gulf coast province summer assembly · scholarship. • keep an eye out for updates on scholarship...

Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly Hosted by: Delta Gamma Auburn, AL June 1 st -3 rd , 2018

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Page 1: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising




Page 2: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising



Page 3: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising




Page 4: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising



Page 5: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Satrap-JulianneWillis•  Charges:

o  Completed:•Appointallcommitteesandassigncommitteecharges(CompletedMarch2018)

o  In-progress:•  Presideatallassemblymeetingsandenforceadherencetotheconstitutionandby-lawsofthefraternity

•  ConferwithViceSatrapregularlyabouttheprogressandstandingsofthecommittees

•  SustaincommunicationbetweentheCentralOfficeandotherSatraps


Page 6: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

ViceSatrap-KeeganRayford•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  WorkwiththeProvinceAssemblyPlanningCommitteetoassistwiththechaptershostingSummerAssembly

o  In-progress:•  ServeastheliaisonbetweentheECandthestandingcommittees

•  Receiveupdatedreportsquarterlyfromcommitteechairsinordertotrackprogress

•  WorkwiththeProvinceAssemblyPlanningCommitteetoassistwiththechaptershostingWinterAssembly

•  WorkwithAdvisory/Awardscommitteeindevelopmentofawardsandscholarships


Page 7: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Secretary-EmilyHailstone•  Charges:

o  Completed/In-progress:•  Maintainprovincerecordsincluding:contactinformationforexecutivecommittee,chapterofficerinformation,chapterrosters,etc.

•  Keepminutesatallprovincemeetingsandconferencecalls•  Collaboratewithotherofficerstomaintainfluidcommunicationbetweenthechaptersandtheexecutivecommittee

•  ActasaresourcetochaptersinregardstotheChapterProgressReportwiththeassistanceoftheGCCDelegateandAlternateDelegate

•  MaintainProvinceOfficeremailaddressesandensurepassedtothenextsetofofficers

•  Other:o  Createdsemestereventcalendars


Page 8: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Treasurer-ConnorStuart•  Createdprovincebudgetwhichwasapprovedbyexecutivecommittee

•  Successfullytransferredbankaccount•  Filedprovincetaxes•  ReimbursedchapterrepresentativesattendingSummerLeadershipSymposium

•  Workingwithfundraisingcommitteetocontinuesupportingscholarshipfund


Page 9: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Historian-BrittanyForseth•  DeferredtoPublicationscommitteereport


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Chaplain-ToddHarris•  DeferredtoRitualcommitteereport


Page 11: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Parliamentarian-D.J.Onuaguluchi•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  ServeastheresourcetoRobert’sRules,ProvinceBy-Laws,andtheConstitution

•  ConvenewithchapterparliamentarianstodiscussanybarrierstheyarefacingandensureproperuseofRobert’sRulesinchaptermeetings

•  CreateaRobert’sRulesquickguidethatcanbeutilizedbydelegatesatprovincemeetings

o  In-progress:•  CompletelocalordinancestemplateandsubmittoGrandCounselor

•  Ensurethatallchapters’ordinanceshavebeenupdated•  ProviderecommendationstoProvinceregardingchangesneededtoProvinceBy-Laws


Page 12: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

ImmediatePastSatrap-FernandoDiggs•  DeferredtoElectionscommittee


Page 13: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising



Page 14: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising



Page 15: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Legislative/RiskManagement•  DeferredtoLegislativeupdate


Page 16: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

ProvinceAssemblyPlanning•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  Establishcontactwiththeothermembersofyourcommitteeandgettheircontactinformation

•  AssisttheprovinceVice-SatrapandtheHostChaptersinorganizingtheAssembly•  CoordinateCEactivitieswiththehostchaptersofAssemblyandprovinceVice-Satrap•  Establishmonthlycontacttoaidthehostchapters•  AssistprovinceVice-Satrapinestablishingdeadlineforcompletionofplanningportionsofassembly

o  In-progress:•  Contactfuturehostchaptersandpreparethechapterstohostassembly

o  CurrentlyincontactwithAustinSimmons(EpsilonKappa-Belmont)aboutWinterAssembly

•  Developandmaintainanactivelistoftheorderofcollegiatechapterstohostsummerandwinterassembliesandtodisplayontheprovincewebsite

o  WillannounceatAssemblywithhelpfromProvinceExec•  Assistintoestablishingawrittenmanualtoaidfuturehostchaptershostingassemblyandpublishonprovincewebsite

o  Currentlykeepingrecordsofassemblyplanning•  Contactgraduatebrothersandchaptersnearhostchaptertoaidinassemblyplanning

o  Thisisoneareathatcanbemoreusefulinthefuture.Itwasnotutilizedheavilyincurrentplanning.

•  Other:o  IntheremainderoftheyearIwillassistEpsilonKappaintheplanningofWinterAssembly.We



Page 17: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Publications•  Websiteisbeingkeptuptodate•  Photopolicyisbeingfollowed•  AllchapterssubmittedMASKarticlesfortheSpringissue•  Upcomingforpublicationscommittee

o  Plansforfallnewsletterlaterintheyearo  Brotheroftheweekcomingbackaroundthestartoftheacademicyear

o  Plantoworkwithfinancecommitteetoseeifstorecanbesetuponwebsite


Page 18: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Advisory/Awards/GCD•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  Establishedrulesandregulationstobywhichtoabidewhenutilizingtheprovincelogo.

o  LinktotheGoogledoc:

o  In-progress:•  Currentlyservingasadvisorstoprovinceexec.•  Establishnewandupdateawardcriteriaforrecognitionofchaptersandindividualbrothers.

•  Updatecriteriaforageneralleadershipscholarshiptobeawardedatwinterassembly(Minimumamountof$150).

•  PromoteAwardsandScholarshipstochaptersandbrothers.•  AssistprovinceVice-Satrapinthedevelopmentandprocurementofawardplaques,certificates,etc.

•  Other:o  Asmanyofyouprobablyrememberwehandedoutawardsatwinterassemblylastyear,soour

goalforthesummeristoupdateandrefineourcriteriaforawardsandtheleadershipscholarship.•  KeepaneyeoutforupdatesonscholarshipaswegetclosertoJanuaryJ

o  CurrentlyworkingwithBrookeandtheFundraisingCommittee,afterweestablishedtherulesandregulationsforthelogo.Wedecidedtoopenupafundraisertohelpbuildourscholarshipfundandthatiscurrentlyongoing.


Page 19: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

GCPLogoEstablishedRules•  TheofficialcolorsareCadetGrey

andScarlet•  Don’tstrayfromthecolorpalette

unlessblendingintoat-shirt•  Don’tstretchordisorientthelogo•  Donotaddshadowtothelogoor

make3dimensional•  Donotaddextragraphicstothe

logo•  Thereisnominimumsize•  Thereisnomaximumsize•  Donotchangethefontofthetext


Page 20: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

ProvinceDevelopment/GraduateRelations•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  CreatedFacebookforumforchapterEC’stoimprovecommunicationbetweenchaptersinourprovince

•  SurveyChapterRegentstoidentifyperceivedchapterweaknessestobeaddressedatSummerAssembly

o  In-progress:•  Creatingacomprehensivesurveytocollectinformationfromchapterstohelpidentifythestrengthsandweaknessestoimprovechapteroperations

•  Other:o  Futureinitiativeswillbefocusedatimprovinggraduatechapterinvolvementandcreatenetworkingopportunitiesbetweenstudentandalumnichapters!


Page 21: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Finance/Audit/Fundraising•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  Establishcontactwiththeothermembersofyourcommitteeandgettheircontactinformation

•  AssistprovincetreasurerindevelopingabudgetforcurrentProvinceexpendituresbyMarch15

•  AssistprovincetreasurerindevelopingaproposedbudgetforpotentialProvinceexpendituresbyMarch15

•  AssisttreasurerinmaintainingsquareandPayPalaccountso  In-progress:

•  ResearchasustainablegeneralscholarshipfundfortheprovinceandpresentatnextWinterAssembly(MutualFund,FoundationScholarship,etc.)

•  Encourageandacquiredonorsforthisscholarship•  AuditanyindividualorgroupwhopossessesGulfCoastProvincefundsorpropertyifrequestedbyProvinceorSatrap

•  AuditanyindividualorgroupwhopossessesGulfCoastProvincefundsorpropertyifrequestedbyProvinceorSatrap

•  Developatleast2fundraisingitemsperyeartopresentatthefirstinformalcommitteereport

o  GCPshirtcurrentlyforsaleonthewebsite!•  DeveloponefundraisingeventforaportionoftheproceedstocontributetotheKappaPsifoundationand/orprovincescholarshipfund

•  Utilizetheprovincelogoonatleastonefundraisingitem•  Establishapacketofmerchandisersthatcanbeutilizedforfundraisingefforts

•  Other:o  AssistedPhilanthropyChair,WadeDickerson,inthecreationofaFundraising/Philanthropy


Page 22: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Philanthropy•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  Establishcontactwiththeothermembersofyourcommitteeandgettheircontactinformation

o  In-progress:•  Establishaprovincephilanthropyandsupportthenationalphilanthropy,ReachOutandReado  IncontactwithReachOutandReadtomakecontactso  Screeningpossibleorganizationsforphilanthropy

•  Supportchaptersintheirphilanthropicprojectsandpromoteinter-chaptercollaborationo  Compilingeachchapter’splansforevents

•  EstablishonephilanthropyeventtooccurateachassemblyandGrandCouncilConventiontobepresentedatthefirstinformalcommitteereporto  SummerAssembly:ReachOutandReado WinterAssembly:ProjectC.U.R.E.o  GCC:TBD


Page 23: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

Ritual•  Charges:

o  Completed:•  Establishcontactwithchaplains/ritualistfromeachchapter.•  CoordinatewiththeNationalRiskManagementandRitualCommitteetomaintaincompliancewithnationalpolicies

o  In-progress:•  AssistprovincechaplaintoupdatethelistofregaliaeachChaptercurrentlyhasandpromotetheadditionofregalia(somechapterscompleted)

•  Helpchapterstodevelopfundraisersandincontactinggraduatebrotherstoaidwithpurchaseofregalia

•  Establishacurrentlistofregalianeeded/wantedateachchapter.(somechapterscompleted)

•  PromoteGraduateChapterorExecutiveCommitteeinvolvementintheritualofinitiationinconjunctionwiththeProvinceDevelopmentCommitteesbycreatingalistofallinitiationdatestosharewiththeGulfCoastProvince

•  Inquireandgatherupdateddetailsregardingeachchapter’sprocessmemberintakeprocessinordertoassesscompliancewiththeriskmanagementpolicyandoveralleffectiveness(somechapterscompleted)


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Elections•  Committeeisstillbeingfinalized


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Page 27: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

RoundTableInformation•  Roundtable1:Ritual

o  Presenter:ToddHarriso  Location:1206

•  Roundtable2:PhilanthropyandFundraisingo  Presenter:WadeDickersonandBrookeGooderhamo  Location:1315

•  Roundtable3:MembershipandRecruitmento  Presenter:FernandoDiggso  Location:WalkerFlat(1106)

•  Roundtable4:AlumniRelationso  Presenter:JulianneWilliso  Location:1114


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Page 29: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising




Page 30: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising



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Page 32: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising


Page 33: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising




Page 34: Gulf Coast Province Summer Assembly · scholarship. • Keep an eye out for updates on scholarship as we get closer to January J o Currently working with Brooke and the Fundraising

RoundTableInformation•  Roundtable1:Ritual

o  Presenter:ToddHarriso  Location:1206

•  Roundtable2:PhilanthropyandFundraisingo  Presenter:WadeDickersonandBrookeGooderhamo  Location:1315

•  Roundtable3:MembershipandRecruitmento  Presenter:FernandoDiggso  Location:WalkerFlat(1106)

•  Roundtable4:AlumniRelationso  Presenter:JulianneWilliso  Location:1114


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EveningEvents•  6:00PMto7:15PM~Dinner:Niffer’sCatering

o  Location:WalkerBuildingFlat(1106)o  Attire:Casualo  RecommendedTransportation:SelfParking

•  8:00PMto11:00PM~EveningSocialEvento  Location:SkyBar(DowntownAuburn)o  RecommendedTransportation:Uber/Lyft

•  Sunday,June3rd,2018o  10:00AMSuggestedBrunchTimeo  SuggestedLocations:TheHound($),Acre($$),LiveOaks($),TheDepot($$)