guidelines for setting up orm service for your clients

www.simplify360.c Guidelines for Setting up ORM service for your Clients. Designed for Agencies

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Page 1: Guidelines for setting up orm service for your clients

Guidelines for Setting up ORM service for your Clients.Designed for Agencies

Page 2: Guidelines for setting up orm service for your clients

Introduction to ORMOnline Reputation Management is a process of monitoring the web for negative sentiments and threats toward the brand. These could be bad reviews being posted on review sites or complaints being posted on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Brand sentiments on web has a strong impact on the business. There are many cases recorded where a business has lost millions of dollars due to a single negative complaints. One of the recent example of Maggi could be a strong demonstration of the importance of online reputation management.

In this document we will guide you through process of setting up a command center to execute ORM for your clients.

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Page 3: Guidelines for setting up orm service for your clients

Step 1: Prerequisite

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• You need to have a software platform that can monitor across the web using brand keywords or brand channels.

• You need to have a dedicated ORM team who can use the software to respond to negative complaints and prepare reports.

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Step 2: Client’s Requirements

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• Discuss with your Client to understand what do they want to achieve through ORM services.

• Client’s have different priorities based on which their ORM strategy needs to be defined. Below are 3 general types of ORM services which clients are looking for:

Discover negative sentiments to take early actions and mitigate them.

Address Customer’s grievance/queries and setup social media as support channels.

Make records of all the negative complaints and prepare insightful reports.

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Step 3: Defining Deliverables

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• Once the client’s requirement is understood, you need to prepare a detailed deliverables along with KPIs to meet Client’s expectancy. This is very important as it will define your resources and pricing for the overall service.

• Following are the general deliverables:Sending Email Alerts on new negative reviews/comments to concerned Stakeholders.

Responding to complaints or queries on Twitter and Facebook within defined SLA (30 minutes or less)

Following up with Support Team to resolve the Customer’s complaints/queries.

Sending ORM reports with defined metrics (Daily, Weekly or Monthly as required)

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Most clients would demand for unrealistic deliverables like reducing the negative conversations with time, or removing negative complaints from the web. These kinds of deliverables cannot be guaranteed and should not be promised.

You should put your performance based on timely response and reporting of the queries. Our experience have shown than once the brand starts actively responding to complaints on Twitter or Facebook, the volume of queries increases rather than decrease. This happens because more customers become aware that their queries get resolved on social media.

The main goal of the ORM service is to identify, address the complaints/queries and provide feedback to the client.


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Step 4: Defining Resources

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• After defining deliverables along with the KPIs from the client, it is time to allocate resources for the project.

• Key resource allocation methods:Number of hours per day and week your ORM team will be working for. Eg (8AM-8PM All days, 24/7 engagement of ORM team)

Number of dedicated and shared team members who would be working for the project. Eg (If its 24/7 you will need 5/6 members working at various shift through out the week.) If your clients want faster response time your resource count will increase to deliver such SLAs.

Social CRM platform (like Simplify360) which will allow you to monitor brand conversations across the web and enable your ORM team to respond, collaborate and prepare reports.

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The size of your teams, working hours and software requirement varies along with the type of Clients which you have and their requirement.

Following are the key drivers of resources:

• The number of negative mentions the client receives daily. If this is high, it means you need more team members working, whereas if it is less than even shared resources can deliver the project. It will also impact the cost of the software platform as most CRM platforms are priced based on number of users and conversations.

• The response time SLA defined by the client. If the client wants a faster response time than you need to allocate more than 2 members to monitor the client’s conversations.

• Frequency and number of reports to be delivered. If the client requests for daily reports and frequent ad hoc reports than you will need more people working on the project.

Note: Factors Affecting Resources

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Step 5: Setting Up Software

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• After all the requirements have been gathered from the clients and the deliverables are finalized, it is time to set-up software to start monitoring brand conversations.

• There are two aspect of software setup for ORM:

Keywords and Channel Setup• Prepare the variation of brand keywords that will

need to be monitored.• List down all the owned social media channels

(Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, YouTube for the brand.)

Users and Workflow Setup • Allocate the number of agents and admin.• Setup rules for automatic assignment and alerts of

complaints/queries.• Create list of response templates confirmed by the

client.• Create Case Form that needs to be filled by Agents.

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Step 6: Final Kick Off

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• Once every thing is in place, kick off the response, or reporting or email alerts task.

• If your ORM team is responding to complaints and queries, take it slow in first 1 week and test the water. Once the team is comfortable with the interaction, ramp up the speed to the mark to required response time.

• After the first month, gather your team to prepare a consolidated reports on the learning and share them with your client. During this period you can suggest any changes or recommendation to the client which can be implemented.

• ORM is a iterative process, hence ever month the team needs to analyze the monthly activities internally and discuss the new findings which can be shared with the client and optimize your ORM process.

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Model A

Models of ORM Solutions

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Model B Model C

Listening to customer’s grievance and queries and

responding to them in minimum time by 24 X 7.

Generating real time dashboards, daily, weekly &

monthly reports.

Listening to customer’s grievance and queries but not taking any action on it.

Sharing daily grievance report to the brand team for resolution. Or also sending email alerts as it happens.

Listening to customer’s grievance and queries and

but responding to them without any standard SLA.

Generating daily, weekly & monthly reports.

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The model is chosen based on two important parameters VOLUME and PRIORITY.

If a brand is looking to create better customer satisfaction by being able to respond to grievances and queries quickly than Model A is the best fit.

But if the brand is not concerned about the satisfaction and would simply want to address selective grievances than Model B is the best fit.

For brand who would simply want to listen to the complaints and view reports Model C is the best fit.

How to choose model for your clients?

Servicing Customers Socially

MODEL A/C(FMCG, Hospitals)

MODEL A(Telecom, Airlines,

Banks, DTH, Ecommerce etc)

MODEL B(Realestate, Appliances,


MODEL B(This model is generally not

recommended but if the brand does not have strong mandate, they would adopt

for it )








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The costing of the solution is based on following parameters:

• Volume of Conversations • The higher the number of conversations to

handle the higher the cost for the solutions.

• Reporting Structures• The usual structures includes daily, weekly

and monthly reports with standard metrics. Any deviation would be a cost factor.

• Resource Requirement• Resource is generally depended on the

priority of the complaints, if the brand wants 24/7 support with near real-time response the cost would increase based on no of agents and hours of work.

How to price the service?

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Thank you.

Any queries please get in touch with our sales representative at

[email protected] or request for demo of ORM tool at http://

Visit :

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