
Hannah’s Portfolio No guts, No glory, No pain, No gain

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Page 1: Hannah

Hannah’s Portfolio

No guts, No glory, No pain, No gain

Page 2: Hannah


RED HAT: z How did you feel about these subjects?I really like art and cultural but because some people talk, and Miss Rawlinson has to repeat what she has already said it is quite annoying .

WHITE HAT What did you learn throughout the terms?The main thing that I learnt was that there is a Children's day and all the pieces came together when Miss Rawlinson explained it.


What were your favourite activities that you did?My favourite activity was the koi carp sketch because you had to try and make it look life like and i really liked mine in the end.


What would you have liked to have done differently? ExplainI would of liked to make the koi carp another colour because it looked dull with just two colours, which were orange and black


What things didn't you enjoy and why?I didn’t like the wire sculpture because I kept pricking myself with the wire, plus we got the leftovers.


How would you describe your participation and effort overall?I believe that I put all my effort into my work and because I like to learn new things and make crazy things......... I really enjoy it. ALL OF IT.

Page 3: Hannah

Production work- because I love acting, and this is the first production I am going to be in

Beat activities- because I like to hear beats to make one melody

I wish we could do more Production work

Page 4: Hannah

Writing reflection slide  

So far this year in writing we have done diary writing, reflections, persuasive writing and learnt how to highlight main points and do some research (body system).

The persuasive piece I chose to publish was “Too Much Money is Spent on Toys”

I chose to publish this piece because it was my best piece and quite long too.


This year I have improved in:  

 • How much I write. I can now write longer sentences that are more interesting.• Writing persuasive pieces because we have done lots of work on how to set them out and what

we should include.• Writing more interesting things because I use describing words and try to start my sentences in

different ways.• Using paragraphs because planning out my writing helps me work out when I need to start a

new paragraph.• Using capitals, commas and talking marks because we have done lessons on them and I

understand them better.• Using better words in my writing• My reflections. I can now write about how I feel and what I think and include reasons.


Page 5: Hannah

Place Value Addition/Shapes/LocationThings I have learnt or improved in Things I need to go over and spend

more time on

• I can read numbers up to 1000 ,10 000, 100 000+•I can write numbers up to 1000 ,10 000, 100 000+•I can order numbers up to 1000 ,10 000, 100 000+•I can round numbers up to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000.• I can do patterns with 1 step and 2 steps•I can use bridging to 10, jump and split strategies to help me add numbers•I can add numbers without carrying•I know all my shapes including rhombus, trapezium, parallelogram etc•I can identify all 3D shapes including prisms and pyramids• I understand about Symmetry•I know all my 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables• I can read grid references•I know my compass directions and can use them•I can find places on maps.

What have you enjoyed most about maths this year?Times Tables-because I just love doing them and I love just answering times table questions.

Page 6: Hannah


I think that the book was very good and it describes the characters very well. There were a mixture of emotions in the book, sometimes it made you fell sad and sometimes happy. I learnt that you can be anything if you try. I would’ve changed that Mah didn’t die because it was sad. The message the book was giving was “you can be anything if you set your mind to it and put in the good work,”

Some Novels I’ve read

Just a Dog

I liked how the book told me sort of how the characters look. It made me feel quite happy because you had this picture in your head of everything the author explained. I learnt that an animal brings the family together and they bring back memories. I would change Mr Mosely being very big because he could hurt someone.

Page 7: Hannah

10 FactsI started dancing when I was 2I am part MacedonianI can make selinkiI have four distinctionsI am very flexibleI adore animalsMy favourite subject is languageI love writing mystery storiesI love the countryI love exploring

My strengths are language and maths. My friends like me because I am humorous and caring. The areas that I want to improve in are maths because I want to know my tables automatically. The proudest thing I have done is my brumbies project because I put effort into it

Three Wishes

1.That there were no more natural disasters

2.That the poor people were looked after more

3.That there were no more WARS!!

Out of all the little misses I am little Miss Giggles because I lighten up games and giggle a lot. I don’t know why but I always get the giggles.

My Family1.In my family I have a mum, dad and a brother named Niff.

2.We enjoy playing games like Taboo and Pictionary

3.Something special we do together is going out to dinner

4.My favourite holiday was Phillip island because we went

bogie boarding





4 Words

Page 8: Hannah

These Habits of the Mind are important to me to help me learn and to be a better person.


Picture PHRASE & quoteThis habit means……..

I can use this habit ……..

Listening with empathy

Thinking interdependently


P-Listen with your eyes, ears and heartQ-Silent and listen are spelt with the same letters

To show the person you are listening and don’t tune out

In peer mediation because you have listen to the person who is talking

Page 9: Hannah

These are things I can work onMany of the things below, if I can do them well, will help me become a better student and be more

successful at school and in my later in life.

Where I was at the start of the year

What I achieved after I worked on it

I do any job I am given without being reminded 4

I talk in a quiet, appropriate voice when I am inside 5

When I don’t understand something I ask for help 3

I join in discussions willingly 4

I talk only when I need to 3

I work well in groups and with lots of my other classmates


Page 10: Hannah

ReflectionsThe best thing about being in your grade is being the leader. In all my other grades I have been the lower grade and in prep I was in a straight grade. Being the leader is different because you get harder work and learn more.

This term I have improved in my tables by learning them automatically. The best thing about this year is I get to be with Ms Stevo again. It’s nice to be with a different group of kids and be the older in the grade.

Tom Hafey challenged me to be the best I can be. He told us to do as many push ups as we can. I thought to myself "Why push ups?" He answered that question later in the talk. He said that he did 230 push ups and 230 sit ups. He chose push ups for no reason, he just wanted to see if we could stick to something. He also said that you don't have to be the best in the class, you just have to be the best YOU can be. He's motto is "If it is to be it is up to me," The fist 5 words mean:if you want it to happen. The other 5 words mean:only you can make it happen. He is a real inspiration and he has changed my life. 

Page 11: Hannah

PMI of things over the yearPositives Minuses Interesting

BushwazeeInterschool SportMusicArt Cultural StudiesArt Feedback stationWalkathon Choir Footy ClinicsCross CountryProduction Winter SportProduction Night Camp Soccer ClinicsAthletics

Spelling (new program)Health & Human Relations (too gross) Maths ( knew most things)

All Systems GOLife edBabeCrazy hair dayLibraryCSIRO AFL VisitJust a DogBiodiversityHealsevilleBasketball

Page 12: Hannah

Which intelligences am I strongest inThese are different ways of being smart. Each of us is smart in different

ways. It's important to know about these intelligences so I can continue to develop the ones I am already good at and use them to help me learn,



Page 13: Hannah

 Intelligence Area

  I Like To   I Learn Best through  Things I may do that get me into


Word SmartRead ,write and tell stories

Hearing, seeing words, speaking, doing debates and role plays; reading; writing speeches or words for songs, doing word games and crosswords;

Passing notes,reading during lessons when I shouldn’t be

Body Smart

use body language, touch and talk, move around a lot, do drama and play sports

Doing role plays, dances, co-operative tasks, making things using my hands, painting words, sentences; I like things that involve touching, feeling and moving.

Fidgeting, wandering around the room

 Nature Smart

Work with animals and nature and hike outdoors

Working with plants and animals. Outdoor investigations; naming and classifying; making collections and lists

Staying outside too long and collecting unusual things

Page 14: Hannah

HandwritingI need to especially improve in this

I can do this when I focus

I do this always

I use the correct pencil grip

I can do diagonal joins well

I can do horizontal joins well

My letters and words sit on the lines when I write

My letters are the correct size

My letters have the correct shape and formations

I can do my capitals correctly

My writing is neat always

My words are well spaced

I can rule a neat margin

Page 15: Hannah

Flying Fox


I have ranked the six things I liked most about camp. I chose FLYING FOX first because I loved going upside down, it felt like I was flying. On the platform it seemed pretty high but it was high at when you were pushed off.

Volleyball Team Building

Camp Fire

Animals Low ropes course

Page 16: Hannah

Camp ReflectionCamp was tawesome. My highlight was sleeping in the cabin. It was hysterical trying to get too sleep. Unfortunately we hardly got ANY sleep. The thing that was better last year was we got to spend more time in the cabin. Something important about camp is independence. It means you don’t have to rely on a adult for everything. The skills that you learn at camp is teamwork. In school you can be sort of a team but not like camp. In team building you have to really work as a team. The food was delicious. Hamburgers and sandwiches are what you usually get at camp but those ones were delicious. Having to spoodles made the camp more joyful. I had a great time and I hope the teachers did as well.

Page 17: Hannah

The 3/4 S team would like to say you :

Are responsible

Are a good friend

Stand up for what you believe in.

Always do what you’re told.

Take on responsibilities very well

Are a good role model for lots of people

Persist with your work

Are trustworthy

Are very helpful to others

Always join in class discussions

Are caring

Are great at presenting your work.

Are a hard worker

Are a good listener

Always have a go at everything

Have lovely, neat handwriting

Try to do the right thing

Try to be honest and fair

Have a great personality

Are fun to be around

Try to be happy and positive about your work

Have a positive attitude towards things you don’t like

Are very kind and considerate.

Are a very good sport

Are creative at publishing your work

Work well with and in a team.

Never complain about anything or anyone.

Are very creative

Are an organised person

Look after your friends and classmates

Often take on extra responsibilities without being asked

Help make our classroom a fun place to be

Have a fun, sense of humour

Work hard in all subjects

Follow our classroom rules

Thanks for being you

Page 18: Hannah

CATEGORY 4 Couldn’t do any better 3 Did a good job 2 I can do better 1 Need to improve a lot

Was I prepared?

My cue cards were numbered, had sub headings and only key words written on them. I practised what I was going to say quite a few times.

Most of my cue cards were numbered, had sub headings and only key words written on them. I was fairly prepared but should have practised more.

Some of my cue cards were numbered, had sub headings and only key words written on them. I thought I was prepared, but it was clear that I didn’t practise enough.

I wasn’t at all prepared to present my project and had a lot of trouble remembering what I had to speak about. My cue cards were unorganised.


How did I sound?

I spoke clearly and distinctly all the time and at a good pace. Everyone could hear me clearly.I didn’t read off my work or cue cards at all.I had relevant and interesting pictures everyone could see and used them at the appropriate time.

I spoke clearly and distinctly most of the time, but spoke too fast. The class could hear me clearly most of the time. I read off my work a little.I had relevant pictures everyone could see but didn’t use them all at the appropriate time.

I sometimes spoke clearly and loudly enough but had some problems pronouncing what I was talking about. The class had trouble hearing me at times and I looked at my cue cards too much while I spoke. I didn’t have many relevant pictures and I forgot to use them.

I mumbled at times and the class found it hard to understand me. I had a lot of problems talking about what I had learnt. I read off my work or cards the whole time nearly.I didn’t have many pictures, they were had to see and I forgot to use them.

How was I feeling?

I was relaxed and confident. understood what I was talking about and didn’t make any mistakes. I showed what I had learntI

I made a few minor mistakes, but quickly recovered from them: I was fairly comfortable while I was talking and knew what my project was mostly about.

I was a little nervous and had trouble remembering what I had learnt. I made quite a few mistakes and didn’t include enough detail.

I was quite nervous and this affected what I said and how I said it. I didn’t remember what I had done on my project or what I was meant to talk about.

How well did I cover and understand my topic

I covered all of the areas I was asked to in detail and understood the information I spoke about very well.

I covered most of the areas I was asked to but not fully. My information showed I had a reasonable understanding of my topic

I covered some of the areas I was asked to and my information showed I understood some of the topic but I didn’t have enough detail.

I only covered bits and pieces of my information and didn’t fully explain what I had chosen to talk about.

My endangered animal project was on the Brushed Tailed Rock Wallaby