green future consulting (gfc) future consulting (gfc) is a consulting...


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Green Future Consulting (GFC) is a consulting firm that helps businesses and civil societies and non-governmental organizations address social and environ-mental challenges and identify sustainable business opportunities. It is a social enterprise, located in Buea, Cameroon.

Green Future Consulting provides professional advice and technical assistance

in socio-economic development, climate change, environmental and project man-

agement services with a dedicated team of experts and consultants. The compa-

ny is positioned primarily in three areas of:

• Service provider

• Technical assistance

• Research and Knowledge generation


Green Future Consulting offers services with respect to the following areas

Capacity building and training

Business development and advisory services (Consultancy)

Research and knowledge generation

Clean Technology, innovation and Social Entrepreneurship



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The objectives of the course are to enable participants:

Reflect on the technical requirements of sustainable economic development as well as on the strat-

egies, policies, laws and regulations necessary for its successful implementation

Examine institutional platforms for the promotion and dissemination of resource efficient and cleaner

production methods and economically viable, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable technologies

Support interventions using already-proven instruments and measures such as payment for ecosys-

tem services at local and national level, disseminating of lessons learned and good practices

Training and capacity building for technical persons and stakeholders involved in climate smart

agriculture, water and waste management, climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation

Reflect on the technical requirements of sustainable economic development as well as on the strat-

egies, policies, laws and regulations necessary for its successful implementation;

Enable participants identify various PES, climate and development financing mechanism;

Provide participants with social entrepreneurship skills

Identify knowledge gaps for future work

Training Program in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development The main goal of the program is to facilitate and deliver high quality, innovative and best practice capacity development support and learning solutions, tailored to partners’ capacity development needs, demands and readiness within the strategic priority areas of both local needs and sustainable development.

Sustainability Consulting


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Target Participants: The course is targeted at civil society organiza-tions, government officials, companies, NGOs and young professionals in the fields of environmental management and social entrepreneurs, as well as environmental journalists, consultants and university and college

Participants are expected to have an academic background and/or practical knowledge of environmental management systems, economics, development studies, social science as well as of the global and national policy frameworks for green economy development.

Course Delivery and Modules

This program comprises seven modules, 90 minutes of interactive exchange between experts and trainees, 30mins of Questions and answers for the two days per week. Available are morning sessions from 9:00am to 11: 00am and 4:00 pm to 6:00pm for the evening sessions. We also have the possibility for Distant learning, online trainings. Participants are expected to read the materials that go with each session before the sessions to facilitate teaching and learning as well as constructive discussion. The course is based on a genuinely interdisciplinary approach with courses divided into interrelated mod-ules under the following thematic areas: Module 1: Climate change and climate finance, Module 2: Agriculture and food security, Module 3: Environmental Management Module 4: Sustainable energy, Module 5: Hydrogeology and Ecological Sanitation Module 6: Business Development and Marketing Techniques and; Module 7: Developmental studies and the Green Economy

The training for each module would be twice a week, every Fridays and Saturdays for 8 weeks and field

work, conferences, workshops and evaluations would follow for the last month of the training.


One of the major goals Green Future Consulting is to help young entrepreneurs get funding for their pro-jects through Proxima Finance which is an equity investor. Through Proxima Finance project developers and startups can get their project funded. GFC is the lone representative of Proxima Finance for the south west and North West region. We effect feasibility Studies for micro and macro projects. The following activities can be financed with funds from Proxima Finance:

Purchase of equipment

Purchase of a business


Working capital

Commercial property loan

Expansion loan


Transfer of a business

Who can benefit? Companies, Associations and start-up companies

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GFC goal is to support Social entrepreneurs, corporate institutions, government, NGOs, universities and students addressing key challenges such as: limited access to finance, inadequate business skills, inade-quate capacity and technical skills in, climate change, sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, projects development.

GFC help Social entrepreneurs, corporate institutions, government, NGOs, universities and students in:

GFC provides Business development and advisory services to businesses, NGOs, students in the following areas: Business Development - We identify relevant markets for potential investors - Support business develop sustainable practices - Carry out market and competitor analyses - Clarifying trade practices and distribution and sales channels - Partner searches and recruitment of expert and consultants GFC has signed MOUs and is currently working with some private sector operators, non-governmental or-ganization to strengthen their capacity to access climate finance, providing technical and project manage-

ment services.

Environmental Management Advisory Services

GFC provides strategic policy and technological analysis and implementation in environmental management, sustainable engineering and revitalization, environment education, environmental impact assessment, envi-ronment risk and toxicology analysis, Natural resources Management, Restoration and Conservation of Natural areas, Water Quality, waste water and supply system planning, Water Resource management and protection. Green Future Consulting is promoting both Payment for Ecosystem Services and access to cli-mate finance as tools to addressing challenges to sustainable Natural Resource Management in Cameroon. Climate Change Advisory Services GFC is committed in tackling climate change by adopting clean technologies that limits the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We provide strategic policy for cleaning cooking solution, smart agri-cultural practices, sustainable cities development, alternative Fuels, Technology, Energy Efficiency Programs and encouraging Low Carbon Fuel

Analyzing their business plans and business potential Assisting project developer prepare bankable projects Assisting businesses to move beyond national borders. Provide access to our unique business contest to present your business ideas Corporate social responsibility

Green Future Consulting seeks to provide energy access to those suffering from energy poverty through the provision of renewable energy products in the Cameroonian markets. The products in-clude: Kike Green stoves, solar systems, solar lanterns, treasure light kits, LED bulbs, solar panels and bio fuels GFC helps companies develop smart Green House Gas (GHG) allowances and offset market strategies, delivers accounting and mitigation services, comprehensive analysis and guidance to financial sector clients involved in green investing initiatives. Help decision markers understand the risks posed by change and adaptation solutions, Supports regulatory, policy development and Sustainability.

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Social entrepreneurship Green Future Consulting provides Support to entrepreneurs in form of Business consultancy and advisory services and organize a massive contest (Green Business Contest). Green Future Consulting also provide consultancy services to government, NGOs, corporate institutions, universities and students. GFC provides a new approach is needed to tackle social and environmental issues and achieve sustainable economic prosperity through social entrepreneurship. Tax Consultancy One of GFC’s goal is to support small businesses in solving one of their worries of not being able to prepare their tax returns during the payment of their taxes. GFC understands that taxes are obligatory and so have to be paid regularly but small businesses face problems during the declaration of their taxes. This service helps small businesses that are registered in GFC tax consultancy services to solve this problem.

Statistics and Tax Returns (STR) Consultancy Francophone African countries have made a tremendous effort in harmonizing domestic standards and reporting with the IFRS .Moving from two distinct OCAM streams to two distinct OHADA streams, and now one OHADA Uniform Act embodying member countries and which is a milestone towards harmonization of reporting practice both domestically and


The statistics and tax returns (STR) or DSF as a reporting medium indicates one of the harmonization in accounting practices of limited companies within member countries. Reg-istered businesses under the simplified and the actual earning tax systems are required to present a 35table STR to the regional tax officials every year on or before the 15th of march. GFC understands the difficulty in preparing the 35table STR and with its experts at

STR filling, the solution to the difficulties is here for you.

Accounting Consultancy

Many registered businesses or companies cannot afford to hire a permanent staff as an accountant to keep

track of their performance and record. GFC now has a solution to that by providing accounting services to

those businesses at an affordable cost.


Scientific Approach to solving industrial problems and Report Writing GFC organizes short training sessions to enable Engineering and Technology students carry out scientific research and comprehensively present their research findings. This will help students, when challenged with problems during internships, final year projects or real life issues to be able to approach such tasks.

Some of the techniques that feature on this program are; - ISHIKAWA tool for Research and classification of the causes of a problem, - Failure Mode Effect and Critically Analysis (FMECA) for ranking of the causes of a problem, - PARETO Analysis for the elimination of principal causes, and - Functional Analysis Horned Beast diagram (functional analysis of need) Octopus Diagram (identification of functions) FAST-Functional Analysis System Technique (proposition of technological solutions)

Research and development

Green Future Consulting is building and develop a community of policy-advisors, researchers, and practition-ers who can move the environment and socio-economic development debate forward. In this respect GFC is engage in carrying out research on the following:

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• Renewable energy studies

• Climate change and climate Finance

• Market studies for renewable energy investment:

• Innovative Result-based Finance studies

• Feasibility studies

5. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Green Future Consulting provides quality and affordable IT services to support the activities of social entrepre-neurs, small, medium and large businesses, schools and colleges, corporate bodies and NGOs. This covers the development of customized software for organizations, website design, development and management,

provision of basic IT training to high level certification programs, IT consultancy.

The goal of these services is to bring value to organizations and to exploit the full potential of organizations

capabilities using current and up to date Information Technologies. To this end GFC provides the following IT

services for customer consumption:

Software Development GFC develops quality software for its customer following standard software engineering practices as stipulated by the Association of Computing Machines (ACM). Delivery is rapid based on customer request. As of now GFC focuses on the following applications:

- Web applications Development - Desktop applications Development - Mobile application Development

IT training and Consultancy

GFC, with its mission to empower young Cameroonians through its capacity building programs, offers IT training programs to equip Cameroonians with fundamental IT skills needed in this generation of great techno-logical evolution and competition. Our team of experts train by practice not theory. We have a conducive and

comfortable training environment to enable our clients grasp the relevant IT skills.

We equally provide orientation and counseling on the most appropriate training for customers’ needs, IT is-

sues related to software, gadgets, mobile phone configurations and settings.

We provide data analysis services using appropriate tools. To this end GFC offers trainings/services in the

following areas:

@ Oracle® DBA Certification

@ CCNA Certification

@ Adobe® Photoshop

@ Microsoft® tools

@ AutoCAD®

@ SolidWorks® (Solid modelling)

@ Gantt project®

@ Data analysis tools and services such as SPSS

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Clean Technology The program will support social entrepreneurs in two aspects. Firstly, it will help build capacity, experience and knowledge sharing on social entrepreneurship for clean technology related investments. Secondly, it will finance activities that promote the development of technologies related to poverty alleviation and youth employment at the local and national levels. To achieve these objectives, the program aims at mitigating technology development barriers, including by organizing capacity building training programs, social entrepreneurship activities and innovation and incen-tivizing and leveraging baseline investments at the local environment. Programs developed to support GFC are,

• Green Youths Program

• Green Business Contest

• Energy assessment and auditing

• Provision of solar and renewable energy products

Clean technology development represents a significant potential for Green Future Consulting in supporting Cameroon in poverty reduction and creating employment opportunities and developing a framework for social enterprise and resilient development. It would assert GFC as a knowledge broker in the area of clean-tech by connecting clients to relevant knowledge, providing guidance and helping to disseminate best prac-tices. Furthermore, GFC would critically support institutions in developing the projects to enable clean-tech,

including knowledge sharing and capacity building.

GFC hopes to transfer both software and hard technologies from the developed world to Cameroon.

Installation of Roof PV Plates GFC now offer services of installing PV plates as a renewable energy alternative for hydro-electric power and diesel generators. Once the sys-tems are installed, customers will depend on solar energy as their major source of energy and will therefore not depend on Hydro-power or fuel generators and neither will they stay in blackouts due to power or continue to live without energy due the absence of a power grid in the locality. This service will help light up remote areas

Process survey, Energy Assessment, efficiency, and Audit With the help of its experienced team, GFC now offer services in the domain of industrial process survey, Energy Assessment, efficiency and audit, and conversion of agricultural waste into clean energy. Some Agricultural groups and localities dwell in the absence of energy while some companies rely on hydro-power of which they produce waste that can provide them with more than enough clean energy. This service aims at addressing this problem.


GFC is involved in the design of 3D modern house plans and real

Estate. With its team of experts, your dream house plan will be a

reality. We are available to provide building plans based on your

specification and affordable costs.

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The Green Business Contest is an event launched by Green Future consulting to encourage prospective social entrepreneurs in Cameroon. Many Cameroonians have brilliant business ideas but lack finances, plat-form and business development skills to get their ideas to fruition. GFC hopes to provide this while uniting the

public for a greater cause which concerns us all.

GFC launch call for proposals for ideas and projects that propose solutions to the threats arising from the current unsustainable use of resources, natural resources management, socio-economic development and

climate change in Cameroon


The Green Youth program (GYP) is an initiative to sensitize youths

on the application of climate change mitigation methods and envi-

ronmental management through capacity building and training.

The program aims at addressing social and environmental issues

by training the younger generation of Cameroon. GYP will train and

prepare youths to fight against the current unsustainable use of

natural resources.

Green Youths will be given an opportunity to secure their future by

developing their capacity in environmental management, green

economy and climate change.

National and international corporations, oil and gas companies based in Cameroon, Mining Companies, Envi-

ronmental institutes, Public and private financial houses, Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil societies,

Government, National and international Donors.



Green Future Consulting headquarters is currently in Buea-Cameroon. The staff consists of seven perma-nent members who administer the office with partners who are counsellors and involved in specific projects. In addition to its permanent staff, the company also works with a large network of experts in various sectors and in the international development sector. The bureau has a database of over 100 experts. Experts reside mainly in Africa and Europe and are often bilingual FR/EN. However, Green Future Consulting focuses as well on the importance of developing a network of national experts and works with young talents coming from universities and able to provide support in a project or in the office at the administrative level. GFC has a permanent staff of seven and a pool of consultants working on behalf of GFC

Profile Functions Executive Director

GERALD ESAMBE is the executive manager of the company since 2015. He has over seven years of expertise in manag-ing international projects including those of the African Development Bank. He also worked as a consultant in the past for international institutions such as the Water and Food Humanitarian Award, the Danish Development and Research Net-work, the Catholic University Institute of Buea and the Centre for Environment and Development Initiative. It deals with the management of large international events and the development of client’s communication strategies. Gerald holds a Masters in Sustainable Development with specialization in Climate and Energy policies from Linköping University, Sweden, a Graduate certificate in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development from University of Oslo and a Bachelor of Science in Geography from the University of Buea in Cameroon.

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Program Manager

ZINKIA Flaubert ZINKIA currently works as the Program Manager of GFC. He has effected a project design for the installation of a PET preform and PE bottle cap molding unit with PET waste bottle recycling at CBC-HESCO Water as a solution to solving the problem of plastic bottle waste in Cameroon. He also has a mastery of mineral water processing/bottling as well as waste water treatment, industrial processes, environmental care/depollution techniques ZINKIA holds a Master of Engineering degree in Industrial Chemistry and the Environment from the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences Ngaoundere-Cameroon and a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry/Material Science and Technology from the University of Buea, Cameroon.

IT Officer Nfongang Eric Akom currently works as the IT officer of Green Future Consulting. His previous experience has been in training software engineering students and supervising final year software projects as an assistant lecturer with the Catholic University Institute of Buea. As a lecturer he taught software engineering students IT courses such as object oriented programming in java, web technologies, oracle, computer architecture, software engineering and others. Prior to becoming an Assistant lecturer, he has been an intern with UNICS Microfinance Institution, Yaoundé where he worked on some software projects with the department of Management Information Systems (MIS). Nfongang holds a Master’s of Science in Information Technology (MSc. IT) from the University of Madras-India, a Bachelors Of Science (BSc.) Honors Degree in Mathematics from the University of Buea. He is equally a holder of Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) and holds a Certificate in Databases and Information Systems from Birla Institute of Technologies (BITS) Pilani-India. His area of focus is databases and Information Systems.

Research Analyst / Capacity Building Officer

Yamba Bezaine Josue is Research and Capacity building Officer. He is a young dynamic and skillful Cameroonian with bilingual attributes. He has worked with Green Cameroon as project supervisor and coordinator with over Nine (9) months of working experience as an environmentalist. He has also managed a company called ETISAT Interna-tional, Muyuka branch where I was branch manager, and have taught in mission, lay private colleges and public secondary schools. Yamba is a holder of a vocational qualification certificate (master’s degree) in environment and nature protection from International Applied Training Centre in Democracy, Development, Ethics and Governance (CIFADDEG) Yaoundé. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Buea.

Social Busi-ness officer

Akoachere Ofa Vivien currently works for the Green Future Consulting as the Business Development / Social Business Officer. He has experiences in Entrepreneurship, and Project Management. Akoachere holds a professional Masters in Business Administration in Project Management from the University of Buea and a Bachelor’s Degree Management Science from the University of Buea Cameroon.

Innovative Finance Officer

Nutoto Kelly MECHI currently works as the innovative finance officer of green future consulting. She has a proper mastery of the Ohada accounting and British accounting. she also has mastery of the Cameroon tax system and has organized symposiums on that. Nutoto holds a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from the prestigious Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC Bamenda) .She is equally advanced in her studies under the ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (ACCA).

Research Analyst / Capacity Building Officer

EDWARD AKUNJI currently works as a Research Analyst at GFC. He is an accomplished Environmentalist with over 17 years of academic and professional experience in Environmental management, Environmental Disaster Risk Management, Occupational and Health Safety Programs, Project writing and Implementation. He is highly accus-tomed to the industrial Pharmaceutical (Kakwa Biofarm Plc) and plantation agricultural (Amathemba Group, Nulla Farms Ltd) environments in Cape Town, South Africa and Cameroon. Edward holds a Bachelor Honors, and Master degree in Environmental and Geographical Sciences with specializa-tion in environmental change triggered by natural and anthropogenic agents from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He also has a Master degree in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid from the Kalu Institute for Humanitarian Aid Studies Centre, Almeria-Spain. Besides these He has earned online certificates in Occupational Health and Safety.

Research Analyst / Capacity Building Officer

MAH Cybelle ATUD currently works as a Research Analyst and Capacity Building Officer at GFC. She is a process and Quality assurance engineer. She has a mastery of process chain optimization, new product formulation and development, and quality assurance and control especially in aiding companies who wish to get accredited or certified in both National and International quality norms. She has carried out research projects in the food processing domain such as the formulation and manufacturing of Vegan meat from Soy beans Cybelle is a holder of a Master of Engineering degree in Agro-Food Processing from the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, Ngaoundéré, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Buea.

Marketing Officer

BONG ROMARIC KUM Currently work as the marketing officer of green future consulting. He has experience as a

marketer with NEXTTEL Cameroon S.A, formulating and implement marketing strategies.

ROMARIC holds a Bachelors Degree in management Science from the University of Buea and is currently studying

for a Masters Degree in his field of studies.


Buea-Mile 17, Opposite CNPS, Etube Consulting Building, 2nd Floor.

B.P.:10112 Douala, Cameroun

Tel.:(+237) 680 51 63 33

Email: [email protected] Website:

Provide access to funding opportunities for NGOs, civil society organization,

small and medium size enterprises for unique projects and ideas

Provide access to first class training in sustainable business development,

climate finance, corporate social responsibility, environmental management

Help you pitch your social business ideas

Open you to a vast research and career opportunities

Help you to integrate your business with sustainable develop-

ment goals

Provide capacity and technical assistance in project manage-


Expose you to a large community of environmental and energy economics,

climate change specialist

Provide advisory and consultancy services

Help you create a future you want through our social entrepreneurship pro-


Provide traineeship and internship opportunities

And many more ...

Why Work with GFC