    Visita guiada por la ciudad de Donostia-San Sebastin

    20:30 Dinner/Cena/

    Restaurante Nineu (Avda de la Zurriola, 1, 20002 Donostia - San Sebastin)

  • 8/6/2019 Governing the Global Risks Programme


    Day 2

    7th October

    9.30 to 11.30 Session 5.

    MODERATOR: Francisco Longo, ESADE.9:30 Michel Wieviorka, Ecole des hautes tudes en sciences sociales (EHESS), (France)- Entre les sujetsindividuels, et le global: que veut dire gouverner.

    10:00 Christophe Bouton, University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, (France)- Le gouffre entre savoir etpouvoir. Sur quelques catgories contemporaines de lavenir.

    10:30- 11:00 Sesin de debate

    11.00 to 11:15 Coffee break/Pausa Caf

    11.15 to 13.00 Session 6.

    MODERATOR: Juanjo lvarez, Instituto de la Gobernanza.11:15 Daniel Weinstock Universit de Montral (Canada)- Risk, Uncertainty and Catastrophe.11:45 Dominic Desroches, College Ahuntsic, Montreal (Canada)-La gestion du risque confronte

    lacclration du temps-De linattendu au climat durgence et au temps panique.12:15- 12:45 Sesin de debate

    12:45- 13:00 Closure/Cierre/



  • 8/6/2019 Governing the Global Risks Programme


    * Fundacin en proyecto de constitucin.


    San Sebastin Office

    Campus de la Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao Office

    Biblioteca-CRAI, Universidad de Deusto

    Mundaiz, 50

    20012 Donostia/San Sebastin

    Ramn Rubial, 1, planta 8, aula 7

    48009 Bilbao

    Basque Institute of Competitiveness Deusto Foundation

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