group5 section d marketing project final submission

Market Analysis of ecommerce company Quidsi Submitted By: Group 5 (Section D) Amit Nangia (15P185) Prabodh Dasari (15P195) MDI 1

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QUIDSI Project


Page 1: Group5 Section D Marketing Project Final Submission

Market Analysis of ecommerce

company Quidsi

Submitted By:

Group 5 (Section D)

Amit Nangia (15P185)

Prabodh Dasari (15P195)

RamaKrishna K (15P205)

Nidhin Thomas (15P215)

Sambit Dash (15P225)

Sunakshi Bansal (15P233)


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Executive Summary:

The objective of this project is to apply the various concepts of marketing learnt

during the course of study to a company in the real world and arrive at insights

based on the same. This exercise imparts a clear design and practical knowledge on

the implementation of marketing strategies and plans.

The company ‘Quidsi’ has been selected for analysis because it has created a

revolution in the space of e-commerce by changing the way people shop for baby

products. The main motto of the company was to make life easier for new parents.

The company has given a fight to ecommerce giants like Amazon and Mom and Pop

stores in the baby care product segment. The company has been acquired by

Amazon for 545$ million in the year 2011 and continued to operate individually under

the same leadership team.

The report covers SWOT analysis, PEST analysis and Porter’s Five Forces model to

evaluate the positioning of the company in the market and the brand value it has

created. A questionnaire has been floated to understand the consumer behaviour for

the baby care product segment.

Coming to the analysis based on the conducted survey, we found that consumers

prefer buying from online portals over buying from offline stores and prefer to buy

baby care products from customized websites over general e-commerce sites. despite being a key player in this segment, the consumer awareness

for this company is limited. It is far more limited for the sister sites of the company.

Hence, it can be inferred that there is a huge market available for the company to tap

into. Low prices/discounts still stand outs to be the main preference of the consumer

followed by free shipping, faster delivery and attractive packaging.

It has also been observed that while making an online purchase for baby products,

the consumer considers reliability/brand value of the website to be the most

important factor.

The above analysis shows that Quidsi should continue to follow its strategy and

make sure it expands so as to capture the untapped market share.


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Table of Contents

Phase 1 4

Introduction 4

Purpose and Objective 5

Significance and Justification 6

Outline/ Flow of the project 7

SWOT Analysis 8

PESTLE Analysis 11

Phase 2 14

Porter’s five forces model 14

Literature Review 16

Methodology Approach 18

Primary Research Analysis 19

Phase 3 22

Positioning Strategy 22

Conclusions and Implications 25

Suggestions and Foresights 26

Limitations 27

References 28

Appendices 29

Date: 30th August, 2015


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About the company:

Quidsi owns and operates a family of sites linked together which deliver baby

products starting from diapers to clothing. The main motto of the company is to make

Mom’s life easier with quick delivery, free shipping (as per the applicability), focussed

customer care and one shared cart & checkout while delivering the products.

Quidsi started as an e-commerce company which deals with diapers and then later

expanded into many other categories under Mom’s essentials category. Quidsi

continues to redefine e-commerce for baby products by changing the way people

shop for almost every part of their lives.

The company positions itself as a mom-centric retail technology company. They

understand Mom and deliver delightful experiences, products, and expertise at the

moment she needs them.

Illustration of the different categories the company is into: for consumables such as diapers, wipes for health, beauty, and household essentials, a luxury beauty destination, a pet specialty site for toys, books, and games for decor and home products for natural and organic groceries for kids' sports and activities for kids' clothing acquired Quidsi, Inc. for $550 million in 2011, though the company still

operates independently from its Jersey City office and follows an integration model

similar to the one Amazon uses with was ranked #35

overall, #1 for Retail, #3 in NY-NJ-PA, and #5 Top Indian Run Companies by Inc.

magazine in the year 2009.


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Purpose and Objective Of Project

The purpose of this project is to study the consumer behaviour with respect to the

online purchase of products pertaining to baby care category. It has been done

through analysing the customer oriented approach of Quidsi, Inc. as well as its

unique distribution network used to ship products to its consumers.

Quidsi’s mission is “To inspire passion into our customers”. Even the guiding

principle of the company focuses mainly on connecting them to the customer and

understanding them to the maximum extent possible. Their prime focus is on

customer acquisition and retention. Quidsi started selectively into the diaper to

acquire customers and then later diversified after knowing their initial customers.

This allowed them to cross-sell and up-sell specifically the product that the customer

would buy in the near future. Another key area of their focus was customer

development which means focusing mainly on what customers would buy not what

they can sell.


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Significance and Justification

The e-commerce revolution has made the Old customer transform into a new

customer who not only spends over 200 minutes every day on his smart phone, but

also prefers to shop online for all types of products ranging from salt to inner wear to

high end electronics gadgets. In addition, consumers are becoming more and more

brand conscious and prefer to shop from customized portals selling specific


Owing to excessive workloads and stifling deadlines, our new customer has been left

wanting for time and if there’s a particular product that has seen a massive shift from

offline to online purchases, it’s the baby care products. The baby care market has

experienced exceptional growth over the past few years due to changing consumer

mindset and increased penetration of baby care products. It’s also worth mentioning

that baby care products is one e-com category where the vertical players have

managed to stand on their own and a few players broke out of the pack. Quidsi is

one of the companies which has operated in this segment and has come out to be

extremely successful and hence we have based our analysis on the same, the parent company of Quidsi, when they started in 2005, was the first

company to sell diapers online. Amazon started selling diapers only a year after and other major players like and were not

concentrating much on the sector either since diapers were not thought to be a

product which could be sold on the internet: they were bulky and expensive to ship,

they had very low margins and the product had little to offer in terms of variety.

Despite that, in a matter of five years, grew in revenues from zero to

$300 million before being acquired by Amazon. So this speaks of the tremendous

opportunity of not only the conversion rate of buyers from offline to online, but also

the advantages of an online play.

We are trying to analyze the business strategy of Quidsi and to traverse their path. A

closer look at Quidsi’s model reveals that its underlying theme is to cater towards the

entire family as they have seven other sister sites,,,,,, and We

are also trying to figure out the various specific attributes a customer looks upon


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while making an online purchase of baby products considering Quidsi as a


In these competitive times of many new players coming up, it will be interesting to

study that how Quidsi plans to market itself to maintain its No. 1 position amidst all

the growing competition.

Outline/flow of Project:

The purpose of the project is to understand the basics of the marketing world. The

initial phase involves selecting a company for analysis pertaining to marketing

planning. Detailed analysis of the company and their product portfolio would give a

better understanding of the marketing strategy and domain knowledge of that


Upon deciding the products and the company, a basic marketing strategy would be

developed, staring with elementary due diligence about the industry, the product, the

concerned company and potential competitors. Some basic understanding of the

internal and external environment of the company would be done through SWOT

and PESTLE analyses. This would help understand the internal and external

environments, as well as analyse the political, social, economic and technological

aspects. In the next section of the project the focus will be on the detailed analysis

and review of the product by going through relevant literature, and by collecting

market data to come up with the analysis. In the last section phase of the project,

more emphasis will be on the market trends and the future prospects of the product

portfolio of the company, and the project will be concluded


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Focus on an exclusive category: The exclusive product focus that the company

had gave it a real advantage. Specialization worked very well for them because they

have designed the website targeted to a particular audience which has offered great

convenience to the customer in terms of its usage as well. It is also easier for the

company to take care of the back-end logistics as well due to the exclusive focus.

Inventory Management: They have developed an exclusive algorithm for figuring

when and how much stock to reorder for a particular item. They were able to build a

joint probability distribution through which they were able to determine when and

how much to order and be right 95% percent of the times. This has resulted in a real

impact in terms of the sales and cost minimization while handling the inventory

Domestic market: Given the kind of product they were dealing with most of the

sales are expected from the domestic market and they could easily grow into it. As

most of the orders were from the domestic market, shipping was comparatively

easier to deal with.


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Shipping: They have offered free overnight shipping for around 70% of the U.S. on

orders over 25$ and this is a market where quick delivery is of utmost importance.

Quidsi uses different shippers to deliver to different places, depending on the rates,

which vary by zone.

Technology: With the use of technology, they have developed their back-end

logistics building their own supply-chain management systems and box selection

software. Leapfrogging the normal approach, they have used robots in the

warehouses while during packaging and inventory management which helped them

cut down on the logistics cost to a great extent.

Expansion to other product categories: The Company has opportunities to

expand into various products in the same domain. Most part of the technology and

back-end logistics which has already been set up can be expanded easily and the

profits, revenues and profitability while during this process can be improved



Change in leadership: After the acquisition of the company by Amazon, the

leadership team comprising of Marc Lore and Vinit Bharara has left the company and

moved on to their next big adventures. The innovation of the company has started to

become stand still and the company is slowly losing its identity.

Only online presence: Quidsi as a company has online presence only. It does not

have mom and pop stores catering to the product portfolio it offers. Thus, the

company can cater only to a limited market.

Price war: The products being dealt with operate at a very low margin which makes

it difficult for the company to with stand the fierce competition from the other online

retailers and mom and pop stores


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Growing Demand: The global baby care cosmetics and toiletries market was worth

USD 41.3 billion in 2011 and is expected to reach USD 62.3 billion in 2017, with a

CAGR of 7.1% from 2011 to 2017. The baby care product market growth is largely

fuelled by the growing baby population in developing nations.

Growing disposable income levels: Disposable income of parents in developing

nations has been constantly on a rise. Moreover, the average age of parents across

the globe has also increased in past few years. Higher aged parents are considered

to be financially more stable and hence have more money to spend on their baby’s

care and convenience. In addition, growing number of women entering into

mainstream workforce has helped the baby care market to grow, as the average

disposable income of the family has grown.

Increase in awareness: Baby care market has also witnessed a growing trend in

baby specific products, especially baby cosmetics, which are organic in terms of

ingredients used and pose no threat to baby’s health. Key factors that influence

parents’ decision while purchasing baby care products include health benefits,

convenience, and organic aspects.


Competition: All successful Internet businesses attract competition. Since Quidsi

sells the same or similar products as high street retailers and other online

businesses, it may become more and more difficult to differentiate the brand from its


Online Security: Quidsi stores its online shoppers’ personal information, such as

bank account details, which is a target for online thefts. The more online customers

the company has, the more attractive as a target it becomes.


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PESTLE Analysis

Political Factors:


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Economic Factors:

Social Factors:


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Technological Factors:

Legal Factors:

Environmental Factors:


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Porter's five forces model:

Threat of New Entry:

Quidsi, being an e-commerce company, can be thought to have tough competition

from new companies entering the same market. But, Quidsi has an advantage of

selling its own products rather than connecting buyers and sellers on a platform.

Moreover, for a new entrant to set up a company like Quidsi, it needs good amount

of funding and good knowledge on present Mom and Pop stores that are already

present. A good presence of Quidsi in the present market space and a good

relationship with the customers is an added advantage to Quidsi which makes it

difficult for the new entrants to grab the market share of Quidsi. But, there is a

chance that a company which is already well established can expand itself into this

business with ease and can be a threat to Quidsi.


Buyer Power:

The buyers present in the Mom and Pop store business are primarily those people

who have kids aged anywhere between 0-12 years.  So, this can be considered a

compulsion to use the baby products but there are competitors. So, a buyer has

many options as the buyer can approach any of the sellers if he/she, is not satisfied

with the product or is not happy with the way the seller's relationship with them. So,

the buyers have enough capability to control the market by choosing a different

seller. Hence, the buyer is to be considered as the most important entity to the seller

and should maintain a good relationship with the buyer. So, the buyers have a good

chance in winning over the pricing of a company's products as they can bring down

the price of a company's products by shifting their base to other sellers.


Threat of Substitution:

Though we can state that there are no substitutes for the baby products as they are

compulsory for kids, we can state that there are a large number of products by other

sellers which can be thought of as a substitution. Alternatives in these kind of

products can be tough because there is no substitute for milk required for babies, oil

used for babies etc. There are competitors but there are not many substitutes one

can think of. These can be outsourced by an e-commerce company as an e-

commerce company is a platform where buyers and sellers meet. So, if a new e-


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commerce company includes baby products in it's portfolio, then one can say that

outsourcing of goods is being done by the company. However, in case of Quidsi, it

can't outsource the complete operations because the main business model of Quidsi

is selling the goods required by manufacturing them and not by outsourcing.


Supplier Power:

The supplier here when referred to as the supplier of raw materials for the company

to manufacture its products, it can be mentioned that the supplier can control the

situation only to a certain extent because Quidsi is a diversified operating store

where the raw materials required to manufacture different products are different and

there are many suppliers to provide the raw materials. But, there might be some

categories where there might be only one supplier and hence there is a good chance

of supplier controlling the price in this case.


Competitive Rivalry:

The competition in this segment is huge but the competitors are diversified into a

larger portfolio than Quidsi's. There are huge competitors who have capability to

sustain losses and have the capability to manipulate the price of the competitive

products for a certain amount of time. But there is an advantage to Quidsi in terms of

good relationship with the sellers and as it concentrates only one a particular

category of products, it can have a customer base which is completely oriented to

the portfolio of Quidsi when they visit their website.

Along with that, there are also brick and mortar stores which provide stiff competition

to Quidsi as there might be people who want the product right away and may not

want to wait for a couple of days or so. Moreover some people might prefer brick and

mortar stores to online stores as they believe that the products in the brick and

mortar store can be verified by themselves and so have an added advantage.


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Literature Review:


A literature review, with respect to the baby care market in India and abroad, was

conducted. The study included a review of research on the global baby care product

consumption trends along with the consumption trends in India. A study on the risks

involved was also identified in the review. The results from the various studies are as

discussed and summarized.

Worldwide Baby Care Products Trend:

According to Transparency Market research, Baby Care Products market will reach

USD 66.8 Billion globally in 2017. Global baby care product market was worth USD

44.7 billion in 2011 and is estimated to grow at a rapid pace. In the overall global

market, EMEA region is expected to maintain its lead position in terms of revenue till

2017. EMEA is expected to enjoy 34.7% of global baby care market revenue share

in 2017 followed by Asia-Pacific. The baby care product market growth is largely

fuelled by the growing baby population in developing nations, where the disposable

income of parents have also increased considerably at the same time. Baby skin

care and toiletries are major segments of baby care market with high market share

and positive future outlook. Currently, baby hair care segment has small market

penetration, however is expected to grow healthy in near future.  Baby care market

has also witnessed a growing trend in baby specific products, especially baby

cosmetics, which are organic in terms of ingredients used and poses no threat to

baby’s health.

Baby Care Products Trend in India:

The Baby Care market in India is expected to grow significantly at a CAGR of around

17 percent in terms of revenue over the period 2014-2019. The Baby Care market in

India is driven by per capita increase in disposable income among consumers who

are more willing to buy luxury goods, such as baby accessories and cosmetics. It

has the largest population of children in the world with more than 20 percent of the

global population of children in the age group of 0-3.


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But, in a country like India, there is one core challenge which needs to be addressed.

The Indian baby care market is restricted to majorly the urban areas. Despite

accounting for majority sales, the urban areas are still yet to be fully penetrated when

compared to other developed and developing markets in the Western countries. The

other challenges include areas like competition from cheaper substitutes, cultural

aspects and regulations on ‘Infant Food Promotion’ which can play a key role in

hindering the growth of this potential market in the country.

In the coming years, innovation in products and marketing strategies will be the key

focus areas for most of the companies operating in the Indian baby care market. The

main drivers for the baby care market in India, will however, remain to be the rise in

investments from companies, the towering demand and the increasing working

women population apart from the factors mentioned above.

Risks Involved:

Intense competition for sales of the products, changes in consumer

purchasing patterns and the inability to innovate or market the products

effectively could have an adverse effect

International operations are subject to foreign market risks, including foreign

exchange risk, currency restrictions and political, social and economic


Increasing dependence on key retailers in developed markets and the

emergence of new sales channels

Significant increases in prices for raw materials, energy, transportation and

other necessary supplies and services, without corresponding increases in

our selling prices

Disruption in our supply chain or the failure of third-party providers to

satisfactorily perform can hamper the Operations


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Methodology Approach

Our approach was weighed heavily in favour of primary research. It helped us to

eliminate the risks of the collected data being outdated or not being applicable for the

specific purpose. Among the various research approaches, survey approach seemed

to be more practical and was well within our limitations. It was best suited for the

descriptive research. Using survey approach we could also cover large amount of

people. As the people who get surveyed were unpaid there was an increasing

chance for the surveys to get ignored if it is time consuming. Hence, questionnaire

with close end questions was chosen over qualitative measures. As we considered

the major consumer base for baby product consumables was in the age group from

21 to 40, the focus was mostly on people in that age group. The easiest and

cheapest way to get in touch with people in today’s world is through online medium.

So, online medium was chosen as the contact method. Throughout our research, our

major focus was on understanding how significant is the e-commerce platform to buy

baby care products. The extent of success of why people preferred Quidsi as brand

while they were choosing baby care products was analysed through various factors

of judging the e-commerce retail business. The various factors that were analysed

were the mode of purchase, customer service attributes of the company, site

preference and the preference of website attributes.


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Primary Research Analysis:

We conducted a primary survey to gauge the preference of consumers for making an

online purchase for baby care products. Below is an illustration of the results:

Where do you prefer to buy baby care products?


Mode of Purchase

Online RetailOffline Retail

Given the current market scenario, there has been a huge shift in the consumer behaviour where the mode of online purchase is gaining huge importance even for baby care products

Which of the following online sites have you heard of? Beauty None0.00%








11.02% 13.39%

5.51% 7.09%


Customer Awareness despite being a key player in this segment, the consumer awareness

for this company is limited. It is far more limited for the sister sites of the company.

Hence, it can be inferred that there is a huge market available for the company to tap



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Importance of attributes of Customer Services while making an online

purchase for baby products

1 2 3 40










40 39




1714 15



Customer Preferences

Free ShippingFaster DeliveryLow Prices/DiscountsAttractive Packaging

Low prices/discounts still stand outs to be the main preference of the consumer

followed by free shipping, faster delivery and attractive packaging

Importance of attributes of an e-commerce Website

1 2 3 4 505101520253035404550



35 36



19 20







31 30




28 2926


Website Attributes

Expert/Consumer ReviewsDesignNavigationReliabilityPayment Gateway Options

While making an online purchase for baby products, the consumer considers

reliability/brand value of the website to be the most important factor. Also from the

data, it can be inferred that the payment gateway options and navigation play a key

role in forming a decision.


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Which kind of sites do you prefer for baby products?



Site Preference

Customized website selling only baby productsGeneral e-commerce sites 

Consumer seems to prefer a customised website selling only baby care products

while making a purchase which seems to work in the favour of Quidsi


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Positioning Strategy:

Market Segmentation

Quidsi targeted parents who used baby products as part of their daily routine. The

company was founded by two dads who were tired of midnight runs for diapers,

frustrated searches for the right diaper size, and wasted time waiting in store lines.

The men looked for online diaper sources, found none, and decided to launch the

business. Quidsi targeted anyone who buys online baby products for family with

babies and toddlers. This means that the target age of the person is during the

development stages of babies and toddlers. This is a very big market that crosses

gender, race, and culture of the person covering 12 million American mothers with

children up to age 3 who shell out $2.5 billion a year on baby gear online. The

market churns a lot of American families having an average of 2.5 children who wear

diapers for an average 2.8 years–but during that window, business is quite sticky.

Moms would rather place an order once and rest assured the goods will keep


It required different strategies to reach respective members of the market. Guardians

can't be reached with the normal TV advertising commonly used to reach the general

market of anybody who buys baby products.

Market Position

The brand consisted of three major product lines namely: diapers, wipes, and

formula. Diapers and pants product line includes Swaddlers Sensitive Diapers,

Cruisers Diapers, Easy Ups Trainers for Boys, Splashers Swim Pants; the wipes

product includes: Clean'n Go Wipes, Calming Lavender Wipes, Skin Soothing

Moisture Wipes, and Swipers Wipes; and the Kandoo and bibsters product line

includes: instant foaming hand soap and pocket bibsters. These products are

formulated to meet demands and needs of parents as the baby grows up.

Quidsi successfully positioned itself as a brand in the market. The message of

quality and product value still rings a bell in the minds of consumers. By providing

fast shipping, award-winning customer care and one shared cart & checkout on the


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possible products that can be used for the different developmental stages of babies,

Quidsi was able to gain loyalty from consumers. From time to time, Quidsi had

reinvented itself and the strategies being adopted to suit with the current atmosphere

and environment of the market. Quidsi provided unmatched customer service, made

possible by heavy investment in back-end logistics. The company also cued into its

customers' unique needs.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix that Quidsi follows includes: products, pricing, distribution, and

promotion. These marketing mix followed by Quidsi is extensive and goal-oriented to

retain its strength in the competitive market. These four marking activities must work

together for the success of positioning process. This should be done at the same

time to avoid leaving a segment unattended.


First, the product marketing process involves the production of quality products that

can extract loyalty from consumers. Quidsi started with providing baby products such

as diapers and wipes but later expanded their market to include a whole range of

related products. Products target the overall development of a baby from birth to the

toddler age. This means that as the baby grows, Quidsi can still be used by

guardians, healthcare professionals, and general market segments without using

some other brands. This marketing strategy encourages loyalty from customers,

which is very important to measure the market reputation.


Second, the price strategy of Pampers is much of focus. Diapers, delivered fast and

cheap, were the initial hook. They accounted for 40% of the company’s revenue but

carried 7% to 9% gross margins, not enough to live on. Car seats, toys and other

goodies within the company’s 15,000-item inventory do 30% or better.


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Third, Quidsi maintained its marketing channels and strengthen its physical

distribution network. The distribution channel follows the wholesaler-retailer-

consumer pattern. With the use of a systematic inventory and warehouse system,

Quidsi is able to save much from inventory cost. With this distribution channel used,

the brand can easily reach customers, thus increases engagement. Instead of just

relying on the action of consumers, Quidsi is doing the action for consumers to make

decisions regarding the product. Pampering customers with good service is one

thing; shipping bulky items such as those huge diaper boxes is another, especially in

one or two days, often with no shipping and handling charge. It invested most of our

time and resources early on figuring out the distribution process. It buys in truckload

quantities directly from all of the major manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble

and Johnson & Johnson. Buys and offers more economical bulk sizes that many

traditional brick-and-mortar stores don’t have the shelf space to house. The company

has built software that allows it to ship orders the same day until 6 p.m., even though

the UPS truck leaves at 6:30 p.m. The software determines the optimal mix of box

sizes and automatically allocates items in an order to the most efficient boxes. Has

negotiated discounts with shipping carriers.


Lastly, the competitive advertising system of Quidsi uses different media to point to

consumers the special features, uses and advantages compared to other brands. It

provides low cost products with fast delivery time. It also provides coupon and

discounts from time to time to keep the customers hooked on their site.


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Conclusions and Implications:

After completing our survey we found that consumers prefer buying from online

portals (accounting for 57.5% of respondents) over buying from offline stores. We

also found that consumers prefer to buy baby care products from customized

websites selling only baby care products over general e-commerce sites as a

significant 64% of respondents voted customized e-commerce websites over general

e-commerce sites.

Price is considered to be an important factor for a consumer. 53% of them rated

price as the biggest attribute of customer cervices while making an online purchase

for baby products. By this we can deduce that consumers in general are price

conscious in nature.

Free shipping is considered to be the next important factor. This factor is understood

because a customer does not want to spend much on delivery charges for having

baby care products delivered. In fact 34% of consumers rated it as the most

important factor. This fact tells us that Quidsi should follow its strategy and make

sure it provides free shipping when and where possible so as to capture more

market share.

Faster delivery is considered to be the third most important factor. This factor is also

considered to be important in purchasing baby care products online as 26% of

consumers rated it as the most important factor. It explains that the consumer wants

a product like baby care essentials delivered on the same day or within a few days of

making the purchase. This fact tells us that Quidsi should follow its strategy and

continue to provide same day delivery in the big cities and try to deliver on the same

day or within a day of two from making the purchase everywhere so as to capture

more market share.

Consumers feel that attractive packaging is not an important factor for buying baby

care products online as a whopping 64% of consumers rated it as the least important

factor. In fact this is self explanatory as consumers wouldn’t bother much about the

packaging attractiveness of an essential product such as diapers and hence the

company doesn’t need to focus much on the packaging.


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Reliability and payment gateway are important attributes a consumer looks for in an

e-commerce website as 38% and 35% of respondents rated reliability and payment

gateway respectively as the most important attribute they look for in an e-commerce

website. Design and navigation were the least important ones as 38% and 35% of

respondents’ rated reliability and payment gateway respectively as the least

important attribute they look for in an e-commerce website.

Suggestions and Foresights

The global baby care market was worth USD 41.3 billion in 2011 and is expected to

reach USD 62.3 billion in 2017 with a CAGR of 7.1% from 2011 to 2017. The baby

care product market growth is largely fueled by the growing baby population in

developing nations, where the disposable income of parents have also increased

considerably at the same time. Moreover, the average age of parents across the

globe has also increased in past few years. Higher aged parents are considered to

be financially more stable and hence have more money to spend on their baby’s

care and convenience. In addition, growing number of women entering into

mainstream workforce has helped the baby care market to grow, as the average

disposable income of the family has grown.

Since more and more women are entering into workforce and parents are finding it

increasingly difficult to find time to visit retail stores to purchase baby care products,

online marketplace for baby care products are expected to grow at a much higher

rate than the offline market. Considering the above factors, Quidsi should focus on

expanding into developing nations and increasing its reach in the developed world to

every nook and corner.

Quidsi can reduce their focus on packaging as it doesn’t really have a major impact

on consumer preference. Based on our survey, less than one-seventh of the

consumers think of packaging as an important parameter to buy a baby care

product. So, Quidsi can digress to other important parameters than packaging.

We had identified in our survey that consumers are highly price-conscious and

hence Quidsi should try to increase its market share by offering discounts on its

products. Quidsi should also focus on making its website more reliable from a


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consumer point of view and ensure payment gateway options are enhanced as these

two are the most important attributes a consumer looks for in an e-commerce

website. Quidsi can reduce their focus on navigation and design attributes of the

website as consumers were largely indifferent to these two attributes.

Quidsi’s future seems to be very bright if they start focusing on expanding their

operations to developing countries, increasing their reach in the countries they

operate, offering more discounts to increase market share, ensuring same day

delivery and making its website more reliable from a consumer point of view.


Quidsi is a US-based firm, but the data sample was collected primarily from

respondents in India.

The data sample collected was limited and restricted only to few sources such

as social online media.

Another limitation being the survey was restricted to few brands and only few



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Screenshots of the online survey floated