griffin final report deter testbed update anthony d. joseph uc berkeley sahara retreat, june 2004

Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley http:// Sahara Retreat, June 2004

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Page 1: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004

Griffin Final ReportDETER Testbed Update

Anthony D. JosephUC Berkeley Retreat, June 2004

Page 2: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004



Griffin– Motivation– Goals and Components– Retreat talks

DETER Update– Motivation and goals– Testbed status– Applications: virus filtering, worm propagation

Page 3: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


Near-Continuous, Highly-Variable Internet Connectivity

Connectivity everywhere: campus, in-building, satellite…– Projects: Sahara (01-04), Iceberg (98-01), Rover (95-97)

Most applications support limited variability (1% to 2x)– Design environment for legacy apps is static desktop LAN– Strong abstraction boundaries (APIs) hide the # of RPCs

But, today’s apps see a wider range of variability– 35 orders of magnitude of bandwidth from 10's Kb/s 1 Gb/s– 46 orders of magnitude of latency from 1 sec 1,000's ms– 59 orders of magnitude of loss rates from 10-3 10-12 BER– Neither best-effort or unbounded retransmission may be ideal– Also, overloaded servers / limited resources on mobile devices

Result: Poor/variable performance from legacy apps

Page 4: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


Griffin Goals and an Adpative, Predictive Approach

Users always see excellent ( local, lightly loaded) application behavior and performance

– Agility: key metric is time to predict, react, and adapt– Apply continuous, cross-layer, multi-timescale introspection– SUCCESS: Tapas -- Building accurate models of correlated events

Help legacy and new applications handle changing conditions– Analyze, classify, and predict behavior– Pre-stage dynamic/static code/data (activate on demand)– SUCCESS: REAP/MINO/COMPASS --- Dynamic code/data placement with

automatic service location Overlay more powerful network model on top of IP

– Avoid standardization delays/inertia, enables dynamic svc placement– PARTIAL: Tapestry/Brocade --- Interoperation with IP routing policies

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Some Enabling Infrastructure Components We’ve Built

Tapas network characteristics toolkit [Konrad: Mills prof.]– Measuring/modeling/emulating/predicting delay, loss, …– Provides micro-scale network weather information– Mechanism for monitoring/predicting available QoS

REAP application building toolkit [Czerwinski: Google]– Introspective mobile code/data support for legacy / new apps– REAP dynamic service component placement – MINO E-mail application, COMPASS service instance locator

Tapestry, Brocade, and Mobile Tapestry [Hildrum: IBM, Zhao: UCSB prof.]

– Overlay routing layer providing efficient application-level object location and routing

– Mobility support, fault-tolerance, varying delivery semantics

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Related Talks at Retreat

Kris Hildrum: Locality in Tapestry– Highlight talk today

Sean Rhea: OpenHash– Tuesday morning in Overlay Networking parallel session

Ling Huang: Probabilistic data aggregation– Tuesday evening in Overlay Networking parallel session

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Griffin– Motivation– Goals and Components– Retreat talks

DETER Update– Motivation and goals– Testbed status– Applications: virus filtering, worm propagation

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Page 9: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


cyber DEfense Technology Experimental Research (DETER)

NSF and DHS sponsored cyber-defense research project– Lead PIs: UCB, USC-ISI, McAfee

DETER Goals:1. Design and construction of a testbed for network security

experiments,2. Research on experimental methodology for network security, and3. Research on network security.

DETER: focus on 1), but it needs to do some of 2) and 3) Goal: Duplicate observed attack effects in the testbed

– E.g., self-congestion for worms

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People: – Anthony Joseph, Ruzena Bajcsy, Shankar Sastry,

David Culler, Doug Tygar, David Wagner, Eric Fraser (staff), Yih-Chun Hu (postdoc)

3 experiment areas in related EMIST project– Worms, routing attacks, DDoS attacks

Just completed major demo last week in DC– 50 tech govn’t (NSF, NIST, DARPA, NSA, DHS)

Experimenters Workshop (11/8 or 11/15 week)

Page 11: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


DETER+EMIST Motivation

New, increasingly virulent Worms and Viruses MyDoom/Novarg e-mail virus/worm

– 40 reports/hr in first hour, quarantined 8 million in first 24 hours– Spreads via E-mail, jumps firewalls thru Peer-to-Peer networks– Blocks access to anti-virus and MS update sites

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks– “Large scale, international attack on [Akamai] infrastructure"

Potential: routing hardware & software attacks Issues:

– Inadequate wide scale deployment of security technologies– Lack of experimental infrastructure: limited-scale private labs– Missing objective test data, traffic and metrics

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... to provide the scientific knowledge required to enable the development of solutions to cyber security problems of national importance

Through the creation of an experimental infrastructure network -- networks, tools, methodologies, and supporting processes -- to support national-scale experimentation on research and advanced development of security technologies.

“Real systems, Real attacks, Real world!”

Page 13: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


Architecture and Design: Cluster Testbed

Basic choice: cluster vs. distributed testbed– Example: Emulab vs. Planetlab design.

Two major reasons to choose clusters for DETER:

1. Security & containment …would be impossible in a distributed testbed.

2. Need complete control over experimental conditions for repeatability

Page 14: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


DETER Experimental Network

PC 160

N x 4 @1000bTData ports


Programmable Patch Panel (VLAN switch)

Switch Control Interface

Clusters of N identical experimental nodes,

interconnected dynamically into

arbitrary topologies using VLAN switch

Pool of N identical processors

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Example Topology Created using DETER (as11537-5s-2t)

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The Fidelity Issue

Would ideally like:– Large and realistic topologies– Diverse, realistic nodes and links

But: – Fidelity is expensive– Large-scale fidelity may be unnecessary for (maybe

even contrary to) good science.– Plan to add limited heterogeneity and realism – e.g., a

few vendor routers, network processors

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Early-stage Local Research Efforts

APE: SLT-based virus detection and containment– Uses unsupervised learning to classify outgoing e-mail

based on features (# of recipients, attachments, etc.)– Built prototype, now exploring different models

Worm propagation effects on realistic topologies– Using Parallel and Distributed NS to emulate up to

15,000 nodes with realistic latencies and bandwidths– Significantly different propagation patterns from

analytical models due to congestion effects

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UC Berkeley




Cyber Defense Experiments run on Virtual Internet Network Traces

Wide-Area Testbed Architecture

72 PCs April 04Based on Utah’s Emulab SW

32 PCs, but more powerful HW & firewalls

July 04

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Foundry FastIron 1500 16 x 10 1000bT ports



160APC PowerControllers

32 x 4 @1000bTData ports

32 @ 1000bTControl ports



…Serial Line &Power Server

Cache Boss Server

Control VPNServer

Switch ControlInterface

Data VPNServer

Cutoff Point


Page 20: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004


Collaboration Opportunities Research opportunities

– Measuring application behavior under attack Web servers, file servers, etc.

– Strategies for mitigating attacks Worm defenses, DDoS traceback and block, hardening

routing protocols

– Operations and management Substantial knowledgebase from commercial operations

Hardware donations– Network nodes, Firewall machines, L2/L3 routers, etc

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Overlay Networking Parallel Sessions Schedule

0830-1000 Peer-to-Peer and Routing (Ion) – Sean Rhea: OpenHash – Jayanth Kanan: Supporting Legacy applications in i3 – Brighten Godfrey: A Heterogeneity-Aware Distributed Hash Table – Rodrigo Fonseca: Beacon Vector Routing

1930-2100 Applications in Wide Area Networks (Anthony) – Ling Huang: Probabilistic Aggregation in Distributed Networks – David Oppenheimer: Resource Discovery in Distributed Systems – Dennis Geels: Deterministic Replay for Debugging Overlay


Page 22: Griffin Final Report DETER Testbed Update Anthony D. Joseph UC Berkeley  Sahara Retreat, June 2004

Griffin Final ReportDETER Testbed Update

Anthony D. JosephUC Berkeley Retreat, June 2004