groove magazine, sept. 2012


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Music, arts & culture for greater new haven


Page 1: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012


oaxaca kitchen Gets ReviewedPAGE 20

FRee indie shows at baRPAGE 34

visual stimulation at aRtspacePAGE 7



music, arts & culture for greater new haven vol. 1 no. 2


Page 2: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

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Mon, Thu, Fri 9-6 | Sat 10-6 | Sun 12-4 72 Blatchley Ave, New Haven | 203.776.3099 |

functional, unusual, emotional, meaningful objects

BEST OF NEW HAVEN!– New Haven Advocate,

New Haven Register

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6 LEttER fROm PubLishER


7 LOts Of ActiVity At ARtsPAcEby Liz Antle

8 fREE stuff in thE ELm cityby Jake Grubman

9 ARts ListinGs

14 PLuRAL WORk/shOP by Anna Wagner

15 shOPPinG ListinGs

16 8 must DO sEPtEmbER EVEnts by christina Andrioti

19 stuDEnt shOPPinG scEnE


Groove Magazine is published monthly by Groove media from our office at 11 Osborn Ave. new haven ct 06511. Phone: (203) 859-8327 subscriptions: $60 yearly. send name, address, zip code with payment. All ads must be in by 5pm on due date. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. Groove magazine shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad for a typographical error or errors in the publication except to the extent to the cost of the space which the actual error appeared in the first insertion. the publishers reserve the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. the entire contents of Groove magazine are copyright 2012 Groove magazine. no portion may be reproduced by any means without written permission of the publisher.


20 nEW hAVEn’s OAxAcA kitchEnby J.t. callaghan

22 DininG ListinGs

27 VEGEtARiAn & VEGAn DininGby hannah Woomer

28 thE OWL shOP: cRAft AnD cuLtuREby tom Russo


30 nicOLE fREchEttE: A cOnnEcticut cOuntRy stARby kelley bligh

32 mEDicinE mAn by Jon Ruseski

34 fREE inDiE ROck shOWs At bAR by Jack miller

35 thE GyPsy WEst: fROm bROOkLyn tO bOstOnby kyle murphy

36 music ListinGs

Plural Work/Shop: Much More Than a Workshop

Craft and Culture Converge at the Owl Shop


oaxaca kitchen Gets ReviewedPAGE 20

FRee indie shows at baRPAGE 34

visual stimulation at aRtspacePAGE 7



music, arts & culture for greater new haven vol. 1 no. 2


Publisher: Oliver collins

Editor in Chief: Jack millerManaging Editor: katherine RojasMusic Editor: hannah WoomerArts and Lifestyle Editor: christina AndriotiDining Editor: tom RussoCopy Editor: kelley bligh

Contributing Writers: christina Andrioti, Liz Antle, kelley bligh, J.t. callaghan, Oliver collins, Jake Grubman, kyle murphy, Jon Ruseski, Anna Wagner, hannah Woomer

Photography Editor: charlotte Greene

Contributing Photographers: Liz Antle, melissa Gaines, Jake Grubman, casey Roche

Art Director: mario Recupido

Contributing Graphic Designers: maureen Leary, Gary sandler, katie Piccin

Circulation Manager: Rich Gabriele

Director of Advertising: Oliver collinsMarketing Assistant: Leah salindong

Page 6: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

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From the Publisher

I always look forward to a relaxing summer in New Haven. And I always get let down. I anticipate that more

parking spaces will be available, since there are no students in town. Remem-ber, we have five colleges/universities in this city. That’s a big deal. You’d ex-pect shorter lines at the coffee shops. I should be able to get a drink at the bar in half the usual time. It’s supposed to be an ideal time for lazy strolls down the sidewalk. We should be able to find quick seating at a restaurant. That’s how it’s meant to be, but it never works out that way.

Six years in New Haven and you would think I’d have learned my lesson by now. The weekend after graduation, the Yale alumni come to town. And it seems every other weekend, all sum-mer long, they invade. The EXPLO kids have a constant presence, right up until the colleges are back in session. There’s Arts and Ideas, Music on the Green,

the New Haven Open, street events, parades, speeches — before you know it, the summer is even crazier than the rest of the year.

Ahhh, well it’s not New York City. I’d take New Haven any day, any time of the year, over any other city. It’s young, fun, (relatively) cheap, and a short drive to the beautiful shorelines of Connecti-cut. I’m still sold. And I’m looking for-ward to a great September. Fall is back in the air. This means shorter, cooler days. The leaves on the trees will soon be changing colors. Students are com-ing back to campus, studying in the cof-fee shops, walking around town in their pajamas like its nothing and perform-ing crazy drunken charades at night. I feel like the city is coming back to life and we are all arising from our sum-mer cocoons. The fall is New Haven at its greatest. This is how it’s meant to be. I’ve got my energy back and I’m ready to rock.

What’s there to experience in the fall in New Haven? Where do we start? Let’s try this in reverse. The nightlife. Col-

lege kids will soon be hitting the night clubs on Crown Street,

so be prepared, at spots like the Lazy Lizard, Alchemy, Empire and many more. Look for the tight t-shirts and miniskirts (and then maybe go to the other side of the sidewalk). For a clas-sic Irish Pub, there’s always Anna Liffey’s. You can’t go wrong with their trivia nights and live music. Black Bear Saloon has the kid-dies on the weekends and the business folk on the weekdays. BAR rocks just about every night of the week, but you will definitely want to check out the Wednesday night

live music in the back room (see page 34), featuring a va-riety of hip new bands. One of them is bound to make it big, and you can be among the first to discover them.

Can you beat reading a book on the Green in September? The trees look beautiful. You’re far enough away from the roads to experience peace, the pure delight of grass in the middle of the city. Relax in the sun and see how New Haven offers a retreat right in the heart of town.

There’s something about going to a museum in the fall that just… fits. A little respite to see works of art is a joy. Maybe get some apple cider, a scone and take a trip to the museum. New Haven has no shortage of those. There’s the Yale Center for British Art, the Yale University Art Gallery, the Knights of Columbus Museum, Yale’s Peabody Mu-seum —take your pick. A couple hours of visual fun awaits.

Finally, a hot cup of coffee can’t be beat in the fall. And, well, New Haven has plenty of coffee shops. From Blue State to Koffee to Willoughby’s, BRU to Green Well, Manjares to Lulu’s (and yes, Starbucks too), the convenience is there, dark roast to light roast, from the Arts District to Downtown, East Rock to Westville. Start your day off right.

So place this copy of Groove on your coffee table this fall. Keep it there. Show it to your friends. Show it to new people in town. We are here to stay and help you enjoy this great city and its beauti-ful surroundings. If it involves the arts, dining or music, we will cover the scene. We’ll show you where to sneak into the VIP section and where the quaint spots you may have never knew existed hide. Enjoy the ride.

from the publisher

Oliver W. Collins



music, arts & culture for greater new haven vol. 1 no. 2


Page 7: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

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For many, September is a time of transition. Students and professors begin a new year; Yale returns to its

familiar bustle. Hot summer days turn slowly into crisp fall ones.

Artspace — one of New Haven’s lead-ing presenters of local and national visual art — seems to follow suit this month, as its gallery walls transition from one season to the next.

“A wide range of things are happen-ing at Artspace this September,” says Helen Kauder, Executive Director. The gallery will be wrapping up its summer shows on Sept. 15. This way everyone who was gone for the summer still has time to see the work, explains Kauder.

Artspace’s summer line-up includes three exhibitions which opened on July 27:

William DeLottie presents video in-stallation and large-scale works on paper in the exhibition, in three states of mind. DeLottie is a Connecticut na-tive and has been exhibiting his work for over 30 years. This exhibition was organized by New Haven resident, Eric Litke.

In Interventions, Greenwich Acad-emy’s Kristen Erickson and Erin Riley curate an exhibition from Artspace’s Flatfile — home to a rotating collection of works on paper by local and regional artists. The chosen pieces focus on hu-man intrusions into nature and toy with reality in surprising ways.

Occupy Main Street celebrates the 12th Annual Artspace Summer Appren-ticeship Program. This year, fifteen New Haven high school students had the op-portunity to work with professional art-

ist (and Yale alum) Felandus Thames. Originally from Jackson, Mississippi, Thames uses a wide variety of mediums in his own work to investigate issues of race, power and body. This summer, Thames led the students in an explo-ration of silk-screening and branding. Artspace’s Shannon Connors com-mented positively on the collaboration during this year’s program:

“The students are responding in-credibly well to the project — they’ve branded their class the ‘Sharpie Squad’ and are in the midst of silk-screening their hand-drawn logos onto our main gallery wall.”

The students, along with Thames, enjoyed video conferencing with art-ist Ryan McGinness, who is currently showing at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. The group had the op-portunity to “tour” McGinness’ studio as well as ask the artist questions about silk-screening and his artistic process, said Connors.

As these exhibitions close on Sept. 15, two exhibitions will remain on view until Sept. 20: Flossing the Lot, a site-specific public installation by Leeza Meksin at 812 Chapel St., as well as Circulation, an installation by Caroline Mak in the Crown St. Window.

During this time, Artspace will be preparing for the 15th Annual City Wide Open Studios. Each year, City Wide Open Studios features the work of nu-merous New Haven area artists and draws thousands of visitors to our city. The festivities will kick-off on Oct. 5 with a group exhibition that includes works from each participating artist.

Stay tuned as this year’s exciting line-up of events unfolds.

In the beginning of the month, on Sept. 7, Artspace will again participate in On9, which began this June and has turned into an astounding success. The first Friday of each month, local busi-nesses, restaurants and arts venues in the Ninth Square open their doors to the public for an evening of celebration. For their debut event, Artspace orga-nized “BYOB,” Bring Your Own Beamer, in which artists were invited to bring their own projector and screen their work on the gallery walls. Make sure to save the date for this month’s On9 and check for up-dates.

At the end of the month, on Sept. 30, they’ll host: Speed/Networking/Live!

In this third annual event, artists are invited to give a three-minute-pitch to twenty different curators and profes-sionals, who in turn provide two min-utes of feedback. Talk about intense! One of last year’s participants raves the event was “useful and exhilarating” with an “impressive group of mentors.” Registration closes Sept. 15 and spots fill up quickly. Don’t miss this poten-tially career-altering event.

And so, as Sept. finds us escaping the humidity and rolling back into the rhythm of fall, don’t forget to find your way to Artspace for what’s sure to be an exciting month.

Artspace, 50 Orange St., New Haven. (203) 772-2709,

By Liz Antle

lots of ACtivity At ArtspACe

Photo by Liz Antle

Photo by Liz Antle



Page 8: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

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In order to have a good time it seems you almost always have to spend money. If you want to have a night

out on the town or go see a show there’s usually no way around coughing up some dough. While there’s some truth to that, it is also true that as long as you’re with good company there are plenty of ways to enjoy New Haven without having to drop any cash.

There’s almost nothing better than kicking back and enjoying some music, except maybe free music. The beauty of New Haven is there are tons of bars and tons of music. All you have to do is find a couple of places you like and figure out which nights they have shows with no cover. BAR, (254 Crown St.), for example, puts on free concerts every Wednesday night.

Even venues like Toad’s Place (300 York St.) offer cover-free shows from time to time. If you sign up for their mobile VIP ser-vice (visit for details), every once in a while they’ll send you a password to get four tickets to a show for free. One band that frequents Toad’s is New England’s very own Grateful Dead tribute band, Shakedown. As long as you’re 21 or over, you can print free passes directly from their website They play almost ev-ery month and are literally giving away tickets.

If you like the outdoors, you can see for yourself why New Haven is called the “Elm City” after hiking to the top of the ridges at East Rock and West Rock. Or if you’re lazy you can drive to the top when the roads are open for traffic,

between Memorial Day and the end of Oct. It doesn’t cost anything and these trails are beautiful year round. There are picnic tables and barbecues at the top of East Rock and an up close and personal view of the city. There are also great trails to hike and a smooth road to

ride your bike. On the top of West Rock, you’re a little bit higher up and there is a breathtaking view of the New Haven skyline and an almost birds-eye-view of the Westville section of the city.

On Chapel Street, there are two free art museums that belong to Yale which are totally worth checking out. They’re free Tuesday through Sunday for all and are usually not very crowded. The

portraits and sculptures at the Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.) are very impressive and by some rec-ognizable artists. Walk directly across the street and you’ll find the Yale Uni-versity Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.). This museum contains art from doz-

ens of cultures including African, Asian, European, Indo-Pacific, American, as well as modern and contemporary art, which includes some Warhols and Picassos.

The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (170 Whitney Ave.) is another museum worth visiting. Through Sept. and June only, the Peabody offers free admission to everyone from 2 to 5 p.m. There are three floors of fun and learn-ing, including dinosaurs, reptiles, birds and mammals, as well as exhibits showing Egyptian, Pacific and Native American cultures. The architecture of the museum is also pretty neat and there are a plethora of things to see.

Okay, now this last one isn’t 100 percent free because you’re encouraged to spend a little money but you may want to give it a chance, regardless. Delaney’s (882 Whalley Ave.) has the most glorious happy hour special of all time. Monday through Friday be-tween 3 and 6 p.m. this awesome

restaurant and tap room serves free wings in the bar — five or six hot and spicy wings with a lot of meat on them. If you’re there long enough you can get multiple servings. Another great part of their happy hour special is buy one, get one free on all beer. They give you drink tokens and you can save them for the next time you come to happy hour if you want.

free stuffin the elm CityBy Jake Grubman


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Photo by Jake Grubman

Photo by Jake Grubman

Page 9: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

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BRANFORDBranford Art Studio483 East Main St.(203) 488-2787Gallery and visual arts classes for adults, from a master painter.

Martha Link Walsh Gallery188 North Main St., Rte. 1(203) 481-3505Original artwork featuring art paper cutting and hand crafted note/holiday cards sold by the artist/owner.

Tabor Community Arts Center45 Tabor Dr.(203) 488-5668All ages art and music workshops/classes.

CHESHIREBarker Character, Comic & Cartoon Museum1188 Highland Ave. (203) 699-3822Chock full of memorabilia from the past 100 years of American toys, TV figurines, cartoons and comic strips. Fans of Gumby make your home here.

GUILFORDGreene Art Gallery29 Whitfield St. (203) 453-4162 The gallery displays a variety of contemporary paintings from over 25 talented artists.

Guildford Art Center411 Church St. (203) 453-5947 The Mill Gallery showcases the works of local and national artists. Classes and workshops are available for all ages in nearly all disciplines.

Shoreline Arts Alliance725 Boston Post Rd.(203) 453-3890 They stage performances and exhibits by local, national, and international artists. Also responsible for Concerts on the Green, Shakespeare on the Shoreline, and the Shoreline ArtSpace Series.

HAMDENEli Whitney Museum and Workshop915 Whitney Ave. (203) 777-1833 A family friendly museum with an educational laboratory and art galleries.

Hamden Arts Commission2901 Dixwell Ave.(203) 287-2546Arts and music programming for the town of Hamden.

MADISONMadison Art Cinemas761 Boston Post Rd.(203) 245-FILMScreenings of independent films. Also serves as an art gallery and community center.

The Sculpture MileBoston Post Rd. (between Academy St. and Scotland Ave.)(860) 767-2624Large contemporary sculptures along the Boston Post Rd. situated in the New Alliance Courtyard and around the Scranton Park Pavilion.

MILFORDFirehouse Art Gallery81 Naugatuck Ave.(203) 878-6647 Artist in Residence program, classes offered, 1,000 sq ft gallery and community center for the arts.

Milford Center for the Arts40 Railroad Ave. (203) 878-6647 Art exhibits, music series, an arts and crafts festival, and other special events throughout the year.

SoBoBo Art Gallery & Consortium17 Broadway(203) 876-9829Mix media, classes offered, and unique contemporary art exhibitions.

NEW HAVENArtspace50 Orange St. (203) 772-2709 Thought provoking visual art public gallery with multiple exhibits, film series and special events.



ARTSPhoto by Charlotte Greene

DominicanBeauty SalonMM&

1300 Whalley Ave, New Haven 203-389-6473

504 5th Ave, Mount Vernon, NY 914-699-3986

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Page 10: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

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Channel 1220 State St. (888) 746-7241Showroom and gallery of skateboards, graffiti art, pop art and apparel.

City Gallery994 State St. (203) 782-2489 Artist-run contemporary art gallery with 17 members. Artwork includes all mediums, from painting to photography, sculpture, to mixed media.

Creative Arts Workshop80 Audubon St. (203) 562-4927 Visual arts workshops and art classes for all ages and levels of experience. The Hiles Gallery displays exhibitions year round.

DaSilva Gallery897-899 Whalley Ave.(203) 387-2539Contemporary art gallery and provides design and framing services.

Elm City Artists Gallery55 Whitney Ave.(203) 922-2359Artist-run art gallery. Includes all mediums from painting to photography, sculpture, to mixed media.

Elm Shakespeare CompanyPO Box 206029(203) 393-1436A local theater group advancing childhood education through Shakespeare plays. A major community event takes place every August during which the theater group performs free plays in Edgerton Park.

Gallery 195195 Church St, 4th Floor(203) 772-2788The gallery is sponsored by the Arts Council of Greater New Haven and First Niagara Bank. The gallery exhibits an art show every quarter by two artists.

Long Wharf Theatre222 Sargent Dr. (203) 787-4282 Award-winning theater striving to build community through theater and presenting about 6 to 8 plays a year.

The Institute Library847 Chapel St.(203) 562-4045A revitalized membership library with a wide array of public events, theatrical performances, and poetry readings. Also, the oldest independent circulating library in the United States.

John Slade Ely House

51 Trumbull St. (203) 624-8055 This converted Elizabethan house is a center for contemporary art, showing three to five exhibits a year.

Lyric Hall Antiques and Conservation 27 Whalley Ave.(203) 389-8885 A Westville performing arts gem for music and theater. Also, an architecture restoration business.

Kehler Liddell Gallery873 Whalley Ave.(203) 389-9555The gallery showcases and represents 24 Connecticut-based artists from all disciplines including painting, sculpture, paper making, and photography, among others.

Knights of Columbus MuseumOne State St.(203) 865-0400Preserving and displaying Catholic heritage through art.

New Haven Museum

114 Whitney Ave.(203) 562-4183Permanent exhibits of the New Haven Museum include information about the city’s history, art galleries, and a maritime gallery.

River Street Gallery72 Blatchley Ave.(203) 776-3099Gallery housed in Fairhaven Furniture, since 2004 has showcased the creative works of local artists and artisans.

Shubert Theatre247 College St.(203) 562-5666Legendary theater where shows like Oklahoma! made their debut before heading to Broadway. They still do theater, but music too. Recent acts include Willie Nelson, Jeff Mangum and Ray LaMontagne.

White Space Fine Art Gallery

JoBella DowntownSalon & Spa Fall Specials• Free Glaze or Conditioning Treatment

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S &



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195 Church St.(203) 494-1200The White Space Gallery is a fine arts gallery focusing on surreal and abstract art and pieces from master artist Salvador Dali. Yale Architecture Gallery180 York St.(203) 432-2288Features exhibitions throughout the year, located on the second floor of the Yale School of Architecture.

Yale Center for British Art1080 Chapel St. (203) 432-2800 Public art and research museum for British art and culture which maintains the largest collection of British art outside of the British isles.

Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History170 Whitney Ave.(203) 432-5050Famous for its dinosaur exhibits, very kid-friendly but interesting for adults too. Permanent exhibits and seasonal exhibits.

Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments 15 Hillhouse Ave.Collections of musical instruments from around the world, spanning thousands of years. The museum produces talks, special events, and concerts throughout the year.

Yale Repertory Theatre

1120 Chapel St.(203) 432-1234A professional theater staging high-quality new plays that occasionally features world-renowned actors such as Paul Giamatti (in next year’s Hamlet).

Yale Cabaret217 Park St. (203) 432-1567Enjoy a dinner and see lively plays or musicals produced and starring Yale School of Drama students.

Yale University Art Gallery1111 Chapel St.(203) 432-0600The galleries permanent collections include a world tour of art from African art, American painting and sculpture, Asian art, ancient art, European art, and modern and contemporary art.

OLD SAYBROOKKatharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center300 Main St.(860) 510-0473Performing arts center for all ages serving the shoreline of Connecticut with a 250-seat theater and a museum celebrating the life of acclaimed actress and local daughter, Katharine Hepburn.

NORTH HAVENFarm River Antiques26 Broadway(203) 239-2434Buyer and seller of American antiques. Small goods and furniture.




Buy 1 item, get 1

FREE269 East Main St.

Branford, CT 06405(203) 488-3263

At participating locations. Not valid with any other offer. Free item of equal or lesser value. Not valid on quarts,

gallons or party buckets. Limit one offer per guest.

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90 general classroomswmeeting spaceswcomputer labswart gallerywlibrary & learning commons wcafeteriawearly learning centerwcollege bookstorewcommunity centerwsmall business center

culinary arts centerwliteracy volunteerswhealth center 1,300 parking spaces, and an excellent education!

Visit the college website at and see what’s in it for YOU!

Register Now, fall classes begin September 4th

20 Church StreetNew Haven, Connecticut 06510

20 Church StreetNew Haven, Connecticut 06510

Page 13: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

G R O O V E 13

The Davis Gallery200 Boston Post Rd.(203) 795-4705A private art gallery exhibiting Connecticut artists in multiple mediums.

PEZ Visitor Center35 Prindle Hill Rd. (203) 298-0201 Largest assembly of PEZ collectibles in the world, with special displays and self guided tours.

WALLINGFORDPaul Mellon Arts Center333 Christian St.(203) 697-2423The center for the arts at Choate. The center features an 800-seat theater and lobby art gallery. The center was designed by I.M. Pei and described as “an auditorium of ideas.”

WEST HAVEN Savin Rock Museum & Learning Center 6 Rock St. (203) 937-3566Showcases the history of West Haven’s rich past.

Ward-Heitmann House Museum277 Elm St(203) 937-9823The Ward-Heitmann House is a 300-year- old house and the oldest surviving structure in West Haven. Each room represents the lives of different families during different periods of time in American history.

West Cove Studio & Gallery30 Elm St.West Haven, CT 06516(203) 627-8030West Cove Studio & Gallery is committed to the advancement of artists, particularly in the printmaking discipline. It offers intaglio printing, silkscreen printing and life drawing workshops.

Open Sundays!12 - 5pm

Mon. - Sat. 10am - 5:30pm

71 Whitfield St.Guilford, CT

On the Green

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]

Welcome to Our 22nd Season!


Registration is NOW OPEN for

Fall/Spring, 2012/13

ATJ... A Real World Dance


In Person Registration Dates:Wednesday, August 22nd & 29th

from 4:00-8:00 PMSaturday, September 1st

from 10:00-2:00 PM ATJDanceStudioBranfordCT



Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe,

Lyric, Theater Dance, & Acrobatics

For Ages 2 & Up

59 School Ground Road, Branford, CT203.483.1112 • email: [email protected]



Page 14: Groove Magazine, Sept. 2012

G R O O V E14


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A new business with a deep rooted passion; New Haven, meet Plu-ral Work/Shop. The new home

of LayerXLayer (pronounced Layer by Layer).

LayerXLayer is an online shop that has opened its doors to the public. The owners of LayerXLayer, Patrick Turiello and Leah Fabish, have strong ethical values that not only make their business unique, but built a foun-dation for success.

Turiello says, “Not to toot our own horns, but we pride ourselves on being true to our values of meaningful work and ethi-cal business practices. It’s been pain-ful for us to watch some of our peers, for lack of a better word, “sell-out” to major corporate shops whose primary practices are to exploit cheap labor and chase trends. Somewhat related to that is the fact that [Leah and I] are both the designers and makers of our products, which gives us a greater understand-ing of the way things could or should be made than someone who is only one or the other.”

The shop features furniture made from recycled wood, apparel made from organic materials and items

whose purposes are unknown, even for the creators. The most popular item on their online store is a “Twig-Sawtooth” which is described as “a special little object” by the web store. Needless to say, this is not your run of the mill busi-ness and not a solo career.

Turiello said, “LayerXLayer is what we like to call a “collaborative studio.”

We seem to com-plement one an-other quite well in terms of skills and ideas, so we de-cided to join forces rather than work separately.”

Although Plural Work/Shop just

planted its roots, there are big plans for them on the horizon.

Turiello said, “The storefront con-tains our products along with quality goods made by fellow makers and art-ists from around the country (and soon, the world). Plural is also going to be a place to collaborate with other creative folks in New Haven, and a place to share ideas and hold events.”

However, Turiello and Fabish are not strangers to New Haven.

“Both of us are originally from CT and we really love many things about the state,” says Turiello. “New Haven has a really good creative energy and

By Anna Wagner

plurAl Work/shop: much more than a Workshop

we wanted to be a part of it. Since mov-ing back we’ve been making so many meaningful creative connections with other local folks that will hopefully re-sult in collaborative projects. It was more important for us to be in a city like New Haven, more so than there specifically — a city that values art and creativity.”

But this was no walk in the park for LayerXLayer. In this rough economy, these post grads needed to find a way to fend for themselves.

Turiello said “LayerXLayer was some-thing that we’ve always talked about starting someday, but it was really made possible by the lack of meaning-ful employment available at the time of our school graduation. Rather than wasting (more) weeks or months look-ing for a job during the 2008 recession, we decided to start working on various design projects whenever we had free time. Plural Work/Shop was also some-thing we talked about creating for quite a while as well. … We considered mov-ing here so we looked around for work-spaces until we happened upon Project Storefronts. After working with them, our minds were made up and we moved here within weeks.”

Both Turiello and Fabish are artists at heart. “Both of us sort of began our cre-ative careers in a more traditional art setting, but we ultimately ended up in design disciplines,” says Turiello. “We can go on and on about our opinions of how art could or should influence design, but we’ll spare everyone read-ing this. Basically, our creative process begins with something that looks more like art, but ends with a more rigorous adherence to what would be consid-ered design. The two are not mixed, but rather work side by side.”

Plural Work/Shop is now located on 756 Chapel St., tucked away between the Family Dollar and Yuppy Boutique. Visit them online at

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BRANFORDSound Runner1088 Main St.(203) 483-8222Running apparel, footwear, books and gear store. Also hosts group runs and special events.

CLINTONClinton Crossing Premium Outlets 20-A Killingworth Tpke.(860) 669-3066Designer fashions, housewares, gifts, and accessories. Shops offer deep cutting discounts. Stores include Ellie Tahari, Cole Haan, Adidas and many more.

GUILFORDBishop’s Orchards & Winery1355 Boston Post Rd. (203) 458-PICK Farmer’s Market and pick your own fruit. Fresh cider.

Village Chocolatier79 Whitfield St.(203) 453.5226Gourmet Chocolates, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and homemade fudge.

HAMDENBack on the Rack 2348 Whitney Ave.(203) 745-5062High-end fashion designer consignment boutique.

Gallery 42985 Whitney Ave.(203) 281-6043A treasure trove of antiques, jewelry and small decorative objects of art.

MADISONR.J. Julia Booksellers768 Boston Post Rd(203) 245-3959Large independent bookstore, many author events throughout the year and a café bistro.

Peter Indorf Jewelers 703 Boston Post Road(203) 245- 5700Custom designers of fine jewelry and gemstones. Repair and appraising services available.

MILFORDDowntown Milford Farmers Market58 River St.Fresh veggies galore.

NEW HAVENAlex and Ani284 York St.(203) 691-8870 Custom designed jewelry — bangles, charms, earrings and necklaces — for the body, mind and spirit.

Arpaia Lang 806 Chapel St.(203) 772-4643Handcrafted specially designed fine jewelry salon. Also, offers custom by design jewelry from designer Kim Arpaia and Robert Lang.

Cityseed Farmers’ Market817 Grand Ave., No. 101(203) 773-3736New Haven Locations: Wooster Square, Downtown/Town Hall, Edgewood Park, The Hill and Fair Haven.

Enclave 23 Broadway(203) 865-3470Men’s and women’s clothing boutique with a surfing, skating and sporty vibe.

English Building Market839 Chapel St.(203) 772-1728Antiques, vintage clothing and accessories.

Fashionista Vintage & Variety93 Whitney Ave.(203) 777-4434Nostalgic, fun clothes and accessories for women and men.

Fair Haven Furniture72 Blatchley Ave.(203) 776-3099Exquisite furniture, home goods, accessories and gifts from down the street and around the world. Also, make sure to visit the exhibits at the store’s River Street gallery.

Idiom1014 Chapel St.(203) 782-2280Unique jewelry, clothes, and accessories for women at this award winning boutique.

Ten Thousand Villages1054 Chapel St.(203) 776-0854Fair trade hand-crafted gifts made by over130 artisan groups from 38 countries, all around the world.

Wave Gallery1046 Chapel St.(203) 782-6212Jewelry, bath and body products, chocolate, accessories... a great place to stop for a gift when you’re late to the party.

ORANGEHawley Lane Shoes500 Boston Post Rd.(203) 891-9999Women’s and men’s casual and dressy shoes featuring top brands.

WEST HAVEN Peschell’s Cake & Pastry, Inc.107 Campbell Ave.(203) 933-1766Baking fine Italian pastries and cakes since the 1950s.


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City Seed Farmer’s Market, Edgewood Park

Music & Theatre

Cafes, Bars, & Nightlife

Galleries & Events Village Shops & Salons

Photos by JoAnne Wilcox Photography &

Design M



S &



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1 Palladio Virtuel The exhibit challenges the tra-

ditional analysis of the architecture of Andrea Palladio, master architect of Renaissance Italy. Exhibit by Peter Eisenman, acclaimed New York archi-tect and Charles Gwathmey Professor in Practice at Yale and Matthew Ro-man, Yale School of Architecture critic.

Aug. 20 to Oct. 27Yale School of Architecture Gallery,

180 York St. New Haven

2 Rustic Farm-to-Table DinnerCandle light dinner on the farm in

Cheshire to benefit the Friends of Boul-der Knoll Community Farm. Menu con-ceived by chef Jason Sobocinski of Ca-seus Bistro, local produce from the farm, local chicken from Murray’s Chicken, local fruit pies, wines provided by Sou-thend Spirits and music performed by Liz McNicholl.

Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012, 6 p.m., tickets $70 members, $85 non-members

Boulder Knoll Community Farm, 725 Boulder Rd. Cheshire, CT

3 2012 CT Folk Festival and Green Expo

Connecticut’s largest folk music festi-val in Edgerton Park. Also, an expo of sustainable eco-friendly businesses and products for the home.

Sunday, Sept. 8, 2012, 11:00am - 10:00 p.m.

75 Cliff St. New Haven

4 Vintage Steel: The Art and History of the Steel String Guitar

John Thomas curator of an exhibit of the modern guitar on show at Fairhav-en Furniture, New Haven’s “Alternative Home Store” from Sept. 8, 2012 to Jan. 11, 2013. Opening Reception on Satur-day Sept 15, 5-8 p.m..

72 Blatchley Ave. New Haven

5 Montana Skies ConcertDuo based in Georgia, Jennifer

Adams plays the cello and Jonathan Adams plays the guitar. Their music is described as “everything from cham-ber rock to psychedelic strings.”

Wednesday, Sep 12, 2012, 8 p.m., $5The Outer Space, 295 Treadwell St.

Building G, Hamden

6 Concerts @ BARFree shows every Wednesday

night.Sept. 5 - Love of EverythingSept. 12 - Christopher Paul StellingSept. 19 - Paper Bird & Spirit Family ReunionSept. 26 - Firehorse

254 Crown St. New Haven

7 Somewhat Off the Wall GalaBenefit gala of the Arts Council of

Greater New Haven. An evening fea-turing the artwork of 50 or more artists. Premium ticket holders have a chance to win the artwork right off the wall, too. Tickets range from $100 to $35

Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Odonnell Company, 760 Chapel St. New Haven

8 Feast From the FieldsOutdoor dining experience to cel-

ebrate the harvest and benefit Com-mon Ground High School, Urban Farm and Environmental Education Center. This fifth annual community event in-cludes performances, tours and more. Ticket Price $60 RSVP required, email [email protected] or call (203) 389-4333 x1214

Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012, 5:30 p.m. 358 Springside Ave. New Haven

Check out

groovemag.comfor more upcoming events


Picks of the leading art, foodie and cultural happenings in and around New Haven, free unless otherwise noted.

By Christina Andrioti



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Students like to shop too, but funds are often limited. Here are some shops in the area that incoming freshman will most likely become familiar with during their first semester.

HamdenThe Attic: A Vintage BoutiqueThe Space295 Treadwell St.(203) 288-6400Thrift shop on the grounds of an all-ages venue / recording studio / bar.

New HavenAmerican Apparel51 Broadway(203) 624-0120Clothing for when you want to look like you’re living in Williamsburg.

TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 299 Whalley Avenue 258 Grand Avenue New Haven, CT 06511 New Haven, CT 06513 203.285.6490 203.285.6501

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Group W. Bench1171 Chapel(203) 624-0638A hippie knick-knack shop that’s beenthere since 1969, the year of Woodstock, and they keep that spirit alive.

Hull’s Art Supply and Framing1144 Chapel St.(203) 495-1111All your framing and art/architecture supply needs.

The Devil’s Gear151 Orange St.(203) 773-9288Bikes, service, parts/accessories and tons of bike-related events. The hub of the New Haven biking community

Urban Outfitters165 Church St.(203) 401-4245The primary place in town to buy ironic t-shirts and skinny jeans.

Yale Bookstore - Barnes & Noble77 Broadway(203) 777-8440Not just for Yalies, the Yale Bookstore is a fully-functioning Barnes & Noble with extras like a cafe and dorm supplies.

WallingfordRedscroll Records24 North Colony St.(203) 265-7013Buy your vinyl here, but also stop in to see bands play or to participate in other special events just like you used to before all the other record stores closed down.

Photos by Melissa Gaines

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As I reflected on the sidewalk after leaving Oaxaca Kitchen, I won-dered if my dinner party had been

too harsh. My belly was full and satisfied. A nice aftertaste of warm, robust flavors lingered on my palate. I thought back to the dinner that my friends and I had just nitpicked to death. We had eaten it all, hadn’t we?

Gifted Chef Prasad Chirno-mula has earned many well-de-served accolades. He owns and operates five Indian restaurants in New Haven, New Canaan, and Ridgefield, all under the Thali name. Sensing a similarity in the themes and traditions of the cuisine of Mexico with those of his native India, he decided to investigate. After a journey of instruction and inspiration through both Mexico and the American Southwest, Chirno-mula returned with the recipes and ideas that serve as the foun-dation for his Mexican venture, Oaxaca Kitchen.

The décor, studded with liz-ards and chilies is inviting. Gen-uine cowhides decorate the seat-backs of leather booths. Terra cotta and stucco blend well with tasteful table settings to keep the theme and remind you of where they’re trying to take you. Hidden speakers offer subdued Mexican tunes that conjure an image of a lone folk guitarist in the other room. They’ve really

gone the extra mile here, haven’t they? I flash back 30 years to the old chef

who told me, “The difference between good and great is that much!” as he held his thumb and forefinger up about an inch apart. This is a timeless lesson that I always try to keep in mind when I serve customers and guests. You don’t need to always go the extra mile to impress a

guest. People will notice if you apply that extra inch. In other words, it’s the details that count.

My party all agreed that the broad strokes were there. As our evening un-folded, the devil, it seems, was still in the details.

Our waiter sounded well informed as he gave us the specials. The catch of the

day was salmon, served with a mole amarillo, as described on the menu.

Pollo con mole y tamales de queso arrived as a typical ta-male, unremarkable except for one glimpse of genius: A drizzle of honey on the plate really com-plimented the traditional cocoa mole (which was a bit bitter) nicely bringing out the choco-late undertones.

Pastel de jaiba con maiz azul, a crab cake, graciously con-tained plenty of crab and was surrounded by a smoky tomato sauce. The texture was nonde-script and the flavor could have had a higher note. Perhaps if there was more than a sprinkle of the mango-papaya relish, the dish would have felt more com-plete.

The tacos were offered on a soft flour tortilla, according to the menu, with a choice of five fillings: fish, chicken, pork, beef, or shrimp with chorizo. They ar-rived, however, on crispy corn tortillas. We tried all five types

neW hAven’s oAxACA kitChen By J.T. Callaghan

Photo by Jake Grubman

Photo by Jake Grubman

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but found, surprisingly, that despite the variety they all tasted pretty simi-lar. When I mentioned my confusion with the tortillas to the waiter, it was ex-plained as a menu glitch, that both types of tortillas were available but the corn option was “sorta the default.”

Waters refilled, drinks refreshed, we held high-er hopes for the entrée round.

Pozole de puerco was offered in a richly flavored broth full of garbanzos and other yummy bits. The use of pork tenderloin in this dish is entirely wrong, however. The leanness of this cut leads to a dried out chunk of meat that hasn’t absorbed any of the other delicious fla-vors.

Pato a las brasas had promise as well. A perfectly cooked duck breast was not sliced all the way through, and the pista-chio mole underneath was creamy and wonderfully flavored. There was a lot of

it though, and I found it prudent to enjoy the mole separately, lest it hide the taste of that almost perfect duck.

Finally, ostiones carmelizadosa la mixteca was undoubtedly the most suc-

cessful of the choices we made. Cara-melized scallops were presented over copious amounts of, again, mole sauce. This time however, the pumpkin mole was delicately flavored enough to allow

the scallops to shine through. Large sliv-ers of roasted garlic and blistered cherry tomatoes brought a nice acidity to round it all out.

Oaxaca Kitchen has gone to great lengths to present us with an upscale dining experience. Their aim is to offer not just Mexican food, but Mexican cui-sine. Ultimately though, Mexican food is thought of as peasant food, care-ful consideration is re-quired when attempting to “gentrify” it. If not, it just doesn’t feel authen-tic. Details count. In my opinion, Mexican beans with basmati rice just doesn’t feel right. That being said, the atmo-sphere at Oaxaca was pleasing and the service was good. The extensive

array of tequilas (70+) and selection of decent beers and wines make it a great place to visit during a night on the town and the cuisine is impressive enough to bring your date.

Photo by Jake Grubman

Photo by Jake Grubman

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BRANFORDAssaggio’s Restaurant168 Montowese St.(203) 483-5426Classic Northern Italian dishes with a contemporary twist.

Chowder Pot560 East Main St. (Rte.1)(203) 481-2356Known for its delicious seafood, ribs, and nightly entertainment.

Dockside Seafood and Grille145 Block Island Rd.(203) 488-3007Fresh seafood that is reasonably priced with beautiful waterfront views and a friendly atmosphere.

Eli’s on the Hill624 West Main St.(203) 488-2700Classic American food and a wide variety of draft beer.

Jalapeño Heaven40 North Main St.(203) 481-6759A casual Mexican restaurant with authentic Mexican flavor in every dish.

Lenny’s Indian Head Inn205 South Montowese St.(203) 488-1500Family friendly restaurant with a great water view and a specialty in seafood.

Mango’s Bar and Grille988 Main St.(203) 483-7700An island twist on classic American food with a friendly dining area.

Parthenon Diner374 East Main St. (Rte.1)(203) 481-0333Excellent food quality and prices. Open 24 hours with good service and perfect for family dinners at the diner.

SBC Restaurant and Brewery850 West Main St.(203) 488-3663Known for its 27 home-brewed beers and casual dining atmosphere.

Shoreline Café1247 Main St.(203) 488-2600Open for breakfast and lunch, this café offers sandwiches, a salad bar, delicious burgers and amazing stuffed breads, baked fresh everyday.

Waiting Station1048 Main St.(203) 488-5176Covered with local art. Their daily specials are written colorfully on a blackboard. Serves breakfast all day. The greatest bacon cheeseburger on the shoreline.

EAST HAVENAntonio’s Ristorante672 Main St.(203) 469-2386Traditional Italian cuisines made with always-fresh ingredients in a quiet atmosphere.

The Rib House16 Main St.(203) 468-6695The best restaurant for ribs in a comfortable atmosphere, with an exceptional quality of food.

Sandpiper Restaurant161 Cosey Beach Ave.(203) 469-7544Family-friendly and casual seafood restaurant with a great outdoor patio area.

GUILFORDAnthony’s of Guilford2392 Boston Post Rd.(203) 453-4121Fine Italian dining with first class traditional Italian food.

First Garden Chinese Restaurant381 Boston Post Rd.(203) 458-2145A very friendly and welcoming Chinese restaurant. Eat-in or take-out.

Forte’s Deli1153 Boston Post Rd.(203) 453-4910Amazing variety of sandwiches, meats, cold cuts, and bread.


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Guilford Mooring505 Whitfield St.(203) 458-2921Traditional New England seafood restaurant on the water in Guilford.

The Hidden Kitchen705 Boston Post Rd.(203) 458-7806Lives up to its name tucked away from the Post Road bustle, but offers some of the best breakfast food on the shoreline.

KC’s Restaurant and Pub725 Boston Post Rd.(203) 453-0771Casual American restaurant perfect for dining with friends and family.

The Place Restaurant901 Boston Post Rd.(203) 453-9276With seating on tree stumps, everything cooked outdoors, and the scent of fresh seafood, this truly is the place to eat in Guilford.

Quattro’s14 Water St.(203) 453-6575Exceptional Italian food including more than 30 sauces, pork, chicken, pasta dishes, and seafood.

Shoreline Diner and Vegetarian Enclave345 Boston Post Rd.(203) 458-7380Vegetarian specialty diner.

Stone House506 Whitfield St.(203) 458-3700On the marina, it’s a fine dining restaurant with exceptional seafood and steaks.

Whitfield’s25 Whitfield St.(203) 458-1300Overlooks the historic Guilford Green and provides delicious food along with a relaxing atmosphere.

MADISON Café Allegre725 Boston Post Rd.(203) 245-7773Friendly and casual atmosphere with a great selection of Italian food along with outstanding lobster.

Lenny and Joe’s Fish Tale1301 Boston Post Rd.(203) 245-7289Their specialties are delicious local seafood and great homemade ice cream. A new location is planned for New Haven.

Malone’s56A Academy St.(203) 245-6161The perfect spot to go for steak, seafood, and homemade soups. Known as a true locals spot in Madison; it’s the place to eat and enjoy a conversation.

The Wharf Restaurant 94 W. Wharf Rd.(203) 245-0005Part of the Madison Beach Hotel, it offers beautiful waterfront views from all outdoor seats and is a classic New England seafood spot.

Zhang’s Restaurant44 Boston Post Rd.(203) 245-3300The spot for excellent Chinese and Japanese food where every dish is prepared beautifully and in a timely manner.

MILFORDThe Beach House 141 Merwin Ave.(203) 877-9300Fine dining with fresh seafood and Italian cuisine. Live music and an exclusive wine list.

Bin 100 100 Lansdale Ave.(203) 882-1400Spanish and Asian dishes in a romantic atmosphere with an extensive wine list.

Citrus 56 S Broad St.(203) 877-1138Martinis, American-Caribbean fusion in a great little nightlife spot.

Jeffrey’s Bistro by Claudio 501 New Haven Ave.(203) 878-1910 Elegant American cuisine and fresh atmosphere. Beautiful patio dining in the summer, right on the Indian River.

Sakura Garden 1201 Boston Post Rd.(203) 877-8884Large sushi restaurant and Asian buffet.

Sloppy Jose’s 186 Hillside Ave.(203) 878-9847Milford’s oldest Mexican Restaurant with huge selection of tequila.



THE WASH TUB40 Foster Street (corner of Lawrence), New Haven 203-776-3598

self-service laundrymon-wed 8am-9pmthu-sun 8am-10pm

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NEW HAVENAbate Apizza and Seafood 129 Wooster St.(203) 776-4334 Another solid Italian restaurant on Wooster St.

Anastasio’s 127 Wooster St.(203) 776-4825Traditional Italian cuisine. You can’t go wrong with pizza, pasta, or a sub.

Anna Liffey’s 17 Whitney Ave.(203) 773-1776A great place to go for Irish pub food in New Haven. Active, fun atmosphere with bands, friends, and sports.

Archie Moore’s 188 Willow St.(203) 773-9870You want the best wings in town? Go here. They are exquisite and legendary.

Athenian Diner1426 Whalley Ave.(203) 397-1556Greek, Italian, and Jewish dishes. Either a solid breakfast or a late night spot. Right by the Merritt, if you need a little food before the long ride home.

Atticus Bookstore and Café 1082 Chapel St.(203) 776-4040Coffee, soup, salads, sandwiches, desserts and of course, Chabaso bread.

Basta Trattoria, 1006 Chapel St.(203) 772-1715Upscale Italian cuisine in a cozy spot. Cute outdoor seating.

Black Bear Saloon124 Temple St.(203) 562-2327American Fare: Pizza, salads, burgers, pub-style restaurant and bar. Great venue to watch sports or enjoy happy hour. There’s also a location in the Milford mall.

Brazi’s Restaurant 201 Food Terminal Plaza (203) 498-2488Upscale fine Italian dining. It’s a great spot to hit right before a show at Long Wharf Theatre.

Bru Room at BAR254 Crown St. (203) 495-1111Brick oven pizza (the mashed potato topping is a must have), large salads, and an authentic beer selection.

Café Romeo 534 Orange St.(203) 865-2233Salads, sandwiches, and coffee. Fresh, fun and hoppin’. Large outdoor seating area.

The Cask Republic 179 Crown St.(475) 238-8335American fare and pub food, extensive and exclusive beer collection. From sports to happy hour to raging music, Cask covers it.

c.o. jones969 State St.(203) 773-3344Fun friendly atmosphere. New Haven needs this Mexican place and you need to check it out. Complimentary burrito bar at happy hour.

Consiglio’s 165 Wooster St.(203) 865-4489An institution since the 1930s. Classic Wooster Street.

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Delaney’s Restaurant & Tap Room 882 Whalley Ave. (203) 397-5494The go-to Westville bar. College kids tend to stay away, maybe because the locals have it on lock down. Quality beers and great burgers.

Elm City Market777 Chapel St. (203) 624-0441 Co-op grocery store with deli, sandwich bar, salad bar, and hot food bar. A fresh and revitalizing environment.

Geronimo Tequila Bar and Southwest Grill 271 Crown St.(203) 777-7700 Fresh ingredients, spicy authentic Spanish-Mexican fusion. Great patio and vibrant scene for 25 to 45 year olds.

House of Chao898 Whalley Ave.(203) 389-6624The best General Tso’s Chicken ever. A New Haven institution for more than 20 years. If you’re in the mood for Chinese, go here.

J.P. Dempsey’s974 State St. New Haven, CT (203) 624-5991Neighborhood bar. Large beer selection. Weekday happy hour.

Johnny Salami’s205 Food Terminal Plaza(203) 777-7906An eclectic selection of soups, sandwiches, burgers, pastas and fajitas. Italian staples are world class and are well-represented in their diverse menu. Open for breakfast as well.

Katz’s Restaurant and Deli 1658 Litchfield Tpke.(203) 389-5301New York style deli at its best. Large portions – soup, salads, and sandwiches. Whatever you do, get pastrami.

Kitchen Zinc 966 Chapel St.(203) 772-3002 Quaint spot around back of Zinc, a hidden gem. Great artisan pizza, happy hour and a patio.

Kumo 7 Elm St. (203) 562-6688Sushi, hibachi, steakhouse, and bar. Fun environment. Also with a location in Hamden.

L’Orcio806 State St.(203) 777-6670Fresh pasta, Italian elegance, patio in the back is a gem.

Mezcal 14 Mechanic St.(203) 782-4828Authentic Mexican cuisine where it is done with passion.

Modern Apizza 874 State St.(203) 776-5306 Another classic New Haven pizza restaurant, up there with the elite.

Nica’s Market603 Orange St. (203) 787-5919 Gourmet market with great sandwiches and prepared foods coming straight from authentic family recipes.

Olde School Saloon and Bistro 418 State St.(203) 772-0544Fine dining in a classy environment. Some of the best steak and seafood you will find in New Haven. Vintage bar and speakeasy feel.

P & M Orange Street Market721 Orange St.(203) 865-1147Sandwiches, meals to go, groceries, outdoor seating and catering.

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The Pantry2 Mechanic St.(203) 787-0392Old-fashioned breakfast joint in East Rock with a perpetual line out the door on weekends. It’s worth the wait.

Pepe’s Pizzeria 157 Wooster St. (203) 865-5762 Thin crust pies. World-renowned pizza restaurant.

Prime 16172 Temple St.(203) 782-1616 The best beer and burger selection in the county – hands down.

Royal Palace32 Orange St.(203) 776-6663Upscale Chinese dining. Authentic dishes and a flavorful selection.

Sally’s Apizza 237 Wooster St.(203) 624-5271 The original. Must go. Family classic.

Sitar 45 Grove St.(203) 777-3234Indian cuisine at its finest. Seven-day lunch buffet and weekday happy hour.

Soul De Cuba283 Crown St.(203) 498-5342Searching for Cuban? Go no further. Classic dishes in a cozy environment. Don’t leave without trying the mojitos – delicious.

Thali 4 Orange St.(203) 777-1177Flavorful and delicious Indian food. A ninth-square must try.

Temple Grill152 Temple St.(203) 773-1111Great sandwiches and pasta, but this is the place to go to create your own salad.

Tre Scalini 100 Wooster St.(203) 777-3373Upscale Italian dining in a beautiful environment. A Wooster Sreet exclusive destination.

Union League Café1032 Chapel St.(203) 562-4299 A New Haven dynasty and world-renowned restaurant – the best of the best. Dress to impress. Go in with your girlfriend, leave with your wife.

Westville Pizza 883 Whalley Ave.(203) 389-9474 Classic pizza shop with fresh pizza and subs. Good for lunch, take-out, and catering.

Wicked Wolf Tavern144 Temple St.(203) 752-0450 Classic Irish fare and beer. Young college crowd after 10 p.m.

Yorkside Pizza288 York St.(203) 787-7471A Yale classic. Next door to Toad’s. Grab a slice before the show or have a nice family dinner.

Zinc 964 Chapel St.(203) 624-0507Another New Haven classic restaurant going strong. From locals, to the Yale community, to visitors, this is a favorite.

NORTH HAVENBellini’s Italian Cuisine and Pizza2 Broadway(203) 234-2221A bright and welcoming Italian restaurant, with consistent quality in every dish.

Outback Steakhouse345 Washington Ave.(203) 985-8282Known for its delicious steak dishes and bloomin’ onion appetizer. Outback brings Australia to North Haven.

ORANGEBaja’s63 Boston Post Rd.(203) 799-2252Pure Mexican joint.

Coromandel Cuisine of India 185 Boston Post Rd.(203) 795-9055Spicy quality Indian cuisine. Daily buffet and weekend brunch. Will soothe the soul.

Hayama Japanese Steakhouse 199 Boston Post Rd.(203) 795-3636Hibachi style. Fun environment and good food.

Thai House 200 Boston Post Rd.(203) 795-3088Flavorful and delicious dishes. Get out here if you can.

Wasabi Japanese Restaurant 350 Boston Post Rd.(203) 795-5856Sushi and Japanese. Great for lunch or take-out.

WALLINGFORDLos Mariachi’s105 North Colony St.(203) 265-1838Unique authentic Mexican dishes. Well known for its margaritas.

Serafino’s Ristorante72 South Turnpike Rd.(203) 265-1244Excellent Italian dishes and a convenient location with a comfortable dining area.

WEST HAVEN744 West Restaurant 744 Boston Post Rd.(203) 934-5726 Fresh seafood, steak, and sandwiches.

Biagetti’s Restaurant 77 Campbell Ave.(203) 934-7700Family owned, classic Italian dishes.

Daiko Japanese Restaurant 400 Derby Ave.(203) 392-3626Huge Sushi and Sake selection.

Dive Bar and Restaurant 24 Ocean Ave.(203) 933-3483Gourmet burgers, salads, and appetizers, but known for their microbrews.

Georgie’s Diner 427 Elm St.(203) 933-1000Cozy diner food and no shortage of vegetarian options.

R.C. Spreyer’s 631 Campbell Ave.(203) 931-1777Casual sports bar and local hangout, downtown West Haven, known for their Bloody Marys.

Oyster River Tavern38 Ocean Ave.(203) 932-0440Fresh seafood and large selection.



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The Red LenTiLThe menu at Red Lentil reads more

intimidating than it tastes. Selec-tions such as “Gobi Manchurian” and “Spiced Lentil-Nut Patties” (though absolutely tasty) are enough to make any carnivore confused. Don’t be scared— not only is everything on the menu ridiculously delicious (I have tried almost everything!), it’s also all vegetarian with vegan options pos-sible with every item. Craft beer spe-cials and unique ingredients in their dishes bring this seemingly high-end restaurant down to earth. Full of class and friendly staff, the Red Lentil is one of the best meat-free places in New Ha-ven you can visit without breaking the bank.

e must haves f• Shepherd’s Pie• Vegan Gluten-Free Pancakes

25 Temple

CLaiRe’s CoRneR CopiaRegardless of your diet or food pref-

erences, many folks in New Haven have grown to love Claire’s. Located on the corner of College and Chapel, this quant eatery has the charm of a tucked-away café, though it’s located on some of the area’s busiest streets. With a large and diverse menu that includes everything from breakfast to desert, this award-winning restaurant dedicates itself to providing food that is as local and organic as possible (and they are open late on weekends).

e must haves f• Chipotle Soy Chicken• Mexican Lasagna

1000 Chapel

ThaLi/ThaLi TooThese vegetarian restaurants are

bursting with spicy and flavorful In-dian dishes with two very different lo-cations in New Haven (Thali has more traditional Indian fare, including meat dishes, while Thali Too caters to a stu-dent crowd and is exclusively vegetar-ian). Though I was not accustomed to Indian food, I find myself loving it more and more each time I come back despite not understanding most of the menu. A warm yet sophisticated atmo-sphere encourages their visitors to feel at ease with the foreign cuisine. The Hot Masala Fries (french fries infused with cayenne pepper) are available in “medium,” “hot,” or the sweat-induc-ing “hot challenge,” offering an excit-ing and inevitably hilarious option for a dinner out with friends. These restaurants are perfect for adventur-ous the New Haven foodie who is not afraid to try something new. Both loca-tions are worth a visit.

e must haves f• Haldiram Chole Bathura• Bhel Poori

4 Orange St. & 65

gReen WeLL oRganiC Tea & Coffee

Green Well is located in the historic 9th Square Arts District in New Haven with a tenacious passion of keeping the area thriving. They offer their sup-port towards local artists and keeping their tea and coffee organic and fair trade. Home-brewed teas, coffees, juices, and smoothies decorate the menu with satisfying variety and it’s truly the perfect place to grab a snack while out running errands enjoying what New Haven’s culture has to offer.

e must haves f• Kale Chips• Daily Fresh Squeezed Veggie Juice

44 Crown

The following honorable men-tions also have a wide array of vegan and vegetarian options: Miya’s Su-shi, Gourmet Heaven, and Mamoun’s Falafel. For suggestions for your own favorite veg-friendly restaurants at New Haven, feel free to comment on our Facebook page at

Groove’s Guide toveGetAriAn & veGAn DininG in new havenBy Hannah Woomer



Photo by Jake Grubman

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The Owl Shop, located at 268 College St. in down-town New Haven, has

been loved by the city since its original opening in 1934. Part tobacconist, part jazz lounge, part cigar bar, part café, the Owl is hard to characterize. What is clear is the distinctly Ameri-can feel of this New Haven landmark, created by the finer selections of drinks, smokes, eats, and tunes from more than a few cultures that, combined, result in a pleasing symphony of old and new.

Owner, Glen Greenberg, is second generation to the Owl Shop. He used to accompany his father to buy cigars from the original owners, Joseph and

Catherine St. John. After a long-time patronage, father and son got to know Mrs. St. John, and in passing, expressed an inter-est in buying the business if she and her husband ever decided to sell. Greenberg went off to college, graduated, and was living in New York when his father fell ill. Concerned about his condition, he returned to New Haven to spend time with him. During this time, in 1998, they were contacted by Mrs. St. John. After 60 plus years, she was ready to sell.

Greenberg, his father, and another partner jumped at the opportunity, becoming the proud owners of the New Ha-ven landmark.

CrAft AnD Culture ConverGe At the oWl shop By Tom Russo

Photo by Jake Grubman

Photo by Jake Grubman

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“This was at the height of the cigar boom,” says Greenberg, “but within a few years sales started to flounder. We got a liquor license in ’99 and added a small bar in back but there wasn’t much change in our numbers by the time the smoking ban was passed.”

In 2003, New Ha-ven and many other cities passed an in-door smoking ban. The Owl Shop was grandfathered in because more than 10 percent of their sales were from to-bacco. Laughing, Greenberg says, “This worked see-ing as at that time 99 percent of our sales were from to-bacco.”

By 2006, Green-berg was looking for a way to boost their lagging num-bers and presented his father and oth-er partner with a business plan.

“The place really had the feel of an old school tobacconist shop,” says Greenberg. The plan called for some major renovations. His father was hes-itant to implement such an overhaul, feeling they might alienate their long-time customers, but expressed that if his son felt strongly enough then he should go ahead with it. Greenberg did, so much so that he decided to buy out his father and other partner, finish-ing the renovations by August of that year.

The idea proved to be a success. Greenberg kept the best features of the old shop (the extensive tobacco and accessories selection) while add-ing some wonderfully new and taste-ful ones. The bar now carries over 150 selections of scotch, bourbon, and rye, and an extensive and dynamic wine and craft brew list. While prices are reasonable to begin with, consider-ing the level of quality, there’s a happy hour every day from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. where all beers are $1 off and wines are 35 percent off.

The plush cigar lounge has live mu-sic every week, featuring the Hawkins Jazz Collective (every Wednesday 9 p.m. to midnight) and the Greg Sher-

rod Blues Band (every Tuesday 9 p.m. to midnight).

In addition to great drinks and great music, the Owl Shop features a menu of light foods, mostly of Mediterranean influence, to enjoy before or after your

favorite drink or smoke. This menu includes panini, fresh olives, cured meats, and imported cheese plates, all of the highest quality.

“As far as our menu items go, we like to keep it fresh, keep it local. We get all our cured meats and cheeses from Ca-seus Fromagery in New Haven,” says Greenberg. “We hold our staff to a lev-el of mastery about all of our products.

All employees study up on whatever it is they’re responsible for. I like them to take pride in and own whatever it is they’re putting forward.”

This is clearly demonstrated in that they have a master tobacconist, a to-bacco manager, and a bar manager. Long-time employee Olivia McGuire has worked as a chocolatier and was encouraged to make some of her sweets, resulting in Olivia’s homemade

truffles, which you can also find on the menu.

“People are talking about her choco-lates all over New Haven,” says Green-berg. The Owl Shop also features craft coffees and teas that are up to par with

everything else they carry. Chai, Lattes, Espressos, and some special coffee drinks are all avail-able.

And of course, the tobacco se-lection at the Owl Shop is staggering. The employees will be happy to sug-gest a cigar or blend for first timers, and will even teach you how to smoke a ci-gar if you are hum-ble enough to ask. In the back of the lounge there is a 400 square-foot walk-in humidor where

Master Tobacconist Joe Lentine, who has worked there since 1964, designs Owl Shop Tobacco blends that are re-quested all over the world. Lentine was hired by Mr. St. John without even con-sciously looking for a job. Apparently, the then teenage Lentine often loitered near the entrance of the Owl Shop with his friends. One day Mr. St. John burst out the front door, saying, “Get out of here and come back on Monday with a shirt and tie; I’m tired of seeing you in front of my store!” He hasn’t left since.

Whether it’s the original owner’s immigration to the U.S. from Greece in 1925, Joe Lentine’s curious start in 1964, or the fact that on any given day you may see a high power exec enjoy-ing a drink and smoke while chatting with a pool hall manager, this place has a distinctly American feel. The menu of foods, coffees, liquors, beers, wines, and cigars are pulled from cultures all over the world that hold craftsmanship in high regard.

The Owl Shop is a melting pot of quality and a place that radiates cul-ture, welcoming the aspiring aficio-nado just the same as the professional. If you appreciate the finer things, stop by the Owl Shop and spend as little or as long as you need, your palette will thank you.

“the menu of foods, coffees, beers, liquors, wines and cigars are pulled from cul-tures all over the world that hold craftsmanship in high regard.”

Photo by Jake Grubman

Photo by Jake Grubman

Photo by Jake Grubman

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Nicole Frechette, a Madison native, is a country star on the rise. With national and overseas tours and

two recorded albums under her belt, as well as an overwhelming local fan base, she’s on her way to becoming a house-hold name.

For Frechette, singing has always been her passion. As a child, there was never a question in her mind as to what she wanted to be when she grew up. Incred-ibly, it was as early as third grade when she and her now-manager Amanda Ko-chis decided they would work together. Frechette wanted to be a singer and Ko-chis wanted to work in the music indus-try.

“It was fate,” she says. “Things happen for a reason.”

At a young age, Frechette started prac-ticing in a studio where Kochis was tak-ing guitar lessons. “They let me use the studio pretty much as my karaoke bar. I would show up any time they had free space. So I was recording in a studio from the time I was around 12,” says Frechette.

Coming from a big family in the middle of four siblings, Frechette always had un-wavering support. Even in the confined and often pressured atmosphere of fam-

ily road trips, she was provided with free range to use her gift — well, almost.

“When we would drive to Jersey, I got to sing for the first hour out loud and then after that, everybody got peace and quiet,” says Frechette. “They were really good to me and they really let me express myself and sing anything I wanted to sing.”

Growing up in Connecticut though, she wasn’t always exposed to many country influences. It wasn’t until mid-dle school that, with her grandmother’s help, Frechette began to appreciate, and then eventually fall in love with, the genre.

“She gave me one of Patsy Cline’s al-bums and that was kind of it for me. I decided it was definitely music that you could sing and it wasn’t covered up by anything,” she says.

Aside from Frechette finding the genre so conducive to showcasing her voice, she was attracted to it for many more reasons, one being the storytelling ca-pabilities. She cited Billy Currington’s “Good Directions” as an example of “one of the best songs” she’s heard in a while just for being “a cute, little story.” She tells her own stories about such things

as relationships, nights at the bar, and, of course, broken hearts. A lot of the in-spiration Frechette gets, she says, comes from growing up “a romantic” and want-ing everything to work out like a fairytale.

“It didn’t always work out,” she says, “but sometimes that was good that it didn’t because then you got to learn a lesson, and you got to cry, [which] is not always a bad thing. Feeling pain can make you stronger.” It’s those lessons out of which many of her songs were born.

She released her first, self-titled album in 2006 and recently came out with her second, Listen Hear, which she used a fan-funded campaign to produce. The fans that donated enjoyed the benefit of an early copy of the album but the public had to wait for the official release on July 24. Frechette’s second album is almost entirely self- and co-written and pur-posefully diverse. In her music, Frechette tries to combine several genres into one. In her opinion, this is what country mu-sic already achieves.

“I really wanted something for every-body and I think that’s kind of what hap-pened. I have a little bit of a bluesy song with a harmonica, and then I have a rock song, and a bar song. I want to really give

niCole freChette: A Connecticut Country star By Kelley Bligh

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something to everybody and that’s, to me, what country [does],” she says.

Frechette stressed how truly lucky she is, not only being able to do what she loves for a living but also finding support and help with her career everywhere she turns.

“Every person that I’ve met along the way … just wants to help, and there’s something to that. It’s not like I’m in this alone even though I’m a solo artist and it can feel a little lonely sometimes — but that’s why I got a dog,” she jokes. “But I’m not in it alone because I have a lot of support and I have incredible fans and incredible family and friends.” She calls her brothers and sisters her biggest advocates, especially when it comes to spreading word of her local performances and credits her parents for their constant, undying support of her dream.

With all the help she’s received along the way, Frechette finds it only natu-ral to give back to those who need it. Though she’s worked with various char-ities, St. Jude Children’s Research Hos-pital is the one she’s been working with most closely. All excess funds raised by

her fans for “Listen Hear” were donated to St. Jude. “I used them in my platform and I said ‘I do want to donate to this charity because they’re incredible.’ And why not? People are giving me fund-

ing for something that’s important to me and St. Jude is way more important than I am,” says Frechette. She found it inexcusable for children to suffer and

not receive the care they need due to finances and said she couldn’t abstain from helping the charity. Frechette is planning on hosting a music festival to benefit the hospital in Oct. featuring lo-cal artists, details to come.

Though Frechette spends lots of time on tour and working down in Nashville, she still calls Connecticut home and, as she says, “you gotta have home.” She has local shows planned throughout Sept. and later in the fall including Sept. 1 at Haddam Neck Fair and Sept. 29 at Durham Fair opening for Kellie Pickler.

With all the words of wisdom she re-ceived from people who went through what she was about to, she wanted to share her own advice for aspiring sing-ers. “If anyone’s telling you, you can’t do it or it’s a waste of time, get that person out of your life. Do not let anyone tell you ‘no’ if this is what you want to do,” says Frechette. “And as far as nerves go, nerves are just your body’s way of tell-ing you, you’re about to do something incredible.”

For more information on Nicole and upcoming shows, visit

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“i really wanted some-thing for everybody and i think that’s kind of what happened. i have a little bit of a bluesy song with a harmonica, and then i have a rock song, and a bar song. i want to really give something to every-body and that’s, to me, what country does.”

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Rhythm is a meditative act; I’m sure of it. When my brain fully engages in rhythm, there is no

room for anything else. If thoughts wander in, rhythm is broken. When they are silenced, rhythm continues. This I have learned through a lifestyle of musical immersion, but perhaps no place more profoundly than my time spent studying African drumming with Aly Tatchol Camara at the New Haven School of African Drum and Dance, where rhythm is all there is.

“Tatchol” means medicine man. It’s a nickname he earned by helping people to heal through drumming and dancing. Tatchol was born and raised in Guinea, West Africa and came to this country in 1993 as part of a dance company per-forming at a festival in New York. After-wards, he decided to stay because he saw an opportunity to share his love of Afri-can drum and dance as a teacher.

Tatchol has been established in New Haven since 1996 where he continues to be a vital part of the New Haven cultural community. He is an extremely gifted teacher who possesses the potent ability to transform a sterile room into a place where people are laughing and smil-ing while dancing or making music. His method is as close as it can be to the West African idiom where music is absorbed through cultural osmosis.

“Drumming is everywhere,” he says. In Africa, music is learned by hearing,

which is why Tatchol does not do a lot of talking. Rhythms are taught by example. He plays three times in a row; you repeat it for 20 minutes. As I’ve heard Tatchol say countless times, “It’s like language.” When you open your mouth and speak, it is an instantaneous organic process, not an overly intellectual one. Drumming is the same. Rhythm is a language. Repeat what you hear. Don’t over think it.

One of my favorite practices is when new students drop in and Tatchol will ask them to solo for five minutes. It doesn’t matter if the person has never played an instrument before — Tatchol wants them to solo… for a long time. This is counter-intuitive to Western thinking, yet proves to be reasonable and method-ical when you watch it executed. African drumming is about the heart. In order to learn to play the drum, you need to learn to solo.

This is where Tatchol, the healer, shines through. Music is about heal-ing the spirit. Rhythm flows naturally through all of us. It doesn’t matter if we fully understand it. It still can be harnessed and released. I find this ap-proach very liberating. In academic mu-sic circles, a solo is a thing of pretension. Here, it is a right entitled to everyone that walks in the door.

Drumming with Tatchol has helped me to appreciate the endless nuances and complexities of rhythm. There are only 12 notes. Countless songs have

been written with three or four chords. What differentiates them is rhythm. Think about cover songs. Why can pop songs be converted to punk? Jazz to hip hop? The answer: rhythm.

Rhythm is what dictates the confines of genre above all else. Rhythm is a boun-tiful source responsible for the endless possibilities of music. As I’ve learned, rhythm also shows you the parameters of your own mind. Most of the traditional African rhythms I have learned from Ta-tchol are just eight beats long. At first the challenge is absorbing the nuance and subtleties of each figure; that’s just the beginning. When I drum along for Ta-tchol’s dance class I am asked to play the same pattern for close to an hour. This is not only a test of endurance, but it also becomes a meditative act. At first I was frustrated, even bored, by the daunting task. It was hard to sit there and repeat the same phrase for that long. For a while I yearned to move on, to find variations, play a different part, anything. One day I asked myself, “Why?” I didn’t really have any answers. I looked up and saw Tatchol and a room full of dancers smiling. I re-alized that my frustrations were all my own, that if I surrendered myself utterly, rhythm was a meditative act. This hour of repeating the same phrase then be-came the most transcendent part of my entire day. Tatchol the healer had shown me that music isn’t about the individual. Music is about unbroken rhythms.

Aly Tatchol Camara teaches at the Yale Afro-American Cultural Center, 211 Park St., New Haven. Monday Drum Class: 6-7:30 p.m., Dance Class: 7-9:00 p.m.; Saturday Drum Class: 3:30-5 p.m., Dance Class: 5-6:30 p.m. A freestyle healing drum circle is held on the last Sunday of every month.

meDiCine mAnBy Jon Ruseski



Photo by Melissa Gaines

Photo by Melissa Gaines

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New Haven’s BAR caters to many different crowds. During the day-light hours, families can be found

in the dining room enjoying one of the best pizzas in town (a strong competi-tor with the big three: Pepe’s, Sally’s and Modern), often covered in their signa-ture topping, mashed potatoes. After work, it’s a relaxing place to have one of their unique micro-brews for happy hour. On weekend nights, it’s a dance club that’s been an anchor of the Crown Street scene since its patrons were but wee tots. But on Wednesday nights, BAR

is a place to see some of the top tier up-and-coming indie rock acts — for free.

Rick Omonte of Shaki Productions set the precedent a few years back with his free Sunday night Sundazed series (2001-2009), which brought power-house bands like Animal Collective, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Blue Cheer, Thurston Moore, Acid Mothers Temple, the Hold Steady and Dead Meadow into the club’s vibed-out, industrial-meets-psychedelic back room.

In January of 2011, Mark Nussbaum of Manic Productions stepped in and

free Weekly inDie roCk shoWs Continue At bAr

Here’s what’s on deck for the next month

By Jack Miller

convinced the club to revive the idea of a weekly free show. This time it would be on Wednesday nights, and Nussbaum, who books at many venues in the area, has found it to be a solid, cozy spot to bring new bands to town, and local acts as well, of course.

“It’s a great sounding room,” he says. “It’s right in downtown New Haven so it’s easy to get to. It’s a free series, so that helps a lot with building bands.”

It can be tough to get people to pay to see a band they’ve never heard before, and that’s part of what makes the BAR series so valuable. It’s like getting a free sample of a band, but the sample is an entire set, and many New Haven townies and students can walk there from their homes. If you don’t like a particular act, you can just wander into the next room and have a beer for a few, another plus. It’s a no pressure listening environment.

“Most of the shows have really good turnouts, and bands really seem to like playing there,” adds Nussbaum.

Some of the events held since Janu-ary 2011 have included performers like Joe Lally of Fugazi, Mates of State, Shar-ron van Etten, Hospitality, Bear Hands, Sarah Lee Guthrie (Arlo’s daughter, Woody’s granddaughter) and her hus-band Johnny Irion and David Wax Mu-seum. With 52 shows a year, there will always be some hits, some misses, some wild experimentation and some special intimate shows by established bands who could be playing much larger rooms if they so chose. But bands of the up-and-coming variety are probably the most exciting to catch. BAR is the place to check them out before tells you it’s cool to do so. And did I men-tion it’s free?

Wed., Sept. 5: Love of EverythingBobby Burg likes to keep busy. Love of Everything is a 12-year-old project he pursues when he’s not on the road with his other bands, Joan of Arc and Make Believe. Expect looping pedals, nursery rhyme rhythms paired with grown up lyrics and plenty of sonic experimentation. Earthquake Party and Sinforiano Diaz open.

Wed., Sept. 12: Christopher Paul StellingA New York based singer songwriter with earthy, folky acoustic tunes who honed his chops playing in the sub-ways. Brian Dolazni opens.

Wed., Sept. 19: Paper BirdA seven-member, Colorado-based, old-timey Americana band with a banjo, guitars and lots of singing that’s been featured on NPR’s “All Things Considered.” Spirit Family Reunion and Jason James Outfit open.

Wed., Sept. 26: FirehorseSinger-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Leah Siegal evokes passionate artists like Jeff Buckley and P.J. Har-vey. Prince is a big fan of hers. Really. This is her band.

Every Wed. night at 9 p.m. Free. BAR, 254 Crown St., New Haven. (203) 495-1111,,

Photo by Casey Roche

Photo by Casey Roche

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narrative mostly timeless and gender-less — television, referenced once, be-ing the rare exception — providing the listener with a character he or she can place himself or herself into. Giorgetti stressed that the message of the music is, “more humanistic, not sideshow political.”

Moving from Boston to Brooklyn comes off as a standard move, as most bands close to New York City seem to end up there. Originally Giorgetti had stated how he almost felt trapped in the Boston scene.

“It gave me a template for how I wanted things to run in NYC or anywhere I went in regards to establishing a scene,” he said, “and what kind of band I wanted the Gypsy West to continue be-ing.”

It seems a band like The Gypsy West would avoid the move, due to the against-the-grain clas-sic rock genre they work within, but with the way Brooklyn offers stages and continues to put out notable bands, it could be fool-ish of any band with motivation and talent to avoid the move. Giorgetti has already started to feel inspired by the “great art and people around me, as well as the poverty, garbage, and oth-er stuff that drives me crazy.”

It seems the civil strife of New York City will serve as perfect fodder for a band that constantly fights against inequalities and the unjust treatment of human beings, in their music.

The band released their first single, “Changing”, from the third, and final, installment of Accomplices in early Au-gust. The song features a driving riff to open, which settles into a constant groove, all backed by excellent produc-tion and Giorgetti’s strong voice.

Giorgetti says he would like to keep the progression of the ambitious band going and grow from the Accomplices series into their next endeavors. The full Accomplices III EP will be released in October of this year.

T he Gypsy West — originally New England-based, but now in Brooklyn — is a band that en-

courages its listeners to have fun. There are rarely moments of restraint in their music, though listening to them cre-ates something bottled up, waiting for a release into physical expression from the listener. They focus on psychedelic rock, backed by cohesive, the-matic lyrics.

The Gypsy West prides itself on eliciting feelings of a ‘70s band, even donning war paint at shows. Alex Giorgetti, lead singer, guitar player, and multi-instrumentalist for the band, feels as though some of the popular current bands have homogenized the rock genre, al-lowing his band to revive a once dominant style of rock, with add-ed polished and nuance. Giorgetti offers, to any band seemingly not attempting to be trendy to, “not try to copy someone else or be someone else because you won’t be able to do it,” It’s a testament true to the Gypsy West’s classic, yet refreshing, sound.

Giorgetti originally set out to release the band’s debut as a full-length, but felt there were only enough resources for an EP, which became Accomplices. Then some of the unrecorded material, originally intended for the first EP, flowed over into the second, Accomplices II: You Might Get Caught. This release also saw the addition of Andy McCarthy as a permanent member.

At that point, Giorgetti decided a third EP would wrap everything up neatly. The three-EP format also chap-tered the music, lyrical themes and nar-rative appropriately. It’s refreshing to see a band have the scope of a project like the Accomplices trilogy, all without the backing of any record deal. Giorgetti commented on the way music is trend-ing towards more do-it-yourself.

“Sooner or later people are going to get sick of the processed bull,” he says. “They are force-fed by the remaining ma-jor labels.”

a record plus the ability for a listener to have the same music on their lap-top or mp3 player.

The inspiration for the Accomplices series came when Giorgetti started to notice a common narrative in the material he and McCarthy were pro-ducing. It just so happens the Occupy movement sprang up around the time the second in the trilogy came out, providing a relatable, timely back-drop for the events of the music to take place. The Gypsy West kept the

the Gypsy West: By Kyle Murphy from boston to brooklyn

The Gypsy West has also spoken of releasing the trilogy on a double LP, backed by a strategy of pre-loaded USB drives and download codes. The effort of coupling vinyl records with download codes is now common, al-most standard, with many bands. It allows their fans multiple ways of ac-cessing their music; the physicality of

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CheshireThe Funky Monkey Café & Gallery130 Elm St. Watch Factory Shoppes(203) 439-9161Open six days a week with regular music and comedy acts.

DerbyTwisted Vine Restaurant285 Main St.(203) 734-2462Italian restaurant with live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

HamdenThe Space295 Treadwell St.(203) 288-6400An all-ages music and arts venue geared towards indie and local music for the younger crowd.

The Outer Space295 Treadwell St.(203) 288-640021+ affiliate to the Space that offers a huge craft beer selection and local live music.

HartfordComcast Theatre61 Savitt Way (203) 265-1501Owned by Live Nation, it’s one of the largest outdoor amphitheaters in the country holding 22,500.

MilfordMustang Sally’s Saloon21 Daniel St.(203) 693-3259A country bar with live bands and line dancing.

New HavenAnna Liffey’s17 Whitney Ave.(203) 773-1776An Irish pub with a hearty menu that offers an extensive assortment of live music.

BAR254 Crown St.(203) 495-1111Nightclub, bar and “bru room,” known for its warm atmosphere, pizza, craft beer and free Wednesday night indie rock shows.

Battell Chapel400 College St.(203) 432-4158An ancient chapel on Yale’s campus and home to choral and classical performances.

Black Bear Saloon124 Temple St.(203) 562-2327A charming bar that plays the hits with a live DJ and the occasional live rock act.

Café Nine250 State St.(203) 789-8281“The musician’s living room.” A lovable dive with live music every night of the week.

CT Folk Festival and Green ExpoEdgerton ParkHamden/New Haven town line on Whitney Ave.Ctfolk.comNew Haven’s annual folk festival. This year it’s Sept. 8th, and it’s being headlined by Cheryl Wheeler.

MUSICPhoto by Casey Roche

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Elm Bar372 Elm St.(475) 238-8529The successor to Rudy’s, a similar ambiance of the rowdy bar and intimate music venue that was there for more than 70 years.

Firehouse 1245 Crown St.(203) 785-0468Recording studio, bar, lounge and jazz concert venue with an intimate atmosphere that encourages artists to be creative.

John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts501 Crescent St.(203) 392-6154Semi-regular scheduled acts open to the public at Southern Connecticut State University.

Lilly’s Pad at Toad’s Place300 York St.(203) 624-TOADAn intimate upstairs room at Toad’s that offers live smooth jazz every Monday along with other local and touring acts.

Neighborhood Music School100 Audubon St.(203) 624-5189Hosts jazz, classical and pops concerts put on by the school’s students and faculty.

New Haven Green165 Church St.(203) 401-4245Comes to life with live music in the summer.

New Haven Symphony Orchestra(203) 865-0831Performances at Woolsey Hall and around the state, a world renowned group.

Rudy’s1227 Chapel St.(203) 865-1242Fresh new ambiance, same old crew. A relocated New Haven institution. Hosting live raging music in a neighborhood bar. Try their frites.

The Owl Shop268 College St.(203) 624-3250Historic cigar bar and blues venue with old-world charm that offers live jazz every Tuesday and Wednesday.

Shubert Theater247 College St.(203) 562-5666Non-profit performing arts theater that produces everything from plays, musicals, live rock, and classical recitals.

Sprague Memorial Hall470 College St.(203) 432-4158Concert Hall on Yale’s campus that features Yale School of Music Concerts.

Stella Blues204 Crown St. (203) 752-9764A bar and local rock/jam band venue popular with New Haven’s singles crowd. Open mic every Tuesday

Toad’s Place300 York St.(203) 624-TOADHistoric all-genre concert venue with many weekly/monthly acts and Saturday night dance parties. Dylan and the Stones have played here.

Wicked Wolf Tavern144 Temple St.(203) 752-0450DJ-based dance club. Plenty of space to enjoy your drinks and move around with their spacious rooms.

Woolsey Hall500 College St.(203) 432-9630Yale’s largest concert hall and the best place in town to experience classical music. Hendrix and Cream played there in the ‘60s. It’s got a haunted organ too.

Yale School of Music470 College St.(203) 432-4155Weekly classical music with elegant performances of students, in addition to national and international classical and jazz acts.

North HavenPlaybook Sports Bar & Grille425 Washington Ave.(203) 239-6042Sports bar that offers booking special events, comedy nights, and live bands every Friday.

OrangeBear and Grill385 Boston Post Rd.(203) 298-0742A rustic Adirondack bar and grill with live music and karaoke night.

Orange Ale House517 Boston Post Rd.(203) 795-0707In-house DJ on Friday nights with live music on Saturday nights.Wallingford:

WallingfordJake’s Martini Bar179 Center St.(203) 793-1782 (1PUB)Live local music Friday and Saturday nights with 150 beers to choose from on their menu.

Cherry Street Station491 N. Cherry St. Ext.(203) 265-2902A heavy metal dive bar if ever there was one, located inside an old railroad station. Cheap beer and good times. The trains roar by every now and then.

Oakdale Theater95 South Turnpike Rd.(203) 284-1816Large, stadium seating theater that draws in big music acts from all over the world.

Old Dublin171 Quinnipiac St.(203) 949-8022Traditional Irish pub with live music every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; great for local Irish musicians.

WaterburyPalace Theatre100 East Main St.(203) 346-2000An ornate theater that hosts national musicians as well as Broadway musicals, operas and comedians.

Freight Street Gallery170 Freight St.(203) 596-1234Art gallery that also showcases local, mostly indie, musicians.

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G R O O V E38 By Jack Miller

How long have you been in New Haven?I just moved back 10 years ago from L.A. My family is 5th generation in the New Haven area.

Where are you originally from?Wallingford

What’s your favorite restaurant in town?Basil.

What’s good there? What do you usually get?I get the mango chicken.

Any big plans for the fall?I’m going to be doing this class called Education for Ministry. I’m going to become a deacon.

Can you recommend a good book?I like to garden. The book I’m reading now is called The Education of a Gardener by Russell Page. It’s about the mind of the gardener. It was written in the ‘60s. He wrote about everything except gardening, really.

Do you have a favorite place to check out music?I was at the Green last weekend with my family to watch the Jazz Festival. I come down any time there’s any type of music on the green. I don’t even care what kind of music it is.

Any hobbies?I refinish furniture.

For yourself, or do you resell things?I do a lot for myself, and I’m refurbishing my house right now, but if somebody wants me to redo some of their furniture I usually say yes and then quote a high price.

Any other hobbies?Watching tennis. I’m going to the New Haven Open this weekend and probably all next week. I used to volunteer there for eight years. I’m also going to the U.S. Open in a couple of weeks.

What’s your favorite part of living in New Haven?I like that they’re doing this urban renewal initiative where they’re putting trees up and bringing the neighborhoods together through community gardening.

Your least favorite part?The trash that’s on the street.

Is there any place in town you’ve been meaning to go to but haven’t yet?I keep meaning to try that Cuban restaurant… Soul de Cuba. Every time I want to go there it’s full or something happens and I can’t go.

Is there any question I should’ve asked you?Why is your hair so long? Why is it so curly? Do you have a perm?

Name: Chris McDanielAge: 49Occupation: Office Manager, Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University.

intervieW on the Green

Photo by Charlotte Greene

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BARFReshly BRewed BeeRBRick Oven PizzAdAncinG


check out our new website for our wednesday night band schedule.

254 cROwn st new hAven ct 203 495 8924

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