great indian families 2009

Great Indian Families 2009 Understanding the Indian ‘Families’ as Consumption Units A JuxtConsult – Indicus Analytics Joint Study

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A JuxtConsult – Indicus Analytics Joint Study Understanding the Indian ‘Families’ as Consumption Units Consumers live their lives as ‘families’ and not households. And family consumptions get driven by the all the people living in them and not just by the ‘chief wage earner’ of the house How a family consumes gets defined as much by the ‘family composition’ and the ‘lifecycle stage’ the family is in, as by its socio-economic status and the ‘ability to spend’ It is therefore important to ‘distinguish’ and understand families by their ‘member composition’ to target them appropriately Topline Findings The Macro Picture There are approx. 226 million families in India* (72 mn urban, 154 mn rural) The average family size varies from 1 to 6.9 depending on the family composition 25 mn Indian families (11% of all families) have more than 1 earning member 28 mn Indians (2.5%) prefer to read in English, marginally more than Malayalam. 50% of Indians preferring to read in English live in rural areas Average monthly family income in India is Rs.5,930 (‘per capita’ is Rs.1,350) 70% of all Indian families earn average to below-average incomes At 30%, highest proportion of families belong to SEC ‘R4’ 19.5 million families (27% of urban, or 9% of all Indian families) belong to SEC ‘A’ and ‘B’ Chief wage earners of 87% of SEC ‘A’ and 36% of SEC ‘B’ families are graduates No SEC ‘C’ and ‘R1’ chief wage earners are graduates. But 15% SEC ‘C’ families and 22% SEC ‘R1’ families have a graduate member within the household Clearly then, defining the socio-economic status (SEC) of a household using education level of the ‘chief wage earner’ is losing its meaning and can often mislead Looking at Families by ‘Lifecycle’ Stage 51% Indians are married. But only 1 in 5 Indian family (21%) is a 3-generation joint family, or ‘Dynasties’ An equal proportion of Indian families (21%) are ‘Baby Sitters’ - with the eldest child below 12 years in age The majority 45% of Indian families are ‘Maturing Mentors’, or families with the youngest child above 12 years in age Young married couples without any children, the ‘Nest Builders’, account for only 7% of all Indian families The single independents, or ‘Free Birds’, account for only 1.3% of all Indian families Dynasties have the highest average monthly family incomes (Rs. 6,530). But they have the lowest average ‘per capita’ monthly incomes (Rs.975) Free birds show the second highest average monthly family incomes (Rs.6,385), and the highest average ‘per capita’ monthly incomes (Rs.6,385)* Rented accommodation is highest among Free Birds (at 35%). Dynasties show the highest incidence of ‘inherited’ property (at 74%) Automobile ownership (both cars and 2-wheelers) is highest among Dynasties Preference for reading in English is relatively highest among ‘Free Birds’ (6%) and lowest among ‘Dynasties’ (0.5%) How a Family Rupee is being Spent!


Page 1: Great Indian Families 2009

Great Indian Families 2009

Understanding the Indian ‘Families’ as Consumption Units

A JuxtConsult – Indicus Analytics Joint Study

Page 2: Great Indian Families 2009

Correcting a basic market research anomaly!

Consumers live their lives as ‘families’ and not households.

And family consumptions get driven by the all the people living

in them and not just by the ‘chief wage earner’ of the house

How a family consumes gets defined as much by the ‘family

composition’ and the ‘lifecycle stage’ the family is in, as by

its socio-economic status and the ‘ability to spend’

It is therefore important to ‘distinguish’ and understand

families by their ‘member composition’ to target them


Page 3: Great Indian Families 2009

Topline Findings

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There are approx. 226 million families in India* (72 mn urban, 154 mn rural)

The average family size varies from 1 to 6.9 depending on the family


25 mn Indian families (11% of all families) have more than 1 earning member

28 mn Indians (2.5%) prefer to read in English, marginally more than

Malayalam. 50% of Indians preferring to read in English live in rural areas

Average monthly family income in India is Rs.5,930 (‘per capita’ is Rs.1,350)

70% of all Indian families earn average to below-average incomes

The Macro Picture

* accounting for approx. 1,112 million individuals (343 million urban and 769 million rural)

Page 5: Great Indian Families 2009

At 30%, highest proportion of families belong to SEC ‘R4’

19.5 million families (27% of urban, or 9% of all Indian families) belong to SEC ‘A’

and ‘B’

Chief wage earners of 87% of SEC ‘A’ and 36% of SEC ‘B’ families are graduates

No SEC ‘C’ and ‘R1’ chief wage earners are graduates. But 15% SEC ‘C’ families

and 22% SEC ‘R1’ families have a graduate member within the household

Clearly then, defining the socio-economic status (SEC) of a household using

education level of the ‘chief wage earner’ is losing its meaning and can often


The Socio-Economic Landscape

Time to look beyond the ‘urban-rural’ divide, and the ‘chief wage

earner’ driven SEC definitions to understand families as

consumption units!

Page 6: Great Indian Families 2009

The Real Socio-Economic Ladder by Incomes

SEC ‘R4’

SEC ‘R3’



SEC ‘R2’


SEC ‘R1’



1 (Rs.830)

1.1 times of R4

1.2 ”

1.4 ”

1.6 ”

1.8 ”

2.3 ”

3.0 ”

5.3 ”

Monthly ‘Per Capita’ Family Income Ratios

Page 7: Great Indian Families 2009

The New Indian Consumer Pyramid

* Total – 226 million families (1,112 million individuals)




51 million families



44 million families





131 million families

Tier 1The Consuming Class

Tier 2The Aspiring Class

Tier 3The Underprivileged

(260 million individuals)

(217 million individuals)

(634 million individuals)

Page 8: Great Indian Families 2009

Looking at Families by ‘Lifecycle’ Stage

51% Indians are married. But only 1 in 5 Indian family (21%) is a 3-generation joint family, or ‘Dynasties’

An equal proportion of Indian families (21%) are ‘Baby Sitters’ - with the eldest child below 12 years in age

The majority 45% of Indian families are ‘Maturing Mentors’, or families

with the youngest child above 12 years in age

Young married couples without any children, the ‘Nest Builders’, account for only 7% of all Indian families

The single independents, or ‘Free Birds’, account for only 1.3% of all Indian families

Page 9: Great Indian Families 2009

Dynasties have the highest average monthly family incomes (Rs. 6,530). But they have the lowest average ‘per capita’ monthly incomes (Rs.975)

Free birds show the second highest average monthly family incomes (Rs.6,385), and the highest average ‘per capita’ monthly incomes (Rs.6,385)*

Rented accommodation is highest among Free Birds (at 35%). Dynasties show the highest incidence of ‘inherited’ property (at 74%)

Automobile ownership (both cars and 2-wheelers) is highest among Dynasties

Preference for reading in English is relatively highest among ‘Free Birds’ (6%) and lowest among ‘Dynasties’ (0.5%)

Glimpse of their Socio-Economic Status….

* Note – Sample of ‘Free Bird’ segment relatively low for high statistical accuracy of its segment level findings

Page 10: Great Indian Families 2009

How a Family Rupee is being Spent!

Household Consumption Head

Distribution of Spends (%)

Families Who Spend on Them* All Families**

Basic food and clothing 55% 55%

Rent and utilities 12% 5%

Transport and conveyance 12% 11%

Loan and other regular liabilities 11% 3%

Leisure and entertainment 11% 9%

Saving and investment 15% 11%

Other unclassified spends 13% 6%

* Taken on valid households base, so doesn’t add up to 100%. ** Taken on all households base, so adds up

to 100%.

Note - Not all families spend money on all heads

Page 11: Great Indian Families 2009

Physical Asset Ownerships!

Household Asset% Families


% Families Owning

(All India)

Home 65% 86%

Any TV 91% 86%

Color TV 79% 63%

C&S Connection 69% 56%

Any Phone 66% 50%

Mobile Phone 64% 48%

Any Automobile 42% 32%

Car 3.5% 2%

2-wheeler 41% 31%

Fridge 35% 22%

Washing Machine 14% 7%

Computer/Laptop 10% 4.5%

Air Conditioner 2% 0.8%

Home + Automobile = 27% urban and 25% all India

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Financial Asset Ownerships!

Financial Asset% Families


% Families Owning

(All India)

Bank Account 59% 58%

Life Insurance 26% 23%

Debit Card 16% 9%

FD/Bonds 10% 5%

Credit Card 4% 2%

Medical Insurance/CGHS 4% 2%

Mutual Funds/Shares 3% 1%

Home + Bank Account = 28% urban and 41% all India

Home + Life Insurance = 12% urban and 16% all India

Page 13: Great Indian Families 2009

Types of Assets!

Cars % Families Owning

Small Car (<4 lakhs) 68%

Mid Size Car (4-8 lakhs) 29%

Premium Car (8-14 lakhs) 5%

Luxury Car (>14 lakhs) 1%

* All India Figures. May add up to more than 100% because of multiple ownerships

Bikes % Families Owning

100cc or less 48%

125cc 39%

150cc 11%

180cc or above 3%

TV % Families Owning

Regular Flat 21 inch or less


Regular Flat > 21 inch 11.5%

LCD & Other Premium 0.5%

Washing Machine

% Families Owning

Semi-automatic 78%

Automatic 22%

Page 14: Great Indian Families 2009

Types of Assets!

Mobile Phone Features

% Famili

es Ownin


Color Screen 82%

Games 78%

FM Radio 49%

Any Camera 16%

MP3 Player 12%

Bluetooth 10%

Video recording 9%


Extended memory 4%

Touch Screen 4%

Wi-fi 1%

Mobile Connection

% Families Owning

Pre-paid 95%

Post-paid 5%

GSM 75%

CDMA 11%

Can’t Say 14%

Fridge % Families Owning

Single door 89%

Double door 11%

* All India Figures. May add up to more than 100% because of multiple ownerships

Page 15: Great Indian Families 2009

Types of Assets!

* All India Figures. May add up to more than 100% because of multiple ownerships

Size of House

% Families Owning

Less than 250 sq.ft. 21%

250 – 500 sq.ft. 36%

500 – 1,000 sq.ft. 27%

1,000 – 1,500 sq.ft. 9%

1,500 sq.ft. and above 7%

Credit Card % Families Owning

Co-branded 20%

Silver 53%

Gold 27%

Platinum/Titanium 5%

Mobile Services Used

% Famili

es Ownin


Roaming National 64%

ISD Calling 6%

MMS 4%


GPS 1%

Roaming International 0.3%

Page 16: Great Indian Families 2009

35% urban families live in a rented house. Only 5% rural families do so

38% of SEC ‘A’ families live in 1,000 sq.ft. plus house

Only 2.5% urban families have a home loan running currently

54% small car ownership and 57% motorcycle ownership is in rural India

24% SEC ‘A’ families have a car, only 6% SEC ‘R1’ households own a car. But in absolute numbers, while SEC ‘A’ own 1.58 mn cars SEC ‘R1’ own 1.66 mn cars

3 out of 4 car owners also own a 2-wheeler. Only 5% of 2-wheeler owners also own a car

The average monthly family income of a ‘small car’ owning family is 2.1 times higher than a ‘motorcycle’ owning family; that of a ‘premium car’ owning family is 3.8 times higher than a ‘motorcycle’ owning family

‘Maturing Mentors’ have the highest proportionate ownership of mid size cars (at 33%), ‘Vintage Wines’ of small cars (at 88%)

Glimpse of Segment Level Findings….

Page 17: Great Indian Families 2009

Top 5 Biggest Communities in India

Top 5 Urban Communities

% of UrbanFamilies

Top 5 Rural Communities

% of RuralFamilies

Gujarati 16% Telugu 9%

Awadhi UP 12% Marathi 8%

Telugu 12% Tamil 8%

Kannada 11% Non-Awadhi UP 6%

Marathi 7% Punjabi 6%

Page 18: Great Indian Families 2009

Highest per capita monthly income is among Kannads (Rs.2,190) and lowest among the Bihari

Hindis (Rs.730)

Marwari community shows the highest proportionate spend on ‘loans and liabilities’ (at 15.4%).

Telugu community shows the highest proportionate spend on ‘savings and investment’ (at 20.7%)

Gujaratis and Marwaris show the highest ownership of ‘any automobile’ (at 43% and 39%).

Assamese show the highest penetration of cars at 7%

Tamils and Kannads have the highest penetration of color TV (at 89%)

Punjabis have the highest penetration of fridge at 56%

Telugus have the highest penetration of air conditioners at 4%

Kannads and Gujaratis have the highest penetration of mobile phones at 68% and 66%

A Glimpse of Segment Level Findings….

Page 19: Great Indian Families 2009

Media Usage Status

Media Families UsingAt Home

In millions (All India)

Individuals Using

At Home

In millions (All India)

% Spending More than 1

Hour Daily

Weekday (All India)

Television 187 613 43%

Newspaper 104 361 10%

Radio 85 274 27%

Internet 8 20 32%

‘Vintage Wines’ are the relatively heaviest watchers of TV. So are Marathis, Telugus and Tamils among communities

‘Nest Builders’ are the relatively heaviest listeners of radio. Among communities, Telugus, Delhi Hindis and Gujaratis stand out

Oriya and MP Hindi communities are significantly heavier readers of newspaper

‘Baby Sitters’ are the relatively heaviest users of internet from home

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Report Details

Page 21: Great Indian Families 2009

List Of ReportsPossible Segment Reports:

1. Families by member compositionFree Birds (single independents)

Nest Builders (young married couple with no children)

Baby Sitters (married with eldest child below 12 years)

Mature Mentors (married with youngest child above 12 years)

Dynasties (3 generation joint family)

Vintage Wines (middle age/elderly married couple living alone)

2. Urban vis-à-vis Rural Families

3. Single vis-à-vis Multiple Income Families

4. Families by Socio-Economic Classes (both urban &rural SEC)

5. Families by Community Types (marwari, gujrati, punjabi,….)

6. Family Profiles by Most Expensive Vehicle Owned

7. Family Profiles by Size of House

Note: Segment level analysis in any of the reports is subject to collection of sufficient sample responses at the segment level.

Possible Category


1. Family Profiles by Type of Car

2. Family Profiles by Type of Bike

3. Family Profiles by Type of TV

4. Family Profiles by Type of TV


5. Family Profiles by Type of Fridge

6. Family Profiles by Type of Washing


7. Family Profiles by Type of Mobile


8. Family Profiles by Mobile Service

9. Family Profiles by Type of Credit Card

Page 22: Great Indian Families 2009

Pricing of Reports

Report Price (Rs.)** 12.36% service tax extra

Price (USD)

Any 1 Report 150,000 4,750

3 or More Reports 100,000 each 3,500 each

• Payment Terms : 50% advance, 50% after delivery of all reports

• Delivery Timeline : Single/First Report – 10 days from date of order

(or immediately if ready)

: Subsequent Reports – 10

days per report thereafter

(or immediately if ready)

• Report Delivery Format : PDF

Page 23: Great Indian Families 2009


JuxtConsult, DelhiContact: Sanjay Tiwari

3, Kehar Singh Estate, 1st Floor,

Westend Marg, Lane 2, Said-ul-Ajaib,

New Delhi - 110 030 +91- 11-29535098,


Page 24: Great Indian Families 2009

Demographic and socio-economic profile Location – Town class (village class), region, community Educational qualification, current occupation (and industry of occupation) of members in the

household SEC (urban, rural) Gender, age, marital status, preferred language of reading of all members in the household Income status and composition (monthly household income, income from outside, earning and

dependent members) Per-capita household income

Consumption, asset ownership and liability profile Share of expenditure by main household spending heads (food & clothing, rent & utilities, transport /

conveyance, leisure & entertainment, loan & liability payments, savings & investments)

House ownership, size of house, no. of rooms Vehicle ownership (bicycle, 2-wheeler, 4-wheeler) Physical asset ownership – TV, fridge, washing machine, AC, microwave, music system, radio, DVD

player, Ipod, video games, regular camera, digital camera, video recorder, tube well/pump, landline phone, mobile phone, computer, laptop, printer, TV connection

Financial asset ownership – land, bank account, demat account, fixed deposits, govt. bonds, chit fund deposits, life insurance, medical insurance, debit card, credit card, mutual fund, shares, etc

Currently running loan types if any

Information Coverage

Page 25: Great Indian Families 2009

Quality of key asset ownership Type of car Type of bike Type of TV Type of TV connection Type of fridge Type of washing machine Type of mobile phone Type of mobile services subscribed to Type of credit card possessed

Media usage Media used at home (TV, Newspaper, Radio, Internet) Daily time spent on various media at home Which medium relied on most for information for buying products and services

Information Coverage

Page 26: Great Indian Families 2009

Large scale land survey conducted to profile the composition and

consumption characteristics of Indian families. Survey covered over 16,000

households in 40 cities and over 12,000 households in 480 villages spread

across all the four regions of the country

Sampling methodology chosen to ensure coverage of ‘town’ and ‘village’

classes of all population strata, and ‘households’ of all socio-economic

classification within each of these towns and villages. Villages sampling

done in a way to ensure coverage of villages up to distances of 20 kms from

the nearest surveyed town

Finally, town/village class and socio-economic class combination level

‘weights’ were derived from authentic Govt. of India data and applied to

the land survey data to make it representative of the entire Indian population


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