gs study guide

GS Study Guide 10/15/10 2:16 PM Study Guide 2009-Key Concepts Pillar 1: Governance, Pillar 2: Markets, Pillar 3: Culture -Why keep coming back to the IT Revolution? Information a function of technology; technology a function of markets; markets a function of governance. IT reduces transaction costs ; the lower the costs, the easier it is to move “things” around the system. Transaction costs o 1) Search and information costs (how much time is spent; time=money) and money (i.e., subscription to Consumer’s Digest) you spend to find the thing you want to buy at the lowest price. o 2) Bargaining costs: (how much you lose by bargaining) i.e. you spend three days at the car dealership trying to get a better price-that’s three days of some other thing you don’t have) o 3) Enforcement costs: (how much it costs to be sure the contact is fulfilled) often associated with government. We are mostly interested in enforcement costs when thinking about Pillar 1; we are mostly interested in bargaining costs when thinking about Pillar 2 -Not enough to say that “technology has changed things.” Technology always changes things. What is globalization? o Movement towards greater interdependence and integration o A social process-requires choice o Process that moves at different paces with different levels of “stickiness” National interest-the traditional explanation for the policies of nation-state. Assumes that it can be defined (i.e. it is objective) o At a minimum, nation-state prefers to be as independent (in choice) as possible

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GS Study Guide 10/15/10 2:16 PM

Study Guide 2009-Key Concepts

Pillar 1: Governance, Pillar 2: Markets, Pillar 3: Culture

-Why keep coming back to the IT Revolution? Information a function of

technology; technology a function of markets; markets a function of

governance. IT reduces transaction costs ; the lower the costs, the easier it is

to move “things” around the system.

Transaction costs

o 1) Search and information costs (how much time is spent;

time=money) and money (i.e., subscription to Consumer’s

Digest) you spend to find the thing you want to buy at the

lowest price.

o 2) Bargaining costs: (how much you lose by bargaining) i.e.

you spend three days at the car dealership trying to get a

better price-that’s three days of some other thing you don’t


o 3) Enforcement costs: (how much it costs to be sure the

contact is fulfilled) often associated with government.

We are mostly interested in enforcement costs when thinking about

Pillar 1; we are mostly interested in bargaining costs when thinking

about Pillar 2

-Not enough to say that “technology has changed things.” Technology

always changes things.

What is globalization?

o Movement towards greater interdependence and integration

o A social process-requires choice

o Process that moves at different paces with different levels of


National interest-the traditional explanation for the policies of

nation-state. Assumes that it can be defined (i.e. it is objective)

o At a minimum, nation-state prefers to be as independent (in

choice) as possible

-State based theories of international politics assume a competitive

international system

-Interdependence-precursor to Globalization

Reflects growth in the number of links between nation-states

These links reflect nation-state’s self-interestyou wouldn’t do it if

it didn’t benefit you

Functional-they are intended to achieve some discrete goal

Risk: They can create dependence-leaving a relationship imposes


Nothing fair about them-as long as your utility increases by 1, some

deal is better than no deal

Complicates sovereign decision-making: now you have to take

someone else into account

These decisions are still Governmental Politics!

-Trans-governmental politics

Non-governmental politics-things that affect states but are not done

by states

Role of Institutions


A venue within which nation-states can interact

A forum for accomplishing some discrete goal (i.e. Functionalism)

Can take on their own identity (don’t always)

Creates possibility of weakened nation-state

BUT a nation-state itself is an institution

Can be rules, norms, processes-formal or informal; can also be a

“thing” (UN, NATO)

Problem resolution

Provides transparencyconfidence

-Institutions can-but don’t always (or even often)-lead to Integration

Integration=the process by which global (or supra-regional)

institutions replace national or bilateral ones

An upward shift of sovereign authority

Creates a common and more widely shared understanding of Some


By joining an institution (i.e. European Union), each sovereign gives

up authority to make decisions over some issue-related areathe

closer that issue-area is to a national interest, the “weaker” the

nation-state member is.

o Example: bulls in Spain (look in notes)

-We live in a hybrid or mixed system

Some strong states, many weak states: some (few) strong

institutions, many weak ones; many that simply perform functions

for states

-PERHAPS moving from an International System-systems have rules,

hierarchies-to an International Society-less rule-bound, less formal

-What would an International Society look like?

Difference between Government and Governance

Government=institutionalized control (law, law enforcement,


Governance=informal systems of control, including self-control (i.e.

good manners)

Systems of rule at all levels, from family to government

If International Society exists, then the effects of rule at level of (for

example) family can be “felt” at the level of the international


International Society would transcend borders, in the same way that

“American society” transcends state lines

-End of the Nation-State debate: asks what will be the effects of these

changes on the nation-state, if we assume that the nation-state is all about

power and power-maximizing

Firms (Markets) always resist state control

States want to control markets, to capture resources

If (see page 1), IT makes it easier for firms to move around because

transaction costs are lower, states have less control

Debate question: Does that mean the State is no longer relevant?

-Why would markets have that (possible) effect?

Trade requires cooperation; cooperation leads to more cooperation

and, therefore, more peace. This is a self-interest argument.

But as states come to depend on trade, they will depend on the

firms that trade.

Therefore, they are not capturing the benefits of trade directly

Trade also produces a fourth kind of cost-distributive costs

-Distributive costs

Who pays and who benefits from trade?

More important: Can the state “help” (insulate, cushion the blow)

those who pay?

If the state is weaker, strictly speaking answer = No

But ability of the state to provide for citizens-Satisfy Citizens’

Expectations-is a central part of its legitimacy

If this form of Institution, the Nation-State, is no longer legitimate,

why do we have it? And if we feel we can get rid of it, doesn’t that

mean the End of the Nation-State?

Or just some Nation-states?

o Example: Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe in 2007-hyperinflation

undermined ability of states to do anything-one fell, one

didn’t-why? Hint: something about government/governance

-Governance (i.e. NOT government)

New norms (i.e. “universal human rights”)-is this the same as new


New ways of understanding

Do these create new expectations? Think of the Abolition movement

NGO’s and other activists attempt to change the rules of the game

by redefining what things mean

Could these new identities create new ties that we have as

individuals, away from our flags?

NGOs are predicated on a different set of rules than nation-states:

universalism, individualism, voluntarism, progressivism

Each rule on its ownjointly can challenge some or all nation-states

-Governance Networks

Voluntary, reciprocal, horizontal patterns of communication and


These networks can lead to fragmentation in Nation-State system

“Which rules do I follow”? NGOs can produce a rival “narrative” (i.e.


Governance can be less hierarchical than Government

But these groups are often very fragmented themselves. Can the

Nation-State ignore them? Some nation-states? All nation-states?

We tend to like hierarchy-everyone knows his/her job

HOW is the old-school theory still powerful? Does Realism (or Neo-

Realism) still explain most of what we see because the Nation-State

is comparatively cohesive and strong in comparison to NGOs?

NGOs tend to focus on single issues-seems very important to them,

but may not be at all important to Nation-State, esp. if it forces the

Nation State to give up some core interest

In weak or failing states, by contrast, NGOs can effectively become

the government

-Transnational Activist Networks

Groups of like-minded people worldwide

Beholden to an IDEA, NOT a FLAG

Seek to limit the power of states, embed states in moral order, limit

ability of states to act independently, and ultimately redefine what

things are IN and OUT of the “national interest.”

Moving toward Pillar III-Do ideas have power?

NGO/TAN compete to define a new set of ideas

-Re-introducing Norms into International Relations

Set of expectations about routine forms of behavior

Can become habitual-if so, they change the rules of the game

(impacts on Pillar II and I-Robber barons were once admired, then

reveiledstock laws changed to prevent new Robber Barons from


If you change the way you think about Some Thing, you change the

way you deal with it as well

Often, not always, rooted in moral beliefs

BUT an important limitation-must have shared understanding of

what things mean (Huntington)

Requires SOME globalization of culture in order to lay the framework

of that understanding

Study Guide Part II 10/15/10 2:16 PM


Lecture 8) Did we miss the memo? Who said Free Markets Were Fair


9) Gaps in the Global Market

10) Organizing the Global Marketplace: The Intersection of Pillars 1 & 2

11) Resisting Economic Globalization


12) Three Yawns for Cultural Imperialism

13) Fundamentalism as Resistance

14) Fundamentalism as Trans-national Activism

15) Setting Rules: Culture as Governance, Governance as Culture

16) Selling Identity: Cultures as Markets, Markets as Cultures

17) Culture as Information: Can Information Cultures be a Threat?

18) A System of States, A Society of States, or a System of Societies?


Markets are the oldest form of globalization and pre-date European nation-

state system.

Trade is inherently global

There are very few self sufficient parts of the world

Globalization of Markets:

Economic globalizationpolitical/cultural globalization

Specialization: Nation-states wish to capture resources

Efficiency: participating in markets is ALWAYS more efficient. We

change as the market changes.

Economic integration

Homogenization of consumer tastes

Anti-globalization Backlash:

Trend towards low-wage labor

Resources are exploited and exhauseted

Inequitable (unfair) distribution of gross world product

o Growth is an aggregate measure of changes in GDP

o Development differs from growth

o Free market is the best way to produce economic growth but

this does not necessarily lead to economic development


-Globalization of Markets is the oldest form-we need to know what has


-Trade is inherently global, no matter how you define the globe (i.e. if the

Earth is flat and the edges of the map have dragons, that’s still “your globe”

for purposes of understanding)

-How old is the globalization of markets? Historical context:

Greco-Roman; by 600 BCE even “barbarians” understood benefits

Celts had a sophisticated trading culture

o Social contract, women/elder/children’s rights

o Duty to protect the sick

o Shipped throughout the known trading world, overland and

overseas transport of goods

Economic specialization improved their system of


Celts traded throughout the Mediterranean and Atlantic Coastthey

were defeated by Rome because their systems of governance were

not hierarchical enough.

o Celts did not have a central government, all branches were

equal, no unity between branches so it was easy for Rome to

conquer the Celts

Rome had superior military technology because it could compel

service and sacrifice, became the most important trade partner

Systems of government directly related to markets

-Ohmae/Strange Thesis is challenged

Not clear that trade is sufficient enough to ensure stability in


Not clear that all systems of governance support trade

Enforcing your individual rights in this marketplace = conflict

ADAPTATION: Chinese/Cuban communism

o Both actors gain through free trade because both value the


-The Main Story in I.R.: Nation-state prevailed as an Institution because it

was more efficient than any other form of organization at war-making

-Theories of trade were also based on self-interest

Nothing equal or egalitarian

Distribution of benefits of trade doesn’t have to be “even”-this could

be part of what leads to anti-globalization pushback, the goal is to

maximize the “joint benefits”

FREE TRADE: both participants get A benefit BUT don’t necessarily

get an EQUAL or EQUITABLE benefit

But which self-interest? You can get more aggregate trade but harm

workers in a key industry-how do you balance the costs and


Pushback against differential costs-poor people, poor countries tend

to have “disproportionate” share of costs (through counter-

argument is that rich people & countries tend to create the wealth,

so we should get more)

Pushback against idea that wealth is concentrated and stays that

way (counter-narrative: we use more because we generate more, so

we should get more)

Nation-state systems still matters because no nation state wants to

give up benefits for an alternate system


In the same way that there isn’t one globalization, there isn’t ONE

type of markets

-Reflects Appadurai’s notion of a “Global Cultural Economy”-what ways of

knowing do we have about markets?

A transactions-based understanding

“Global Cultural Economy”-do different cultures produce different

effects in the global marketplace?

-Is this a “globalization of markets” or “globalization of culture”?


Example: Student with a cultural artifact on (Italian sweatshirt)

could mean he is VERY Italian or he could be wearing his friend’s

sweatshirt that has no ties to himneed to be careful when

imparting meaning from this situation.

Globalization is a set of transactions-by individuals, groups, states,

Institutions, systems

Transactions=exchanges-essence of market activity

Introduces all-important concept of CHOICE

This idea is similar to our earlier concept of “transcendence”

People engage in transactions with people they have never

interacted with beforeproduces change (gives one a more

educated viewpoint)

-2 ways of change:

1) Evolutionary: moves slowly over time-probably not globalization

the way we think of it-possibly reversible, non-threatening

o Immigration is a source of evolutionary change

Example: Britain exports Chicken Tikka Masala to India

(tastes change as Indians move to Britain, tasted light

“Indian” food and actually liked it)NATURAL

2) Punctuated Equilibrium: a sudden change to a customary way of

doing things-at level of Pillar III culture, we’re confronted with the

need to redefine WHO we are, threatening

System is characterized by long periods of stability so a sudden

change (can materialize from any number of domains) produces

massive ripple effectscitizens become vunerable.

o Ex: Hurricane Katrina devastation creates major changes

(composition of city is shifting as African American

neighborhoods were destroyedproduces a cultural change)


o Ex 2: 911culture of fear, leads to a sacrifice of constitutional

rights to government in order to feel safe again


Things tend to change slowly because quick change in inefficient

A community’s growth changes its culture

Adaptation to a place changes its culture

o Example: Chicago style blues (urban) versus Delta Blues

(country), comes about in a natural way, sticks!

IS this one of the things that weakens that Nation-State? States (i.e.

governments) depend on routine

-Can the evolution of a global marketplace be a source of cultural change?

(Kelts says YES)

Assume a group with a specific culture is brought into the global


Assume the group has NO agency (power)

Question: What type of actor in global governance (Pillar 1) would

we expect to see?

For those who don’t have a voice, we look for NGOs to fill gaps for

those people.

o Sting’s Rain Forest Foundation

o “Every year an area of rainforest the size of England and

Wales is cut down.”-BAD unless you are in the logging

business (however, most are entrepreneurs from those

regions so what do you do?)

o These two belief systems are in conflict

o Sting is trying to make his particular understanding of culture

prevail versus Brazilian logging entrepreneurs/Brazilian

government understandings

Australia got rich from cutting trees but now Brazil can’t

do the same

Is it normally correct to exploit your environmental resources for

your own economic gain?

“This leaves local people homeless,”

What is this Rain Forest Foundation trying to do? How would we

describe what it is doing in global governance?

NGOs try to get “their story” recognized in governance

Promote a different way of thinking about the problem

REPRESENTATIONS-Look at the intersection of Pillars 2 & 3, focus=impact of

markets on human societies.

Appadurai coins many new terms; “scapes”ignore specifics but

understand what they imply.

Different kinds of domains that exist out there

What is a landscape?

o Literally the contours of the earth but also a representation of

the earth (like a painting)

Globalization=the actual changes and why we about them

Appadurai argues that we support globalization and while we

criticize the effects, we never start from the presumption that there

is any other way

Mediascapes: global information market (info in itself is commodity)

o This is a problem for governance: it is transcendent and is

unable to be controlled, new source of influence?

Addadurai scapes: meanings are NOT fixed (for example; the

meaning of the word “gay” has changed)

These “blank-scapes” are useful for what they make us think about-

changes in market activity at the level of system forces us to

engage in new transactions at all levels, from ideas to identities to

goods and services

-Globalization as a system of representations-“What does it mean to be..”?

-Global media market=a market for meaning

Human, American, black, white, Catholic, female…

All of these can be changed through transactions, encounters with

new ideas, goods, opportunities, etc.

Information itself is a transaction (between the individual and the

market or culture)

Culture is NOT FIXED, creates a threat to traditionalists, if your

culture is not fixed, who are you? What is your place in the system?

Example: John Frum cargo cult-Melanesian one day, Some other

thing the next-a rational response to market opportunity-I will trade

my Melanesian identity for a new one in order to capture benefits of

trade-What does this assume (didn’t value identity much)? Or just

valued trade more?

Back to IT-what role does it play in these kinds of transactions?

What role did it play in the movement from Complex

Interdependence to Globalization?


-There are two ways that the global market is organized

1) By private economic actors (like NIKE)

2) By nation-states

-What is the relationship between changes in markets to changes in global


Market=a source of rules by which the system is governed

Private economic activity is changing the rules of the game in the

international system

Nation-states essentially become buyers as they compete for

commoditiesthis activity is a set of governing rules

-Complex Interdependence is a theoretical analysis of how Nation-States can

become embedded in each other.

-A state-centered story, nation-states were independent. Now conflict is less

likely because all states have economic ties to each other

Complicates their decision-making

What is the “national interest” when MY well-being depends on

YOUR well-being?

Driven by economic activity that the state could-at margins anyway-

control (taxes, tariffs, trade policy)

GLOBALIZATION CHANGES THE STORY because now the key actor is


o We have to create situations where our companies are


-Under Globalization a lot of that economic activity is all-private-states can’t

capture it

Does that get to the End of the Nation-State idea?

Economic activity was once vertically organized; hierarchical-suited


Now it is horizontally organized;

o Nokia has facilities in 10 countries

o Employs over 125,000 people worldwide

o 5th most valuable brand in the world

What makes it “Finnish”?

-These types of highly diffused business model also diffuse authority-

China, UK, Hungary, India are 4 Nokia countries, how do they

control a company from Finland?

-Global Commodity Chain (Chapter 18)

In essence, the entire globe is part of a global supply network

We are all vested in one production process (i.e. mobile phones)

Each bit of the globe is linked backwards and forwards-much

greater dependency than Complex Interdependence, but often not

at the same level of the nation-state (individual level)

Where Nokia is located is influenced by governmental politics-not

rational to be in a hostile environment

Presence of Nokia influences government politics-once you have

them, you don’t want to lose them.

Normative question: What does one make of being a cog in the

machine? Commodified?

If a Nation-State is part of a Global Commodity Chain, how does it

enforce its particular social contract?

o Do Chinese workers at a Finnish factory get “ideas”?

o If Nokia wants the state to relax environmental protection

standards or risk losing the factory, can the state refuse?

o How does that affect legitimacy-do we lose faith in the state?

o How does that affect change-do we start seeing ourselves as

something different?

Labor is part of that global chain

o The more freely capital can move (because Nation-State is

weaker), the more Labor has to be prepared to move

o Movement of labor uproots people, cuts them off from the


o Risk to cultures?

o What price is the trade-off? Is that a fair price to demand? Is it

fair to demand a price?

Global north-south split

o South is where the production takes place because labor is

cheap and laws are more forgiving, etc.

“Developing” versus “developed”

Richard Rosecrance: “head” and “body” states

o “Head” states do all the thinking (white states) and gain all

the economic benefit

o “Body” states do all the work (not white states)


There is resistance to global markets-6 reasons (all relate to the impact of

global markets on societies)

1) Culture

2) Global poverty

o The rich get richer, and the poorer get richer BUT the distance

increases, they are still not able to close the gap.

3) Global climate

o Climate change is a negative economic effect

4) Incentive structures

o Outsourcing is the best known example. Capitalists outsource

always (IowaMissouri) but now with cheaper labor available


5) Exploitation

o There are more people being economically exploited because

there are more opportunities to exploit people. Demand

driven business created by a market (human trafficking)

6) Norms

o The more exposure you have to the marketplace, the harder it

is to protect nation-states’ values

-Risks of market globalization

Locks in economic disparity

o Economic growth is NOT synonymous with economic


Produces migration (Joe the Migrant)

o Presence of migrants undermines the culture of the host

nation AND can destabilize countries in between.

o 3 zones: 1) Point of origin, 2) transit zone, 3) target country.

Being in the transit zone (most in developing world)

doesn’t exempt you from negative consequences, there

is always spill over/contagion

-But migration is also a (weak) source of economic development

Developing countries have an interest in migration because

immigrants begin to send money back home, source of revenue.

Brain-drain: people with smarts are moving because there is NO

incentive for them to stay. The people that are needed for

development are the first to LEAVE.

Migrants’ remittances that go back tends to be less compared to the

amount of people who leave because citizens are migrating from

countries that are less impoverished.

This becomes part of the cultural narrative

-Inequity also creates opportunity

-Climate change

As climate changes, growing patterns change

o Example: spruce bark beetles in Alaska

As growing patterns change, agricultural workers move to cities for

work (urbanization)

Unfortunately, rural workers lack the skills necessary to compete for

jobs in the city

o Example: Rio de Janiero: groups of Brazilians that are unable

to make it in an urban environment so they turn to crime.

Lagos, Nigeria58 people immigrate an hour but 58 jobs are NOT

created an hour. This is why immigration is a threat to


o All of these overpopulated countries are Muslim.

o Bush: “poor people are vulnerable to religious

extremists”terrorism in the poorest countries (defense

department’s belief)

Air pollution in NYC is 13, Shanghai’s is 99this has a huge impact

on the market of Shanghai

-Resistance to globalization is a reaction to the GCC concept

“Unfair”-to culture, to the poor, to the environment, to the

incentives that govern our lives

Of these, the impact of globalized markets on the incentive

structures of (states, firms, people) is the most important in GS

Negative effects:

o A) Urbanization in places like Mumbai and Mexico City-

overstressed urban environments are Labor chases

capitalpoor cut off from traditional ways of knowing, social

contractseasily exploitable (i.e. by Capital or Ideologues)

o Illiteracy, poverty make accumulation of surplus capital nearly


o More densely crowded the city, more pollution, especially per

capita GDP is low

o Rural communities suffer exploitation to keep urban

communities relatively quiet

-Global food crisis

Reduction in transaction costs for Capital means wages don’t rise

with the costs of living

Capital accumulation is the key to economic developmentmore

you have to direct to basic needs, less likely you’ll accumulate


Less money to go around at preciously the same time food prices

are rising.

o Wages not rising as fast as prices of food (wages are often


Remember: Capital Accumulation, how can you accumulate capital

when the prices of food are rising way faster than your earnings?

Yet you need capital!

o Unalienable rights

The less surplus capital you have, the greater the percentage of

your wealth goes to sustaining it/providing basic sustenance.

100 million people in 74 countries across the world depend on food

from the U.N.-charity cases.

U.N.’s World Food Program-capabilities directly related to economic

conditions in member states

o Economic health of the world food programmember-

statesglobalization of markets (source of hunger in the first


WFP needed 6.4 billion for 2010; as of June, UN member-stats

donated 1.88 billion (less than 30% of total need)

o Member-states have not gained enough economic capital so

they continue to throw people under the bus

-As mean world temperatures rise, amount of arable land decreases

Joe is physically able to make less

Depends more on U.N. aid

U.N. food aid depends on contributions

Contributions depend on changes in GDP

Joe is completely isolated from politics yet an economic crisis way

beyond his understanding produces a material, negative effect on

his life.

US gave more money to world aid than any other country in the

system but in 2007, US gave the least in foreign aid which is why it

is so hard for UN to predict how much they will be able to do per


In absolute terms, US gave a lot of money, but in terms of need, it

gave almost nothing.

o What incentive does the US have to give more than .16 %?

The idea/norm that it is the right thing to do in insufficient

because states purely exist to do what is BEST FOR ITS


If you have surplus capital, you have the money to absorb the hit (of

costs in prices of food rising).

As prices of grain rise, price of downstream commodities rise

o The bread-maker will charge MORE because everyone is a

rational actor.

Avg. grain prices 2010-2020 will increase 15-40% in real terms than

1997-2007 (Joe will need 25% more money to feed his family, even

as there is less land for him to farm on)

-Human effects

2007, 25,000 farmers in India committed suicide because they

couldn’t feed their families

Of 36 countries facing food crisis, 21 are in AFRICA

o Even as prices of food are expected to rise, the demand for

food will DOUBLE in southeast Asia and Africa (doing most

reproducing) by 2030

By 2050, global pop=9.1 billion

o Will require 70% increase in global farm production

Hunger kills more people worldwide than AIDS, etc.

Australia experienced 60% reduction in wheat crop in 2007

Why no Australian food crisis?

GOVERNING CAPACITY-Australian’s governance were able to absorb

the problem and find solutions.

This is why you need to think of GOVERNANCE AND MARKETS


We expect the government to keep us from starving-and

government mostly does BECAUSE we have a social contract.-->So

government must be a rational actor.

-A society that is getting richer can eat more meat, meat-consumption is

usually a sign of economic health of a country

When people are in famine, they begin to eat their livestock as a

last resort.

Demand for meat creates a need for cattle/grain to feed cattle SO

there is less grain for other things/people.

Increase in the price of oil makes farming more expensivedrives

up cost of farming (need oil for transportation, fertilizers, etc)

Drives up the cost of producecost of finished commoditydrives

up cost of food.

o In US we provide farmers with subsidies to help out with this

but we can do this, not every country can.

-When we say “globalization of markets”, we are referring to both inputs and


Labor is an input

We are referring to the Global Commodity Chain (look in last week’s

readings!), we all become inputs but we also become targets.

None of us is insulated from price change BUT some of us can

absorb price change better because we have capital accumulation.

Joe the Subsistence Farmer suffers because there is less market

available to him, experiences the effects of changes in technology

available to Joe the Industrial Farmer in Denmark/USA/Canada, etc.

If Joe the Industrial adapts technology, Joe the Subsistence Farmer

suffers (but not enough for us to actually care).

-Complex interdependence; Joe the Chicago Commodities Broker and Jane

the Malian Subsistence Farmer are “neighbors”Joe sets the price for Jane’s


Resistance is about human effects, not the business model

97% of global population is in the “Global South”, 50% of global

population is in India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh &

Indonesia (no change, no governance)

-Climate change increases length, severity of droughts (matters to us!)

Direct effects: 45% of Malawi’s population are

malnourishedcannot work as hard.

162 million on < $1 per day

-Education is a key part of the developmental story

Economic realities produce “externalities” on culture, which feeds

back into the market-globalization loop

About half of all adults in South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are

illiterateour literacy goes up much more rapidly and much more


-What does it mean to Globalize culture?

What is culture?

What role does it play in government, governance? Is there an

“American” way of doing things (is this why we are failing in


Culture=how we represent ourselves-how we “know”

Problem of “Culture Imperialism”

-Cultural Imperialism

Go back to Appaduraiif people choose that transaction, can it be


Supply-push: We force McDonald’s down their throats (only apply


Demand-pull: McDonald’s is a firm: rational choice: if there is a

market, go there because people want it.

Cultural artifacts-if Lebanese do hip-hop, are they “Americanized”?

Must be open to possibility that we give things a meaning they may

not “really” have, but which comports with our pre-existing culture,

our ways of knowing.

Have to admit that what we “know” is American (for example)

might not be recognizably “American” elsewhere-may be instead


-Messages that we can take from the video…

Culture was a signifier of who you are, your place in a particular

political ordering

Example: Ottoman empire: Greeks, Serbians trading lands…gets

very confusing

For the Joes, all of these forces were out of their control, all they

had was their cultureall of this got upset, had governance and

market implications.

Professor Brown: you had to completely change your life in order to

save your life

Markets & Information:

o Culture is a subset of information that tells you things about


o Change is being forced on people

o Consider “demand-side” function

We need to take into consideration that people WANT

these cultural artifacts

Expressing individuality (nobody compels you to do this,

it is your choice)

-Why do people adopt “American” cultural forms?

-Is it U.S. market power or consumer preference?

Consider “supply-side” function

o Why do American firms export cultural commodities?

o *Are things recognizably American?

o Supply-push (capitalists need this and so they force it on

individuals) or demand pull (no capitalists are innocent,

consumers want this in the market)

Consider enabling conditions

o What makes supply/demand interaction possible?

Basic globalization enabling conditionspread of

information and technology

Culture is nearly infinitely elastic (culture is not fixed or

brittle, it is flexible)

Example: US lack of culture IS its culture

Innate appeal

Weakening of traditional cultures in face of globalization

(Pillars 1 & 2)

Micro-level of human systems gets broken

uphomogenization of tastes

People take what’s available (reflect market

domination of tastes)

Consider implications (or reasons for resistance)

o Loss of tradition

o “Cultural tourism”

If you overvalue traditional culture…bad

o Weakening of ties to government/regimedelegitimizing


Today we look more closely at information as a challenge to


Broader definition of “cultural”

o All forms of “other” information

o “Ideation” or systems of ideas

Historically not “new”!

Information and IT have undermined governments in the past

o Example: Axis Sally, worked in Nazi Germany + did

propaganda broadcasts to US troops

o Example: Lord Haw-Haw “ “

Radio threatened states in the same way Internet is said to today

o A) Speed of information

o B) Identities of people involved are blurry

o C) Diversity & amount of information

o D) No costs (no barriers)

o E) Much harder to regulate

o F) Radio travels through the air, can be jammed but Internet

is much more mysterious

o G) Can consume the Internet much easier than you can the

radio (agents for the state would look for signals)


o Threat to illiberal regimes

o Threat to whichever cultures legitimate those regimes

o A “technology of freedom”why it is viewed as a threat

Assumption that your identity is fixed and cannot be changed…

assume that information will change the minds of the citizens

The radio also threatens cultures

o 1970s: Carol Rubenstein (ethno-musicologist) collected love

songs of the Dayak peopleintroducing radio in Sarawak

eliminated indigenous language within 20 years (the people

didn’t seem to mind)

o Russell Means is very aggressive about promoting indigenous

languages on US reservations

Means argues that within 10 or 15 years the Lakoka

peoples will all be deadno language = no people

Not rational for a young Lakoka su to learn Lakoka

because no SATs, jobs, etc in the language

o States are very concerned about language because language

strengthens political and creative processes (France is very

concerned with this)

Why would this be inconsistent with exposure to “outside” ideas?

Intersection of Pillar II and III effects Pillar I

Is culture an ordering principle for the state?

Think about the stories a nation tells about itself

Cultural narrativeswhat function do they perform in governance?

How does a market for information threaten them?

o If you accept information that has been proven false; if I was

wrong about that, what else was I wrong about?

o America is a “Christian nation” (?)

-Hybridization vs. Homogenization

Cultural Imperialism assumes a one-way transaction, which isn’t a

transaction at all.

If Globalization means “democratization” in some sense, should

people be free to choose?

Why would a government resist (i.e. limits on Internet)-threat to

systems of Control-Global norms of Governance can threaten Local

norms of Government

-Cultural Narratives

o When we make arguments about “protecting culture,” what

stories do we tell?

o Are these stories “true” or are they rationalizations? Or both?

o How does the presence of market for info-culture, broadly

defined, threaten that?

o Corollary-market for Fundamentalism

Assumes “foreign” is identifiable and “local” is


Assumes that “foreign” must be a threat

Fundamentalisms tend to be about protecting status


Threat posed by de-territorialism


Literally globalization

Some new way of understanding something (i.e. women’s rights)

loses its association with a specific place or countryno land


Makes it more dangerous (from some POVs)

More easily adopted, more readily available-compare

Pentecostalism with Catholicism

Notion that there is no “one space” for Thing X-movement toward

“Global Culture”?

-Pillar II Links-the IT revolution and the spread of IT globally makes the

spread of new (and potentially rival) ideas possible (tech makes pillar II more


You can easily acquire alternate avenues for gaining information-go

around the state

Changes in IT always come faster than governments can adapt

-New ideas impact Governance-from Pillar III to Pillar I (thanks to Pillar II)

“Hybrid” International System

Governance takes 2 forms-Formal (Government) and Informal


Similar to “hybrid culture”-neither one nor the other but both

simultaneously-is this the same as a new “third” Thing X?

New or “foreign” can impact both kinds of Governance

Fundamentalism: even of Governance (we have to get back to the

Constitution!)-is a reaction to the availability of new ideas


But also a Pillar I to Pillar III link-is it “Cultural Imperialism” to tell

Somalia to treat its women better? To reject Shari’ah law?

Women in the developing world MIGHT benefit if new ideas are

adopted/adapted by their home states

On the other hand, home states might repress even more as push-

back against “Western” ideas that don’t square with “tradition”

What is the relationship of Rules to Culture? Of Culture to Rules?

-Pillar II & Pillar III-Kelts-How did Incentive Structure within the changing

markets of the Developed World lead to cultural globalization?

The problem for Nation-states: Firms always move first to capture

new opportunities

If Nation-state is weak, it loses more control every time a new

opportunity emerges

The globalization of culture in the form of artifacts is a Developed

World past-time

Requires Surplus capital

Risk of exploitationwe like “natives” because of their exotic ways

Is it also possible that we want to keep “natives” native to satisfy

our own consumer desires? If so, would THAT be “cultural

imperialism”-what if natives want to be like John Frum?


There exists a market for “fundamentalism”

Certain “fundamentalisms” (Muslim) are held to be a “threat”


Working assumption: fundamentalism=rejection of some modern

and alien thing “X”

Why aren’t others (i.e. Christian fundamentalism, “capitalist


Threat isn’t actually to culture but to systems of governance that

free-ride on culture (“this is our way”)

Fundamentalisms try to protect something we value when it is

under attack

o When is it truly about protecting culture?

o When is it about rationalizing cultural practices?

o When is it about defending things legitimized by m?

Other fundamentalisms may promote n specifically to undermine m

o Secularists and the traditionalists


-We look at culture as a system of control

-Conflict between fundamentalisms and governing norms

-Recall 2 definitions of governance



-Resistance is often said to be “protecting tradition”

Our way versus the new, foreign way

-Religion is both an agent of change in tradition and guardian of tradition

-Fundamentalisms are themselves artifacts of culture

-A “clash of civilizations”Prof thinks this is wrong, maybe we have a clash

of “ideas”

American exceptionalism: You cannot say that other people think

that their country is a rarity/special, cannot speak for them.

-A fight for identity/authenticity

A big fight is going on in Spain concerning the “mosque” cathedral,

Catholics want the “mosque” removed from the name (Muslim)

-Fundamentalisms ask “who are we?”

-We often see debates among fundamentalists over “authenticity”

Pocho poster: used to describe those were are not “pure” Mexican,

however this is silly because we are all a mix of cultures. It allows us

to set up “us versus them”

Spanish language in Mexico versus Spain

-“The West”

The system=governance

The idea = a fundamentalism

The term = a narrative (story) about a system (governance +

culture) that we are not supposed to challenge

“The spread of globalization is a threat to the West”-you are not

supposed to ask what the “west” means because it is a


-Religion can be conceptualized in many things

Def: system of ideas

We associate certain systems of ideas with certain parts of the

globe (this is important because these truths/ideas are held close to

governance systems)

PART OF “Who are we?”

o We define ourselves based on our conceptions of others

-The Catholic Church was an agent of cultural globalization

Why less “threatening” than spread of Islam?

o Catholism is US, follows Western ideals

o One theory: Catholicism=”sacerdotal” ideas about hierarchy

of priesthood translated into hierarchy of rulers

-The debate of the Islamic headscarf in France

People are going to get riled up about different things in different


Helps us understand what the real issues are in France

-Pentecostalism=fastest-growing Christian belief system

Transcended from its origins in Los Angeles (1906)now

everywhere in the world, perfect example of globalization.

Compare to the “Firm” in Pillar II-vertical vs. horizontal

Literally an individual firm

No Vatican, Mecca or Salt Lake City of Pentecostalism

Spatially unboundedliterally everywhere and nowhere, very

characteristic of the thicker variance of global studies theory

Pentecostalism is the most “globish”

Faith without governing rules (other than belief in the Bible), VERY


Lechner & Boli: Most faiths try to transform cultures; Pentecostalism

transformed by cultures

A model of HYBRIDIZATION (a new thing)

o Example: African + honey bee = killer bee (hybrid)

Oliver Roy (Chapter 44)-“deterritorialization”

o Separating a cultural artifact from its “home” territory

In USA, claim that the spreading of Islam beyond “Muslim” countries

is a threat

“Their ways” are not only different from “ours” but contrary to them

SO cannot have co-existence

They undermine our governance

“US” or “THEM”-the basic discourse of threat

-Globalization of faiths rooted in changes in norms of governance

-Emergent norm of basic human rights includes “right to freedom of


-What happens when that norm collides with “traditional” systems of


Why is it important for Israel to be a Jewish state as opposed to a

Muslim state, or Christian, or whatever?

Oklahoma issue-look up & take notes

-2008 German Marshall Fund surveyed on immigration

-42% of Americans said immigrants should only come from “Christian”


-46% of Americans and 53% of Europeans said Christianity and Muslim

cultures are fundamentally incompatible

So what do we do?

-You must construct borders but how do you do that in an era in which

borders are blurred?

In a sense, we’re all Fundamentalists

Do we reject/fear “cultural imperialism” in part because we are

afraid of being disconnected from “our” place?

The idea that there is a REAL and AUTHENTIC thing…globalization

weakens the assumption/significance of governance, etcwe are

literally without roots

This is important because they are mechanisms of


Social hierarchies

o Prefer your sports team to be higher in ranking/win games

o Racial (apartheid, Jim Crow, Chinese exluded…)

Last Lecture-Overview 10/15/10 2:16 PM

Tuesday November 30, 2010:

A Globalization Story…

-Pillar 1: climate change means that governments must


-Pillar II: result of global economic activity

-Pillar III: disrupts social lifeaffect global economic activity (II)affect

governments (making them less able to cooperate/coordinate)

Example: Sub Sahara Africa

Final: Do NOT describe but rather EXPLAIN & ANALYZE

Do not employ “shotgun method” but SHOW & ASSESS how each

pillar affects one another

A Different Globalization story…

-A strong state-a state with “capacity”-can change its laws to attract Foreign

Direct Investment (FDI) (Pillar I)state reacts to opportunities

-FDI can lead to job creation and capital accumulation (Pillar II)-Capital accumulation helps make civil society stronger (key element in

economic development) (III)

-Stronger civil society (III) leads to more stability, so government legitimacy

(P I) is now dependent on markets (P II)-strong state is now strictly weaker so

must employ government policies to make capital happier (Ohmae &


Where we have been…

-We are interested in process, relationships and interactions (of the three


-How do the interactions of…

people and states or markets, and markets and states

…change those relationships as the process of globalization moves through



-On Day 1 our goal was:

To understand the dynamic relationship between the three pillars

This will change everyday because the process is constantly


Globalization is a process defined by movement towards greater integration

and interdependence (works both within countries and within the system)

-Transforms the way things are organization of markets, governments, and


Spatial organization: all human life is tied into space

Globalization changes the meaning of space and distancechanges

the way we are organized

The “relevant” world expandschallenges all three pillars

The rules are no longer applicable to this new global landscape

1) Governance

Strong state theories (sovereign)

Primacy of “national interest”provides overarching explanation

Social expectationsembedded within national interest

o Story of Westphalia order, horizontalvertical integration

o To keep this new unit functioning, we came up with the idea

of citizenship (owed your loyalty to the state, uphill flow)

o NOW, there is a downwards flow because peoples

expectations are changing.

Complex interdependence

o Interdependence of states as economic units was about

capturing financial gainsproduced a different set of social


Role of institutionscoordination, collective action

o Change the incentive structures of states

Integration (i.e., EU)

o Unlikely because nation-states are still very efficient in

organizing people

Globalization complicates definition of “national interest”

Governance=Rules, (Culture is a form of governance and vice


o Formal & Informal rules

International politics is rule bound

o Anarchy is a source of rules

Sovereignty may be getting weaker because it is LESS FUNCTIONAL

o Made the developed world secure but war is no longer on our

minds so we don’t need this protection

o Power seeking

o Importance of conflict

Norm of separation, autonomy is challenged by integration

Governance is NOT LIMITED to governments

NGOs are a form of governance

o Informal rules (abolition movement during African slave trade)

o Embody these emerging norms that are challenging the way

we look at sovereignty

o Changes social expectations


o Old: used to be about formal authority (rules, kings), not

about constitutional authority anymore

o New:

2) Markets

Oldest globalization

Interacts with governance, interested in effects NOT internal logic

Global markets made governance possible (i.e. empires)

The emergence of a global consumer marketplace challenge


o Keep Kelts in mind here (read!)

o Consumer is a key part in this equation

Changes in markets (i.e. firm, driven by internal logic) weaken

states’ ability to control markets

o Example: Sarah Palin tweet

Globalization reacts to changes in;

o Technology

o Capital

o Consumer preference

Logic of trademust cooperate

o Ex: Marketing the new Coca Cola

o Downstream effects!

o In I.R. you cooperated because it was in your national interest

(American companies, commodities)

o But cooperation produces dependency (the greater your

power, the less you wanted dependence)

Logic of the marketpunishes those who avoid

interdependencethere are always winners and losers

o Chinese dominance of Afghanistan Burqa markets

o Looks to government to cushion the blow (legitimacy)

o National Conservative Union: everything is more expensive

when market is exposed to global forces so government must

shield citizens from these forces…however, this cannot be

done anymore.

3) Culture

-Defined broadly as information or ways of knowing

Links to markets (Kelts), governance (climate change)

Demand-side and supply-side—“cultural imperialism” misses the

demand side (resistance movement side)

o Citizens can benefit from trade and globalization

o Example: John Frum cult

BIG QUESTION: What is the relationship of culture to nation-hood?

Is there a relationship between the artifices of culture and who

people really are?

OTHER BIG QUESTION: How goes global market for culture affect


o Globish-a threat to the French?

3 positions:

o 1) “Cultural Imperialism”-homogenization of world of Western

(American) standard (Prof. disagrees)

o 2)”Skeptical”-“global” culture not as embedded as individual

national culture

o 3) “Hybridization”-globalization transforms




Creation and destruction


“Hybridization” can define globalization in all three pillars

Job is to analyze the process by which this hybridization occurs



Not all rules or systems of rule are equal


Distributional effects



Is global culture coercive? How do we assess choice?

EXAM DAY: Readings matter because you need examples! Use terms that

have been used A LOT.

Blank blue book & Scantron (write essay in pen)

-Study key terms (in red), concepts (integration, interdependence), MOST OF


Understand all FIVE globalization stories and why they function the way

they do

GS Readings-PART II 10/15/10 2:16 PM


Who said Free Markets Were Fair Markets?

LB Chapter 2: “How to Judge Globalism”

-Comparing globalization with Westernization is a-historical and distracts

from the many potential benefits of global integration.

Globalization is a historical process that has offered an abundance of

opportunities and rewards in the past and continues to do so today.

Counterargument/negatives of globalization aren’t about globalization

itself or the use of markets as institutions but the INEQUILY in the overall

balance of institutional arrangementsproduces UNEQUAL SHARING of

globalization BENEFITS.

Globalization should not be ABOLISHED but rather REFORMED.

ARGUES that globalization is NOT WESTERN and that it is not REASONABLE

to withhold advantages of globalization (such as technology) but that we

need to rather figure out how to MAKE GOOD USE of the benefits of

economic intercourse and technology that pays attention to the UNDERDOG.


Chapter 20: Incensed About Inequality (Wolf)

-Globalization has not increased poverty but rather has REDUCED it.

Global inequality is falling because of GROWTH…”rapid economic

growth in poor countries has powerful effects on inequality among


Successful countries are all moving toward a MARKET ECONOMY,

one in which property rights, free enterprise and competition are

increasingly taking the place of state ownership, planning and



Bottom line: Countries who pursue globalization and development are

proving to be successful in lowering overall poverty, child moralities, hunger,


Examples: China & India

o India: abandoned policies of Stalinist “control raj” in favor of

individual enterprise and the market….green revolution &

liberalizing revolution.

World Bank study shows us that the notion that the richer get richer

and the poorer get poorer (disparity increases) is FALSE. Individuals

are becoming more successful!

Gaps in the Global Market:

Chapter 11: “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural

Economy” (Appadurai)

-Before the present day, cultural transactions were restricted (commodities

were the only transactions)…the two main forces for sustained cultural

transactions in the past were;

1) Warfare (large scale political systems generated by it)

2) Religions of conversion (Islam)

Intimate small scale communication was favored over large scale


-“Print capitalism”: new power unleashed in the world of mass literacy and

large scale production that is free of face-to-face communication. TECHNICAL

EXPLOSIONmedia creates communities with “no sense of place”.

-The CENTRAL PROBLEM with today’s global interactions is the tension

between cultural homogenization and cultural heterogenization.

Homogenization: either an argument about Americanization or

commodization (closely linked)new forces become rapidly


Bottom line: The new global economy has to be seen as a complex order that

cannot be any longer understood by core-periphery models, push-pull

models (migration theory), surplus-deficits (traditional market theory), or

consumers-producers (Neo-Marxist).

ADVOCATES “SCAPES” to explain the irregular fluidity of cultural

landscapes, deeply perspective constructs inflected by historical, linguistics,

etc of different actors. Individual actor is LAST in line, larger focus is needed.

-“SCAPES” are building blocks for “imagined world”worlds situated by

historically situated imaginations of individuals around the globe.


PILLAR 1 & 2

Chapter 18: “Nike…” (Korzeniewicz)

-Production and distribution of goods take place in complex global networks

that tie together groups, organizations, and regionsGlobal Commodity

Chains concept is helpful to mapping new forms of capitalist organization.


underappreciated but CRUCIAL.

-Use Nike as an example/way to explore how commodity chains are

embedded in cultural trends…

Athletic industry has been characterized by phenomenal growth;

Nike is segmented by consumer age groups & price.

Growth data shows that a limited number of large firms

compete within the athletic footwear market in the US but

also that the organization of the market provides

considerable permeability for successful entry and

competition by new enterprises.

GROWTH has happened by increased control over material

production of shoes AND the CREATION of the market (marketing

symbols, ideas, etc)

-Nike corporation development of twin strategies of overseas

subcontracting and domestic marketing corresponds to three

distinct periods;

1962-75: emphasized control over the import and distribution nodes

of its commodity chain.

1976-84: enhanced its relative competitive position by extending

control to marketing and redesigning subcontracting strategy to

take advantage of Southeast Asia

1990sextended control to product design and




Nike has been successful due to;

Cultural trends that have made fitness more popular

Strategy of responding to this trend by accumulating expertise and

control over; import, distribution, marketing and advertising.

Korea and Chinese produce actual shoe, Nike promotes symbolic

nature and gets more money from sales.

Kelts, Chapter 3: “The Business of Anime”:

Chapter 19: Global Economy: Organization, Governance &

Development (Gereffi)

The three NEW ASPECTS of modern world trade are;

1) Rise of intraindustry and intraproduct trade in intermediate


2) Ability of producers to “slice up the value chain” by breaking a

production process into many geographically separated steps

3) emergence of a global production networks framework that

highlights how these shifts have altered gov. structures and

distribution of gains.

-Global Commodity Chains: tied together concept of value-added chain to

global organization of industries (based on importance of global buyers),

drew attention to the variety of actors who could now exercise power.

Supply chains: generic label for input-output structure of value-

adding activities, beginning with raw materialsfinished product.

International production networks: focus on international

production networks in which TNCs act as “global network


Global Commodity Chains: emphasis on internal governance

structure of supply chains and on role of diverse lead firms in

setting up global production and sourcing networks.

Industrial upgrading: process by which economic actors move

from low-value to high-value activities in global production



Chapter 24: “Globalism’s Discontents” (Stiglitz)

-Different meanings of globalization: has both brought great benefit

to the many and hurt the majority…why?

Globalization means different things in different places!

-The countries that have managed globalization on their own (East Asia)

have ensured that they reaped huge benefits and that those benefits were

equally shared.

-Countries that have had globalization managed by International Monetary

Fund and other int. institutions have done POORLY. PROBLEM IS WITH


Beneficial globalization:

East Asia: growth is based on exports-by taking advantage of the

global market for exports and closing technology gap.


its own pace of change; each made sure that as it grew the benefits

were shared equitably and each rejected the basic “Washington

Consenus” which argued for a minimalist role for government and

rapid privatization and liberalization.

Negative globalization:

Adverse effects have risen from the liberalization of financial and

capital marketsposed risks to developing countries without

commensurate rewards.

o Huge amounts of money pouring in (booms) and then

suddenly removed (leaving economic devastation)

IMF IS WEAK, “structural adjustment programs” do NOT provide

jobs, lacks democratic accountability.

Chapters 52 & 53

Chapter 52:

Chapter 53:


Chapter 38: “Cultural Imperialism”

The American show Dallas is shown in 90 countries world wide and is seen

as American imperialism as it projects images of “dazzling skyscrapers,

expensive clothes and automobiles, lavish settings, the celebration in the

narrative of power and wealth”

But empirical studies show that “audiences are more active and critical, their

responses more complex and reflective, and their cultural values more

resistant to manipulation and “invasion” than many critical media theorists

have assumed..”

Hamelink then draws the conclusion that: “the impressive variety of the

worlds cultural systems is waning due to a process of “cultural

synchronization” that is without historic precedent.”

• Less of a two way cultural exchange and more of a one way,

domination of western cultural norms

Cultural syncronization is a threat to cultural autonomy

• The survival of cultural autonomy is dependent on the freedom

from the process of global synchronization

• “the failure of a culture to ‘survive’ in an ‘original’ form may be

taken itself as a process of adaptation to a new ‘environment’—

that of capitalist industrial modernity

IE capitalist industrial modernity is changing the world environment

Chapter 40: “Why Hollywood Rules the World…”

Hollywood is the epicenter of the cinema industry today.

Europe cannot compete

US is successful because it produces films that will be successful on

a global scale

So as a result the films are entertaining, highly visible, have broad

global appeal

Also the global use of English helps

As the US specializes in producing films and theatre and TV, clustering

occurs in Hollywood

Brainwork of movies in Hollywood even when outsourced elsewhere for

production because its cheaper

**With US films accounting by far for the majority of the global cinema

industry, they naturally export American ethos behind the films, BUT the

American films are also affected by the global culture as they are trying to

appeal to as large of an audience as possible.

Two way street as holly affects global culture while global culture

and a striving for universal success affects Hollywood

“Hollywood strives to present the universal to global audiences. As

Hollywood markets its films to more non-english speakers, those

films become more general”

Critics allege that American culture is driving the world, but in

reality the two are determined simultaneously, and by the same set

of forces.

The American and national component to Hollywood moviemaking also

cannot be ignored. Hollywood has always drawn on the national ethos of the

US for cinematic inspiration.

American values of heroism, individualism and romantic self-

fulfillment are well suited for the large screen and for global


** For this reason, dominant cultures, such as the US, have an advantage in

exporting their values and shaping the preferences of other nations.

Similarly, McDonalds shapes its product to meet global demands,

but builds on the American roots of the core concept.

Hybrid of global demands and American core values

Hollywood’s universality has in part become a central part of American

national culture. Commercial forces have led America to adopt “that which

can be globally sold” as part of its national culture

In doing so, Americans have, to some extent, traded away

particular strands of their culture for success in global markets.


Means that in order to be competitive in the cinematic industry, and

other industries, a nation cannot be globally successful without

appealing to global ideals.

Excessive insulation from competitive pressures can virtually

guarantee an unfavorable result, whether economically or


Fundamentalism As Resistance:

Chapter 36: Global Information Revolution (Price)

-The government wishes to keep control over what information the public

has access to, “state is interested in maintaining control of information flows

through their boundaries…”

-National boundaries are increasingly irrelevant and new technology

traverses boundaries very effectively, breaks down divides between

countries and cultures

-Market is now so powerful and technology so ubiquitous, is there still room

for old-fashioned law & policy making?

-For many centuries, control over participation in the market was a condition

of political stability…what differs in today’s market is the RANGE of

participants, the SCOPE of its BOUNDARIES, and the NATURE of regulatory

bodies capable of establishing and enforcing rules for participation/exclusion.

National identity=the set of political views and cultural attitudes

that help maintain the existing power structure

Incentive to change media law occurs when governance can no

longer maintain its position of civil dominance.

Media globalization creates a crisis when barriers of entry are loweredin

response a government can either redefine the cartel and accommodate

new entrants or raise the barriers for entry.

Chapter 41: “Global Fundamentalism”-Lechner

Fundamentalism is a reaction against modernity; an effort to preserve or

achieve a certain cultural authenticity in the face of a greedy, universalizing

global culture.

• A global culture is the target of the fundamentalist groups.

• Anti-modernism

But at the same time, fundamentalism is one of the crucial features of the

modern global condition and represents a form of sociological realism rather

than Western wishful thinking.

• Essentially, fundamentalism is contaminated by the culture it

opposes as in the modern world system, no fundamentalist can

simply re-appropriate the sacred and live by its divine lights.

• Fundamentalism is not in an iron cage of otherness, it is a full

participant of common discourse, a common society.

Societies are now inherently oriented toward each other ; they are involved

in processes that encompass all; even the object of the comparison, namely

the propensity to engage in fundamentalism, is no longer an indigenously

arising phenomenon.

**Fundamentalism is a mere facet of modernity which gives it a problematic

future as hybridization is now becoming a normal feature of globalization

• if the point of fundamentalism is to restore authentic sacred

tradition, this means that fundamentalism must fail.****

As the global society becomes more structurally differentiated, religion loses

social significance.

**The liberal-modern view of social order thus far has prevailed against

challenges issued by various kinds of anti-modern movements and regimes.

Fundamentalism has its origins in real discontents experienced by real

people; the tensions inherent in the globalization process cannot be resolved

in any permanent fashion; in modern global culture, fundamentalism has

found a place as part of a movement repertoire, to be activated when

conditions are right

• Cannot make clear cut predictions, but it does enable us to say,

more modestly that fundamentalism has a future—albeit one less

bright than that of liberal modernity.

Fundamentalism as Trans-cultural Political Activism

Chapter 47: “Pentecostalism..”

-Pentecostalism culture is created from the bottom up by millions of the

“culturally despised,” who walked out of established churches to join

independent, locally administered churches, usually led by authoritative

male pastors.

Has no dominant center but maintains many transnational

connections, is a sphere of multiple, ever-evolving networks that

increasingly strive to evangelize and bear global witness, offers a


Make use of the biblical text but also rely heavily on believer’s

physical involvement, culture is embodied in the way people move.

Spread through transnational networks but enacted by independent

groups of believers, faith and practice are eminently “translate-

able” from place to place.

Succeeds because of it’s always LOCAL nature, “find need and meet

need,” does well in periods of societal crisis.

Attracts women through the “feminine” work of the Spirit and a

“feminized” Jesus.

Pentecostalism grew without hierarchical direction or central

sponsorship, is highly varied.

It’s capacity for indigenization gives it an edge in global diffusion.

Chapter 48: “Globalizing Catholicism…”

Globalization has opened the way fro a realignment in the relations between

religious and worldly regimes.

The pope and the Vatican today have taken a strong stance on religious

freedom across the planet and that it is the governments duty to protect this

sacred human right.

• This could transform the pope from being the father of all Catholics

to becoming the common father of God’s children

Catholic church is working towards the establishment of automuous civil

societies and toward the constitution of one free global civil society

• Church at the forefront of a new worldwide democratic revolution

***the catholic church has become such an important transnational

organization in the emerging world system that no state can afford to ignore


In the last decades there has been a remarkable increase in transnational

Catholic networks and exchanges of all kinds that criss-cross nations and

world regions, often bypassing Rome.

The political mobilization of Catholicism had been oriented toward the state,

its aim being either to resist disestablishment or to counteract state-oriented

secularist movements and parties.

• Permitted the church to play a key role in recent transitions to

democracy throughout the catholic world.

****Traditional position and attitude of the catholic church toward modern

political regimes had been that of neutrality toward all “forms of


• The recognition that modern democracy is not only a form of

government but a type of polity based on normatively on the

universalist principles of individual freedom and individual rights.

• As national churches transfer the defense of their particularistic

privileges to the human person, Catholicism becomes mobilized

again, this time to defend the institutionalization of modern

universal rights and the very right of a democratic civil society to




Chapter 45: “Women and Fundamentalism in Iran & Pakistan”

Ongoing dialectical relationship between Islamic secular reformers of the

1950s and 1960s, and Islamic fundamentalists of the late 1970s and 1980s

in Iran and Pakistan

After centuries of resistance to changing Islamic family law, the muslim

reformers of the 1950s and 1960s adopted elements of Western Law and

applied them within an Islamic framework.

• Many perceived such reforms as a form of capitulation to the West…

an all too eager attempt to find an “Islamic justification” for an

essentially Western approach to the issue of interpersonal relations

The theoretical concepts underpinning the argument are those of obedience

and autonomy, both of whihch are enextricably associated with the

reciprocal rights of the spouses and derived from the contractual form of

marriage in Islam.

Obedience is a cornerstone of the Islamic vision of a just social order.

• Women are expected to be obedient to their husbands as they are

essentially their husbands property

Similarities between a contract of marriage and a contract of sale.

• Exchange of goods and services

o When a woman agrees to marry she relinquishes all voluntary

control and autonomy she may ever have over her legal and

social persona.

o **objectifies and commodifies women

o Men view women as objects to be owned and jealously

controlled; as objects of desire to seclude, to veil, and to

discard; and, at the same time, as objects of indispensable

value to men’s sense of power and virility

“a permanent wife” argued ayatollah Khomeini, “must not leave the house

without her husbands permission, and must submit herself for whatever

pleasure he wants…If she does not obey him she is a sinner and has no right

to clothing, housing, or sleeping.”

Virtually no female rights or autonomy

****1970s was a period of dramatic change and restlessness in Iran and


• An overwhelming majority or Iranians took a collective plunge into

an idealized past, hoping to retrieve what they thought they could

agree on, namely, an Islamic identity

o Unambiguous call for Islamic identity

• While there was a law earlier that prohibited women from wearing

veils, Khomeini repealed it and made it so women had to wear


Iranian revolution found a place for women and as a result it formed tension

between the Islamic regime and women.

• Women criticize and scold the regime for not allowing women to

develop to their full potential in a just and equitable Islamic state.

“the fundamentalists dilemna has been how to deal with this “new woman”

without themselves being dislodged from their traditional position of power

and privilege, yet without appearing to undermine their own revolutionary

Islamic rhetoric.”

Chapter 46: “The Christian Revolution”

It was expected that as Christianity spread from the western world that it

would take a more liberal stance, but it has done the opposite.

• The Christian church is growing most strongly in the south: Africa

and Latin America and such populations are taking a very

conservative, literal stance and understanding on the new


• This is because much of the strife of living that the new testement

talks about is real life to them—they can relate to ideas of

martyrism and death as they are surrounded by it much more than

the western world

The dominant churches of the future could have much in common with those

of medieval or early modern European times.

“new Christian-dom” evokes medieval European age of faith, of passionate

spirituality and a pervasive Christian culture.

This causes regionalization and the tendency to bear with ones religion more

than ones nation-state.

• As a result it leads to a weakening of the nation state in the face of


To a Christian living in a third world dictatorship, the image of the

government as Antichrist is not a bizarre religious fantasy, but a convincing

piece of political analysis.

Christianity is flourishing wonderfully among the poor and persecuted, while

it atrophies among the rich and secure.

Chapter 13: “How Sushi Went Global” (Bestor)

Japan’s emergence on the global economic scene in the 1970s

coupled with a rejection of hearty red meat American cuisine in

favor of healthy food & appeal of Japanese aesthetics and

designprepared sushi for takeover & American preference for

sushi grew.

Ramifications of sushi globalization:

o Fishing communities changed from close knit

communitiesfishers all talking/interacting with each other,

conflicts with customers, governments, environmentalists,


o Restaurants are being converted from ChineseJapanese,

owners take great pains to create Japanese culture within


-Globalization doesn’t necessarily homogenize cultural differences nor erase

salience of cultural labels but rather GROWS the FRANCHISE.

-Ability of fishers today to visualize Japanese culture and the place of tuna

within its culinary traditions is constantly RESHAPED by the flow of cultural

images that travel around the globe continuously. Japan is the CORE now.

Chapter 14: “McDonald’s in Hong Kong”

Important questions to remember:

-Does the roaring success of McDonald’s and its rivals in the fast food

industry mean that Hong Kong’s local culture is under siege? Are food chains

helping to create a homogeneous, “global” culture better suited to the needs

of a capitalist world order?

People of Hong Kong have embraced American style fast foods but

have not been stripped on their cultural traditions in any but the

most SUPERFICIAL of ways.

Hong Kong shows that the transnational IS the LOCAL.

The chain has become a local institution that has blended into the

urban landscapeare packed with all ages/types of consumers.

McDonald’s popularized the “snack” and made cleanliness

important to consumers (provided a clean restroom/place to clean

up for consumers)

Selling Identity: Cultures as Markets, Markets for Cultures


Culture as Information: Can Information Cultures Be a Threat?

Chapter 36: LOOK ABOVE

Chapter 12: “The Global Ecumene” (Ulf)

-Core and periphery is a negotiated culture…

Is military presence in a country a form of imperialism?

Military presence changes the culture because soldiers buy things

from the venders, etc., bring home local commodities (or a wife)

-Study the degree of cultural influence in the periphery and core

McDonald’s changed local cultures by teaching population to wait in

line, carry a tray, use clean bathrooms, etc.

Sushi (commodity) had to change the business of sushi.

Democratic countries should listen to the culture

Religion affects governance

Restriction of a technology or commodity increases the culture’s

desire for it

-France & women’s headscarves

-The process of cultural meaning and how it changes the relationship

between the core and the periphery

How do certain things become American, Japanese, etc?

Are we going toward homogenization or hybridization?

Hybrid identitynot only heritage but also environment based

(living in rural areas as opposed to living in LA)

Asymmetry between culture, economy, politics, and military

o Sides do not look the same/influence is not equal, multi-

directional influence

o Example: gay marriage (culture heavily influences

government in this regard), grassroots efforts

o Language lacks political salience

A System of States, A Society of States, or a System of Societies?

Chapter 9: “World Society and the Nation-State”

Chapter 9: World Society & the Nation-State (Meyer, Boli)

-Worldwide models define and legitimate agendas for local action, shaping

the structures and policies of nation-states and other national/local actors in

all domains of rationalized social life (business, education, medicine, science,

family and religion).

Trying to account for the fact that all nation-states are structurally similar

and change in unexpectedly similar ways.

Hypothetical example: Island society

o Government would form modern state, economy, citizenship,

discrimination, and institutions.

o Despite all possible options for economic, political and cultural

processes, it would promptly take on the standardized form of

classic nation-state.

All this would happen more rapidly, and with greater importance to

daily life, in the present day than at any earlier time because

WORLD MODELS applicable to the island society are more highly

codified and highly publicized than ever before.

AND world-society organizations can spread facts faster & easier.

-Nation-states are enactments of a world cultural order.

-Most see nation-states are collective actors (products of their own histories

and internal forces)Meyer, etc. presents view that nation-states are

constructed entities (individuals are enactors of scripts rather than self-

directed actors)

-RESISTANCE to world models is difficult because nation-states are formally

committed, as a matter of identity, to certain self-evident goals like

socioeconomic development, citizen rights, etcnation-state choices and

world pressures derive from same over-arching institutions.

Counterarguments by realists explain markets and governance but fail to

explain autonomous nation-state actors.

Counterargument by micro-culturalists explain for diversity and resistance to

homogenization but can’t explain why most nation-states are similar.

Chapter 57: “Ecological Balance in an Era of Globalization”

World affairs have grown increasingly dictated by trade and commerce.

Commitment to sustainability and justice was replaced by the rule of trade

and the elevation of exploitation, greed, and profit maximization as the

organizing principles of the market, the state, and society.

The state and the community are increasingly becoming mere instruments of

global capital.

Food provisioning, health care, education, and social security are all being

transformed into corporate projects under the code words of

“competitiveness” and “efficiency.”

Property of the powerful corporations that is being protected by the state in

every part of the world under the new free trade regimes, while the property

of the ordinary citizen has no protection.

**Globalization has in a deep sense been a globalization of apartheid..

especially glaring in the context of the environment. Globalization is

restructuring the control over resources in such a way that the natural

resources of the poor are systemically taken over by the rich and the

pollution of the rich is systematically dumped on the poor.***

• Globalization is thus leading to an environmental apartheid

• Liberalization of markets as well

**North attempts to maintain their lifestyle of the rich by exporting the

environmental costs to the third world

Former chief economist of the World Bank supported the migration of dirty

industries to the less developed countries.

We are creating growth by destroying the environment and local, sustainable


US is leading waste-exporting country in the world.

• Exporting to India, being used as a dumping ground

Many of the importing units do not possess the technology or the expertise

to process the chemicals they are importing therefore, they inadvertently

cause more harm to the environment and their communities because of their

ignorance concerning the chemicals that they are dealing with.

***Dumping on the developing world becomes justified on the grounds of

economic efficiency***

**Economic liberalization is threatening to sever this link by treating

biodiversity as a raw material for exploitation of life forms as property and of

peoples livelihoods as an inevitable sacrifice for national economic growth

and development.

• Also eroding the level of governing control that people have over

their lives.

Globalization and their associated violence are posing some of the most

sever challenges to ordinary people in India and throughout the world.

Readings 1 10/15/10 2:16 PM

Sept 28 Foundations: A 60-Minute Guide to I.R. Theory

Chapter 5-Clash of Civilizations (Huntington):

What is new about world politics today, according to Huntington? Does this

image of a world embroiled in clashes of civilization contradict the

conventional view that globalization is a process that creates new bonds

across cultural boundaries? Does Huntington demonstrate that civilizations

are now the primary forms of identity and organization in world society?

Claim: The great divisions among human-kind and the dominating source of

conflict will be culturalnation states will remain as actors but major

conflicts will occur among civilizations.


Conflicts of Western world were among empires/princescreated

nation-statesFrench Revolution: conflicts with nations rather than

princesRussian Rev lead to conflict between ideologies

(Communism, Facism-Nazism & liberal democracy)-Cold War

The peoples of Non-Western civilizations will now be movers &

shakers of the world

Why Civilizations will Clash:

1) Differences between civilizations are not only real; they are basic.

o Beliefs in religion, history, language and culture will not be

easily changed (much more important than political

ideology)generates the worst conflict

2) World is becoming a smaller place.

o Increasing interactions due to technology intensify civilization

consciousness & awareness of differences

o Example: US most resistant to Japanese investment because

they are very different than us

3) The processes of economic modernization and social change

throughout the world are separating people from longstanding local


o Weaken nation state as source of identity

o Revival of fundamentalist religion groups provides

commitment that transcends nation-state boundaries

4) The growth of civilization-consciousness is enhanced by the dual

role of the West.

o Peak of power West confront return-to-the-roots West

5) Cultural characteristics and differences are less mutable and

hence less easily compromised and resolved than political and

economic ones.

o Can change from Republican to Democrat, rich to poor but

CAN’T change your cultural identity (i.e. ethnicity/religious


6) Economic regionalism is increasing

o Ex) Japan is a culture unique to itself and so may have trouble

relating in trade to Europe/US. Contrast, common culture is

quickly facilitating trade between China and Taiwan.

“As people define their identity by religion, etc, they are more likely to see

an “us” versus “them” situation.”

2 Levels:

Micro-level: adjacent groups along the fault lines will struggle over control of

territory and each other.

Macro-level: states from different civilizations compete for military and

economic power, control of international institutions and in politics/religion.

Velvet Curtain of ideology now divides Western Christianity from Orthodox

Christianity & Islam.

The West and the Rest

West is unparalleled in terms of military, economics, and

international relations

Responses of non-Western civilizations to West:

o 1) Extreme: non-Western states, like Burma and North Korea,

can attempt to pursue a course of isolation-insulate their

societies from Western influence.


o 2) “Band-wagoning”-international relations theory, to attempt

to join the West and accept its values & institutions.

o 3) Balance the West by adopting political & military &

economic power while preserving indigenous values.


Only Japan has succeeded in this.

West will have to gather a better understanding of

different cultures while maintaining the power

necessary to protect its interests

NO universal civilization but many coexisting with each


Chapters 8- Realism and Complex Interdependence (Keohane &


How does “complex interdependence” constrain the behavior of states

interested in enhancing their power and security, according to Keohane and

Nye? What traditional assumptions about world politics does this new

situation call into question? How can international organizations transform

world politics?

-Absence of hierarchy among issues mean that military security does not always dominate the agendamilitary force is not by governments toward

other governments within the region/on issues, when complex independence


No longer can all issues be subordinated to military power

Perceived safeness has increased-countries do not fear attack every

secondforce is NO LONGER an influence/can be held over lesser

countries as an instrument of policy

However, can still be used politically; superpowers use the threat of

force to deter attacks (especially US)

BUT (must remember):

1) drastic political/social change could cause force again to be very


2) Even when elites’ interests are complementary, country that uses military

force to protect another may have significant political influence over the

other country.

REALIST & COMPLEX INTERDEPENDENCE both exist, just in layers and

depending on the situation.

Ex) When an issue doesn’t call a lot of attention/little interest in itcomplex

interdependence, when an issue becomes a matter of life/death (oil)realist

assumptions are relevant

Role of International Organizations:

Existence of multiple channels=different role for int. organizations

Realist theory: War dominants everything, acting in self-interest

only, constant struggle for “power and peace”. Int. institutions have

a minor role in this portrayal.

C.I.: When war does not dominate, int. organizations have great

bargaining rights and help set int. agenda, act as catalysts for

coalition formation.

Also allow small and weak states to pursue linkage strategies.

Concepts: Systems, Societies, and Globalizations

Chapter 9-World Society and the Nation-State (Meyer):

What do Meyer and his colleagues mean when they say that nation-states

are not “collective actors”? What surprising similarities among nation-states

do they note, and how do they account for them? Do they identify a driving

force in globalization?

Many features of the contemporary nation-state derive from worldwide

models constructed and propagated through global cultural and associational


Hypothetical example: If a new island were to form, all institutions

of the island would form much faster in the present day than at any

earlier time because all world models are highly publicized/known.

o Unlikely to happen are theological disputes about moral order,

a rush to colonize the island, modest citizenship would NOT be

argued for.

Chapter 10-Globalization as a Problem (Robertson):

How does Robertson define globalization, and how does his “model of order”

capture its key features? What is the “take off period of modern

globalization”? How does globalization trigger debate about world order and

a “search for fundamentals”?

Globalization: as a concept refers to both the compression of the world and

the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. Empirical focus

is in line with the increasing acceleration in both concrete global

interdependence and 20th century consciousness.

Model of order: national societies, individuals (selves), relationships between

national societies/world system of societies, humankind.

-Purpose is to inject flexibility into “totality” of the world (our perception of it)

Model is an attempt to make analytical and interpretative sense of

how quotidian actors (collective or individual) go about the business

of conceiving the world.

Complexity is a moral issue in its own right.

To understand globalization realistically, one must understand the

four features and how they are constantly constrained by each


His approach is meant to explore the differences rather than the

traditional sociological view of culture as integrating.

Relativization: the ways in which, as globalization proceeds,

challenges are increasingly presented to the stability of particular

perspectives on the overall process.

-Fundamentalism as a reaction to, rather than an aspect of or a creation of,


-Sum of argument: The search for fundamentals is both a contingent feature

of globalization and an aspect of global culture. “Fundamentalism within

limits” is what makes globalization work.

Globalization is linked to social awareness

Does Globalization Undermine the State or Simply Ignore It?

Boli-Lechner; Chapter 3-From the Great Transformation to the

Global Free Market

19th century England/Great Transformation:

-Far-reaching experiment in social engineering

-Objective was to free economic life from social and political control

-Did this by creating a new free market (new type of economy in which

the prices of all goods and services, changed without regard to their effects

on society)

-Goal was to demolish social markets replace them with deregulated

markets that operated independently of social needs.

Concept A: All great thinkers of the time believed that there was going to be

a switch from separate cultures creation of a single worldwide civilization

(new, universal community founded on reason)

Example: United States, believe in the need to impose free markets onto the

economic life of societies throughout the world.

Cons: USA has the worst social breakdown of any developed country

(families weak, use jail as a way to control system)

-Huge levels of inequality

Concept B: A single global market is the Enlightenment’s project of a

universal civilization in what is likely to be its final form.

-Although it does not rival Communism yet in loss of lives, in time it may

come to inflict an equal amount of suffering

Ex: 100 million Chinese peasants becoming migrant workers, rule by

organized crime, exclusion from work/societies, and environmental


Concept C: A global free market presupposes that economic modernization

means the same thing everywhere.

-Real history of our time shows this to be incorrect

Ex: Asian market economies diverge deeply from one another (none

are converging on any Western model)

Concept D: The emergence of a truly global economy doesn’t imply the

extension of western valuesmeans the end of the epoch of western


Concept E: A world economy doesn’t make a single regime-“democratic

capitalism”-universal, actually promotes new types of regimes as it spawns

new types of capitalism.

-Trigger a new competition between remaining social economies and free


Free markets: modeled policies on laissez-faire era (government claimed no

intervention)actuality: an economy in which markets are deregulated and

put beyond possibility of political/social control (CANNOT BE REINVENTED)

Cons: did not meet human needs, free market has encouraged new

inequalities in income, wealth, and access to work/quality of life.

-Will not last for very long (social costs are such that it cannot last long in

any society)

Economic globalization: worldwide spread of industrial production and

new technologies that is promoted by unrestricted mobility of capital and

freedom of trade-THREATENS the stability of the global market that is being

created by America.

Concept F: Central paradox of our time states that economic globalization

does not strengthen the current regime of global laissez-faire but rather


Concept G: Reinventing the free market has no chance of success unless one

understands that many of the changes produced are irreversible and grasps

the technological/economic transformations to harness.

Concept H: Technological advances have made the managed economics of

the post-war period unsustainable.

-Make full employment policies of the traditional sort unworkable

(many occupations are disappearing, are less secure)

Solution: A reform of the world economy is needed that accepts a diversity of

cultures, regimes and market economies as a permanent reality.

Conclusion: A global market does not work;

Does not meet the needs in a time in which western values are no longer

universally authoritative.

It does not allow the world’s manifold cultures to achieve modernizations

that are adapted to their histories, circumstances, and needs.

Works to set up sovereign states against one another in geopolitical

struggles for dwindling natural resources.

Doesn’t meet the human need for securitylaissez faire restricts

governments from protecting their people greater political instability

Global democratic capitalism is as unrealizable a condition as worldwide


Chapter 25-The End of the Nation State (Ohmae):

-Ohmae/Strange make the argument that states should not interfere with

economy YET economy CANNOT exist without governments.

Argue for the end of the state

-In economics as well as politics, the nation-state older patterns of linkage

have begun to lose their dominance.

Cumulative effect of fundamental changes in the currents of

economic activity around the globenation-states have already lost

their role as meaningful units of participation in the global economy.

o 1) These political units have much less to contribute.

Efforts to assert traditional forms of economic

sovereignty over regions is having the opposite effect.

Nation-states have become very vulnerable to decisions

made by people elsewhere that they have no control


o 2) Nation-state is increasingly a nostalgic fiction

Can’t look at Russia as a single unit, each country is a

motley combination of territories with vastly different

needs and contributions

o 3) Goods and services can no longer be attached to a single

national label

Is a car really American when its compenents come

from/are assembled in different parts of the world?

Outsourcing provides people with better access to low-cost, high-

quality products when they are not produced “at home.”

Absence of vision and with panic rising, civilizations will be the

dividing lines but are they really a good way to understand

economic activity?

-Argues that Huntington’s argument leaves out historical contexthowever

different we are culturally, we all have the same sources of global

information, this connects us.

Whatever culture one is in, they get access to info about how other

cultures live (styles, preferences, traditions, etc)technology

connects the younger generations around the globe VERY much.

-The citizens of the world will not wait passively until nation-states or cultural prophets deliver tangible improvements in lifestylewant to build their own

future now!

Swing of the pendulum: nation-states were the key unit to manage economic

affairs (right grew out of military strength-now great burden, control of

natural resources-now drain on finances, control of land-now power can

spread without redefining boundaries) BUT NOW cycle of decay ruins it.

ONLY HOPE: reverse centralizing tendencies and let the economic

pendulum swing away from nations and back toward regions.

Chapter 26-The Declining Authority of States (Strange):

Strange argues that rapid technological change and the extensive resources

required for technological innovation force states to do the bidding of

transnational corporations. Give the logic of this argument, while also

showing how technological change can also work to the benefit of states.


Markets are now the masters over the governments of states

Paradoxes: 1) Intervention of state authority is actually

increasingState still exits because there is still a need for political

authority of some kind (but many states are becoming deficient in

this regard).

2) Societies that want their own state are increasing in number but

once achieved, it does not seem to give them any control/real

power over their society.

o Desire for ethnic autonomy is universal, the political means to

satisfy that desire within an integrated world market is not.

3) The Asian state has achieved great economic success with very

strong government invention.

o A) All Asian states were very fortunate (geographically, etc)

o B) Were exempted from the pressure to conform to the norms

of the open liberal economy.

Were allowed to limit foreign imports yet given great

access to the market.

-Argument: Accelerating technological change, escalation in the capital cost

of most technological innovations while cost of labor has fallen.


1) Politics is a common activity, not confined to politicians.

2) Power over outcomes is exercised impersonally by markets and

those who buy/sell in markets.

3) Authority over economic transactions and society is exercised by

agents other than states now.

Oct 7 The Politics of Globalism

Chapter 28-Has Globalization Gone too Far? (Rodrik):

Rodrick suggests that globalization may have gone too far. In your opinion,

should business and markets be totally free of government regulation and

oversight? How large a role should government play in managing the

economy and seeking solutions to social problems?

Chapter 29-Geoffrey Garrett, “Partisan Politics in the Global


Argument: The relationship between the political power of the left and

economic policies that reduce market-generated inequalities has not been

weakened by globalization; it has actually be strengthened.

1) Existing societies have significantly underestimated the effects of

domestic political conditions both on the way governments react to

globalization and on their impact on the national economythere remains a

leftist alternative to free market capitalism in the era of global markets

based on the classic “big government” and corporatist principles that is

viable both economically and politically.

Review Question #8:

Garrett challenges the claim that expanded governments interferes with

economic growth. What are some of the “positive externalities” of expanded

government that may help economic growth, despite the higher taxes and

lowered flexibility that government expansion often entails?

Counter point:

Rodrik’s argument: Cumulative consequence of globalization will be

solidifying a new set of class divisionsbetween those who prosper from the

economy and those who do not…

“Social disintegration is not a spectator sport-those on the sidelines get

splashed with mud from the field. Ultimately, the deepening of social fissures

can harm all.”

Primary: Globalization and national autonomy are NOT mutually exclusive.

The benefits of globalization can be reaped without undermining the

economic sovereignty of nations, and without reducing the ability of citizens

to choose how to distribute the benefits/costs of the market.

Types of positive externalities:

-Although it is easy to point to specific costs of discrete interventionist

policies, big governments seem to produce positive externalities that are

overlooked by critics.

1) Very specific and relates to new growth theorygovernment investments

in infrastructure (bridges, roads, research, development, education, etc)

2) More general and central to claims about social democratic

corporatismpolicies that redistribute market allocations of wealth and risk

are unlikely to provoke capital flight among asset holders.

Evidence: There are three basic propositions about the interrelationships

among globalization, partisan politics, and the economy…

Global. has generated new political constituencies for left-of-center

parties among the increasing ranks of the economically insecure

that offset the shrinking of the manufacturing working

classbalance of power b/w left and right remain.

Global. has increased political incentives for left-wing parties to

pursue economic policies that redistribute wealth and risk in favor

of those adversely affected by market dislocationsrelationship

between left-labor power and big government has not weakened

with market integration.

Global. has increased the importance of economic, political, and

social stability to the investment decisions of mobile asset holders.

Combo of powerful left-wing parties and labor market promote

stability in wage-setting processmacroeconomic performance

under social democratic corporatism has been as good than any

other time.

Governance from Below: Challenging the StateChapter 34:

Chapter 35:

Chapter 30 (Section):

Governance From Below-Challenging the State