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The Recitation

Presenters: Mam Lanie Gambal

Mam Aida Medina

What is Recitation?

The act of reciting from a memory; a formal reading of verse or other writing before an audience.

What is Academic Recitation?

A presentation made by a student to demonstrate knowledge of a subject or to provide instructions to others.

An oral response by a pupil to a teacher in a prepared lesson

Objectives of Recitation

1. To discuss the importance of the recitation in teaching- learning situation

2. To discuss the guidelines of conducting a recitation

3. To avoid the pitfalls in conducting recitationsTypes of Recitation Traditional

The teacher merely hears the student Re-cite the material she prepared at home. Contemporary

Student Centered

Students are involved in planning, implementing and evaluating the activities.

Activities are resolved among the students.

Rationale of Recitation

Effective means of imparting knowledge and information, developing many skills, abilities, attitudes, desirable habits and ideas.

An opportunity for developing creative expression, reflective thinking, favourable attitudes and ideals for interpersonal relations and social living.

Characteristics of a Good Recitation

It should be.

Well planned

Planning and organizing of the learning materials will ensure the smooth unfolding of various activities during recitation. Motivated to arouse the interest of the students Learning is most effective when the pupil/students are motivated by goals which are intrinsic to the learning activity.


Inasmuch as classroom activities are learning situations, the learners should realize their significance and value to their lives. If they know why they are engaged in particular learning activity, they will try their best to accomplish the task to the best of their ability.

Provide opportunities for active and productive participation in the learning situations The pupils learn by doing. Activities like dramatization, debates, and free discussions encourage maximum participation.

Make use of real life-like situations

The classroom should be transformed into a laboratory for the pupils to develop democratic ways of solving their own problems. Problems in the community, like cleanliness, health and juvenile delinquency will certainly interest them.

Provide for individual differences

The recitation should consider the varied interest, capabilities, and needs of the pupils. Activities for bright students should be different from less bright ones. The teacher should be aware of shy learners and should be given preferential attention.

Provide for evaluation Students should be encouraged to give their suggestions and comments about the conduct of the recitation. Constructive criticisms should be allowed as long as they are given without hurting the feeling of others and these are for the improvement of learning.Factors that influence an Effective Recitation

1. Good Learning Environment

Classrooms should be free from any form of distraction, whether inside or outside. An ideal setting for a good recitation conducive to learning is a quite, well-kept, clean, well-lighted, well-ventilated and with cool and pastel colors on the walls of the classroom.2. Proper Class Management

A properly managed class is usually free from distractions. In some cases, because the teacher lacks mastery of the subject matter, contribute to class distraction.3. Interest and Enthusiasm are contagious

A resourceful and dedicated teacher to his profession always motivates the learners by using teaching aids and devices to arouse and sustain the interests of the class. A healthy teacher is always enthusiastic to give his best every teaching session4. A spirit of cooperation and cordial relations should always prevail in the classroom If the teacher and the pupils maintain a cordial relationship they will cooperate with the teacher and look forward to with interest and anticipation every recitation. The teacher who has a genuine desire to help his pupils develop intellectually, emotionally and socially will adapt the attitude of a guardian to his children.Donts in Conducting Recitation

1. The pupils/students should be aware that they should recite for the class and not for the teacher alone.

2. The teacher should not do the talking for the whole period

3. Do not interrupt a student when he/she is reciting, corrections should be made after that students have recited

The Art of Questioning

Presenters: Mam Khrycys Olairez

What is ART Comes from the Latin word ARS Which means skill, method or a technique.What is QUESTIONING Comes from the Latin word Quaerere/Quaestio Which means to ask, seek, look.The Art of Questioning

Involves the usage of skills and techniques to ask or seek information.

Types of Questions

Questions have two main types:

Convergent Questions May sometimes require only one answer. Given/known information is usually the expected response. Usually triggers the LOTS (Lower Order of Thinking Skills) in accordance to Revised Blooms Taxonomy.


Example questions under Convergent Questions

1. Definition type of questionsEx.

What is the meaning of matter in science?

2. True or False (Alternative Response) QuestionsEx.

Does a Blue Litmus Paper turn blue when exposed to acid?

Can a virus reproduce itself?

3. Fill in the Blanks QuestionsEx.

A______ is a substance in which a solute is dissolved.4. Multiple Choice QuestionsEx.

Which of the ff. is used to make pencils?

a. Graphite

b. Silicon

c. Charcoal

d. Phosphorus

Pros and Cons of Convergent QuestionsAdvantages:

Can be used to obtain/check specific information

Doesnt require much time to respond

Respondents are more likely to answer about sensitive topics

Irrelevant answers can be avoided

Disadvantages: Doesnt allow reflection of ones own feelings

Guessing the answers are more likely to happen

Divergent Questions Doesnt require specific answer but rather exercises ones ability to think broadly about a certain topic. Usually triggers the HOTS (Higher Order of Thinking Skills) in accordance to Revised Blooms Taxonomy.Example questions under Convergent Questions

1. Essay type of questionsEx.

Is teaching an art or science? Which of the two would you prefer, Facebook or Twitter?

2. Hypothetical Type of QuestionsEx. If you saw two students beating each other, then as a teacher, how would you approach the situation?Pros and Cons of Divergent Questions


Permits unlimited number of possible answers

Answers are in detail Permits creativity and self - expression

Assess a respondents logic and thinking processesDisadvantages:

Answers may have different degrees of detail

Irrelevance of answers and over inclusion of details are common Time, thought and effort consuming Respondent might be apprehensive about sensitive questions

Uses of Questions

Stimulate and motivate learners to think

Diagnose pupil difficulties Discover pupil interests

To help the learners organize, synthesize and evaluate learning experiences

To help the learners to relate pertinent and important experiences to the lesson

Show relationships such as cause and effect

Encourage learners to apply concepts in meaningful experiences

Provide drill and practice Encourage learner evaluation

Characteristics of a Good Question Its should be simple and clear, a teacher must avoid:

Ambiguity Did you see the girl with the telescope? Do you use drugs? How many rooms are in your house? Parenthetical remarks in a question

What can you say about the garment industry (This is not doing well!) in the Philippines? Definite, and avoid:

Double Barreled questions

Do you agree that campus parking is a problem and that the administration should be working diligently on a solution? The correct response would be;

Is campus parking a problem? (If the participant responds yes): Should the administration be responsible for solving this problem?

Challenging and Thought Provoking

Age, Abilities and Interest Appropriate

Requires an extended response

More of divergent questions and less of convergent not unless its a drill.

Questioning Techniques

For teachers. Questions should be asked in a natural, well modulated voice

Apply the wait time (3-5 seconds) Sufficient number of questions should be asked to stimulate students to activity Refrain from repeating questions

Questions should be evenly distributed

A teacher should avoid resorting to any mechanical system or fielding such as alphabetical order, row by row, etc Questions should be asked in a sequential manner Ask questions that are commensurate with learners abilities

For handling students response.

A teacher should make every effort to show an appreciative attitude toward student answer

A teacher should make room for mistakes and should not make sarcastic remarks to wrong answers given by the pupils/students Clarity in every point expressed by the students should be insisted upon by the teacher

Answering in concert should be discouraged

Students should be encouraged to answer in a loud and clear voice Teacher should refrain from marking the students in their record book during class recitation

For handling student questions.

Student questions should be welcomed by a teacher

A teacher should not answer a student question right away

Indiscriminate/Insignificant questions should be avoided but in a non-offending way

If a teacher is asked a question he cannot answer as sometimes happen, he should promptly admit his inability

The Assignment

Presenters: Mam Elizabeth Palmones

Mam Jomarie Quinanahan

What is an Assignment? Part of a lesson assigned as particular task to the pupils/students what they are expected to accomplish in the lesson.

Academic duty or job that may be done in class or at home. In the form of a project to be accomplished, a theme to be written, a literary selection to be memorized, understood and interpreted, an interview with government official or a problem to be solved in mathematics.

Functions of the Assignment To set the goal or direction of the learning task.

To stimulate logical and creative thinking. To recall previous lessons in preparation for a long test. To motivate the learners and prepare them for the learning task to be done.

To determine and plan out learning activities to be undertaken.

To provide directions and other requirements for the learning activity. To develop attitude and establish desirable habits of studying regularly.

Characteristics of a Good AssignmentAuthorities on principles and methods of teaching and learning agree that there are requisites of a good assignment to be observed and to be executed. These are:

A good assignment should be

Clear and Definite. Relating new learning experiences to the old. Significant to the learner and relate to contemporary issues. Stimulating the imagination of the learner by way of thinking and clarifying the learning task; besides being challenging. Adapted to the learner's ability. Comprehensive and should have a wide range of interesting learning activities. Related to real-life situations.

Pointers to Consider when giving Assignment To arouse interest and enthusiasm when giving assignments, it is important that the learners realize the value of doing the learning task. The learners should know the aims of the assignment. All instructions regarding directions, steps and procedures, availability of reference materials, problems and difficulty that may arise, and the time frame should be made clear to the learners. The criteria to be used during the evaluation should be made clear to the learners. Assignments should not be given as a form or punishment. Teacher should refrain from giving tedious and long assignments. Assignments should be within the learning ability to the learners. Assignments should be varied, interesting, and challenging. Assignments must make use of the past learning experiences of the learners. Assignments must be corrected within a reasonable period and be returned to the pupils/students.

Uses of Motivation/Motivating StudentsPresenters: Mam Melanie Perolina

Mam Josephine Panong

What is Motivation? Makes the learner get interested in learning and keeps the learner engage in learning.Types of Motivation

Intrinsic motivation Originates from the students inner selves or from factors inherent in task being performed.Types of Intrinsic Motivation

a. Physiological or Physical Motive This is the desire to preserve life, keep the body healthy, free from pain. This prompts individuals to eat good and health giving foods, exercise properly and regularly and avoid foods and activities that are deleterious to the body.b. Psychological Motive This is a desire for recognition, love, esteem, prestige and excellence. This motive prompts individuals to work hard to enhance their social to educational attainment to merit recognition or esteem from others or to win the love of one whose love is desired.c. Habit Motive It is the habit itself that prompts one to act or to move. If it is the habit of an individual to brush his teeth after eating, then he always brushes his teeth after eating, even without any prodding from anybody. Extrinsic motivation Originates from the students learning environment or from factors external to the students and unrelated to the task.

Motivational Strategies Employ a variety of teaching strategies. If one technique does not keep them awake try another. Narrate a short story or recite a poem which is related to the lesson.

From experience teacher could vividly remember the kind of motivation that would work for every group of students. A good sense of humor never fails to elicit positive reaction as long as it is not overdone. A pleasing personality always wins positive interaction a warm and sincere teacher can easily motivate students to follow instructions. Plan lesson that will arouse curiosity. Lessons that will require manipulation of tools and operation equipment will keep everyone moving to get a chance the wheel. Introduce an educational game that is related to the lesson.Motivating Students

Explain Research shows that many students perform poorly on assignments or in participations, because they do not understand what to do, and why they should do it. Teachers should spend time to explain why they are doing the specific activity or approach. In this manner the student would know its importance and they would eventually become interested. Reward Students who dont have any intrinsic motivator could be influenced by extrinsic motivator in a form of reward. Rather than criticizing unwanted behavior or answers; reward correct behavior and answers because everyone likes the feeling of accomplishment and being recognized. Care Students respond with interest and motivation to teachers who appear to be human and caring. A teacher who shares something about their selves makes the student see that they are approachable. Student Participation Active participation must be observed at all times. When giving activities or exercises, group dynamics would be better because it will not only elicit cooperation but they could figure out better solutions to the task at hand. Teach Inductively A teacher could start the lesson by giving specific examples then let the students draw conclusions about it to stimulate their interest and curiosity. Satisfy Students Needs As teachers, we should be alert and attentive to the needs of our students, in this way they would feel that they are important and we value them. Learning Through the Use of Visual Aids To provide better learning among the students, we could attach images or make diagrams and graphs to develop their mental framework and to help them remember the lesson in a meaningful way. Use of Positive Emotions/Regards to Enhance Learning and Motivation When students accompanied learning with emotions, there is a better chance that they could learn better because they relate themselves to the lesson. Remember that Energy Sells Being energetic in your teaching is a motivating factor, adding energy to idea you want to convey will further enhance learning and commitment to the ideas.Group 3 Presenters:

Melanie Gambal

Aida Medina Khrycys Olairez

Elizabeth Palmones

Josephine Panong

Melanie Perolina

Jomarie Quinanahan