grammar review 3º eso

REVIEW ACTIVITIES 3º ESO Centro Concertado Bilingüe EL EXAMEN CONSTARÁ DE: - Vocabulario: Question words Prepositions time / place Expressions with DO/MAKE/LET Adjectives –ED /-ING Computer Body Illnesses Articles Quantifiers Noun and Verb collocations Negative prefixes Extreme adjectives Adjective + preposition Telephone (vocabulary and phrasal verbs) Verbs SAY/TELL/SPEAK/ TALK TOO/ ENOUGH Sport Confusing verbs Indefinite Pronouns Verb prefixes Verb + preposition Noun sufixes False Friends - Preguntas sobre el libro de lectura: All about Ireland - Gramática contenida en los ejercicios a continuación SE DEBEN SUPERAR LAS TRES PARTES Estos ejercicios y sus textos del final deben entregarse el día del examen

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- Vocabulario: Question words Prepositions time / place Expressions with DO/MAKE/LET Adjectives –ED /-ING Computer Body Illnesses Articles Quantifiers Noun and Verb collocations Negative prefixes Extreme adjectives Adjective + preposition Telephone (vocabulary and phrasal verbs) Verbs SAY/TELL/SPEAK/ TALK TOO/ ENOUGH Sport Confusing verbs Indefinite Pronouns Verb prefixes Verb + preposition Noun sufixes False Friends

- Preguntas sobre el libro de lectura: All about Ireland- Gramática contenida en los ejercicios a continuación


Estos ejercicios y sus textos del final deben entregarse el día del examen

Susana Martín Muñoz

1. Change into the passive. Write BY only if it´s necessary:

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1. The teacher marked all the homework ________________________________________________________

2. Where will your company send you next year? __________________________________________________

3. The news about the war worried Josephine _____________________________________________________

4. His parents educated him ___________________________________________________________________

5. Do you use these computers? ________________________________________________________________

6. They didn´t invite me to their party ____________________________________________________________

7. When did Bell invent the telephone? ___________________________________________________________

8. That dog will bite you _______________________________________________________________________

9. Your brother opened your birthday present ______________________________________________________

10. The students didn´t pass the exams ____________________________________________________________

11. Somebody recorded our conversation __________________________________________________________

12. Does anybody answer the telephone? __________________________________________________________

13. The tourists visit the Eiffel Tower every year _____________________________________________________

14. A thief stole the expensive sculpture ____________________________________________________________

15. They will repair my puncture in the garage _______________________________________________________

16. She doesn´t collect stamps ____________________________________________________________________

17. I will study a different language next year ________________________________________________________

18. Did you break your brother´s new CD? ___________________________________________________________

19. They won´t open a supermarket in this town ______________________________________________________

20. Does your father build houses? _________________________________________________________________

2. Use MUST/ CAN´T / COULD / MAY / MIGHT and their negative forms

1. He _____________ be here . I can see his car in front of the building

2. They´re coming this week but I don´t know which day. They _______________ come tomorrow

3. I _________________ pass the exam. I don´t feel very confident

4. I´ve bought a lottery ticket. I _________________ become a millionaire

5. I´m sure she doesn´t speak French very well, she´s only lived in Paris for a few weeks. She __________ speak

French very well

6. My key´s not in my pocket or on my desk so it ________________ be in the drawer

7. I saw Mark yesterday so he ____________________ be abroad

8. You got the job? That´s great. You ___________________ be delighted

9. I ______________ finish my project by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but I´m not sure

10. I asked them to send the goods as soon as possible; we _______________ them by the end of the week

3. Use MUST / MAY / MIGHT / CAN´T for deduction

1. They ______________ be out. They aren´t answering the phone

2. Helen ______________ be at secondary school. She is only 8

3. Jack _______________ be on holiday. I haven´t seen him for a week

4. Oliver hasn´t called. He _____________ have my number

5. She ____________ be awake yet. It´s only seven o´clock

4. Complete with a suitable MODAL VERB

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1. They ________________ be on holiday, but I´m not sure

2. You ________________be right, but I´d still like to check

3. _______________ you turn it down a bit please?

4. It´s OK, you ____________ go when you´ve finished

5. Ask any questions now as you _________________ not talk during the test

6. You ____________ smoke in the cinema

7. From the way he speaks, he _______________ be from London

8. It´s impossible they ________________ have finished it already!

9. The weather ______________ be better tomorrow

10. _________________ you speak Japanese?


1. I never get up from the table before others _____________________ (finish)

2. It´s already 9.30 pm and I ____________________ (wait) here for over an hour

3. Susan ____________ (climb) Mount Everest by the time she was 25

4. You look tired. How long _______________ (run)?

5. When I _______________ (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane ______________ (prepare) a beautiful

candlelight dinner

6. Since I began acting, I ______________ (perform) in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama

However, I ___________________ (never/speak) publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985

7. By the time I got to the office, the meeting _______________ (begin/already) without me. My boss

__________________ (be) furious with me and I _______________ (be) fired

8. When I __________________ (turn) the radio on yesterday, I __________________ (hear) a song that

was popular when I was in high school. I ________________ (hear/not) the song in years, and it _______________

(bring) me some great memories

9. Last week I _________________ (run) into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We ___________________ (not / see)

each other in years, and both of us ________________ (change) a lot. I ________________ (enjoy) talking to

her so much that I __________________ (ask) her out on a date

10. When Jack ______________ (enter) the room, I __________________ (not/recognize) him because he

__________________ (lose) so much weight and _______________ (grow) a beard

11. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan, however, their culture

_____________________ (disappear) by the time Europeans first _______________ (arrive) in the New World

12. I ___________________ (visit) so many beautiful places since I __________________ (come) to Utah. Before

moving here I ________________ (never/ hear) of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands

13. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys and I had to call my flatmate to let me in

14. I _______________ (know) my grandmother for a few years, she died when I was 8

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6. Use an appropriate INDEFINITE PRONOUN

a. I can hear ________________________ at the door

b. Can _______________________ tell me the capital of Mongolia?

c. The film was in German, so I couldn´t understand ________________________ they said

d. I´m sad because ________________________ remembered my birthday

e. Oh no! ____________________ has eaten my chocolate mousse!

f. Does _________________ want to go to the theatre?

g. I´ve looked for my keys _________________________ but I can´t find them

h. It was very dark, I couldn´t see ____________________________

i. _______________________ at the party enjoyed and they were very happy

j. The thief hid the money __________________ in the wood

k. There is ____________________ in the bathroom

l. Did __________________ answer the phone?

m. Come in. I have to tell you _____________________

n. Is there _____________________ interesting to go to over the weekend?

o. I didn´t say ______________________ at the meeting

p. For me a good place to go on holiday is ____________________ by the sea

q. She´s sure her children are hiding ___________________ in the house

r. I´m so hungry! I would eat ___________________

s. I can do it by myself. I don´t need _________________ to help me

t. He invited ___________________ but just his closest friend came to the party

u. I don’t like this town. There is ________________ to go out at night

v. Let´s have lunch. ___________________ is hungry

w. I´ve lost my driving license. I´ve looked _________________ for it

x. We close at 6, so there is __________________ at the office after that time

y. I´m sorry, but we can´t do ______________ to help you

z. He said there was _________________ in the garage

7. Write the correct PREPOSITION

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a. Laughing _________ other people is not polite

b. Why does she always disagree ____________ everybody?

c. He explained ____________ us what he meant

d.I´m looking forward _______ seeing you next weekend

e. I don’t want to talk __________ that test. I know I did very badly

f. What do you and your parents argue ____________ the most?

g. He is waiting ___________ the train to stop

h. Does this scarf belong _______________ anyone?

i. The police are searching ____________the stolen car

j. Do you believe ___________ ghosts?

8. Complete the sentences with GERUND OR INFINITIVE

a. He told the joke without ______________________ (laugh)

b. It is unusual _________________ (have) so many cats

c. __________________ (find) a parking space is quite difficult in this area

d. Sheila went by bus ___________________ (save) money

e. She has gone to the supermarket _______________ (buy) some sugar

g.__________________ (talk) to you was great

h. I am fed up with ________________ (be) treated as a child

i. It is difficult __________________ (learn) a new language when you are old

j. Are you afraid of ______________________ (touch) a snake?

k. I enjoyed __________________ (live) in France

l. He suggested ___________________ (stay) at the Great Hotel

m. She avoided _____________________ (talk) to her boss

n. I´ve always wanted _________________ (have) a dog

o. She plans _______________ (buy) a new house next year

p. We decided _________________ (go) out for dinner

q. I hate _________________(wait) for buses

r. We don´t need _________________ (take) an umbrella with us

s. I don´t mind _______________________ (come) early

t. Philip refused ____________________ (listen) to my advice

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u. Sheila stopped ________________ (say) hello to her friends

v. She enjoys ________________ (paint)

w. She is fond of _________________ (have) picnics

x. John is thinking about ________________ (study) abroad

y. It is important _________________(surf) the net for information

z. _______________ (cook) is my favourite hobby

9. Ask questions about the underlined words. Use WH-QUESTIONS

a. I´m going to bed because I have worked a lot __________________________________________________________

b. You have got karate training twice a week _____________________________________________________________

c. We bought ten balloons for your party ________________________________________________________________

d. I fly to Ireland every summer to learn English __________________________________________________________

e. She is in the church every Sunday _________________________________________________________________

f. The party is on Friday at 2 o´clock __________________________________________________________________

g. That boy is my cousin Tom ______________________________________________________________________

h. My apple is the green one _______________________________________________________________________

i. I go to school by car ___________________________________________________________________________

j. The camera is $55 _____________________________________________________________________________


a. You have to delete the sheet _______________ is repeated. _____

b. Phone Mrs Smith ______________ you have to talk to ______

c. Peter has read the book _______________ I recommended him ______

d. Is this the man ________________ accused you of stealing his wallet? _______

e. We won´t forget the day _____________ we went to Justin Beaber´s concert

f. I don’t know the man with _______________ she is dancing ________

g. Pass me the dictionary ___________________ I put on the shelf _____________

h. That is the restaurant _________________ we used to eat when we lived in Boston ___________

i. Let´s visit the park ___________________ we played after school _____________

j. They sent me a postcard of the hotel ______________ they stayed on holiday ____________

k. This boy, _______________ father is my teacher, is very good at tennis __________

l. He came to the party with a friend ______________ comes from China ___________

m. A woman, _________________ son was crying, tried to calm him _______________

n. Thank you for your letter______________ was very interesting ________________

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p. the flowers ________________ grow in this garden are beautiful _______________

q. I rented an apartment _________________ has four rooms _____________

r. The man _________________ I met has two children ______________

s. The car ______________ I hit belongs to my aunt ___________

t. The girl ____________ he is dancing with is Beth _____________

u. I know an exciting place _______________ you and your friend can go on holiday __________

v. Maria is a charming girl__________ brother works for an English company __________

w. He is the guy _____________ car is parked outside ___________

x. The woman _______________ lives here is always complaining __________

y. I was born in 1936 ____________ the Civil War started _____________

z. The flat ____________ he has rented is in the centre of London _____________

11. Write one sentence using a relative pronoun

a. My father lives near the sea. He loves sailing __________________________________________________________

b. Peter is a friend of mine. He spends his holidays in the mountains ________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. Jorge Amado is a famous writer. He lives in Bahia ______________________________________________________

d. those girls love buying new clothes. They go shopping once a week _________________________________________________________________________________________________

e. Susan speaks four languages. She wants to be an interpreter _________________________________________________________________________________________________

f. Those top models are beautiful. They earn a lot of money __________________________________________________________________________________________________

g. Those women never go out. They watch TV all day _______________________________________________________

h. Jane is visiting us next week. You had the opportunity to meet her once __________________________________________________________________________________________________

i. I complained to the directing manager. He was extremely rude ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

j. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. It has built a huge airport in the sea ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

k. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French. It was shipped to America in 214 cases ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

l. Mr Morgan is an excellent colleague of mine. I have worked with him for two years ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

m. My sister has just got twin babies. She lives in Madrid ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

n. Robert is going to get married. He is a lawyer ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

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o. Next weekend I´m going to Madrid. My brother has been living there for two years __________________________________________________________________________________________________

p. Two years ago we bought a house. We married there __________________________________________________________________________________________________

q. Mr Smedley introduced me to his son. He is my boss______________________________________________________

r. The film was really interesting. We saw it last Saturday ____________________________________________________

s. John Ash is a policeman. His wife was at the party last night ________________________________________________

t. That´s the man. He weighs 120 kg _____________________________________________________________________

u. Ian can bring us something. We want it _________________________________________________________________

v. Pete has never talked to those students. Their stay abroad was certainly amazing ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

w. I will call the students. I went to London with them last year ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

x. Grand Avenue was the best place to buy clothes. I used to go shopping there ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

y. Manchester is an American college. Kofi Annan studied there ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

z. Tim´s shoes don´t match with his jacket. They are brown ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Gordon Matthew Sumner was born in 1951 in Newcastle-on-Tyne in the north ofEngland. After quite a strict education, young Gordon himself became ateacher. At the same time, he taught himself the guitar, playing Beatles andRolling Stones hits. He then began to play with several small groups. He oftenwore yellow and black striped T-shirts which earned him the nickname ‘Sting’since people thought he looked like a wasp!In 1976, Sting went to London to try his luck. One year later, he and StewartCopeland formed ‘Police’. The group has now disappeared, but their successessuch as Roxanne, Can’t stand losing you, and Message in a bottle, have becomeclassics. Sting’s first solo was Spread a little happiness in 1982. In 1983, Policemade their last tour together with the album Synchronicity, which containedhits such as Every breath you take and Wrapped around your finger. It wasNumber 1 in the United States and Great Britain. When the group split up, Stingstarted his career as an actor in David Lynch’s film Dune.Around 1980, long before the idea become fashionable, Sting created anassociation called Outlando’s Trust for the underprivileged. He then took partin the Amnesty International tour with Phil Collins, Eric Clapton and others. Hemade his political position clear, for example, in ‘Invisible Sun’ about NorthernIreland.In 1985, Sting took part in the Live Aid concert at Wembley to help collectmoney in aid of famine victims in Ethiopia. This was followed by the Band Aidrecord ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ The group Police came back together againfor three concerts in the United States for Amnesty International. At the end of1986, Sting –solo again– took part in the Amnesty Conspiracy of Hope tour with

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Bob Dylan, Peter Gabriel, and U2.He went on to make records in aid of the disabled. He opened the show for theliberation of Nelson Mandela at Wembley in 1988, and toured for Amnesty in‘Human Rights Now’ with Bruce Springsteen, Tracy Chapman and YoussouN’Dour. Sting then disappeared from the world of music to devote his time tothe strugglefor the Amazonian Rainforest with Chief Raoni. The RainforestAssociation, that he helped to found, now has offices all over the world.In 1991, Sting released the album The Soul Cages. His career as a musician hadbeen relaunched. Since then, he has continued to combine music with his otherpreoccupations –acting, ecology, concern for human rights. He shows no signsof slowing down.

Answer the questions:

a. Where did Gordon Sumner get his nickname from?___________________________________________________________b. Which successful group was Sting a member of?_____________________________________________________________c. What other career has Sting been involved in, apart from music?__________________________________________________________d. What has Sting done in support of Human Rights?__________________________________________________________e. What has Sting done in support of ecology?_________________________________________________________

Write the missing words:

Sting trained ............ become a teacher and played ............ guitar in his spare time. He played ............ the group Police but later left ............ group and went solo. He has had............ very varied career which has included acting and work ............ defence of

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Human Rights. He has worked ............ favour of ecological groups and has lent his name............ many good causes. Despite all this activity, he has also managed ............ get married and have several children!

Find words that mean the following

a. varios ___________________b. marginados ________________c. avispa ___________________d. hambre _________________e. éxito ________________f. discapacitados _______________g. de moda ________________h. lucha ___________________

Writing: Describe a famous person you like a lot ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Loch (‘lake’ in Scottish) Ness is situated in Scotland. It is 36 Kms long and between2 - 4 Kms wide. It is also very deep, nearly 230 metres at its deepest point.Some people say there is a monster called “Nessie” living in Loch Ness. For centuriesthere have been sightings of large animals in the lake. As early as 565 AD, SaintColumba said he saw a monster in the lake. People also saw monsters or “floatingislands” in the 16th and 17th centuries.Many people today do not believe there is a monster in Loch Ness, but many others

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think it is real. Some even say that the monster could be the devil himself.A road to the lake was opened in 1933. Many people could then visit the area, whichbecame a popular tourist attraction. Since that time, more than 4,000 people claimthey have seen the creature. There are photographs, films and even recordings ofthe sounds made by Nessie under the water which suggest that the monster exists.Mr Campbell, a man who has observed the lake for over 50 years and says he hasseen the monster many times, described it as “a huge animal with a small head, athin six-foot long neck, a big hump, about 30 feet long from nose to tail, and darkbrown or grey-black in colour”.During the Second World War, an Italian newspaper reported that a bomb attack onthe lake had killed the beast.Every year more and more people claim they have seen Nessie. The monster usuallyappears in calm sunny weather. Perhaps this is because Nessie wants to get a suntan!Some people say they have seen not one but several creatures. A £100,000underwater camera took photographs of large animals twelve separate times inAugust 1972. So it could be that there is a group of these animals in the lake.Many unanswered questions remain. How did the creatures get into the loch? Howdid they survive for so many years? Why haven’t any dead monsters been found?However, one thing is sure; there is something very strange in Loch Ness.

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MATCH COLUMN A WITH COLUMN BA1.– Saint Columba saw the monster2.– A road leading to Loch Nesswas opened3.– Nessie is4.– Loch Ness isBa.– about 30 feet from one end to theother.b.– 230 metres deep.c.– in the 6th century.d.– in the thirties.

MAKE QUESTIONS The underlined part is the answer.

1.– Nessie lives in Loch Ness __________________________________________2.– 4000 people have seen the monster. ___________________________________3.– Loch Ness is 36 kms long. ___________________________________________4.– In August 1972 a camera found animals in the lake.________________________________________________________________5.– People believe in Nessie because they have seen pictures. ____________________________________________________________________


1.– People described the monster as a floating island in the past.2.– You can see Nessie when it is foggy and rainy.3.– Scientists have not found any evidence of the existence of Nessie.4.– Nessie was seen for the first time in the 16th century.

WRITING: WRITE ABOUT A FAMOUS MYSTERY OR URBAN LEGEND________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Surfing, the sport of riding breaking waves on a surfboard, originated in prehistoric times in the South Seas. The sea was the most important force in the lives of the people of Hawaii and the other islands of the Pacific Ocean. It had strong religious and social connotations. From the 15th

century onwards, surfing was important because it showed that one could “master” the sea. There were many competitions and challenges to the death between rival chiefs.The British captain James Cook was one of the first foreigners to see surfing when he went to Hawaii in 1778. He was very impressed by this spectacular sport and Europeans were fascinated by the stories the sailors brought home. The reaction of the first missionaries to Hawaii , however, was quite different. They did not approve of surfing and actually banned it in 1821. But, despite the efforts of the missionaries, the Hawaiian people never abandoned the sport. Important people made elaborate boards of solid wood; young boys surfed on banana trunks.In 1920 a famous Hawaiian swimmer called Duke Kahanamoku started the first surfing club in Waikiki.. He gave surfing demonstrations all round the USA and in Australia - on a solid wood board that weighed 60 kilos! He was universally loved and admired. When he died in 1968, the sport was popular all over the world.The International Surfing Federation was founded in 1962 in Peru and world championships have been held since then in North America, Peru, Hawaii, South Africa and Australia.Today surfing has become a way of life. It has its music, its clothes, its hi-tech equipment, its new champions. The original Hawaiian surfers would be surprised at the modern clothes and equipment but one thing has not changed: the magic of the perfect wave.

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Answer these questions:

a. Where did surfing originate? ________________________________________b. How was surfing used by rival chiefs? ________________________________c. How did the first missionaries react to surfing?__________________________d. How did surfing become popular in countries like Australia and America?_________________________________________________________

Which sports are the following words related to?

a. court. _______________b. course. _______________c. track. ______________d. field. _________________e. pool.__________________

Fill in the blanks with the prepositions below:


a. She was impressed ……….. their determination.b. As a result ……….. his indecision, they lost a lot of time.c. Mr Green tried ……….. hours to persuade his wife to change her mind.d. Surfing was also popular …….. the Middle Ages.e. He decided to study English intensively ……….. October ……….. June.f. The first time he got ……….. a plane was when he went to Paris.

WRITING: Write about your favourite sport __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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