grade twelve biology notes

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  • 7/31/2019 Grade Twelve Biology Notes


    Grade Twelve Biology Notes

    Bridget Walsh

    Nervous System

    Glial cells- non-conducting cells important for structural support and metabolism ofnerve cells

    Neurons- conduct nerve impulses

    o Sensory

    afferent carry impulses from sensory preceptors located in clusterscalled ganglia outside the spinal cord

    o interneurons

    interpret and integrate sensory information

    o motor neurons

    efferent carry impulses from the central nervous system toeffectors

    myelin sheath- insulation for neurons

    o formed by Schwann cells

    o areas between Schwann cells are called nodes of Ranvier, nerve impulses

    jump from node to node

    o speed of impulse along the nerve fibre is affected by myelination and

    diameter of axon

    dendrites- receive impulses

    axon- projects nerve impulses from the cell body, is an extension of the cytoplasm

    A rapid change in the chemical potential difference across the membrane of aneuron is detectable each time a nerve is excited

    The difference between electrical and neural transmission

    o Current travels faster along a wire than an impulse travels across a nerve

    o Cytoplasmic core of a nerve cell offers great resistance to the movement of

    electrical current

    Julius Bernstein hypothesized that nerve impulses were and electrochemicalmessage created by the movement of ions through the nerve cell membrane

    Action potential- the voltage difference across a nerve cell membrane when the

    nerve is excited

    Resting potential- voltage difference across a nerve cell membrane during the

    resting period (-70mV)

    The electrochemical event is caused by an unequal positive charge

    Negative ions have little effect because they are very large and cannot pass throughthe membrane

    The more rapid diffusion of potassium ions to sodium ions means exterior becomes

    positive to the interior membrane

    Excitation= sodium more permeable than potassium

    Charge reversal results in depolarization

    Refractory period- recovery time required before a neuron can produce another

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    action potential

    Threshold Levels: All or Nothing!

    o Potential stimulus must be above critical value to produce a response

    o Critical intensity= threshold level

    o Threshold levels are different for different neurons

    o Increasing intensity of stimuli will not produce an increased responseo Respond completely or not at all

    Synaptic Transmission

    o Synapses- regions between neurons or between neurons and effectors

    o Neurotransmitters- chemicals released from vesicles into synapses

    o Presynaptic neuron- neurons that carry impulses to the synapse

    o Postsynaptic neuron- carries neurons away

    Acetylcholine- is an example of a neurotransmitter. It is released from the endplates of neurons and makes postsynaptic membranes more permeable to Na+ ions,

    this results in a change in gradient and thus an action potential.

    Cholinesterase- is the enzyme released from postsynaptic membrane to breakdown acetylcholine and close sodium channels

    EPSP and IPSP- an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is a temporary

    depolarization of postsynaptic membrane potential caused by the flow of positivelycharged ions into the postsynaptic cell. They are the opposite of inhibitory

    postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), which usually result from the flow of negative ions

    into the cell. A postsynaptic potential is defined as excitatory if it makes it easier

    for the neuron to fire an action potential. EPSPs can also result from a decrease inoutgoing positive charges, while IPSPs are sometimes caused by an increase in

    positive charge outflow

    Summation-EPSPs, like IPSPs, are graded (i.e. they have an additive effect). Whenmultiple EPSPs occur on a single patch of postsynaptic membrane, their combined

    effect is the sum of the individual EPSPs. Larger EPSPs result in greater membrane

    depolarization and thus increase the likelihood that the postsynaptic cell reaches thethreshold for firing an action potential.

    Homeostasis: Blood Glucose regulation

    Homeostasis refers to the bodys attempt to adjust to a fluctuating external


    All homeostatic control systems have 3 functional components: a monitor (set

    point, eg. What your body temp. should be), a coordinating centre (your brain) anda regulator (your body, you start sweating thus cooling yourself)

    Negative feedback mechanisms trigger a response that reverses the changed


    Positive feedback systems (less common) move the controlled variable even furtheraway from a steady state (eg. The birth process)

    The Importance of the Endocrine System

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    Hormones are chemicals that affect cells in other parts of the body, they are

    classified by their activation sites

    o Growth hormone or somatotropin regulate bone growth

    o Insulin regulates blood sugar by increasing the permeability of cells to


    o Epinephrine is produced in times of stress Hypothalamus- the region of the brain responsible for coordinating nerve and

    hormone response

    Pituitary gland- gland at the base of the brain that, together with the hypothalamus,functions as a control centre, coordinating the endocrine and nervous system

    Steriod and Protein Hormones

    o Steroid hormones- group of hormones made from cholesterol that includes

    male and female sex hormones and cortisol

    o Cortisol- hormone that stimulates the conversion of amino acids to glucose

    by the liver

    o Protein hormones- group of hormones composed of chains of amino acids

    that includes insulin and growth hormones

    o Steroid hormones diffuse from the capillaries into the interstilial fluid and

    then into the target cell, where they combine with receptor molecules

    located in the cytoplasm

    o The hormone-receptor complex moves into the nucleus and binds to

    chromatin activating a gene to produce a specific protein

    o Protein hormones do not diffuse into the cell but combines with receptor

    sites on the cell membrane, activating enzymes within the cell

    Glucagon- hormone produced by the pancreas; when blood sugar levels are low,

    glucagons promotes conversion of glycogen to glucose


    Insulin and glucagon work together, insulin causes a decrease in bloodsugar level and glucagons causes an increase

    Adrenal glands- located above each kidney, each gland is made up of two glands

    incased in one shell

    o Adrenal medulla- found at the core of the adrenal gland, produces

    epinephrine and norepinephrine. Surrounded by the adrenal cortex, themedulla is regulated by the nervous system while hormones regulate the

    adrenal cortex

    o Norepinephrine- initiates the fight-or-flight response by increasing heart

    rate and blood sugar

    o The hormone- producing cells in the adrenal medulla are stimulated by

    sympathetic nerves in times of stresso Adrenal cortex- outer region that produces corticoids and


    o Short term stress activates a response through the spinal cord to the adrenal


    o Long term stress prompts the pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic

    hormone (ACTH) to the adrenal cortex which then releases either

    mineralcorticoids or glucocorticoids

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    The Autonomic Nerve System

    o The sutonomic nerve system is part of the peripheral nervous system, this

    regulatory system works with the endocrine system

    o The autonomic nerve system is a motor system regulated without conscious


    o Made up of two distinct (opposing) units, the sympathetic nervous systemand the parasympathetic nervous system

    o Sympathetic prepares the body for stress, while parasympathetic restores

    normal balance

    o Sympathetic nerves come from the thoracic vertebrae (ribs) and lumbar

    vertebrae (small of the back)

    o Parasympathetic nerves exit directly from the brain or from the spinal cord,

    nerves that exit directly from the brain are called cranial nerves

    o An important cranial nerve is the vagus nerve (branches to the heart,

    bronchi of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and digestive tract)

    o The neurotransmitters released from the sympathetic system are

    acetylcholine and norepinephrine; the parasympathetic system releases onlyacetylcholine

    o Pain killers:

    Endorphins and enkephalins belong to a group of chemicals calledneuropeptides

    Pain is interpreted by the brain by specialized cells called substantia

    gelatinosa (SG), when stimulated they produce neurotransmitter thatinforms the brain of damage (pain)

    When endorphins or enkephalins are present SG is prevented from

    producing neurotransmitter and thus pain is decreased

    Opiates target the same SG cells and prevent them from notifyingthe brain of pain

    o When an initiator of stress is identified both the endocrine and nervous

    system react, the somewhat slower endocrine system provides a moresustained response to the stimulus

    o Stress hormones provide more blood glucose to cope with the elevated

    energy requirements brought on by stress

    o Epinephrine- increases by mobilizing carbohydrates and fat energy stores,

    increases blood glucose and fatty acids, accelerates heart rate and the

    activity of the respiratory system

    o Cortisol- increases by converting proteins to glucose, elevates blood amino

    acids, blood glucose and fatty acidso Glucagon- increases by converting glycogen to glucose

    o Insulin- decreases by decreasing the breakdown of glycogen in the liver

    Reproductive Hormones

    o Male reproductive system:

    Testosterone- male sex hormone produced by interstitial cells of the


    FSH- follicle- stimulating hormone, in males the hormone that

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    increases sperm production

    LH- luteinizing hormone, regulates the production of testosterone

    GnRH- gonadotropin-releasing hormone- chemical messenger fromthe hypothalamus that stimulates secretion of FSH and LH from the


    o Female Reproductive System (hormonal controlthis shit is complicatedyou have to read the entire section to understand):

    Gonadotropins regulate the control of hormones produced in the

    ovaries: estrogen and proestrogen

    FSH- in females, promotes the development of the follicles in theovary

    LH- in females promotes ovulation and the formation of the corpus


    Part of a complex negetive feedback loop

    GnRH is released from the hypothalamus which activates the

    pituitary gland (the storage site for FSH and LH)

    During the follicular phase, blood carries FSH, follicle development

    happens, follicles secrete estrogen

    Estrogen levels rise, signaling the pituitary to turn of secretion ofFSH

    Similarly high estrogen signals a release of LH , and ovulation


    After ovulation the remaining follicular cells and transformed into

    the corpus luteum, which secretes estrogen and proestrogen,

    inhibiting the release of FSH and LH and thus the corpus luteum

    deteriorates without the gonadotropic hormones, the drop in ovarianhormones signals the beginning of menstration

    Kidney Structure (The Urinary System, Formation of Urine and Water Balance):

    o Ureters- tubes that conduct urine from the kidneys to the bladder

    o Urethra- tube that carries urine from the bladder to the exterior of the body

    o Cortex- outer layer of the kidney

    o Medulla- area inside the cortex

    o Renal pelvis- area where the kidney joins the ureter

    o Nephrons:

    Slender tubules called nephrons are the functional units of the


    Afferent arterioles- small branches that carry blood to the

    glomerulus (branches from the renal artery, supplies the nephronwith blood)

    Glomerulus- high-pressure capillary bed that is the site of filtration

    (does not transfer blood to a venule)

    Efferent arterioles- small branches that carry blood away from the

    glomerulus to a capillary net

    Peritubular capillaries- network of small blood vessels that

    surround the nephron (efferent arterioles carry blood here)

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    Bowmans capsule- surrounds the glomerulus, part of the nephron,

    the afferent, efferent and Bowmans capsule are all part of the cortex

    Fluids to be processed enter Bowmans capsule from the blood,capsule tapers into a thin tubule called the proximal tubule(connects the Bowmans capsule to the loop of Henle)

    Loop of Henle- carries filtrate from the proximal tubule to the distaltubule

    Distal tubule- conducts urine to the collecting duct

    Urine formation depends on three functions: filtration, reabsorbtion

    and secretion


    Each nephron has an independent blood supply, bloodmoves through the afferent arteriole to the high pressure

    glomerulus, dissolved solutes move from high pressure to

    low pressure through the walls of the glomerulus


    Only 1ml of urine is formed for every 120ml filtered through

    the nephron, the remaining is reabsorbed

    Selective reabsorption happens both actively and passively

    Reaborption occurs until the threshold level is reached aka

    the max amount of material that can be moved across thenephron

    pH controlled within the proximal tubule by secretion of H+

    ions and reabsorption of bicarbonate, also happens in the

    distal tubule

    Sodium ions are actively transported out of the nephron

    tubules into the intercellular space, negative ions such as Clfollow because of charge attraction, the highly concentratedsolutes in the intercellular space creates an osmotic force and

    water moves from the nephron (happens in the descending

    part of the loop of Henle)

    Salt is permeable in the ascending loop of Henle, resulting in

    diffusion out

    Interstitial fluid is fluid that surrounds the body cells


    Movement of wastes from the blood into the nephron

    o Regulating ADH:

    Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) causes the kidneys to increase waterreabsorption

    When ADH is released, more concentrated urine is produced thus

    conserving water

    ADH makes the upper part of the distal tubule and collecting ductpermeable to water, more water diffuses out; kidneys only control

    the last 15% of the water found in the nephron

    High blood osmotic pressure (dehydration) results in osmoreceptors

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    located in the hypothalamus to detect the change

    You experience a behavioral response (thirst), drinking then lowersthe osmotic pressure of the blood

    You also release ADH through the pituitary, allowing increased

    water reabsorption which prevents the osmotic pressure from

    increasing further COOL RIGHT?

    o Maintaining Blood pressure and volume (aldosterone):

    Aldosterone is a hormone that increases Na+ reabsorption from the

    distal tubule and the collecting duct

    When blood pressure and or blood volume is low (dehydration,

    blood loss), specialized cells within the juxtaglomerular apparatus

    detect it and release renin.

    Renin converts a plasma protein into angiotensin, which causes the

    constriction of blood vessels and stimulates the release of

    aldosterone from the adrenal gland, carried in the blood to the

    kidneys, and acts on the nephron Kidney Disease

    o Effects of Diabetes (insipidus and mellitus)


    Caused by inadequate secretion of insulin from islet cells in

    the pancreas

    Blood sugar tends to rise

    Cells in the proximal tubule have enough ATP to reabsorbabout 0.1% blood sugar, the excess sugar remains in the


    Excess sugar changes the osmotic pressure, less water is ableto diffuse out

    People with diabetes mellitus are often thirsty as the water

    lost must be replenished


    Destruction of ADH-producing cells of the hypothalamus or

    nerve tracts

    Lack of ADH regulation dramatically increased urine

    production, people the diabetes insipidus must drink large

    quantities of water

    o Kidney Stones:

    Caused by the precipitation of mineral solutes from the blood Categorized into two groups alkaline and acid stones

    You pee them out, causes excruciating pain as it tears delicate tissue

    o Dialysis (loss of kidney function)

    Defined as the exchange of substances across a membrane

    In hemodialysis a unit called a dialyzer mimics the action of the

    nephron. For hemodialysis treatments a person must have a minor

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    surgical operation to create access for needles and tubing

    Peritoneal dialysis is done through the lining of the abdominalcavity, a catheter is inserted, a solution called dialyste is fed into the

    abdominal cavity, fluid stays for 2-6 days and then drained