gps notes

Proactive Detail Design of Batch III Sub-Projects using GPS The procedural Steps are described below: Step1: Install GIS Arc GIS 9.3, and DNR Garmin softwares. Save required Topo Map (Supplied in CD) Note: DNR Garmin helps to down load the GPS data (Track and Way point). Arc GIS is required to interpret and process the GPS data. Step 2: Download the data from GPS Connect GPS with the help of USB cable to the computer. Open DNR Garmin Go to GPS tab in menu bar , then set port tab and check mark in USB Go to File tab in menu bar, then set projection tab, projection display will pop out. Set datum to WGS 84, Projections to UTM zone 45 N Clik Track and select down load from the pop up menu. (Wait for a while the software downloads the track data in tabular form) Go to File choose Save to, choose File (Give the desired location. Note: Never save these types of files in the desktop) Remember: Save these files both as *.shp (Projected) and *.txt file formats. Click Waypoint and select down load from the pop up menu. (Wait for a while the soft ware down loads the Waypoint data in tabular form) Remember: Edit your field observation remarks in the COMMENT Column in order to view it with your way points. Go to File choose Save to, choose File (Give the desired location. Note: Never save these types of files in the desktop) Remember: Save these files both as *.shp (Projected) and *.txt file formats. (Now you have the field data of both Track and Way point down loaded into your computer. You may disconnect the GPS from your computer and switch it off)

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Post on 24-Nov-2015




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Proactive Detail Design of Batch III Sub-Projects using GPS

The procedural Steps are described below:Step1: Install GIS Arc GIS 9.3, and DNR Garmin softwares. Save required Topo Map (Supplied in CD)Note: DNR Garmin helps to down load the GPS data (Track and Way point). Arc GIS is required to interpret and process the GPS data.Step 2: Download the data from GPS Connect GPS with the help of USB cable to the computer.

Open DNR Garmin

Go to GPS tab in menu bar , then set port tab and check mark in USB

Go to File tab in menu bar, then set projection tab, projection display will pop out.

Set datum to WGS 84, Projections to UTM zone 45 N Clik Track and select down load from the pop up menu. (Wait for a while the software downloads the track data in tabular form) Go to File choose Save to, choose File (Give the desired location. Note: Never save these types of files in the desktop) Remember: Save these files both as *.shp (Projected) and *.txt file formats.

Click Waypoint and select down load from the pop up menu. (Wait for a while the soft ware down loads the Waypoint data in tabular form) Remember: Edit your field observation remarks in the COMMENT Column in order to view it with your way points. Go to File choose Save to, choose File (Give the desired location. Note: Never save these types of files in the desktop) Remember: Save these files both as *.shp (Projected) and *.txt file formats. (Now you have the field data of both Track and Way point down loaded into your computer. You may disconnect the GPS from your computer and switch it off)Step 3: Importing Field data to Arc GIS Open ArcMap ( Programs/ ArcGIS/ ArcMap)

Click Add Data icon (Shown with arrow) to add the saved Topo Map (*.tiff), Track (*.shp) and Waypoint (*.shp) one by one simultaneously.

Step 4: Labeling Waypoints Click right mouse in the way point layer and select Properties

Go to Labels Tab select COMMENT from Label Field drop down menu.

Check Label features in this layer Press Apply and Ok

With the end of step 4, we have brought all the raw field data into GIS. Now we are ready to edit these data as per our requirement.Step 5: Editing Go to Tools and add Editor Tool bar

Click Editor and select Start Editing.

Chose the location of the required feature that you want to edit in the Start Editing window that comes after you chose Start Editing from the Editor Tool bar and press ok and select Start Editing.Note: do not forget to select the desired feature in the Target pop up menu.

Now you can fine tune your track line by double clicking the track and moving the vertex. You may also delete and Insert the vertex by clicking the right mouse at the desired points on the track.

Remember: to save and stop Editing from the Editor Pop up. In case you are compelled to edit your track extensively as a result of difficulties in the field, you can create your own new track line based on the available track data and the contour lines of the Topo map.

Step 6: Create New Track Line

Open Arc Catlog (shown by arrow)

Chose the desired location for the new shapefile.

Create new shapefile by clicking right mouse button New Shapefile Give the desired name of the shapefile and select Polyline in the Feature Type and press Ok.

Step 7: Drawing the new track line in the shapefile that you have created. Import the newly created shapefile by repeating Step 3. To draw new track line repeat Step 5 in order to activate the editor.

Select sketch Tool to start the drawing You may also snap the features in order to make your sketching job easier Select Editor and click snapping

Note: The mouse pointer changes

You can now start drawing the new track line by clicking the left mouse along the desired alignment.

Remember: Do not forget to click on the Waypoints while drawing, by doing so you will not miss the chainage of that way point.

After finishing your drawing click right mouse and select Finish Sketch or press F2.Step 8: To create new shapefile for Waypoints

Follow Steps 6 and 7 (Note: Chose Points in place of polyline)

Mark the desired waypoints on the track by clicking left mouse activated with sketch tool and snapping

Save your edits and stop EditingStep 9: Add Attributes for new Waypoints (Layer)

Click right mouse and open attribute table for the new waypoint layer

Go to Options, choose Add Field to insert new column to type your remarks

Note: Do not forget to give name of your new column and chose the appropriate type Start editing to type your remarks in the new column FID (after typing save and stop editing)

To view your remarks follow Step 4.

Remarks: Following the above steps you can create as many layers of Waypoints as required to show the different features of your structures.Step 10: COMMAND AREA Delineation

Create the command area Polygon following the above steps as in case of track above.

Remember: While selecting the feature type, choose Polygon.Step 11: Calculation of Command Area

Open Attribute Table by right clicking the New Command area Layer.

Create as many attribute column as required (eg. CCA Sqm, CCA ha etc.)

Remember: Choose Float in the Type drop down menu.

Right click on the Command Area title and select Calculate GeometryStep 12: Calculating and Displaying Chainage.

Create a new point shape file from Arc Catalog for Fixed chainage interval and add it to the Arc Map Start Editing the point shape file that you have created. Select the alignment of which you want to write chainage. From the Editor Drop down menu select Divide Choose place point separated by every, and give the desired interval and press OK Stop editing and add Field in the Chainage shape file and write chainages.

Step 15: To calculate and Display chainage of Way points (Nodes of the final alignment) Go to Arc Tool Box Go to Data Management Tool, then Features, then Features Vertices to Points Input the alignment of which you want to write chainage Name the output features class, click OK

Open attribute table of newly formed output features Add fields for x coordinate and y coordinate as x and y Calculate Geometry for x and y field.

Open chainage_way.dbf format in excel. Save as in excel format ( Note : dont edit in dbf format)

Calculate the distance between the two points in separate column by using distance formula (=sqrt((X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2) Calculate the cumulative distance in separate column

Convert the cumulative distance into the chainage format by using {=TEXT(cell address,0+000)}

Copy Chainage and paste in attribute table by adding a Field (Note: select text in type while adding field)

Step 16: Add the Excel file in the GIS as a Separate layer.

Goto Tools select Add XY Data

Give the location of the Excel file and press ok (New layer will be added with extension Event

Right click on the above file layer go to Data, chose Export data and save the file by giving desired location in shape file format.

Now you can add this shapefile and remove the Excel file from the Layer display window.

Step17: Deleting unwanted chainage points

Start editing as explained earlier in order to remove the unwanted chainage marks.Note: It is advisable to turn off other layers in order to chose the exact point for deletion.

Simply select the point you want to delete with the editing mouse pointer and press delete.Step 18: Setting Layout and Printing Go to File, select print setup and choose the appropriate size of paper and orientation

Go to layout view.(shown by an arrow)

You can Stretch your map by double clicking and moving the vertex.Remember: Scroll of your mouse will zoom only the paper, where as the zoom in your tools will zoom the map inside your paper.

You can insert Title, Legends, North Arrow, Scale bar etc. from the Insert menu.

After finalizing your map layout you can Print it in paper, you also can export your map layout, in other formats like PDF, JPEG, BMP etc. from file menu and choosing Export map.
