guidelines of thesis


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Guidelines of Thesis


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Riga Technical University Riga – 2001

Page 2: Guidelines of Thesis

The Thesis Formatting Guidelines comprise general requirements set for the formatting of a graduate paper – Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Diploma Paper, Engineering Project, Diploma Project – elaborated on the completion of any RTU study programme. The present guidelines are an auxiliary teaching aid for students, which is aimed at unifying thesis formatting requirements in those cases, when the binding guidelines are not provided by the regulation of respective faculties (institutes).

Guidelines are designed by H. Guļevskis

Riga Technical University, 2001.

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The layout of the Thesis has to comply with the general formatting regulations set for scientific manuscripts and project documentation.

The Thesis must be either typewritten or printed on one side of A4 format white paper sheets.

All pages must be numbered with Arabic numerals placed in the bottom centre of the page. It is not recommended to use any lines before and after the number. There is no page number written on the first page, but it is considered to be page one (1).

The items are provided in the following order: the title page, assignment of the Thesis, performance and assessment sheet, abstract (in Latvian and one foreign language), table of contents, introduction, main body, appendix (-ces), bibliography.

The title page, Thesis assignment, performance and assessment sheet, and abstract are formatted in compliance with the patterns provided in the appendix. The template for Bachelor Thesis title page is provided in Appendix 1, for the Master Thesis – in Appendix 2, for the Engineering Project – in Appendix 3. The template designed for Thesis assignment and Thesis performance and assessment sheet are provided in Appendix 4. The template for abstract development is provided in Appendix 5. The template for formatting the table of contents is given in Appendix 6.

The Thesis is submitted in paperback or hardback format. It is recommended that an envelope is attached to the inner back cover of the Thesis to place a reference, review and other Thesis related documentation.


The following margins are imposed: top and right margin– 30 mm; bottom and left margin– 20 mm.

The typewritten text should have a double space between the lines and the height of the letters should not be less than 2.5 mm.

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For the printed text a 12-point “Times New Roman font” is preferred with the 1.5 spacing between the lines.

Each chapter of the Thesis starts on the new page. Chapter titles are written in title case, section sub-headings – with first capital letters. Tiles and headings are placed in the centre of the page. The titles and headings should clearly stand from the previous and following text by 10-12 mm. Syllabification, letter underlining and full stops are not applied in the titles and headings. Chapter titles and section subheadings are printed in 14-point “Bold” font.

The main parts of the Thesis are numbered in sequence, and the numbers are placed before the title. The chapters are numbered applying Arabic numerals, e.g., 1, 2, etc. The sub-chapters are numbered in sequence with the chapter number applying two Arabic numerals, e.g., the numbers for the sub-chapters within the first chapter shall be 1.1., 1.2., etc. If the sub-chapter comprises multiple sections, then they are numbered within the particular sub-chapter applying three Arabic numerals, e.g., 2.2.1., 2.2.2., etc. For indicating sub-sections Arabic numerals or small letters with a round bracket are used, e.g., 1), 2) or a), b), etc. The text after the number is written with a capital letter, but after the letter – with a small letter. The abstract, introduction, conclusions and proposals, summary, bibliography and table of contents are not numbered.

A new paragraph is indicated by indenting the first line. No spaces between the paragraphs are required.


The term “figure” is applied to denote all types of illustrations – pictures, sketches, schemes, graphs, diagrams, etc. used in the Thesis. The figures are numbered within the corresponding chapter. Each figure should be given a title. The number and title of the figure are placed symmetrically below the illustration. The title is written with first capital letter and the lower case letters without full stop at the end. For example, the title and number below the third figure in the first chapter should be organized in the following way:


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1.3. Fig. The title of the figure

If some explanatory notes are required for the figure, they can

be placed below the title (for the printed text, explanatory notes can be given in a smaller size letters).

A reference to a figure should be given in the text, e.g., …the process is illustrated in the scheme provided in 1.3. Figure…

If the Thesis (chapter) contains only one illustration, it is not numbered, but it is given a title.


The tables provided in the Thesis should be numbered and they should have titles. The title of the table is placed symmetrically above the table. The title is written with first capital letter and the lower case letters without full stop at the end. Tables are numbered within the corresponding chapter with Arabic numerals. The number of the table is placed in the top right corner above the title of the table. For example, the title and number above the third table in the first chapter should be organized in the following way:

Table 1.3

Title of the Table

A reference to the table should be given in the text, e.g., …as it

can be concluded from the data provided in Table 1.3 … If the Thesis (chapter) contains only one table, it is not

numbered, but it is given a title.


The mathematical formulas included in the Thesis are placed in the text, however, each formula is written on a separate line.

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The symbols used in the formula have to be explained below the formula. The formulas are numbered with Arabic numerals, which are placed in the brackets on the right of the formula, within the corresponding chapter, e.g.:

Qg =q x Ng , (1.1)

where Qg – the required amount of material a year, kg; q – material consumption norm, kg/unit; Ng – annual production volume, units.

If the formula comprises multiple lines, then the number of the formula is given in the brackets on the right of the last line of the formula.

If a reference to a formula is provided in the text, its number is provided in the same way – in the round brackets.

If there is only one formula in the Thesis (chapter), it is not numbered.


Some auxiliary materials, which cannot be placed into the main body of the Thesis, are provided in the appendices, under the umbrella title – APPENDICES, placed on the separate sheet.

Each appendix should start on a separate page. In the top right corner of the sheet the sequence number of the appendix is provided, e.g., Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. In the center of the next line the title of the appendix is given.

If there is only one appendix in the Thesis, the umbrella title is not required, and the appendix is not numbered.

The reference to an appendix should be given in the text, e.g., The data is provided in the Appendix 1…


If the Thesis contains a reference or aquote from other sources, or the author of the Thesis alludes to the books or other works in some other way, a reference to the sources, where the materials come from, should be provided. The reference is

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placed in the square brackets in the text adjacent to the corresponding information. The number of the source as listed in the bibliography is given in the square brackets, while the full details of the sources are provided in the bibliography.

The list of the sources used is placed at the end of the Thesis under the heading Bibliography.

The reference sources are listed in compliance with the requirements of the state standards – LVS ISO 690:2001, LVS ISO 690:2010.

The reference sources are listed in the original language in the alphabetical order by the authors’ surnames or title of the work. It is recommended to start the list with the sources produced in the languages using the letters of the Latin alphabet (Latvian, English, German, French, etc.), then the sources written using the Cyrillic letters (Russian and other languages).

The general provisions for organizing bibliography are the following:

a) Books:

Surname of the author, Initials. Title of the Work in the Original Language (italic). Edition. Volume (issue). Publishing place: Publishing House, year. Number of pages. ISBN.

If there are more than four authors, then after the surname of the fourth author the abbreviation “et al” is used.

For instance:

Šenfelde, M. Makroekonomika. 4. izd. Riga: RTU izdevnieciba, 2012. 244 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-10-264-6.

Djukendžijevs, J. Cilveka balsta-kustibu un manipulaciju aparata protezes ana. 1.dala, 2.sej., 6.gram. Riga, 2000. 164 lpp. ISBN 9984-681-30-0.

Platais, I., Graudins , P. Gazapgade. 2. dala. Dabasgazes gazapgades sistemu izveide, ierikos ana un apkalpe. Riga: RTU, 2008. 219 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-324-59-3.

Barkans, J., Zalostiba, D. On the Global Climate Change. Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2010. 82 pp.. ISBN 9780-9934-10-042-0.

Маталин, А.А. Технология машиностроения. Ленинград:

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Машиностроение, 1985. 512 с.

b) Papers in periodicals:

Surname of the author, Initials. Title of the Paper in the Original Language. Title of the Periodicals (italic). Publishing year, volume (issue), page numbers. eISSN. ISBN. Available in: DOI:

For instance:

Kreslins , A., Borodinecs, A. Dzivojamo eku ventilacijas sistemas. Latvijas Buvnieciba, 2010, Nr.1, 38.-39.lpp. ISSN 1691-4058.

Haritonovs, V., Smirnovs, J., Naudžuns, J. Prediction of Rutting Formation in Asphalt Concrete Pavement. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 2010, vol. 5, pp. 38-42. eISSN 1822-4288. ISSN 1822-427X. Available in: doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2010.05

c) Papers in the proceedings:

Surname of the author, Initials. Title of the Paper in the Original Language. Title of the Proceedings (italic). Publishing place: Publishing House, year, page numbers. ISBN.

For instance:

Zigmunde, A., Kestere, I. Latvijas Universitates Pedagogijas nodalas pirmsakumi, studiju process, macibspeki un studenti. No: Pedagogijas vesture: 15 jautajumi: zinatnisko rakstu krajums. Riga: RaKa, 2010, 176.-203. lpp. ISBN 978-9984-46-120-5.

Poc s, R. Regulations and Requirements for Development of Promotion Theses in Latvia. In: Overcoming the Hindrance in Writing Doctoral Theses: Collection of Scientific Articles. Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2009, pp. 7-25. ISBN 978-9984-32-113-4.

d) Internet publications:

Surname of the author, Initials. Title in the Original Language (italic) [online]. Publishing place: Publishing House, year [date of access]. Available: <URL>

Note: frequently it is impossible to determine the publishing place and the publishing house, therefore, these elements are optional.

For instance:

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Smirnovs, A., Dzelzitis, E. Energijas paterina uzskaite un regules ana [online]. Riga: Baltijas Vides forums, 2011 [accessed on 11 April 2012]. Available:

Augstaka limena studiju programmas 2013./2014. studiju gada. Rigas Tehniska universitate, 2013 [accessed on 17 May 2013]. Available:,lv/

Janusevskis, J., Le Riche, R. Simultaneous Kriging-Based Sampling for Optimization and Uncertainty Propagation [online]. CCSd, 2010 [accessed on 11 April 2012]. Available from:

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Appendix 1

RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computer Science and Information

Technology Institute of Information Technologies

Vilnis PRIEDĪTE The student of the Bachelor Study Programme “Information

Technologies” (Stud. ID number …….)



Bachelor Thesis

Scientific advisor: Dr. habil., professor P. KALNIŅŠ

Riga, 2001

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Appendix 2

RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computer Science and Information

Technology Institute of Information Technologies

Vilnis PRIEDĪTE The student of the Master Study Programme “Information

Technologies” (Stud. ID number …….)



Master Thesis

Scientific advisor: Dr. habil., professor P. KALNIŅŠ

Riga, 2001

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Appendix 3

RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Civil Engineering

Institute of Heat, Gas and Water Technology

Larisa SAVČUKA The student of the study programme “Heat and Gas Technologies

Engineering” (Stud. ID number …….)



Engineering Project

Diploma project advisor: Dr. habil., professor P. KALNIŅŠ

Riga, 2001

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Appendix 4

Bachelor Thesis developed at …………………………………………………………. (branch/structural unit)

Author of the Thesis: student V. Priedīte ………………………………………….

(signature, date)

Scientific advisor:, prof. P.Kalniņš ……………………………

(signature, date)

Consultant(s):, assoc. prof. J. Kundziņš ………………………………

(signature, date)

Bachelor Thesis is suggested for defence: Head of the Institute:, prof. Ģ. Vulfs …………………………………...

(signature, date)

Bachelor Thesis is defended at the meeting of the …………………………………………………………………………………….. Commission

(name of the commission)

on…………………………… and is assessed with the grade ………………………

(date) (numerical and verbal rating)

Secretary of Commission …………………………………………………………………


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Appendix 5



In the Thesis, the principles of metal working device development and design methods are systematized. The comparison of design methods is performed and the recommendations for their application in the practical device design are provided.

The volume of the Thesis is 200 pages. It contains 32 figures, 3 tables, and 2 appendices. The Bibliography comprises 11 sources.

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Appendix 6



FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION ………………………… 1.1. Educational Establishments …………………………

1.1.1. ……………………………………………….. 1.1.2. ………………………………………………..

1.2. Number of Students …………………………………………. 2. PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION …………………………….

2.1. ……………………………………………….. 2.2. ………………………………………………..

2.2.1. …………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. APPENDICES BIBLIOGRAPHY